Lyra, Abduction

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#1 of Lyra Series

Lyra wasn't entirely sure how she got here. She had been tucked in by her father just as the sun had begun to rise. But now? Who knew. She surveyed her surroundings. It was dark, and her eyes hadn't yet had a chance to adjust to the low light level. It was chilly, but not uncomfortably so. It was damp and smelled musty too, like breathing through an old wet washcloth. She could hear the sounds of water dripping intermittently into a puddle or pool of some kind not to far off. It echoed, like it was in a large open space. Now that she thought about it, her surroundings reminded her a lot of what it was like to be in a cave. This kind of situation wasn't new to Lyra. She was a magnet for strange, paranormal happenings. She chose to remain quiet and still for the moment.

Her eyes, after finally adjusting to the dark, revealed to her that she was indeed in a cave of some sort. She could see light shimmering off a small pool of water. It appeared as though a recent rain on the surface had caused water to trickle through a small fissure in the rock above. From her position on the cool stone surface, she could make out a part the moon. She couldn't see much else, the light was poor, and her eyes were none to good anyway. After a time, Lyra got bored of waiting for whatever strange thing had spirited her away this evening. She would greet it when it happened, but she wasn't just gonna wait forever for it to come to her any longer.

Lyra pushed herself up onto her paws. The webbing between her fingers stretched as small stones got caught between them. She stretched her wings out, and uttered a series of subsonic clicks. She tilted her head, bringing her large ears to bare. The sounds returned to her and suddenly, it was like the cave had been lit up with florescent lighting in her minds' eye. The cave was large, and it opened at both ends. The end at the far side clearly went up and out into the cold night air. The other went down, into the depths of the cave. She knew quite well what could happen if she went down. But Lyra was nothing if not adventurous. Completely ignoring all sensibilities, she balanced herself on her little, awkward claws and stalked deeper into the cave in which she found herself. For better or for worse, she would find out what was here. And she had to admit, while she hadn't always enjoyed these weird occurrences, most were fun. Or exciting. And a few had... Well, she had needed to get used to others, but now that she was, she found herself craving those particular types of strange encounters more often. She secretly hoped this would be one of them.

She pushed herself into the narrow limestone passage nearest to her, keeping her large wings in as close to her body as she could so as to avoid touching the slimes and molds growing there. Every so often, she would echo-locate to get a better grasp on her surroundings than her poor eyes could give. It was not long before she saw a dim, pulsating greenish glow emanating from somewhere ahead of her. She echo-located a few times, hoping vainly to glimpse what was down at that end. But it was no good. It wasn't that it was far or around a corner. No, there was something interfering. She inched forward, a few feet at a time, stopped, echo-located, and then repeated. After several cycles, she heard a faint noise. Very faint. It was a soft thrumming sound, pulsing in time with the greenish glow. She edged forward carefully, using her eyes now more than her ears to move. The glow was now bright enough to see well by and the sound, soft as it was, made good echo-locating near impossible.

Lyra rather abruptly found herself standing at a spot where the walls stopped being stone and became smooth, hard, and cold metal. Inside was a large looking reactor thing, and it was this that was throwing out all of the green light. The room was on a somewhat leftward tilt further into the ground and the right side of the room was crumpled, like a crushed soda can. She guessed she was in a crashed space ship of some kind. The thought might have amazed her, but she'd been on several of those in her short life. Nevertheless, she was impressed by the sheer size and complexity of the machines before her. But she didn't spend long contemplating it. She wasn't the kind of girl who was big into mechanics, and whatever the reason for her being here was, she didn't think this was it. And if it was, she'd almost certainly be able to come back and look at it more closely later. For now, she wanted to move on.

The room continued in two directions. One opposite her, and the other opposite of the damaged side of the craft. She elected for the path opposite of the damaged part of the space craft. She walked around the side of the reactor looking thing, and down into the long corridor. As she moved towards the opening, she had a sudden sensation of being watched, and of being followed. She turned, but she saw nothing there. Whatever it was, if it wasn't just her mind playing tricks on her, would be have to be figured out later.

She paused at the entrance to the corridor. It was long, and was intersected by another about thirty feet down. There were four doors, three closed and one open, two to each side leading to it. And everywhere she looked, that same, omnipresent green light. She went to the one open door. She looked inside, and saw what might pass for a bunk room. It was maybe ten feet wide and fifteen long. There was a pair of pod looking things, stacked upon each other way at the end farthest from the door. There were a couple of odd looking 'chairs' that had no backs and had strange indentations in the top. They looked a little like what she imagined a spider might use, if it needed a seat for some reason. She guessed they were chairs because there was a work bench of sorts in front of one of them, and several interesting gadgets upon its surface. She entered and looked about. There were thin panes of glass, with symbols of some sort on it. She looked at it and as she watched, a few symbols on it changed, and a diagram of the reactor appeared on it. Neat! Unfortunately, it was just as incomprehensible now as it was before.

Lyra moved from the room. She wandered across the corridor to one of the shut doors. As she approached, she heard a whir of machinery come from it, but the door remained resolutely shut. The crash must have busted the door some how. She tried the other door on this side and the same thing happened. Undeterred, Lyra went back across the corridor to the side of the open room, to the door that was closed. Unlike the doors on the other side of the corridor, when she heard the whir of the machinery, the door opened. It was surprisingly dark in here. She echo-located and was startled by the image she heard back. It was filled with the same pod like structures as the first room.

There were three rows stacked eight high and at least a dozen deep, maybe more. She stepped further in, and the door closed. More green lights flickered on, revealing to her eyes what sound had only partially conveyed. There were a lot of those pod things alright. But these ones weren't empty. Each one held a strange creature. They looked a bit like a snake and a spider had a weird baby with a triceratops. Each one was about nine feet long, including the tail. Absent that they were a much more manageable five feet. Their whole bodies were covered in tiny purple scales, and they each had eight double segmented legs, joining near the middle of the body. Four of the eight legs ended with two long claws that formed hooks, and had a pair of little finger like nubs opposed with thick pads on the bottom like a canine. The other four had suction cup like protrusions. These were also ringed with several of the little padded finger nubs. Above the point where the legs joined was a vaguely serpentine upper body with two long arms that ended with five long, spindly fingers on each side. A top the serpentine upper body was a head that was long, and joined at a normal, ninety degree angle like a fursons. In front, on a long, wide, and fairly blunt looking muzzle, it had two exposed jaws, one inside the other that hinged at the outer edges and opened downward. They had two jet black eyes on each side of the head, just above the jaws. The muzzle flowed outward into a hefty, bony looking crown, reminiscent of a triceratops, but much narrower. Down the other end was the tail. They were nearly indistinguishable from each other, except were the tail was concerned. About half of them had thick tail bases with three large bulges on top, and tapered slowly to a fairly narrow point, with a small dimple in it the very tip and a ruffle of skin about an inch back from the tip. The other half had tails that were more oblong, top to bottom, with a large transparent pouch containing eggs extending most of the way down the tail. The last foot and a half was much thinner, looked super flexible, elastic, muscular, and had a sphincter muscle at the end that reminded her of an anus. There were three little nubs of flesh arranged around it, looking for all the world like a trio of stubby little fingers. It caused Lyra to shiver with excitement.

Lyra wandered the room, looking into each pod and thinking about the ones that were carrying eggs. She wondered about their reproductive habits, and if they needed hosts. If they did, she wanted to oblige. After a while, she grew bored of looking at the alien things. After all, these were not her first, nor were they even the weirdest she'd ever seen. She strongly doubted they would be the last. She turned to leave the room, but she felt that sensation of being watched again. She thought for a moment. She had learned years ago to trust her instincts about when she felt like she was being watched. She considered; she would've heard the door open if what was watching her had come in after her. Her ears were among the most sensitive on earth. That meant it was in here when she had entered. She also remembered the feeling of being watched out in the corridor. That meant there were either two or more entities watching her from different places, or this was the same one, and it had come in here while she was investigating the room with the open door. She felt relaxed though. Experience told her that whatever these things were, they weren't interested in hurting her. She knew what she was here for now, and she knew that these aliens would make her feel good...

Lyra decided to ignore it. She exited the room and continued her exploration. Her explorations didn't last long. When she reached the intersectin corridors, she could see down to the ends in all four directions She decided to continue down the main hall, to the door at the very far end. Most of the doors remained shut as she passed. A couple opened and one was stuck open. But she ignored those, wanting to start at the far end of the ship. If anything was lying in wait behind the stuck open or working doors, they weren't making any moves.

Lyra reached the door without incident, and the door opened for her as she approached. She echoed into the room before stepping fully inside, since it was dark. it seemed like some kind of control room. She entered and as she did, more of those green lights flickered on, revealing more details in the room. It was longer than it was wide, and had several of those things she now knew almost for certain were chairs for the creatures abreast of each other. They were arranged in a line in front of an enormous screen that was damaged, but appeared to be in the midst of being repaired. She trotted across the large room and looked at the variety of controls in the panels surrounding some of the chairs. There were so many! Curiosity getting the better of her for a moment, she leaned in to try pressing one of the many buttons.

She stiffened, hearing the the soft whir of the door opening, and for the first time, the sounds of one of the entities that had been observing her. She heard it come in, clearly trying to go unnoticed. It stopped dead halfway in the door, realizing it had been detected by her stiffened posture and the ears of the little bat girl rotated in its direction. Lyra stood straight up, very slowly, but didn't turn right away. She could almost hear the surprise of the creature behind her, that she had heard it coming in. She didn't want to startle it further. That was how things turned nasty. Instead she waited until it made the first move. She heard the thing move towards her. She took that as her cue. Her heart raced as she slowly turned to face the approaching creature.

It was of the same species of thing from inside the pods. This one was a male, judging by the fact it didn't have the large transparent pouch running the underside of its tail. It hesitated. Confused, more than likely, by the young girls' complete lack of ostentatious displays of fear. Lyra stood her ground, and it tentatively resumed its approach. Lyra folded in her arms so that her wing membranes folded together, making herself look as unthreatening as possible. The large creature stopped about two feet in front of her and looked down at her, head cocked, and studied her for several minutes. It scuttled around her, looking at all different angles.

It finished its inspection of her and gave a negatory looking shake its head. It slowly reached out with one of its hands. Lyra determined for a final time it wasn't going to harm her, so she let it go unhindered. She watched it like a hawk, however, as its large spindly fingers prodded at her belly. It tickled, but she kept her titters to herself, keeping up the image of being in control and unafraid to the alien. After another moment of non-resistance, it reached out with its other hand, and wrapped them around her waist and lifted her off the floor. It did so with surprising ease. Those arms looked so thin, and the fingers weak. But they belied the great strength concealed within them. It lifted her up to its shoulder and slung her over it. Lyra oofed as the wind was knocked from her little body. She hadn't been prepared for that little bit of roughness. She felt its head come around to where she was doubled up on it shoulder, and she could feel its hot breath on her backside by her rear, could hear it ruffling her fur. Its nose lightly grazed her cunny, and sniffed deeply the sent of her nether region. From her new position, she could see the door, and saw that another of the aliens had entered the room. This one had to be female. She could see the egg pouch, and it was weighted down with eggs. The sight of her ovipositor made Lyra feel like jelly. She could feel herself getting wet with excitement.

The second alien came up to the first. It chittered and clicked, speaking in what Lyra could only assume was its native language. After a few moments of the strange articulation, she was carried from the room. She saw several doors go by on either side, but they stopped before they reached the intersection. The door they stopped at was another of the few that opened when they approached. It opened into a room that had several more of the pod things, a few of which were occupied with injured looking aliens. There were various screens and presumably medical equipment to advanced for Lyra's understanding. To the left and right side of the room were more doors. She was carried to the door on the left. She was unable to see anything useful, and with the direction she was facing, echo-locating wouldn't be particularly helpful. But she heard crying. It sounded like there were several other individuals here, all around her own age of eleven.

The room Lyra had been brought to was not large. It was maybe fifteen feet long and ten wide. The aliens deposited her in the last pod on the left in a row of seven at the back of the room. In the pod next to her was a grown ermine lady. She seemed fairly calm, much like Lyra. In the pods past her, there was a series of young girls. The one on the far right appeared to be asleep, but the other four were in various stages of fear, crying softly for their mothers. Several feet further forward was a more bed like apparatus on a diase complete with what looked a lot like arm, leg, and waist restraints.

The two aliens stood before the seven assembled females and studied them intently. Occasionally, one or both of them would walk to one of the captives and do something like poke or sniff. The whole while, the two aliens were constantly chittering and clicking to each other, like they were in an intense discussion. It seemed like they were trying to come a decision about one female out of the line up they had collected. The male one kept going to the ermine and sniffing the air above her. He seemed particularly keen on the women for some reason. After Lyra locked eyes with the woman, it was clear why. She was as eager to be here as she was. But they remained quiet in an unspoken agreement, lest they aggravate their captors. But the female one kept coming back to Lyra. The female seemed very adamant about her. After several minutes where the chittering increased in intensity, the male made a churrring sound that Lyra imagined was a huff of disappointment, and left the room. He returned a moment later with two more of the aliens and together, the three of them carried the other girls and the woman away. Alone again with the female, she was transferred to the bed in the center of the room.

Lyra knew what was coming, and was completely okay with it, so she didn't resist. The female alien went about strapping Lyra down, but imeadiately ran into difficulties with her wings. She didn't really have arms that could be strapped down, as they were part and parcel with her hands and arms, attaching all the way down at her hips. The alien tried several times, but the restraints weren't up to the task presented by hands that were also wings. Lyra cooperated in everyway that she could through the whole process. In the end, the alien decided to forgo binding anything other than Lyra's legs. It was obvious to the alien despite the language gap that she had no intention of fighting back. The alien positioned Lyra's legs into the stirrups at the end of the bed and maneuvered them apart, to a roughly ninety degree angle. As she finished, the other alien returned.

Lyra wanted what was coming. She was excited and starting to fidget. She could feel her juices already running down her exposed cunny, and it only excited her even more. The female alien reached up to the ceiling of the room and pulled down a panel that she hadn't noticed was there before. It appeared to be a medical monitor of some kind, and it had a small tubular device attached under it that looked like a radar gun. The alien turned the monitor on and the screen filled with static. Lyra watched as the alien adjusted the radar gun to point a spot just below her navel, and pushed a few buttons at the bottom of the monitor. After a few seconds, the static cleared, revealing a small pink cavity and tunnel . 'Is that my uterus?' She thought to herself. Lyra was mesmerized by the crystal clear image of her little pink hollow.

'This is it,' Lyra thought. 'After this, there isn't any going back.' She watched as the female alien stepped back from her and pulled her ovipositor under her body. She reached down and stroked the tip a little bit, the little nubs flexing and the sphincteral opening twitching. The female alien eyed Lyra critically, searching for any signs of resistance, but it found none. The alien approached, and mounted part way on to the table over her.

Lyra saw the appendage swaying over her, and the sight and slightly sour smell of it excited her. She boldly reached up and touched it. The female started at the touch, and looked down at the little girl. She grinned at the alien and took a firm, but gentle hold on it. It was quite hot to the touch. She guided it to her mouth and nuzzled it. She licked along the side then put one of the little nubs in her mouth. She swirled her tongue around it like she would the head of a penis. She popped it free of her mouth and gave the same treatment to the other two. The alien above her stared, watching as she manipulated the organ. It began to make a soft chirping noise as she fed the the ovipositor into her mouth.

Lyra licked at the orifice nestled in between the nubs of flesh, pushing against it. She used her two clawed fingers and parts of her wings to massage and stroke along it. She felt the orifice loosen and a warm, slightly sour fluid leak out. She took the opportunity to push her tongue into the hole, then began applying a small amount of suction. The chirping noise intensified drastically. The alien was no longer looking at Lyra but somewhere else, lost in a haze of apparent pleasure. The appendage contracted, though it was muted, like it was being held back or suppressed. It happened a few more times though, then she felt something soft and oval touch her tongue. She removed her tongue from the ovipositor and quickly guided it to the back of her throat. Lyra did her best to suppress her gag reflex as she pushed it in and down. Seconds later, she felt the organ contract once more and she felt a single egg slide into her throat. It stretched her, and it stung, making it impossible to breath until it finished sliding down into her stomach. As soon as she could, she got it out of her mouth so she could breath. Lyra let go of the throbbing organ. She could see, as the female was repositioning itself over her, the male watching her.

Lyra returned to herself as she felt the ovipositor touch her. It contacted her on the thigh, and slowly slid upwards, towards her special place. Lyra propped herself up a bit, and again touched the appendage, guiding it to its intended target. It felt a little slimy now, a combination of her own spit and its own mucosal production. The feeling of it sent shivers up and down her spine, and it filled her with need. She began breathing rapidly, the arousal building in her chest as she guided it towards her cunny.

The alien above her gripped the edge of the table with it's strong hands and the male watched from near by as it's presumed mate prepared to lay its eggs into their chosen host. Lyra felt the nubs touch her pussy, but not force their way inside her. The nubs rubbed againt she vulva. They explored her pussy, eliciting crashing waves of pleasure. They rubbed at her clit and teased her folds like an expert, rapidly bringing her to climax. The appendage retracted a moment as her pussy dripped and convulsed. As her orgasm wound down, the organ returned to her drenched flower. The little nubs returned to caressing her cunny, extending the duration of her fading pleasure. The nubs spread her cunny open and the slickness left by her orgasm allowed them to slip in easily. Lyra felt the intrusion acutely, and welcomed it with a quiet gasp. She strained to open her legs further, but they were already spread wide, with the restraints prohibiting further movement. Lyra felt the ovipositor proper start to push into her vagina. It wasn't very large around, but Lyra was young, and it she could feel it stretching her little pussy a little as it entered. Letting the alien do her thing, she moved a claw to her own little nub, and began to massage it.

The supple, muscular organ pushed powerfully, but carefully into Lyra's pussy. She could feel heat and the pulsing and throbbing of it. Every inch or so, it would stop and she would feel it throb particularly strongly. When it did so, she would feel the same warm fluid gush into her cunny that had into her mouth. There was a lot of it and she could feel it flood out to her cervix and then hear it squish out around the ovipositor in little waves as it resumed its forward movement. It touched everywhere in her tunnel, setting every nerve on edge and making little squelching noises. After the second repetition of this, Lyra saw the ovipositor on the screen contracting and inching into her. She saw as it stopped, flexed, and released another flood of the thin slick fluid into her. She watched as her tunnel bulged slightly, the pressure forcing some of it to seep into her uterus. After that, a few more pushes and she saw as well as felt the organ touch her cervix. Lyra touched her tummy and could feel the wriggling appendage, and the soft bulge it created there. She almost had another orgasm on the spot.

She turned her attention to the looming alien that had inserted itself into her pussy, and watched, excitement building as the egg pouch began to contract rhythmically. She could feel it contracting all the way inside her. One of many eggs began its journey down into the ovipositor. The egg itself wasn't that large. Maybe a little larger than a common chicken egg. But as it passed into her cunny, she could feel the organ, and her pussy, swell and stretch with it's passage. With each contraction, she could feel and see it move towards her womb. Before the first one made it, she felt the second one enter into her, stretching her little flower wide again. Then the first egg reached her cervix. It held there, she could feel it pressing in on her, trying to stretch her open and gain admittance. Lyra bared down on the ovipositor in time with its contractions, and she felt the egg suddenly pop into her like a small wet missle. Then came the second. And a third. She lost track of time, eggs, and orgasms as the minutes seemed to fly by. She didn't know where to keep her eyes, or her winged hands. She settled on keeping her eyes shut, luxuriating in the feel of the organ penetrating her, feeling the eggs one by one stretching her cunny; then her cervix. She lost herself in each orgasm she had.

After what seemed like hours to her over stimulated mind and body, she felt a last mighty surge inside her as a the alien released more of its fluid inside her, then slowly withdrew. It came out with a wet, sucking, slurping sound, and yet more fluid spilled everywhere. Her stomach, which had been a little inflated, settled snugly now upon the eggs in her womb. Her belly was still distended slightly, but now the shape of the eggs could be seen and felt through her short fur. Lyra sighed with contentment as she felt her vulva start to close on the void left by the retreating organ. Her hands roamed over the taut fur on her belly, trying to count the little lives to be. She smiled to herself.

The female alien dismounted from the table and seemingly admired her handiwork on the monitor. It ran a hand lovingly down Lyra's tummy with her a few times before scuttling to the side. After a moment, the other one, the male, approached Lyra. It looked at the monitor for a moment, and poked her belly a few times. Seeming satisfied, it mounted the table. Lyra was surprised. She thought it was over, but contrary to her belief, the eggs were not yet fertilized.

The male alien wasted no time, pushing its narrow tail tip into her waiting, quivering passage. It pushed all the way in in a single thrust and bumped her abused cervix. Watching the monitor, she saw it withdraw a few inches before thrusting back in. This time, the tip pushed part way into her uterus before slipping back out. Lyra could feel it wriggling around inside her, being forced back out of her special hollow. Her abdomen was sore from bearing down on the foreign appendage in her for so long, and the countless orgasms she'd had. But she bared down one more time to help the alien push its way into her on its next thrust. She felt it pop into her cervix like an egg, except this time, her cervix couldn't close all the way back up. She felt herself relax upon it, and it held her open. She hadn't experienced anything quite like it before, and it was exquisite. Then she saw the little ruff of flesh on the tip spread out and form a loose seal against the inside of her cervix on the monitor. It felt weird when it tugged a few times, testing to make sure it wouldn't slip out accidently. The new alien above her churred a few times, then she gasped in shock as the appendage in her suddenly bulged. She could feel the sheer volume of seed suddenly flooding through it and it was suddenly gushing inside her. It was so hot and so thick it felt like tar was being blasted into her womb from a fire hose. It was vaguely uncomfortable, but orgasmic at the same time. If it weren't for the eggs, she would've felt it splashing against the back side of her womb. She felt herself filling, saw her tummy stretching taut again as the alien seed filled and fertilized the eggs. Lyra orgasmed again and again as it continued to paint her insides white with cum. Even with the thing forming a seal against her cervix, hot cum gushed from her cunny and along her inner thighs as a constant stream sprayed out of her. Mind blanking, orgasmic pleasure washed through her body, contractions rocking her and greedily milking the thing inside her. It was so intense, it felt never ending. But soon, the pressure abated and became a mere trickle, then ceased entirely. The alien remained inside her for several minutes after. Lyra groaned with discomfort. She had never felt so filled before in her life. Her pussy burned with from excessive stimulation, her belly with pressure, and her muscles from over use.

Finally the ruff retracted and it withdrew its organ and stepped back. The second it left her cunny, cum gushed out. It spilled everywhere, the splattering sound clearly audible. Her belly felt a little better as the pressure abated, but it remained very rotund. The aliens left, leaving Lyra alone in the room.

In the quiet, she heard the steady drip-drip-drip of cum continuing to leak from her pussy, and splashing down into the growing puddle on the floor. Lyra looked up at the monitor and all she could see was a large white circle with a fair number of indistinct grayish shapes in it. She stroked her belly, letting the new residents of her womb know they were safe in their new home. She didn't know how long they would be there before they hatched, but she was happy to carry them.


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