The Flames Of Cynder's Lust chapter 2

Story by veemon657 on SoFurry

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#2 of the flames of cynder's lust

second chapter

The Flames Of Cynder's Lust chapter 2 (requested by TheCasanovaOfSmut) key

"=speech "()"=message/letter speech

Cynder took the message a bit worried about what it said brought it into the cave and made a fire in the corner to see better and read it.

"(Cynder managed to drive off the raid but the city was hit pretty hard I'm fine but a lot of people are hurt so I'm going to be staying here for a bit longer to help with cleaning up and and getting medical supplies. Good news is that word of Malefor's defeat is spreading more quickly and more dragon's were he to help out so it wasn't as bad is it could have been be home as soon as I can Spyro.)"

Knowing Spyro was alright gave Cynder a sense of relive but also the fact that he'd be gone longer than the original two or three days meant that she had more time to have fun with Flame before he came back, and that was something she wasn't going to pass up not after what she just experienced.

Later that night Cynder decided to invite Flame over for the evening but she didn't plan on letting her true intentions come to light until later. After catching and roasting some sheep she found grazing near the river Cynder and Flame had a good meal talking about various things, from how there day went to where they grew up. Which even though was still a touchy subject for Cynder still choose to explain her role in the dark masters plan to how she ended up helping Spyro save their planet.

After dinner Cynder decided that now was a good time to put her plan into action without warning she pinned Flame to the back wall letting out a lusty growl. Flame, shaken by the sudden change in Cynder's character didn't notice the way she growled and was a bit nervous but managed to ask if something was wrong.

"Oh nothing's wrong Flame in fact I got some good news today. Spyro won't be back for a while turns out they really did need his help so he'll be staying there to help tend to the injured and with rebuilding for awhile so we'll have a bit more time to have some fun with each other."

"You really enjoyed what we did didn't you Cynder?"

"Flame, Spyro can't possibly compete with you. granted I still love him and would never stop being his mate but the fact remains you make up for the things Spyro lacks. Now then another thing I was meaning to ask why were you holding back earlier today?"

"Well Cynder I..."

"Well nothing I told you to show me just how much you could do, now then you had you're chance to do it willingly and didn't. Now since you were a bad boy earlier I guess it's only fair that I show you just how much of a bad girl I can be."

Cynder had a strange glint in her eye as she said that giving flame a sense of unease.

"C..Cynder wh...what do you m..mean by that?" Flame asked now scared of what Cynder might do.

"Oh you'll see soon enough."

Cynder proceeded to put the mating crystal around flames neck followed by a pulsating yellow crystal on a silver chain. "Cynder what's that yellow crystal do?"

"Oh that one. It will keep you from resisting."


"Quite. You see I told you not to hold back but you did so now were doing it my way."

Cynder breathed a bit of poison energy into the yellow crystal effectively pinning Flame to the floor but not harming him.

"Now then let's see if you little friend wants to play some more."

Cynder proceeds to rub Flames sheath with her tail like she did before and like before his twenty-four inch pole was standing at attention and hard as a rock within seconds.

"Now then time for some fun. But first I want to see if you're as good with you're mouth as you are with your cock, do a good job and I might let you cum deal?"

Flame now feeling like the luckiest dragon in the entire valley started lapping at Cynder's pussy enticing constant moans from Cynder all the while wishing she would let him cum but continued hoping she would keep her word.

"Oh that's it Flame keep going even with you're tongue you're better than Spyro. "

Hearing her soft voice mixed with a lusty overtone was more than enough motivation for him, and Flame proceeded to buried his muzzle deep into her and using his tongue to reach the as far as he could go occasionally stopping to nibble at her clit. The nectar flowing from Cynder pussy could now rival that of the waterfall just outside with Flame drinking as much as he could. "Damn Cynder you taste better that any sheep i've ever had."

"I'm almost there Flame just a bit more."

Flame loving the sounds Cynder was making continued lapping and sucking desperate to get as much as her juice as he could. Soon after the floodgates opened as Cynder came hard letting out a river of her juices into Flame's awaiting maw.

"Wow felt almost as good as when you fucked me."

"I'm glad it was now please let me cum." Flame was practically begging as this point.

"Hmm no not yet you'll cum when I want you to, you see along with pinning you to the ground that yellow crystal also keeps you from cumming until the person who put it on takes it off."

"But you said if I did a good job you'd let me cum."

"No I said I might let you cum." Cynder corrected.

"Now then time for the second part I'll be back in a minute." Cynder once again had that strange glint in her eye's meaning she had something more planned than what she was letting on.

Flame didn't have to wait long to find out what she meant as Cynder soon returned with a blue rope and couldn't help but think he'd seen something like it before.

"C..Cynder what's that rope for."

"Oh it's not a rope at least not for long anyway."

At that point Flame remembered what it was.

"Cynder please not that please.

End chapter two chapter 3 coming soon