Furry High School: Spring Romance: Chapter Four

Story by The Roz Wolf on SoFurry

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#4 of Furry High School: Spring Romance

Chapter Four

The small room that is the Terrace family's second bathroom was clouded with steam in the early morning of Saturday, droplets of water clinging to the tiles of the walls and floor, dampening the bathmat, towels and washcloths. Kaipo reclined in the tub, his form below his arms resting underneath the warmth of the calm tub waters. His head rested back against the wall, purring softly into the humid air. One arm rested along the outer wall of the tub, which partially sank into the floor, one wall set on the tub as the rest of it rested against the room's natural walls. The lion's other arm was dipped into the waters at the moment, concealed beneath the bubbles of soap. His expressions spoke of it's hidden movements, a bright smile set onto his muzzle, his eyes closed as his purr echoed softly off the tiles.

Ripples swayed off from his bicep on the water's surface, swirling bubbles about with each quick movement. Shifting his hips back and forth, a little moan left his lips, shutting his eyes tighter with a draw of breath through his nose before slumping a little into the tub, breathing out a deep sigh. His smile held, lifting his paw out of the water and moving to set it onto the other side of the tub, pausing a moment though. Tilting his head partially, he brought his paw closer for inspection, glancing towards the doorway a second before flicking his tongue a few times against the paw's palm. His smile returned with that, a few slow licks curling through his paw's fur until he was sure it was fully clean, resting it down onto the wall "Yum..." He murmured, resting his head back down to the wall once again.

His thoughts wandered from his solitary attention of the minutes to the approaching afternoon. Rob, Matt and Justin were going to arrive in a couple hours; around the same time his mom was going to leave. That would leave him watching Suzy...but it'd also leave him with Rob over at his house. Double Yum... Val was supposed to arrive an hour or so after so they could have everything set up for him. A little giggle passed the lion's lips at the thought, flushing faintly underneath his amber coat. This'll be great. Sinking down a bit more, his knees broke the surface of the water, his head disappearing under at the same time. A few moments passed before popping his head back above, shaking off the excess waters before climbing up to his hind paws, flicking the drain of the tub open and stepping out from it.

Shaking off a little, he grabbed a towel, ruffling along his fur coat, his pink length still partially out of his it's sheath from the lion's earlier activities. Fetching up his boxers from the counter of the bathroom, he pulled them snugly on, looping his tail through the hole and rubbing the moisture from the mirror, grinning to himself in it before waggling his eyebrows a few times, snickering softly and grabbing his jean shorts, pulling them on and slipping his tail through the hole again. Pulling on a blue tank top, he shook his head again, sending a few more droplets flying from his wet head fur.

Tossing the towel over his shoulder and letting it drape there, the feline pushed open the door and stepped into the hallway, shivering faintly as the cool air touched his skin. Making his way down the hallway, he pushed the door of his own room open before closing it behind him, hanging the towel off the doorknob and sitting down on the edge of his bed. He looked to the floor a few minutes before glancing out the window. Maybe I can get Rob to sleep in here with me...But how...

"Kaipo, I'm heading out to the office now. Is Suzy in there with you?"

The lion sat slouched on the sofa, his legs sprawled apart, resting partially against the couch's back, partially against its armrest. Suzy sat on the floor, outfitted in a well-fitting white shirt, and a pair of blue jean-overalls, her hind paws bare for the moment, the amber of her fur matching that of Kaipo's rather closely, the little lioness' only differences being her palms of her paws and the soles of her hind paws being covered in white fur along with a little patch of white fur over her left eye.

Kaipo glanced towards one of the two doorways out of the living room, lifting a paw to his muzzle and calling out "Yeah Mom, she's right here with me!"

"Yeah Mom, I'm in here with Kaipo!" Suzy called out, glancing back to her brother who gave her a smirk, Suzy sticking out her tongue to him in response.

"Okay you two, I want you both to behave yourselves while I'm gone." Phoebe peeked her head in through the doorway "Kaipo, tell your friends they're welcome to stay the night after the party. But I expect them to behave as well." Kaipo and Suzy glanced up from their teasing looks, both assuming an innocent grin with Kaipo nodding "Sure thing Mom." Phoebe smirked, stepping fully into the doorway, outfitted in a dark crimson suit, a white button-up shirt showing from under her suit's jacket. She held her briefcase in one paw, setting the other to her hip "Don't try that look on me. It never worked for your Father, and it never works for you. I left some money on the kitchen table for pizzas when you get hungry, and there are snacks in the fridge and the pantry. I'll probably get home after midnight, and I expect all of you will be asleep by then."

Both lions gave a few nods "See you later Mom!" Phoebe gave a nod of her own, smiling softly to the pair "See you both when I get home. Remember," She lifted her free paw, pointing to Kaipo, then to Suzy "Behave."

"Bye Mom!" Suzy called out, waving a paw until Phoebe disappeared from the doorway, glancing back to her brother with the sound of the door closing, grinning slyly "Is Justin gonna be here?" The question brought a little smirk to Kaipo as he nodded "Yep, Rob, Matt and Val are gonna be here as well."

"But Justin will be here, right?" Suzy's grin had grown to covering most of her muzzle, her paws clenched tight in anticipation.

"Yep, he'll be here." Kaipo's smirk grew as his sister almost cheered, hopping to her feet. He had forgotten the party would be a chance for his sister to hassle the feline once again, always a great sight to behold. This'll occupy Justin for the while...now something to occupy Matt and Val...

A soft hum of a motor alerted Kaipo to the arrival of Matt's jeep, the lion popping up from his spot on the couch and padding his way to the door, getting overtaken by Suzy on the way as the lioness scrambled up and pulled open the front door, sprinting out and latching onto Justin's waist, leaving the feline with an odd look down to the lioness before giving Kaipo a stare "Oh, thanks Kaipo." The cat was outfitted in a pair of tan cargo shorts, white and black sneakers, and a black shirt with a little white cat logo set onto the chest. He set a paw to Suzy's head, ruffling the little lioness' blond locks a bit before giving just a little press in the touch "Kaipo! Get your sister off of me!"

Meanwhile, Matt, Rob and Kaipo all stood by the house's door, each watching with their own smirk. A tan t-shirt fitted over the muscular chest of the equine, Matt's brown hair tied back into a ponytail at the moment. A pair of baggy bellbottom jeans hugged his hips while remaining loose on his legs, their bottoms draping just a little over his hooves. A white tank top stretched over the buff chest of the husky, jean shorts hugging his behind's curves and the muscles of his thighs as usual, the hole tailored for his bushy tail present as well, with a pair of black sneakers on his hind paws. While the others watched the scene Suzy was busy causing, Kaipo's gaze, as usual, ended up on the buff husky's form, at the moment visually caressing the obvious curve of his tight rear. A turn of Rob's form snapped the lion's gaze quickly up, meeting that of the canine's. Anything said for the moment was lost to Kaipo though as the feline lost himself to the crystal blue of those eyes.

"Well, ahre we gonnah head insahde or what?" Matt's southern accent broke the trance, Kaipo giving a shake of his head before looking between the pair then over to his sister and Justin "Oh, um, yeah. Let's go. We gotta setup for Val, after all." He grinned mischievously, drawing chuckles and nods from the other two as he led them inside.

"Hey!" Justin called out as he saw the three going inside, glancing down to Suzy, still in a firm hug around his waist "I'm gonna get you guys for this!" Hew scowled, dragging the lioness along with him towards the house.

"There! That's his car!"

"Are you sure? I thought he drove something smaller than that?"

"Dude, it's his! Look, there he is!"

"He's right. Ya'll readah?"

"Got all the buckets filled. Everybody into positions!"

A knock sounded on the door, to which Kaipo replied, "Come in!"

The door pushed open, with a fur peeking his head in "Hello?" It was all he could manage before he was bowled over onto the floor, Matt, Kaipo, Rob and Justin each tossing a bucket full of thongs onto the fur. Only to find Val standing behind their target, quickly breaking out into laughter, finding a Dalmatian underneath their barrage of underwear, leaving the four furs all very embarrassed looking.

"Hey guys, I brought along a friend."

T.K. nodded to Val's words, plucking a thong off of his head "Hey guys."

"Pizza's here!"

The seven furs gathered around the table in the kitchen, Kaipo, Val and T.K. standing while the rest sat down, Suzy's chair scooted up right beside that of Justin, the little lioness practically in the feline's lap as they both ate, Rob and Matt watching with an occasional chuckle. During the meal of the two pizzas, T.K. dragged Kaipo off while the rest of the furs were occupied. The pair ended up in the lion's bedroom, Kaipo finishing off a slice of pizza, sitting on the edge of his bed while T.K. stood in front of the mostly closed door, smiling down to the feline "So? How did the list go?"

The question brought a big grin to Kaipo's muzzle, that look all the answer the canine needed "Alright then, the next step is that you need to tell Rob how you feel."

"What?" Kaipo's eyes went wide, his grin dropping into an open-mouthed look of surprise "I can't do that!"

T.K. gave the lion a look "If you can't bring yourself to tell him, how's he ever going to know then?"

"Well...he could find out...I mean..."

The Dalmatian padded to the bed's edge, bending forwards, placing his muzzle in close to Kaipo's "You're going to have to tell him sometime. You know how you feel about him Kaipo. You need to take a chance." T.K. pressed his muzzle forwards, stealing a short kiss from the lion before standing back up, smirking down to him "Take a chance." He turned, playfully whapping the lion's cheek with his tail before padding out of the room.

The boys were gathered in the living room in front of the television, Kaipo having sent Suzy to bed already, drawing a slight tantrum from the little lioness until Justin promised he'd give her a hug in the morning if she did, resulting in Suzy running to her room and getting ready for bed in near record time. As the night drew on though, each of the furs started to yawn, something hardly gone unnoticed by Kaipo. Not that he wasn't tired as well. "You guys wanna head to bed? We can get in some gaming tomorrow, after all."

"Sounds like an idea." Justin spoke up, glancing up to the lion from his spot on the floor in front of the couch "But where are we gonna sleep?"

"Well, I suppose we can sleep in my room..." Kaipo stole a glance to Rob from the corner of his eyes, unable to help but smile quite widely.

"Works for me." Justin nodded, each of the other furs replying in agreement with their various responses. Kaipo climbed off the couch, turning off the TV and motioning the others to follow him along "I'm not sure if we have enough sleeping bags or anything though."

"Ah, it's warm enough, I think maybe some extra sheets and a pillow will do fine." Val spoke up from the back of the group as they paused beside the door of Kaipo's room, the lion pushing it open, motioning each fur through before padding down the hallway to the closet, pulling it open and bending forwards into it, digging around for some extra sheets and pillows. As he finally found enough, he stood out of the closet, pausing in surprise at finding Rob standing there beside him, the husky's warm smile finding his gaze, a soft chuckle coming from him "I thought you'd need some help carrying all of those."

Val set his pillow on the floor beside Kaipo's bed, glancing back to T.K. with a smirk, winking to the Dalmatian and pulling his shirt off, leaving his pants on and sprawling out on the floor "Ya know, we could share a sheet of you snooze over here, T.K..." Val spoke up, drawing a little smirk from each of the furs save for T.K., actually appearing to embarrass the canine, at least a little "Oh...sure Val...That's right, we could..." He sat down next to the badger, the canine pulling his shirt off and tossing it away, left in just his cut-off jean shorts. Following the chuckles from the guys as the badger moved in on the still faintly embarrassed Dalmatian, Justin laid down on the floor on the other side of the bed, pulling off his shirt as well, curling up on his side and pulling a sheet over himself. Matthew settled onto the floor at the foot of the bed, his shirt pulled off as well, laying a sheet over himself from the waist down and stretching out. Kaipo pulled his shirt off, as did Rob, the irresistible husky drawing the lion's gaze once more. He shook it off quickly though, Kaipo clearing his throat, smiling to Rob "You wanna share my bed? I mean, it's nice and comfy and big enough for two and all..." He mumbled a bit, looking down to the floor after making the offer. That was stupid...

"Sure Kai."

He blinked a few times before his eyes lifted up to meet the husky's gaze once again "Huh?"

"If you don't mind, then sure." Rob replied with his warm smile, carefully stepping around the laying furs, sitting down on the bed's edge. He bent forwards a bit, grabbing the sides of his shorts and drawing them off his legs, dropping them to the floor beside his shirt, leaving the canine in just his black boxers "Oh, I hope you don't mind..." Rob glanced back up to Kaipo, the lion practically drooling now, doing all he could to keep his mouth shut.

"N-no! Err, I mean, no, th-that's alright..." Kaipo padded up to the other side of his bed, sitting down on the edge before taking a deep breath, pulling his shorts off as well, also being left in just a pair of black boxers. He caught a wink from T.K., flushing beneath his fur and rolling to his back, ending up a bit closer to Rob than he had planned. With a nervous grin, he scooted back a little, drawing a chuckle from his bedmate before Rob stretched his arms out, resting his paws between his head and the pillow.

A few minutes passed by in the surprisingly quiet bedroom, Kaipo curled on his side, doing all he could to keep his mind off Rob. In a situation he had dreams about, but was afraid to do anything. His gaze ended up on T.K. once more in the darkness, smiling just faintly and glancing over his shoulder to the buff husky. With a little yawn, he rolled slowly over, ending up right beside Robert, his cheek resting to the canine's side. A few tense seconds passed for Kaipo, glancing upwards to the husky's face. Asleep? Damn... He let out a little sigh, shifting his position just slightly and resting his head onto the pillow, lying on his side close to Rob. One paw drifted up, settling to the husky's chest "Good night Rob..." He murmured softly, slipping his eyes shut.