The Kitten and the Bear

Story by ComfortableCreatures on SoFurry

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-All Characters in this story are over 18 years of age.

-Disclaimer 2: The characters and relationships do not reflect my views on the genders portrayed or relationships, this is fetish fueled pornography and nothing more.

After a very long gap since my first story, we get into what is indeed probably my biggest fetish, breeding. Followed very closely by total domination/total submission. The body shapes of the characters, the positions, everything about this story is basically a summary of the twisted stuff to expect from my depraved ass.

Hopefully theres no major formatting errors, SoFurry's text box is a improvement on FA's outdated ".txt only" system, but I still would much rather both sites just accept a .rtf at the very least :/

We will probably see more of these two down the line, but for now I have ideas of what I want to do next before I start getting into making sequels to any stories. And the Meeting the Folk's sequel will likely be soon after that.

Cindy spun around, looking at herself in the mirror, at the way her black skirt barely covered the curve of her ample rear, and how tightly the pink crop top cupped her breasts. It was a particularly slutty look for the particularly slutty mood the grey tabby cat was in, the crop top cut so low it barely qualified as a bra, let alone a shirt, and if she even slightly bent forward, her pink panties were plainly visible under her skirt.

The eighteen year old was in heat, which always put her in a teasing mood. And with such a beautiful day outside, it was perfect for a trip to the mall to see how many heads she could turn strutting her stuff around the boys. One thing was missing though, a perfect cute little handbag her friend Brie had. Brie was out of town touring a college she was considering attending, but the two had been best friends since they were six, and borrowed each others stuff all the time, Cindy knew she wouldn't mind.

Cindy took care not to let her dad see her, even though she was eighteen and had just graduated high school, she knew he still wasn't comfortable knowing his precious daughter had a sex life, or was leaving the house in not just one of those revealing items, but both. On the way to Brie's house, she was already attracting attention from passers-by, smirking to herself, feeling flattered by the looks.

She approached the door to her friend's house, knocking before just pushing open the door and letting herself in. A distant "Who's there?" came out from the kitchen.

"Its just me Mr. Mathews, I just need to borrow something." she called out to Brie's dad, Lionel Mathews. Brie's house was a home away from home for Cindy, and Mr. Mathews was almost like a second father figure to her, he was a single father and a astronomy professor at the local community college.

Cindy made her way into Brie's room, checking her closet for the handbag. She could hear Mr. Mathews footsteps approaching. "Cindy, I was just fixing lunch, want me to get you something?" He asked, stepping into the doorframe holding a half-eaten sandwich. Cindy looked back at him, the bear practically filled out the entire doorframe, both in height and width, his bare gut hanging over the pair of sweatpants he was wearing.

"No thanks Mr. Mathews, I was going to head to the mall today, just need to borrow a handbag, I'll get something to eat there." she explained, holding up the black and pink trimmed handbag she pulled from the closet, opening her own plain black handbag, and moving her things from that into Brie's.

Cindy didn't notice at first how the ursine's eyes traveled across her body, raising an eyebrow. "Dressed like that? I would have assumed you had a very lucky date tonight." he said, chuckling a bit, causing his belly to shake as he finished off his sandwich.

"Dates require a boyfriend." Cindy pointed out, chuckling with the older bear. "And showing a little fur is a pretty good way to find out what boys are interested." She said, matter of factly as she finished moving her things into the new bag, and put her bag back in its place, walking over to where the bear was standing.

"I cant say its the best way to meet people but...I cant argue that it isn't its own way." he said, licking his lips, taking a sniff of the air. Cindy, noticing the hungry look in his eyes, her own eyes acting almost instinctively, following the darker brown tuft of fur on his chest as it trailed down over his stomach and down into his sweatpants, where she could notice he was...pitching quite the tent.

Cindy blushed, realizing that she had done this, not even having considered that her slutty little outfit, that did nothing to contain the scent of her heat, might have such an effect on him as well. But he was still a man, a man who made a daughter following instincts just like the ones he was being subjected to now.

Mr. Mathews clearing his throat alerted Cindy that she may have been staring a little too long. Her eyes snapped to meet his, watching his nostrils flare as he took another sniff of the air. "You're in heat. Always such a frustrating time for a young woman." Cindy was blushing more fiercely than before, her ears folding back in embarrassment. She had never heard Mr. Mathews call her a woman before. He stepped closer to her, his tented sweatpants only a scant few inches from poking at her belly button, as he reached down, running the back of his hands against the soft fur on her belly. "So much pent up arousal all at once, all when one lapse in judgment is all it takes to have a eighteen year commitment on your paws." As he spoke, his breath grew heavy, almost as heavy as Cindy's.

Cindy meanwhile has her eyes were fixed on the bear's sweatpants-covered cock once again, seeing it twitch even under such baggy pants. She wasn't sure what to do, or how to respond to this situation. Part of her wanted to tell him she needed to get going and leave, leave before they both have a lapse in judgment and she winds up with her best friends brother or sister growing in her womb. Her nose twitched, even as the smell of her heat filled the enclosed space of Brie's room, she could smell the masculine scent of Mr. Mathews arousal breaking through, his musk, the counterpart to her own heat. While her scent drove men wild, his musk did the same to her. She couldn't help but imagine him without those sweatpants, his thick meaty cock, bigger than anything she had seen or experienced in person. She could let him have her mouth or her ass, that would be safe...just two adults... Cindy tried to shake out those thought's, he was old enough to be her dad, she had known his since she was six! But she couldn't, and stuck between the decision of getting out of this situation, letting both of their hormones settle down, or just jumping him on the spot, she opted to stand there and wait, let him take the lead.

"A woman's heat can be just a irresistible for a man as it is for the one in heat..." Mr. Mathews continued, running his hand along Cindy's hip slowly. "Its why my wife left me, I got her pregnant during a particularly bad heat, she expected me to pull out, I let instincts take over. Its a terrible method of birth control, pulling out. She blamed me for doing it on purpose, I wanted a big family, she didn't. After Brie was born, she left me with her."

Cindy looked up at him, into his hungry eyes, that were already locked onto hers. "Did you?" she mewled out.

"What? Do it on purpose?" He paused, to think, breaking eye contact as he did. "I was never sure, in the heat of the moment its difficult to think what was going through my head, I recall intending to pull out, but perhaps once I was inside her, perhaps then I had decided to just...breed her. Or perhaps the reason I cant really remember is because I truly wasn't thinking, just acting." He explained. "Regardless, I knew that if I ever found someone else, they would need to want a family, children. Brie was the best thing to ever happen to me, and her mother when she was pregnant...the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I want all of that again."

Cindy knew that should have been her cue to leave, to wish him luck and move on. The two of them could just pretend this never happened and a few awkward weeks later be back to normal. But why was she more turned on than before? Why were her legs trembling? How much of this was hormones, and how much of her wanted nothing more than for this big bear to pin her down and breed her? Something just moments ago she was desperate to avoid!

But while she was trying to force herself to see reason, make a decision, Mr. Mathews, was growing more bold, her lack of resistance telling him to keep going. His free hand moved to her stomach yet again, stroking it, while the one on her hips remained. "You're already so beautiful too, you would look stunning pregnant..." He leaned in close, she could feel his breath, smell that ham sandwich he ate. "You need to convince me are a good girl, convince me." he spoke in a half whisper, half snarling growl.

Cindy's heart fluttered as he called her kitten. "C-convince you? To what?" Cindy said, her voice was shaking, just like her entire body, trembling as this bear loomed over her.

"Not to rip those slutty clothes off of you and fuck a cub into you. Give me a good reason, a good reason why you have just stood here, listening to me, letting me touch you, tell you these things. Tell me you're scared and want to go home, tell me that you were having a anxiety attack staring at my crotch. Tell me..." he paused for a brief moment, before gripping the waistband of his pants, tugging them down, underwear and all. " didn't actually want to see this."

His words were driving Cindy's arousal and imagination wild in ways she never knew, and as his pants fell to the floor, Cindy's mouth was agape. His bare, pink cock, was a good one and a half inches wide at least, thicker than the tiny feline's wrist, and almost eleven inches long. There was several moments of silence, but Cindy couldn't look away, she had never seen such a huge cock, and it was bigger than his tent had led her to believe.

"That settles that, thank you Kitten, you will be a wonderful mother." He said, almost somber, like he was saying goodbye and he gripped the inside of her top with both hands, his knuckles brushing the fur of her breasts as he ripped the garment open in one tug. In a way he was saying goodbye, to the little teenager who was best friends with his daughter, who would stop by for dinner, tag along for camping trips.

But in that girl's place was a woman, the woman who's breast Mr. Mathews was now eagerly groping in his right hand, his left gripping into her shoulder a little painfully, the woman he was pulling onto her tippy toes as he kissed her, his thick ursine tongue invading the entirety of the smaller felines mouth, letting her taste a hint of the sandwich he had offered to make for cute little teen who had walked into his house earlier. The woman who would bear his cubs.

Cindy was forced to breathe through her nose, his tongue blocking her mouth entirely and the kiss lingering longer than she expected. It had given her the time though to really reflect, to have the space to consider what was happening, silence save for the wet sounds of the bear smooching her and the voices playing out the little conflicts in her head. That he was too old, that he was like a father to her, she was too young for kids, for commitment like this. But as these thoughts come to the forefront, she realized the answer to them was the same, it didn't matter. She had already allowed it to go too far to be taken back, because she wanted it to go this far. His every word had made her weak in the knees, and the more the facade of the kind fatherly man vanished, and the rough domineering grizzly took its place, the more desperate she became. It was clear she was going to let him go through with it, what use was there in second guessing herself the entire time? The anxiety, the fear, it was all still there, it was terrifying in many ways. Motherhood, her relationship with Brie, what her parents will think, in this one moment she was going to turn her entire life on its head. But these internal conflict's of whether she should or shouldn't faded as Cindy shifted her body weight, leaned back into the kiss, she had committed to this course.

Her hand reached down, running itself along Lionel's thick cock, feeling the heat radiating off of it, feeling every pulse and twitch. Reaching the tip she felt a wet bead of pre soak into the fur of her finger, she then went back along his length, grasping his balls. She could feel their weight as she cupped them in her hand, hefty and fuzzy, filled with virile sperm waiting to flood her equally fertile womb. The kiss broke off, Cindy was lowered back to her feet, she looked up at the bear before her, starry eyed, seeing him in a new light. "Mmm, Poppa Bear..." she mewled out.

Lionel grinned wide, wiped the spittle from his muzzle. "Finally found your tongue? Thats good, kitten. You'll need it to clean up after I am done with you." His tone had changed, a low growl of a tone, backed by confidence. That dominant tone, the snarling grin of a eager predator, and the not so subtle implication of what demeaning task he planned to make her do after he finished breeding her, Cindy was trembling from excitement. The massive ursine leaned in, wrapping his arms around her waist, in one motion he hoisted her up onto his shoulder, and began walking out of his daughter's room with his prize.

Cindy couldn't see much from her perspective, she had to be content watching his chubby ass from above as he walked. She never considered herself a chubby chaser before, but then again she never really noticed the way bears had such smooth, pleasing curves when they put on weight. She felt him tugging at her skirt, then heard a rip as he ran one of his claws straight through it, tearing the garment off. Despite how little fabric it had, it was a rather expensive skirt. But she knew she didn't need it anymore, it had done its job. And when Brie came home, she would have a new sibling and another on the way...

Her daydreaming was interrupted as she felt thick bear fingers prod at her now fully exposed pussy, one sliding inside, no problem, she had bigger toys than that at home hidden under her bed. The second followed soon after, eliciting a mewling moan from the feline as she was stretched open, the third thick finger went beyond anything she had done on her own or with other guys as he spread them apart. She grunted and winced as she was stretched even wider open. She was given only a few moments to adjust, every step he took jostled her and the fingers inside of her, eliciting a soft moan, before he began to slide them in and out of her soaking wet snatch rapidly, pounding into her harder than any of her ex boyfriends had ever dared in sex, and as she let out a long, whining moan, stopping only when she ran out of breath, she realized this was just the warmup.

Cindy saw as they passed through a doorway, the fingers inside of her slid out, and she heard a wet slurping sound and Lionel licked them clean. Then without warning, she was flung down, the completely naked feline landing on her back on top of Lionel's bed. The sheets reeked of him, a musky smell that had gone from familiar scent that put her at ease, to something erotic and commanding. She looked up, seeing the bear looming over her, cock in hand he gave it a few strokes before letting go of it and lower himself down, grabbing Cindy by the ankles and folding her legs back as he got himself into position. His cock dragging against the lips of her pussy, teasing her clit and eliciting a moan from her. He leaned into her legs, hooking them over his shoulders. Cindy wondered what he would do, would he tease her? Drag it out? Make her beg? He reached down, lining his cock up with her entrance, and thrust.

Cindy screamed out. Pleasure and pain intermingled as the first inches sank into her tight folds, then a few more...and more still. He wasn't stopping, even when the pain was greater than the pleasure, and tears began to roll down her cheeks, he wasn't stopping, and she didn't want him to. "Yes! Yes!" She screamed out, encouraging him on, wrapping her arms around his chest as far as they would go. His hands grabbed her by the hips and began to pull her onto his dick, sinking down inch after inch until she felt his large fuzzy sack slap against her ass, indicating he had fully hilted inside of her. He stopped, his breath heavy, judging from how it felt having him inside of her, she knew her pussy must be squeezing his cock pretty hard. His gut hung against her flat stomach, she mused to herself that this exact position would be impossible in a few months...

"You're loving this, aren't you kitten? I can tell, every time I talked about taking you, knocking you up, you just stood there, trembling with excitement, blushing, waiting for me to make the first move. Until it got you exactly where you wanted to be." He thrust his hips, grinding them into Cindy's, forcing a moan from her. "You're just a submissive little slut aren't you? Couldn't make those big decisions yourself so you let me do it. Well don't worry Kitten, now I will be here to make those decisions for you. Now tell your Papa Bear what he wants to hear Kitten, tell him who owns you, tell him what you are going to let him do to you."

Cindy blushed in embarrassment. He was right, had they talked any longer, she would have made the first move, but she had wanted him to do it, to take control, and he did. "My Papa Bear, Lionel Mathews, owns me."

"Oooh, so formal, wanted it perfectly clear it was me and only me? Maybe I could get you a collar, engrave it on your name tag, make sure everyone knows who you belong to." The bear smirked, putting a finger under Cindy's chin, lifting her to meet his gaze, a little awkwardly due to their height difference in their current position. He smiled broadly as he saw how her eyes lit up at the prospect of being collared. "I think I will, for a special occasion." He stared into her eyes. "Continue, tell me the rest."

"Im going to let my Papa Bear breed me." Cindy let out a gasp, as Lionel's hips moved back, pulling himself out of her slowly. "Im going to let him breed me, over and over, and have as many children as will make him happy." His hips thrust back into her, she let out a half hearted scream, clenching her eyes shut. Sliding back out again as soon as he hilted completely inside of her, he was very slowly picking up the pace.

"Very good Kitten, very very good. Now just lay still, try to relax." He reached over to her head, putting one of his massive hands under it, turning her head gently to the side. "It will take a few sessions until you are used to taking me, until then Kitten, you don't have to do anything, just lay back while I fuck a baby into your tight pussy." He grabbed one of her ankles with his other hand, the other staying under her head as he leaned forward, lowering himself down, his soft cushioned chest pressing into her head, he had turned her so he wouldn't smother her. His hand on her head, his finger teasing her lips, a faint taste of her own juices still on it from earlier. He held her close, intimate, and made sure she was okay, their size difference making it impossible for him to see her in this position.

His hips jerked, his pace increased, a low, guttural growling sound emanating from the back of his throat, while the feline pinned under him let out mewls of pain and pleasure. His pace increased, she could feel his heavy fuzzy ball sack slap against the base of her ass cheeks with each thrust, and soon she could hear it too, slaps of fur on fur. She didn't feel the pain anymore, she might have just gone numb to it, or the pleasure was so much that it entirely distracted her from it. She focused on the pleasure, letting it consume her mind, her every thought of pure ecstasy. It wasn't long until she reached an orgasm, eliciting a shudder from the bear on top of her as her walls clamped down on his cock, she didn't have time to recover though, he wasn't slowing down any time soon and she was well on the way towards another one at this rate.

It went on for several minutes, she couldn't be sure how long, maybe ten, maybe an hour. She lost count of the time, and her orgasm's while pinned under the chubby bear. Her leg muscles began to ache just from his hips slapping into her thighs, like she had been working out for the last hour. And the heat from the well insulated bear was practically sweltering, her sweat and his intermingled and she knew she would need a shower after this, one she wouldn't be taking alone she was sure of. However, it wasn't in spite of this that she felt like she was in heaven, it was because of these things. Embraced by her lovers body, being ridden and used like the plaything she was...

No, more than a plaything, she remembered as she felt his cock twitch and throb inside of her, pressing into her tight walls. His pace increasing for the first time since he found a steady rhythm several minutes ago, her fourth orgasm washing over her as he hilted inside of her, his cum pushing past her cervix, being pumped straight into her womb. There was so much, she could feel it, how pent up he was. Above her his roar drowned out all other sounds, even her own screams of pleasure as she was bred. She was his girlfriend now, as well as his pet and indeed, plaything. But all that was important to her as he unloaded his balls into her, not pulling out until he had spilled every last drop, was that she was his.

As he slid his thick cock from her depths, she felt empty, like a part of herself was being removed. The reality was that she had just been stretched, her pussy a ruin of its former tightness, but the romantic notion of such a obscene thing was a nice thought.

But it wasn't over, as he got off his kitten, Lionel still held her by the back of the head, pulling her upright, then over onto her belly, her head in his lap as he sat at the side of the bed and made good on a earlier promise. "Lick it clean Kitten, while we go over how this is all going to work from now on." he said, pressing his softening member into her cheek, smearing some of their combined juices into her fur.

She happily obeyed, sticking out her tongue she began to run it along his member, moaning softly as she tasted his salty seed for the first time, before swallowing it down and moving in for the next pass while he ran his fingers through his hair gently.

"It was obvious you want to be dominated sexually, the rougher I was the more you moaned and squirmed, and I loved it. What about the rest of your life dear? Do you want me to truly own you? To dominate every aspect of your life?" The bear asked, using his free hand to cup and fondle one of Cindy's breasts.

She nodded, it was like he was offering her something she had always wanted, but had never even considered as an option. She felt a twinge of embarrassment at how submissive she had become so quickly, but she had just let him breed her, it was well past the point of being modest of taking things slow, she wanted to belong to him, literally.

He laughed, a deep hearty laugh, pulling his hand from her breast, he brought it down on her ass, giving her a fairly painful spank to the rear, causing her to yelp before resuming licking every inch of his glorious member. "So submissive, so passive. Quite the counterbalance to my own daughter you make, may god have mercy on whoever she settles down with. Goes to show the world is full of all types." Cindy looked up at his face from his rod, her tongue running along it as she observed his smile, the same dominant grin from before he had grabbed her, taken her to this room and fucked his cub into the fertile feline. "Well dear, you want me to be your master, I accept. Starting now, you will live here and sleep in my bed. You wont pursue a career, you will keep my house, cook my food, raise my kids, and...stay available for my needs, whenever they arise. But don't let that stop you from taking the initiative on that front as well." He said with a big toothy grin. "Thats the usual fantasy for a submissive little slut like you, right? A stay at home mom, housewife, and slut?"

Cindy nodded again, she was getting so turned on, she wanted him to take her again...despite the dull pain that still radiated from her nethers, she wanted it again and again. She would have to settle for polishing every inch of his tool instead, grabbing it in both hands so she can manipulate it and get at hard to reach spots.

"Heh, thought so. Now for the good stuff. You will no longer wear clothes, unless in public, meeting guests, or in practical circumstances, such as wearing an apron while cooking, or gloves when cleaning." He started, now groping the felines ass. "You will give me as many children as I desire. And I want many, so get used to being pregnant, once you give me this one, I will knock you right back up a few more times. You will leave the house only at my discretion, so as to make sure you do not leave when my needs arise." He gave her ass another spank. "In return, I will do everything in my power to ensure you and our children want for nothing. Are you happy with this."

The feline nodded yet again, having almost cleared every drop of cum from the bears member, now suckling it straight off of his balls, eliciting a groan from Lionel as he watched how dedicated she was.

The bear stood up. "On your knees, in front of me." he ordered, Cindy obeyed without question. She could already see him hardening again. Was he going to take her throat this time? She could feel his cum, slowly trickling down her leg, knowing there was plenty more inside, doing its job. He grabbed her by the chin, forcing her to look him in the eyes. Such a dominant position over her only made this man, a man who a few hours ago she had never even considered whether or not he was handsome or ugly, was the most stunning and attractive thing in the world to her right now.

"Cynthia Miller, will you make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me?" Lionel said, in a low, growling tone.

Her eyes went wide a grin spreading across her face as she opened her mouth to speak, "Yes."