Roommates Ch 2

Story by DiaperedDwagon on SoFurry

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#2 of Roommates

Chapter 2 of Roommates. I may start to speed up updates. I currently have 7 chapters done, and have been working on an 8th on and off, so expect possibly two uploads tomorrow.

Fraser just continued to look at Ansel, who was still in his arms. He didn't know what to say. Sure it was a bit strange, but Fraser didn't really care enough to want an explanation. In all honesty he thought it was kinda cute, but he wasn't gonna tell that to Ansel.

"You don't really have to! It's really not my business, and I shouldn't have done that..." Fraser replied quickly.

"But you probably think I'm weird now..." Ansel said sadly. His eyes seemed to be tearing up.

Fraser looked Ansel in the eyes. "Ansel, I don't think any less of you, so please don't cry!"

"R-really?" Ansel stammered.

"Really." Fraser assured him.

Ansel had wiped the tears out of his eyes by now. He looked up at Fraser while smiling.

"Hey Fraser, could you put me down?" Ansel asked.

"Oh! Sorry! Yea of course!"

Fraser set Ansel down. By now he had carried Ansel into the living room. Ansel immediately gave Fraser a big hug once he was set down. Fraser returned the embrace.

Ansel looked back up at Fraser. "Where is my room at? I'm still tired..."

"Oh... There might be just a slight problem with that..." Fraser replied.

Ansel let out a sigh. "What did you do this time?

Fraser chuckled before speaking. "A certain someone may or may not have forgotten to get another bed... You can just use mine until I get you one!"

"Then where are you going to sleep?" Ansel seemed a bit concerned.

Fraser smirked. "You know I have a couch right?"

Ansel shook his head. "If you insist on sleeping on your couch, then go for it I guess.. Also, please show me where your room is."

Fraser smiled. "Alright! Just follow me!"

Fraser walked through his house and to his room. Ansel followed him. Fraser's room was large, and it needed to be. If his room was small, then his bed wouldn't fit. Fraser has a nice California King bed. It was the first thing anyone would see when the walked in the room. Right next to the door was a desk that had a fairly nice computer setup on it. Above the door there was a large flat screen tv.

Ansel looked at the bed. "Woah! Your bed is huge!" he exclaimed while jumping onto it. "Why do you need to sleep on the couch again? This could easily fit both of us!"

Fraser looked a bit flustered. "I uh... Didn't know if you would be ok with sharing a bed... "

"Well now you know the answer to that!" Ansel replied.

Fraser turned around, and started to walk out.

"Hey Fraser?" Ansel asked.

Fraser turned back around. "Yes?"

"Are you sure you don't want an explanation?"

"Explanation about what?" Fraser looked confused.

Ansel sighed again. "About the d-diapers..." He blushed.

"That's up to you if you wanna tell me Ansel. How about you sleep on it, and if you want to tell me after you wake up, then you can." Fraser walked out of the room, and shut the door behind him.

Ansel didn't really know if he wanted to tell Fraser or not. Fraser didn't seem to care, but he probably thought Ansel needed them. Ansel wore them just because he enjoyed wearing them. He also enjoyed other babyish things, but Fraser wasn't going to be told that if Ansel decided to tell him. It would be way easier in the long run to just tell Fraser why he wore them though... As he drifted off to sleep, Ansel decided he would tell him.