**Galaxy at War** (Rouli Campign) Transmission:1 Hymns of Battle

Story by Frostforger on SoFurry

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**Galaxy at War**

Rouli Campaign

Transmission: One

Hymns of Battle

: Planet Elgora : System Rouli

The rain fell gently as the evening moons began to rise. There is little sound to be herd. All is silent except for the rain lightly hitting the metal parts of the war machines. A young gray wolf lifts his head and opens his mouth to catch a sip of rain. The ground began to soften with mud as the rain slowly picked up, the silence stayed. But that silence ended in a mere moment as the sky light up like a Christmas tree with the sounds and lights of the alliance guns and artillery. About ten minutes passed before silence was in the air again. "Was that it?" The young wolf that drank the rain before the guns thought to him self. "Was that the BIG Imperial offence? And I thought I was going to see-"But before the wolf could finish his thought he saw the tiger female next to him disappear into a fine red mist. It was then that he saw the advance of light Infantry and light assault tanks right for his units' position. "Open fire!" His commander yelled. All seemed to lift their mana rifles in unison and open fire at the oncoming assault. The blue light beams from the guns jumped through the air, it looked like water, with all its beauty and grace. Most of the beams found their targets, mowing down the infantry with little effort. But these guns were inefficient in taking down and Imperial Cheetah Assault tank. Luckily the tanks were no mach against the alliance artillery which had just stated to kick in. "By the Phoenix that was close!" the young wolf exclaimed to himself still a bit shaken from the sound of artillery and nearly being overrun be Imperial tanks. "Goddess I hope this is it for the day."


"The attack was a success General." Spoke a human officer, "Success!? Hit Man Company got destroyed out there!!" another human yelled. Just then the General spoke up, "It was a necessary sacrifice commander." The General stood from his chair near the holo-map of the known battle field. "See thanks to Hit Man Company, we now know the exact position of the Alliance artillery." The commander had a puzzled look on his face. "Its simple math commander, thanks to those idiots who fire there artillery at every thing that moves, we were able to use the sound of their guns to map their position on the battle field. Understand?" "Yes sir!" the Commander replied, "Good. Now for the main attack we will be using the creeping barrage strategy. First we use our heavy artillery to take out there artillery, and then we send out 1st, 2nd, and 3rd heavy and light infantry divisions, as well as the 2nd and 5th armored divisions, while their making there way to take the enemy positions we will fire our light artillery half a kilometer ahead of them. When our troops reach the enemy positions they will take them out with the advantage of surprise and the day will be ours." The general sat down in his chair as he finished giving his orders for the attack. "When shall we launch our attack sir?" One of the officers asked. "We shall attack under the cover of night. Since the three moons have already almost fully risen we shall only wait 2 hours, and then these Furs and Xandians we have fought for the last mouth and a half will finally loose their hold on this forsaken Planet, and Elgora shall belong to the Solar Empire!" "But sir, what of the Alliance fleet still orbiting the planet?" A small grin appeared on the general's face. "Oh admiral Deris has that all under control."


The young wolf looked over what little remains of the tiger woman he witnessed get vaporized by an imperial sniper. "May the Phoenix guide you Sheekara." The wolf said with a hint of sadness as he knelt down over his fallen comrade. "Joren, get you're your ritku over here now!" yelled his Xandian commander about 60 meters away. The Xandians were a majestic looking people; they had light blue skin and two sets of arms and 4 slanted dark purple eyes. The Xandians also have a vary strong connection to the great mana flow, giving their people strong magic using troops. Joren quickly run to his commander and the rest of his unit who were all standing around holograms of the Xandian field general and the furred Fleet admiral of this system. "As you all know:" the female Snow leopard started. "The last few battles here on Elgora have not been of great success." "Since the Imperial attacks have begun to die down, General Vixas and I have decided to launch a massive offensive tomorrow by moons rise." The general continued. "Tonight we will start bringing down more troops and supplies for the assault tomorrow and" But before the Xandian General could finish, the hologram flickered with static and terminated. "Sir? Sir we're losing you. Come in!" Just then, dozens of Redish-yellow blasts started going of all around them. "Get Down!!" The Commander yelled. Joren tripped and hit the ground with a thud. "Come on Joren! We got to get to the forward command post!" One of Joren comrades yelled. The forward command post was close to the front line position where Joren was before. The reason for heading there was because the command post had a medium power blast force field. When Joren and most of his unit made it to the safety of the command post, they noticed where those Imperial Artillery strikes were going. It was Joren to realize it first. "Goddess! They're Annihilating our artillery! But how, I thought we had sensor jammers!?" Just then, Joren saw something else that confused him. He looked out on what has been called no mans land for the last couple of months and saw out in the distance I line of artillery blasts firing at nothing but the blood soaked ground of no mans land. But the blasts out in the distance were getting closer. "Every one, take abrasive positions under the force field now!" The commander ordered, seeing the same thing that Joren had. "What do we do now!?" Joren asked with a hint of fear. "We sit tight till this barrage is over and then wait for orders!"


"What happened to the transmission? Get it back up and running now!" Yelled Admiral Sa'kyda from the bridge of the Vizta, the flag ship of the Alliance fleet in orbit over Elgora. "Ma'am, are transmissions are being jammed." answered one of the bridge workers. "Wait a second, we're getting something." Just as soon as that was said, a massive Imperial fleet of about 100 dreadnaughts and frigates appeared out of hyper space right on top of Vizta and the rest of the Alliance fleet. "Goddess of Fortuna, where did they come from!?" the Admiral said in disbelief. "Ma'am, we're getting a transmission from the Imperial flag ship, the ISV Ontario. Shall a patch them thru?" asked a lion near the communication controls. "Yes, patch them thru." A large hologram projection of a human male with light red hair and pale skin appeared in the center of the bridge. "Greetings, Admiral Sa'kyda. I am Admiral Andrew Deris of the Canada fleet. I was sent here to destroy you, but I have decided out of the goodness of my heart, to spar your lives on the condition that you surrender all your ships and personal to me." "Kiss my feline ritku Deris!"

Yelled Sa'kyda with anger at being talked to like a child by a human. "What a pity. I thought your cute little race was starting to get smarter. Clearly I have been mistaken." The Transmission ended after Deris' last words. Within seconds the Imperial ships began to fire down upon the Alliance fleet like rain. "Raise the heavy mana shields now, and prepare to evade!" But the command came too late; a quarter of the Alliance fleet was destroyed before the shields could be raised. "Fire back with every thing we got!" Sa'kyda yelled with anger and passion in her voice, her grayish white and black fur was standing on end, and there was a fire in her eyes.


The Artillery around the force field began to die down just as the force field began to lose power. The barrage had kicked up a lot of dirt, making it almost impossible to see the person in front of you. Joren put down his visor as not to get dirt in his eyes. "Okay every one; we should have about 20 minutes before the first human troopers get here so every one start getting ready to hold the line." The Xandian ordered not realizing what was fast approaching. "SIR LOOK OUT!" Joren yelled out, but the commander was unable to evade the red light beam that cut through his skull like a knife through warm butter. All of a sudden, Imperial troops and armor swarmed them. The Xandian and Fur troops put up little to no fight. All around him, Joren could see his fellow soldiers getting slaughtered, Vaporized and mutilated. "RETREAT!" Joren heard over the gun shots and screams. "Get to the ships!" another voice screamed. All that was on Joren's mind was 'Gotta get to the ships, gotta get to the ships!' Joren ran back behind they're lines to where the ships were docked at temporary landing pads on the ground near HQ. Through the rubble of the HQ building and the destroyed artillery, Joren saw about 40 meters away a medium seized drop ship loading up retreating troops. But the last of the troops were on and the doors were about close. "Wait! Don't leave me behind!" Joren yelled with every bit of air in his lungs. Just as all hope for Joren seemed to be lost, the door to the ship stopped closing and Joren saw a familiar face. "Come on child we have to leave!" It was General Vixas! Joren had assumed he died in the chaos. Once Joren was aboard, the ship took off with as much speed as a mid seized mana powered transport ship could go. "Please forgive me General Vixas, we had no idea what was happened down there." Joren said franticly. "That's not my concern right now. Right now we must get to the Vizta and inform the Admiral what has happened." "Sir, look!" Yelled a Xandian woman near a window. Outside the window a great battle was being fought be the Imperial and Alliance fleets. Both sides were firing all they had at each other. The Empire had the advantage of having all the bows of there ships facing forward to the Alliance' fleet's broad side giving them an easier target to hit. This was also a disadvantage for the Humans because the sides of the ships of Alliance vessels were where most of the heavy anti cruiser batteries were. Yet even with there guns in a proper position for fleet to fleet combat, there guns just could not handle the advanced new Mars class force fields that the Canada fleet possessed. "May the Phoenix help us." Joren said under his breath.


"Admiral Deris sir, we are getting a transmission from the Vizta." A human officer on the bridge of the Ontario said. "Patch it through." The officer pushed a blinking button at the computer he was working at and the Rough holo image of Admiral Sa'kyda appeared in the center of the bridge. "We can not loose any more lives. I.. I h h hear by surrender to you as long as no else will have to die today." A smirk appeared on the face of Admiral Deris. "Officer, tell the ISV Vancouver to prepare their brig. We've got a lot of prisoners." The Officer looked up. "And what of the retreat ships from the planets surface?" "Take them too, they will be our trophies to hang above Emperor Tolkki's fire place"

End Transmission: One

This is the first of five chapters in this story arc. Hope you enjoy Comments please :)