Part two - Shit hits the fan
Part 2: Shit hits the fan
Not that he had stayed with her in hopes of sex but that night was theirs. They stayed in liplock untel they reached the bedroom. She started first, pulling off the black shirt that he had been in to work. Playing with his fur the fell back into the bed. Her shirt was the next to come off, they kissed over and over. They bit and scrached. They took there time they wanted this to last. She took off his pants, he did the same for her. She had dreamed of this moment for the longest time sence they met. She was ready but he played with her prolonging the final move. As they fooled around the sheets were torn from its place, thrown to the floor.
She pulled him close," Stop teasing me," she pleaded wiht him. With that he went down on her causing her to scream in pleasure. Darkside opened his snout as wide as it would go and put his tounge inside her the peircing made her scream again. She grabed the back of his head and pulled him as far in as he could go. After she came he took his tounge out and moved up, kissing her body all the way up. When he got to her lips he was in the right mood. Penitrating her she wimpered, she wasnt new to the feeling but she had never had sex with a furr. The feeling caused her to wrap her legs around his back.
In the moment she must have had an orgasm and some how halusinated cause she saw wings sprout from Darksides back.
They awoke in each others arms the next morining. Looking over the damiged they had caused from that night they just lay there laughing. They ended up getting up to clean the room and put the bed back in order. They got back into bed and lay there.
Maggie pulled him closer," Do you think you can go back to your own appartment?"
"You dont want me to stay here longer. Fuck and run?"
"No, you miss understand I want you to stay. But with all the camotion do you think you will ever be able to go back?
"That happends all the time. Theres something else on your mind isnt there?"
"Live with me, stay here. I love y..." Darkside cut her off by putting his paw on her lips.
"Not now, you still are in the moment. Wait untel the feeling wares off."
"But thats the thing. I dont want this feeling to go away."
Humans he scofed to himself. He loved her and he had had his heart broken more times than this little one must have cause he had made the mistake many times of saying those words after sex. He got up this time to leave he had some unfinished buisness to take care of. She pleaded with him to stay but nothing would stop him. "I will come back. I promise."
With that said he went out into the night, they had spent the whole day in bed. Not that he was complaining, but he had some one he needed to meet. He left the resudental area and went down to the police district even went into the police station headquarters. Walking up to the main desk he told the resepsonist to page the chief. After she was confused enough by the chiefs reacton she told him to go up to his office. He knew this road well, down the hall he went people staired. What did he care. Passing through the door he was greated by one of his body guards. The woman must be new he thought to himself cause she called the chief to conferm that this furr was alowed in. After this minor inconvenence he walked into the office.
Without missing a beat," What the hell was that raid all about? I thought i told you that night was not to be distrubed," without waiting for his reply,"And what the fuck was he doing with a fully loaded MP5," throwing the bullet on the desk," With real bullets." His face was had no sence of joking the chief saw this.
"You were one of our best, we knew that you could handle something like that," getting out of his chair,"but what the hell were you doing with a human in a place like that? We didnt call the raid. A conserned citizen called in and wanted to protect that girl from the furr menice." He went over to the liquor cabinent," Rum and coke?"
"Sure," the chief handed him a glass,"so why did you send a messige with that guy." Darkside pulled out the note that had been in the gun. Taking a sip of his drink, feeling the alcohal go down warm and smooth.
The chief sat back in his chair and began slowly siping his drink," Why do you put up this sharade? Why do you insist on acting like a normal furr and take the jobs that no one wants? Come back to the force we know how to treat our own."
"Tell me what you want Marco. You didnt send a messige just to ask me to come back."
"How did I know you would say that? Anyway there is a shipment of Tince on its way. We want you to stop that fragter carring it."
"Another serch and destroy, is that all im good for."
"No but you are the only one being paid under the table."
"Fine, Ill do it. And Ill consider your offer, I dont only have to think about myself anymore."
"That reminds me, who is she? Another girlfriend? My only question is why a human?"
"She fell into my life." Darkside took the information about the ship and left the chief to himself. Good man, he thought to himself as he walked out the door, but what is he up to?
The fragter was a Russan ship. That night he got his team and went out to the ship. The sea was rough, no one talked and there was only two other furrs in his team. Not cause there werent enough of them but cause they were the only two he trusted to do what they need to. The other five were human. Reaching the ship they got abord and moved without saying a word. They each knew there job. Darkside didnt care what each had to do, as long as they did there job everything would go fine. Pulling out his silenced pistol he took out two Russans guarding the entrance to the cargo hold. Moving down the hallway he moved down the stairs. The boxes marked with a sickle were his target. Placing a packige of c4 on the box marked 'Explosive' he got out of the cargo hold. That charge would take a nice big chunk out of the ship sending it straght to the bottem of the harbor.
Making his way back to the deck he came up to the door and instantly knew something wasnt right. He heard gunshots. Some one fucked up. Droping down to one knee he took the silencer off the gun, put the full-auto attachment on the gun and replaced the clip with an extra long clip. The last thing he put on the gun was the mini-butt on the weapon. The whole look of the gun changed, it now looked like a striped miniture assault rifle.
Pulling the hach open he ran out and right, this placed him behind a set of crates. Moving his weapon to his left hand he peaked out around. Men were pulling his team members out onto the deck. Each of them werent moving. They are dead he thought to himself. A quick count told him that both the furrs were dead and only one of the humans was still alive.
Picking up a loose nut he threw it at the light braking the bulb. The light went out four men ran out to check what was going on. Taking this moment he ran the oposite way and up the stairs. Sticking to the shadows he made his way to the bridge. He had to change the couse of the ship and blow the hole out in internatonal waters less his team would be shown to be from the Americas. The last thing he needed was to start a war.
Making his way into the darkened bridge he crouched and moved over to the controls. Just as he went to change the course of the ship the lights came on. Spinning around he fired the gun. Six men ran in and six men fell to the gun fire.
"Darkside," a voice called from the hach," I promise to spare your life if you just step away from the controls and drop your weapon."
He had heard enough of whoever said that and turned around and made the ship go the way that would take it out to sea. Forcing the throghtle to max he aimed his gun at the controls and fired the entrire clip into it, and the window causing the window to shatter. Making a diving jump out the window he caught out of the coner of his eye one of his team running through the door firing away.
Landing on one of the walkways he gained his footing. Two men came running at him from eather side of the walkway. One slashed with a combat knife. the other attempted to grab him. Jumping up and stradling the railes he dodged the slash and the man who would have grabed him fell right on the mans knife. Jumping over the knife wealder he landed behind him and pulled out his own knife and shoved it into the mans lungs. Running tawords the side of the ship the man in the black jump suit blocked his way.
"What the fuck are you doing? Shit just hit the fan," Darkside finally realizes something," It was you."
Under the mask you could tell that the man was smilling," Finally you get it."
"What the hell are you thinking?"
"They pay better."
~Ok all you furrs, this is the second part from our friend Darkside. Part three is on the way dont worry I promise not to make you wait too long for it. But yes leave comments, tell me what im doing right wrong anything.~
"Well I hope the amount they payed you is enough for the trip to hell." Darkside screemed as he lunged with the knife. The traitor dogded his strike and brought his gun down on Darksides hand causing him to drop the knife. As he knife droped Darkside kicked he man sending him falling backward. Changing direction Darkside pounced on the traitor, grabbing ahold of his head he smashed it over and over into the greated walkway. After Darkside knew he was dead he grabed his knife and that traitors gun and ran to the side of the ship.
"So I see that you are the only one still left." Darkside heard behind him as he was about to jump into the water.
"Let me guess, you have your men circled around me and they are ready to blast me full of holes if I move?"
"Good guess."
Darkside had had enough of tonight, to everyone that was watching it was like he moved in slowmotion. His hand hit the button to blow the c4 in the cargo hold. And fliped backward over the rail before any of them could even pull the trigger on there guns.
The explosion sent the men into a panic. One or two of them ran to the rail and began firing down but the furr was nowere to be found.
The drenced furr pulled himself up the side of the dock. He had to get back to Maggie. Nothing would stop him from that not even the gun shot in his side. Opening the door to the appartment he fell on the floor waking Maggie. She got out of bed and turned on the light. She gasped when she saw Darkside on the floor. Running over to him she saw the bullet wound.
She ran to the phone to call the police but Darkside got up and put the phone down for her," Get me a niddle and thred."
Darkside went to the bathroom. Cut the top of the jumpsuit off and used the tool kit he had to pull the bullet out of the wound. Maggie brought him what he asked for," What happened?"
"Shit hit the fan," was all he said as he sowed himself up.