The Beginning - Sebastian Swift

Story by Drackir on SoFurry

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#2 of The Journal of Lord Sebastion Swift


I am terribly sorry about the last letter. I don't know what came over me. I have burnt the book and the letter as they should have been burnt years ago.

Glad to hear about the flowers. I never had the interest you had in botany, much prefer a good book and a cup of tea eh?

Keep in touch.


Charles Baker


Damn me! I completely forgot about your other postal drop, got too excited over this journal I shall send all information there henceforth. It must be terribly exciting being behind enemy lines and all. Still it must be difficult pretending to be someone other than yourself all the time. I am glad to be well out of the game apart from the occasional code breaker they send me.

Anyway, I took your reminder of your postal drop as an expression of interest into the journal. It is proving to be quite the tricky translation. He uses a blend of a few different languages around at the time, some kind of attempt at a common tongue perhaps? It's quite the challenge. But then you never had my interest in this kind of stuff did you?

Find the translation attached old friend.

I miss you.


Charles Baker

"August 15th 304 NC

Well the shit has surely hit the fan now. As I said in my last entry, which was in the last journal, I really must keep better track of where I leave these things. I have been courting Lady Proudfoot, a shapely raccoon, and Lady Selve, a curvaceous vixen, one and off for the last few months. I proudly admit that I have had both in my bed chambers, through the traditional entry and the more secretive and explorative ways. However last night was a triumph even by my own standards.

I plied both of the ladies with wine and snacks, all laced with a special something to get them in the mood. No sleeping drugs or hypnotic salves of course, just things that get the blood flowing in a more southerly direction. The two women fell over themselves to rush to my bed chambers when I dropped the hint.

Truly I cannot detail how wonderful it is to have two women in their sexual prime both wanting to be pleasured and pleasure you. In no particular order I was inside one or the other while using my tongue to pleasure the others. My hands went everywhere, nipples, clit, back of the neck, sides of the belly, the inner thigh. Then one of them was up on all fours he muzzle pushed deep into the others twat as I took her from behind.

I honestly lost count of how many times I came close to climaxing and retreated from their sweet embraces. The two put on a show though which left me taking even long to cool down properly to tend to their needs once more.

Of course all good things must end and this one did too, but not in the way I had imagined.

I was pressing myself up to speed inside Proufoot and using my fingers on Selve, Proudfoot being unable to bear my young should the preventative I was using fail. Both of them were moaning and flailing about like wild things and my balls, dear god my balls were ready to burst when my doors burst open and in walked Lady Proudfoot's husband.

Well what is a man to do. I pulled out ready to make some sort of apology or excuse, although truth be told I don't think the devil himself could have bluffed his way out of being caught stark naked with two lovely women up to your balls in one and fingering the others cunt.

Also complicating the mater was the fact that my quick withdrawal and the sudden appearance of her husband had made Lady Proudfoots well lubricated quim tighten. As I withdraw I couldn't help but gasp as my manhood flared and started to shoot. The tightness so constricting in fact it had pulled the preventative from me and I was now wildly shooting across her back. The power of my outburst was such that I am sure a wad or two landed on the surprised husbands trousers, or at the least feet.

I was exhausted from this display and collapsed backwards, blabbering like a mad man, trying to come to my senses and explain how this was all some big misunderstanding.

However before I could even enunciate anything more complicated than a single syllable Lord Proudfoot blurted out. "Well! I never" and turned to leave. For all of my days though I will remembered Lady Proudfoot, now sitting and pulling the used contraceptive from herself, looking up and replying icly "No of course not dear. That's why I come to Sebastian"

If I hadn't been lost for breath and slowly becoming increasingly terrified of the repercussions to come I probably would have been amused. Sitting here in my chambers now knowing tomorrow morning I will be summoned before the king to explain myself I can't help but see the funny side."

Dear Charles,

You very nearly had me in a pickle with that letter. Luckily I just passed you off as some eccentric professor I had used to get information in the past. Were you always this scatter brained or is it the lack of my guiding presence that's making you fall to pieces now? Or maybe it's just being out of the action again, you know we could use you here. I could use you here.

Anyway if you must know the work is actually quite dull. Generally I look through waste paper baskets looking for information that may be valuable and generally try to be as invisible as possible. No late night roof top chases, no high speed car chases, no witty one liner exchanges with a corrupt general even! Heck I haven't even driven a car in forever. I'll tell you one thing, a military regime can definitely make the trains run on time.

As for the journal, this Lord Swift is quite the raunchy figure isn't he? Reminds me of a younger me. These days I barely have the energy to seduce one young saucy thing let alone two. You were always better at history than me, but doesn't Proudfoot and Selve ring a bell?

Give my regards to my parents when you see them. They don't have clearance for anything but I don't think letting them know I was alive three months ago can do any harm, do you?

Missing you too old chap


Robert Ingrid