THE LAST DROP chapter 2

Story by Brutus_Garret on SoFurry

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#2 of The last drop

Last drop chapter 2

Late in a New York night, atop a nondescript building on a seedy dock, two figures have a discussion, two green skinned, shelled creatures, turtles... ninja turtles.

A yellow masked one, playing with its nunchaku while sitting on a ledge, and a blue masked one, fuming and walking back and forward while doing his best to not yell at the yellow masked one, though doing a poor job of it.

"BEASTIALITY MIKEY!? SERIOUSLY!?" he says, voice just a tiny bit too low to actually be considered a yell "I mean, what would Master splinter say? And Donnie? And Ralph?"

The yellow masked one, Mikey blows a raspberry "Oh come on Leo, Donnie already knows, after all, I used his PC to look up my shit, until he made me that portable one... so I wouldn't fill his with viruses and shady search history stuff" he says as if halfway quoting his purple masked brother "not like donkey show stuff is the worst I've ever fapped to" Mikey adds with a bit of pride that just makes his sibling grow closer to popping a vein.

"THAT'S... Thats why he gave you the portable PC!? And he knows!? What else is my family hiding from me!?" Leo throws his hands up in the air in despair before freezing in place "... What do you mean that's not the worst you fa...f... masturbated to?"

Mikey giggles at his brother's difficulty to push out the 'dirty' word, getting grabbed by the shoulds and pulled off the ledge so he was face to face with his blue 'dressed' brother "Oh, if I tell ya, you're definitely gonna lose it even more... and as for your first question, Ralph is into scat, he tries to pretend he isn't and makes excuses about it, but I tootally call that he is into it."

Leo lets out a long sigh and remains silent for a bit before asking "What's scat?"

His answer does not come from Mikey though... both turtles were so distracted that they just so happened to miss the approach of two figures.

"We'll shows ya" A familiar voice said before Leo was hit in the back of the head, quickly followed by Mikey getting similarly knocked out, though from a punch to the nose instead; Their normal lighting fast, ninja-training enhanced reactions impaired by Leo's shock and his vice like grip on Mikey's shoulders, a grip that remained even after the blue masked turtle went down.

Standing over the two turtles where a musclegutted pair consisting of a rhino wearing a tank top and cargo military pants, and a boar with a purple mohawk, wearing an open vest to show his brown furred fat-muscular belly and dark pants.

The duo had actually been having a little date, watching the show from their own private little hidey-hole while having fun with each other, when they noticed the turtles; At first they thought the two were here to break up the show and ruin their fun, then they saw the yellow masked one actively masturbating to it... Having no better judgement, they decided to sneak in and eavesdrop in the two, actually kind of expecting to fail at it... but they succeeded, in fact they were able to follow the turtles all the way to this other building rooftop without being noticed and all... Plenty of time for the two horny idiots to come up with a fun lewd little plan (if it can even be called that) for the two.

Now they just needed to find a way to drag two heavy ass turtles back to their place without being seen or the captives waking up...

Wet noises fill the room along with muffled voices, Leo slowly blinking as he wakes up, finding himself blindfolded and tied up, arms behind his back (a very uncomfortable position considering the shell) legs spread... he feels a chill at his crotch and realizes his crotch and ass plate are gone.

Panic grips his mind for a moment, only his brothers and his father know about their plate, then who did...

His blindfold is suddenly removed, his gaze meeting the hairy, dirty ass of a certain Rhino, one who is butt naked and messily making out with a certain boar who is also butt naked, they turn to the side, blindfold in the rhino's hand as he goes grope his companion, Leo now able to see their hard uncut cocks pushed against each other's bellies.

He was also able to see his grinning, also 'naked' and practically untied brother; Though Mikey did have his arms bound together in rope, he was NOT tied down to a chair, and was, in fact, practically drooling at the sight of their captors making out, kneeling next to them to get the best angle of view.

"MIKEY!" he yells, the other turtle turning and waving his bound arms "sup bro! Bebop and Rocksteady are going to take our virginity" he says in a happy, casual tone, a wink of his eye as he technically wasn't a virgin, though he did not know Leo indeed was one.

Leo opens his mouth to yell again and then gets a pair of dirty, sweaty, piss stained jockstraps shoved down his mouth "That right toitles" Rocksteady says, hands on his waist, finally away from his companion, his cock rock hard, aiming straight at Leo.

"Me and my buddy here heard yer problems and Wer gonna help ya" Bebop says, licking his lips "Wer gonna fuck yas, shit and piss too, teach yer poor virgin toitles all the funs of kinky sex, though Mikey here seem to already know some" Rocksteady continues for his 'buddy' turning to grin at Mikey, who has a big grin on his face and a rock hard cock of his own.

"Always happy to help a fellow kinky ass mutant" Bebop finishes, giving a snort giggle to himself; Leo starting to shake in his chair in a mix of anger, shock, disgust and simply trying to break free as the boar does his giggle.

Without a further word, the two fat mutants glance at each other and wink, soon bebop is kneeling between Leo's legs, breathing against the turtle's dick, nuzzling it, licking it gently, teasing it, making the turtle shake and struggle even harder at the same time that his dick grows harder; Leo going wide eyed as his attention is drawn past the boar, to the rhino standing sideways to him, bending over slightly, an arm firmly on Mikey's head, pushing the other turtle's head against his ass(not that much strength was needed to do so... if anything more was needed to hold the orange masked ninja back), a grin showing on the Rhino's face.

Slowly but surely rocksteady grunted, and a massive log of brown shit started to push out of his pucker, coming into view to the bound turtle for just a few minutes before it threatened to smush into the waiting face of his brother; Leo closed his eyes and turned his face away, but just a few moments later his head was facing forward again, held in place by Bebop, who also forced his eyes open just in time for Mikey to get his head shoved against the Rhino's ass, and the log of shit, face covered in the scat as he motorboats the ass in front of him.

Rocksteady lets Mikey go, the turtle moaning loudly "Stop being a wimp bro" he says playfully before going back to making out with the rhino's asshole, only coming up to say "Sit on me daddy!" making Leo gag and tear up even more than he already was from having his eyes forced open to watch; Though the boar had let his head ago already, not that the poor turtle realized, at least not until the boar had walked in front of him and returning to sucking and licking, but by now Leo could not look away.

By now Rocskteady was full on sitting on the turtle's face, Mikey slowly leaning back as he slurped and massaged the Rhino's ass, his arms long since slipped loose, but the turtle not bothering to fight back, if any doubt remained in Leo's mind that his sibling was a freakish sex degenerate, it was now fully gone, or at the least it went away when Mikey finally lay on his shell with a filthy fat rhino using his face as a seat... a toilet seat.

"Naw blue, shit aint so bad" Bebop says, now nuzzling Leo's rock hard cock, almost sounding honest; His eyes lighting up behind his glasses, the only bit of clothing he still wore, as he gets up turns around and reaches for Leo's cock, slowly trying to aim it at his own hairy, sweaty dirty ass, moving it back slowly against the turtle's crotch, said turtle shaking in place and whining against the jockstraps lodged in his mouth.

The whines soon turn to a muffled moan as he feels his cock push easily into the boar's asshole, the spit serving as a makeshift lube as the dark green uncut head sinks in, then hits something; The boar keeps going, massaging and slapping his own fat ass for Leo to see as he pushes his ass down on the turtle's shaft, which quickly gets coated in shit as it pushes against the load Bebop had been holding back.

The turtle shakes violently and yells against the gag, but it turns to a moan, and tears streamed down his face, the turtle close to breaking not only because this was way too much for the once incredibly vanilla and 'goodie' turtle... but because it felt so good.

He had no other experiences to compare it to, he never even fapped before, but the sensation of his cock sinking into that ass, the sensation of it sinking into the mushy shit... it was amazing; Even the disgusting smells that were once driving him to gag, the taste of the jockstraps... it all slowly mutated, transformed in his mind to arousing things, each inch of his cock buried in the pig's backside driving his mind deeper into lewdness.

When Leo's cock was hilt deep, the turtle moaned madly around the jockstraps in his mouth and shot his entire load in one go, cock twitching and pulsing all the while, bebop snorting as he feels it "Hey Rock, wimpy toitle already emptied his balls on me" he says with a laugh, pulling himself off Leo with a mushy wet sound, the turtle's cock bobbing free covered in brown shit and some bits of cum, flicking some of the mess into the air and the boar's backside.

Stepping to the side, Bebop snort-laughs at the sight, his own asshole covered in shit specks, as well as some leaking cum; Rocksteady by now had been done with his 'release' and was simply masturbating while sitting on his turtle toilet's face, casually getting up and even helping his 'toilet' up to take a look, the Rhino laughing out loud and moving closer, suddenly pulling the jocks out of Leo's mouth, the Turtle gasping and moaning in between sobs.

Mikey, meanwhile, grinned and kneeled close to his siblings shit covered dick "Damn bro, that's a nice sight, and you were really a virgin through and through right?" he giggles to himself before looking over his shoulder at their 'captors' who where already groping each other.

"Yo, mind if I clean up my crybaby bro so we can get going?" he asks, Leo looking down with tired shock, as he could not even muster the energy to fully verbalise his disapproval and continued surprise at his brother's actions... at least that is what he told himself, pushing aside the thought that maybe he was starting to enjoy this and wanted to see what was coming next.

"I didn't cum mikey" Rocksteady casually says, the turtle simply looking over his shoulder and shaking his ass "Can always ride my ass while I suck my bro clean, though I cant get you the full scatty treatment" he winks, the Rhino grins and they take position, Mikey's mouth inches from Leo's cock, the groaning turtle only able to say "Mikey..." as he looks down at his brother's face, and at the sight of the big Rhino dick being pressed to his siblings posterior.

Slowly Mikey takes in his brother's shit covered cock, letting every inch slide inside his mouth, against his tongue, all in full view of Leo; The cock twitched at every inch, every touch, even as the orange masked turtle's tongue scraped shit off it.

At the same time, at almost the same speed, Rocksteady sunk his cock into the turtle's waiting hole, Mikey's asshole being surprisingly easy to sink in, giving away the turtle was not quite a true virgin; Soon enough the rhino has shoved over half of his cock in, stopping only when he can fit no more and Mikey starts to moan around Leo's cock; It is then that Leo notices Bebop slip behind the Rhino, giving his partner's ass a heavy slap that makes the butt visibly wobble even from Leo's point of view, before kneeling back there, the slurping sounds that follow giving Leo no doubt what the boar was up to.

Mikey started to lick and suck all over the shit covered cock, snaking his tongue along the entire length, licking the underside and sides completely clean before long, all the while moaning and holding himself in place, body shaking with each short thrust of Rocksteady's hips, which quickly grew in speed; Behind the two, Bebop hungrily licked his buddy's ass completely clean, making sure to give plenty of attention to the asshole too, going right for the G spot with each 'kiss' given to it.

It doesn't take long, about the time it took for Mikey to lick the top of Leo's cock clean, earning another pathetic spurt of cum from the formerly virgin turtle, for Rocksteady to finish, giving a few awkward slaps to the turtle's backside before shooting a good sized load inside, then pulling out and showing a few more ropey strands of cum over Mikey's shell, the Rhino wasting no time in turning around to kiss the boar who had, seconds before, been rimming his ass.

"So hey dudes, can we go now? Also, can I have your phone, would LOVE to get something going with you guys for some of my other kinks" Mikey says, springing to his feet and slipping his shell phone from... somewhere, making Leo groan as he realizes Mikey could have called for help all along; Their captives look a bit disturbed, but quickly smile and actively exchange numbers with the turtle before asking in unison.

"What about 'im?" they refer to Leo, who gets tense again, at least until Mikey's answer "Oh, just knock him out, help me drag him to a roof somewhere, then I'll wake him and he'll yell at me or something" he says in his innocent, friendly party dude voice, earning a "Oh Mikey what the HELL!" from Leo before the blue masked turtle is knocked out again.

An hour or so later, in the sewers, on the way to their home...

Leo could not STOP yelling at Mikey, having taken his brother's weapons and raved and raged against him all the way home, it was only his discipline that stopped him from full on beating his brother up, that and the believe that master Splinter would straighten him out after this... nightmarish hell of a night; The yelling not helped by the fact that he had to keep covering his ass and crotch because Mikey thought to give Bebop and Rocksteady their covering plates as a parting gift.

"~and now were probably gonna have to wear shorts or something, so we can go out, since you just HAD to give our plates away" Leo added as he remembered that particular fact for the 20th time he almost moved his hand away from covering himself.

"Master Splinter will be so angry..." he added with a hiss as they approached home, Mikey just rolling his eyes.

Unknown to both of them, their Master and father currently stood naked over their purple masked sibling, forced to kneel with his head over a bowl of piss by their red masked one, as the rat prepared to 'train' his son.

To be continued...

The last drop chapter 3

THE LAST DROP - FINAL CHAPTER Leo burst into the lair, looking angrily behind himself as he called out "MASTER, YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT MIKEY'S DONE!" sounding quite a bit like a whiny child as he did so, hands over his crotch and ass; The...

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"Fox, heeeelp!" The toad called out over the comms as he was shot down... again; Though this time the situation was a bit more complicated. The Starfox team was swarmed, desperately trying to defend the great fox as waves upon waves of Andross's...

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Splinter angrily jerked his flaccid member, grunting and groaning all the while. The human turned rat was frustrated, frustrated and pent up beyond belief; Ever since he got transformed into this (rather sexy, he had to admit) form he had yet to...

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