Short character intro - Adiris

Story by VulpesFelinaeSerpentes on SoFurry

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Just a pretty short piece for a character of mine in a pokemon RP server, an anthro Kommo-o that worships Arceus as a fertility goddess.

A soft chime rang as an anthropomorphic Kommo-o walked softly along the old, desolate road. Her name was Adiris, and she pulled with her a small cart as her destination came up ahead.

Adiris wore little. Only a gold-trimmed silk robe, hugging her humanoid body closely, and some leather sandals. Her breasts bounced with each step, and her thighs could be seen from behind the white and grey silk as she took her steps. Her scales clinked together quietly, and shone in the sunlight as she strode towards her duty.

Adiris had grown up in an uncomfortable slum in Sinnoh, and only through sheer accident was able to uplift herself from it. She was fond of whittling, and a sculptor discovered her carving away at a wooden plank one day.

Seeing her burgeoning talent, he took her on as his apprentice, and she learned much. Her faith to the Mother Arceus also led her to be deeply involved in local religion, in the end deciding to devote her life to being a Priestess of the All-Mother.

And so when Adiris was given an opportunity to travel to the Aladron region and restore the shrine to Arceus there, leveraging her education, she jumped at it. Plus, her faith's view of Arceus as a fertility goddess would likely be well-accepted in the infamous region. So now she arrived at the ruins with her tools and her faith.

The Kommo-o set down her cart, dismayed at the state of the ruins. It was clear the place was abandoned, but the shrine was still visited. It was much cleaner than the surrounding area. Even had some... *attempts* to make it look less run down, but it would need a lot of care. The altar was cracked, the statue of the goddess was missing pieces while gilding on her Lady's rings worn. But she could repair this. Restore the shrine to its former glory, in time.

Firstly, she made her way to what would have been the quarters of the shrine's priest or priestess. It would have to be her home, for now. A simple bedroll was all she had to sleep on, but she didn't mind that. A river nearby would provide fresh water, and she could scavenge berries or hunt if needed. But she had rations and materials aplenty, so she would be fine for a while.

Laying out her tools on the tables she could find and drag out near the statue, she made sure she had everything accounted for. Her first order of business was to write down every possible bit of damage she could find. Humming to herself, she placed a few shavings of incense into a burner and begun to work. As she finished her list, a sweet, calming fragrance filled the air, herbs and blossoms to encourage fertility and consecrate the holy ground. Stone would need to be carefully carved and glued in place, then polished. Gold leaf would need to be acquired and applied to Arceus' rings. Perhaps a gold lacquer to fill the cracks in stone. Those old, rusting censers replaced with the nicer ones she had...

It would not be an easy or quick job, but the priestess looked forward to seeing the fruits of her labour. The All-Mother would look at her shrine and smile when Adiris was done.