Furry High School: Spring Romance: Chapter Seven

Story by The Roz Wolf on SoFurry

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#7 of Furry High School: Spring Romance

Chapter Seven

The low hum of cartoons found the kitchen in the morning, Kaipo settled at his seat, chewing his spoonful of cereal idly, his head settled to the palm of one of his paws, his other paw held upwards with another spoonful of cereal ready to be eaten, delayed by his thoughts of the moment. The whole group's gonna be there tonight at the matches...maybe I should ask then. I mean...well...if he says no or anything like that, they'll be there for me and everything... His spoon drooped down with a little splat of milk sent across the front of his shirt, catching his attention from pondering "Erf, dammit..." He mumbled, wiping the back of his paw over the milk before swallowing his circle. He wouldn't say no...would he? "Morning dear." Kaipo's gaze lifted up as his Mom wandered in, dressed in a suit done in deep blue tones, settling into her seat with a glass of orange juice.

"Oh, hey Mom. Good morning."

"You're not done with your breakfast yet?" Phoebe quirked a brow with her gaze set on her son "You're going to make Robert and Matthew late..."

"Aww come on Mom, we'll be on time. Don't nag me." Kaipo took another bite of cereal, his words drawing a little smirk across his Mother's muzzle "I'm simply stating the truth Kaipo. Hurry up and eat" Phoebe slowly finished her glass of juice, standing and placing it onto the counter top "So have you asked him yet then?"

Kaipo coughed a bit, flushing beneath his amber coat with the question "Mom! Stop nagging me about it!" Came his complaint, complete with a scowl from the lion, the look again drawing Phoebe's smirk "I was just asking if you had, Kaipo. No need to be defensive." The doorbell rang as the lioness finished, drawing glances from both lions before Suzy called out "Kaipo! Rob's here!" The lion responded by gobbling up the rest of his cereal in near record pace, sipping the rest of his milk before hopping up to both paws, favoring his injured leg "Bye Mom! I'll be home a bit late because-"

"Because of the matches tonight, I know Kaipo. Have fun."

"I will." A little hidden grin traced Kaipo as his gaze met with Rob, limping along on his crutches as the husky picked up his bag "Mornin' Kai." Rob's warm smile was there as usual, his crystal blue eyes finding those of the lion's, tracing his form in a shiver "M-mornin' Rob."

"Good morning you three." Justin met the group of the lions, the husky and the equine as they entered the school, passing a smirk to Kaipo in particular as each greeted him in return.

"So Rob, you think you're gonna win tonight?"

"I don't know, this fur they've got me up against is undefeated so far, and this is his third year on their team."

"I'm sure you'll win Rob." Kaipo piped up, flushing a bit with his eagerness on the response; drawing a chuckle from the husky "I just wish I was as sure as you, Kai. How about you, Matt? Think you'll win?"

The equine glanced over from the side of the group of four furs, smirking faintly and nodding "Ah course." The response gaining chuckles from the entire group.

The gymnasium rumbled as the crowds watched the match finish up, those from the visiting school cheering as their fur walked back to the bleachers victorious. Kaipo was settled on the bleachers amongst his friends, Justin sitting on one side, Hina on the other, T.K., Val, Ami and Lilly all seated down in the row in front of them. The next match was readied as a rather large polar bear by the name of Tycho climbed to his hind paws from the opposing bleachers, outfitted in a red singlet with gold trim along it, drawing cheers from his respective school. Kaipo and his friends move to their hind paws, cheering as their own competitor for the match stood, a well-muscled equine in the blue and white colors of their school on his singlet.

Matt paused before setting paw onto the mat, turning towards the crowd and lifting a paw in the air with a proud smirk, the act getting a scowled response from Tycho as the horse turned back to face him, walking across the mat and stopping a few steps away. The referee moved up next to the pair, stating the rules, each fur giving a nod in return before the referee took a step back, blowing the whistle and bring his paw down to signal the match's start.

The two furs lunged against each other, setting their paws against each's shoulders, struggling, grunting before Tycho shifted around, catching his arms under Matt's and lifting them up and around the horse's arms, trapping them upwards and behind him. With a grin, the bear cinched his paws together behind the equine's head, locking him there, leaving Matt looking a bit nervous a few moments before he steeled his gaze, gritting his teeth, his chest muscles rippling as he flexed them, gradually breaking apart Tycho's grasp, spinning around behind him and, in the process, catching around the bear's waist in his grasp.

Hefting up the bear, Matt dropped him roughly onto his face on the mat, shifting around to place himself in an opposite direction now than Tycho, taking his hold again on his waist and shifting, flipping the polar bear over to his back, ending up leaving himself beneath the fur though. As he did, the referee crouched down, checking to see if the equine's shoulders were pinned as Matt struggled to keep off the mat, still holding onto Tycho.

Tycho pried Matt's grasp slowly off him as the equine struggled not to lose, leaving his opponent time to turn over, pressing the weight of his form down onto Matt with a smug little smirk. Matt's struggles continued, but it seemed the polar bear's girth was too much to overcome. The referee keep his sharp gaze on, but didn't signal a victory yet as Matt continued his struggling, wrapping his arms around Tycho's chest and flipping him to his back, pinning him down as well in one shift move. The equine's unexpected speed left the bear stunned long enough for the count of the referee, the match's end signaled with an eruption of cheers from the school as Matt lifted his hand in the air again, huffing a few moments before climbing up to his hooves. He turned back to his bench, but was paused by a paw on his shoulder, Tycho catching and turning him around, offering a paw shake. A smirk crossed Matt's muzzle with the offering, accepting it with a firm shake of his own paw before both competitors returned to their benches.

The two schools erupted into cheers a few moments later as the last match was readied, Kaipo popping up to his hind paws, lifting his paws in the air and cheering Rob's name as the husky padded out onto the mat. The opposing school chanted their fur's name as he walked out onto the mat, meeting Rob halfway across it. His fur was a bright gold along his full form save for white along his paws, hind paws and muzzle, with a splotch of white fur between his eyes and a muscular build that rivaled Robert's own. Mars worn a deeply smug grin across his muzzle as the referee detailed the rules, both furs giving a nod. Rob spoke before the ref started the match, giving a nod as he did "Good luck."

"Save all the luck for yourself, you'll need it." Mars quipped back before the whistle sounded, both forms lunging against each other, chest to chest, arms wrapped tight around each fur's torso. Mars set a hind paw around behind Rob, shifting, pushing the husky forwards and tripping him, taking him down hard to his back with the motion, driving his breath out from him. The move left Mars' muzzle right above Rob's, holding his smug grin still in the meeting of gazes. With a light growl, Rob tossed the dingo over his side onto the mat, leaving a few feet between the furs as they moved back to their hind paws and locked up in another grapple against the sounds of the cheering fans. The pair shifted their grapple in slow steps around the circle of white on the mat, grunting and growling, Rob gritting his teeth with a slight sneer while Mars managed somehow to hold the faintest hint of smugness in his smirk.

The husky shifted himself suddenly though, wrapping his embrace around the dingo's waist, pressing his shoulder into Mars' stomach before hoisting him up from the mat and promptly dropping him down on his back, driving the air out of his opponent, leaving Rob pressed down atop him. The referee crouched down, observing for a moment before signaling the victory for Robert, drawing cheers from his school once again, the loudest of which came from a particular hobbled lion and his friends, Kaipo positively beaming with excitement as Rob was declared the victor.

The furs gathered around Rob and Matt as the rests of the schools filtered out of the gymnasium, some offering handshakes, while Ami offered both sweaty furs large hugs before stepping back beside Lilly with a little embarrassed giggle "Way to go guys!" The rest of the friends echoed her words, save for Kaipo, patting Rob's shoulder with a proud smile to the husky "Great match Rob." He chuckled softly, setting both paws onto the lion's shoulders; his striking gaze and warm smile sending Kaipo into a delighted daze.

"Thanks Kai."

The nightfall found Kaipo once again laying in his bed, his sheets pushed down to it's foot, just a pair of blue boxers clothing the lion in low light of his bedside lamp. I had the chance...I should have said something, anything! He rolled to his side with a sigh, hitting a curled up paw against his mattress. But I just stood there and stared at him like an idiot again... Shutting his eyes tightly, Kaipo curled his paw in the sheet covering the mattress itself, pulling it to his chest, curling his form up into a near fetal position. Why is something I want some much so damn hard to say! He pounded his fist into his mattress once more, snapping his eyes open and rolling to his back "That's it. Tomorrow. I'm going to tell him tomorrow."