Shadow's Shower 1

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#3 of Sonic the Hedgehog

Shadow the Hedgehog has had to destroy the race that had created him not once, but twice. After his mission to destroy the second Black Comet, the Ultimate Lifeform just needs to find a way to blow off some steam. Perhaps, it is some alone time he needs?

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It had been a difficult battle, but in the end, the Guardian Unit of the Nations was able to persevere against the planned invasion of the final faction of the Black Arms. With the new Black Comet destroyed, and the soldiers sufficiently debriefed, Shadow the Hedgehog was left with something he hardly finds himself with--free time.

"You are distracted," E-123 Omega said as Shadow sparred with the badnik.

"Since when were you concerned about my state of mind?" Shadow asks, performing a spin kick.

Omega blocks it with his wrist. "It affects your battle performance, and, most importantly, your destructive capability. Weak fleshlings like yourself need to speak their mind to run at full efficiency."

Shadow lands on his feet and grumbles. "Whatever, I'll figure myself out. See you later. If Rouge comes looking for me, tell her I'm going to let off some steam."

"I do not know nor care what you mean by that."


Shadow left the training gym and made his way to the showers. While in there, he reflected upon the mission. They had been horrible alien monstrosities, to be sure, but Eclipse wanted to be a family. It made him think about things. He pulled his shoes off, letting them fall to the floor. They gave him a boost, hiding his real, shorter height.

Some ultimate life form. He can't even be proud of his stature.

He thought he had thrown his pride in his physical self away long ago, turning towards life as a protector of the human race, but not for any one's wish other than his own... but if he was engineered to be perfect in every way, then why was he shorter than Sonic?

He turned the shower on, letting the water run down over his quills and get the grime of work off of him. Sonic, such a cocky and arrogant hedgehog, but he doesn't have a care in the world. Such a smug... arrogant... inspiring figure. Why does he vex Shadow so?

Shadow's eyes flutter open just a bit as he leans forward, a hand upon the wall. He had felt it, certainly... his stress, his pent up thoughts, all building up in him, his frustration, his arousal.

"Fuck..." he breathes, seeing the length poking up from between his legs. "Here...? Now...?"

He looks over his shoulder. No one else was in here. It's not like other soldiers didn't let off some steam on their own, but him? Here? What does it matter? He's here by himself. He might as well do something about it. "S... stupid..." He grumbles, fingers curling against the tile of the wall as he wraps his other palm around his cock. His thumb plays at the underside of the head, rubbing up and down just underneath the opening.

"So... so damn annoying..." he grumbles, squeezing his eyes shut, rubbing one out, his fingers sticking with the water's friction.

"Fuck it." He sighs, grabbing the soap from the shelf and working it up to a furious lather. He presses his back up against the wall and slides down, his feet losing hold from the suds forming on the floor. Soon enough, he is on the ground, back on the wall, his spine curved a bit down below, legs spread. Now totally sudsy, he grabs onto himself again, letting the slip of the soap guide his hand as he slides his palm up over that shaft.

He stares downward, watching himself, his tail slapping against the floor as he got himself into a little rhythm.

He's a weapon

A hero

A legend

A monster

An alien

A role model.

He has to be all these things--all the struggles in life that others have, he has to bear a thousand fold, just because he was made to be perfect. But he's not perfect. He wants to be able to make mistakes and not be called out. He wants to have a life where his dumb sense of duty doesn't get in his way. He wants to be able to slow down--to explore not only the world but himself.


Through a hazy gaze, he lifts up his free hand and lets the water run all the soap off of it. He then takes a deep breath and brings his middle finger up to his lips, wrapping them around the digit and then letting his tongue lather it up with spit. He scoots out of the way of the spray, kicking his way across with his heels until he's off to a dry section of the shower room. He takes that free finger, and he reaches down, curling it in and letting it poke at the hole beneath his tail.

He gasps, arching his back, spreading his legs and letting that finger wriggle its way inside. He groans, shifting around, digging his heels into the floor to allow himself to reach further inside. "F... fuck..." he sighs as the hole puckers around his digit. He curls it, playing with the cavity, swirling his finger, exploring himself.

His cock becomes harder than any jack off session could make him, but he doesn't want to end this... not yet, not quite like this. No, he has to savor every moment he has here alone and enjoy just being a living being and not the ultimate living thing.

He starts to imagine something... through the haze of lust, there stands a figure--Mobian in stature, looming over him. He chuckles. "Ready for some action?" he asks, his cock twitching in excited readiness.

"Sure, spread-em," the voice responds, grabbing his legs. Between the figure's own is a long, strong cock.

And shadow gasps, pulling his finger out from himself and scrambling up to a stand. His ass still burned from the sharp removal, but he didn't care.

"What the hell...?," he whispered. "Am I...?"

Before he could figure out the meaning of his fantasy, the doors to the showers open, leaving Shadow no time.