Fates of the Unicorns - 94 - Falling

Story by DragonTalon on SoFurry

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#94 of Fates of the Unicorns

Chapter 94 of my long running furry bdsm unicorn enslaving evil dragon story series!

Fates of the Unicorns - Chapter 94 - Falling

This long running Master and slave themed story series continues the journey of dragons, unicorns and the rest of the furry races in a world threatened with extinction by a monstrous threat. The furry races are grateful for the sacrifice dragons make in fighting the war, but would be much happier if the dragons would just stop trying to enslave them all!

_ SPOILER WARNING :_ If you are new to the story, this chapter contains plot and character development spoilers for the over all story. This is an ongoing story, and this chapter assumes you know the story and characters.

Fates of the Unicorns Fates of the Unicorns is the cover and a good place to start for new readers.

(Thanks to all my long time and new readers.

Don't forget to Fav/Vote for the chapter you like it!

It's a big help and means a lot to me. Thanks!)

Chakal jerked awake at the sound of horns blaring and a hundred dragon voices calling out. She didn't realize she was falling until she hit the ground, taking several moments to remember being held by her Master in the crook of Tahet's arm. She grunted and pushed herself up, seeing Master Rahmor was already standing, pulling on his kilt as he stared over Tahet's shoulder with a look of grim determination on his face. "What..." was all she got out before Rahmor's tail flashed like a whip and SNAPPED an inch from her nose with a sound like a small thunderclap. Her muzzle clamped shut as she jerked back, eyes wide as the non-verbal command registered. Shut up. Biting her lip she just stayed on the ground, noticing Tahet was alert as well, both staring in the direction of the cliff wall that faced the war so far away.

Her lithe unicorn body shifted as much as she dared, peering around the broad chest of the drake she had so recently been sleeping against. Her eyes got even wider as she saw glowing trails in the sky off in the distance, various colors sparkling in sequence. Then the sky above her exploded, the same colors repeating as small ker-thumps sounded from behind the buildings further along the cliff face. The sight was new to her. She had never seen them in action, but she knew they must be the 'signals' the dragons used when something happened. Something bad. They were beautiful, the bright colors, now fading. Each fort signaled the next in line. There would be runners too, quick scouts, and those rare magic communication tablets. Dragons took no chances and used multiple methods of communication when the hive insects were concerned. She knew more about them than she ever wanted to, having oveheard Rahmor talking with his superiors and subordinates. She knew what she was seeing. She just never expected to see it up close.

"Chakal! Ready Tahet for flight, now."

The command shook her out of her frozen state, giving a quick "Yes Master," as she rose up and began to fasten and tighten Tahet's harness. Her hands moved deftly over the heavy leather straps, working the metal buckles and cinching them tight. She worked quickly, feeling Tahet's muscles tensing under her hands, glancing up to see a terrifying look in the big drakes eyes. Hunger. It made the unicorn mare shudder, even if that hunger wasn't directed at her.

"Rahmor! What are you doing?" called out a voice, Fensha coming from around an outlying building, still throwing on her own leathers and buckling them up over her purple dragonhide. Her tail lashed behind her as she strode up, only faltering when the large blue drake swung his head and growled, angry at her approach and tone. She shifted a heavy shield on her shoulder, a sword bouncing on her hip.

"You saw the signal, there's an emergency. Do I need to remind you that I'm the commander of the fast response squads?" said an angry Rahmor, impatient to take off.

"You don't have your support team with you, you can't go out alone," the dragoness said, staying out of range of the drake and needing to yell. "And that's a reason to STAY, not go! You are the Commander now, your place is planning and strategy, and backup if your teams need it. Let them do their jobs."

"My PLACE is out there, killing whatever fucking monstrosity just showed itself. You do NOT tell me MY place! I know damn well where I should be!"

Chakal watched the two dragons yell, her knees quaking at being so near not only a riled up drake, but two dragons as well. She tried to make herself invisible as the two continued their argument.

Fensha snorted, seeing that nothing she could say would turn him back. A dragon knew their place, but dragons didn't always agree where that was. She sighed, "Fine, but let me send some of my troops with you."

Rahmor shook his head, "I don't need some group of untrained dimwits getting underfoot. Tahet will stomp them flat before they can get close. I'm leaving. Keep Chakal safe until I return."

"I'm not her babysitter," grumbled Fensha, taking a step forward and reaching for the unicorn. The dragoness almost grabbed her, before a blue head was suddenly in her face, hot breath washing over her as a deep chest-vibrating growl sent her stumbling back. "Woah... hey... help... Rahmor!"

"TAHET!" snapped Rahmor as he gave a return growl and reached down to grab at the scaled neck of the drake, claws clenching. It would take an axe swung at full strength to make the drake feel pain, but the intent was what mattered, and Tahet slowly closed his mouth, lips still snarling as he hovered his head protectively over the now terrified unicorn. "Fuck. Tahet! Fly. Now! UP!"

The big drake gave a huffing snort, turning to plant his forepaws on either side of his pet and snarled again.

Even in his urgency and need, Rahmor sensed the problem. Years of being paired with the big pale blue drake told him immediately what was wrong. "Chakal! He's not going to leave you here, he knows this isn't our lair and he doesn't think your safe, and I don't have time to convince him. Get on."

Chakal gulped, looking up at the large beast above her. "I... uh... Master.. you want me to go..."

"I want you to do as you are ordered, slave. Get on, now."

Gulping, the unicorn nodded. The big drake might be scary with growls like thunder, but those calm words chilled her even more. "Yes, Master," she managed, getting to her feet and starting to climb on. A whine made her pause, looking to see Tahet giving her an uneasy look, eyes seemingly going from anger to concern to worry and back to that killing lust.

"Oh Tahet," said a visibly frustrated Rahmor. "Take her with us or leave her here, but we have to GO!" Rahmor and Tahet stared at each other until both jerked their heads at the sound of metal clanging on metal.

Fenshel had her shield held out and was banging on it with a gauntleted hand. "Tahet," she said, moving closer to the unicorn, this time instead of grabbing her, she held out the shield, beckoning the unicorn to hide behind it. "I'll protect her. Chakal... come."

Tahet watched with wild eyes, tail slamming into the ground in frustration. He wanted to fight with BLUE. Wanted to kill. But PET was in danger here. He could sense it. They were too close to the bad. This wasn't HOME. His eyes focused on the other small thing, the one that smelled like sex and BLUE. He looked at the female, eyes narrowing as he tried to think, forcing his mind to work. Nothing happened. He snorted in frustration, he wanted to fight, he wanted to protect PET. Wanted... his eyes refocused on the female, and he reached for her.

Fensha considered several options in the split second she had as that large blue paw suddenly came at her. Blocking with her shield, trying to parry with her sword. She knew instantly none of them would save her, and at best would give the drake a minor injury. She braced herself, the paw giving her a hard shove, not the killing blow she was expecting. She erked and stumbled, slamming into the side of the big drake, right next to the trembling Chakal. She panted as the drake gave what she could have sworn was a satisfied nod, then his head swung in the direction of the front. "Uhhh... I think he wants me to go with you, and protect her."

Rahmor took several calming breaths, "I'm not taking some mid-line ground trooper and a fucking UNICORN into battle on my drake! You can't leave, your place is here commanding the fort."

Fensha offered a hand to Chakal, and with hesitation the unicorn took it and stood huddled to the big purple warrior. "If your place is out there, then so the hell is mine. My subordinates know what to do. If the bugs get THIS far in, the whole damn rest of the dragon army will be here and I'll be so far back in the chain of command I might as well go hunt for slaves in the furry capital."

Rahmor stared, his tailtip twitching as he fought conflicting instincts. His place was here, but also there. He had duties to train and plan and make sure his troops and drakes had everything they needed to perform at their best. But there was someone in need, NOW. Anything could be happening. He gave an angry snort, "Chakal, Fensha. Get up here. No time to train you how to properly ride, so you will share the front saddle with my slave."

Fensha gulped as she began to pull herself up, feeling like she was climbing a fleshy mountain. A mountain covered in hard scales and capable of turning her into a bunch of bloody pieces, or a roasted plate of meat. She struggled, but then Chakal was there, guiding her where to step, what straps to use as handholds and which not to. She finally settled herself into the large saddle, her back pressed to Rahmor's chest and the unicorn then squeezing into her lap. As cozy as the situation was, she wondered what she had gotten herself into. It wasn't her first time going to the front, not by far, and with the backup of the big drake she should have been confident. Being helpless under one of those fucking, monsters, trying to literally fuck her was enough to take away anyone's confidence. She didn't doubt her abilities, not even a little, but she knew what they were up against, and as she grunted from the rough and sudden takeoff, she steeled herself for what was to come.


Caves should be dark, cold, full of hard rock, and silent. Glowing, pulsating, sounding of gurgling and squishing and uncomfortably warm was not at all what a cave should be. Sapynier didn't know where the light came from down here, but it was wrong, just like everything else. She had faded in and out of consciousness as her body was fucked, struggling to keep the alien mind out of her. It wasn't really a mind, any more than this was a cave. The thing trying to get inside her head was more a force, distilled hunger, not thinking anything she could recognize as thoughts. Only raw need, the need to consume and spread, and even that was just what she was able to perceive with her tiny mind. Small and helpless, that's what she was, how she felt, trapped inside the body of this thing that had been growing here undetected for who knows how long.

Her body arched as she grunted and mmphed, pussy, ass and mouth filled with the cocks of the warriors formerly under her command, ripped off them or simply mutated into their current form, it didn't matter. They were gone, and soon she would be too. The whispers and aliens sensations were closer now, she could feel them corrupting her. The hive used sex as a weapon. It wasn't raping her for enjoyment, no. She felt no enjoyment from it other than from the simple fact of her capture, and slow absorption into itself. Sex, rape, torture, all were just tools it used without any more thought than she would when picking a particular stone to sharpen her sword.

If she stole the sharpening stones then nobody could keep a good edge on their swords. The came from a quarry near the Capital, she recalled. Could it be collapsed and stop the supply from the source? The hive hated the sharpness of those blades. Cutting her.

"Mrrrrrrrrraaarhmp!" she screamed as she realized the direction her train of thoughts were going. She was a dragoness of the Empire, she was NOT going to help this thing! She wasn't! She would die first. Dying would be good. One less dragon to fight... no! Her body arched and she jerked harder in her struggles, feeling the corruption seeping into her despite all her fighting. It was so hopeless.

The sudden light and bang startled her, and the hive around her, as the tone of it's gurgles shifted. She watched as a bright flare arced into the sky, and her hope soared with that light. Yes! The flare. That stupid thing had gone off. The fuse must have been smoldering up there. Her mouth curved into a frown around the thick cock still thrusting inside it. How did she even see it from down here? She blinked and groaned sickly as she saw double, the cave she was in, and the sky from the surface. "Mrrrmph!" She screamed at the thing to get out of her head, pushing at the visions as the hive made a stronger connection the longer she was trapped in here with it.

You're fucked now! The're coming for you! The fast response drake will be harnessed fast, troops climbing onto it's side and sent to investigate. She will burn you! Burn this whole fucking nest! She giggled madly for several seconds, imagining the fire coming in. Right down that hole the fallen tree uncovered. Oh yes, covering that hole would be a good idea. That drake, yes, a female, she'll land right there. Close, but not on top of that section of the hive closer to the surface. Hmm, if you pulled a few trees down over there she would be forced to land right on top of that. Burn you the fuck out. Be easy prey for the immobilization tentacles. Burn. Burn! Chop those tentacles with those nasty swords. Need to get them away, lure them. A few drones in the woods there would get their attention, make them fear an attack from the woods, yes. Burn everything. Get into her brain. FEED on drake soul. So hungry. Wouldn't THAT be a good shape for a drake feeding tentacle? Oh yes!

Her jaw trembled as she tried to bite the tentacle-cock shoved deep into her mouth, her throat, and cried in anguish at the dark thoughts in her head, plotting her friends ambush. She screamed and railed at those dark thoughts, but there was nothing she could do to force them out. They were hers, after all.


"Down there, that clearing, next to the downed trees," called out Hale's left wing lookout. The sleek Captain gave a nod, calling out to his drake. "Land! There!" The large drake 'ness gave a snort of understanding, dipping her wings down and making a tight spiral. Hale gritted his teeth and hung on, hearing a few troops groaning as the drake dropped and spiraled. He just couldn't break her of that habit, but in this case it was warranted, they needed to land hard and fast. Something had taken out a scouting party, and far too close to the front defenses to be comfortable. Hale grunted as they landed hard, hearing buckles unclipping and feet landing soon after as his drake's troops fanned out in a protective circle. Hale stayed in the saddle, ready to use his drake as a heavy hitter if anything nasty came out of the forest.

He scanned the area, everything looking quiet, no sign of the flares launch. There should be a burned spot somewhere, but there wasn't anything visible. An overturned tree with some oddly piled rocks caught his attention, but before he could order anyone to investigate a shout from his left made him swing his drake about. Something flew from the trees and made a clang against a hastily raised shield from one of the medium troopers. "Fuck, they have some sort of dart shooters in there, probably poison. Clear em out, don't get stung!"

The majority of the troops took off in zig zagging runs, trying to avoid the now steady fire of thorn, or tooth like darts firing from moving shadows behind the trees. One of his men cried out and grabbed his leg, howling in pain as he went down. "Ahhhhhgh! It's fucking eating me...!" Downed, the dragon pulled a slim dagger from his belt and without hesitation stabbed into his own leg, impaling something squirming under the scale patterned hide.

"Shit. Burrowers" swore the captain. If one of them hit a weak spot on his drake it wouldn't kill her, but would hurt like fuck and a wounded, enraged drake was a danger to ally and enemy alike. "Back up girl, burn anything that gets close." He wanted to just burn the treeline, put a barrier between them and whatever was there, but their job was to find and kill the threat, not hide from it. If they burned some of them, the rest would certainly be back.

Reva growled in anger, but obeying as her MATE told her to back away from the fight. Her vision showed her all of the BUGS in the trees, spitting their spawn at her hatchlings. A few had reached the trees and were hacking into the slug like things spitting at her babies, and she watched in satisfaction as one stabbed it's own leg to kill one of the nasty things. Strong! She beamed in pride and made sure to remember to reward that one, then blinked in confusion trying to remember what she was rewarding before forgetting the train of thought completely. Her hatchlings were fighting, such strong fighters for being so small and deformed.

The drake cocked her head, her large tail swishing in anger. Something was wrong, she knew it. There was an itch in her head, tickling at something through the eternal fog of her mind. That fog cleared, only for a split second, and only slightly, just enough time for a split second of near clarity. The ground was all wrong, footsteps sounding too deep, a hint of an echo, the grass at an odd angle as if it had recently shifted or tilted. Danger!

The moment passed as soon as it came, but while Reva didn't now WHY she was alarmed, she still knew something was very wrong. Her wings snapped out, ready to fly when the world caved in around her. Her four limbs tried to run, but the ground was crumbling under her and making her stumble, wings making one attempt at a flap and smacking into the sides of the hole she was falling into with a painful jolt. She roared as she hit hard at a bad angle, pain shooting through one leg as it was caught between a large section of rock that had landed along with the rest of the ground.

Hale cried out at the sudden fall. Fast descents and dives were part and parcel of being a drake rider, but falling when already on the ground wasn't anything he was expecting and he hit the saddle with a breath whooshing ooooofh! A tearing noise beside him froze him for just a moment, the pointed tip of a tentacle had just shot up through his drakes wing membrane, the tip swiveling and jerking to point right at his face with unnatural speed. "Fuuu..." he said as that cone shaped top opened into a wide mouth and clamped over his face and muzzle. 'Keep your mouth shut!' was a command drilled into any dragon fighting the insects, and he had just enough time to realize it was useless advice in this case, his final thought was this thing didn't want him as a slave, it wanted him dead. Then that beaked mouth CRUNCHED down.

The large drake spun her head around at the crunch and SCREAMED in rage, anger and loss as her MATE's head exploded in a crunch of gore and blood. She roared fire at the pointy thing that had killed her MATE, a single belch turning it into a writhing, smoking stump. Everything turned red as she prepared to burn the world, her mind overflowing with rage at anything that dared harm her MATE, wanting revenge wanting DEATH, wanting to burn away the pain of loss and sadness. She inhaled, and her whole body suddenly arched hot fire suddenly stabbed into her in a dozen spots. Deep into that trapped haunch, her belly, twice on one arm, three times along her neck, one into the powerful shoulder wing muscle of her left wing-bone. Her body trembled and she could FEEL the poison flowing into her from the fine, sharp-tipped stabbing tentacles that had emerged from the rubble and from partially collapsed tunnels all around her. She struggled in the hole, not quite deep enough to completely sink into, but deep enough she couldn't jerk or flop out of it. With every thrashing jerk of her body, her struggles became weaker, feeling the poisons working deep into her muscles and body, her head finally thudding down onto loose rocks and dirt as she panted.

Her lips pulled back in a snarl as THINGS began to emerge from the cave. Large, segmented creatures that climbed out around and over her, taking station around the rim of the caved in sinkhole. Warrior insects, taking up a defensive position, a few dealing with the wounded who had been half-crushed in the cave in. She hissed weakly, trying to fight, trying to reach her dying hatchlings, but something else was moving. A large, thick pod on a long sluglike tentacle was crawling out of one of the passageways in the wall of the sinkhole she was trapped in. A purple-green shape like a strange head moving forward, flowing over her tail. She couldn't shake it off, only watching in anger and confusion as it made it's way to hover over the base of her tail.

The venus flytrap like head of the hive grown tentacle slowly opened up, revealing thousands of squirming wormlike tentacles and a dripping, mouth shaped tube in the center. Almost lovingly it lowered and gently pressed itself over the female drake's crotch, making a soft slurping sound as it suctioned itself tightly into place. The drake shifted, her back slightly arching as pleasure flowed into her from the countless squirming, fleshy bits moving over her sex, spreading her, stroking and caressing. That tube mouth pressing down over her most sensitive flesh, feeling her clit worked and massaged, eyes fluttering at the over-stimulation. Confused. Distracted. Aroused. Terrified. Where was her MATE? Her hatchlings? Why weren't they chopping at these things attacking her? Why was she alone? Was anyone coming to help?

Movement closer to her attracted her attention as slimy, sick looking tentacles stretched from dark places, reaching for her. Some of her rage and arousal drained to be replaced by fear, her vision seeing something dark and evil inside those tentacles. Something BAD. She let out a soft whine, all the sensations battering at her, keeping her from fighting back. Confusion was her life, but now even what little of her mind was left to her seemed to be slowly taken away.

In only moments the first of those terrible, squirming things reached her muzzle, a pair of thick tubes with tiny rings of teeth at the front and oozing a greenish slime as they made their way for her nostrils, guided by some unseen hand. She managed a jerk of her head but they moved perfectly in time, their aim undisturbed as they hit their marks and sunk in with a wet squishing noise. The dragoness huffed, feeling that dark evil creeping up her nostrils, working painfully inward until those tiny teeth began to GRIND and chew at weak points in her skull. Blood leaked and bubbled from her nostrils as her eyes went crosseyed from the pain. The helpless dragoness could only huff and weakly squirm as two more slid up along the sides of her face and pushed into her ears. That GRINDING noise filled her world, pain sharp and intense in her head making her want to kill and maim and burn, then only want to crawl back into her shell and hide. Then her eyes went wide as all four penetrated within seconds, and something TOUCHED her brain, her very being. Her world went cold and icy as something reached into her mind. She couldn't feel the tendrils probing deep into her brain, but her soul felt the touch inside her head, and felt that cold reaching into her still tingling and sensitive pussy, entering her through her helpless distraction, turning her arousal and pleasure into something evil and corrupted. Felt that corruption reach deep into her body. Felt those cold, malevolent tentacles in her brain reaching for her soul, and slowly, beginning to feed.


Sapynier cried in deep, wracking sobs as she watched the events unfolding just as she had imagined, just as she had planned. Guilt raced through her as visions of Hale being brutally decapitated before he could give helpful orders to his drake. That poor drake who was now writing in pain and terror, terror she could FEEL, as just as the hive was inside her own head, it was inside the drakes as well. Terror and fear, and something else, something wild, powerful and dangerous lurked in the mind of the great beast above her. The drake's mind was like a minefield, her soul shining bright as dark tendrils of the hive nibbled on loose streamers and bands of energy. But there were dangers, forces the hive shied away from, places it did NOT want to be touched. It would feed on what it could, eating away at the drake's life force until it was a worm-eaten wreck, and then kill it. Yes. There... there was a soft, delicious bit of life to consume.. just reach in there, not to close to THAT part and.. mmm... gods... such power. Even the hives insatable hunger had to take pause when consuming such a delicious morsel.

The dragoness gasped in horror at what she was being forced to do, falling deeper into the hive's control, feeling that poor dragon's mind, he very soul being eaten away. And she was guiding those feeding tendrils, threading a maze, helping her sworn enemy. The drakes ground crew was still alive, but they couldn't do anything. Can't help her, nobody could. She just couldn't fight for much longer, it was so hard... she still wasn't a total slave, she could still HATE what she was doing. But she could feel that part of her slipping, it was only a matter of time. Could feel, just the very edge of something far worse, the fate she feared more than death, more than anything. Liking it.