Divine Bounty 1
The kobold tribe has become more and more popular ever since their hum-drum sorcerer became the most irresistible sorceress to ever grace kobold kind. Males from many tribes over go on pilgrimages, bringing knowledge and trade to just see her wondrous...
Cling 1
From the dark depths of the secret mountain lair, Draykan has carried his newfound companion. He had dressed her in his top, leaving his scarred chest exposed to the elements, but that is of no consequence to him. All that matters is that he take...
The Lily Nymph 3
Adaeze swears under her breath and pushes herself up from her false bowing, but Slusk stands up alongside with her, the powerful lizard woman grabbing the naked gnoll by the wrists and pulling them back behind her back, standing her tall and fully on...
The Lily Nymph 2
The Lily Nymph's eye sparkles at that, but she places a sweet kiss upon her girl's forehead as her fingers brush downward, gripping at her butt. The girl gasps, tilting her head back, pressing her small chest forward, and flutters her eyes before her...
Jaguar Temple 7
Feliny sits up in the dark. The chamber she's in is still warm, but she finds herself covered. She pulls the sheets off of her and looks down, only to gasp in a voice not her own. She stumbles to her, no, his feet and runs his hands down over his...
Baze and the Nixie 4
Melu shoves Baze down, the weight of her engorged, tentacle-filled form pushing the two faster to the depths than Baze could have realized. The speed of it all builds pressure into her, but her greater focus is not letting any of the putrid water fill...
Cow Appreciation 3
Bertha had excused herself from the Casa de Cody, her mind running at overdrive through the next couple of days. Though she goes on autopilot in her housewifely duties, she can't help but turn her attention over and over again to the strapping young...
Tik Tik's Tryouts 7
Panini squats there over Adaeze, her gaze hazy as she stares at Tik momentarily. A moment later, she lowers her foot away from that big meaty thing and places her paw firmly on the ground. Her thighs rest upon Adaeze, that length flopping down to land...
Cow Appreciation 2
"You're in high spirits," Bob says, pulling a pitcher of lemonade from the refrigerator. Bertha cracks an egg to add to her mix, looking up at her husband. "Hm? I just want to ensure our new neighbor feels right at home." "The coyote?" Bob...
Draykan's Hoard 11
When Draykan opens the door to the hastily converted "training chamber," he stares down with his eyes shadowed by the overwhelming burden of the situation. He grips the doorknob with a force that the metal bends to his unyielding grasp. Sitting on...
Dragon Council
The inner workings of the dragon council are not meant to be divulged to the masses. So long ago was the organization established that there are none alive who can recall its formation. So, what, pray tell, is the purpose of their existence? How,...
Tik Tik's Tryouts
Among all the places in Anteronia, there is no place as welcoming and discerning to travelers' tastes as Baker's Bakery. While many of the nobility may want to show off the peculiarities of the Anteronian way through places of indulgence that could...