Roommates Ch 1

Story by DiaperedDwagon on SoFurry

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#1 of Roommates

A story I started on a while ago, and am just getting to uploading here. Probably will space out what I have done over the course of a few days!

A large dragon stretched his arms as he sat up in bed. It was around nine in the morning. The dragon, Fraser, was in for a fairly long day. Today one of his good friends, Ansel, was moving in with him. Ansel had recently gotten a promotion, and now had to move into the headquarters of his work. Fraser happened the live in the same city that said headquarters were located in. Fraser of course jumped at an opportunity to have a great friend like Ansel move in with him.

Fraser wouldn't have any trouble helping Ansel move in. He was a well-built dragon, tall and muscular. He stood at around 6'5. The dragon's scales were a semi-deep shade of maroon. His underbelly and the membrane of his wings were a shade of light gray.

Fraser finally managed to pull himself out of bed. Once he was standing, he stretched. His wingspan was somewhere around 5 feet. The dragon then proceeded to make his way into the kitchen for his morning cup of coffee. Fraser lived in a nice home that was a bit too large for him alone.. It was a two story three bedroom one and a half bath home. Part of the reason he was fine with Ansel moving in was because of all the extra space he had. Another part had to do with the fact it got pretty lonely around the house.

The coffee the dragon was drinking was loaded with creamer. He couldn't stand the taste of black coffee, but loved the smell of it. In all honesty, the he preferred tea over coffee. Contrary to his appearance, Fraser was actually quite lazy. Letting the coffeemaker do it's thing was much easier than using a kettle to brew a single cup of tea every morning. Now that the dragon thought about it, he was pretty sure Ansel also liked tea. Maybe he would drink it more if Ansel made it for them.

Fraser usually let Ansel do everything for him when he was around. Ansel never really minded doing stuff for Fraser, so Fraser didn't mind either. However, this would look a bit strange to any bystanders. Ansel was also a dragon, but Fraser had a good foot on him. Ansel was 5'3, and had light blue scales. His underbelly and wing membranes were a very pale yellow. Even though Fraser was lazy, he would still do anything he could to help Ansel out if asked.

Fraser got up from the chair he was sitting in, and checked a nearby clock. 9:30 AM. He decided now would be a good time to leave for the airport, as it was going to be a good 45 minute drive there. The dragon found his keys, and almost walked out of the door when he realized he was still in just his boxers. He quickly went back into his room and put on a blue t-shirt with black shorts. He then went out to his truck, and started the drive to the airport. 45 minutes later, Fraser was at the airport. He sat in the parking lot for around 10 minutes before hearing something being placed in the back of his truck. It was Ansel putting his bags in.

The smaller dragon walked up to the passenger door of Fraser's truck, and opened up the door. Ansel then sat down with a distinct crinkle. He looked fairly tired.

"What's up?" Ansel said while yawning.

"Hello Ansel! You don't have to talk right now if you don't want to. You seem pretty tired." The larger dragon replied.

"Alright..." The smaller dragon said while falling asleep.

Fraser started the drive home. He could have sworn he heard a crinkle when Ansel sat down... He glanced over at Ansel for a second. He thought he noticed something white peeking out of the smaller dragon's pants. Was Ansel wearing a diaper? No, he couldn't be. Why would he wear one of those? The dragon thought to himself. But what else could it be? Fraser decided her would simply ask Ansel about it once they got home. Surely Ansel would tell him the truth.

After another 45 minutes, the two dragons were back at the house. Ansel was still sleeping, so Fraser decided to take all his belongings to his room for him. While moving everything into Ansel's room, Fraser realized he hadn't gotten a bed for Ansel. He sighed and decided to just deal with that later. He went back out to his truck, and thought about waking Ansel up. Ultimately he decided not to. Instead he unbuckled Ansel, and carried him bridal style into the house.

While carrying Ansel, Fraser noticed the white thing poking out again. He decided there wasn't any harm in pulling down Ansel's waistband just a little bit to see what it was. Once he pulled it down, his suspicions were confirmed. Ansel was indeed wearing a diaper. A babyish one at that. It had building blocks printed all over it. Fraser chuckled a bit, and Ansel started to stir. Fraser quickly pulled Ansel's pants back up, but it was too late. Ansel looked at Fraser while blushing.

"Er... I can explain..."