The Flames Of Cynder's Lust chapter 4

Story by veemon657 on SoFurry

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#4 of the flames of cynder's lust

chapter 4

The Flames Of Cynder's Lust chapter four

(requested by TheCasanovaOfSmut)


"()" =message/letter speech

"(italic)" =thought

Spyro has been away for a total of two weeks. Flame and Cynder have continued to that their fun a few more times and Flame was once again on his way to see Cynder. "Cynder are you home?" "Oh, hi Flame come on in. Flame did as he was told and entered the cave but Cynder was no-where to be found. Cynder? Where are you?" Right here." Cynder proceeds to pounce on flame from a small alcove above the entrance. "gha Cynder I hate it when you do that." You'll get over it. Now then I have something special planned for us today." What is it? You better not have that bondage rope."

"All in due time but first put this on.

Cynder tosses flame the mating crystal not knowing what it will do seeing that it seems to have a random effect with flame.

"Now then time for your surprise. You can come out now"

Flame was confused about who Cynder was talking to until a pink dragoness came from around a corner. "Cynder what's Ember doing here?!" "Well, it seems that last time we had a little spy watching us, so after you left I called her out on it and she asked if she wanted to join in next time. I had a feeling you'd never turn down a three-way with me so I made her swear never to tell Spyro and she could."

"That's true, now then what do you want to try first?" "Well I was thinking me and Ember lay on top of each other and you use that skilled tongue of yours and help us both out at the same time."

"Sounds good to me.

Flame proceeded to get on his stomach and began licking in between both Cynder and Ember's neither's reigns causing both Cynder and Ember to constancy squirm and let out pleasured moans.

"you're really getting into this aren't you Ember?" Flame asked. "hell yes this is way better than I thought it would be." "glad to hear it now how about we get on to the "fun" part?" Flame asked. "sounds good to me how about you Ember?" "Seems dirty minds think alike let's get to it." "well since we're all in agreement, do you want to stay like you are or do it a different way?" "I think we'll stay like this and have you grind that thick schlong in between us." "I like the sound of that Cynder but now I want to be on top." "very well I guess you can have a turn."

After Cynder and Ember finished switching into their new positions Flame proceeded to sandwich his abnormally large dick in-between the two willing and wanting females and began grinding himself against them. Almost immediately the two dragons were greeted with a heated bumpy texture most likely caused but the magic crystal that was around Flame's neck.

"Hey, Cynder why did Flame's cock just suddenly heat up and grow bumps all over it?" "Oh, that's from the crystal around his neck." "How were you able to get a sexual enhancement crystal?" "That's my little secret." "Care to share it with us Cynder." "Nope haven't you ever heard the saying a dragoness doesn't kiss and tell?" "Yes, but mating season is coming up in a few weeks it's the year of the dragon after all and this would make getting a mate a lot easier." "Sorry but even if I told you where I got it I had to custom order it, it takes 5 months to prepare the objects needed and 4 years to craft it's a solid crystal after all." "Ok, then can I borrow it please?" "I might consider doing that but it depends on one thing." "Name it I'll do anything you want Cynder." "anything I want." "Name it I'll do it." "Hun that desperate mm ok then if you can last 2 hours with flame pounding the not so virgin pussy of yours without passing out you can borrow it but if not you'll have to find a mate yourself." "Ok deal come on flame let's get started."

While Flame and Ember are going at it Cynder puts a protective rubber casing she got while at the in the warfang market place around her tail blade and starts furiously tail-fucking herself. Two hours have come and gone and after 8 climaxes between the two dragons' both have started to tire out same can also be said for Cynder as her tail had gotten stiff.

"Well well well not bad I think you've earned yourself a few months with this. I was going to lend it to you, either way, I just wanted a show, besides I can't risk mating with flame during that time and risk having his children.