Event Horizon: Chapet 1 Approach

Story by Tagard on SoFurry

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Event Horizon: Chapter One


Attention: there is no yiff in this story yet. But that doesn't mean that there won't be.

"Today's the day. I'm gonna do it...here I go..." Tagard murmured to himself as he adjusted his hoodie and satchel. He walked nervously up the steps to his school. He was giving himself a pep-talk because today his closest friends were going to find out that he was gay. He was a nervous sort when anyone else was around but when it came to his friends he acted free. He could do whatever he wanted around his friends and they wouldn't care but he knew that, that wasn't even near the truth. So he took A deep breath and walked into his classroom.

"Morning," Evolu, said cheerfully a paw from behind a desk, glancing at the german Shepard, who'd just walked in. "Where's Blitz?"

"You really think I would know," He said aloud while thinking to himself, I would love to know where he is so I could fu....No. Not now, at least not yet.

"Hi Ev, Sup Tag?" said Blitz, A tall green dragon, Ducked under the top of the door way and folded his wings behind him to get them out of the way. As he strolled in to the class room, he kissing Evolu on her whiskered cheek, " Let's take a walk, I have some things I need to do." Luckily he didn't see Tagard ear's drop and his tail sag, at the thoughts he had just had about his friend.

But, now surrounded by the people he loved, they walked their normal morning path down to the music room, happy. Only he knew what was bound to happen in a few minutes. If he was lucky they may not hate him, just not be around him anymore. On the other hand If he wasn't, this red-neck town would-no onlt positive thoughts.

"I'll be right back. I just have to go check on something with a teacher." Blitz assured the other two.

With a sigh Tagard watched his friend go, after all Blitz was straight and Tagard had no idea how he would react. So he decided to concentrate on convincing his feline friend.

"So Ev, While he's gone I've go to, um, tell you something. It's important and you've got to believe me. So I'm just gonna come out and say it. I-- "

"Say it already, Jesus Christ. "

"Um, okay, " he mumbled shyly looking down at his feet, "I'm gay."

What? Evolu gasped in surprise.

'well,' he thought to himself 'I guess she believes me. Now if I could just get her to not hate me. "I wanted to tell you first because, I thought you, of all people would understand and I'm Sorry and I-I I'll just l-l-leave.. he stuttered nervously as he shuffled towards the door.

"Tagard," Evolu said sweetly from behind him, "You're stuttering."

Tagard's shyness turned suddenly to rage, "Oh, Yeah, sure. Let's make fun of the queer. He not only likes men, But he also stutters. We can't have stuttering queers."

"Tagard, you dumb mutt. Two things you need to know. A, people can probably hear you so shut up, and B, I was trying to make you relax. I haven't whipped out the torches and pitchforks...yet."

Looking back up to her for the first time in that conversation , "Really? you don't hate me? You don't want to "warn" every one about me?" he said hopefully.

Evolu just pointed to her shirt that said "Yaoi Fiend" in response. She suddenly had a very relieved German Shepard hugging her tightly.

"Do you think I should tell Blitz?" he asked as he released her.

"God no! You would have like five seconds to live, you have slept over at his house, remember? If you do tell him you'd better make those five seconds count."

Tagards just smiled. He knew what he would do with those five seconds...

"Hey, Maybe I'd get ten seconds. The first five would be amazement and the other five would be how long it would take for him to find a blunt object."

At this they both laughed. Tagards felt alive. It was as if he'd been living someone else's life up until now. As Blitz came out of the teacher's office, he noticed that Tagard's tail was wagging so violently that his entire rear end was moving with it. As Tagard skipped happily away he asked Evolu as he nuzzled her neck, "Are we still on for pizza tomorrow? And What the hell was he so happy about? "

"I have no flippin' idea." was the only response he got. Evolu smiled as she kissed her boyfriend,and was happy for Tagard, happy and amazed that he even had the courage.

As Tagard skipped happily through the halls leading his friends to their respective first period classes he new that this would be a new page in his life. But he also knew deep down that he would tell Blitz, and he would tell him very soon...

The next day was a biter december day that caught the three of them meeting up at Evolu's house either to got out or to do some crazy stunt that Tagards had convinced the, to do.

"Come meager peasants. Let us tarry not as I have a hunger, a hunger for food. Tagard proclaimed, as he struck what the hoped would be an inspiring pose.

"You're always hungry you idiot." Glared Evolu, her tail thrashing about.

"Yeah, just chill out. Did you even take you're pills today?" Blitz snickered at Tagard behind a claw. In answer Tagard only smiled mischievously.

"We are so screwed." Evolu said, shaking her head from side to side, while Tagards tried to climb a tree in her back yard, with Blitz's help of course.

"Dude," Blitz grunted, "Lay off the Mountain Dew, You gettin' pretty fat."

"I'm not fat," Tagards gasped as he finally pulled himself on to the first branch, "I'm just Fluffy."

"Is that why you needed help to get to the first branch, a staggering three feet off the ground?" Provoked Evolu, from inside the porch.

Tagard's ADHD kicked in and he was suddenly off on another topic. "We gonna go or what? I'm still hungry." he whined, rubbing his tan tummy mournfully.

"Yeah we're gonna go as soon as someone gets the keys and starts the car." Evolu said as she crossed her arms in exasperation.

"I'll get them." Blitz said walking inside Evolu's house.

'Not if I get them first.' Tagard snickered to himself as he abandoned his tree branch and ran on all fours towards the door. He would have made it too, if Blitz decided to close the door to keep the heat in. As he flew into a near by bush he saw people across the street watching. So, when he finally popped back up from the bush he Walked gracefully back to the Evolu's van as if nothing had ever happened, while thinking of something insulting to say to the snickering people across the street.

Unfortunately his short attention span striked again and led his thoughts on to other, more amusing things. As he dove through the van's diver side window, he yelled happily, "I'm driving!" The resounding 'NO' from not only his friends but the nearby neighbors distracted him from seeing the Dragon open up the van door, and reach in. Only when his head was in the clutches of Blitz did Tagard notice him.

"Oy, What was that for?" Tagards said indignantly as he was thrown unceremoniously into the back seat of the van.

"Bad Tagard, bad." Blitz teased as he shook his finger at him then he pointed to Tagard's tail which looked broken at the moment. "Rember last ime?"

"One bloody time trying to drive a shopping cart... "

"Shut up Tag. Here's a 'dew." Evolu said as she threw a can of Mountain Dew way into the back of the van, which Tagards immediately dived after.

"You've doomed us all." Blitz cried. Then his expression turned to dismay as he realized he forgot something. He raced out of the car, back into the house, and then returned a moment later with a package. As he hopped into the van, he tossed the package inot Evolu's lap. "In case of emergency..." was all he said. So, of course she had to look as Tagards was nearly done with the mountain dew.

"Huh? Now you have me worried. What are we going to do with this?" she asked puzzled as she lifted a spray bottle filled with water out of the box.

"No-nonono, don't let him see it, You'll see what we'll use it for if he acts up in public again." Blitz said hurriedly but it was too late.

The sound of a can crunching was what alerted then to the horror that sat in their back seat sulking, which then turned to growling.

" You said you lost that thing." Tagard growled, his hackles rising at the sight of the spray bottle. Even though the original spray bottle wasn't lost. Tagard stole it and buried it out behind his house. His ears began to fold flat against his head at the thought of what that meager spray bottle could do.

"I did lose it. I found this one in Ev's house." Blitz said in a matter-of-fact voice, turning to look at him.

"Why does the damn cat need spray bottles, anyway, she licks herself clean for Christ's sake." He said maliciously.

"Don't I know it." Blitz mumbled, "This is what I was talking about," Blitz said turned back to Evolu and took the spray bottle out of her paws gently. " You really shouldn't have given him the Mountain dew to him. You know what it does." Blitz started to spray him in the face saying, "Bad Tagard, bad boy. Down. "

Tagard snarled as he tried to bite at the water, but failed miserably. That tactic only succeeded in him getting water upis nose. Eventually he dived behind the back seat, growling in defeat.

"Damn! That time it took almost half a bottle to get him to stop." Blitz said in astonishment as he started the van.

"Will he be all right? I mean, Will he still be mad at us?" Evolu purred at Blitz.

"Nah. I bet he won't even remember it," Blitz replied as he pulled out of the driveway, "In fact I'm counting on it."

About twenty minutes later, after many curses at idiots that decided to drive that day they made it to the street corner that they needed to be on. By this time Tagard had slunk his way up behind the driver's seat and just as he was going to start bothering the driving dragon about where they were going, He noticed a "Game Stop" across the Street.

Blitz and Evolu were alerted to his presence by the scratching and whimpering sounds that came from the back of the van.

"What the Hell, do you think you're doing?" yelled an infuriated Evolu. "This ain't my car" she said as she reached for the spray bottle.

"Bu-but.. Game stop... is right there..." He whimpered and continued to attempt to scratch his way through the window.

Blitz smiled as he looked in the rearview mirror at the German Shepard trying to get out of the van. "Don't you worry dude," he said soothingly as he pushed the look lock button, "we're almost there."

"Scratch that, We are here." Evolu said as Blitz turned left and parked, then unlocked the doors.

"Pizza Slut? " Tagard asked his voice laden with disappointment, "Why are we here,"

Evolu leaned over to Blitz and whispered, "Don't tell him that they have mountain dew."

Tagard turned from looking at the building, "They have Mountain Dew? See ya " he announced as he ran inside. Blitz could only stand in awe. "Wha-, huh? I could barely hear you how'd he?"

Evolu could only sigh, and shake her head. When she looked back up at him he was still confused. She was getting cold so she explained hurriedly, "His "Mountain Dew Senses" were tingling," she said exasperated, while using air quotes to get her true feelings across. "Come on let's go. Who knows what he has done in there already."

Just as they were walking in Tagard popped his head back out of the door. "My Mountain Dew senses are real, so NAH " He said curtly and with his tongue poking out he went back inside. The two furries outside could only stare in confusion as they walked in. Tagard was already seated, until they pointed out the sign that said "Please Wait To Be Seated". Looking at this Tagard slunk back towards Blitz, but was caught half-way there by the waiter.

"Um, sir, you may return to where you were seated. We're not that crowded as you can see." the waitress said as she pointed around the restaurant. He followed her and behind him snickered Blitz and Evolu.

"Nice" was all that Evolu could say with out bursting out laughing.

Tagard turn around slowly, his mouth in a disturbing and menacing grin. Pointing at Blitz he said through clenched teeth, "Not a word out of either of you." Then switching his attitude suddenly, as he was accustomed to doing, he smiled genuinely at the waiter. "How about you just bring a two liter of Mountain Dew, for me and my friend George?" he said, brandishing a One-dollar bill in the fox's face. The waiter just took the money and as she was walking back to the kitchen she yelled back to him, "You know that the drinks come with the pizza right?"

Blitz and Evolu both had to restrain him. After he was seated next to Evolu in a booth, Blitz accused Evolu, "You started his 'Dew binge by giving him one this morning."

"Only to get him to shut up...It's not my van ya know?" Evolu said angrily back.

"That damn fox took my dollar." Tagard mumbled to himself causing the other two to laugh.

After Blitz had wiped away the tears from his eyes and caught his breath he said" And why do we keep you around again?"

"It's cause of my shexy ass." Tagard said as he stood up and rubbed him bottom for emphasis.

"Dude no put it away, put it away."Evolu cried as she covered her eyes.

Blitz started to look under the table, hoping to find a trash bin of some kind. Finding none he ran to the bathroom, passing the bewildered looking waitress.

As soon as Blitz was gone Tagard's mood changed again, this time he was serious. "Well, do you think I should tell him?" he asked his feline friend.

"I dunno. Just keep in mind I give you five seconds to run tubby." she said and poked him in the tummy for emphasis.

"Ow." he moaned, clasping his tan, poked tummy, "That hurt, And just for that, I'll tell him that you, um, did...things...so, hah, damn you. " He then looked back up as the satisfied Dragon near thier table. "I've got something to tell you, Blitz" Tagard Said scratching his head and looking away. He really had no idea of how he would act up untill now, he was running on impulses all day. He had to lay this out carefully or else Blitz would hate him and he would have roughly five seconds to make peace with the god of his choice. Screw it, he said to himself, if you don't like me for who I am then I won't let you see me cry.

He took a deep breath and whispered, "I'm gay." to Blitz

Blitz leaned in closer, so that he could better hear him, "What? I couldn't hear you."

Looking up to the dragon Tagard said, "I'm gay. I like men. Shoot me now. Okay? Did You hear that?"

"Oh okay. Sorry. So-" Blitz was said to Evolu, before Tagard stopped paying attention.

Tagard was very puzzled. As far as he knew Blitz was as Anti-Gay as they come. Always making jokes about them. Making fun of them in school. So why was he so accepting now? Did Evolu already tell him? No she wouldn't. Right? The only way to find out is to ask, he decided.

"What? No Fireworks. No 'Gasp. OH MY GOD '?" Tagard asked interrupting the other two's conversation.

"Dude. I've known. Ever since you told us about getting hit-on by those guys online and seeming not that bothereed by it. Personally I would have killed them on the spot if I could and would have never told anyone that it even happened.

"Really you've known-Hey Mountain dews here." Tagard happily announced as the waitress came back with two glasses of coke and a two liter of mountain dew. He didn't even let her set it down but snatched it immediately off the tray. After opening it and chugging merrily for a while, he asked, "So what are we getting?"

"Since I'm paying, we're getting the vegi-lover's pizza, you two could stand to lose some weight. Especially you Tagard." Evolu said as she raised her finger for another tummy poke.

Tagard and Blitz both cringed at the mention, of vegetables on the pizza that they were supposed to eat. Tagard hugged his soda and growled at her, to which Blitz smacked him.

"Be nice" he warned Tagard.

"Pizza's here, Finally." Tagard said as he stared steathily at the crotch of the male panther that was bringing out their pizza.

"Anything else?" he asked uneasily, aware of the treatment that tagard was giving him.

"Sure. I'd like to mmphm."Tagard began to say before Blitz hurriedly clamped a claw over his mouth. The waiter looked embarrassed and walked hurriedly away.

"My, your reflexes are quick. You only learned he was gay what two minutes ago, and you're already censoring his elicit comments. No wonder I love you." Evolu said in admiration before leaning over and licking him on the cheek.

Tagard made a calling motion with his paws and mouthed "Call me " to the already uneasy panther, while Blitz was distracted. The panther made a face and ducked back down under the counter.

"So now what were you saying?" Tagard asked Evolu after she was done licking Blitz.

"Huh? I don't know what you're talking about." Evolu said confused.

Tagard turned to Blitz and said, "Do you know?" Not even waiting for an answer he turned around in his seat and asked a very old couple behind him, "DO YOU?"

By the time the couple had left in a hurry and his friends had regained control of their laughing fit, Tagard was already into his third slice.

"You now," Evolu accused, while pointing a black paw at Tagard, " I would be willing to bet that you like vegi-lovers."

"Nope I just like food." He happily announced as he stuffed his face with more food but was losing momentum. After a few minutes his head crashed into the table after he nodded off.

"He stayed up all night last night talking to people. Just wait until he gets his "second wind" as he calls it." Evolu explained to Blitz, who was beginning to wonder if he should check for a pulse. When they had finished Blitz heaved Tagard onto his shoulder as Evolu paid for their meal. Tagard awoke just in time to see the black panther wink back at him. As the door closed he punched Blitz playfully in the head.

"Come on you bloody beast. Put me down." Tagard yelled in Blitz's ear.

"Fine" Blitz said emotionlessly, as he let Tagard fall. They two waited outside until a very confused Evolu walked out of the door. After looking at the receipt she handed it to Blitz. His eyes practically bulged as he read what was written down. Tagard tried to jump to Blitz's immense height just so he could see what was bothering his friends so much. Blitz eventually just handed it back down to Tagard. The writing on the receipt said,

4 T3h d0gi. w00f!


"I don't know wheather to be disgusted or in awe...Tagard actually has someone hitting on him? " Blitz said in mock horror.

"Ya know, you'll offend a lot of people talking like that. Even though his spelling is horrific. Is that really a couple of zeros in 'woof' ?" Evolu stated.

"I know. Let's celebrate! Guess how." Tagard sang as he twirled around.

"With beer? " guessed Evolu.

"How about sex? " happily suggested Blitz.

"I'll accept either offer any time, But neither of you guessed it. Tomorrow we go to the movies " Tagard announced triumphantly.