Cousin's perfect plan

Story by srcoyote on SoFurry

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#5 of Ricky's luck

Jai all amiwo, a new chapter of Rick's adventures. Now trying a new style: Thick paragraphs. As always, feel free to tell me what you think of my work. More short stories coming.

Have a good day and remember: swallow is love!

Edit: 1.2:

-Now you can read it!

Simon turned the page of the book he was reading while the wet sound of a lick followed the movement of the paper. The wolf looked over the edge of the book and raised an eyebrow, crossing his sight with Rick's that was with the lupine dick buried till the throat. Both males were resting on the wolf's bed, Simon completely naked and Ricky fully dressed and moving his tail while he looked his boyfriend.

In a soft movement the wolf put a side the book, closed his eyes and moaned. Immediately the hyena dropped the wolf dick and looked at him "I knew you would love it!". And after that comment Simon began to laugh "I was joking... honey, we fucked three times last night! Where in your fucking mind did you think I'd want to cum? Give me a rest, my little Simons aren't unlimited!".

Rick frowned and jumped onto his boyfriend and hugging him rough enough for suffocate him "Grrr fucking fag! you are a weak fucking fag, Simon!". The wolf struggled and rolled with the hyena in the bed while his dick was dripping with precum and spit the sheets "Nooo! leave me alone! You are choking me!". The hyena ignored the cries and further tensed his arms around the lupine neck "I'm releasing you from your pathetic life!".

When Simon heard that he began to laugh and cough, Rick softened the wrestling embrace "Are you okay?". The wolf stopped cough and kissed his boyfriend in his lips "Yeah, it's just that you sounded like a religious fanatic and it was so fucking funny". Rick chuckled and both kept kissing and hugging a while more.

"Hun, are you staying for dinner?" Asked the wolf, looking at the roof. "I would love to... but my cousin is coming tonight to stay some days and I want to spend some time with him" Said the hyena, jumping from the bed and beginning to fix his hair.

Simon sat on his bed, took his pants and began to dress "So... two hyena boys from the same family? That would be a hot sight..." Rick's ears tinkled, turned to his boyfriend with a big and pervert smile "Sure, something new for revive our relationship. But first we should try switching roles... I don't care pierce that fluffy wolf ass... In fact, we should try it right now" Said the boy unzipping his pants and approaching slowly to the wolf, who smiled nervously. "You know... we are very good, it is ridiculous fall in all those weird fashions and superficial shits... we are absolutely fine, no need to do those things, nop, nothing".

The hyena zipped up again his pants chuckling "Shame to hear that, my brave alpha. Escort me to the door, please. I wouldn't like to catch one of those weird ideas around the way".

Simon finished dressing and accompanied his guy outside the house, the nocturne sky was clean and a soft wind was caressing the fur of both males "You really not want I take you home?" asked the lupine. "No, it's fine, you were acting like a taxi all the week for me, I'll walk this time, it won't kill me" assured Rick and after a warm hug and a deep kiss they said goodbye.

The night was quiet, not many people were walking in the streets. Rick had to move from one end of the city to the other, it was at least two and half miles, a thursday night with a holiday friday coming.

The walk made think Rick: this gonna be the first weekend without Simon since that night in the Barkford's house when he was knotted in more than one way by the older of the wolf brothers, three months from that lovely evening and the hyena still didn't know what think about Simon, he was a good man and he love to spend time with him, but that felt like a light dream about to finish.

The sudden sound of the leafs made him wake up from his daydream, he was at the half of his way, in the middle of a little square, a bust from a national hero, four bench and many trees, a green and quiet stop for the pedestrian, but with a weird detail that called the attention of Rick: a little silhouette, it looked like if someone need help and without doubt the boy got close.

The scene was a bit shocking for Rick, a cheetah guy of his age was lying on the floor, his face was bruised, a thread of blood falling from his nose and one of the sleeve of his jacket was broken. "Liam!" exclaimed the hyena, kneeling at his side and moving him with both hands "Can you hear me?!".

The feline pushed Rick and shouted at him "Don't fucking touch me!". The hyena gave him space and tried to calm him "Take it easy man, it's me, Rick!".

The cheetah sat, cleaned his blood with his sleeve and hidden his face between his legs "You come to mock of me?". Rick got close a bit more his head for hear him and responded with the softest tone he could "No, man, I was walking home. Tell me what happened, who did this to you?".

The other boy raised his head and murmured "Your fucking friend, Ronny". The hyena put a hand on the feline's back "Why he did this? I knew he is a jerk but not like this...".

Liam raised his sight to find Rick's own "I did nothing! He thought I was looking his girl but I was just walking...".

The hyena took a bag of paper tissues from his pocket and offered it to the feline "So he is acting like the guardian dog of his bitch". Accepted the paper, the cheetah cleaned the blood from his nose and stand up "Thanks... I guess... I go to my house, see you later".

"Wait, let me accompany you" exclaimed the hyena. Liam nodded and both began to walk.

It was a silent trip, both males were classmates for three years but the contact never advanced more than some class work and that dick comparison some months ago. Liam was a good boy, low profile, nothing interesting and not much open to the others, all that added to being a big cat had made Rick don't want to approach to him, the hyena never felt comfy around felines, a weird prejudice that he had develop in his childhood with the boys of his neighborhood.

Luckily the cheetah's house was close and before twenty minutes of walk and talk they reached it. "You know... Ronnie is my friend but if he did this, you should go to the police" said the hyena while the feline was looking for his key. "Thanks for all Rick... but I don't want more troubles with that guy" Liam said.

After that the feline gave his hand and entered his house. Rick waited a moment, thinking about what happened, is true that his friend had being acting like an idiot the last months... but attack like a beast to a weak boy like Liam 'Should I speak with him?'

After that question he moved again to the streets, walking slowly, with his mind deep in his thoughts. In a flash he reached the square where he found the cheetah and thought again: 'I'll not speak with him, he is my friend but is an adult too, he is responsible for his acts and if he want to talk we'll talk, if not I won't push in his life'.

The steps in the night drove Rick to a new neighborhood, the streets still were of earth and the houses were all the same, little, door and windows protected with metal bars and just two of them were painted. This places were known as municipal neighborhoods, planned for the families without own house and that his income don't permit them ask for a loan big enough for buy a land and begin a build.

The hyena took his keys and open the door, the house was silent. Looks like his parents were already sleeping but there were some light and sounds coming from his room. He approached and there were sat in the floor of the room his little brother, Marcos, playing video games and in one of the bed another hyena with his face filled of piercings, they crossed sights and the boy in the bed stuck out his tongue "COUSIN!!!" shouted Rick, jumping over him.

The other hyena protected himself with his arms and when he felt the weight of his cousin crashing against him, he crossed both arms around the neck of Rick while began to nibble his ear "Fucking bitch don't do that!! You are not light!" growled Rick's cousin with his mouth filled of ear fur.

"I missed you a lot, slut!" chuckled Rick and bit the nipple of the other hyena, feeling another metal piece with his teeth. "Auuu auu auu! time! stop! drop it! I give up!" cried the boy and let it go the neck of his cousin.

Rick laughed and left the nipple and exclaim "Fuck, man! You pierced there too! What's next, your dick?". An uncomfortable silence was make between the young and the guest smiled, Rick's jaw dropped, his eyes grow and let out a whine "Nooo! Show me!".

The other hyena laughed and lowing his hands unzipping his pants, he took dick with one hand showing it: a medium size penis with four metal bars crossing it from the bottom "It's not the big deal" said the guy.

In that moment Marcos up his ears and turned his head to the other two boys "What?! Your pierced your di..!" but before he could finish the sentence a pillow flew and crashed on his face "Your eyes in the game, rat" grunted Rick while his cousin zipped back his pants.

Both teens left to the kitchen while the young keep playing in the room. Rick took two cans of beer from the fridge and shared one with his cousin "Was a good travel Nick?".

The pierced hyena sat and opened the can, taking a sip "It was terrible, man! a baby from a close seat was crying all the road!". Rick laughed and drank from his beer "And why Sussy did not come with you?".

Nick thought for a moment and spoke "She said something about having problems with her boyfriend and that she'll kill him or something like that... you know her... despotic pussy". Rick snorted and took another sip "Uff... yeah, poor guy".

The other hyena burp "And you, bro? what are the news?". Rick thought, got comfy in his chair and murmured with his cheeks turning a bit red "I got in love with a male wolf that have a knot of the size of a tennis ball". Nick spat all the beer and laugh "Ha ha ha! I knew you was a fucking faggot too! Love you, cousin!".

Rick laughed too "Ha ha! Fuck yourself, man! I think is a family tradition... You, me... just hope Marcos like pussy or the family will not see the next century".

In that moment Nick smiled viciously and spoke in a dark tone: "Talking about family... I found a very interesting VHS of our progenitors having... fun". The other teen raised an eyebrow "Nick... our fathers always boast about all the adventures they got fucking girls in the college...".

Rick's cousin was moving his head from one side to the other, denying slowly, while his grin just grew "There are not girls in that video, cousin... just two males and one of them end with a very hurted and open hole...".

The other boy got shocked, trying to process the info while kept looking the mouth from where had come that monstrous revelation "That... but... how? w-who was the bottom?".

Nick gave a last drink to his beer and put the empty can on the table "Who do you think?". Rick scratched his head thinking "Well... my dad is four years old than uncle Tyler, and he is like... one feet bigger, so uncle Tyler must have been the bitch".

Nick used his fingers to make a circle of the size of his eye and showed it to the other hyena "Like this...". "Like this what?" asked confused Rick. The other boy, without stop smiling, said: "Like this ended the hole of uncle Alex! Ha ha ha! Oooh man... and the cum... you need to see that! He was filled like a thanksgiving turkey! That... was a little gross... my dad cum like a horse".

Rick swiftly covered his ears "Okey! Stop! Too much info! My dad was the bottom, I got it!". And Nick laughed harder, resting both hands on his stomach till a height figure entered walking in the room.

A male hyena of seven feets in his forties almost fifties, dressed with just a pair of black boxers, was just stand there, looking at the teens "Boys... It's two a.m. and the people is trying to sleep". Nick dropped his ears "Sorry uncle Alex, my fault".

The old hyena took a glass and drank some water "And Rick, since your cousin is here, you'll sleep in the couch" after said this, he just turn and left to his room.

While Rick's father was leaving, Nick made again the circle with his fingers and let out his pierced tongue, laughing in silence. Rick just showed him is middle finger, growling.

Minutes later both teens left to sleep and when Rick closed his eyes, trying to get comfy in the couch, he saw clearly an image of his father being fucked and filled by his uncle... definitely a close family... brothers holding between them... you get it? holding... from behind...

The next morning began early for Rick. A little finger was touching his ribs until he turned in the blankets and looked, half opening his eyes, a little hyena was there "What? Can't fucking let me sleep?" asked growling the bigger brother.

"Mom said you have to go and buy vegetables" talked Marcos and kept disturbing his brother. "Okey..." grumbled Rick, threw the blankets and sat on the couch, scrubbing his eyes and yawning.

He extended his arm and took his pants from a nearby chair and left to the bathroom to pee and wash his teeth. After that, Rick was to his room and began to move his cousin who was sleeping in one of the beds "Wake up, we have go to buy" said the hyena while was pulling from one of the piercings in Rick's nipples.

The sleeping guy grumbled "No... you have to..." giving the back to his cousin. Rick knelt and whispered at the ear of Nick "You know... when I talked to my boyfriend about you he made a joke about fucking with both hyenas..."

The morning sun was blinding the both teen while they were walking to the market. The day was a bit windy so both were with light jackets. "Then... is he a wolf with a fat knot and want with both at the same time?" said Nick, walking with his hands in the pockets.

"Maybe... if you are a good cousin and I don't have to touch a single dish in the week..." answered Rick with an evil smile. "Fine... lazy ass... some dishes don't be a problem if I back home with a hurted hole" grumbled the other hyena.

While the guys were buying potatoes, Rick took a medium size lemon and show it to his cousin "Is something like this". Nick looked weird till he understood "Oh! fuck! I never had something like that in my ass".

Rick gave back the lemon and asked: "Really? But don't you was with a husky the last year?". "Yeah... but he was only bottom... so bored, he don't even liked being sucked, he was a jerk" said Nick, remembering his ex.

"Sorry man, I thought he was a good boy" the hyena apologized while took in his bag some spinach. "Don't worry... just remember: If the guy is cute, have a car, wealthy family and use cocaine, run, he is a jerk, a hundred percent jerk, with title of jerk, jerkborn and studying for a postgraduate in idiot" grunted, picking tomatoes without look what was choosing.

"How you don't see your mate as a cute guy? I mean... is the guy who will fuck with you, no?" asked Rick.

The other hyena raised an eyebrow "Well... you can always fuck for hate and think about how ugly is the fucking idiot". With a bunch of parsley, Rick stayed listening his cousin "Well... that sound a bit... sick. I don't think I can fuck without a bit of dear for the other person" Then he stopped a moment thinking again, remembering the encounter with that thug wolf in the club and he added "But a forced fuck is more... possible".

Nick looked at his cousin with intrigue "Do you fucked forced with someone? Did that wolf rape you or what?". Rick laughed and, while they finished buying, he told Nick all his adventure in the club.

"You betrayed me, bald. For the power granted by The Lord of Horses, who rape me with his holy dick beyond the sea, I sentence you to death" And after this words the queen made sounds like a bird, moving her arms and immediately her powerful lizard-chicken jumped in front of the bald man, opened his peak and threw a gush of fire, burning the poor bald crow.

In the middle of the lunch Rick's mother interrupted the tv and talked, looking at his nephew and eldest son "What are you gonna do today, kids?".

Rick thought for a moment "Well... I had planned meet Ronnie and go to drink something and maybe play videogames all the night". Rick's mother thought too, remembering old times "Some things never change. When we were young all the hockey team meet in Monica's house to eat, drink and talk about guys".

Rick laughed and answered "And for share phone numbers!". The mother hyena grumbled with both hands in her waist "We was cool at our own way, young one. And no needed have cell phone for that!".

Rick's father looked at his wife, chewing a piece of meat, and commented "Yeah, in our time we no needed cell phone for have fun, we had cars!".

The female hyena turned the look to her husband and pointing with her fork "Shut up, you rich boy! Nobody had cars at seventeen!".

"But my brother and I had cars!" talked back the hyena father. In that moment Marcos hugged his mother and said: "Is dad a rich man?" and his mother replied: "No honey, he just a dad's puppy". "With a car!" said Rick's father, crossing his arms.

After the lunch the mother hyena left to her work, Alex began to clean dishes, Marcos left to his room and both teens stayed in the table. "So... let's take a bath and leave?" asked Rick to his cousin. Nick got up from his chair and nodded "I go first!".

Other hyena smiled "Why we don't bath together?". And while he was cleaning the dishes, Rick's father talked "That's fun, your father and I bathed together till the college". Nick raised an eyebrow and made a circle with his fingers behind his uncle, at the height of his ass "Sure, why not?".

The stream of warm water was beginning to raise steam when Nick put a foot inside the shower, followed by the rest of his naked body that immediately began wetting, from his hair and mane the water descended through his torso, crossing his flat stomach and collecting in his pubic hair, warming and lubricating his dick and balls, making raise his manhood, creating a tip where the water ended his way.

At the behind of Nick came in his cousin. Rick was a bit more taller than him and looking them together and naked you could notice it very easy. Rick took a moment getting wet and admiring the damp body of his cousin. He raised with this guy, they shared many good moments since childhood, sometimes in many families the cousins are like a good or bad childs that you see every christmas or every weekend, when you share family time in a dinner, but this two guys had many nice memories and had a strong bond.

Nick gave the soap and his cousin began to clean his back skin, the warm hands of Rick on his skin felt weird, this made him ask "Are we really gonna do this?". Rick kept soaping the other hyena's back and answered "Only if you want".

Nick turned back his head, looking at his cousin's face smiling "Hehe, we share all, no?". Rick hugged him from behind, resting his snout over Nick's shoulder "Yeah cousin, we share all, and I'm sure that Simon and you'll enjoy this". Nick licked with the tip of his tongue the cheek of his cousin "And will you enjoy it?".

The hands of the taller hyena, that were resting on Nick's stomach, slowly went down till reach the guy's groin, one took the pierced dick, pulling back the foreskin and the other holding his warm and wet balls "Don't worry cousin, I'll have my fun too. And have to admit that... I'm a bit eager for tonight".

Nick moaned a bit when he felt his cousin's hands touching him, then he moved one of his hands for touch the firm Rick's ass "If you are so eager we could have some action right now". With his half-erected dick, Rick put the tip between the other hyena's buttocks "What you have in mind?".

Nick dropped a soft laugh, turned his body, hugged his cousin and kissed it, putting his pierced tongue inside of the taller hyena's mouth, a different warm feeling was shared between the teens, something more intimate, a secret wish that finally came true and as it came it ended "That's something for repeat..." said smiling the smaller hyena while he knelt in the shower, having his face at the height of his cousin's dick.

Rick caressed Nick's cheek and grinned "Show me that dick sucker expertise, cousin". Nick ignored that last commentary and put his sight over Rick's junk, it was a soft piece of meat, a bit smaller than him, hard to say how much cause it still wasn't fully erect.

The smell was soft with a bit of sweat, just like his owner. Nick gave it a slow lick from the end of the balls till the tip of the meat tube and masturbated it a bit till it was fully hard. Now he could assure that it was smaller that his own dick, like one full inch less. "Nice dove you have here" said Nick before lick a drop precum over the tip of the dick that was salty and now gooey.

With joy, the knelt hyena engulfed the penis and began to suck it. Rick huffed and stretched back his neck while with his hands caressed his cousin's ears. With each suck, Nick was putting a bit more of hyena meat in his mouth, now without foreskin covering the head and more precum dripping over his tongue, the prize was getting close, he could said that for the moans of his cousin.

The pierced hyena left the dick for a moment and looked up "You don't lied, horny dog!". Rick grumbled, took his cousin's head and guided it back to his manhood, locking it with strength and beginning to push with his hips.

Nick closed his eyes and try to not gag while pre painted his mouth, with his tongue making like a meat carpet that never stopped the caressing on the dick. One especially strong thrust, that made Nick drop some tears, let him felt the pulsing member while the warm streams of cum filled his throat.

Even then Rick don't let go his head and had to enjoy how the thick and hot cream fall swiftly to his stomach, like a long drink of hyena's soup. Rick huffed again and left Nick's head while he was coughing, with threads of milk falling from his snout.

The water kept falling over the teens, Rick was cleaning his head and mane while his cousin was soaping his armpits and groin. Before rinse himself, Nick hugged from behind his cousin and whispered at his ear "Who was that rough Ricky that fucked my face like a beast?".

The taller hyena blushed and rinsed his head "I was a bit horny and it was you...". Nick tickled the ribs of his cousin "Come on! Don't disappoint your slutty dad and be a good bitch! Not alpha males allowed!". Rick laughed and nudged his cousin "You'll get along with Simon... both jerks from head to foot".

When both cousins reached the room the little hyena was fighting a hard boss in Crossed Claws III and can't notice the naked teens, anyway it's not like he wasn't used to that, he had a lot of confidence with his brother and they shared the room since ever.

While Rick was dressing a pair of blue undies, Nick was looking clothes in the closet and had an idea "And if we dress equal?". Rick raised an eyebrow "Why...?". Nick took two black shirt and dropped them in the bed "Use that little brain! He want two hyenas ¿no? Why don't we give him two twins hyenas?".

The taller male shrugged "Sure... I'll be the cute twin and you the future homeless". Nick laughed "Deal!".

In that moment Marcos turned his head looking at his brother and asked "Will you go to your boyfriend's house?". Rick nodded to his little brother "Yeah, but don't said that, remember that mom and dad don't know about my boyfriend".

The little hyena raised his thumb "Okey... Can I have your teddy bear for sleep?". Rick took his bear and threw it to the child's face "Use it but don't drool over it".

The clock announced five afternoon and both teens, fresh and shining, began their road to the Barkford's house, with a soft wind caressing their fur. High expectations of the incoming night, a promise of fun, carnal desires and wolf knot.