Eric and Milo: Milo's Turn

Story by TastesLikeGreen on SoFurry

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#6 of Eric and Milo

Eric and Milo: Milo's Turn

By Green

Milo Thompson shifted slightly and yawned as he woke up, reaching up to scratch his head. As the German shepherd sat up in bed, the events of the previous night slowly filtered back into his mind, and he realized that his brother Eric had woken up before him and left. This struck him as odd; usually, after drinking heavily, Eric slept like the dead, not budging until mid-afternoon. He figured his brother had briefly awoken, maybe he'd heard a loud sound, and forced himself to leave instead of passing back out. This was understandable to Milo; Eric hadn't exactly been his usual charming self the previous night. Milo had woken up in the middle of the night to discover Eric in his bed, naked, inebriated, suffering from blue balls, and more or less begging Milo to have sex with him. Milo was sympathetic to his problem, so he'd helped him out, only to have Eric ignore Milo's one request, that he pull out before he come. Milo wasn't terribly pleased with that, but Eric had been pretty drunk, and he was Milo's brother after all, so the younger shepherd had let it slide, especially since, living up to a certain male stereotype, Eric had passed out immediately after his orgasm, making it difficult for Milo to argue with him.

The problem was that a small part of Milo felt like he was being taken advantage of. The first time they'd done The Deed, Milo had been the receiver. Eric had promised him that he would get his turn as the top, but since then had always had an excuse for why he couldn't reciprocate. They always seemed valid, and Milo never felt like he was being messed with, so he'd never confronted his brother on the subject, and the need he felt to be on the opposite end of the sex act had eased after he hooked up with Angela Taylor, his lifelong best friend.

Hmm, I still haven't told anyone about that. No, no, gotta focus.

But last night, when he found Eric in his bed, begging him to be the bottom again even though he hadn't gotten his turn yet, it had gotten him thinking. Was Eric just using Milo for pleasure, leading him on and using his innate niceness against him? He didn't think Eric, who had been his beloved big brother long before they'd ever shared a bed, would do that to him, but the nagging voice in the back of Milo's mind suggested that perhaps he was just in denial. Of course there was another voice back there, with the more unsettling suggestion that perhaps Milo wasn't really as bothered by the idea as he should be, that deep down he wanted to be his brother's bitch.

He shook his head to clear it of unpleasant thoughts. First, he needed to take a shower. It wouldn't help any to go confront Eric with bedhead and pyjamas. Besides, the fur on the base of his tail was matted and sticky, after what had happened last night. When he left his room, his sister Anne, who was in between him and Eric in age, was coming up the stairs with a steaming bowl of microwave macaroni. She grinned slightly at him.

"Morning, Milo."

"Hey, Annie. Uh, have you seen Eric this morning?"

She glanced across the hall to the bathroom.

"No, haven't seen him, but I heard him taking a shower about an hour ago. He's probably in his room."

Eric's bedroom was in the basement of the house, so if he was there, Anne wouldn't have run into him unless she was going out of her way to do so. Milo nodded.

"Thanks, Annie."

While Anne went to her room to enjoy her macaroni and call her friends, her younger brother headed to the bathroom. Milo turned the water on and folded his pyjama pants neatly on the counter while it warmed up, and soon was feeling the relaxing sensation of water cascading down his back. As he scrubbed at his fur, he told himself that today he would prove to his brother that Milo Thompson was nobody's bitch.

_ No more of that, no sir. Today's the day I get to wear the pants._

This thought added an urgency to his actions. He shook his head to clear out the last of the cobwebs, and rinsed the shampoo out of his fur. He didn't spend long in the fur dryer, so he was still slightly damp when he stepped out, grabbing a towel to hide his shame as he made his way back to his bedroom. He was trying to think of the best way to word his confrontation with Eric to show his older brother that he meant business. This train of thought was totally derailed, however, when he opened his bedroom door, because the sibling in question was sitting on Milo's bed, waiting for him.

Eric had apparently already gotten showered and dressed, and he looked a lot healthier than Milo would have expected after how drunk he'd been last night. But he hardly looked his usual confidant self. He was hunched over, wringing his hands, and his ears had been pulled flat against his skull before Milo even got there. Something was really bothering him, and Milo thought he knew what it was. Eric raised a hand, a little 'hello'.

"Milo, I just wanted to say-"

Milo felt the anger rising up inside, and cut him off, uncharacteristically belligerent.

"I don't wanna hear it, Eric. I don't care that you were drunk when you said it, you've been putting it off long enough, and you definitely don't look too hungover to me. You're not talking your way out of it this time!"

Eric flinched and let out a whine, something he almost never did around his brother.

"I'm not trying to talk my way out of it, I'm trying to apologize!"

Milo hadn't been expecting that. He went and sat down on the bed next to his brother. It was an odd feeling. Eric was fully clothed, and Milo was wearing only a damp towel, but Milo felt like he was in full control of the situation, a feeling he didn't often get in a house with such forceful personalities as his older siblings in it. Eric looked down at his feet and began to explain himself.

"This morning I woke up, saw you lying there next to me, and when I remembered last night, I just felt awful. I had to get out of here, I couldn't face you. I mean, I - I practically forced myself on you, Milo. I woke you up in the middle of the night so that you would make me feel good. And then I, you know, didn't pull out, even after you made me promise I would. I'm... sorry."

Eric looked miserable, and Milo felt the anger melting away, actually felt bad for assuming that Eric had come to try to weasel his way out of being the bottom. He sighed and put his arm around his brother.

"It's okay, Eric. I know you didn't mean it, you were drunk."

Eric shook his head.

"Oh come on, I was a sleaze. You were right, I should have left you alone and just gone and beat off in my room. I treated you like a piece of meat. I've never been like that to any of the girls I've been with, so treating you that way is terrible. That's why I came here today to..."

He swallowed audibly.

"...To volunteer for my turn as the girl."

Milo grinned. He recognised the nervousness he saw in Eric, the same nervousness that had been in himself the day Eric had first taken him. He patted him on the shoulder reassuringly.

"Relax, Eric, you're acting like you're on death row or something. It's not that bad, I promise."

Eric smiled but said nothing. A thought occurred to Milo, and he gave his brother a sideways glance.

"Say, shouldn't you be ridiculously hungover right now?"

Eric shrugged.

"I guess I got lucky. I just had a bit of a headache when I woke up, and I took some Tylenol for that."

Milo rubbed his hands together and tried his best to look predatory, but he still came off more 'cute' than 'feral'.

"Oh, excellent, that means I can have my way with you right now!"

Eric blushed and gave his brother a look.

"Don't push it, Milo."

The younger shepherd grinned slightly.

"Heh, sorry, Eric. We'll take it slow, okay?"

He leaned over and hugged his brother, nuzzling against his cheek affectionately. After a few moments, his hands moved down to Eric's waist, taking hold of the bottom of his shirt and gently lifting. Eric broke off the hug and lifted his arms to help Milo pull the garment off him. Eric, looking a little nervous again, stood up and began fumbling with his belt.

"Uh, just give me a second, kay?"

Milo removed his towel and draped it over a bar on the end of his bedframe, so it would dry. Then he lay down across the bed, tail wagging behind him, grinning lazily.

"Take your time, big brother."

As Eric self-consciously stripped, Milo reached down next to the bed and retrieved the small jar of Vaseline he kept there, eagerly anticipating the fun to come. Soon the shepherds were equally naked, and Milo moved out of the way to let Eric join him on the bed again. Eric started to get on all fours, shivering with nervousness, tail tucked between his legs, but Milo stopped him.

"Actually, could you lie on your back? I kinda wanted to try it that way."

Eric looked grateful for this, probably because it would allow him to be more passive, but Milo had a specific motive for choosing that position. The first time Milo had been the bottom, he had surprised and embarrassed himself by having a hands-free orgasm just from the pleasure he felt from the act, something Eric had not noticed because they were in, appropriately enough, the doggy-style position. He wanted to know if it was something that happened to every guy, and if Eric was lying on his back, Milo would be unable to miss it if the elder Thompson had the same 'reaction' to bottoming. Milo gently climbed atop his brother, and began to nuzzle against him, licking down untidy tufts of fur and scratching behind his ears to help the older canine relax, enjoying the sensation of a warm, furry body against his own. It seemed to Milo that Eric was even more stressed about it than he himself had been, and he wanted to help his brother calm down. Milo had always looked up to him for the way he never seemed to let anything get to him, he'd always put on a brave, even cocky face in public, so he recognized the trust Eric was displaying by showing Milo that he was worried about their impending coupling.

"S-so if it hurts, you'll stop, right, Milo? Right?"

"Of course, big guy. You did the same thing for me."

He gave his brother a hug, and Eric blushed even harder.

"I'm sorry I'm being such a wuss about this, I know it's stupid."

"It's okay, Eric, you haven't done this before, I get it."

He continued to reassure his brother as he nuzzled against him, and soon, he felt Eric relaxing, his muscles growing less tense. As he brushed against his brother's thigh, Milo noted that he was now very hard. He looked his older brother in the eye.

"So, Eric... are you ready?"

The shepherd slowly nodded.

As Milo slicked himself up with the Vaseline, Eric studied the ceiling of his brother's bedroom very, very intently, as though he could divine the future from the stucco patterns. Once his erection was shiny and slick, Milo gently took hold of the other canine's sack and lifted it up and out of the way.

"This might feel a bit weird, okay?"

Eric nodded again and then shivered as Milo's finger came into contact with his sphincter. Milo could sympathize. This was no doubt the first time Eric had felt something pressing into that orifice in his life. As he wiggled his finger around and got Eric nice and lubricated, he felt the other shepherd tensing up.

"Try not to clench down like that, you were right, it is easier when you're relaxed."

"Okay. Umm... you don't need me to, uh, help you get started, do you?"

From the look in his eyes, Eric would rather pull his own toenails out than instruct his brother on how exactly to fuck him. Milo pulled his finger out and adjusted Eric's position, lifting his legs to give himself easier access. Looking down at his brother's back door, Milo shook his head.

"No, this is, ah, pretty straightforward."

In fact, he noted that it was a lot more straightforward than his fumbling attempts to begin coupling with Angela, given the relative complexities of the female anatomy. He moved forward slightly on his knees and lined the shiny head of his penis up with Eric's anus. Then, taking a deep breath, he slowly pushed forward.

As the small ring of muscles submitted to the intruder and Milo's erection began to slide into his brother's backside, Eric inhaled sharply, the sound ragged as he gritted his teeth and shut his eyes, forcing himself not to clench down. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to react, this was new to him. Was it supposed to hurt? Feel good? Neither? He felt the sides of his little brother's penis sliding against parts of his anatomy he normally didn't think about, and groaned quietly. He knew from experience that Milo's penis was actually ever-so-slightly smaller than his own, but right now, pushing into his virgin passage, it felt enormous. Slightly opening one eye, he glanced down his body and saw Milo slowly pushing his hips forward, only the base of his unit visible past Eric's own genitals. Faced with indisputable proof that this was indeed happening, the blushing shepherd shuddered.

"Oh God..."

"Relax, Eric, this is actually pretty easy."

The elder brother still had enough of his wits about him to make a joke, so he repeated something Milo had said to him the first time they were together.

"You're not the one with a dick in your ass."

Both of them grinned at this, but Eric's smile quickly disappeared as the pain he'd feared finally made an appearance.

"I - ah!"

It wasn't the most elegant of statements, but it, along with the sudden flinch on Eric's face, got the message across. Milo instantly halted his forward movement, but Eric whimpered and started shaking, feeling himself clamping down on the invading flesh.

"M-Milo, it still hurts! Pull out! Oh fuck! My fuckin' ass! Oh fuck!"

"Trust me on this one, Eric, just ride it out, the pain's on a timer!"

Eric looked pained, embarrassed, maybe even a little scared, but he nodded at his brother and closed his eyes, still whimpering. Soon enough, however, the truth of Milo's words was revealed, and as the ache subsided, Eric sighed and relaxed, slumping against the bed.

"See, Eric? No sweat."

The elder shepherd just shook his head.


He glanced up at his brother.

"...'the pain's on a timer?'"

"Heh heh, I figured saying 'it's gonna hurt for a certain amount of time whether I pull out or not' would take too long."

Eric smiled slightly, and was all set to tell his brother he could keep going, when something occurred to him.

"Wait a minute... I've never pulled out when it started to hurt you, how do you know that?"

Milo grinned sheepishly and blushed.

"I, uh, went to a sex forum after our first time and looked for tips or advice or something, and there were like a million people who mentioned that."

"Oh, I see. You went on an anal forum to meet experienced older men."

"Sh-shut up!"

Milo blushed even harder as Eric chuckled at him, full laughter being a bit beyond him at the moment. Then the younger Thompson frowned and jammed his hips forward without warning, causing the elder canine to gasp.

"Aah! Sh-shit, Milo, it was a joke! Jeez..."

Soon enough, pain and bickering aside, they picked up where they left off, and Milo found himself hilted in his older brother's rear end. Eric still looked a little uncomfortable, but he wasn't wincing.

"God, it feels so weird..."

Milo silently recalled the first time he'd experienced that sensation, finding himself inclined to agree.

"You wanna keep going?"

"Sure, just go slow, okay?"

As he pulled back and slowly began to thrust into his brother, two things occurred to Milo. First, he realized that Eric was a lot tighter than Gela had been, though those were two different orifices, so he assumed that went without saying. He briefly got distracted wondering how Gela's butt compared, thought about how the mouse would react if he suggested it to her, and mentally winced. The other thing that occurred to him was that this was the first time he'd had sex with someone else where he'd been in control. He'd had to adjust his legs four or five times already, either because the position made thrusting awkward or because it was too tiring. At first, Eric had just stared off to the side, as though Milo's desk was intensely fascinating to him, but as time passed and he got more and more used to the experience, he visibly relaxed, gradually gaining a smile and looking bashfully up at his brother from time to time. Milo grunted as he felt Eric squeeze down on him, then grinned when he glanced down and noticed that his brother was at half-mast and rapidly growing harder. Finally, both brothers had moved past the newness of what they were doing, and were just enjoying the sensations as they coupled in this arrangement for the first time.

"You were right, little brother, this does feel good."

"And now I see why you wanted to - oof - to keep this side all to yourself."

"Come on, Milo, I told you I wasn't doing it on purpose..."

Milo gently took hold of Eric's legs, just behind the knees, and lifted them, giving himself some leverage as he continued thrusting.

"I'm kidding. If I were..."

He trailed off for a second as a shudder ran up and down his spine, feeling himself throbbing just once inside his brother.

"If I were serious, I wouldn't be so gentle. Give you what you deserve. Come to think of it, maybe I don't believe you..."

He giggled as a decidedly unhappy expression spread across the other canine's features. His amusement didn't last long, however, as he shuddered again and realized he wasn't going to last much longer. But Eric, while hard as a rock, didn't seem to be anywhere near finishing. He continued thrusting into his brother's slick passage for a while, trying to hold off, then became desperate as the point of no return loomed closer and closer, and increased the strength behind his hips, slamming Eric harder and harder, his sac, already drawing closer to his body in preparation for release, slapping against the older shepherd's buttocks. This had barely gone on ten seconds when Eric yelped and winced.

"Ow - ow! Stop it, Milo, slow down! Damn..."

Sighing in defeat, Milo slowed down.

"S-sorry, Eric."

Very shortly after that, Milo felt the pressure building up and accepted that the time had come. Trying to put that failure out of his mind and just enjoy his orgasm, he closed his eyes and hilted himself in his brother's back door, gasping as he finally passed the threshold and went rigid, his whole body trembling as he ejaculated within his brother's warm depths, his hot seed jetting out of his twitching penis to paint the walls of Eric's passage.

As pleasure washed over his body, Milo unconsciously bent over, curled down towards the bed, and he moaned as Eric reached up and started scratching behind the younger canine's ears, the pleasure from that simple act amplifying the orgasmic bliss a little, pushing back against his brother's hand. Eventually, his climax came to an end, and he slumped, every muscle in his body relaxing at the same time, panting with his tongue hanging out like a tired feral. His eyes were still a little glazed over, a little dizzy, and he slowly shook his head to clear out the cobwebs. The first thing he saw, naturally, was Eric's smiling face, and he felt the sudden and inexplicable urge to lean down and kiss his brother. Just when he was working up the courage to do it, however, Eric shooed that thought out of his mind by breaking the silence.

"So, little brother, what do you think?"

Hoping that Eric couldn't tell the difference between his sudden blushing and the fatigued flush that was already there, Milo smiled weakly.

"Jesus, Eric, that was..."

He shook his head and laughed softly, not sure how to put it in words. Eric shared the laugh and scruffed his hand against his brother's neck.

"I know, right?"

Once he got his pulse under control, Milo got off his brother, Eric grunting quietly as Milo's rapidly deflating penis slid out of his tired rear passage. The younger Thompson intended to lie down for a few minutes, but Eric cleared his throat as he sat up, and gestured towards his own erection.

"Come on, Milo, I just let you fuck me, the least you could do is suck me off."

A strange expression formed briefly on his face before he grinned and shook his head.

"Never expected I'd be saying that..."

Milo glanced up at the other shepherd as he got into position and took hold of Eric's patient manhood.

"Well, I never expected we'd be fucking, so that's appropriate."

Eric may or may not have had a witty retort ready; either way, he suddenly lost all taste for conversation when Milo wrapped his lips around his big brother's prick.

For about the first minute, Eric merely sat there, eyes closed, head tilted back, enormous smile on his face. His happiness would have been obvious even if he'd been wearing a mask, though; his tail was wagging like crazy in the small space between his back and the wall. As Milo slid his tongue along the underside of Eric's shaft, the elder shepherd quietly moaned and looked down at his sibling.

"Fuuuuck... God, you give such good head, Milo."

Without taking his mouth off Eric's straining penis, Milo glanced up, glared at his brother, and flipped him the bird.

"Well it's true. I've been with girls who were terrible at oral, had no idea what they were doing. Heh, when Chrissy Spencer did it, it hurt. First time I've ever asked for a handy instead. But you, you could teach lessons."

Milo blushed and frowned at about the same time, a warning look in his eyes which Eric gleefully ignored.

"I can see it now; 'Sucking Cock 101, with Professor Thompson'. All the girls in town lining up to learn how to blow with the best, going _ow Fuck! _"

Milo, who now looked much more amused, had closed his teeth just enough for Eric to feel it.

"Fuck! Come on, Milo, knock it off, you don't mess with a guy's dick!"

He reached down towards his brother, but Milo bit down slightly harder until he pulled his hand back. Eric looked slightly panicked, he'd laid his ears back and was even whimpering a little.

"Ahhh, goddamn... Please, Milo! I - I didn't mean it! Come on, man I need my dick! Please don't hurt my dick! I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry!"

With that, Milo loosened his jaw, and went back to suckling on his brother's member like nothing had happened. Eric leaned back against the wall, immensely relieved.

"Christ... you're kind of a bitch sometimes, Milo, you know that?"

Milo's mouth was full, but the very corners of it, at the very edges of his muzzle, slightly turned up. After that the older brother fell silent again. It took Eric a couple of minutes to recover from the almost-biting he'd received, but as Milo swirled his tongue around the tip of his brother's penis, bathing the underside of the shaft in his saliva, it wasn't long before Eric was squirming on the bed, his breath deepening and growing slightly ragged, as he had to work harder and harder to hold back the pleasure. Milo, whose jaw was growing tired, was just beginning to wish Eric would get on with it already, when suddenly the elder shepherd gasped and leaned forward, gripping his brother's ears tightly.

"Oh God! Oh - oh shit!"

Milo's eyes bulged out as Eric's shaft throbbed in his mouth, spurting a little hot, gooey come onto his tongue. He tried to pull away, but his brother was holding his ears too tightly, and he soon felt another meaty pulse and another dollop of Eric's seed. With great effort, he pulled back so Eric's erection was no longer in his mouth, but couldn't get any further away without hurting his ears, forced to watch as Eric's bobbing, glistening penis throbbed and spurted in the cool air, painting Milo's face at random with globs of sperm. All this, while Eric shuddered and let out a low-pitched moan, eyes shut tight. Soon enough, though, the impromptu come bath ended, and Eric relaxed and released Milo's ears as he leaned back against the wall. Milo just sat there, a shocked expression frozen on his face, still-warm semen clinging to his whiskers.

Less than a minute later, Eric lazily opened his eyes, and did something closely resembling a double take as he took in the sight of his brother.

"Oh no! Oh God, Milo..."

The younger shepherd vengefully spat the come in his mouth directly onto Eric's leg, but that of course was the least of his problems. He looked up at his brother with a hodgepodge of emotions shining through in his eyes; anger, shock, embarrassment, sadness, none of it good. His hands were shaking with the effort as he forced himself not to touch his face. When he spoke, his voice was quiet and slightly quivering.

"I can't believe you came on my face... I can't believe you'd do that to me..."

He looked away, his cheeks burning.

"I can't believe I trusted you! You are just using me, you fuckhead!"

The miserable canine glanced back at his brother, sounding like he was on the verge of either screaming at his sibling or bursting into tears.

"I'm your brother, not your bitch! How could you treat me like this? God, I should have known after you made me eat my own load last night!"

The humiliation he felt showed clearly on his face, despite the glazing it had recently received. Eric leaned forward and gently took hold of Milo's shoulders, unhappily noting how his brother flinched when he did so.

"Milo, I'm - I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to... It was an accident... c'mon, Milo, you know I don't think of you like that! You know I love you! You're my only little brother!"

Milo glared at him in response.

"You're not supposed to give surprise facials to the people you love, you dick!"

"Please, Milo! I - I get distracted when I'm about to come, you know that!"

This was perhaps not the right thing to say; the last time that problem had come up, Eric had gone through a complete orgasm in his brother's mouth, and Milo had accidentally swallowed it, much to his embarrassment. It was something he didn't like to remember. Now the younger shepherd looked away, crossing his arms over his chest and nodding towards the door.

"Get the hell out, Eric. We're never doing this again."

Feeling genuinely hurt, Eric swallowed his pride and spoke quietly.

"...Look here for a sec, Milo."

When he did so, dark look still in his eyes, the other dog leaned in without saying a word and surprised his brother by gently, softly licking his cheek, his wide, flat tongue taking some of the come with it. At first he tensed up, looked like he was going to object, but then he relaxed, his arms uncrossing, his eyes closing. The Thompson brothers sat there like that for a few minutes, naked and sweaty, as Eric silently cleaned his own cooling seed out of Milo's fur, unflinching in his task no matter how much he disliked the taste. There was a second reason for this action, of course. He and Milo had never kissed, Milo wanting to wait until after he'd had his first kiss with someone he had genuine feelings for (Milo, of course, had recently experienced said first kiss with his friend Gela, but Eric was entirely unaware of this). So they instead showed their affection when they were intimate by licking each other's faces like feral puppies.

When Eric had finished and the only thing glistening on Milo's face was his older brother's saliva, he leaned back and then gave the younger dog a hug.

"I really am sorry, Milo. I feel so bad for doing that when you already thought I was a sleaze. If you still want to call off the, uh, the sex stuff, I'll go along with that, but I wanted to make sure you believed my apology. I love you, little brother, and I would never treat you like my bitch."

After a brief pause, he felt Milo reach up and return the hug, but he remained silent.

"...Tell you what, Milo, I'll do anything to prove that I mean it. You wanna kick me in the balls? Go right ahead. You wanna come on my face to make us even? Go nuts. I'll..."

He audibly swallowed.

"...I'll even suck you off right now if you want."

Milo was momentarily confused as to why he'd put a blowjob after offers of a revenge facial and a critical hit, but then he remembered where his penis had just been and realized that that offer wasn't about the blowjob. He laughed at that, and felt his uneasiness finally melting away, squeezing his brother with a tighter hug for a moment to show that he meant it.

"That won't be necessary, Eric."

In the tight embrace, Milo felt his brother shiver and then relax.

"Oh, thank God! I was not looking forward to trying A2M."

Milo had never heard that term before, but the acronym wasn't particularly difficult to work out. He gave his brother a much more relaxed look as they broke off the hug.

"No... if you really want to make it up to me, then I want to be the guy again. Today. Even things out."

"Can't really argue with that. Can I at least grab a shower or something first? I'm all sweaty and there's jizz on my knee."

"Sure. I could use a shower myself. Let's meet up in your room in a couple hours, okay?"

"Sounds fair."

As Milo got up and folded the towel he'd been wearing, draping it over the end of the bed, Eric grinned, looking slightly embarrassed.

"Hey Milo? You were right, that wasn't so bad. And now you've finally fucked someone. How do you feel?"

After what had happened, Milo didn't feel like revealing what he'd done with Gela, so he just shrugged, a small smile on his face, and said, "Tired."

They had a little laugh about that, before Milo gave his brother a look and frowned exaggeratedly.

"And Eric? If you come on my face this time, you're going to be doing A2M until the cows come home!"

Eric flinched, then recognized the humour in his brother's eyes and relaxed.

"I wonder what that even means. Do cows take forever to come home?"

"I guess so."

After that, the room was the site of a rather surreal scene as the two brothers, Milo still smelling faintly of semen and Eric freshly fucked, got dressed (Milo for the first time that day), all while discussing how several idioms made no sense when taken literally, as though nothing were at all out of the ordinary.

After freshening up in the shower, Milo spent a while on his computer, catching up on his email and watching trailers for upcoming movies. But every once in a while, distracting thoughts of what he was going to be doing crept into his mind. Before long, it got to the point where he couldn't think of anything else at all, and found himself fidgeting in his chair as his arousal grew. Finally he could take it no longer and stood, leaving his computer and heading down to Eric's basement bedroom, trying to seem casual in case his sister or parents saw him. It was a good thing they didn't, then; trying not to seem furtive only made him look even more suspicious, of course. When he reached his brother's room, he didn't even bother knocking, barging into the room like he owned the place and kicking the door closed behind him. Eric was playing a racing game on the small TV across from his bed, and looked up at his brother in surprise, not watching as his apparently distracted on-screen driver propelled himself off a bridge and into the sea.


He wanted to make a clever remark, something along the lines of 'you were expecting maybe the tooth fairy?' only not as crap, but nothing came to mind. Instead, he just sat down on the bed, Eric pausing the game as his car magically appeared back on the track so he could give his brother his full attention.

"I wanted to make sure you didn't have time to come up with an excuse."

The elder sibling frowned.

"Oh come on, are you still -"

"Nah, not really. But you could shut me up for good by taking one for the team."

Having calmed down significantly since their first encounter that day, Milo was feeling much more himself; this was obvious to Eric because the teenaged canine blushed slightly when he made that crude metaphor. His frown only slightly dissipated.

"I was kind of hoping you'd forgotten about that."

Milo laughed once, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Are you kidding? After what you pulled earlier? Not a chance."

"Oh come on, Milo, I didn't fuck you twice in the same day!"

"Do you hear that, Eric?"

The shepherd cocked an ear, and heard nothing.


Milo smiled widely enough to show off his molars as he raised his hands; he held one arm up, slightly crooked, and began to wave the other back and forth in the space above his elbow.

"It's the world's tiniest violin, Eric! And it's playing its saddest song, just for you!"

As Milo gleefully mimed what would surely be the worst violin solo in the world, Eric's shoulders sank and he gave his brother a Look.

"I'm not the only one in this family who can be a dick, Milo."

As Eric sighed and Milo wagged his tail, the brothers started taking off their clothes.

Soon they were naked as proverbial jay birds, and it was Eric's turn to blush.

"So, um... how do you want me?"

"Hmmm. Can we do it the way we did it the first time?"

Despite himself, Eric grinned.

"Doggy style. How appropriate."

Milo watched his brother as he climbed up on the bed, positioning himself on all fours and lifting his tail, shivering as he watched the other canine's well-toned muscles moving just beneath his furry skin, blushing as he stared at Eric's balls as they swayed with his movements. He didn't know what it was; he wasn't attracted to any other males, but being naked with his brother brought out those primal urges in him. He was already at half mast by the time he hopped on the bed, and it only took a couple of seconds of fondling himself before he was rock hard. He had a single object in each hand, a tub of Vaseline which he placed on the bed beside him and a T-shirt, freshly plucked from Eric's floor, which he spread out neatly beneath his brother. Eric watched this and looked over his shoulder quizzically as Milo smeared the petroleum jelly on his eager length.

"What's that for?"

His grin was as self-satisfied as his answer was vague.

"You were annoyed the last time I got come on your bed."

Wasting no time, the eager young shepherd scootched up behind his brother, placing his slicked-up erection against his rear passage, and pushed forward. Eric shuddered beneath him as Milo slowly slid into his brother's body.

"God, I'm never gonna get used to that..."

The second time around, it went much easier than the first, Eric didn't feel any pain at all this time, if only because his body was still used to this role. Soon Milo was hilted in his sibling, taking a moment to enjoy the sensation of Eric warm and tight around him.

"What are you waiting for, can't you get this over with?"

"Come on, Eric, you've gotta savour these things."

He pulled back and thrust back inside as he said this, very slowly. He began to fuck his brother, but he did it very slowly and deliberately, really working it in. Milo waited a few minutes, until Eric relaxed beneath him, getting used to it, and then he leaned down, pressing his chest against his brother's back, as he reached down and grabbed Eric's penis, which he wasn't at all surprised to find was already fully erect. His hand was still covered in leftover Vaseline, and after gasping from the unexpected contact on his member, Eric groaned quietly as Milo began to stroke him, slowly, in time with his thrusts.

The brothers continued coupling in silence for the next few minutes (minus the occasional grunt or gasp), Milo never picking up the pace of his thrusts. Eric was incredibly turned on by this point, far more than he'd ever thought he could be in this position, and was getting very, very frustrated by the slow pace, humping against Milo's hand to try to get some more stimulation on his poor, aching penis. Milo maddeningly kept his hand in the same position on his brother's cock, rendering Eric's efforts useless. Eric let out something that was either a whine or a moan as his erection throbbed in Milo's hand, a drop of pre emerging from him to drip down to the T-shirt on the bed, a long thin strand of it trailing back up to the tip of his steel-hard manhood. Eric tilted his head down and covered his face with his hands as he found himself thrusting his hips back to meet Milo's thrusts, though Milo took mercy on him and didn't tease him out of that extra pleasure. The younger canine chuckled at his brother's behaviour.

"I think someone's enjoying this."

"You're a bastard, Milo."

"Doesn't it suck?"

"You know I'm gonna torture you like this the next chance I get, right?"

Milo froze for a second, and Eric laughed.

"...Well I'll just have to burn that bridge when I come to it."

As the brothers continued, growing sweatier and more aroused by the second, both of them felt the inevitable release of pleasure building up inside. Eric throbbed several more times, tiny ropes of pre falling down to darken the shirt beneath him. The desperate dog grabbed his head as if that could keep him from going crazy and moaned again.

"Goddammit, Milo, I said I was sorry, haven't I paid enough yet? If I don't come soon I'm gonna go nuts!"

"I'm just using what you taught me, Eric, remember? The slower you go, the longer you can last!"

Milo squeezed his brother's aching flesh as he made a fairly deep thrust into his welcoming back door, and then, to Eric's horror, let go of his brother's penis entirely, eliciting a yelp from the canine the likes of which he hadn't uttered around his family in years. Ears back, unable to keep from whimpering, Eric looked over his shoulder, a pleading, desperate look in his eyes as his penis throbbed in empty air, still glistening with the jelly lubricant Milo had been rubbing into his skin.

"Milo! Now you're just being an asshole!"

"You have to admit you deserve it."

He reached down and quickly ran one finger along the underside of his brother's aching shaft.

"Arrrgh, you bastard! I never thought you'd be giving me blue balls!"

"Fine, I'll finish you off... if you ask me very nicely."

In Eric's unfortunate state of mind, it didn't even occur to him to lift one of his hands off the bed and bring himself some much needed relief. Instead, he threw away his usual air of dignity and begged like a hungry feral, his cheeks burning like a forest in August.

"P-please, Milo! Please let me come! I need to come so... so bad!"

He let out a sigh of relief as he felt his brother's hand wrap itself around his manhood again.

"Certainly Eric."

...But the stroking wasn't any faster than before.

"You'll just have to wait until I come."

Milo giggled as his brother alternately moaned from need and swore from frustration.

Soon, Eric was ready to explode, not at all used to dragging pleasure out this long, and Milo was breathing heavily over his shoulder, rapidly approaching the point of no return. He didn't say anything to signify the change, he was far past the proper state of mind for teasing comments, but he began to speed up his thrusts into Eric's backside as he prepared for what was shaping up to be one hell of a climax. At the same time, he sped up his hand on Eric's prick, causing the older shepherd to groan in relief. Milo pressed himself against his brother even harder, wrapping his free arm around his torso and thrusting with his thighs.

"I - I'm gonna come, Eric!"

"Me too, little brother... aw fuck..."

Milo closed his eyes and stopped fighting the pleasure, and the burst of ecstasy was almost immediate, flooding his body with a powerful joy as he came, hard, inside his brother, shooting an even bigger load of hot seed than he had earlier that day. At almost the same time, he felt Eric's prick pulsing in his hand while the dog attached to it moaned out loud, as he too was overtaken by his orgasm. It was like this, locked together with his brother in bliss, unable to think coherently, that Milo laid his head against Eric's back and casually opened his eyes.

Which meant that that was the position he was in when he first saw their sister Anne, standing frozen in the entrance to Eric's room, the door wide open and just as unlocked as when Milo had casually kicked it closed. Her eyes were wider than he would have thought they could grow, her right hand pressed against the front of her muzzle as if containing a shriek of surprise. Despite the terror that suddenly exploded throughout his system, Milo could not just turn off his climax, and so this scene played out with Anne standing petrified, unable to look away as her younger brother ejaculated inside her older brother, who was in turn spurting copiously onto a T-shirt lying on the bed. As their orgasms came to an end, Eric lifted his head to say something to his brother, only to have his comment permanently erased from his memory as he too became aware of their audience. There was a moment of complete and utter silence in the room as the males on the bed stared at the horrified female. Eric was the first one to speak, his voice quiet and thin, but deafening in his siblings' ears.

"...Oh my God."

As if those three words had broken some sort of spell, the Thompsons were able to move again. Anne immediately turned around and bolted from the room without a word, and Eric leapt off the bed, Milo's (very) quickly shrinking penis sliding out of him with a wet noise, and Milo... falling back on his butt and sitting there in shock, watching as Eric struggled to pull on a pair of pants. In his disconnected state, Milo took idle note of several things; his brother's half-hard cock, still covered in jelly and come, flopping around as he yanked the pants up his legs, as well as the fact that the pants Eric was trying to don were his. Finally, he noticed his own warm sperm, already leaking out of Eric's tired sphincter. Eventually, his brother managed to get the pants on, and hurried upstairs, the athletic canine taking them three at a time. Milo sat there on the bed, naked, his limp manhood leaking some residual cream onto the comforter, and listened to Eric's footsteps racing across the main floor above him, reaching the front door a few seconds after it slammed shut, only to open once more and remain ajar. Then, a few seconds later, he heard, distantly, the sound of one of the family cars starting up and racing out of the driveway at an unadvisable speed. The vehicle roared down the street and out of earshot, and Milo was alone on his brother's bed, the shock slowly starting to wear off, his thin form beginning to shiver from fear. A couple of minutes later, Eric slowly trudged back down the stairs and into the room, Milo's cell phone, fresh from its special pocket, against his ear. He snapped it shut and shook his head, his expression grim.

"I couldn't catch her, she was already at the car... And it's no good trying to call her, she turned off her phone."

His attention was drawn to the bed as Milo let out a sob. The smaller dog was shaking as he cried, tears soaking into his cheek fur, scared out of his wits, looking up to the other male for guidance, guidance Eric was not sure he could provide.

"What are we going to do, Eric?"

"What are we going to do?"