Rossy and the Train

Story by Archibyte on SoFurry

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My second upload! This one is far kinkier, and was made as a gift for a very kinky friend. It's shorter than the last one, but it was intended to be even shorter than it ended up being.


On a busy afternoon, Rossy the deer boarded a busier train. He took a quick look around the cabin, at all the pantsless anthros, wearing nothing but shirts or some other accessories. He didn't mind, he was wearing the same after all. He got into a comfy seat, checking his phone (which had been stored in his shirt pocket). He had a few texts from a friend, a few being just from this minute. He looked down the cabin and notice said friend standing there on their phone. The moth waved to him, and he just shook his head and turned his phone off. They pouted, putting their own phone away and thinking up a mischievous little idea.

A few minutes passed, Rossy shifting uncomfortably in his seat as his bowels suddenly felt uncomfortably full, along with the quickly increasing need to urinate. He groaned, a bit confused at first. He had used the bathroom just minutes before boarding the train! Realization suddenly dawned on him, it wasn't the first time something like this had happened: The moth had some tricky magic, and had done the same thing to him before. Last time though it was the two of them home alone, but now he was on a crowded train.

He stood up and nearly fell over, his stomach and bladder bulging outwards and beginning to glow a bright yellow, heating up rapidly and growing larger. A few people started to stare but didn't think too much of it, even as he started to make his way down towards the bathroom. He struggled to keep himself from bursting, one hand on his stomach and the other pressing against his groin. He practically shoved a few people over in his rush, drawing even more unwanted attention.

He could feel a few drops of the glowing, hot fluid wetting his hand while his tailhole struggled to stay clenched, his running slowing to a mere waddle, his knees pressed together. Some people seemed to realize at least something about what was happening, getting out of his way, but none trying to help him.

He reached the little bathroom at the back, trying to open the door. But to his horror, it was locked. He hadn't noticed the moth going into it earlier. He couldn't make it. There was no other bathroom he'd be able to get in until the train stopped, and even though that'd be in five or so minutes, that was way too long for him.

"Fuck!" he shouted, unintentionally getting even more people to look at him. His cock released first, the yellow, glowing fluid pouring from him as if he were pissing normally. He squatted down a bit, one hand on the door as the other pushed against his bulging stomach, his legs quivering as he began to push elsewhere. His tailhole began to spread, the smooth, stiff, and incredibly hot glowing shit starting to slide out of him.

There were several different sounds from the other passengers, things like disgust, curiosity, and amusement. Only one or two found it arousing, but they hid that fact well. The puddle of the magic urine quickly grew, going past his feet and starting to spread further around the floor, a long log of glowing shit slowly slipping from his tailhole. All of those who found it interesting enough to not move away were the ones who began to laugh and point, some even pulling their phones out and starting to record.

The pain from holding so much in subsided but he didn't seem any emptier. His bladder staid steadily full even as he pissed all over the floor but his bowels only grew fuller, the moth giddily adding more to him as they tried to hold back their laughter from inside the bathroom. The glowing shit pushed out of his ass in one long log, not breaking off even if he tried to clench. At first it was only an inch or two thick but it gradually got as thick as his arm, the speed it grew keeping it from hurting too badly. They stopped filling his bladder, letting it empty for real.

Against his wishes, the feeling of so much sliding out of his overly-filled ass, despite the people laughing at him, he began to get erect and his eyes started to tear up from the humiliation of it all. A rather large pile of shit had formed on the floor at the point and was only growing larger, glowing brightly. It didn't smell bad but the point remained that he was still shitting it out, his legs getting weak. He held onto the doorknob, probably the only thing keeping him from falling down.

The train came to a stop and plenty of people rushed off, only two getting on, one of which got back off after what they saw. He didn't have the ability to get off himself though, all the strength in his legs gone as he finally fell onto his rump and rolled onto his back, smearing the glowing shit into his fur and getting wet from the urine. It didn't stop though, still coming out of him quite fast even once he stopped pushing.

He whimpered loudly, his stomach swollen painfully large, his tailhole too tight to get all of the shit out. To keep his stomach from bursting, things began to go the only other way they could: up. He groaned as he felt his stomach and esophagus begin to fill up, letting out a pathetic little plea for help as his jaw opened on its own, the glowing feces starting to spill from his mouth too, his eyes rolling back slightly in his head. His arms flopped limply to the side, his legs spread as the leg-thick shit continued forcing itself from both ends of his body.

Minutes, maybe even hours passed with him still uncontrollably soiling himself on the floor, dozens if not hundreds of people getting on and off the train. Videos were being spread all over the internet and he knew it, making him cry just a little bit more from the embarrassment of it all. The feeling of the thick shit pushing by his prostate got to be too much for him, and he groaned as a few ropes of cum shot from his tip onto his stomach. His head flopped to the side with his tongue hanging out, the light feces still pushing from his maw.

Another hour or two passed before the bathroom unlocked and the door slowly opened, pushing some of the pile of glowing shit aside as the moth stepped out, not really caring about what they stood in. They smiled down at him, giving his bloated belly a pat. "Try not to ignore me next time~" They taunted, walking away and getting off at the next stop. All he could do was groan as he watched them leave, having stopped being filled a few minutes ago, no longer hurling up seemingly endless amounts of shit. Another while passed before it stopped pushing out of his rear, the humiliated deer managing to keep his rump shut though his bowels were still filled- he'd get all of it out later.

He laid there in silence until he could stand, his face crimson red and his shaft still hard, lots of his fur still smeared with the glowing filth. He rushed out of the train as soon as he got to his stop, running home and taking a long, hot shower. He was going to give the moth hell for this.. But he wouldn't be angry for long. After all, during the shower he couldn't help but jerk off a few times while thinking of the day's events.