Shocking Question (not finished)

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Dylan woke with a start, sitting up straight to see his 11 year old daughter, Sarah. "whats wrong sweety?"

Sarah climbs up on the king sized bed "i miss mommy" she pouts looking up at Dylan. "Aww you can sleep with me in my bed, since there is alot of space here" Dylan frowns as he looks at the empty spot to his left where his wife used to sleep.

Ever since the divorce the family has suffered espically Dylan, he was used to being dumped or divorced but this a different story, but thats for another time.

As Dylan snaps out of his memory he notices how cute and how sarah looks almost like her mom. With those blue sparkling eyes. The same bright orange fur, along with her small develpoing buds. you could see a small peice of hair growing on her little slit.

Dylan gasps as he notices how excited he got, his erection sliding out his sheath poking his daughter, "Oh no! Sarah" He looks at her questioning look, "Are you ok daddy?" She pokes at it "How did that come out of you, oooh its so big" Sarah giggles as she keeps poking her dads cock as for Dylan, He starts breathing hard to control his excitement.

"Uh uhhh umm honey i think we should just get to bed"

The Next Morning...

I dont know how to finish this story but if i get some comments asking me to i will try my best