Garden on a Roof

Story by Orfeous on SoFurry

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Here's one I wrote today. It was more of me wanting to explore a couple of new characters that I've had mulling in my mind for a while. This one was a whole lot of fun to write! I've done my best to go through it and fix any grammatical mistakes or inconsistencies. It's also the first time in a VERY long time I've tried writing something more explicit. Hopefully it was enjoyable, even if it comes off amateurish at best.

It was well into the afternoon by the time the young fox stepped out into the busy streets of Botha. Almost instantly Marlo was bumped into, slapped, and pushed aside until the flow of the crowds finally coerced him into going in one direction or the other. His short triangular ears weaved and twitched in fleeting moments of interest as he hurriedly tried to make his way through the busiest part of the metro area. A moment of hesitation would mean him being shoved aside forcefully again; not something he was willing to do with one of those hulking wolves walking right behind him. He huddled in close against himself, only reaching into his pockets once he felt a probing tuck on the sleeve of his faux-leather jacket. He dared not let go of a small square object whose edges threatened to cut into his fingers.

Perhaps it hadn't been the best idea to leave for home now. The sidewalk seemed to only get narrower as the crowds grew thicker. He felt the bodies pressing in around all sides, towering above his small lithe frame, themselves dwarfed by the contrasting buildings surrounding them all. Marlo spared a careful glance upward - he couldn't make out where most of the skyscrapers ended. The moment lasted for just that - a single moment - as the wolf behind him bumped hard against his back, causing the small fox to stumble and growl lowly under his breath.

All he did was shoot a glare over his shoulder as he moved out of the way to let the hurried man pass. He'd pricked his finger on the square, he thought, as he felt that tell-tale stinging and burning. The upper lip of his short snout turned itself upward as he fought the urge to lick at the wound, just as hard as he fought the urge to confront the wolf that had bumped into him yet again.

He thought back to this morning and tried to think of anyone whom he might have done some wrong to. Then he went further back to yesterday, and then the rest of the week. A couple of people came to mind, but none of them would have been so bold as to pursue him this diligently. So, he glanced back at the wolf once the creature had bumped into him again and although he needed to crane his neck up to get a good look at the lumbering beast, he still managed to get a good look at his yellow eyes and slobbering lips. They were twisted into a shoddy attempt at a grin, and not a very friendly one at that.

Now that Marlo had finally confronted his aggressor, the wolf made no more attempts at pushing him aside. He spared no more glances back but that overpowering feeling of being watched slowly eased away. The towering presence wasn't there. Marlo sighed, half in relief and half annoyance, as he was finally allowed a moment to think. He hadn't realized just how far he had walked during that seemingly short moment, but that's how things were when being carried away by the stream of strangers.

There was a small restaurant that the fox was particularly fond of. Tucked away in a hidden corner near the building he lived in. It wasn't anything worth noting about, but its relative comfort even among the night-life crowds made it something of a hidden gem. There were few places one could go to, here out in the bottom level of the city, where one could simply sit back and feel as if they would be left alone.

It was about an hour walk from where he was before, guaranteeing that by the time he got there he would at least be a little bit hungry. The red neon sign hung precariously over the sidewalk, advertising the Allure, was flickering through it's final few weeks of life. It looked ready to fall on an unsuspecting victim at any moment. There was no doors or windows, just open spaces surrounding the small kitchen where one could sit on a stool while watching the food get prepared in front of them. The heavy aroma of greasy bacon and shredded beef was enough to have him salivating by the time he found an empty seat.

The young fox carefully tucked his fluffy crimson tail so as to not sit on it and silently watched as the chef slowly worked his way around the counter toward him, talking to each patron and serving out meals all the while barking out commands to his two overworked, sweaty, and probably underpaid employees. He was an angry old cat whose whiskers had greyed out around the same time as his luscious black coat had turned to the short and rough salt and pepper fur coat of today. He'd greet each customer with a curt handshake and a disapproving glare - of which he made more of an attempt to hide from the older men than he did the younger generation. There was a perpetual glare, although the young fox wouldn't be surprised if that was just how the old man always looked. He had never seen that old cat smile nor laugh save for in the one picture the chef held on a wall: a cat in a sort of military uniform decorated with a number of medals, surrounded on his flanks by two small children and a young lady that didn't look much older than him at the time.

Balar; if Marlo remembered correctly, that was the chef's name. Balar finally got around to him by the time his stomach had started to growl dangerously, and like everyone else before him, Balar stretched out a thin hand in his direction which the fox met with a shake, quick and hard. The cat then grunted and mumbled something incomprehensible under his breath before speaking up with a gravely hoarse voice.

"What'll it be, fox." Balar squinted at Marlo in a most distrustful manner. "We only take money here. None of that trade and barter trash."

"Yes, I know" Marlo blinked, fighting back a soft snarl as he looked down at menu of tactile holographic light which flickered every couple of seconds, as if it were refreshing. "This," tapped with a sharp claw a name, which flickered and expanded into an unappealing image of a seared fish fillet. "Go easy on the potatoes, please."

"Easy!?" called out a vaguely familiar voice as a massive hand clasped itself unto the fox's right shoulder, causing him to jump in his seat. By the time he looked over the creature was already sitting to his left. The fingers clenched tightly, claws threatening to pierce the faded jacket. "No, extra! Potatoes on potatoes. Put some meat on those bones. And a swig of your best Arakan brandy for the two of us." The creature punctuated her sentence with an instinctual snarl and an audible slobber as she struggled to contain her tongue within the confines of her medium sized snout. "And that thing you have, with the shredded beef and the pineapple and all that." The fox looked quickly to the chef, who was now staring at the new arrival with the same disdain in his eyes as he would everyone else. Balar returned to yelling at his two employees, hurrying them to work faster. Their meal would be ready within the next ten minutes.

"Interesting device," murmured the hyena, holding a small cube between her two hands as she turned it over time and again to inspect all of its black faces.

"Hey!" Marlo quickly leaned over and reached for the cube once he felt around his pocket, realizing that, somehow, it'd been picked clean. The hyena's snout parted in a grin, tongue lolling out between sharp canines as she used her longer arms to keep the small device well beyond the fox's reach while the other hand - a steel prosthetic that accurately mimicked real life up to the sharp points of her claws - firmly pushed down on the fox's head, keeping him from getting any closer. "Give that - Ugh! Give it back!"

"You break my heart, you know that?" The hyena sighed. Her voice was a low rumble but there was no sadness in it. She turned her head away with a sudden jerk but still looked to the fox with a side glance. "You'd look me in the eye and still choose to act like you didn't know me? Tsk. You've grown cold, Vulpy.

Marlo leaned back on his seat and realized, with some amusement and a little embarrassment, that he did in fact recognize that voice. It should have been obvious, if not by her prosthetic right arm, then by who she was. How many hyenas were out there, especially with that specific prosthetic?


"In the flesh." She hummed, not sparing a glance at him as she carefully studied the cube between her fingers.

It was her! There was no doubt about it, least not in Marlo's mind. There was a sudden sense of excitement, and as quickly as it came he felt it wash away with a sense of foreboding guilt.

"Shit..." He finally sat back and turned toward the counter, refraining from any further attempts to take back the black cube from the hyena. "Sorry. I - well, I didn't recognize-"

"I know, I know." The hyena licked along her lips and then made an effort of slowly drag her long pointed pink tongue back into her snout. "I don't blame you. Why, I think I met my doppelganger a few hours ago."

Marlo rolled his eyes if anything, because of the thoughts Yara's words conjured up. "Sarcasm dully noted. You should have told me you'd be coming along. I... well, I would have made arrangements. Picked you up!" He sighed and looked the hyena over yet again. Those pointed ears of hers with tufts of grey fur poking out from inside could have easily covered the fox's face entirely. Her large wet button-like nose twitched constantly as she struggled to take in all the smells of the restaurant and the surrounding streets. "I wasn't expecting you back."

"What's this?" cut in Yara quickly, her head tilting first to the left and then to the right as she curiously turned the cube over in her hands once more. "It doesn't do anything," she continued muttering, more to herself, as her fingers prodded at each of the faces and edges.

"Wait don't!"

"Oh!" Yara tensed momentarily as she pulled his finger back from one of the edges of the cube. "Sharp."

"I tried warning you," mumbled Marlo as he finally took his cube back from Yara, who had gone to nursing the insignificant wound by sloppily slobbering over it with her drooling tongue. Marlo only stared at the scene for a second before turning away in embarrassment. "It's something I've been working on, down at the lab."

"Quite the something," replied the hyena in, half mocking him, as she finally settled down from her compulsive licking. "A weapon of some kind?"

"Not quite." Marlo did his best to smile at the towering woman, who even when she sat looked a whole foot and a half taller than the fox. "I'm just making the case, but I haven't worked out all the kinks yet."

"Kinks," huffed the hyena. "Like injuring the user?"

Marlo gasped as part of his breath was knocked out when Yara smacked him hard with an open hand near the middle of his back. "Y-Yeah," he murmured, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. "Very perceptive, Yara."

The two sat in silence until the chef, with that same distrusting look in his eyes, brought with him two glasses full of the Arakan brandy Yara had asked for. It wasn't quite a swig as it was near a full glass of the liquid - an angry red color which, combined with its sinus-burning stench, gave the impression of an unpleasant next couple of minutes.

Marlo raised his glass and carefully sniffed at the contents, taking only two whiffs for his eyes to start to water and the urge to cough to rumble near the back of his throat. He took a deep breath and carefully brought the lip down to his snout, then tipped it and took a gentle sip of its contents. A powerful shiver wracked his body from head to the tip of his tail, his red fur bristling as he felt his throat close up in reflex to the sudden burn forcing its way downward.

Yara, on the other hand, had tipped and drank from the cup like it was pure water. Entirely unphased and absolutely satisfied, she gently set the glass back down with an audible "Ahh!" before turning to look back at Marlo - first glancing at him and then at his almost untouched glass. "Weak stuff," she murmured with her specie's distinct compulsive laughter. "The city has been treating you well, then?"

"It's okay."


Marlo rolled his eyes and made an exasperated gesture with his head. "What? Nothing. I like it here." He tapped his short claws against the counter and glanced sideways to the hyena, who was carefully watching him while hunched over the counter. "You know that. I've always liked it here. There's always," he paused briefly to take another calculated sip from his glass of brandy, "something interesting to do. But that's the same story I told you last time you came around. How - I mean...?" Marlo paused, looking away as soon as he met her intense eyes. "How are you?" Marlo finally turned to his companion, his voice low. "How's things in the East?"

"Hot!" complained Yara with a glower. "Humid."

Marlo cocked his head slightly, unable to keep himself from smirking nay longer. "Weren't you dealing with a, what was it, a bullsnake infestation?"

"Well," Yara tapped on the counter, her short tail lazily swaying back and forth over her seat. "Yes."

"And the weather is the worst of your concerns?"

Yara shrugged. "It's what concerns me, which makes it the most important thing. This city certainly doesn't make things any better."

At that, Marlo scoffed.

The old cat had finally finished up with their food and brought two plates forward, setting them down. Yara practically drooled over her food and dug right in alongside Marlo, whose ears and nose twitched in delight as the aroma of the fish filet overwhelmed every other scent coming in from the kitchen.

"What's - unf - his problem - hmf - anyway?" spoke Yara in between massive mouthfuls as she pointed with a claw to the chef, who in the lull of the moment took the time to carefully look over his two employees, pointing out small inconsistencies in their work or generally being something of an ass.

"Him?" Marlo shook his head and looked to the chef, then glanced over at the wall where the picture was precariously hung. "That old cat has always been like that."

Yara took another mouthful and struggled to speak between chunks of meat.

"Don't talk with your mouth full," spoke Marlo, his voice seething with annoyance at all the unwelcome sounds coming from inside her snout. "You'll choke."

"That curmudgeon is missing more fingers than he actually has."

"Oh, that." Marlo took a deep breath and chewed his way through another spoonful of food. "Well, the old man and his stubborn pride would tell you that they were injuries from a long-forgotten war. He'd rather tell you that than have you believe they're actually injuries caused by his failing eyesight." He noticed how Yara shook her head, almost disapprovingly so. "But don't take my word for it, ask him yourself. I'm sure he'll be delighted to answer."

"Eeh, I'll have to pass. I have places to be anyway."

"Wait. Leaving already?" Marlo turned to face Yara as the hyena stood her full seven feet of height. That shirt she wore did little to hide the her lean muscle under the thin fabric, which was nothing to say of her bust.

At her silent affirmation, Marlo couldn't help but protest. "But we've only just met up. Wouldn't you... I mean, there's still so much to talk about."

"Talk about?" Her nose twitched. She'd turned away from the young fox, but at his words she turned and placed her metal hand on her hip. "And what exactly is there to talk about, hm?" despite the difference in their sizes, she couldn't help but smirk at how confidently he held himself.

"Lots of things. Just..." Marlo sat back down on his stool and lightly tapped on the chair next to his. "Lets just talk."

Yara huffed, though with a soft bite of her lip she sauntered over to the seat and set herself down hard. The chair creaked under her weight, though ultimately it held. "You're actually gonna talk this time, Vulpy?"

"I am," he replied, looking down a little before glancing up at her again. "I just wish you'd given me some warning. I - you know, I would have prepared some more."

"Prepared," she commented with a small frown before huffing. "You mean you wanted to practice the script."

"No! No script! Promise."

"So then?"

"I just, I don't know." He glanced around. "This is hardly the right place to talk about these things."

She shook her head hard from side to side, looking out to the streets where hovering cars swung dangerously low into the crowds of people below. Her eyes followed them as they dipped upward, just narrowly stopping themselves from smashing head-first into a building.

"Any place is an alright place to talk about anything, I think." The hyena snickered compulsively, quickly shook her head, and turned to him. "Unless you want to talk about something that requires a little more, ahh, privacy?" She punctuated that last word with a glare and a slow lick of her lips.

"If it's about us?"

"Oh well what's there to be private about? We were very public the last time that we -" She stopped herself from continuing and, with a small click of her tongue, sighed.

" - that we fought?"

Yara quickly reached over and grabbed Marlo's glass still filled with the Arakan brandy he'd barely touched. She finished the rest of the drink in three gulps with a grimace, then loudly set the glass back down on the table. "I did not fight," she commented while pointing an accusing finger at Marlo. "You fought, Vulpy!"

"Yeah well I didn't start it, did I?" he retorted, frowning.

"You certainly didn't have to keep going the way you did."

"And how was that," he challenged.

"Overreacting. You take the problem, you blew it way out of proportion." She sighed. "I only left for two weeks."

Marlo raised his finger and stopped himself from saying the first thing that came to mind. "You _disappeared_for two weeks."


"No message; no call; no warnings. Poof, gone!" He wished she hadn't drank his brandy. It suddenly seemed extremely appealing. Somewhat necessary. "And then you show up, like nothing had happened!"

"Okay, yes, I should have said something. But would you have understood?"

"Yes!" He sighed. "No! You came back with an eyepatch, Yara. I had to get you a cybernetic, and even then, I still didn't know where you had been and what had happened. I can't help but think of the worst."

"And I am sorry," she cut in. "I am, Vulpy. Trust me."

"I tried," he murmured. "I tried trusting you."

She sighed, leaning against the counter somewhat exasperated. "This is all starting to sound very familiar, isn't it?"

"So why'd you come here?"

She shrugged, not rightly knowing herself all that wall. "I finished my job out East and didn't know where else I could go. I mean, I could have gone anywhere." She paused. "I wanted to see how you were doing."


"And you are more rational than the last time we talked." Yara smiled, if only a little, and turned back to the young fox. "Maybe I have cooled down a little since last time. For conversation, you know?" With a sudden start she stood and once again stretched her arms over her head. "Well, now I must go."


"Meet me later," she hummed, reaching to scratch him between his ears and earning a reluctant pleasured whimper in the process. "The garden on the roof. Remember the spot?"

"I..." Though he wished she'd just tell him what she was up to now, he reluctantly agreed to her words and nodded. "Alright."

"Well. Goodbye!"

Marlo stood quickly, grunting a "Wait!" as he struggled to pay for both of their meals and catch up with the hyena. "Hold on! You're in such a hurry."

"Got something else to say then?" Yara's lips curled upward as she stopped just out of reach of the moving crowds. They'd thinned out by now as the sun began to set somewhere over the horizon. "Well then?"

"It was nice. I mean, it was good to see you again." Standing in front of her now, Marlo had forgotten just how short he was compared to the rest of them. Even for his species. All he could do was crane his neck up, a hand protectively shielding his eyes from the sun. "It's been a long time. I wish we had more time, you know, to show you around."

The hyena patted him affectionally on the head with a smile. "Maybe, if all turns out good, you can show me around." Then disappeared among the people.

Marlo just watched for a short moment, feeling somewhat conflicted by the arrival and sudden disappearance of his... friend? It had been a long time, of that there was no doubt. And he enjoyed every moment he had spent with her. He was half surprised to see she wasn't waiting for him in his apartment once he actually made it there.

He had but a couple of hours at best. Yara wasn't one to be kept waiting for very long, and if she really was up on that roof then her patience would only go so far. The young fox spent what little time he had going through his apartment while making himself look as presentable as possible. There was no changing the somewhat tired looking bags under his eyes nor could he get his fur groomed as well as he would have liked, but he still managed to look at himself in the mirror and smile a little at the person that looked back at him.

Needless to say, the next two hours felt like some of the longest he'd ever had. Every few minutes he'd pull at a holographic clock and check the time, only to growl in frustration when he realized so little time had passed. Marlo clung tightly to his red tail at times, seeking some warmth from the relative cold of his apartment. Then he'd look back at the time, and pace around his office, and sigh in disbelief.

When Marlo could no longer take it, he left his apartment dressed the same way as he had earlier in the day and made his way to the elevator, which gave him a rather clear view of the surrounding city as it slowly rose higher and higher over the clouds. Even though night had settled in, the buildings illuminated their surroundings as if the sun itself were still out. Different hues of yellow, pink, red, and blue all worked together in a kind of messy art piece as they reflected off of the steel buildings hosting their signs.

The elevator came to a lurching stop, the doors opening slowly to reveal what could best be described as a garden on a roof. It was just a couple of benches near the middle, surrounded on all sides by a very green artificial grass. Even the flowers that pockmarked the outer perimeter of the roof never grew nor wilted and always gave off a strange aroma that, without knowing any better, could have been misconstrued as having been the real deal.

Only the tree, planted in a solitary corner, was real. It had grown for a couple of years now and, like away, it lazily swayed in the constant breeze. Marlo sat on a bench and sighed as he rested his hands on his lap and looked up toward the sky. This was the tallest building he'd ever lived in, and yet there were still others that went up higher than he could have ever imagined. So much so that even from here he couldn't see their end. He could have looked down and just barely made out the roads below, so it wasn't like he wasn't that high up either.

He could only imagine what the people up there were doing. Those were people that had never even been down before. Some of them could have spent their whole lives up among the clouds, not even aware that there was a whole group of people right below them.

Yara stumbled out of the elevator with a grunt, grumbling an argument under her breath as she struggled to recover her footing. It caught Marlo off guard in a way that almost brought Yara to the fits of laughter. She had to held herself up against a nearby railing to stifle her laughter at the bewildered look in the little fox's eyes. She couldn't help herself, and thus decided that the best course of action was to take another swig from an unmarked bottle she held in her free hand.

Well it was meant to be a swig. Yara had all of the best intentions in mind, but that small swig turned into a gulp, and that one gulp changed to three, all up until the very last drop had burned its way down her throat. Her eyes focused away from the bottle and back to the little fox who had stood and taken a cautious step toward her.

"Vulpy!" Yara exclaimed, her laughter getting the better of her as she finally double over and cackled into the spotted sandy fur of her forearm. "V-Vulpy!" Yara straightened herself out, her snout opened into a wide grin that revealed every single one of her long and sharpened canines.

The hyena's almost jovial nature was immediately at odds with the predatory look in her eyes, but it didn't surprise Marlo.

"Yara," he hummed with a small smile as the hyena stretched backward, her white tank top threatening to rend itself apart, part thanks to her wearing one size too small. "You good?"

"Vulpy I missed you." She stretched her arms wide, which in itself was as an inviting gesture as any. "No hug?" Yara hadn't waited for Marlo to take even a step. She swooped down on him in an instant, closing the gap between them with a speed that one wouldn't have expected from somebody her size.

She picked him up as easily as she would have a feather, hardly looking as if it were any strain on her and pressed him deep against her soft bust. Had he not turned his head sideways at the last minute he probably wouldn't have been able to breathe. He wrapped his arms around her waist as best he could, challenging enough on its own and even more so when she was pinning his shoulders tight against her own body.

"Missed ya, Vulpy," she hummed contently as she teased the back of his neck with one of her claws. It sent shivers down his spine he couldn't control. The first couple of times it was more of a soft tingly sensation, though the more she stroked his fur in that affectionately and almost obsessive manner, the more he felt himself lose control of his own body.

Yara pressed her wet nose between his ears and took in a deep breath, taking in his scent, as if she was forcibly imprinting it into her memory more so than it already was. She closed her eyes and hummed something inaudible against is fur before giving it a long slobbery lick that left that burning red fur matted tightly against his skin.

"If you're, mm, if you're going to kiss me, then maybe do it right?" He suggested lightly, craning his neck up slightly to get a better look at her. All he could really see was her breasts straining to pop out of her shirt, her neck, and the underside of her black mottled chin.

"I am doing it right," she protested while giving him another lick between his ears. "Now you taste like me and smell like me." She hummed lowly and gave him another lick. "Tasty."

"Yeah, but," he laughed lightly under his breath as she gave him a fourth lick, followed up quickly by a tight nip on his left ear, "I want a real kiss."

"Hm." She cocked her head a little and slowly pulled him away from her, though still held him tight in her grasp. Her one actual arm was soft and tender to the touch, but her prosthetic - as similar as it was to the actual thing in terms of looks - was cold and rough. "How bad you want a kiss?"

He was still gazing up her prosthetic, all the way up to the shoulder where it seamlessly integrated back into her skin. Yara didn't mind it, but her eyes were also squarely locked on the space between his ears as she struggled to keep herself steady on her feet.

"I mean it'd be nice." He mumbled, looking into her eyes. He would only have ever been able to tell that one of them was cybernetic by the slight mechanical look of her right iris. He could just barely make out the little bits of wiring keeping it functioning.

"That's not very convincing," she mumbled with a shake of her head as her tongue slipped out to lap at the side of her cheek. "Try again."

Marlo squirmed but she held a vice-like grip around his shoulders. Those claws of hers teased themselves against his jacket as a constant reminder of where they were and what they could do. That scent of hers was all he could think about at the moment - that and the smell of alcohol that permeated her rough foreign voice.



He smirked and squirmed against her grasp. "No."

"Wha -"

"I don't want that kiss anymore," he cut in, smiling at the somewhat dumbfounded look in her eyes as her ears flattened out a little, as if confused.

"No kissy?"


"Well... fine!" Yara let go of his shoulders, dropping him hard on the floor, then turned and crossed her arms under her chest to stare out at anything but him. "No hugs either. And no ear scratches."

"No more back rubs," he replied, mocking her stubborn appeal while mimicking her stance, "and no fur grooming either."

"I won't cook you Pierogi."

"Yeah, well! ... whatever."

"Hah! Yara wins!"

"And Yara is speaking in third person again."

She grumbled under her breath and looked back over her shoulder at him. "I've drank."

"I can tell," he mumbled while slowly making his way back to the bench, every so often taking a look back at her to see she was staring wide-eyed at him. Almost looked a little lost if she hadn't been so focused on his back. He swayed his poofy tail from side to side and noticed the way her eyes followed it, transfixed.

"Only a little bit!" But she grinned despite her blatant lie, glancing down at the unmarked bottle that she'd set down on the ground. "Promise." Yara chased after the small fox, sitting down on the bench beside him while pulling him in closer against herself by wrapping her prosthetic arm around his shoulders.

"Well I don't believe you," he muttered, leaning in against the side of her body, shivering as the cold metallic fingers drew lazy circles over his chin.

"Well," she mocked, "I don't need you to believe because I know myself. And you know what else Yara knows?"

"That she talks in third person sometimes?" he joked.

"Funny man, huh? Well, I think not!" She gave him a hard tug that left him breathless for a few seconds as she pulled him up against her lap, further punctuating how small he seemed compared to her. He fit snugly against her, but her wanton behavior brought him little comfort.

Yara wrapped her hands around his neck, just pressing around it lightly as she leaned in and gave his snout an exploratory lick. Marlo closed his eyes, shivering a little she her hot breath tickled at the skin under her nose. Again, Yara gave him another self-asserting lick, forcing apart his lips but finding no progress against his canines. She leaned back against the bench with a predatory glare and muttered a single low command.


Marlo bit at his bottom lip, hesitating long enough for one of her hands to slowly tease its way up his neck. She cocked her head and silently gave him that command, her palm flat against the back of his head. He looked to her black lips, her pierced nose, her eyes, and then back to her lips. He had only just barely parted his snout open, but that was enough for her. His eyes widened in shock, breath leaving him as she pushed his head up against hers and closed her snout around his own. He wasn't given a moment to react as her tongue forced its way deep inside his own mouth, giving Marlo little choice but to open it wider as she roughly fed him inch after inch to rub and grind roughly against his own. It was a sloppy, messy affair, but all he could do was moan out loudly as her hands closed in tighter around his throat.

It was enthralling... near intoxicating, enough so that even breathing took second place to the sensation of her wide tongue rolling circles inside his mouth while threatening to push down into his throat. A full-body shiver wracked him, his moans growing louder as she breathed hotly into his face and throatily chuckled at his reaction. She rolled her tongue against his once more, letting him feel the full length of it inside her mouth before slowly dragging it back out. Marlo was forced to watch as each impossible inch slipped out until, finally, she left him with a parting lick against his nose and with a string of saliva connecting the two of them.

"I get what I want," mumbled Yara, her legs now clenched tightly under his body as she eased her hands off from his neck. She was grinning ear-to-ear, and at his dumbfounded look cackled her trademark mischievous laughter. "I wanted kissy."

Marlo wasted no time in clashing his lips against hers once more, one free hand instantly cupping one of her large breasts over that too-tight shirt which did little to hide away her hardened nipples. His futile attempts to kiss her the way she did him were swatted away by her own tongue, and the abuse his tongue had received was repeated twofold, now fueled by Yara's own raging lust. This time she made little attempt at showing restraint, forcing her tongue down his throat as far as the appendage was able to go before rubbing the whole length of it against the inside of his mouth. There was no finesse or style; Marlo wasn't even sure if this was some form of punishment or reward.

As overwhelming as it was to have the entirety of his mouth assaulted, his own focus fell on her wide shirt-tenting nipples. Each one thick, an easy inch in length, and sensitive enough based solely on how her body tensed up whenever he tweaked them over her shirt. He tugged and pinched her tight buds, rolling them around his fingers as his own response to the abuse she was giving his tongue. Her hearty chuckles fell and gave way to desperate moans she rolled her shoulders back and pushed her chest out forward.

The moment their lips reluctantly parted away from one another, the two found themselves struggling to catch their breaths. Yara was panting hard, lost somewhere in a world between pleasure and lust and not outright reacting to any of Marlo's inaudible words. For a moment, the young fox looked like something of a haze which only refocused itself when a sharp pang of pleasure shot from her nipples down to her core. He was tugging on them hard, forcing her to feel every little thing he did to her buds hard buds, her shirt only working as another added bonus of friction that, for but a brief moment, shut off her mind to the rest of the world.

Yara could only close her eyes and whimper under his careful attention, unable or unwilling to move from her spot.

"There," she moaned in approval while struggling to tug off her shirt and free her breasts from their tight constraint. "Vulpy. More!" With newfound strength, something she was just barely able to muster from the depths of her need, she pushed Marlo back from herself and forced the small fox to lay down on the bench. In her drunken and lust-fueled haze, Yara outright shredded her clothing with her claws and pure brute strength. Her shirt fell in tatters as she struggled to undo the buttons on her pants - which she resorted to resolving by outright tearing a hole through the fabric and ripping it off from there.

The only article of clothing left intact were her panties, a black lacy thing that just barely covered her. She clambered on top of him, resting her ass on his chest while grinding up her sodden pussy against his snout. A wide, almost childish, grin was plastered on her face.

Without sharing a word between one another, Yara pulled her panties aside to reveal to him what she knew he was craving. Her fingers lazily teased at her large clit and then spread her lips open for him, shivers wracking her body as his cool breath brushed up against her most sensitive spot. The anticipation was almost too much for her, and so without hesitation Yara pressed her cunt flat against his mouth, whimpering a small "Yes!" in glee when the man instinctively pushed his tongue in deep into her pussy.

Marlo was operating on pure instinct by now, a soft series of growls leaving him as he pushed in every last inch of his tongue, then pulled it out till the very tip only to push it in again. He made an effort of flattening the long appendage, the sensation of her walls quivering and clenching around him enough of an incentive to try and push her further into the edge, as far as he could possibly take her. All his words and moans muffled by her musky muff only worked to shoot dull or sharp vibrations straight into her core.

She closed her knees around his head and pulled him in tighter against her pussy, groaning and grinding harder against his face when she was left with the empty feeling of him pulling out his tongue, the sensation replaced with a shooting overwhelming pleasure when he started to lap at her clit, alternating between teasing and abusing it. Her eyes fell down on him, her prosthetic clawed hand slowly rubbing little circles atop of his head.

"Almost," she moaned, pressing knees closer still while silently urging him to push his tongue back inside, which the fox did with little effort. "That's it, Vulpy! Y-Yes! Right... right there, hun." Yara pinched her nipple hard and pulled on it as his tongue pressed in deeper and deeper into her pussy, lapping up her juices as she felt a sudden and familiar pressure building up in her. "Yes! Just... stay there. There, like that."

She gripped the fur on his head and roughly forced him in as tight against her pussy as Yara could get him, yelping out a "Yes! Yes!" as her orgasm hit her suddenly and hard. Her legs trembled hard, a sudden wave of dizziness flashing over her head as she felt her sweet nectar powerfully squirt into his mouth in long, seemingly ceaseless jets that the young fox happily licked up and swallowed. Yara fell forwards on him, her clawed metal hand gripping so tight on his head it had already started to draw blood. "Yes, Vulpy! Like that!" She pulled her hips back away from him but continued grinding herself up against the air as she uncontrollably squirted against his face and chest once - twice - , enough times for her to lose track of count and end up and trembling and incomprehensible mess on top of him.

Yara moaned softly as she cuddled up against Marlo, nibbling softly on his fox ear while ignoring his half-hearted attempts at telling her that she was crushing him under her frame. Her eyes were on him constantly, marveling at how soaked she'd left his face.

"Thank you," she whispered, unable to help the fits of laughter iconic of her species. "That sobered me up quick."

"Hm." Marlo smiled, sparing a careful glance in her direction. "Do I taste better now?"

"Mhm." She gave him a playful lick on the cheek, savoring her own juices along with his own musk. "Like me and you. Perfect."

"Good." He sighed, as if letting out a breath of air he'd been holding in for hours. The young fox closed his eyes and with a grin added: "I love you."

That was enough to get Yara's attention. Her ears perked up first, followed by her body as she sat up slightly and refocused her mind away from the aftershocks of her orgasm. "Say that again," she hummed, closing her eyes while waiting for it.

"I said," he replied lowly, "that I love you." Marlo looked at her, saw that cloudy, lost look in her eyes, and gulped when she sat up straight and then threw herself over his body, landing hard on the grass bellow with a bellowing thump!

"Your apartment!" she commanded, and effortlessly picked him up with her strengthened metallic arm to carry him under it like some kind of bag back to the elevator.