Roommates Ch 4

Story by DiaperedDwagon on SoFurry

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#4 of Roommates

Chapter 4. Expect the rest of what I have finished to be uploaded tomorrow.

Fraser glanced over at a clock. "You said you wanted to go grocery shopping right? Why don't we just go today? It's only four!"

Ansel had walked back over to his seat, and sat down. "I would rather just sat around here and relax today."

Fraser rested his head in his paw again. "We could watch a movie or something!"

Ansel smiled. "I would enjoy that. We should get our bowls cleaned up first though!"

Fraser laughed. "Just pile em in the sink! We can deal with them later!"

Ansel looked over at the sink, and shook his head. "Fraser, the sink is already full of dishes! Do you really want to add more to it?"

Fraser smirked. "Yes! Like I said, I will just deal with them later!"

Ansel sighed. "Alright I guess..." Ansel stood back up, and made his way into the living room.

Fraser followed soon after. Ansel sat down on the couch, and Fraser set down next to him. Fraser grabbed the tv remote, and handed it off to Ansel. Ansel took it and put on some sort of action movie. The two dragons would have ended up watching about half of it before Fraser fell asleep. Ansel let him sleep through the rest of the movie.

Ansel gently shook Fraser. "Fraser, wake up. Enjoy your nap?"

Fraser jumped a little bit. "Huh? What? Oh, yea."

Ansel smirked. "I can tell you really enjoyed that movie."

Fraser laughed. "Yea! I really liked the part where that one guy did some stuff!"

Ansel smiled. "Let's do something that won't cause you to fall asleep!"

Fraser stretched. "We could watch more tv! I'm not tired anymore!"

Ansel stretched as well. "Alright. Just no falling asleep!"

"And what if I do?" Fraser stuck his tongue out at Ansel.

"You'll find out if it happens!" Ansel stuck his tongue out back at Fraser.

Fraser stood up. "Fine then! I'm getting something to drink! You want anything?"

Ansel seemed to be thinking for a second. "Can I just have water?"

Fraser smirked. "A bit boring... Sorta reminds me of you!"

Ansel smiled. "Oh shut up."

Fraser left the room, and went into the kitchen. He returned with a can of sprite, and a bottle of water. He threw the bottle of water at Ansel. Ansel caught it. Fraser sat back down next to Ansel, and cracked open his can of sprite. Both of the dragons sipped on their drinks while watching whatever was on the tv. Ansel had finished his water within 30 minute. Fraser had only finished around half his can of sprite before he started to nod off again.

Ansel gently shook Fraser awake again. "Fraser, what did I say about falling asleep?"

Fraser smiled. "Not to do it, and that you would do something if I did, but I don't see you doing much about it..."

Ansel moved so that he was on top of Fraser. "Well, since you brought it up..." Ansel started to tickle Fraser.

Fraser jerked back into the couch, and started to squirm around. He quickly realized he could just push Ansel off of him, but instead he decided to flip positions. Now Fraser was on top of Ansel, and he started to tickle him. Ansel couldn't really do much but flail around. After a few seconds of tickling, there was a hissing sound coming from Ansel's diaper. Ansel looked mortified, and Fraser quickly stopped tickling him.

Ansel was blushing, and doing everything he could to avoid making eye contact with Fraser. He seemed to be trying to push the bigger dragon away. Fraser managed to flip positions with him again. Fraser held Ansel against him with a hug. Ansel buried his head in Fraser's chest. He was silently crying. Fraser rubbed Ansel's back as he cried. After around five minutes Ansel looked up at Fraser.

Fraser smiled. "You good now?"

Ansel nodded. Fraser started to loosen his grip on Ansel.

Ansel looked panicked. "Please don't let go!"

Fraser chuckled. "Calm down Ansel. I wasn't planning on it. I just thought you might enjoy being able to breathe."

Ansel seemed happy with that answer, and buried himself in Fraser's chest again. After a few more minutes of that, he looked back up at Fraser.

Ansel was still sniffling. "Can you take me to where you put my stuff?"

Fraser smiled, and picked Ansel up. "Sure!" He started to carry Ansel to his room.

Ansel was surprised at first, but smiled once he was being carried. Fraser took Ansel to a room that was up against his own. He set Ansel down.

Ansel opened the door. "Give a me a few minutes." Ansel walked in, and shut the door behind him.