Overcasting Shorts 1 - In and Out of the Mind of the Former Empress that Never Was

Story by Mattariel on SoFurry

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#2 of Overcasting

We retread some ground here, as the official feedback I got from the first full short story was pretty much, as quoted "Do more" in terms of the stomping and eating stuff.

I did so, only to find nobody really cared too deeply so from this point I tried to take the story on a different spin for future parts.

Unfortunately, I've never really been that big into that side of things but I took a stab at it in general. At this point I was going for practice.

S1: In and Out of the Mind of the Former Empress that Never Was

Katia Managan belongs to Kazerad Everything else belongs to Bethesda. Katia rested easily, familiar with resting in the unfamiliar, as though she was a stray cat all over again, bedding in a converted horse stable on the city outskirts. The nightmares seemed further and fewer between since the Three Giants incident. Perhaps it was the exposure to so many more pressing issues, or maybe she was just growing out of them. Katia herself fully believed, though, that having a focus, a job, people who rely on her, and perhaps the thing that excited her most, INCOME! On top of bed and board, five septims a day! She was earning septims of her own, although she was fully expected to earn her keep to get them, at her Handlers assessment. It had taken a week to reach Cheydinhal and settle into a routine, a fine and pretty town situated in the forested area of eastern Cyrodiil. She may not officially be an adventurer or a master wizard or know ALL the spells, but there was no two ways about it, Katia was happy. Here she was, twenty feet tall, resting in a huge cot made from some ten beds, looking at her uniform hung up on a hook once designed for bridles, an outfit made from a mish-mash of old, damaged armours. They even took an old banner, a squiggly, squirmy green emblem of the town upon it and fashioned it into a surcoat. It was awesome! She looked super official in it. Training was coming along well too. Her arms and legs ached, she was fatigued, only fought off by the excitement of tomorrows assignment; Growing bigger, and carrying ten prepared and cut logs across the country to Anvil. She didn't really like the idea of going back to the scene of her crime, but this was her job now. Sure, she was a pack mule in the interim, and this time she had to leave her fancy uniform behind in lieu of a vast cloak, presently used as a sort of awning outside the stables, and two long rolls of binding cloth for undergarments, but she knew some more spells, and she could swear her noodle arms and legs had some firmness that she lacked before. Outside, in an adjacent barn, lay Dagon's Axe. It was her weapon when bigger, as she instead wielded a crude cleaver otherwise and cast spells when on patrol with others, healing wounds and blowing shit up like a real wizard! With these tools, and a large chain rigging for her transporting 'quest', she kept reminding herself to call it that. Sounded more important. But yes! With these tools in place and ready for her come dawn, Katia would deliver the shit out of those logs! Two weeks into her three years in, and she had all the excitement she could wish for. Sighing contentedly, she finally fell asleep. Katia wasn't Katia, funnily enough, as strange as it seemed. She suddenly hovered above Anvil, limbs transparent, devoid of any real detail aside from vague shapes. She wasn't particularly fond of how high she was though, and with a thought, she sunk lower, above the paved ground by some ten feet. She looked around, seeing Quill-Weave's house, every building unspoiled. That moment, Quill-Weave, her old size and clad in her old brown dress, walked through the western gate from the docks. "Hey, hey, Quill-Weave! It's me, Katia!" She mouthed, breathed to call, to speak, but her voice was muffled, indistinct; a whisper one is trying to not listen into because of having attention elsewhere only directed at herself, and clearly nothing reaching her Argonian friend. Quill-Weave looked at the sky, using the sun to gauge the time. "Wonder if Katia's up yet?" She said to herself, and walked towards her house, although peered down the street a few times, before stopping at her door, one final glance stealing her attention. "There you are" Katia saw, well, herself, exiting the mage guild, but something was wrong; The Khajiit that Katia currently wasn't looked like she was wearing a robe designed for a bosmer man on a high elven woman. Yellow furred calves stood out beneath the hem, sleves stopped just below the elbow, and the tightening threads were at their limits. "You okay, Katia?" Quill-Weave looked Katia over, unsure if something was different as the Argonian stopped walking to properly gauge the matter. "Sure, full of magicka and raring to get back to researching that spell! I'm gonna be famous" The other Katia said, full of vim and vigour. What one would consider an embarrassing gastric clench sounded from Other Katia's stomach, and she shuffled her stance, legs too near each other for the increased width of her hips. "Uh, Katia? Your eyes, they're....darker?" Quill-Weave leaned back slightly and looked slightly panicked as the Khajiit visibly grew larger. Other Katia rubbed her eyes, frustrated in expression, even more so when her shoulders seemed pinched by her visibly tight robe. "Tsk, I thought I was past the bloody night eye thing" A breeze whipped the robe, still mostly loose around her legs against Other Katia's knees instead. "Oh, come on! Do I really have to go through this again? Whatever, I read the reports, I know what's gonna happen, and I'm already at peace with it, thank you very much, brain" Actual Katia huffed, and crossed her invisible arms, although it was interesting watching her physical body growing bigger, Quill-Weave uttering a half-prayer to the Nine Divines as she backed away proper. Other Katia went through the same sensations Actual Katia could remember, although she was aware it wasn't long after Quill backing away that Katia succumbed to the mental switch. Other Katia proceeded to start bursting free of her clothing, scraps and underbindings falling in a pile as she looked at herself and her surroundings in confusion, eyes turning a deep red. "The fuck's going on!? Hah, actually, I know EXACTLY what's going on" If Actual Katia had a stomach, it would have turned as Other Katia slowly smiled, teeth sparkling as she grew bigger, a low chuckle sounding as the Other reached tall enough that Quill-Weave, an averagely tall Argonian some 5'6", wasn't even up to the crotch of Other Katia. "Yes, I'm well, WELL aware of what's going on. I'm aware you hate my guts, you scaly piece of swamp-shit" Other Katia narrowed her eyes and swung a fist at the smaller beast-woman. An attempt to dodge only half-succeeded, sending Quill-Weave spinning and knocked off balance, she barely wasting a second longer to flee at full speed the moment she recaptured a solid stance, holding her arm from the impact. "All of you looked down at me! Well, time to change things!" Other Katia screamed and clenched her hands into tight fists and spun in place, running, jumping up and ramming her arms through the Mage Guild window. She spent a moment reaching around through the broken glass before pulling Carahil out and throwing her harshly against the stone ground, a sickening cracking sound as her arm bent backwards, the high elf shrieking in panic and pain.. A large furred foot slammed down on the high elf's head, snapping her neck. Silence briefly followed, and without a moment to waste, Other Katia grabbed Carahil's robes, shredding them hurriedly, before lifting her to the Khajiit's muzzle. Sharp teeth sheared through pale yellowish skin, head and up to the elbows as the still growing Other Katia bit through bone, organs and sinew with relish, gusto and obvious enjoyment, jaw staining red, droplets even landing on her breasts. It only took a few bites, Other Katia's stomach distending as the impressive meal settled in. The bitch even burped heartily, patting the center of her chest, before, with her other hand, flicking a large flame into being. Other Katia flung the fireball at the entrance of the mage guild, then another through the broken window that was now at head height to her. The other mages of the guild flung chairs through the other windows, leaping through, and the moment Other Katia saw Marc, she pounced on him like a true predator. Actual Katia watched proceedings, everything telling her to do something, or cry like a coward, anything! But she was fully aware she was a passive observer as a new passage of fate occurred. Marc found his head grasped and neck pulled overlong, spine snapping, and Other Katia, ignoring the robes this time, took a much quicker route devouring her prey. Carahil already digesting within her, Actual Katia was vaguely aware that her stomach acted quickly to her nourisment, and this was compounded as another powerful magicka flinger joined Other's growing supply of magicka. With a full, heavy stomach, Other Katia smiled and rubbed her midsection, closing her eyes and moaning with sheer contentment as she experienced a growth spurt pushing her to as tall as the Mage Guild. Her hands were bloodied, more of her face was likewise painted crimson. The other mages looked at each other and began flinging spells while pulling back, Actual Katia watched and shook her unphysical head as the spells flowed straight into the giant. Other Katia simply laughed as the panicked, well-practiced reaction to a sudden threat seemed to thwart whatever plotting the Anvil mage guild had planned concerning the new Khajiit member, or they simply hadn't really contemplated her as a threat before. It was a stupid move and only fanned the flames, and Actual briefly pondered how long Marc had planned his magicka weakness spell or if it was pure coincidence when it was her on a rampage in Anvil. Whatever the case, Other Katia looked down as her stomach flattened back down as a combination of growth and rapid digestion worked its magic, began approaching the mages, demonstrating a keen sense of dramatic flourish by swiping a hand lazily at Silgor Bradus' house, the slow pursuit down the road towards Quill-Weave's place to push the mages into more panicked casting now punctuated with such gentle sweeps causing stone fragments to scatter down at the mages. The stones were relatively tame in size, as were their speed, although Thaurron, the Bosmer of the group, received a harsh impact to the nose, likely causing a minor break but earning a flow of vitae all the same. Actual Katia moved in front of her gigantic other self, hoping and praying that some sort of presence of mind between the two supposed same selves would work. As with most things in Katia's development since adopting that moniker, failures were there for learning, as were successes, and on this day, the latter held true today. Other Katia stepped into Actual Katia, and immediately, Other Katia gasped and stumbled slightly, Actual Katia bounced off, who for a split second, could feel the vastness of Other's form; the sick pleasure she felt and even see through her eyes. The sixty foot tall Khajiit fell to one knee. "What..." Other could only utter, and Actual immediately tried it again, only to be flung backwards after a momentary connection once more, senses, metaphysical or not, all ran as a blur and she rotated in place, struggling to regain 'balance'. Victorious as Actual felt for working out some way to intervene, Other screamed in absolute rage and slammed her fists into the ground, cracking the stone, using the force to shove herself to her feet and shook her head. The mages, as well as any lingering watchers, had used the opportunty Actual had provided to flee through to the docks. The panic the past couple of minutes had caused had given way to an attempt at a counterattack. Other Katia felt pinpricks on her back, arrows loosed by archers, most of the force spent just penetrating the layer of fur and thicker skin, causing pain but earning little more than a trickle of blood, turning more of the yellow furred monster red. Other spun in place to face the eastern side of the city, and ran at full sprint towards the clustered archers. Actual Katia, still somewhat stunned, still hadn't quite reorientated herself, helpless as she watched Other reach the archer line faster than they could disperse. The Anvil City Guard understandably lost any attempt at a cohesive reaction to this wholly unnatural attack, Other Katia slammed a foot down on one, stepping onto another, blood splattering as far as the tree at the city entrance, the evening sun further illuminating the scene as the Mage guild was well developing into an inferno. "You're all nothing! Just stand still and enjoy a quick death; you deserve nothing more!" Other's voice boomed out, taking another slamming step towards another guard, catching him fall and pulverising his legs. "Unlucky! Should have listened, hmm? Look everyone" Other bent down, giving Actual a rather unflattering view of her own enormous ass, slit and surrounding fur glistening as Other was clearly, if it wasn't already obvious, getting turned on by her own carnage. Other lifted the screaming guard up, surprisingly gently in her hand and displayed him, flattened and split skinned legs dripping. "So, kind do yourselves a favour, stop resisting, and I'll let you die without pain. Such mercy!" Other gently rested the crippled guard into her palm, extended the claw of her index finger, and with the focused attention of a seamstress at work, pushed the appendage into the guards chest. It elicited a deep gurgle as air and blood mixed forcefully, and Other simply upturned her hand, letting the body fall. "Oh, still scattering? Hm, let's see if we can't get some throw-yourself-on-the-sword heroics, hm? Oh, Countess Umbranox!" Other chimed out, voice echoing through the street, she took the time to lick her index claw. Actual finally brought herself back under control and began floating towards her hundred foot tall Other self, but not before she dashed at the gate approaching Anvil Castle. No subtlety at play to speak of, Other instead leapt, turning to her side and bashed through the stone barricade arch, toppling the metal braced wooden gate below. The lack of subtlety also carried over to the grace of the movement, as Other proceeded to tumble over and make a crash landing on the bridge just outside the wall, a great wave of water, torn earth and stonework crashing about. Actual Katia took her control and flew straight at the downed titan, crashing into Other with as much speed and force as she could muster, but was found wanting once more as she bounced off, the only reason Other didn't respond seemed to be a combination of being stunned from the fall and, as Actual noticed after recovering, she was face down in the water. Other pulled her head from the sea and shook it, it was almost a little funny, barring the horror around them. The colossus stood again, rising skyward to her full hundred feet, pressing her hands into her back to her lower back so as to work out a kink. "Okay, not my best idea" The giant murmered, and looked down, aware her enlargement was losing speed "Great, running low as well" Stationary a target, but with no actual idea how to interfere with her Other self, Actual floated up and tried merely pressing her hand against Other, earning a tingling sensation that didn't seem to immediately draw the giantess' attention, but also didn't really give her much feedback either. "Gotta be a way" She internally mumbled, and again, tried to float in Other's way. She got there just as Other began her advance, plodding unevenly on the tumbled stone and water, so she hopped straight ahead, inertia carrying her as the two Katia's bounced into each other, flinging Actual down and through the castle gate. Several guards had taken position in the small courtyard, bows trained up, unaware of its ineffectual nature to even attempt to wound the threat, known only as a citizen turning into a monster by one terrified Argonian, Quill-Weave, who'd made her way here with a number of other sodden citizens who had to swim from the docks to the castle islet. All were naturally completely unaware as the spectral Actual Katia flung through the gate, and slammed into a guard. Much to her shock, as well as the confused gasp from the guard, Katia's hand stayed embedded in the man, who looked down, face going white as Actual began to be pulled into the Imperial Guards body. Suddenly, everything was much clearer. Katia was aware of a cold sensation all over, especially in her armpits, which was a new experience as she didn't normally have sweat glands there, undershirt soaked from panicked persperation. Likewise, a wetness on her skin-based brow, slightly pinched by a helmet that was ever so slightly too small; the weight of armour on her reasonably strong body. "Oh no..." she, or rather he, breathed, voice male, deep. A deep rumble shook the floor, followed by the great gatehouse before her shaking, cracks forming, loose and sturdy masonry alike tumbled to the floor. The bow in Katia's gloved hands dropped from her grasp as she tried to spark a flame in her hand, only to draw nothing. A thousand ideas, pared down to ten rattled through her suddenly physical brain, just in time for a huge chunk of stone to get punched off the wall and crushing her. The instant pain and merciful cessation of both it and life earned a once more silent scream as Actual Katia was again exposed to her own lacking self. The great streaked bloody face of Other was visible above, the seawater clearing some of the sticky lifeblood around but if nothing else, it only made her even more fearsome to behold. Actual managed to pull herself together just as the panicking guards loosed as many arrows as they could draw at the giantess who finished pummelling the wall. Actual then finally formed one plan, and hoped that her usual run of terrible ones would now yield a successful shot. "Time to give her exactly what she wants" Actual nodded to herself, and fled into the castle proper, sinking through walls in a panicked search for her target. Rooms, mostly empty of people besides those left hoping and hiding under tables and more, weren't helpful. There were only so many rooms to check, and she only vaguely remembered the layout, but she approached the main hall, or what she assumed was its location. "M'lady, please, we must stay here, I doubt anywhere else is safer!" A male voice shouted, Actual Katia stopped and moved in the direction of the call, only to collide with the very person she was searching for; Countess Millona Umbranox. Again, Actual felt herself dragged into the living host, and was stunned as physical sensations cut through her once more. "M'lady, are you alright?" An Imperial Guard approached, but didn't want to touch his charge out of fear of flaring her anger. Actual Katia blinked a few times and then looked at the guard. "Stay here, this is the only way...I hope" she said, voice odd, unnatural in its pronunciation. Katia, as Umbranox, fled to the entrace of the castle, ground shaking as she did, walls vibrating and dropping dust as the castle itself came under attack. A pair of guards at the front doors, hoping to keep it barricaded under orders, watched with shock as Umbranox approached them, looking beside herself and clumsy if not completely bug-eyed insane. "Countess, please, retreat further in, we'll hold off whatever's attacking as long as we can!" Called one as a vast yellow, pink padded foot kicked through the door, sending the pair flying and breaking the arch over the passage. "UMBRANOX! Come out, and I might just spare your worthless citizens!" Other bellowed as she hammered her fists into the castle again and again. The ceiling collapsed and narrowly missed Actual Katia, who attempted to shield herself, then looked up as late day sunlight poured within, a great, bloodstained grinning Katia looking down at her. "Well, I almost expected you to be hiding until the bitter end inside like the miserable wretch you are, but how surprising!" Other bent down to pluck her from the ruins. Actual looked around, noticing the battered guards, one of which seemed alive, the other dead or unconscious. She quickly drew one of the swords just as the vast hand grabbed her and brought her up. Other held her near her face, smiling in a mocking fashion, bloody breath washing over Actual as she clumsily stood, keeping the sword behind her. "Oh, look at her, defiant to the end! So, Countess, here's the deal; you and me are going to go to Kvatch. You'll make sure nobody gets any bright ideas, and maybe you'll live to see me take over the Empire" Other smirked, fully prepared for no response, but Umbranox cleared her throat. "We both know you're just going to eat me in the end, so why not just get to it?" She said, again in a stilted, unease way, still getting used to such a small array of teeth and so flat a face. "No, see, if I turned empty-handed, then I'd have to go on another rampage to get what I want, that would just waste my time. No, far better I barter with your measly life and...well, best not divulge all my plans just in case you squeal to the poor souls of Kvatch, hmm? You just sit pretty and don't do anything dumb." Actual was prepared, but no opportunity arose from the conversation. The giantess was in the right place, but a combination of her own new forms exhaustion and lack of experience in such a circumstance gave her little else to work with. Exhaustion, Actual pondered, I wonder. Either merely the thought of the action, or genuine fatigue both from the host or the Khajiit within caused Umbranox to yawn, long and smooth. Umbranox stopped, shaking the sensation from her head and Actual went wide eyed as Other, watching her captive, had her ears flatten, eyes close and her mouth open wide as she, too yawned. Actual pushed her unathletic legs as hard as possible as she leapt the gap, straight into Other's maw. The slippery tongue wiggled as cloth met flesh, and Actual glided to the back of the Khajiit's maw, and unceremoniously plummeted into the darkness. Gulping with surprise as her yawn subsided, Other stomped her foot in frustration, shaking more of the damaged castle down. "Stupid bitch...ugh, FINE, I'll just crush the life out of K'vatch!" Deep in the belly, Actual Katia clutched the sword as hard as she could as she slid down the murky, pitch black interior of her own body. Soon, she found herself landing in a writhing, foul stinking pit of liquid that burned her eyes and skin in turn, a cacophony of noises belted her senses, but with a genuine show of willpower, Actual, as Umbranox, took the sword, and having to wade in increasingly painful stomach substances, jammed the sword into her own neck. The horror she felt was only mitigated as a numbness, a dullness once again took over, as Countess Umbranox was no more, and Actual Katia broke free. She felt the walls of the stomach bounce her about, shaking her around and uncontrollably, but with no actual way out, she soon felt an increasing connection building even as her own incorporeal form broke down as the bodies of Other's feedings rapidly did. Suddenly, Katia, Actual and Other, stopped being isolated, and became one, or perhaps as one as they could, perhaps closer to oil and water in a sealed bottle, albeit one being boiled as the entity formerly known as Actual looked out at the ocean, body convulsing as control was wrested from her again and Katia screamed in confusion, pain and panic as everything about her felt wrong. "No! Get out of my head! GET OUT GET OUT!!" The second show of willpower, she doubted she would get a third as she gripped what control she could with a metaphysical iron grip as she could. Actual took back over, a serene, sad look on her face as she again looked at the ocean. She stepped away from the castle, arms flailing briefly as everything was being shaken inside of her, her senses failing and restarting as the writhing tyrant inside kept getting shoved back down, ignoring the constant taste of blood on her tongue, Katia strode unevenly but with force into the water, wading up to her hips, belly, breasts, neck, and coughing out the air in her lungs, immersed her head. The dark waters of the Abecean sea were an unwelcome sensation to both, but Katia looked at her bloodied hands, clenched them both into fists in front of her, and inhaled. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Katia shot up in her bed, gasping for air as the last of it was pulled for the scream. A meager dawn sun filtered sunlight through the cracks of her makeshift home. Her heart painfully hammered in her chest, her body quivering violently as the sensation of water on her lungs faded from actuality to nothing. She clutched at her head, before looking at her hands, looking for any traces of blood. None were present. She swung her immensely long legs out from the nook her bed was in, as there wasn't room to stand from the angled roof of the stables, and she got up, heading to a water basin, lapping the cool liquid to wash the imagined taste from her mouth. A mild sound of leather and metal alerted her as one of the guard entered the stable. "Managan? Everything alright?" "Uh...yeah, sorry...I get these bad dreams sometimes, been a while." "Oh, well. Pardon the intrusion all the same, but we were going to rouse you soon anyway. Your handler is being awoken as we speak." "Hah, well, I guess I got enough sleep, I'm sure I'll shake it off" Katia smiled and nodded to the small man. The guard nodded back, went to leave, then paused. "I know the things they said, about what you did in Anvil, but...my family live in the Capital. If you don't mind me saying so, Manag- um, Katia, if that's alright to call you that, but..." The guard cleared his throat before carrying on "They're alive because of you, and I know it probably doesn't mean much with you being conscripted and all, but no matter what, Katia, you're-" "Is she up?" Another voice called through from what must have been the town gates. "She's on her way!" the guard before Katia responded, before looking back at the huge Khajiit. "You're a hero in my eyes" The guard left, leaving Katia wide eyed, small tears forming, tail reflexively twitching into a wag. Her recently recovered heart rate soared at the compliment; she'd never heard it before, at least not directed at herself. There were some implications in the Imperial City, but everything was coated in a veneer of subtle guilt. "I just hope I can live up to it" she said, and sighed deeply, before picking up a large pair of spool-like blocks, a heavy duty woven material on each; her giant 'clothing', and went outside. Into the growing light.