A New Brother - Part 20

Story by XtigerX on SoFurry

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#22 of A New Brother

A New Brother

IMPORTANT: Please do not read if you are under 18/21 (local law). This story contains gay sex, M/M stuff, if you don't like this sort of thing, please leave. If you are underage, leave, but don't blame me if you stay and get caught reading this, don't say I didn't warn you.

Also, these characters, the story, they are mine, if you want to use my characters, please ask me.

Part 20: Conflicting Emotions

As the papers were being handed out to the students, Troy could only wring his hands together under the desk while trying to steady his nerves. Short rasping breaths escaped his muzzle as the footsteps sounded louder and louder, the inevitable coming closer. His heart thumped against his chest and the muscled feline almost jumped when the figure stopped next to him. Composing himself, or at the very least trying to make it convincing that he was relaxed, Troy feigned a smile as the paper was handed to him, expecting the worst.

"It's okay." Drake's voice whispered next to him, rubbing a hand gently on his arm. "You'll have done fine." Troy nodded but the words wouldn't come to him. Until the teacher in front of them spoke, Troy tried to look anywhere but the paper in his hands.

Noticing their teacher had finished giving out the papers and turning their attention to the board, everyone remained silent. Troy wondered how many were feeling like he did or if he was the only one. "Class, you may turn over your papers. We will now review your grades on the mock exam and the areas that we should cover to help improve your marks."

Hesitantly, Troy turned over his paper and his heart sank.


Standing in the hall, Troy slammed his locker shut while Drake tried his best to comfort him. "A fucking C-. . . I have just two marks above a D grade!"

"It was a challenging exam. I only got a B+."

Troy rolled his eyes and gazed at the dragon. "Only a B+? Drake, I bombed that exam. How the hell am I going to be able to get in to a university or a college? Hell, I might get held back a year and you'll be in the final year after summer picking out your dream university while I'm stuck here in the same place!"

With frustration getting the better of him, Troy started to make his way down the school halls with Drake following and trying to comfort him. He appreciated the gesture, but right now his mind swirled with thoughts of repeated failure. The idea of failing his exams seemed to be more apparent than ever.

"You won't be held back." Drake repeatedly told him, but Troy couldn't see any other outcome.

Stopping by the canteen, Troy dragged a hand over his face. He grimaced and tried to keep himself calm but the weight bearing down on him was beginning to take its toll. His eyes watering, Troy sniffed and looked at Drake. "I'm going to fail. I'm going to be held back and I'll amount to nothing."

A few faces turned to look at him, one of them being John who immediately grinned at the sight of him on the edge of tears.

"Well look at you Troy, blubbering over a bad grade. A C- right? Just barely past a fail right?"

Normally Troy would have silenced him with a swift punch, but the panther couldn't muster any sort of retaliation. Drew held up his paper and Troy turned away when he saw the grade. "Amazing isn't it? I get a B, you almost fail. I guess the muscles is all you're good for. Or does Drake just keep you around to make himself feel more intelligent?"

Troy snarled and wiped his eyes, but before he could retaliate, Drake pulled him away from the onslaught of insults. Troy didn't protest, instead he let himself be taken towards the gymnasium. Checking the locker room door, Drake opened it and slipped inside with Troy, walking with him towards the bench. Taking a seat, he felt Drake wrap an arm around him.

"Drake I'm gonna fail."

"You won't."

"But I am. Look." He held up the paper and sniffed, rubbing his eyes. "I'm freaking out over it."

Drake smiled at him and gently relinquished the paper from his hands. He watched as it was folded neatly and tucked away in to the dragon's pocket. "Now look at me." Obeying him, Troy looked into Drake's eyes. "You will not fail. You're going to do fine because I'm going to help you. You're not alone Troy and you've always got me whenever you need me."

Troy listened and felt Drake's hand squeezing his softly. "I know." The words were spoken softly, but he nodded and leaned his head on his boyfriends shoulder. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You know I'm always going to be there for you."

With a heavy sigh, Troy nuzzled in to Drake's neck and smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too."


Though school had ended, he should have been relaxing. Instead, Max found himself preoccupied with other matters. Sitting in the living room with Jamie, he tried to think of ways to help Aaron and Lily with their money problems. Ever since the snow leopard had woken up, his mind tried to come up with ways in which he could be a help instead of a burden to them. Initially he wondered about talking to them about it, confessing that he knew about the worries they were having, but he could picture the outcome and decided it was better to keep it to himself.

"You've been quiet a lot today, Max."

"Hmm?" Turning to face Jamie, Max just smiled. "Deciding on what to draw next. I was thinking about game characters. Or I can always draw my own."

It was another blatant lie, but Jamie seemed to buy it and returned his focus back to the TV. Max felt the guilt gnawing at him, but he didn't want Jamie to worry. He knew there would be a time when he would have to confess to him, but until that day came, Max wanted to deal with it himself. Mostly because he himself felt responsible for the current predicament. Excusing himself from the living room, Max stepped through in to the kitchen and spotted Lily rummaging about in the fridge.

"Hm? Oh Max, perfect timing. How do you feel about creamy mash and sausages for dinner with gravy?"

Max smiled and took a glass from the cupboard, filling it with water. "Sounds good. In the mood for it?"

Lily just smirked. "Just something simple and filling. Doesn't take too long to make either." Max nodded but the words in his mind echoed a different reason altogether. "Oh damn, low on milk. Max could you run to the shops and grab a carton?"

"Oh sure."

Quickly downing the glass of water, Max went back towards the front door and slipped on his trainers. Noticing Jamie coming towards him, he simply explained what he was doing for Lily. When the dragoness returned, she gave Max the money needed and asked Jamie to help prepare the table. Smiling at the two, Max said he would be right back and slipped out of the door and made his way down the path. Taking the now familiar streets, it took Max a mere ten minutes to reach the store and he thought about his next move. Walking inside and towards to the chilled section, he apologized to a few people so he could have access to the milk. With carton in hand, Max walked back to the counter and waited to hand the money over. Once he got his change, he tried to put on a brave smile and asked.

"Um, I don't suppose you have any part time jobs, do you?"

The cashier raised an eye, somewhat taken aback by his question. "I'm sorry, but there isn't anything at the moment and we can't hire anyone under the age of sixteen."

"Oh right. Thanks anyway." Walking out, Max made his way back home and tried to think of what else he could do. Taking in the surroundings, he glanced at several shops, cafes and restaurants looking for any job adverts in the windows. Occasionally he stepped inside to ask but the answer was the same as before. Feeling defeated that his search turned up zero results, he decided that it was best to return home before Lily started getting worried. Caught up in his own little world, Max barely noticed the Orca Darien until he bumped into him, nearly causing the waiter to drop a plastic tub filled with chalk.

"Sorry! Oh, Max. You okay?"

Nodding quickly, Max returned the question with a smile. "I'm fine. Sorry Darien, I didn't see you there. Kinda caught up in stuff."

"That's alright. You heading home?"

"Yeah. I had to go get some milk." Glancing through the windows of the Lion Pride café, Max saw the large number of patrons inside. "Busy day?"

Chuckling a little, Darien smirked. "Yeah, it's been kept going. Just had to re-write some of the specials on the board. I'm due to finish in just over an hour. Then its back to the dorms."

"No rest for the wicked huh?" Chuckling with the Orca, Max glanced at one of the waitresses gathering plates and Max decided to try his luck once more. "I don't suppose there's any jobs?"

"Jobs? Um, well I don't think so Max. Do you need money or something?"

"Pretty much yeah. E-Even if its washing dishes. I just need to do something cause. . ." Not wanting to divulge the reasons, Max just let out a sigh.

Seeing Darien rub the back of his head, Max knew what the answer was before a single word was uttered. "I'm sorry Max. I don't think there is. But uh, tell you what? I'll take your name and a contact number and hand it to my boss? I don't think you'd be allowed to do much other than wash dishes."

"Better than nothing." Feeling a bit more hopeful, Max wrote down his name and number as neatly as possible on order pad Darien produced from his pocket and handed him a pen.

"I would say a paper route but pretty sure its mainly online now. You know you could try going into a few hotels and asking in there? Just they're busy places and unsocial hours. But they always like an extra dishwasher or a runner when it gets busy."

Handing the pad back to him, Max nodded. "You worked in one before?"

"Nah. My aunt does though and she's told me enough about what can go on in those places so I think I'll stay away from there. Anyway, better go back in. I'll see you later Max."

"Yeah. See you. And thanks."

Watching Darien go back inside the café, Max continued his way back home. As the busy streets of the city gave way to the quieter suburbs, Max tried to keep his hopefulness in check. There was no guarantee he would get the job, but he knew it was a start and anything he could do to help with the finances was better than just sitting down and hoping it would go away by itself.

Returning to the house, Max quietly slipped inside and returned to the kitchen. He smiled as Lily asked him what took so long while Jamie was focused on mashing the potatoes. Handing the milk over to her, Max just shrugged. "It was a nice day."

"Well just don't take so long. I worry about you."

"Sorry. Do you need me to help with anything?"

Lily shook her head as she took the milk, adding some to the pot that Jamie was trying to make mashed potatoes. "No, Jamie and I have got this."

"Alright." Max smiled and just shrugged when Jamie looked at him as though the fox was silently asking why he wasn't getting made to prepare dinner. Retreating from the kitchen, Max took a seat on the couch and allowed himself to smile. He may not have been successful, but he was content with what little progress he had made.


Rei sat by the edge of the pool, dipping his feet in the water wondering why Mark brought him out here. During dinner, Mark had said he wanted to speak to him about an important matter and it started to turn the gears in the young teens mind about what it could be. Conjuring a vast array of scenarios, Rei wondered if it was due to the blowjob he gave his brother a while he slept many weeks ago, the thought of which made his stomach tighten and his sheath to stir. Or if Mark was going to say something about some new food recipe he had come up with. Now he was by the pool and Mark was sitting next to him, simply staring into the water.

Seeing Mark wasn't about to say anything, Rei decided to initiate the conversation. "You know, I thought you had something to say. Or are we just soaking our feet?"

"It's uh. . . little bit hard to say."

Rei noticed his brother's expression. A longing to confess something but he wasn't sure how to go about it. "Why? Am I going to freak out?"

"Maybe? Don't worry, we're not moving and dad's still flying from here to god knows where and nothing's happened to mom. Listen Rei, you and I have been pretty close for a long time. It's really always been me and you and I don't want to upset you."

"Oh my god."


Smirking, Rei put a hand on Mark's shoulder. "You've fallen for me. That's so cute. Don't worry, we can go up to your room right now." Laughter started to escape from him and although a small part of him wished that would come true. Mark pushing him to pool told him otherwise. Once the world had stopped spinning, Rei breached the surface. "Hey, I was joking."

"Uh huh. Yeah. I'm trying to be serious here."

"I can tell. It's making me wait ages." Pulling himself out of the pool, Rei took off his now soaked shirt and jeans, letting out a groan of distaste as he peeled the denim away from his body. Sitting in his boxers, he glanced at Mark. "You better get me a towel. So, what's the issue?"

Mark sighed and tapped his fingers along the pool's edge. "I've been seeing someone. A girl from my Home Ec. class. She's uh. . . she's funny and sweet. I quite like her."

Rei nodded. "So that's it huh? I was expecting something a bit more dramatic."

"What like me being in love with you?" Mark just chuckled and shook his head. "It's not like we're in some terrible soap tv show. I mean I do love you as a brother. I pretty much have to. But it was really because it's always been me and you. And I don't know what it was going to be like if I changed that dynamic. What if you don't like her? Or we aren't as close anymore?"

Rei shrugged. "We'll still see each other daily. Can't change that. And you do realise it could have been me bringing someone home?"

Mark smiled at him. "Yeah it could have been. I have to stop treating you like a kid."

"Please do. So when do I meet her?"

"I'll bring her round tomorrow. She likes cooking as much as I do. She loves baking cakes and other sweets. But her name is Robyn. I think you'll like her."

"I'll take your word for it. Now about that towel?"

Once Mark got up and returned to the house, Rei let the words sink in. With a heavy sigh, he bit down softly on his bottom lip. Emotions swelled up inside him, happiness for his brother and despair for not being able to have him were conflicting with one another, raging in to a full-on war. Slipping under the water, Rei tried to process it all. When he returned to the surface, Mark stood there with a towel in hand, grinning from ear to ear.

"She's going to come over tomorrow."


Mark put the towel down and held up Rei's swimming shorts. "And put these on if you're going to swim. Don't need to see you wandering around the house naked after they've fallen off."

Trying to squash his disappointment, Rei grinned and pushed himself out of the pool. He was determined to prove to himself that he wasn't bothered by the fact Mark had been seeing someone else in secret. With a thumb under the waistband of his boxers, he pulled them down and kicked them away and folded his arms. "Is that because I'm much better looking?"

Rei laughed as Mark put a hand over his face. "Oh for gods sake Rei, put your shorts on."

Rei walked over and picked them up, swishing his tail from side to side. He wasn't quite sure why he was showing off so much in front of Mark, but he put it down to the fact he wanted Mark to himself. Turning around, he just walked back to the pool and dropped the trunks to the floor. "Nah, too hot. Just like I am."

"Yeah yeah, keep telling yourself that." Mark uttered, turning his gaze away.

Making sure to show off his sheath and balls, Rei smirked. "Maybe your girlfriend will see how good I am?" He was trying his best to expose his crotch to Mark, doing what he could to make himself desirable. Carefully he tried to see if Mark was looking at him and he carefully tried to put himself back in the line of sight.

Mark however seemed to be having none of it and spoke with a harsher tone than normal. "Sure. And maybe I'll drown you in the pool. So put your shorts on."

Sighing, Rei picked them up and slipped them on slowly. His wet fur made it harder to pull them up but he didn't mind that he could still expose himself and hope something would come of it. "Alright. Jeez Mark, take a joke."

"Just don't do anything like that whenever she's round okay?"

"Okay, I won't." Once the shorts were on, he looked at Mark and muttered. "Sorry."

"It's okay. You want some ice cream?"

Picking up the towel, Rei gave himself a quick dry and nodded. Walking back into the house, he could feel the disappointment welling up inside him. Trying at least one more time, he forced a chuckle as he took a seat. "You have to admit something though."

"What's that?" Mark asked him as he brought out the ice cream tub from the freezer.

"I look good."

Snickering, Mark took the bowls from the cupboard and sat them on the counter. "Alright, I'll give your ego a boost. You looked good."

Rei leaned back in his chair. "You could at least say it genuinely."

"Maybe one day. For now, have some ice cream."

Taking the bowl, Rei wanted to ask a few more questions, mainly if he could see Mark naked. He already had several times before, but his desires were getting the better of him. He could feel his heart racing and his shorts getting tighter as his cock grew to full mast as the thoughts ran rampant through his head. He wanted to ask those questions and hope it would lead to something more, specifically in the bedroom. But as he sat there at the table eating ice cream, he held them back and allowed Mark to speak about Robyn. He admitted she did seem charming and Mark couldn't stop himself from saying things about her. Despite his lust, Rei wanted Mark to be happy and didn't want to be the one to get in the way.

When the ice cream was finished, both brothers headed upstairs towards their rooms. Standing at his door, Rei turned to Mark and called for him. "Mark? You won't push me away right?"

With a smile that comforted Rei a little, Mark spoke softly. "I won't. You're still my little brother."

"Thanks." Seeing Mark walk into his room, Rei decided it would be better to simply relax for the rest of the night and get some rest. But as the minutes ticked by, Rei found himself laying in bed awake and pondering over the current predicament. He knew Mark wouldn't push him away but he found it hard to picture someone else in their lives. It was an eventuality, however Rei wasn't sure if he was ready to face it yet.

Sitting upright, Rei glanced at the clock on his phone and saw it was a few minutes after one in the morning. The house was silent and except for the odd car driving by, everything was silent. His mind raced as he thought of next move carefully. Getting out of bed, Rei opened the door and checked the hallway. No lights were on and as he moved towards Mark's door, he listened carefully for any signs that he might be awake. Hearing nothing, Rei gingerly opened the door to his brother's room and tiptoed inside, seeing a familiar sight.

Mark lay there in bed, deep asleep and as Rei moved closer, he never stirred once. Seeing the grip on the sheets was loose, Rei carefully pulled them back. His hands shook a little and he held his breath for a few moments until Mark's boxers were visible. Carefully, Rei fondled the outline of his brother's sheath and waited for a reaction. When nothing came except the soft breathing, Rei took the next step and undone the buttons. His own cock was throbbing and begging for release while he carefully pulled Mark's balls and sheath through the opening.

As he started to caress the sheath, Rei pulled his own boxers down and stroked himself. He mumbled to himself softly. "I still love you, just wish it was always us. At least for a little longer." Continuing to run his fingers along Mark's sheath, Rei leaned down and kissed it, lapping softly as the tip started to emerge. Running his tongue along Mark's engorging cock, Rei took it in to his maw and let Mark grow to full mast while he sucked softly, bobbing his head back and forth. His stomach tightened and he prayed Mark wouldn't wake up to see him like this. But every time he pushed back down, taking the length in to his throat, his desire grew. As the pre from Mark's tip started to run, Rei swirled his tongue around the tip eager to get a taste.

Glancing up, he could see Mark mumbling in his sleep, letting out soft moans, but he stayed deep in his dreams letting Rei continue with the blowjob. As he built up the rhythm, Rei bobbed his head back and forth faster and faster, wishing Mark would grab him and thrust. Greedily Rei slurped around the cock, getting it slick as it glided in and out of his throat. He stroked his own cock furiously and pulled off Mark's member, feeling his own climax building. Moving as close as he dared, Rei covered his mouth with one hand and tried to contain his own orgasm. Hot seed erupted into his hand in several bursts, the thick cum running down over his own length. Removing his hand away from his mouth, he panted softly and watched as his brother continued to sleep. His cock twitched and small amounts of cum oozed from his tip, dripping down on to Mark's sheath.

"Fuck." Grabbing his boxers, Rei started to clean himself up but as he glanced at Mark, another thought came to him. With his cum soaked hand, Rei gently wrapped it around his brother's member and started stroking. "Damn I want you." Grinning, Rei moved his hand away and took his brother's member back into his maw, sucking softly again. He didn't mind the taste of his own seed but he was eager to taste Mark again. As the moans grew louder, Rei sucked harder and pushed the cock deep as possible into his throat. A sudden rush of hot cum made him pull back and forced him to swallow. He didn't realise Mark was that close but the feeling of the thick seed rushing into his maw caused him to moan softly. Pulling back, Rei swallowed and panted. "Damn."


Looking down at his sibling, Rei picked up boxers and started cleaning him up as gently as possible. As he slipped off the bed, Rei fastened the underwear and pulled the duvet back over Mark. Smiling a little, Rei sighed. "I love you bro."

Heading back out of the room with his cum stained boxers, Rei stopped only for a moment when Mark mumbled. ". . .love you too."

Checking that Mark wasn't awake, Rei paused for a few moments until he was sure that his brother was still sleeping. With his heart racing, Rei made his way back to his room and sat on the bed. "Fuck, I do love him. Damn it all." Crawling back into bed, Rei forced himself to drift off to sleep as he wondered what the coming days would bring.

And that's part 20. Sorry for the long wait folks, work among other things and commitments just get in the way. Hopefully I've not turned the story dull for anyone.