SYBT: One of the Quite Ones

Story by thatpersonyouknow101 on SoFurry

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#22 of So You've Been Transmogrified

Izy having been told to go to HR to discus her latest transgression finds a pervert of a similar caliper to her own and decides to involve the woman in her and Gerry's bovine antics.

So You've Been Transmogrified: One of the Quiet Ones

Izy opened the door to the office and found it empty. She quickly pulled her phone from her pocket checking the time and shrugged seeing that if anything she was late. She pulled her head from the door and looked left and right down the hallway. Deciding that since the door was unlocked she was more than welcome to have a seat inside she entered and latched the door over looking around the drab environment. She was here to have a "discussion" about her "behavior" with regards to her "absences" and her being held in "contempt of court" on three distinct occasions in the last two weeks. Izy knew that just like all the other "discussions" it was just a scare tactic, she knew exactly were the line she could cross was, she had come very close in the past and had no desire to push the feds over the line. So she would put up with this little HR person for now and play nice with her superiors and make sure that she was extra useful for the next few days, just to make sure they still remembered how good she was at her job.

Looking around the room she saw the normal trappings of the bureaucratic HR department, cheap furniture, lackluster motivational posters, and a computer 10 years out of date running, vista? She saw walking around the desk and taking a seat in the chair behind it. Fucking windows vista? Really, she thought judging the owner of the office as she further scanned the room for anything of interest. A few pictures on the desk, a few recurring faces stuck out,

Then looking down she saw something interesting. She pulled the shelf on the underside of the desk out and found a laptop. Half closed, not enough for it to go into sleep mode, and opening it up Izy found her eyes assaulted by a sudden influx of beautiful sexy thoughts.

On the screen she saw a number of things most of which were appealing to her mind in some way shape or form, milkers, cowbells, a fuck ton of fetish gear that seemed custom made towards Izy's particular brand of bedroom shenanigans. More than a few of the items she thought her kind of boyfriend Gerry would also appreciate. So whoever had this office definitely had a few dirty little secrets. Much like herself Izy thought smiling at the sudden discovery of another freak in her place of work. Her mind was still processing the images when the door for the office clicked and in walked a woman. She stood at about average height no more than 5'10, had black hair down to her shoulders cut neatly, and was at present sporting a face some were between sheer terror and disbelief.

"P... P... put th... that back." she said pointing to the laptop her voice shaking and eyes trembling.

Izy did just that closing it and sliding the pullout shelf back into the desk. As she did the woman closed the door and walked into the room. Going off of her face it was clear that she was unsure what to do.

"You... saw...?" she asked her voice sounding drained.

Izy nodded unsure of were exactly this was going to go and really wanting to leave the room.

"I, uh see." she said shifting her gaze from Izy to the wall.

Izy suddenly felt compelled by years of paying attention to the story in porn to see how far she could, milk this. She almost laughed to herself at the bad pun and started thinking about how she could turn this situation into such a scenario. Her mind now running with dirty and lustful thoughts. Izy stood and walked over to the woman who was so consumed by her own fear that she didn't notice Izy until she was right in front of her. Izy grinned down at the woman who now felt a sense of confusion, she thought Izy had been much shorter. In fact the dark haired woman felt more and more confused as she looked at Izy who was now changing into her other form, that of a heifer. Izy took a few deep breaths keeping the changes under her control not wanting to shred her clothing at her place of work.

Some were between heifer and woman Izy stopped, her body swelling against her clothing, her face in a half formed muzzle, and two wet patches dripping from her breasts. The dark haired woman looked at Izy's body with equal parts confusion fear and lust. Her eyes widening as she looked up to hear Izy speak.

"Your not the only one around here who likes cows." Izy said leaning down and kissing the woman on the lips. She backed up one step from the half formed cow and held a hand to her mouth as she watched Izy shift back into her human form. Her clothing a bit stretched out but otherwise still usable. Izy smiled at her and walked back over to the desk. Taking a piece of paper and writing something down on it and handing it to the woman. The woman was still wide eyed looking at Izy and was stuck somewhere between disbelief and shock.

"My address, swing by sometime tonight for a good time," Izy looked the woman up and down again and blew a kiss at her before confidently striding out of the room. Izy had closed the door after realizing what she had forgotten and stood outside the office for a moment before leaning back inside. The woman was now looking at the paper blushing and then back at Izy her face further blushing her mind clearly awash with dirty thoughts.

"Hey uh, so do we still need to do that meeting about my behavior or are we good?" Izy asked.

Beth looked down at the paper for what must have been the hundredth time since that morning. She then looked up at the button for the intercom and pushed it a loud buzzing sound and then she waited for a response.

"Hello?" a male voice asked. "This is Beth, uh, Izy told me to come over." she said in a hushed and nervous voice.

"Oh right, yeah sure come on up." the voice said she heard the door to her side click and she opened it walking into the buildings lobby.

Beth thought about what was waiting for her a few floors up. She had never thought anyone would find out about her interests, however if she really didn't want anyone to find out what she had on her laptop, she wouldn't have left it their and the page open like that. She didn't really find the idea of being a cow sexy, or attractive but she did like the idea of being milked, and with that she had been exposed to more than a few things over the years that had colored her perceptions. So seeing a large, sexy, anthropomorphic cow with dripping teats just asking to be milked had done a lot to push her over the edge. Plus she and Izy had talked a bit after her little gesture, she seemed normal enough, a bit unhinged maybe but not dangerous. It had taken a godly amount of restraint to not ask her about the whole turning into a cow thing but that was not what she had been asked to talk to the woman about was it, thus it was not strictly a dereliction of her duty.

The mental gymnastics were trivial, however so lost in thought was she that she didn't even realize she was already on the right floor. She exited the elevator and then looked left and right then back down at the paper and went left. She looked for the number on the wall that Izy had written down on the paper and then after a few more moments she was there, the door was right in front of her. She went to knock but before she could the door opened in it stood Izy. She was a bit shorter than Beth who had to look down at her grinning face.

"You came." Izy observed stepping back and ushering the other woman in.

Beth looked around at the interior of the apartment, it was normal looking. Across the room sitting on the couch was a man, probably the one from the intercom.

"This is Gerry, my kinda boyfriend as he likes to put it." Izy said grinning as she leaned across the couch and kissed him on the cheek. He reached up and scratched her chin as he turned his head and kissed her on the chin.

"Show time?" He asked Izy who nodded and motioned over to Beth who looked back at the door nervously contemplating just what the hell she was doing.

"Nervous babe?" Izy asked coming back over to Beth and wrapping her arms around her. Beth felt the heat welling up inside of her and was unsure what to say exactly. She nodded slowly and just looked back at the woman for a moment awaiting her response.

"That's fine, no sense in fucking around I guess let's get to it." Izy said releasing Beth from her grasp and clapping her hands together once.

Beth looked over and saw Gerry stand up and walk over to the bedroom yawning and stretching his arms up. Izy made to follow him and Beth did the same. As she did she saw both of the them ditch there clothing as they walked towards the bed room. Both were naked in a few steps and Beth was so taken back by the sudden nudity that she didn't think that she should be doing to same, instead all she did was blush at seeing the two people strip so casually in front of her. She then stood as she saw both of them embrace one another. Locking lips and swapping spit, embracing each other passionately she then noticed that they both seemed different.

She thought that both of their bodies seemed to swell with mass, and then she saw white and black fur growing on Gerry and Izy respectively. She held a hand up to her face biting down on one of her fingers as she watched the two grow and change into cattle. Watching with bated breath as there sexual traits engorged and swollen with lustful energy. Gerry and his large and impressive cock hardening and pushing upward from his widening and muscular frame. Izy and her perky breasts, there teats dripping with milk. Beth stopped and licked her lips imagining how the warm liquid must have felt contained inside the two magnificent orbs of growing flesh. She felt the sexual energy of the two overflowing there bodies and entering into her own compelling her to strip down as well.

Beth and her naked form were exposed to the air in the room in seconds. She watched the changing couple and felt compelled to stimulate herself not wanting to miss out on any of the potential action. She took a few steps back and leaned against the wall watching as the two changing humans interlocked there changing bodies. She took one hand and squeezed a nipple on her chest while she directed the other to her snatch. She hooked her finger up and found her clit letting out a contented but distinct moan as she watched the two bodies reshape. The sight was something out of a horror movie she knew but there was no pain in evidence, only passion and love.

She could feel that the two were almost done now, there bodies nearly completely covered in thick fur there head the only human parts of their bodies left. She saw there hands now with thick tips grasping at the others bodies finding all the points of contact that made the other squirm and moan out little gushes of ecstasy as they kissed. Then they broke off, both still in the other arms looked at the other as there faces pushed out into bovine muzzles there eyes closing on the images of their human faces and then opening to be greeted by there new bovine visages. After which they kiss more and more for a few moments before directing their attention to the woman fingering herself in the corner of the room.

Beth suddenly felt very conscious of her presence in the room and looked over at the doorway suddenly feeling the desire to leave with the onrush of embarrassment. She heard a clopping sound and before she could turn her head to see what it was she found Izy taking her face in one of her hands pulling it over to face her. Izy was now much taller than her and Gerry taller than both of them. Izy smiled warmly but with a lustful undertone at the smaller woman. Izy pushed her up against the wall leaning down and kissing the woman as she did so. Beth felt the cows warm tongue in her mouth and lost herself in the moment of embrace. The second long kiss feeling like it lasted a whole night. Izy broke off the kiss and looked back at the woman who had renewed confidence, and a growing lustful energy about her. Beth looked up almost disappointed but then saw the two bulls make for the bed Izy beckoning her to follow them with an outstretched hand. Beth could only follow her mind clouding itself with lustful images of mating cattle.

The two cattle flanked Beth as she came onto the bed, Gerry to her rear and Izy to her front. Gerry brought his arms around her and pulled her back resting his own back against the wall and rubbing her dripping clit along his impressive length. Looking down Beth could see that she was not exactly equipped to handle the bull. However his shear length and girth was enough to cause her extreme pleasure even as it rubbed up against the lips of her sex. Izy then came in closer to the woman starting from her lower belly and up between her breasts she ran her long and rough tongue up her body until she was face to face with Beth. Izy grinned wickedly at the woman in her bulls embrace. She ran a finger through Beth's hair admiring its silky smooth quality.

"So this is what your after right?" Izy asked her now somewhat flustered partner as she flicked the nipple on one of her breasts. The sudden sensation rocket up to Beth's brain causing her to grit her teeth in order to control herself. "I'll take that as a yes." Izy said now taking a finger and tracing it down the center of Beth's body her face clearly that of someone deep in thought. After another moment Izy looked back up at Beth grinning evilly. "Wanna a taste." Izy said taking a hand and cupping one of her breasts in it.

Beth's face flushed red at the question but she could not help herself but to say, "Yes.". Izy grinned and leaned in allowing her breast and its teat to be easily accessible by the other woman. Beth clasped her lips around the teat and sucked on it feeling the warm liquid run down the back of her throat. It tasted excellent however she could only think out what Izy must have been feeling as she suckled on her teat. The warm ecstasy of having another take part of your own body. The feeling of giving something that your own body proceed to another in act of passion and love. Then just as she had offered Izy retracted. The remove of the teat and its milk cause Beth to look as Izy with a bit of remorse for a non existent slight. It was short lived anyway as she saw not aggravation or malice on Izy face but warmth and desire. Izy took a hand and rubbed the top of Beth hair causing her to close her eyes and just let the gesture work out, her mind flashed with images of her own teats, her own milk, her own bull.

The metal images flashing in her mind serve a sufficient kick start to bigger and better things for the woman's as the milk she had ingested started to go to work. The nanite rich milk was quickly dispersing itself throughout her body preparing the woman for her changes as the behest of Izy's mental image of the cow yet to be. Izy knew what had to come first for the woman, and had already mapped out the changes she wanted the woman to take in her mind. She was getting pretty good at controlling her own transformation and much to her gleeful surprise much of her own self control was applicable in the transformations of others. The first was of course her breast Izy knew seeing the nipples on them begin to lengthen and the two fleshy orbs swell.

Beth opened her eyes feeling the first round of changes start to wash over her body. She could already tell what was coming she suspected in her mind that she would not be leaving this room completely human when all was said and done, however the sudden a rapid onset of the warm sensation all over her body was never the less noticeable. She could feel her nipples growing, her breasts swelling and something else, around there periphery, a tingling sensation. She darted her eyes down and saw her ballooning tits swelling past her old size and entering places she through only possible with cosmetic surgery. She could feel something inside also, something growing, sloshing. She knew immediately that it was her own milk, the thought which alone was enough to send a wash of ecstatic pleasurable thoughts up and down her increasingly sensitive body. She felt Izy stop rubbing her head and she looked up at the other cow who was looking down with approving eyes at her.

"Well, you like em?" Izy asked taking a finger and flicking her new teats. Beth winced at the sensation a thousand times more pleasurable now then when Izy had done it a few moments before. Beth took both her hands and cupped her newly grown breasts taking there heft in her grasp and loving the feeling. She could feel the sloshing of warm milk in her own personal vessel, she also felt fur. Her own fur looking down she saw light coffee colored brown fur spreading down from her breasts and onto her chest. She took a hand and squeezed one of her teats a jet of milk shooting out of her as she gritted her teeth and sighed feeling pleasurable alien sensation that she had for to long imagined washing over her body, different then how she had pictured them they were no less pleasurable to her.

"Well then, now that we know you like em, time for us to have a bit of fun." Izy said coming down to eye level with Beth long enough to kiss her on the nose. Before Izy descended further placing her mouth on one of Beth's teats. Her face went read as she felt the other woman latch onto her and suckle from her.

To Beth the sensation was all she had imagined and so much more, the distance of fantasy far removed she could only feel as the real and tangible sensation of the other woman suckling from her washed over her body. She let nothing stop her from fully embracing the sensation, no inhibition, no hang ups, no holding back the overflowing feelings that she felt were coming closer and closer to seizing full control of her mind. She screamed, mooing loudly as she felt Izy drink from her the change to her body now returning to her in full swing. Her fur spreading outward from her breasts and all around her torso. Her whole body starting to grow and lengthen. Already her height was increased by two inches.

Desiring more stimulation Beth took a free hand and clasped her other teat between the two two thickening fingers. Feeling another jet of milk stream outward from her breast. It felt good, but not as intense and pleasurable as Izys use of her tongue on her. Her fur was spreading out further and faster now from its origin point covering her shoulders as they began to broaden and grow to better support her growing frame. The fur was now spreading down her arms passing around her shoulders as they began to tense and tone with new muscles. She felt her finger tips growing thick caps, this in turn caused her to become a bit less effective in her milking of herself but in practical terms took nothing away from the pleasure she was feeling.

Izy leaned back breaking off from Beth's teat a few drops of milk falling from her mouth as she licked her lips. Beth dropped her hand away from her teat and just looked at the other cow letting the sensations of her changing body ripple over her perceptions of the moment. Izy grinned down at the other woman.

"You tasted pretty good." She said licking her lips again. "You look even better." She said leaning and kissing the woman on her lips. Beth reciprocated as best she could. The two women kissing and embracing each other as passionately as their currently mismatched bodies allowed them to. Gerry then reached around and grabbed both of Beth's teats which cause her to go wide eyed but only from the sudden sensation of having his hands touch her in such a sensitive way. He used his finger and started to milk her pushing jets of milk from her causing to moan and groan with both the feeling of Izys tongue in her mouth and of Gerry firm hands squeezing her breasts of there white warm liquid.

Beth then felt another pressure this time in her face. The coffee colored fur had spread up her neck stretching it and thickening it and then had spread up the back of her head her black hair lengthened slightly as well. The fur spread up her chin and around the side of her leaving her hair alone for the most part as it did blend in with the fur along its perimeter. Her face felt as if a piston was slowly being raised inside her skull, her bones cracking and her skull reshaping itself as her muzzle started to push outward as the fur swarmed over he face. The changes so drastic that she broke from Izy's embrace for long enough for her muzzle to fully grow in. The fur rushed over the new extension to her face as two white horns grew from the top of her head. Gerry was still milking her teats smiling as he did so. Beth blinked a few times and looked at Izy who extend a finger and taped the end of her muzzle smiling before leaning back into her and kissing her again.

With the new addition to her face Beth found the embrace much more enjoyable now. She could feel the rest of the changes overwhelming her remaining humanity now as the fur spread downward now engulfing her hips, then her legs and finally her feet. The details were not given much thought by Beth who only cared for being milked and kissing the divine heifer in front of her. It came to a close however as Izy then broke off from her leaning away from the other cow now feeling a growing need in her other then her desire to be milked. She looked forward at Izy now feeling the small distance between the two to be more like a chasm. She then felt Gerry from behind her shift his hand and pick her up with his massive arms. She yelped as he did so pushing her forward and then down on Izy who had laid down on the bed.

The two heifers breasts touched the other now causing Beth to wince in response to the stimulation. Izy only grinned up at the other cow all the more so when she saw the look of shock followed by satisfaction as Gerry penetrated her sex. Gerry took things slowly at first going for a nice slow burn effect to start allowing Beth to take in all the delicious feelings her new body would be sending her in spades now. She looked back down at Izy again and gave her a needy look. Izy returned the look with a sly grin before licking her lips and leaning up a bit kissing the other cow again bring her head back down to rest on her lips before the two embraced yet again.

Gerry feeling now that the newly minted heifer had had enough of a grace period turned up his intensity. Driving his length home again and again more forceful this time. The humping drove all other thoughts out of Beth's mind as she turned her body to feel more and more in tune with those around her using her body for their own gain. She wanted to scream and a few times she broke off of Molly just let out an exasperated breath only to come back down seeking more of the other heifer as the two embraced one another. Beth letting out more moans and groans in the throws of the blissful communion with the other cattle.

Gerry heard the slight cries escaping the other cow and decided that it was time to properly christian the heifers new body. He took his powerful hands and gripped her rear tightly feeling his finger dig into the plump rump she had grown. Beth's body tensed knowing what was about to happen. She broke off of Izy and gripped the other cows shoulder with her hand preparing to be taken. Gerry then slammed himself into her with great effect and force. His body crashed into the heifer with a speed and tempo she had assumed belonged only in her imagination. The overload of the thick meaty member being thrust into warm dripping pussy causing her to let out ever growing cries of passion as she gripped her other bovine lover ever more tightly.

Izy grinned at the other cow how did not see her through the haze of lust she was enveloped in. She watched as Beth's face painted and let slip cries of passion that Izy new herself to produce under similar conditions. The tightening grip on her shoulders was not exactly pleasant but the sight of the heifer being plowed by her bull was enough to counterbalance the mild discomfort. Then came ecstasy, Beth's eyes shot open and she mooed as loudly as Izy thought a cow should. It left Izy impressed as she watched both Beth and Gerry tense up as the sensation of climax washed over both of them properly. She felt the warm sticky seed of her bull dripping back out of Beth's now full womb. Then both of them crashed down on top of Izy who let out a slight gasp as she took on the weight of the two cattle.

"So, round two once your ready?" she whispered into Beth ear who she could here drunkenly reply.

"Oh fuck yes."

Beth felt drunk, and tried to remember where she was, she was looking up at a ceiling like any other save for the fact that it was not her ceiling. She turned to her right and there was a wall, not her wall. The same was true for her left and the room was thus not hers, nor was the bed. She got up and went to the door, she felt off and her mind was cloudy, foggy with tiredness and something else like a distance feeling unfamiliar but instantly pleasurable. Opening the door the memoirs of the last night were brought forth with shocking clarity. In front of her two cattle sat at a counter naked, sipping coffee and discussing something when the female one looked over at her.

"Morning, you feeling ok." Izy asked her fellow heifer.

"Kinda drunk, coffee?" Beth asked rubbing her head and feeling her horns. She grasped one making sure it was real and then held a finger out to her nose touching the tip of her snout.

"Here you go." Izy said walking up to the other cow mug in hand. Beth took it and started to sip when Izy leaned in and whispered something into her ear.

"Enjoy, I made the cream, myself." Beth's eye widened as she took and involuntary spit take as Izy laughed holding her gut as she then followed up with, "Fuck, kidding, kidding, sorry. Come on sit."

The rest of the morning, it was a Saturday morning thank god. Was spent talking about shockingly normal stuff, Beth didn't really care about why Izy and Gerry were secretly sexy cow people, or was it the other way around. The semantics of the argument bored her and after about a half hour of pleasant conversation she started a new topic.

"So uh, not to be to forward but uh, could we make this a regular thing?"