Story by BlackFireCat on SoFurry

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"Hey Dad I'm home", Michael called out as he entered into the house, gently closing the door behind him and made a dash to room upstairs, only for his old man's voice to bellow out Michael get in here from the kitchen and the young shark whimpered as he went over to where his father was.

"There you are," snapped the older shark as his son inched his way over to him. "What time did I say to be home by," growled the older Great White as he slowly moved his hands to unbuckle the thick belt around his waist.

And before Michael could blink, his old man stood up and whipped off his belt before folding it over in his hand, "pull down those pants boy and bend over my knee" stated the angry older shark.

"No Dad, I'm too old to be spanked like a damn pup," shouted the younger shark and turned to leave only for his father to grab his arm and pull him close to his chest and bent down to glare at the young shark.

"Watch how you speak to boy, I'm your father and you will respect me" said the older shark.

"FUCK YOU OLD MAN!" screamed the the young shark.

And Michael broke out of his dad's grip and tried to run, but was grabbed and thrown to the ground, as the older shark ripped his pants off and lashed his belt across his son's rear end, don't you ever say that to me again bellowed the furious older shark as he lashed the younger Great white's bare ass several times with his belt.

About twenty minutes later, after passing out from his punishment, Michael woke up and winced at how his sore his backside was and once he got up, he saw no trace of his father and in a fit of rage left the house.

Michael was so angry at his father as he walked down the street, that yelled and broke the window of a parked and then carried on walking, and failed to notice that a cop was following behind him.

The young shark kept on walking even as the cop pulled up beside him and honked the horn, and Michael jumped and looked around and saw the cop and he began to panic, as the cop parked the his cruiser and got out.

Michael was really nervous as the middle aged cop came up to him, "you okay son?" he asked the young shark in a concerned tone, and Michael felt his eyes start watering and the frog officer pulled him into a hug as the kid told him everything.

"I need to see how bad a whipping you got, so I'm going to pull your pants down, is that okay son?" asked the cop.

And after nodding his head, the cop gently pulled down Michael's pants and gasped at welted mess that was the young shark's rear end, and then pulled the pants back up and hugged the kid once more.

"Okay Son, I need your name, so I can make a report?" asked the cop.

It's Michael, Michael Ludlow replied the shark.

And Officer Beckman did a double take as he heard the kid's name, the frog looked over at the young shark sadly, before going to his cruiser and entered the name Ludlow into the search engine and the came back over to Michael a few minute later.

"Alright son, I'll drive you back home, and have a word with your father if he's even there" stated the cop.

Upon pulling up to the house, Michael saw that his dad was standing on the front porch with his arms folded and looking quite angry, and the young shark could feel the older shark's displeasure.

As Michael and Officer Beckman exited the cruiser, the young shark walked up to his father and gave him a sheepish grin, before rubbing the back of his head and gave a nervous chuckle "h-hey pops how's it going?" he asked his glaring father.

And before he knew it, the older shark pulled his son in for a hug, the younger shark closed his eyes and braced himself for a beating, but it never came and felt his father plant a loving kiss on his head.

After the hug ended, the older Great White held out his hands expecting to be cuffed, but Officer Beckman held up a hand and went over to Mr Ludlow and planted a sloppy wet kiss upon the older shark's mouth before braking away and smirked as the other male tried to process what was happening.

As Mr Ludlow was still in shock from being kissed, he felt his cock hardening in his pants, and he bit back a moan as he saw the frog's meaty uniformed covered ass bounce slightly as he followed Michael into the house.

Once the older shark entered the house and closed the door, he saw the cop heading upstairs and grinned as a wicked ideas came to his mind, and followed the frog up the stairs to his bedroom.

Officer Beckman closed the bedroom door after the shark entered, and picked up a smallish stool and set it down in the middle of the room and sat down, and the shark gave the cop a slight grin as he unbuckled his belt and whipped his trousers down.

Mr Ludlow was taunting the frog cop as he gave his ass a little shake and smacked it a few times, and when he faced the cop, the shark grinned widely and grunted in surprise as the frog grabbed him and upended the arrogant shark over his knees and pinned his tail to his back with a strong arm.

"W-what are you doing, release me at once" snarled the shark angrily.

"I don't think so, your species are all the same, you think that because you're sharks that the rules don't apply to you or that you'll never get punished, I think you need a lesson in manners Mr high and mighty ocean hunter.

"It's time to find out what us frogs can really do with our tongues" stated the frog with a evil grin.And before the shark could utter a reply, Officer Beckman's tongue lashed across Mr Ludlow's ass with a resounding thwap and a yell from the shark.

Over and over the shark howled in absolute agony as the frog lashed his ass with his long slimy tongue. Each loud lash of that wicked tongue, was followed by an even louder scream from the shark.

After about twenty minutes, Mr Ludlow's ass was a deep shade of red and stung like nothing the shark had ever experienced before, and his eyes and face were wet with tears as he lay over the cop's knees hoping that his torment would end.

"P-please I-I'm sorry" sobbed the shark.

"Are you sorry?" asked the frog.

"Your son is scared to death of you, and while you like many other sharks grew up with spankings and whippings, but doing what you did is abuse, and you should be thanking your son for not having you thrown in jail."

Officer beckman helped the shark off his lap and patted his aching butt lovingly. When the frog saw the sharks erection, he grasped it firmly, "you naughty little shark" chuckled the cop as he stroked Mr Ludlow's cock.

"You enjoyed getting spanked didn't you?" asked Officer Beckman with a playful tone. And as much as he wanted to say no, there was some part of him that liked it, and it was well known that sharks liked getting spanked and Mr Ludlow was no different.

"Well I'm going to give you a reward for taking your punishment so well" the frog informed him.

"Ohhh god!" exclaimed Mr Ludlow as Officer Beckman engulfed his entire cock and started bobbing his up and down, getting a loud moan from the shark, as the frog lashed, swiped, and lapped at his throbbing shaft with that talented tongue.


And when the frog pulled his mouth off the cock, the shark whimpered, and was surprised when that long tongue shot out and wrapped around his erection and squeezed slightly before releasing it and then began lapping the underside of the thick dripping shaft.

And because the frog's tongue was somewhat longer than most, each time the cop shot it out from his mouth, it would wrap around the entire cock like a whip and then recoil before lapping at the shaft once again.

Mr Ludlow was quickly reaching the breaking point and the cop knew it, so the frog gave a series of rapid tongue slaps that went right across the shark's bloated balls, his scrotum, and part of his ass and that was it for the shark as he came with a primal roar.

"AHHHHHH" exclaimed Mr Ludlow as jets of hot shark cream burst from his cock into the air. And during his orgasm, Officer beckman got off the stool and watched the shark with a smug grin and a throbbing bulge in his uniform pants.

"Officer Beckman, where d-did you learn that?" asked the now drained and very tired shark.

"I must say Mr Ludlow that I've never met a shark that managed to get through the whole punishment without begging to be let go" stated the frog as he made his way to the door and opened it and both men looked at the sleeping shark on the floor outside.

Both the cop and the shark smiled at the kid, "I hope you learned your lesson" said the cop as he went downstairs and out the front door, and meanwhile the older shark picked up his son and carried him to the bed and placed him down before planting a kiss on his head.

"I hope you know that I'm sorry and that I love you son" said the older shark.

And as Mr Ludlow pulled up his pants and buckled his belt, the older shark gently climbed onto the big bed, next to his son and gave him one more kiss on the head before falling asleep and growled slightly when he heard Michael giggle.

"You little brat" laughed the older shark as he got in close and nuzzled the younger Great White.

Mr Ludlow would never forget the lesson that the frog taught him, but something told the shark that this was something more, and was about to dismiss it when something caught his eye on the nightstand.

And he reached over and picked up the card that the cop had left, and smiled when he saw what was written inside, as it turned out Officer Beckman had a thing for daddy sharks and Mr ludlow had a thing for frogs.

And once his ass recovered from the punishment that he got, the older shark was going to track him down, so that he could thank him properly, and wanted to see the frogs expression when he finds out that the shark he punished was also a cop.

Punishing that cute big bottomed frog was going to be the epitome of the shark's day, and deep down he was looking forward to a rematch and besides even cops need to blow off some steam every now and then. And the shark couldn't think of a better way of bonding with a fellow cop, than by spanking his ass black and blue and perhaps give him a blowjob, and what ever else the shark could come up with.