Ayu's Wolves 1: Well Met By Moonlight

Story by Kitsune_Wizard on SoFurry

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#1 of Ayu's Wolves

A travelling canine necromancer finds a strange little town, with strange things going on with it. She helps them out, but some of their problems are bit beyond what she's equipped to deal with. Still, Ayumi is persistent. She's not going to leave without offering to help!

Things get a bit more complicated when she finds herself tied up in a direwolf camp. It's a good thing they don't seem hostile, but they are a bit...weird.

A little thing I wrote for a friend, expect more soon. You can find her here https://www.furaffinity.net/user/ayuchan/

The Rusty Spur was an old, diseased ridden hole of a tavern. Catering to the common drunkard, thieves and beggars. And worst of all, amateur authors. That's their usual clientele anyway, the stranger standing at their weathered batwing doors was not one of their usuals.

A purple furred she-wolf dressed from head to paw in brown hard-wearing leather. A small satchel affixed to her hip. The bartender's nose scrunched up in anxiety. Tourists.

As she sauntered in purposefully, she began to draw eyes. Her outfit was far and above the typical tattered rags that passed as clothing around here. The bartender couldn't help but feel a certain sense of dread. As if it wasn't already strange enough, a certain air was about her. Death and pale horses, thoughts of blood-stricken faces filled his head. As if the reaper itself was walking in her paws.

"Good morning!" Her cheery voice cut through the bustle around her. She placed her forepaws on the bar and smiled at the younger man tending it. "I'm looking for some work." The she-wolf's fluffy tail wagged behind her.

The canine at the bar scrubbed an empty glass, thankful he had something to do with his paws."Work?" He laughed derisively. "What are you, some kind of traveling magician?" He pointed with a forepaw as he sat the glass on the bar, a loud 'thonk' echoing through the room.

"Mmm- something like that." She tilted her head to the side, grinning quite cheerily. "Necromancer actually. Dealing in all matters of undead, ghosts, spooks, phantasms, spirits. You know anything like that around here?"

The dirty, white-furred bartender rolled his eyes, deciding he'd humour the girl. "Perhaps I do, perhaps I don't. My memory is a bit fuzzy at the moment."

The she-wolf jostled in her bag a moment, pulling out a small burlap sack of coins. "This jog your memory?" She sat it down on the bar, the little metallic clings of its contents quite audible.

Eyebrow raised, the bartender lifted the coinpurse high, feeling the weight. If she was carrying this kind of coin, there was no way she was a simple tourist. He plopped it back down on the table, leaving a confused Ayumi to wonder if she'd just been rejected. "I may have misjudged you, ma'am." A paw of his waved dismissively, and Ayu took that as her cue to take her money back. A philanthropist and a bartender, how quaint.

The she-wolf chuckled. "Don't worry I get that a lot. Hello, my name is Ayumi. Necromancer at large." She extended a paw, and the bartender shook it. "Bertram. I look forward to working with you, Ayumi. As it happens in fact there is a little something you could help me with."

"Ayu, please. But go on..." The bartender withdrew his paw, reaching under the counter. After a moment of searching he brought up a map. Old and stained, but still very much legible.

He pointed west of here and began to explain. "That's my house. Just a short walk away, but there's been...infernal goings on."His voice hushed, glancing cautiously over Ayu's back. "If anyone here catches me with these things in my house, they'll think me some form of sorcerer and run me out."

"I see the problem...can you give me a description of the entity?" The she-wolf crossed her arms and lifted a forepaw to her chin in contemplation.

"Uh..." Bertram's eyes were angled high as he racked his brain. "They were...see-through?"

Ayumi chuckled at his brevity. "That'll do." She uncrossed her arms and checked inside her satchel, mentally ticking off her equipment. "Hm...I'll need a small bell, and some candles. There's also the matter of payment."

"Oh- right!" The bartender ducked under his counter, pulling out a plump canvas bag of coins that made a satisfying clink as they were plopped onto the bar. He scratched the back of his neck, racking his brain. "I have candles in the foyer and...you might find a bell at the pawnshop down the way. "

"I'm glad you've changed your mind." Ayumi offered a slight bow of her head, before scooping up the purse and setting out without another word.

The crowds of Greymarcet moved like water. Swift and malleable, but interminable. As if a certain air of dread hung from their shoulders. They moved with rigidity, following in the pawsteps of the person in front. Quiet, and soft. Like a military marching in hushed slippers.

Except for one area. The liquid crowds could be seen to avoid a certain western building. An elegant townhouse. Perhaps they know already? She quickly bought what she needed from a nearby trader, and moved with the crowd as far as she could before breaking off.

The commotion she caused was minimal at best. The crowd instead preferring to keep their muzzle's down and silent. As such, she stepped toward the door of the house in relative peace. As she got closer, she could indeed feel the dull ebb of latent magical energy. She fixed her leather bracers, and swung open the unlocked door.

As the she-wolf stepped inside, her fur stood on end. Attuned as she was to the effects of magic and spirits, she had a sense when strange things were afoot. Invisible gushes of air pushed past her, and she felt an urge to cover herself.

The foyer was absolutely destroyed. Whatever had taken up residence here had done a number on the furniture. Stands and paintings were flung off the walls, the kitchen table overturned, furniture scratched up. Ayu did notice however, a candelabra on the ground. The bartender wasn't lying at least.

She picked it up, and righted the kitchen table.The sudden feeling of curious and otherworldly eyes on her figure was unsettling. Apparently her intrusion had ruined whatever the mischievous spirits occupy themselves with, and they were not happy

Ayumi grinned. She dusted the table off, and sat the candles upright on them. The spirits became bolder, air began to shift around the room as the unseen beings moved to get more eyes on the intruder.

A loud crack, a door slammed shut somewhere in the house. The she-wolf didn't flinch. With a devious smile on her muzzle, she lifted the small brass bell by its handle and rang it. The loud ringing noise was deafening, the spirits stopped moving. There were no more anomalous gusts of air, the room was still. She could feel their eyes on her. She could feel their fear.

Ayumi drew a match and lit the candles. She opened her small spell book and began to recite a curse in a language time itself shunned. As she spoke, her eyes began to glow red with power. Old forgotten gods lent her their aid, candle flames flickered, and she raised a forepaw outward. It glowed a soft blue hue, the mix of magical energies coursed through her body.

Ayu bared her teeth, and with anger shouted "begone!" Cabinets swung open as unseen entities fled. A rush of air that almost toppled her over brushed past her, the door threw itself open as something fled that way. Ayu smiled contentedly to herself.

In a moment the pull of magical energy was gone, along with the spirits causing it. Now, Ayumi was leaning against the cupboard of a mostly destroyed but still very much intact house. She looked around a moment, at all the clutter in the kitchen, at the overturned chairs and tossed decorations. Ayumi shrugged, gathered her things and went to turn in.

The tavern was in much the same state she left it, apparently the townsfolk's unspoken rule of silence didn't apply here. Ayumi ducked, dodging a glass bottle thrown her way. It shattered behind her. Ayumi scowled at the crowd. The person who threw it must have had second thoughts, her scanning eyes couldn't spot anyone suspicious.

"Back already?" Bertram was scrubbing the absolute hell out of a dirty glass as he met the she-wolf's eyes. "Back already." She returned, leaning up against the bar. "Normally I'd ask for proof but somehow I believe you. You've got a certain air about you, wolf. It's unsettling."

She smirked. "I'll take that as a compliment." Behind her, a patron shouted, another hushed him. The tavern fell silent.

"Well...if you're in the business of solving problems, there's another I could use your help with." At that, her ears visibly perked. Bertram continued, "there's been some...things, going on recently. Here, we all keep our heads down. No one likes trouble."

Ayumi nodded, eagerly listening. Bertram planted his finished glass down on the bar. It gleamed wickedly in the light. "In our little neck of the woods nothing ever happens," he continued. "One thing that concerns me though, recently, supply shipments from the east have gone missing. These aren't wagons full of gold or jewelry, they have food or water in them. Not worth stealing to sell and if they were? A person trying to sell seven-hundred apples would be obvious. There are no bodies, no smoke, no remains. Just...poof." The older canid lifted his shoulders in a confused shrug.

"It could definitely be something paranormal." Ayumi nodded, her arms crossed. "The road east of here then?"

"East of here." Bertram confirmed, the canine seemed relieved. "I can't pay you for this directly, there's a bounty on stopping whatever's happening. You'll want to check with one of the guards when you're done."

"Ah...I see. Yes I think I will." Ayu nodded her head in thanks as she left. "Good luck!" she heard a call from behind her as she left, along with the sounds and ruckus of drunk men at play starting back up, and slipped back into the watery crowds of Greymarcet.

She racked her head for ideas as she walked the Purloined Promenade. Her first thought was to use herself as a decoy, she knew she'd be able handle whatever it was on her own. Though, there was no guarantee they would jump her, she certainly wasn't about to pull three wagons on a cobblestone road by herself.

Still, perhaps if she stuffed a large enough sack full of sundries and trinkets, and tried to look as helpless as possible, she could probably trick whatever it was into haunting her.

It was getting dark. Ayumi scanned the edge of the small border town of Greymarcet, the golden sun was going down now, casting reflections of amber off sleepy stone buildings. Lucky her, she'd be more likely to be assaulted at night.

She met with the trader from earlier. An out of place looking lizard fellow who was just the slightest bit perturbed she was bothering him at this hour. His mood instantly lifted the moment he saw the coinpurse.

Ayumi left the trader with two sacks of flower and a massive burlap sack, which she promptly filled with them. She stepped back to admire her handiwork. The sack was big enough she would have to swing it over her back, and the weight from it would draw attention. Especially if she was travelling alone.

The she-wolf hiked the sack up with an audible "ooph" and started walking, arduously slowly, East. The cobblestone road was not very forgiving of her encumbrance and the curious glances from the townspeople did not ease her stress. It didn't help that she was moving noticeably slower than everyone else, and the crowds had to split around her like she was a rock in a stream.

Still, she pressed on. Eventually, and with great difficulty, she made her way through town and out the gate East. It was night now, the sun had fallen low over the trees long ago. The only sound around her was crickets.

Her own heavy pawsteps echoed through the night. The rustle of burlap and the jostle of flour joining them. Nevertheless it was surprisingly peaceful. Ayumi never once felt that sixth sense of hers that tells her when there's spirits about. She briefly wondered if the bartender had pulled a fast one on her and just got her to leave town.

She must have been halfway to the eastern cities by now surely? She'd been walking for hours, her legs burned with exhaustion and the sack on her back was grating against her fur. Ayumi huffed, she was done, she was tired. She let the sack flop down, then let herself flop onto it.

At least it made a serviceable chair. The wolf took a small flask from her pack and chugged some much needed water from it. She let herself lean back into it, it was rather comfortable all things considered.

She let her mind drift, listening to the sounds around her. The wind blowing, the crickets chirping. Far in the distance an owl hooted, and the snap of a twig breaking in the woods to her left. It was so, so very peaceful. It was nice to get away from towns and civilization once in awhile, even if she may have been tricked to do it. Her eyes, heavy lidded, began to drift closed.

...A twig breaking? Ayumi's eyes shot open, her ears perked. She stood while drawing her knife and turned in the direction of the sound. Her eyes scanned the darkened tree line. Nothing she could see. Even the crickets seemed to silence themselves. She grew uneasy.

Seconds passed, then minutes. Perhaps she was hearing things, it had been awhile since she had a proper rest. Ayu sheathed her weapon, and turned back to her makeshift chair. Then, it happened.

Her body reacted before her mind. Her canid ears angled toward the sound of rapidly approaching pawsteps; she turned with hand on her knife's grip to see a blur of black fur charging at her. Then, the thump of fur hitting fur as she and her attacker tumbled to the dirt. Ayumi screamed in shock. Before she knew it, her wrists were gripped by hands stronger than her own, and pinned into the dirt.

The she-wolf stared daggers into the darkness above her. "You aren't one of the king's men." It spoke in a low but unmistakably feminine voice. Ayu's canid eyes were well adjusted to the dark at this point and she could clearly make out the features of the shape above her. Thick, coarse black fur, muscles, impressively large breasts that she was slightly jealous of. Scary sharp teeth, even for a wolf. She's a direwolf...

Ayumi barred her own teeth. "Is it that obvious?" Her sarcastic quip went unremarked as the shape above gripped its large paw around both of her wrists. She wanted to fight, but against something strong enough to hold her down with one paw, there was nothing she could do. Nothing beyond glaring at the thing.

The shape's paw gripped her hip, getting a pawful of her leather armour. It wasn't painful as such, nor did it seem hostile. The much larger canid girl curiously prodded and tapped into those parts of her body that were safely covered. "What, you never seen leather before?"

"Leather?" Was the quizzical response she got. This confused the wolf. "Yes. You know, tanned hides, fashioned into protective gear. L-E-A-T-H-E-R."

The thing above her jostled in place, shifting its weight around. "You're not wearing the same metal 'gear' like the guards. Are you a wise woman?" It asked, in that same rather deep feminine voice. Now, her curiosity was peaked. At least she had confirmation that whatever this thing was, it, or she, was the one causing trouble for Greymarcet.

She briefly considered lying to the creature. Eventually, Ayu's curiosity got the better of her. Large furred creature with no idea what leather is, well you don't find something that curious every day. "Wise? I'm...a mage, if that's what you mean."

"A mage, like a shamen! You can help us!" The beast above her growled in happiness at that, yanking the wolf mage up by her wrists.

Ayumi yelped in surprise, though she knew there was no reason to struggle as the beast brought her to eye level. Her legs dangled. She didn't even have time to protest as she felt her wrists being tied up by the beasts free paw. Here ankles were constricted next, swiftly bound and pressed tightly together.

She spent a couple minutes being hogtied, knowing better than to thrash and struggle. Whatever help she would need to provide, she had a feeling that there wasn't much choice in the matter. Ayumi was lifted with one arm onto her captor's shoulder.

"...what help?" She chanced the question as her captor started walking. "Our village hasn't had a shamen for ages. We need your advice."

Advice doesn't sound too bad. Well if all they needed were her words, they could've just asked. But her word choice...'village'? If they were tribals or something, maybe she doesn't know how to ask. Ayumi contented herself with huffing on the big furred creature's shoulder in time with her heavy steps.

She found the rhythmic steps and purposeful walking quite soothing, and within a few minutes she found herself dozing off. Ayumi yawned, her tail licking across the larger female's face. "Wake me when we get there."

A quick spank shocked Ayumi awake, her eyes shooting open in surprise. She was about to turn and scold her captor when she noticed two distinct, similarly green pairs of emerald eyes regarding her from her front. Briefly, Ayumi tugged at the bindings still holding her wrists together. No give, and the ropes burned against her fur. She collected herself, and effected an elegant, practiced smile. "Hello...?"

Two wolves, a good few feet taller than her stared at the smaller female."Where'd you find this one, Saam? She's no caravan guard." came from the slightly taller of the two. There was a scar across his chest. No, three! A pattern reminiscent of a tiger's claw. His fur was otherwise midnight black, just like the other two. "She looks pretty." The smaller one's terse reply. It was clear by now they were ignoring her.

Suspended as she was on the back of the larger female she could do nothing more than pout and eye her captors. Well, at least they were interesting to look at it. They were both muscled, with very defined abs. If the setting were more typical, she would call them handsome. They wore nothing on their persons, their plump sheaths full and on display as she looked down. Fuzzy things, though...quite large. Larger than she'd seen on wolves her size by far. The exact measurements would have to wait however, it seemed the tale of how she'd been captured was almost finished.

"...so, since she's a wise woman, I thought we could ask her for help with your...you know, your problems." Saam ended her long-winded explanation, and sat Ayumi down on her rump. It was fairly tender, even though she was currently tied up and helpless, she knew the larger canines meant her no harm.

"We don't need an outsider's help, Saam. Just yours. You've been doing good so far." The short one stepped forward, Ayumi turned her attention to him. He still dwarfed her in size, even if he was the shortest of their little trio. "I get sick of doing that all day..." The female, Ayumi surmised her name was Saam, crossed her arms and huffed.

"Maybe we shouldn't be so rash." The larger male put his arm in front of the smaller, and ushered him away. "I'll talk to the outsider and explain our situation. You two go talk this out in private." Ayumi noticed what he was gesturing to, it looked to be professionally made, well-built, if old and weathered. Dark green canvas but pockmarked with holes, weathered and worn. A tent. Patchwork stitching here and there. At first glance it would look to be abandoned. Was this their home?

Saam and the shorter male beat a hasty retreat, though Ayu did catch a softly whispered apology under the shorter male's breath. It seemed they respected the word of the scarred one at least. "Forgive my siblings." He crouched in front of her, his arms in his lap. "They've always been a bit blunt, but we do what we must."

Siblings. They were related, she should have guessed. "I'll admit I am a bit confused." Ayumi started. "What am I here for, and why am I tied up?"

"Introductions first," his head shook, "my name is Trin. I'm the leader of our little village. I'd shake your paw but...eh heh, yes. Welcome." This one seemed a great deal more educated than the others. The way he spoke was surprisingly refined and practiced.

"Ayumi, and I don't feel very welcome." She flexed, showing off her bound ankles. "So, before I help you, can you help me and untie me?"

"About that..." he met her eyes. "I apologise, but we can't take that risk. If you're a mage like you say, you could really hurt someone if you were free to move your arms...but we just need your advice, and then I'll let you go. I give you my word."

It wasn't like she had anything to lose, and at least they didn't rob her. She could still feel her spellbook in her satchel, though her knife was missing. Well enough. "Alright why not. On one condition."

"Condition?" Trin's eyebrow raised.

"I'm gonna need you to stop raiding travelers on the road first." She did have a job to do after all, and she would do it, come capture or no capture.

"I...that's a tall order. We've never hurt anyone, we only take what we need to survive. If we stopped the raids, we would starve. I cannot allow-"

"What?" Now Ayumi was really confused. They were in a forest, so thick with game and animals she could blindly throw a rock and have a fifty-fifty shot of hitting something delicious. "Why don't you just hunt?"

"We..don't know how. I've had some success outrunning deer but it takes a lot of luck and effort. I'm not proud of it, but it's my job to keep my family safe. You people from the civilized lands have so much excess-"

"Ahem!" Ayumi interrupted, the gears turning in her head. "Let's make a new deal. I'll help you with whatever your problem is, and teach you how to survive without theft, and then you stop the raids." She did wonder just how in the hell they're this old, they look to be in their twenties, and not know how to hunt. Or what leather is.

He seemed to ponder for a moment. "Well...if we have no need to raid, then of course we wouldn't."

That made sense to her. Hopefully there was a way she could please everyone here. "Then it's a deal." Ayumi scooted back against a tree, shimmying along the ground and scraping her leather against the dirt. "Now, about this problem..."

"It's..a bit embarrassing. My brother and I have had some medical problems." He took a more relaxed posture, sitting cross legged in front of her. Medical? She wasn't a doctor but she did know basic first aid.

"I'll try to help but I'm not sure what I could do...tell me what the issue is."

He didn't tell her so much as show her. The large wolf stood, and Ayumi's eyes were immediately drawn to a bit of shiny red on his...oh. The wolf's cock was poking through his sheath, and leaking copious amounts of precum. She could smell it, a delightfully masculine musk wafted from the scarred wolf's length. It was a heady and deliciously tantalizing aroma. She could smell the wild from him.

He interrupted her staring. "It swells like this from time to time. It feels kind of painful but I can ignore it. We've found that it feels good if someone sucks it but that's just a temporary fix, my sister, Saam, has recently-" Ayumi broke out laughing. She couldn't contain herself. They didn't have problems they just wanted a new female to play with! Oh, he had her going for a minute there.

"What's so funny? Look, if you're gonna laugh, then you can-" Ayumi smirked. "Oh hush with your needy self. Here, I'll help you with your little 'problem' heh, honestly you males and your games. If you'd just asked I-"

"How?" He seemed incredulous at that, and a little annoyed.

Ayumi raised an eyebrow, ceasing her undignified sniggering. "Do you...really not know why it's swelling or are you just doing a roleplay thing?" The large wolf male above her crossed his arms and twitched his nose, still a little miffed apparently. "What's roleplay?"

Oh boy, this is gonna take awhile. They'd have to go into the finer details of just how they got to where they are later, for now, there are practical things she must teach the inexperienced male.

..."No, not like that. "Ayumi rested her head back against the tree. "So, you're gonna want to grip at the base. Lightly. Lightly! Don't strangle your cock. You're gonna chaffe it!" Ayu giggled at the male's confused, awkward gripping of his hard cock. He was quite a bit embarrassed, having to be coached how to 'take care of it' himself by a captive canid girl his sister brought home. "Yes there you go, now just...gently stroke upwards. That's it. Mmh."

Trin huffed in heavy breaths as he followed her instructions to the letter. His paw was, as instructed, lightly stroking up and down his length. "Imagine you're thrusting it in a girls mouth. Imagine the feel of her tongue against the tip, and the look on her face when she tastes your length." Ayumi smiled. My, she was turning herself on a little bit.

The she-wolf could see the male's cock throb with need as he stroked, and gods above the wild scent of masculinity his rapid paw movements were causing was mouth watering. "That's it...you're good at this. Remember that as long as what you're doing doesn't hurt anybody else or yourself, you can just do whatever feels good."

"It's natural," she continued, huffing exaggeratedly. The heat was getting to her and the leather against her fur was not helping. "I can help you with that...but you have to promise you don't get in the habit of tying up strangers and getting them to do this for you, okay?"

"Yes, Ma'am." The larger wolf was sitting cross legged in front of her. "So...what do you like to do that feels good?" Ayumi leaned back against the tree, resting her head on the bark. Pretty comfortable all things considered. "I'll show you. Try not to move okay? Just let it happen." She daintily, carefully, lifted her exposed, bound hindpaws into Trin's lap, her paw pads were glowing softly, a faint, excited blue.

"You do it with your hindpaws?" The male held himself rigid as he was instructed, and Ayumi seized the moment. She gently poked his full sheathe with one of her bound toes, coaxing a needy throb from the fuzzy holster. "You can." She confirmed. "I just like doing it this way..."

Ayu prodded the canine length before her with her fuzzy little digits, giving it soft tugs along the sheathe. Eventually, she had successfully coaxed the male's cock from its sheath fully. She celebrated with a sneaky little toe-grab of the tip of his cock, giggling at the fresh spurt of pre she caused.

Time to get to work then! She wasn't here just to play with a big dick, she had a job to do. Her hindpaws wrapped around his cock length, pressing the top of one into the base of the other, sandwiching the now fairly wet, red dick-length between her fuzzy paws. The she wolf started her practiced pawing, gently stroking up and down in long, languid movements. She knew how to jerk someone off with her paws.

The male for his part seemed content to simply stare at her perfect paw work. He said nothing, only seeming to commit the scene to memory. His body language said plenty. Ayu relished the little winces of pleasure she caused, she could see his body tense after she made a skillful, pleasurable stroke. Gods, she loved this feeling. Having a male so enamored with your paws was one of life's greatest pleasures.

Ayumi stifled another girlish giggle at the fairly heavy fresh spurt of pre that got caught in her paws, and she wiggled them for emphasis. The male was already breathing heavy and he, having no sense of bedroom etiquette, was letting his tongue lull from the side of his mouth as he stared. Heh, at least she knew she was doing a good job.

"That's the precum," she cooed. "It basically means that you're enjoying it."

He nodded silently. "Ayumi..." he groaned. "This feels amazing...do you do this a lot?"

"Only to the really lucky guys." Ayumi offered a wink, teasingly pulling her paws from the base of his sheathe. "Come here, show me what your sister does for you." She flicked her muzzle skyward, the best 'come on' motion she could make.

Trin whined a canine whine, but followed her instructions. He stood over ler, legs on either side of her purple-furred body. Now, Ayumi was face to tip with that delicious canine prick. All at once she was hit with that delicious musky scent that would make her drool if she was unprepared.

The larger wolf planted a paw on the tree behind her, and let his cock hang in the air just an inch from her nose. "Saam usually-" Ayu interrupted him with a lick across his tip, picking up a bit of his pre with her greedy tongue. Above her, all she could hear was moans.

Ayu sat to licking. She lapped long, languid licks along the massive thing. Trailing her tongue from the base, a bit of his sheathe fuzz, and back to the tip. It tasted normal, for a canine. Deliciously metallic and savory. It tasted of copper, and she was entranced. She had to guess it was at least ten inches, which was big for a wolf. And that was without adding the extra dick length from the currently forming knot in his sheathe.

"Ayumi..." her ears twitched. She was licking up and swallowing precum more consistently now. It was obvious to see what was about to happen, she didn't need to be told. Mmh, were all these big wolves so...vigorous? Ayu contemplated wrapping her lips around the tip and drinking from him like a spigot.

She peeked an eye open, seeing a nearly tennis ball sized sphere in the male's sheathe just in time for it to poke free. Ayumi opened her muzzle wide, and caught the brunt of his load in her maw. The first few spurts shot directly into the back of her throat, so much that she had to work to swallow his excess. She glanced up, trying to make eye contact as she was thoroughly fed.

To his credit, the male above her showed remarkable restraint in letting her lick him to completion, and was visibly holding back for now. Ayumi could see the muscles in his strong legs twitch with desire to hump, to rut. She would have taken a facefucking if he only knew how.

Ayu let him empty his sizeable balls into her eager stomach for a few moments, enjoying the feel of progressively weaker jets of canine cum shooting down her throat. Eventually, the male above her opened his eyes. She couldn't speak with her mouth so full of spunk, but her eyes conveyed the "Did you like it?" question well enough.

"Oh gods..." he panted above her, watching the movements of her throat. "You're really good at helping males, then?"

Of a sorts, Ayu supposed. She shrugged, still a bit too full for conversation. "Saam never swallows...she said it tastes weird." he managed between heavy breaths. Hm! Well that won't do. It seems the men won't be the only ones she'd have to teach.

All good things must come to an end however, and eventually the virile male taking up her maw shrank, and his seemingly endless orgasm came to an end. After his length withdrew back to its fuzzy sheathe, she grinned up at him. "So, how was the hands on lesson?"

"I want you to stay in my village and show that to everyone." Trin was quick to respond. Ayu's eyes went wide. "What? You want me to do that to a whole village?" The purple wolf glanced around. Strangely, the 'village' seemed to consist of only the one tent. "But my siblings-" he began, but Ayu cut him off. "How many people are in this village of yours?"

"Just me, my brother, and my sister. We're a small village but we try to take care of each other."

"That's not a-" Ayu thought about correcting him, but she decided against it. Whatever they chose to call their family was no business of hers. "Ahem. Anyway, yeah I'd be happy to teach you guys. But...I have a small request. Let me talk to Saam first, Alone. And cut me free!"

"...if you wish, you're the expert here." With a shrug, the large wolf knelt by the smaller female, cutting her bindings free with one extended claw.

Ayumi spent an hour pacing at the edge of their village. Well, it was more like a campsite but whatever. Saam and...whatever the name of the smaller one was, they were still arguing. The sun was going down and night was approaching rapidly. Ayumi plopped herself down on a log and waited

...and waited. And waited.

Until finally, the girl she was waiting on showed up in her peripheral vision. Now, she finally got a good look at her. The large she wolf in question was a few feet above Ayumi's height, and positively dwarfed her in musculature. Just like her brothers, she wore nothing at all. Her D-cup black-furred breasts were bared to the wind for all to see, and a canine pussy, similar to Ayu's was visible beneath her legs. She had thick black fur, a good thing too, the chill of being nude probably doesn't bother her much.

Ayumi turned to greet her but before she could say anything, Saam interrupted her. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for...well for kidnapping you. You see, my brothers just try and get me to do that all the time and it just bores me so much. I didn't know it was such a weird thing in the civilized lands, here my brothers and I just-"

"You don't need to say anything." Ayumi waved a paw dismissively. "It must be confusing for you, being the only girl here.

Saam nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! I...I should be honest, we've never talked with an outsider before. Not since we were all pups and back at our old village, so I don't really know what to say or what to do. I just know that I'm really sorry and I won't do it again!"

Ayumi shrugged and chuckled. "I hope not! So...you wanna take a walk with me? I think we have some things to talk about. Away from the eh, boys."

"Yeah, um. Sure, sure. I'll just...sorry, I'm a bit nervous heh. You're really pretty. I've never seen another girl before."

Ayu closed her and eyes and shook her head. "C'mon you. Honestly, you're all so adorable for being big, scary versions of wolves." Ayumi took Saam's larger paw in hers and began a little walk. The moon was out tonight, and the pair of canines could see everything particularly well. The forest around them was thick with life, fireflies about lighting their way, distant owl hoots, a raven's caw. It might be scary but everything seems decidedly less so when the monster that goes bump in the night is nervously clinging to your paw, too scared to say anything.

Maybe 'monster' was a bit harsh.The girl beside her was cute, irregardless of her imposing form. "So, tell me about your fam- er, village."

"Oh!" her eyes lit up. "Well, my brother Trin is the leader. The one you helped earlier, he told you his name right? Din is my little brother. He's the best at cooking. And I'm Saam. I do the cleaning and help the males when they need me to...but I don't really like doing it much." She sounded a bit forlorn at that. Ayu's ears perked. "I...I don't know, I like seeing them happy but it's...hard. They ask me to do it alot."

"It is hard...but there are some things you can do to make it easier on yourself. Like, you know you don't have to just use your mouth right? You can use your paws, your hands, or even let them mate you if you if...if you like them well enough. I'm not really familiar with love between siblings."

"Mate my brothers..." The larger wolf thought about it, her free paw tapping into her thigh in contemplation. "That's kind of scary...I'm not sure I'd be comfortable with that. I let them use my muzzle but that seems a bit...risky, doesn't it? Do you think I should?"

Ayu didn't like her word choice. "You don't need to let them 'use' you." Ayu stopped her new friend with a quick tug on her held paw. "Not anymore at least...I've taught Trin a way to take care of himself, they shouldn't be pressuring or bugging you to do it for them. And if they are tell them no. Never be afraid to say no. They'll live without a blowjob for a day."

"No it's not that, I was never pressured or anything. I like doing it, and it's not like there's any other way to pass the time. But they just want me to do it all the time. Is that...bad? Cause, some days I'll want to do it and others I won't, but they seem to want it all the time."

The smaller purple wolf gave her friend a gentle nuzzle into the shoulder. "No it's not bad," she giggled. "Somedays you just want to do something else."

The larger she-wolf was quiet for a moment, thinking, as if she was having a debate inside her own head. "Cause...well, I have this book I kinda have it hidden outside of camp. It talks about...you know, sex. And how to do it. And mating, and pups. I didn't want to show it to my brothers because I was afraid they'd read it and want to try it all with me but I've been trying to keep them satisfied and I just can't do it anymore. I can't do it alone, and I have to do it so much. I'm afraid one of them will find it eventually and want to mate me, and then I'd have a kid and I don't-" Ayumi silenced the larger she wolf with a hug, wrapping her arms around the other and snuggling into her tummy and chest.

"You didn't do anything wrong," she reassured the now rather panicked and emotional direwolf. "Learning about this stuff is confusing...but I promise, from now on, you won't have to do it alone." Ayumi pulled off, smiling up at her friend, who was now trembling in her soft wolfy grip.

Saam wrapped her arms around Ayumi's back, and held her. They stayed like that for a small while, before the larger she-wolf let Ayu go with a quiet "thank you."

The pair continued on their walk through the dark forest, holding each other rather close now and chatting regularly. Eventually, the topic turned back to the village, and Ayu had to ask,

"how...how long have you and your brothers been alone up here, Saam?"

"Ever since we were about six. Our parents dropped us off here and then never came back." Oh...that explains their lack of experience. Ayu stretched, it seems she has her work cut out for her. Still, she may as well make sure that book Saam stole away didn't have any faulty information in it. "Okay, so, when a boy and a girl, or two boys or two girls love each other very much," Saam's ears visibly perked.

Ayu was sat on a log making lewd gestures with her paws, trying to simulate the act of male on female debauchery. Saam was quite curious, sitting next to her and paying rapt attention. "But of course, some males just prefer other males, and some females just prefer other females. Some people, like me, think that all sex is good sex and don't care where they get it."

"That's a good way to look at it." The larger wolf nodded her understanding. "But, should we ever...like, ask them to please us?"

"Of course!" Ayu chuckled. "There's nothing wrong with that! And most of them, they'll say yes, Boys are boys, hehe."

"That makes sense." Saam seemed to relax a bit at that, her nerves having gotten the better of her. "So, it would be okay for me to ask my brothers..."

"Yes!" Ayu scooted a bit closer to her new friend, wrapping her forearm around her torso in a little hug. Ayumi's well grommed arm was tickled a bit by the rather coarse fur of Saam's stomach. "You're getting it now, most would jump at the chance to..er, help a woman like you. Or like us."

"I like that idea...but...what about actually mating them? My brothers, I mean, I love them. But I'm not sure if I love them. Do you understand?"

"I do...I do." Ayu's voice was a bit less chipper now. "Mating is...riskier. There's pups to think about, and most of the world doesn't think too highly of brothers and sisters being together in that way. It's a choice you'll have to make on your own." Ayumi's paw was patting along Saam's thigh as she spoke, trying to provide what comfort she could. Poor girl...

Saam recoiled, her teeth barred. "What, the civilized lands doesn't? Why not? If you're supposed to mate someone you trust, how could you trust anyone more than your family?"

Ayu was calm. "It just...I'm not really sure myself, personally. I don't care, but you should know that most would look down on you all for that behaviour." It wasn't like Ayu could blame them for getting so familiar with each other. If they were telling the truth, they were out here for a long, long time. With no other males or females in sight, well, it only seems natural.

"As you long as you don't care...I guess I don't care what anyone else thinks." Saam relaxed a bit, though her arms were still crossed and she wore a prominent pout.

"That's a very mature attitude to have." Ayu craned her muzzle upwards, nuzzling into Saam's arm. "I'll try to help you as best I can."

"...Hey, Ayumi. Why do you wear those?" The direwolf poked into her friend's leather bracers with a claw, were it any harder Ayu might be afraid of puncturing. "You called them leathers right?"

"For protection! And they look good besides I think." She flexed her wrists, showing them off. Despite her recent misadventures they were still rather clean, and the brown shone well in the moonlight.

"They do, but your fur is beautiful, it looks so striking. Why do you cover it up?" She said, sounding almost accusatory.

Ayu snickered. "Heh, thank you...but it's a custom where I'm from to cover yourself like this." The smaller wolf gestured to her friend's exposed crotch. A full spade similar to any other wolf's equipment was visible between her legs. "I see you don't have the same hang-ups here."

"Oh, no, no...we don't. Should we?"

Ayu suddenly realized she was in the position of being able to guide the direwolves' wardrobe choices. She tapped her paw against the log in thought. "No." She eventually responded. "Wear whatever you want, it shouldn't matter what the outside world thinks of you."

"...Thank you, Ayumi." Saam's paws tapped audibly into the log as the pair watched the fireflies dart about the forest in front of them, floating around and leaving visible light trails. "So, Trin said you were going to teach him to hunt."

Ayu shrugged. "Among other things."

"Do you think you could teach me something too?"

"Sure! I'll try, what do you want to know?"

"Do you like other girls?"

Oh....ohhhh. Well, that was a pretty big tell as to what she wanted. Ayumi snickered. "That I do. Didn't I already tell you that?"

"Oh! Right, sorry. I just- Uh. Sorry."

Ayu rolled her eyes. Well, if she had to take the initiative, than she had to take the initiative. Ayumi stood up, looking into the eyes of her new friend. Emerald green, and quite visible even the dark of night. "You don't need to be sorry." From this position, Ayu was eye level and directly in front of her friend.

"I..don't?" Still ever clueless, the direwolf girl's head tilted in curiosity. Ayu placed a paw on her knee, and leaned in, pressing their noses together. "You don't." Their eyes stayed locked together, until Ayumi closed hers, and pressed their lips together.

Saam fell into the kiss with surprising ease, offering no resistance. They simply stayed in this position for a moment, enjoying the feeling of one another's lips and company. But...of course, a wolf is a wolf, and Saam would not be satisfied with a simple pec.

Ayumi felt strong paws wrap around her torso, and suddenly her paws were off the ground. Ayu yipped in surpris, Saam's' maw opened, seizing the moment and sliding her tongue into Ayumi's.

Saam's strong grip was enough to hold the smaller female aloft by one arm, and by crooking her arm around Ayu's thighs and holding her at eye-level, that's just what she did. Her free paw ran along Ayumi's body, gripping her hips, her chest through her gear, resting on her rump. Ayu moaned.

Her tongue put up a token fight, pretending to try to oust the intruder, before being overwhelmed with her intrepid tonguing. Ayumi felt rather giddy in the strong grip of this woman, she always enjoyed someone who could take charge.

They spent of few minutes trading kisses, breaking for a moments in between to catch their breath and lick each other's neck. Eventually, Ayu felt herself sat gently down, and the strong she-wolf gave her a final, loving lick on the cheek. "I've never kissed a girl before." She nearly whispered.

Ayu was still catching her breath. "Well you're really good at it." and then, Ayu let herself flop onto her back and chuckled.

"You know, you would look really good without all that leather on you. I'd take care of you, you know. If you're worried about my brothers taking advantage, I wouldn't let them-"

"Oh my gosh, Saam. If you want to see me naked all you have to do is ask."

"...can I?"

"Later, later...It has been an eventful day and I'd really like a nap honestly."

"Oh, that's okay! Do you want me to take you back home? I...uh, sorry. Was I too forceful? I don't want to make you do something you don't want to do."

Ayu waved a paw dismissively skyward. "'Just caught me a bit off guard is all...you want to take me home now, beautiful? My paws are getting a bit dirty."

With that, Ayu felt herself scooped up and carried. One arm was under her legs, and one under her back. Despite her unkempt fur, she was rather soft...and comfortable to snuggle into. Once again, Ayumi was lulled to sleep by the rythmic thumping of heavy direwolf pawsteps.


Well this is new for me, I've never written with someone else's character before! But, it was pretty fun. How'd I do?

As always, I appreciate all comments, favs, and rates.