An Actual and Legitimately Terrifying Encounter with a Werewolf

Story by FakeMan on SoFurry

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A man camping in the wilderness comes across a wild slavering beast that he's obviously never met before and certainly didn't invite camping with them so they could so some wildly kinky roleplay.

An Actual and Legitimately Terrifying Encounter with a Werewolf

Disclaimer - Sometimes stories are just too terrifying for the human mind. There are moments from bloodcurdling tales around the world that induce more phobias in the population than reality ever could. Be wary continuing forward, dear reader. This dark forest of fiction contains bone-chilling creatures that may haunt your dreams should you continue. Surely you won't be able to focus on their fluffy, wagging tails, or their curious snuffling as they engage in only the most heinous of activities. (This is a work of pornographic fiction. Do not read if it would be unlawful for you to do so.)

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The moonlight made the thin green fabric of the tent's rainfly fluoresce as Dent opened his eyes, skipping any bleariness that might come after slumber, suddenly hyper-aware of his surroundings. His skin prickled as he wriggled out of his toasty warm sleeping bag into the brisk mountain air, though there was something more than a chill hanging in the moonlit night. There was something out there, something calling to him. A strange compulsion drew him to slowly unzip his tent and step out into the lunar twilight, his argyle boxers contrasting with the pale skin of his scant frame, brown hair glowing in a faint corona. He ignored his shoes and took a few trepidatious steps towards that sense of power, that compulsion. Pine needles pricked the soles of his feet with each heavy crunch in the still air.

The sound of his own footsteps seemed to echo, each step followed by distant rustling that grew louder and louder. Dent stopped, and yet the insistent rhythmic crunch of something moving purposefully through the underbrush continued, louder and louder. The man swallowed heavily, turning around. His breath caught in his throat as he found his way back to his tent blocked by a huge wolf, its bark-colored grey and brown fur almost glowing in the light of the moon.

Dent shivered as the beast padded towards him, amber eyes full of unnatural intelligence as its tail flicked behind in lazy strokes. Even on all fours, it came up to his chest.

"Oh no." Dent said, teeth chattering from the cold. "A terrible wolf has come to eat me." He wrapped his arms around himself, shying away from the animal dramatically.

The wolf strode impetuously up to the cringing human, but instead of lunging forwards to strike, he leaned in, hot and cold sniffing tickling Dent's skin before the massive beast butted up against his side, rubbing his brushy pelt against the thin geometrically patterned fabric of Dent's boxers.

Dent cleared his throat. "A huge, _terrifying_wolf," he insinuated. "Here to gobble me up." The terror in his voice was of the same grade as one might find in an adaption of horror movie into community musical theater.

The wolf let out a resigned huff of heat against the man's skin before circling back around, lowering its massive head, and producing a deep growling rumble that filled up the silent forest around them. The beast's hackles rose as its thin dark lips pulled back, revealing its lethal fangs as it stepped towards the man menacingly, one front paw hovering over the forest floor as if ready to lunge forward at any moment.

Dent gasped, turning on his heel to flee. "Ow," he winced as the pine needles stabbed between his toes. "I mean . . . I must get away!" He took a few clumsy steps forwards. "Oh, god. I've fallen." He looked at the ground for a second before wincing and falling forward onto his hands and knees, letting out a little squeak as the needles pricked at his skin. He looked over his shoulder with expectant and excited horror in his blue eyes.

The wolf, who was sitting back on his haunches at this point, stood back up. If one was not trained in interpreting the sinister intentions of wild animals, they might have seen the beast roll its golden eyes. Dent, however, saw the ravenous beast's eyes gleam with an insatiable hunger for human flesh. The man made as if to crawl away from the wolf, stretching out an arm before being halted by a blood-curdling snarl directly behind him. Dent's jaw clenched and his body froze in place, muscles tensing as his instincts made the thrill of adrenaline pump through his veins.

Instead of attacking, the massive wolf slowly circled his prey. Dent's eyes followed the beast's languidly swishing tail, tracing down from the dark tip of the fluffy plume. The wolf paused for a moment, looking back over his shoulder as he felt the man's gaze fall on the fuzzy heft of his taut lupine balls. He licked his long canine tongue out and over his whiskers in exaggerated hunger before padding fully behind the prone human.

Dent's breath caught in his throat as the wolf began to sniff around his backside, hot puffs punctuated by the coldness of the black nose. The man's back arched as the wolf's tongue slipped out and dragged against his back, hot trail cooling in the night air as his skin tingled. The wolf's huffing curiosity lowered towards the waistband of his boxers. The lapping stopped as the beast seized the thin geometric patterned fabric in his powerful canine jaws, jerking back. As the cloth pulled taut against Dent's body, it revealed the silhouette of the man's turgid maleness. The wolf tried tugging the boxers off, but they seemed caught at a strange angle against the human's bony hips. Dent wriggled, as if trying to crawl out of his drawers more than trying to escape the wolf, but only managed to get his thighs tangled up in the stretched fabric.

The wolf growled out in frustration, bass rumble resonating through Dent's spine before the animal jerked his head back and tore through the fabric like it was crepe paper.

"Hey! Those were . . ." Dent turned around scowled at the wolf.

The wolf squinted his golden eyes at the man before spitting the torn boxers into a heap and then flicking his tongue over his nose.

"I mean," Dent gathered himself. "Please no. Anything but that. Please!" The last word had a breathy need to it as he combed his fingers through the pine needles and arched his back.

The wolf bared his teeth, walking around and looming over the front of the prostrate man. He lifted up one broad paw and placed it against the human's head, forcing it down against the rough detritus of the ground. Dent groaned as the wolf stepped in over his body, fluffy under-pelt rubbing over the nape of his neck. As he raised his gaze, the wolf pulled his huge body over the man's and rocked in with his hips, rubbing his plump furry package against the side of the captive human's cheek.

Dent's nostrils flared, drinking in the musky animal scent, an earthy blend of power and virility that seeped into his mind. His mouth watered as his eyes focused on the heavy animal sheath that the wolf ground in against his face. Dent couldn't help himself as his lips parted and he licked out, drowning in the delicious animal musk. His tongue traced around the edges of the sheath before slipping inside, tasting the electric flesh pulsing in time with the wolf's heartbeat. He felt the wolf shudder on top of him as something poked from the tip of the loose roll of furry flesh. Dent pulled back, seeing the crimson point of the creature's cock throb and tug before wrapping his lips around it and sucking on the beast's member with a single-minded need. The thin-skinned animal cock pulsed out longer in his mouth as his tongue swabbed around the inside of the increasingly taut sheath.

The wolf let out a low pleased rumble, coat twitching as the man suckled at his emerging cock. He raised up a paw, resting it on Dent's rump as he panted. The edges of his lupine muzzle turned up in a grin as he looked down and saw a streak of grey fur running down the small of the man's back, lightening as it prickled out follicle by follicle. He bent down and nibbled at the new fur, combing his teeth through it and mussing it about with sloppy licks.

Dent groaned around the pointed cock swelling in his mouth as he felt the wolf lapping at his lower back, pressure growing in his lower spine. His gums tingled as a salty bead of pre dribbled onto his tongue. Jaws creaking, his canines began to sharpen, maw spreading wider as if to accommodate more of that delicious fleshy shaft into it. His nose darkened as it pressed out into the wolf's soft belly fur, and the beast's dark rich scent was amplified, new musky nuances overpowering his mind as he huffed and slurped and bobbed his head.

Rear claws straining against the forest floor, the wolf shifted his weight, a front paw pressing down against Dent's ass, dimpling the human's skin as he let his sloppy licks trace lower and lower, slowly coaxing the slate fur down between the crack of the man's rump. He could feel the muscles bunching under Dent's skin as it twitched and thickened. He continued lapping lower and lower, eliciting a muffled ululation from the man as his fleshy pink rasp of a tongue ground out over Dent's exposed asshole.

Groaning, Dent' couldn't help it as he clenched against the wolf's tongue. His body was on fire, fur tickling out from his back, fading to white as it seeped down his legs. The insatiable animal licked lower, coaxing the dusting of snowy fuzz over his testicles as they swelled slightly and his scrotum pulled them taut against his body. The lupine shaft prodded the back of his throat at this point, but sucking on it was second nature, his senses overloaded, divided between the enticing wolf-cock and the ravenous tongue scouring his backside. The more the beast lapped and nibbled, the more pressure built up, his bones creaking as his unattended cock bobbed below him.

Black nose huffing, the wolf could smell the man changing, his scent blossoming from bland humanity, to the virile, unabashed smell of a male wolf. He huffed out warm breath against the man's tight white-furred scrotum as he lapped against his asshole, teasing and prodding the tender ring of flesh. Under his chin, he could feel Dent's tailbone start to twitch in time with the muscular contractions of his ass. He licked his chops before grinding his tongue down tighter, pressing harder in feckless sloppy strokes. With one heavy slow slip, the man's ass quivered, resisting as the tongue squeezed in slowly parting his asshole as it sank inside of him.

Muted groan fading into a low growl, Dent's eyes fell half lidded as his spine creaked and popped, a short tail wriggling fitfully out from him just as the wolf's tongue sank into his writhing insides. The wolf's sheath throbbed as the eager animal rocked his hips into the man's forming muzzle, a hefty knot of carmine flesh swelling out, a canine knot butting up against the man's face as Dent drank in his scent and his nose developed a wet leathery sheen. The fur raced faster, pouring in along his body. His chest tingled, multiple sets of nipples forming, each nestled in pillowy white fuzz while his stomach slimmed and his chest began to barrel out.

The flicking forming tail batted against the side of the wolf's jaws as he teased the man's ass, sliding his tongue just barely inside of him and twisting around before dragging up along the thickening base of his tail. He watched the man's ankles pull up into a tense canine joint, toes bulging out with thick pads, nails thickening into dark claws that dug at the ground, no longer concerned with the prickly pine needles. The wolf's own tail wagged happily as he thrust into Dent's starving muzzle, the man's tongue lengthening and wrapping around the tip of his shaft, developing a suede texture as it lapped at the pre welling from his massive knotted shaft. It took all of the wolf's willpower to slide his hips back, hopping off from atop of the man with a whining sigh, golden eyes excited as he surveyed his lover's changing form.

Dent looked up, his tongue sliding across his lips to flick up an errant dribble of slaver and pre. White fur was fizzing up his neck, with thick fluffy gray sprouting from his cheekbones. He looked over his shoulder, eyes widening as he saw his own tail slowly swaying behind him, each tug of his new muscles making his taut canine anus tense, now feeling cold and empty. He tried to stand, but gravity brought him quickly back down to all fours, staring at his hands as his fingers creaked shorter and shorted into broad lupine paws, his pads still sensitive enough to feel every contour of the ground beneath him, but tough enough to protect him from the prickly distractions. His white and grey pelt shivered as he panted, smelling his own scent mixed with the virile wolf's.

"M-my alpha . . ." Dent panted out, bathing in the larger wolf's dominance. His voice was gravelly, but ended in a reedy whine.

The wolf padded up and snuffled at his ears, licking at them as they pulled into furry white points that flickered at the nibbling attention.

"Please, take me. Make me mmmmph . . ." His pining words were interrupted as the wolf snorted and cut him off with an unceremonious kiss. Their slippery tongues entwined as the man's skull crunched out with finality. The only noise was the sloppy squelching of their wild lapping kisses, the moon beaming down on them.

Dent pulled back, breaths coming out in ragged heaves. His new feral body operated on instincts as he turned and knelt with his front paws, raising his ass and flagging his tail to the side. He looked back over his shoulder, eyes more convincing than his words ever were, begging for the wolf to take him, to mark him as one of the pack.

The wolf shook his head and sighed, but couldn't resist the invitation, padding in behind the new animal and deeply inhaling his needy scent. He mounted Dent in one fluid move, paws grasping in at the smaller wolf's hips as he dragged himself closer. His bobbing cock prodded his mate's furry thighs, painting them with dew-like streaks of pre before sliding up and prodding the other wolf's velveteen balls. His lips peeled back, letting his tongue loll out as he began to rock forward with his hips, rear legs scrabbling against the ground as the tip of his chiseled canine cock slid against Dent's ass before grinding past the fluff between the new wolf's tail and rump.

Dent's growing need spilled out as a needy whine while the turgid rod of wolf flesh teased him, poking and prodding just at the base of his wagging tail. He braced himself and pushed back, but to no avail, growling out as the beast on top of him grinned. Eventually, with a lucky confluence of thrusting, the wolf's pointed tip caught, braced against Dent's tender passage for a ponderous moment before sinking inside of him, spreading him wide around the tapering shaft of throbbing wolf flesh. The new wolf's slickened ass clenched wildly, his cock bobbing below him, thick fluffy sheath forming around the base as veiny redness seeped up from the bottom of his bobbing cock.

Heavy panting and the slick wet sounds of their mating filled the stillness of the night as the wolf plowed into him. His throbbing member leaked out clear passion inside of the new wolf, every thrust sinking his canine tool deeper and deeper. A whine escaped the wolf's thin lips as his knot butted up against Dent's ass with a fleshy thunk. He shifted his weight from foot to foot, growling as he rammed up against that tight ring of muscle over and over again, coaxing it slightly wider every time as it clenched around him with wild spasms, gripping at his shaft.

Dent moaned, his breaths coming out in ragged heaves as he felt that hot knot of flesh slamming against himself in surges of heat and pleasure. The rounded bulge would slip in slightly, making jolts of pleasure radiate out, tension growing just to his limits before the wolf pulled back and rocked in again. His tail wriggled and flapped about, forced to the side of them as he rocked back against the knot, letting it spread him wider and wider until he was mad with lust, wanting nothing more than to feel it inside of him, pulsing and hot. His own cock bobbed with every thrust. The tip thinned down into a canine point, bobbing up against the soft white fur of his belly, making him tense as pre welled out in great musky drops that dribbled down across the brown crunching needles. The new wolf's sheath bulged, fuzzy white skin going taut as his knot grew out, pulsing in time with his need, swelling larger and tighter at the base of his turgid shaft.

A low throaty rumble reverberated through the larger wolf as his thrusting became slower, but far more insistent, ramming his knot against that grasping hole, grinding in deeper and deeper before sliding back. Each millimeter of progress was an unbearable promise of future pleasure, and yet, he needed just slightly more. With a snarl, he opened his jaws and clamped down on the loose skin and thick fur of Dent's ruff. The new wolf let out a surprised yip as his head was jerked back and held steady, his tongue hanging out, jaws open in lupine shock as the wolf ground forwards into him. His ass twinged, the wolf driving forwards, shoving against him as the knot spread him wider and wider. There was an odd weightless second where the fleshy bulge reached halfway before Dent clenched and his lupine ass pulled the knot fully inside of him with a fleshy squelch. His cock spurted out a jet of clearness below him, as the pressure filled him to the brim.

Abandoning his slow rocking rhythm, the wolf unclamped his jaws but pulled himself tighter against his lover's back, tight frenetic thrusting both pushing and pulling against Dent's ass. He could feel just how needy the changed man was under him, the tender passage clamping down around him every time his cock tugged and throbbed. He let his chin rest on the thick grey blaze on Dent's shoulders, reaching in with clumsy paws, rewarded with a yelp as his leathery pads made fleeting contact with the tip of Dent's canine shaft, smearing themselves in his clear passion. The wolf grit his teeth, feeling Dent's ass tighten around him as he slid his paws back along the taut shaft, tracing the contours as it jostled back and forth between the slickened leathery surfaces.

Dent's world was tortuous pleasure, his stuffed ass gripping around the wolf's knot as he ground his own hips between the clumsy embrace of the wolf's paws. He was so close, jaws hanging open, eyes unfocused as the paws slid back, gliding over the contours of his bulbous knot before squeezing at the base. His balls tightened and his tail went stiff, rear paws scraping furrows in the ground as the heat rose up inside of him. His lupine cock shuddered before jerking wildly and spattering out thick dollops of hot wolf jizzum. He folded back his ears, letting out two small moans that blossomed into a keening howl while his ass was going wild, clenching in tight muscular surges every time he came.

The brown and grey wolf could only hold out so long, his tongue lolling as his cock was gripped and tugged at from all directions. He lifted his tail, grinning sheepishly before joining in with his lover's howl, filling the night with their joyous duet as he filled Dent's insides with thick jolts of lupine seed. Their rocking bodies egged each other on. Every time the man's cock pulsed, his ass would clamp down on the wolf's shaft, milking him for more thick hot seed. The air was filled with the musky scent of their animal mating as their howls died down, and eventually the night was quiet again.

The wolf toppled them both over to the side, still tied together as they flopped onto the ground, dry needles sticking in their fur with Dent's back nestled up against the larger wolf's belly.

After a period of silent recovery, the wolf cleared his throat. "There really is no such thing as an alpha wolf, you know?" His voice was deep and smooth as butter. He snuggled in and licked at Dent's ear.

"Hmm?" Dent had a dreamy smile on his muzzle, still basking in the afterglow.

"Well, the guys who made the term have actually been trying to walk it back, you know, because they didn't get it right." The wolf continued, looking up at the moon hanging in the night sky like a great voyeuristic pearl.

"Oh . . . Did they ever do a study on werewolves?" Dent asked, wriggling back against his lover, feeling the shaft inside of him pulse lethargically.

"Well, no. That would probably complicate things," the wolf chuckled.

"Then you can still be my alpha." Dent lapped up at the underside of his mate's jaws playfully.

"Always." The wolf bent his muzzle down as they kissed in a wholly canine fashion. "Well . . . except when you want to be the alpha for a night . . . Which, again, isn't really a thing." He added.

"Well, neither are werewolves, and yet I found you." Dent closed his eyes and let his weight fall back against the wolf.

The wolf snorted. "That's a point," he nodded along.

He closed his eyes as well, wrapping himself against his lover as they both lost themselves in the night, drifting off into a peaceful sleep that would undoubtedly lead to a prickly morning.