The Crystal Castle: Chapter 1

Story by Talystr on SoFurry

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#1 of Crystal Castle



"Damn bugs are everywhere...," Kyra muttered. The heat combined with abundant spring rains had brought the worst of them out this year, a plague on an otherwise beautiful summer. Not that she usually paid them any mind, given how much time she spent in the field, but today they seemed to find her attractive for whatever reason. She frowned at the stain the bug had left on her hand and jet black fur. At this rate, she'd have to stop and bathe before arriving for her interview. They'd likely want her to impress with looks as well as with her skills, it being the largest and most central Keep in the region known as Duran's Cross. Having stains in her normally silken fur would be noticed by the Majordomo's critical eye. She'd need to look her best if she wanted to land this job, even with her advantage of being a pegasus.

Kyra's hips moved in time with her horse's stride as she glanced around for a place to clean her hand of the bug's remains. Finding nothing but the valuable leather of her tack, she hesitated, then smirked, reached down and wiped it on her mount's neck, rubbing her hand through his fine coat of brown fur. One of his ears flicked back at her touch, his head turning ever so slightly in question.

"Don't give me that sass, Zeke," Kyra said, staring back at the corner of his turquoise eye. "We both know you don't mind."

Her horse snorted, ears turning back to the road ahead. Kyra chuckled and stretched in the saddle, taking a deep breath of the fresh summer air. It was quite hot today, even for a summer afternoon. Sweat beaded around the base of her wings, tail, and flowing mane, slowly seeping into her modest travel clothing. At this rate, she really would need to stop and bathe, unless she wanted to show up smelling of sweat, leather, and the dust of the road. For some reason, she didn't think the Majordomo would approve of that. Oh well. Not everyone could be as inclined to exploring the world as she. The mare glanced up, noting the position of the sun in the otherwise cloudless sky.

Right on time. Probably another four hours or so to the Keep. If I hurry along a bit, that should leave me some time to clean up...

She sighed, enjoying the feeling of the slight breeze brushing across the exposed fur on arms, the chirping of the birds, and the familiar feel of the saddle rubbing against her inner thighs and groin. She had always enjoyed riding; even though as a pegasus she could fly, there was something about connecting with another powerful creature, how the muscles felt underneath her, the feel of a nicely fitted saddle sliding against her nethers at the canter. Kyra shivered despite the heat, remembering some of her more pleasurable adventures riding bareback with less clothing than would be strictly acceptable on the public roads. Her heart beat faster just thinking about it. Maybe she'd have to take care of that later...

But that'd have to be a thought for the evening. She had places to be. Taking the slack from her mount's reins, she readjusted herself in the saddle.

"Alright Zeke," Kyra said. "Time to run."

The stallion's ears perked up at the mare's voice, and with a slight squeeze from her legs, Zeke launched into a canter. She grinned as the wind played at her mane and tail. Later, she would worry about being a proper lady for her interview. But for now, she'd enjoy the ride.


Kyra grimaced as she slid into the scalding water, carefully submerging the rest of her body into the bath. Gods it hurt, but the heat felt so good penetrating into her muscles, sore from travel by horse. Finally sinking to the bottom, Kyra sighed in bliss, relaxing as a week's worth of tension slipped from her body. She draped her arms over the brass tub's rounded lip, carefully laying her flowing, onyx mane over the side. The pegasus mare lay still for a moment with feathery wings splayed, watching as the grime and grit of her long journey lifted from her naked form, her fur once again turning darker than the deepest night.

She'd been thankful that this little inn was within walking distance of the Keep walls; it boasted a stable, service for heating bath water, and modest but functional accommodations for those with business in the royal district, all at a fair price that a mare like her could afford. Not that she was poor. Far from it. However, she'd rather spend her money on functional needs rather than luxurious services. If she and her stallion had a roof over their heads and food to eat, she'd be content. Sure, she'd spent a little more coin for a place with bathing amenities, but she hoped it would pay off after her interview with the Palace staff. It had been quite a long journey.

Kyra shifted in the tub, eyes half closed and a stupid grin on her muzzle. This was well deserved, and she was enjoying the hot water quite a bit. Hell, if she landed the job at the Palace, she'd likely get to do this all the time. The mare smiled.

And who knows; maybe I'll meet a sexy stallion while working there...

She shifted again and began scrubbing her body with a provided sponge, enjoying the roughness of it on her skin and the feel of the water flowing across her exposed lips. She exhaled at its soft caress. It had been a long time since she'd been satisfied by a proper stud; her travels didn't often take her to the kinds of places where she could find a suitable mate. And it was about time that changed.

The mare flexed her wings and stretched, imagining a handsome stallion stripping off his pants, the wide head of his thick cock already rising out of his sheath as he slowly lowered himself down on her in the bath. Gods, she needed someone to fill her, breed her like a mare deserves. And it didn't help that she was coming into heat; she could feel the dull burning sensation deep and low in her abdomen, commanding her to lift her tail at every opportunity. Demanding that she be mounted until a virile stallion released his seed deep against her cervix. She pushed a finger against the head of her clit, it pulsing involuntarily in response. She moaned softly as pleasure surged through her body.

I will get this job. And when I do, I'm going to find a proper stallion to satisfy me...

With a disappointed sigh, Kyra placed the sponge aside, feeling the water begin to lose its heat already. While she'd like to placate the burning heat she felt in her groin, it would just have to wait. She needed to be at the Palace soon and looking her best. Picking up a nearby comb, she lay back and submerged her mane into the water, working her coarser hair with the comb's stiff teeth until tangles fell away into smooth, parallel lines.

The mare sat up straighter and bowed her head in concentration. Water droplets began to run off the strands of her shadowy mane as her magic guided them back into the tub. A simple channeling of energy, a focus on the _feel_of the water, and her mane was again dry. Her fingers moved in a blur, weaving strands of her mane in, under, out, and around, braiding her flowing locks into an intricate pattern, pleasing on the eye but puzzling in its complexity. She had worked on it for months, wanting something that conveyed a clear message: that she was pleasing to be with and simultaneously elusive to know. Enticing yet teasing, almost within reach. Or so she wanted them to think, in any case.

Water cascaded down her jet-black fur as she stepped out of the tub, drawing patterns as it flowed down the curves of her breasts, dripping from her labia. She closed her eyes in concentration, and the water dropped instantly, a miniature rainstorm falling to the floor. Smiling, she moved toward the mirror, the now puddle of water moving away from her feet as they hit the floor, landing on dry tile as if the water had never been there to begin with. There were benefits to being a pegasus.

Kyra took a moment to admire her form in the large but hazy mirror. Her emerald eyes gleamed brilliantly against black fur, the only color visible aside from the hint of pink from between her labia. She smoothed the fur on her muzzle, brushing it flat against the slightly elongated nose of her equine features. The mare brushed her hands down the sides of her breasts, enjoying the way her nipples perked up where the hair thinned around her areolae, midnight fur blending smoothly into slightly lighter skin. Sensually, she swished her long, flowing tail, and struck a slight pose for her own amusement. She had so much to offer and no one to take advantage of her. Perhaps she'd go hunting for a horny male to pin her against a wall later for some quick fun. Her coat had dried a while ago, but she was wet again just thinking about it.

Tearing her eyes away from the mirror, she reached for the dress that she'd so painstakingly kept from being ruined by travel. She hated having to take care of it, but Gods did she love the way it looked on her. The light gleamed off it just right, accentuating its dark green shadows with a vibrant emerald glow while highlighting the barest hint of a floral pattern tailored into the fabric. She brushed her fingers across the dress, the fine material like a cloud beneath her hands. Carefully, Kyra picked it up and slid it over her naked body, leaving herself bare underneath it.

The "dress" was more a combination of the traditional garment and the kind of robe that she'd seen some of the more exotic furs wear; it was open down the front, folding first left, then right across her body to cover the sides and front of her breasts while leaving quite a bit exposed down the middle. She secured the dress with a matching sash tied across her abdomen, allowing the lower half to part slightly when she moved. Suggestive, enticing, yet beautiful. Posing for herself once again, she couldn't help but smile, wings unfolding slightly to accentuate her form.

The Majordomo would approve for sure.


"Right this way, my lady," the butler gestured down the hall and bowed slightly, one arm behind his back, his fox tail swishing as he turned to lead.

Kyra followed, taking in the absolute splendour of the beautiful structure around her. The pegasus mare felt small as she walked with the fox through the cavernous hallway. Yet despite its grandeur, it still felt warm; nearly every surface had its own decoration, and each seemed to fit together just right. Murals blended smoothly into decorative architecture, and the few statues that they passed seemed as if they had always belonged there. She could get used to this.

Her feet made only the slightest whisper on the thick carpet lining the central segment of the hall, despite the relatively hard surfaced shoes she'd chosen for the occasion. The fox ahead of her hadn't looked back since the doorway, likely out of politeness, she assumed. He was certainly a professional in the way he moved, though Kyra thought it odd that he had no shoes. And he wore a collar of what looked like platinum or white gold, a large sapphire set in the place a bowtie would normally sit on the neck.

Perhaps it's part of their uniform, a way to mark the staff as staff. Interesting. I rather like the way they look. Maybe they'll give me a ruby one.... Oh! But diamond would look wonderful against my fur....

She halted suddenly, noticing just in time that the fox had stopped before large set of wooden doors twice her height. The butler gestured, his whiskers pulling back into a polite smile.

"The Majordomo will greet you inside," he said.

"Thank you."

The pegasus adjusted her dress one last time, suppressed her nervousness, and pushed open the heavy wooden doors. Counterweighted, they moved easily under her touch, and she strode into the large circular room, her eyes fixating on the sharply dressed panther seated behind a desk, his amethyst collar glimmering against black fur. He glanced up, a warm smile appearing on his face.

"You must be Kyra," he said, his voice soft, almost calming. "Welcome to Duran's Cross."

"Thank you, Sir," she said, dipping into a slight curtsy. "I'm grateful for the opportunity."

The panther rose and walked out from behind the desk, stopping some feet from her. Kyra noticed he too wore no shoes.

"You look lovely," he said, yellow eyes taking her in. "The dress is perfect on you."

Under her fur, she blushed, thankful that he couldn't see it.

"I'm glad you like it... Sir...," she said, tilting her head in question.

"My apologies," the panther said quickly, "My name is Masashi; I am the Majordomo for Drake's Keep. And please, with me in private, you needn't worry about the formal titles. Masashi is more than fine."

Kyra relaxed a bit, already feeling more comfortable. She would certainly appreciate having a boss like this.

"Masashi," she said. "such an elegant name. It's nice to finally meet you."

"Likewise," the Majordomo said, his amethyst collar refracting the room's light as he bowed slightly. "Now, I believe you have a reason for being here, no?"

She took a moment to push back her nerves, once again rushing back to her at his question. She could do this. Confidence.

"Yes," Kyra said. "The Palace has been searching for a new master masseuse. There is no one in the Three Kingdoms whose hands are better than mine. I would like to ask the opportunity to work as part of your Palace staff. I offer you the service of a true master of my trade."

She held her breath, trying her best to hold his steady gaze. The panther searched her eyes for a moment, then chuckled.

"Relax, Kyra," he said. "I have no doubt about your ability; if so, I wouldn't have invited you here. You come to us highly recommended."

Kyra's eyes narrowed for a moment, before she turned them to a smile. Who would or could have recommended her to the Palace? She'd practiced her trade many days travel from here, and never once had she met anyone who claimed to have business at Drake's Keep.

The Majordomo stepped closer to her, placing a hand on her wrist.

"I see you are confused," he said. "But all will become clear in a few days' time. For now, come with me."

Well that didn't help; she was more put on edge than helped by the cryptic remarks. But she followed his gentle pull across the room to another set of doors, which the panther calmly opened.

Kyra's eyes widened as he led her into a spacious, adjoining room. It clearly had been created for only one purpose: to provide a massage experience in which only royalty could afford to partake. Heated tile warmed her feet through the material of her shoes, the perfectly laid squares -- each dazzling in its own right -- combined to form a mosaic of soothing patterns, ideal for the ambiance of a relaxing massage. A mural lined the walls, depicting a beautiful landscape much like the rolling hills she had ridden through on her travels, a deep blue sky accentuating the vibrant green of grass. To the East, a large window resided approximately twice her height up the wall; the mare noted that its frame had been hand-carved, and the peaked shape reminded her of the castles in her daydreams as a filly -- regal and full of the promise of luxury. This would be her room, her canvas on which to paint. She had to have it.

Masashi grinned, watching her face closely.

"You like what you see," he said. "I think you would like it here as much as we would like to have you, Kyra."

"I would love to work here," she said, still taking it all in. It was so perfect!

Masashi released her arm, moving to lean against the wall of the domed room.

"And we offer you this and so much more," said the Majordomo. "You only need to complete your interview for me, and we'll have you working your magic within days."

Kyra glanced at him as the words registered. She wasn't done yet?

"What more do you need from me?" she asked.

The panther looked squarely at her, pausing for a moment.

"Stand by the table," he said.

Her eyebrows furrowed, her wariness increasing by the moment. But damn she wanted this job so badly! She just needed to get through whatever it was that Masashi wanted from her. Fine. She could do that. With a bit of hesitation, she walked over to the raised padded table and turned toward the Majordomo.

"Remove your dress," he said, still holding her gaze.

The mare's eyes widened. He wanted her naked!? She opened her mouth to object but caught herself. The panther raised an eyebrow in askance.

"This is not for my pleasure, Kyra," he said, still leaning against the wall, arms crossed. "I'm asking of you what I would ask of any candidate for this position. The Lord of this keep holds me responsible for managing a staff that pleases him and his advisors; I have to take his tastes into account."

His tastes? What did that even mean? Kyra hesitated for a moment longer but knew she had to make a choice. She wanted this badly, and they were all but hiring her on the spot. Besides, she was planning on showing herself off later anyway, right? Why not now?

"Alright...," Kyra said. "But looking only."

"Of course," he said.

It took some willpower to stop her hands from shaking, but she managed to undo her sash in one smooth motion, still facing the Majordomo as her dress splayed out, revealing her breasts. She slipped out of the dress, draping it across the table for now, and turned back to face the panther, feeling very much on display as he looked over her form, from her sizeable breasts down to the hint of her pink folds pushing out from her labia, swollen with her heat.

"Good," he said, "Now put your forearms on the table and lift your tail up and to the side."

She blushed heavily under the cover of her midnight fur, so thankful that the panther couldn't see her embarrassment. Or her burning arousal. She turned around, bending over to push her elbows into the table's padded surface. And after another brief hesitation, she curled her tail upward and canted it off to the side, the action sending primal surges through her body. She was presenting to any stallion that might be nearby, her thick, equine folds dripping with natural lubricant, releasing a scent that told the world she was ready to be bred, stretched wide by the nearest cock. Heat made her groin burn with desire, knowing that a powerful male was only just behind her, watching. At that moment, she had never felt like more of a slutty mare. And Gods, she wished someone would fuck her already!

"Legs wider," he said, his voice soft, demanding.

She'd lost all ability to deny his orders, her heat taking control of whatever willpower she would have otherwise had. She spread her legs wide, moaning into the table as her tail stretched upward in reflex, her clitoris involuntarily contracting as her equine instincts took over.

"Spread yourself," said the panther.

Gods, she needed a thick cock inside her. Right now. Kyra reached back with a hand and spread her labia, fluid dripping to the floor as she stretched her lips wide, revealing her soft folds. Her clit winked again and again, causing her wings to reflexively tremble, even the mild stimulation from her fingers setting her off.

"Good," he said. "Stand back up, facing away from me still."

Kyra's heart sank. She needed to be pounded, held against this table, filled with a male's wide cock and thick cum. She wanted to feel her clit rub against his shaft with every thrust, every contraction of her walls, feel his balls slap against her wet pussy, rubbing her deep inside, in places only a thick stallion cock could reach. She'd push back against his thrusts, squeezing his shaft with her walls as she orgasmed...

But slowly she pulled her mind back from thoughts of sexual desire. Sighing in frustration, she stood up, pulled her legs together, and continued to face away from the panther, secretions still dripping down her inner thigh. Her mind was only half present, still occupied by the all-consuming fire of her heat. It took every bit of concentration she had to lower her tail back over the swollen lips and even more to keep it there when the underside of her tail rubbed against her clit, causing her wings to twitch and more fluid to soak into the fur of her thighs.

Obediently, Kyra remained facing away from the Majordomo. The pegasus heard his approach, felt his presence behind her, having to again force down her desire to push her sopping pussy back into him. Teeth clenched in effort, she kept still. She felt him lean in close, shivers running down her body as he exhaled across her neck. And then, a gasp at the cold touch of a collar resting across the front of her neck.

"This is for you, Kyra," he said, his voice a velvety whisper, "should you choose to accept our offer."

She nodded, dazed, attention still elsewhere. At her assent, the panther closed the clasp on the back of her collar, the ornament emitting a soft click as the two sides seamlessly joined. Kyra's eyes widened as she felt a surge of power seal it shut. She turned toward Masashi.

"What did you do?" she asked, a minor tremor in her voice. "That was magic I just felt."

Masashi inclined his head slightly, again smiling politely, his yellow eyes soft.

"Not me, I'm afraid," he said. "It is part of the collar's design; you will wear it until your contract is complete or until the Lord of this keep decides to remove it himself. If you flee, you will be recognized and returned here for punishment. In the past, they were meant to deter runaways and spies, but you have absolutely nothing to worry about, my beautiful pegasus. You're one of us now. Welcome."

Kyra shifted nervously but soon stood still again as her legs rubbed against her sex.

"I would offer you time to clean up," Masashi said, eyeing the sodden fur around her groin, "but nightfall is fast approaching, and we still have a few matters to discuss regarding your job, since it begins tomorrow morning. Here, you can borrow one of our robes."

He handed her a light but concealing full body robe, the royal insignia engraved beneath the collar. The mare wrapped it around her naked form, thankful for the gesture, trying to ignore the part of her that wanted to toss it aside and jump on him in desperate need.

"Thank you," she said.

"Of course, Kyra," Masashi said. "Please, follow me; we will walk and talk."

The pegasus mare moved to keep up with the panther's pace as they exited the massage room. She forced herself to ignore how good it felt to have her lips sliding past one another, still well lubricated from her "interview," every stride of her toned thighs pushing her puffy lips against the sides of her clitoris...

"You'll enjoy working here at the Palace," Masashi said as he walked. "There are few rules, but it is imperative that you understand them. You'll be required to recite them back to me tomorrow morning, so pay attention."

The panther turned down an adjacent hallway, leading her past another set of wooden doors. As they walked through his new hall, smaller than the main one, Kyra noticed the change in theme. Gone were the regal statues of the royal approach, replaced with more homely decorations, ones that she supposed were meant to place a visitor at ease. Paintings lined the walls, depicting far-reaching fields of green and endless horizons.

"This is the visitor wing," Masashi said, gesturing to the hallway ahead. "The majority of your clients will be staying here; while there are a few staff and regular Palace attendants that might request your services, most of your clients will be our guests. And as a representative of the royal Palace, you'll be required to make every effort to satisfy their needs and wishes."

"I understand," Kyra said.

The panther turned left instead of proceeding down the hallway, his tail swishing in time with his graceful gait. Kyra was beginning to catch on to the layout; each wing of the boasted a theme of sorts, this particular transition hallway moving from relaxing paintings to statues of bronze, each of their depicted animals or furs clad in armor and bearing weapons regally. The decor changed from greens and blues to maroons and blacks, accented by gold highlights here and there. The Majordomo paused to let a few armored men pass, nodding in respect as they walked pass, armor clanking lightly with their strides. Kyra followed his lead.

He gestured to the soldiers and continued walking. "As you can see, this section holds the barracks and armory for the army of the Keep; our Lord ensures they are well disciplined and ready for combat at a moment's notice. Toward the front of the wing, there are also guest chambers for visiting officers; we even currently have a high-ranking Commander of the King's Legion in attendance. You will do your best to respect their wishes, and any complaints you have, you will bring to me first."

The pegasus nodded, admiring the extravagant decorations, all martial, that themed the wing. She followed the panther around another turn, this hallway changing from red to a creamy white, the decorations made now of marble, depicting the symbols of the Lord and Keep. Different shapes and characters of dragons and horses were on full display, brilliantly carved and polished to a sheen. Kyra nearly ran into the panther as he stopped suddenly.

"Here reside the palace staff of all ranks, including my own, below the primary advisers and family of the Lord himself," Masashi said. "You will find your quarters here, and I'm sure you will enjoy the accommodations; they are by no means lacking."

"Thank you," she said, "I'm sure they will be more than fine."

The panther nodded, leading her back in the direction from which they started.

"The final wing you have already partially seen; it is the royal wing where the Lord's council and resting chambers reside, along with the formal court and throne room," he said, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye. "Under no circumstances are you to enter this wing without explicit summons, aside from the chambers designed for your work. Am I clear?"

She nodded immediately. "Of course, Sir," she said, stopping as they reached the doors to her massage parlor. The panther turned to face her.

"Now pay close attention; this is important. The lowliest of our staff wear a collar designated by the absence of a gemstone," said the Majordomo. "The next 'rank,' so to speak, is the under-staff, designated by an opal gemstone; it will be easy to recognize. The gem refracts no light and contains many different colors. Those of importance wear only gems that refract light and return a pure color. Feel free to ignore those with opal pendants, if you wish."

Kyra nodded. While she might disagree with their policies, she recognized that it wasn't her place to comment on it.

"Anyone wearing a sapphire collar is to be respected," said Masashi. "They are the skeleton-level staff for the Palace, recommended by me and appointed by our Lord. I'm sure you remember the butler who greeted you today; he falls into this category, along with many the Palace staff."

Again, Kyra displayed her assent with a nod. Half listening to Masashi's words, half dreaming about how she was going to take care of her raging heat tonight...

"Those with ruby collars, like yourself, are classified as either managers or masters at their trade," the panther said. "You will not deal with others of your own rank directly; if you need to address an issue with this level of staff, you will come to me with your remarks."

The Majordomo took a step toward the mare, his yellow eyes bearing down on her fully for the first time. Kyra took a step back, glancing at the ground, unwilling to meet his gaze.

"Those with amethyst pendants, like mine," he said, "are of the Senior Palace staff. You are to respect our leadership here in the keep. Do not question us and do only as we say, and you will be a star here, little pegasus."

Kyra nodded, blushing at the compliment, once again thankful that her equine form hid her embarrassment.

"And one more important point," Masashi said, looking her directly in the eyes. "If someone is not wearing a collar at all, they are a guest of this place. You are to treat them as if they were Gods. This includes all visiting Legionaries and representatives of the King. Understood?"

"Yes," she said, averting her eyes. "I understand perfectly."

"Good," said the Majordomo. "Then take your leave, and I'll meet you in the main hallway entrance tomorrow, one hour after sunrise."

Kyra nodded and turned, immediately striding from the Palace. She certainly had a lot to process from the panther's words, but there were more urgent ... things... she needed to take care of immediately. Like the constant stream of fluid soaking her thighs.

"Goodnight...," she heard Masashi say behind her, but she hardly paid it any mind, her thoughts already on the burning desire pulsing through her.


Kyra strode into the stables, mind ablaze with the fire in her groin. Her pussy demanded to be filled, the primal urges of her heat taking complete control of her mind. Without hesitation, she strode up to Zeke's stall, unlocking the bolt and letting herself in.

"How are you, my stallion?" she asked, arm extended in greeting. The horse sniffed it, still chewing on his hay. She smiled as he whuffed her hand curiously; he didn't usually have visitors at this time of night, but she knew that he always liked to see his rider.

The mare stiffened as she heard a body shift in the loft above. Probably the stable hand, having heard her footsteps. Kyra recalled from her earlier arrival that he was young, maybe 16 years of age at the oldest, so she ignored the sounds; he wouldn't interrupt her. She needed this. Now. If she had an audience, then so be it, but Gods be damned, she was going to fuck a stallion cock tonight.

She put her hands against the stall wall, it being the perfect height to push up against her breasts. Her tail immediately raised, moving of its own accord. Kyra hardly noticed over the throbbing jolts of pleasure every time she winked. She moaned to herself her body released her scent for the stud, treating him as a fur, knowing full well that'd he'd fuck her like a feral mare given the chance. Lost in a haze of lust, she glanced back with needy eyes.

Zeke, now interested, closed the few steps between his nose and her rump, sniffing in her scent as only a stallion could. The stud curled his lip in response, recognizing for the first time that his master was a mare ready to be bred.

Kyra shivered as her stallion approached, nearly jumping as she felt his long tongue lap at her sex. She leaned back against his muzzle as he buried his tongue in her marehood, tasting her arousal. The stallion's tongue flicked up, each stroke rubbing clean from her clit to the underside of her tail, teasing all her sensitive spots.

"Good boy...," she said, loving the way her stallion was licking her. His nose moved back and forth against her labia, pushing her lips aside as he thrust into her with his muzzle. She bucked forward gently, breasts squeezing against the wooden wall. Gods, she was in heaven right now, pleasure shooting through her entire body as Zeke's thick tongue slid against her g-spot. But she needed so much more than this...

"Mount me, you horny stud," Kyra said, reaching a hand behind her to push his head aside. She backed her sopping wet rump against his chest like a feral mare would, begging that the stallion breed her, fill her burning pussy with his seed. Glancing back, the mare watched as her stud's cock engorged, descending from his fuzzy sheath. She eyed it with desire, her arousal only increasing as the massive phallus grew to a length as long as her arm, the wide crown flaring out as Zeke prepared to take the wet mare that was begging for him to breed her.

Kyra braced herself as she felt the stallion extend his neck long and low to gauge the distance between him and the pegasus, his quick breaths blowing across her fur. Quickly, she called on a touch of earth magic, pulling some of the solid energy from the ground around her to stabilize her much smaller body. When Zeke lifted his front legs up and around her, she caught them easily with her thighs, wrapping his legs with hers so his hooves were around her, giving him some leverage with which to thrust. Then she focused her attention behind her.

The stallion's cock contracted, lining up with his mark, his small jets of pre-cum mixing with her vaginal fluid as he prepared to penetrate his mare. Kyra pushed her rump back against the head of penis, crying out in pain and pleasure as Zeke thrust brutally forward, impaling the mare on as much horse cock as could fit inside her. Kyra's eyes were wide, heart throbbing as her walls were stretched impossibly far. It felt so damn good. She panted, drooling at the mix of pain and electric pleasure assaulting her senses. But she had only a moment to recover before Zeke pulled back and thrusted sharply into his mare, this time with force.

The pegasus grunted as Zeke continued to pound her, each push of his hips ramming the flared head of his monstrous shaft hard against her cervix, nearly lifting her off the ground. His thick cock spread her so wide that every thrust pushed against every sensitive spot along her vaginal walls.

"Fuuuuck," she moaned. "Yesssss.... ungh... fill me with your feral cum. Ungh.... fuck me like a little mare!"

The stud responded to his mare's voice, pushing harder, making sure to bury his stallion cock as deep into her as possible. Kyra yelled in ecstasy as the stud arched his neck around and bit her on the shoulder, his teeth grabbing into her flesh, using her own body as traction to ravage her. The mare felt her pleasure rising, filled to bursting with feral cock, every thrust straining against her inner walls, pushing heavily against her womb, and such sweet pain from her stallion's harsh teeth digging into her shoulder. Kyra's legs began to shudder as she felt her moment of release fast approaching.

She gasped as the stud quickened his pace, feeling herself stretched even wider by his flaring cock, the crown pushing out against her walls to seal his imminent seed inside of her. Kyra pushed back against his last few thrusts like a little whore, about to cum around the thick shaft. Zeke bit down hard, causing her to yelp in pain then gasp, as the stud released spurt after spurt of creamy horse seed right against her cervix, filling her small womb with his stallion cum. Kyra cried out in bliss as the powerful jets of semen shooting against her inner opening sent her over the edge, her walls squeezing hard around his cock, trying to milk every last drop of cum from her mount. The mare's legs trembled, her pussy and tailhole contracting in sync, and her clit winking furiously against the stud's shaft as waves of bliss coursed through her entire body.

Kyra groaned as Zeke slowly slid off her back, his widely flared cock-head sliding out of her stretched pussy with an audible pop. A huge amount of horse cum flowed from her vagina, her walls shuddering as the wide flare rubbed past all her sensitive spots when the stallion pulled out. Kyra remained pressed against the wall for a moment, inhaling sharply and then grinning like a filly as she felt Zeke's wide tongue lapping up the mix of their fluids from her abused slit.

"Good boy, Zeke," she breathed, still catching her breath from her orgasm. "Such a good stallion."

Satisfied, the stud licked his lips and turned back to his hay. Kyra sighed in content, her emerald eyes closing for a moment as she stretched her back. She may have stumbled into an... interesting... work agreement that began tomorrow, but at least for tonight her sexual thirst had subsided. Tonight, she was satisfied.

The mare gathered up her Palace robe, giving her handsome stud a gentle slap on the rump before exiting the stall. As she walked down the aisle back to the inn, she smirked as she heard a soft moan from the hayloft above and the unmistakable splatter of cum hitting the wooden floor. Evidently, she'd given the boy the show of a lifetime.

Something to remember me by, she thought, a wicked grin on her equine muzzle. Perhaps she'd do it again sometime....


Kyra sat down and placed her tray of food carefully onto the table's marble surface. The palace had an abundance of places to sit for conversation, dining, or quiet meditation; most of them, like this spot, provided fantastic views of the landscape within or around the palace proper. This particular table was one of four that lined the west side of the palace courtyard, which also doubled as a training ground for the Lord's army. Today, soldiers gathered around two combatants sparring in the center of the field.

The mare took a bite of her salad, enjoying the taste of the palace's fine produce and the work of its top-notch chefs as she watched the show before her, intrigued. The two men circled one another slowly, having just stepped back from a quick bout of blows. Both breathed heavily, sweat dripping from their fur as their feet smoothly hit the cropped grass. The two soldiers had foregone clothing on their upper body, she assumed due to the heat these last few days; she had found herself wishing she could do the same, and she worked indoors most of the day!

The taller of the two combatants, a stocky bull wielding a two-handed sword, seemed to be succumbing to the temperature more so than his opponent, a gray unicorn who stood a full foot and half shorter. Gray in the strictest sense, she supposed; his skin was pigmented but the rest of his body was covered in dazzling white fur, now matted to his body from the sweat, outlining his sleek form much to the mare's delight. She couldn't make out much from her seat, but his crystal horn caught her eye even from a distance, a prismatic spiral protruding from his forehead, as deadly as it was beautiful. A perfect complement to his built but sleek body and fantastic ass. She wished she could see his flowing tail and sexy flank minus a few articles of clothing....

"I know right?" said a voice behind her. "Wish I could get my hands on that rump."

Kyra glanced back with a smirk as one of the other palace staff, a vixen she'd made friends with, sat down beside her at the table. She worked as an escort for the palace guests, essentially a mix between a butler, tour guide, and professional flirt. While sex was not typically a part of her job, Kyra knew that the vixen had made exceptions on a few occasions. The mare usually talked to her when she brought guests back to the massage area, enjoying a few moments break while the guests prepared.

"I think we both know that's not the only thing you want to get your hands on," Kyra said, grinning.

"Psh," the vixen said, rolling her eyes. "Don't pretend like you aren't imagining him naked right now too; we think too much alike for you not to be. Check it out."

Kyra's eyes shot back to the circling fighters just as the unicorn stepped forward, bringing one of his two scimitars up in a sweeping arc. Kyra saw the bull jerk back at his opponent's sudden speed, his own blade only blocking the unicorn's slash just in time. The mare struggled to keep track of the unicorn's hands as he parried the first blade off the bull's sword, striking next at the top of the bull's head. His opponent stepped back and flung his heavier sword up to block, the move putting him far off balance as the edge of his blade glanced off to the side.

The unicorn wasted no time. Reversing his grip on his other sword, he used the force of his opponent's block to redirect himself into a spin, slamming the hilt into the bull's gut. As soon as it had begun, it was over, the deadly curve of the unicorn's blade coming to rest on his opponent's neck as the bull doubled over in pain. The men around the circle applauded as the unicorn sheathed his swords and extended a hand to assist his opponent to his feet.

"Wow," Kyra said, watching the combatants walk back inside. "He's good with a blade."

The vixen nodded, picking at her own food. "Yes, he is. He isn't really a part of the Keep's army; he's the head tactician for the King's forces, a Commander in the Legion sent to oversee our operations on the border. I suppose they are taking advantage of a high ranking Legionnaire being in the Keep while he is around."

"A Commander?" the mare asked, chewing thoughtfully on her salad. "He's probably not interested in talking to just a few of the Palace staff then, huh?"

Her friend chuckled, getting up to leave with a wink. "He'd certainly be a challenging catch, but he didn't grow up as nobility. He's quite friendly, honest! I met him myself the other day; his name is Rayne. And don't give up so easily, Kyra, you're quite the catch yourself. Anyway, I have an appointment in a few minutes I need to get to; I'll see you around."

"Yeah, see you," Kyra said, still gazing off after the soldiers. She knew she needed to be back at work soon, but at that moment, work was the last thing on her mind. With a sigh, she stood up and carried her plate back to the kitchen, her body dutifully taking her to where she needed to go as she day-dreamed of unicorn tail.

Rayne. Hmmm...


Kyra closed the door to her massage parlor, slumping against it with a weary sigh. That'd be the last of the morning clients then. Thank the Gods. She loved her work here at the Palace, but ever since word had spread of her abilities, she'd received non-stop requests from guests, some of whom who had traveled exclusively to see her! The mare certainly felt honored, but it made for long days. And tired hands.

The pegasus pushed herself up and grabbed a pair of cloths, one with leather oil and the other slightly damp with water. She wiped off her table briefly and began rubbing the oil into its supple leather, preserving the smooth surface for the pleasure of her afternoon clients. Like any professional master, she took pride in keeping her equipment in perfect shape.

The little things make all the difference. That's true of most practices actually. Which reminds me.... I still need to change out the massage oil.

Finishing up with the table, she tossed the cloths aside for cleaning and stood on a nearby stool to grab a jar of oil on one of the higher shelves, her fingers stretching to reach it. Straining, she pulled it towards herself and--

_Shit._The door swung open beside her, her hand slipping in surprise. She watched with horror as a glass jar of expensive oil fell toward the tiled floor-- and gasped when a large, white-furred hand caught it, her eyes slowly tracing up the visitor's body until she met those unforgettable blue eyes, her own eyes widening as recognition set in. There he was. Inches away from her face.

"Rayne," she breathed, still staring at him. "I mean... Sir! Err... Commander, sir..."

The unicorn chuckled and set the jar in her hands as she stepped down from the stool. "Just Rayne. It's alright," he said, "I'm sorry to have startled you. You clearly weren't expecting me."

She blinked, still a bit dumbstruck. "Um, it's fine really," the mare said, heart beating fast. "I just thought I had finished all of my morning appointments, so I was cleaning up."

He nodded, horn refracting the ambient lantern-light. "Not a problem," he said. "I'll schedule for another time; I had thought I might squeeze an appointment in, but you're very popular!"

"No!" she said quickly as he turned to leave.

Turning back, the stallion raised an eyebrow.

"I mean, please, it's not a problem at all," she said, taking his hand and leading him to the table, her heart racing in excitement. "Undress, make yourself comfortable. Here's a towel. I'll be back in just a moment."

Rayne smiled, taking the towel from her. "Thank you for doing this, you really don't have to."

"It's my pleasure," Kyra said, smiling. "Rayne."

She looked into those dazzling blue eyes, momentarily lost as he gazed back...

Kyra blushed as she caught herself staring and quickly turned away, headed back toward the door.

"I'll just be a moment then...," she said, feeling sheepish as she slipped outside and closed the door lightly behind her.

"Come on, pull it together," she whispered to herself. "You're acting like a lovestruck filly."

Because there's a smoking hot unicorn stud undressing himself for me in the next room... I'll have to keep it professional, but that doesn't mean I can't admire at the same time, right?

The pegasus mare smiled and walked back into the room, seeing that Rayne had stripped down and was resting in a relaxed, prone position on the table with only the small towel covering his flank. Not wanting to keep him waiting, she dimmed the lantern by the door and grabbed her massage oil from the heated water bath, setting it on a nearby table for later use. She preferred to start without the oils, though the deeper massage techniques were more comfortable without so much friction.

Kyra ran her hands through Rayne's fur, starting at his neck and working towards his lower back, gently kneading her palms in opposite directions as a warmup. The silvery-white strands of Rayne's coat felt like gossamer as they slid through her fingers, the short hairs parting smoothly at her touch. The unicorn twitched as she began applying more pressure, working across his deltoid and lateralis muscles.

"You're tight across the back," Kyra said, "From all your training, perhaps?"

Rayne winced as she worked a particular knot, his face out of her view, positioned through the headrest at the front end of the table. "They've had me drilling the soldiers harder than normal the last few days..."

"Try to relax," she said, moving on to the muscle insertions around his scapula. "deep breaths... In, out..."

Kyra smiled to herself, feeling the powerful stallion's muscles unwind beneath her hands as he exhaled.

"Good," she said, reaching for the oil. Every so often, she applied a moderate amount to her hands and resumed working on his back, really leaning into the heavily muscled areas near his shoulders. The stallion grunted and sighed periodically as she worked her way down his back, finally reaching the top of his hips where she paused.

"Would you like me to get your glutes as well?" she asked. "If so, I'll have to remove your towel if that's alright." Kyra held her breath for what seemed like forever for his response.

"Yes," he said, face still concealed, though from his tone, she imagined him smirking, "I'd like that."

This is the best day ever.

She lifted the small towel from his waist and set it on the table next to the oil, admiring the unicorn's fine rear. His tail was braided where it lay between his perfect cheeks, the shorter hairs at the base wrapped in a fine pattern traditional for the warriors of his species. Though mostly distracted by the unicorn's other features, Kyra did take interest in the braided pattern, having only heard rumors of the rare species' culture. His slightly darker silver tail flowed out from the braided portion, long and luscious, obscuring his more sensitive bits from her present view.

The pegasus placed her hands at the top of his gluteal muscles where they inserted at the iliac crest, fingers massaging as she worked from the left side to his spine and then to the right. As she moved into the bulk of the muscle group, she switched to her palm to apply more pressure to the larger muscle body, practically drooling at the way his ass moved as she did so.

Kyra prided herself on being professional, but having such a fine specimen of a stallion on her table was pushing her to the breaking point. It couldn't hurt to have a little fun, right? Nothing serious, just a little tease...

She directed her focus to the base of his tail where the sacro-caudal muscles attached to the first few vertebrae, watching Rayne carefully for his response. The unicorn's ears perked up a bit as she massaged the side of his tail, but he otherwise offered no protest, even when she gently lifted his tail to massage the underside.

She tried not to stare in case he looked back, but the mare couldn't pass up the opportunity for a few well-timed glances. The stallion's silver fur faded into black skin around the underside of his tail and approaching his anal ring and scrotum. Her heart rate increased as she took in the curves between his thighs, the twin bulges of his testicles displayed prominently on the table behind him.

His tail now fully taken care of, she laid it back down and began working on his thighs starting at the knees and moving upward. As she approached his pelvis, her hand brushed his scrotum several times; she reveled in the silky smooth feel of his skin against her hands, wishing she could make more aggressive advances. Still Rayne made no comment, and she was beginning to think he might enjoy it if she did go further.

A loud series of knocks came from the door to the studio, startling Kyra and making Rayne's ears swivel toward the door. She quickly tossed the towel over the stallion's exposed rear and tried to calm herself. Was it one of her superiors? Maybe... Rayne was a Commander after all, so probably someone seeking him.

"Yes?" Kyra said. "I'm busy with a client at the moment." She rested a hand rather sensually on Rayne's lower back, and her heart fluttered in excitement as he raised his head slightly and winked at her.

"It's Sergeant Whelan," said a distinctly masculine voice, muted slightly by the heavy, wooden door. "Commander, your presence is requested in the Council room immediately, orders of the Keep."

Kyra's heart sank, realizing her small window to play with the hot stud on her table was over. Rayne sighed, grabbed the towel and began rising from the table, but not before she caught a glimpse of his furry sheath and impeccable abs. The unicorn grinned at her, a playful look in his sky-blue eyes.

"Matters of duty, I'm afraid," he said. She nodded in response and turned to gather his clothes, but her turn was arrested as he caught her arm. He spun her back around, and before she could think, Kyra found herself kissing the stallion, emerald eyes wide against her jet-black fur. The pegasus savored the moment, wrapping her arms around him until the Commander pulled away, smiling.

"Perhaps we can continue where we left off later," Rayne said, "I believe these quarters are open by request at night."

"Yes," she said, still dazed by his surprise. "Yes, of course. Commander."

"Just Rayne, remember?" He winked then turned away to pull on his clothing, giving Kyra a fine view from behind in the process as his heavy balls and sheath swayed with his movement. She nearly fainted right there.

"Rayne," she said, savoring the word.

"Thank you, Kyra," Rayne replied, fully clothed. "I'll see you again tonight."

The pegasus nodded, too aroused and excited to be coherent. The Commander finally broke his gaze, opened the door, and nodded to the Sergeant.

"At ease," he said. "Let's attend to business then."

The door, cleverly counter-weighted, closed with a click, leaving Kyra standing holding the towel in one hand and still trying to process what just happened.

I'm actually going to ride that stud tonight. I can't believe this. Meep!

Her mind elsewhere, she wiped down the table, returned the oil to its place, and dimmed the lanterns before heading out for a quick walk. She needed to move, do something, else she would be counting the seconds until her "appointment" tonight.


Just a little more...

Kyra turned the key on one of the lanterns she had set around the massage table, dimming it to a warm flicker for ambiance. The last few hours she'd spent preparing and daydreaming for her adventure that evening, even going so far as to braid her mane and tail for the occasion. She wanted this to be perfect, insofar as it followed her vision of what was about to transpire. The pegasus grinned; this stud was going to be in for a surprise.

The door creaked open and she jumped up just in time to catch the stallion slipping into the room. He turned to face her, looking her over appreciatively with a hunger in his eyes.

"You look beautiful, Kyra," he said, blue eyes holding her own. "I'm sorry I didn't have time to dress appropriately, but I didn't want to keep you waiting."

Kyra laughed and grabbed his hand, leading him into the room. "The only appropriate clothing for you is the state I left you in on my table earlier. Now let's get those clothes off you..."

Rayne chuckled. "To the point; I like it--"

Before he could finish, Kyra pulled him into a kiss, closing her eyes and savoring the taste, the feeling of it. She felt Rayne wrap her in his arms, pulling her close as he returned her passion. The pegasus used the opportunity to unbuckle his belt, letting the pants of his officer's uniform fall to the ground with a clank. She teasingly brushed her hand over his sheath, her prize still covered by undergarments, which she promptly removed. Kyra could feel the warmth of his sex even through her clothing, calling to her primal desires, but she forced herself to be patient. She wanted her stud to be nice and eager when she rode him at last.

Kyra moaned as Rayne kissed down her neckline, nipping lightly at her ear. His hands made quick work of the dress and bra, her lust rising as she felt his strong hands caress her lower back and rear, so close to where she wanted them to touch. The unicorn released her just long enough to strip out of his jacket and undershirt, pulling her close again afterwards. She reveled in exploring the built muscles of his equine form, feeling a rush of excitement as he caressed her in all the right places, the sweet warmth of his breath on her skin juxtaposed by the cool metal of her collar.

"I need you inside of me..." she whispered in his ear, flushed and lost in the moment, longing only for one thing.

"I'm all yours, little mare," Rayne whispered back, his muzzle brushing her neck. Breaking their embrace, she turned and pulled him toward the padded table.

"Lie down, stud," Kyra said, groping his ass as he walked by. An eyebrow raised, he laughed and complied, reclining on the table. She put a hand on his chiseled chest and reached under the corner of the padded table for the rope she'd tied there earlier. One by one, much to Rayne's evident amusement, she tied his limbs to the table, first his wrists, then each ankle. As she moved towards his legs, she inhaled deeply of his potent scent; a mix of spice and pure equine stallion, the pheromones playing naughty tricks on her state of mind. Gods she loved the smell of a stud prime for breeding. She couldn't wait to feel his thick shaft inside of her...

With the last knot tied securely, she walked back towards the head of the table, running a finger along his inner thigh and across his sheath, where the head of his dark cock was barely protruding, then along his chest and up to his lips.

"Comfortable, my stallion?" she asked, lust in her voice. "Can't have you getting away this time..."

"Wouldn't dream of it," Rayne said, eyeing her naked form with greed. She had positioned the table such that his head would be level with her groin. As she stood near the front of the table, she pushed her hips forward until her labia, slick with desire, were pushed against his nares, forcing the helpless stallion to smell nothing but her heat. Kyra held his muzzle down against the padding, making sure he couldn't turn his head away. Rayne's eyes glazed over, his nostrils flared, and Kyra watched with pleasure as the stallion's penis slowly became fully erect, its flared crown almost the size of her fist.

"That's a good stallion," she said, still forcing his head against her groin and combing her other hand through his mane. "Smell your horny mare and imagine how nice it'd feel to cum inside of that tight pussy."

Her stud twitched in frustration, his rock-hard erection contracting every so often with unfulfilled need. Kyra took a step back and brought her face close to his, licking along his neck and biting the crest of his mane as a stallion would to a mare. Rayne grunted at the nip, still unable to move his head from the table; Kyra grinned at the pre-cum dripping from his urethra, knowing exactly how turned on he was by the domination play.

"How does it feel, a hotshot Legionnaire helpless against just a little mare," she said. Kyra moved her fingers through the fur on his chest, tracing the outline of a nipple, then a circle around the crown of his engorged cock. Rayne thrusted his hips in a futile attempt to seek more contact with her hand, and she chuckled.

"Naughty stud," she said, running a hand down the base of his shaft, her thumb and index finger wrapping around the base of his scrotum. "Stallions who misbehave lose these..."

Rayne snorted against the table. "You wouldn't."

Kyra let up on his muzzle and climbed on the table between his legs, right hand still around his testicles. She waited until the stallion lifted his head to watch and then slowly began to and lift his balls away from his body. He groaned and tensed up as she reached the edge of his tolerance, where she stopped, still holding his spermatic cords under tension.

"Is my stud going to behave now?" she cooed. Kyra brought her muzzle down to his testicles and inhaled that delicious scent. She was getting pretty worked up herself but couldn't resist teasing the stallion a little more.

With agonizing slowness, she licked across the tight skin of his scrotum, then bent down and licked from the base of his sack across his taint. She paused at his anus, licking around the puckered black skin of his anal ring, teasing his rear entrance with her tongue before working her mouth along the underside of his tail. Every equine knew that the nether region at the base of the tail was one of the most sensitive spots on the body, and Rayne moaned in confirmation at her ministrations.

By this time, her own thighs were soaked; the mouthful of stallion musk was wearing down her inhibitions quite fast. The mare released his balls and began licking up with broad strokes between his thighs, following the path of his urethra until she reached the tip, savoring the salty taste of the copious amounts of pre-cum she'd teased out of him.

"I suppose it's rude to keep a nice thick cock like this waiting..." she said. Kyra crawled forward, dragging the jet-black fur of her breasts across his sheath. Rayne arched his back in pleasure, finally able to thrust against her.

"Patience, stud," she said, pushing his hips back against the table, "I decide when you get to cum, not you."

He groaned softly. "Please."

"Please what?" she asked as she slid her vagina across the base of his shaft, covering his sheath in her fluids and ever so slowly inching up towards the crown of his penis. The unicorn's smooth skin felt wonderful sliding across her clit, and it was all she could do not to jump on the cock resting between her lips. But she wanted him to beg for it.

"Please fuck me," he breathed, practically incoherent with lust. The stallion's tail flicked in irritation, so close to his prize but utterly incapable of taking it. Now face to face with her lover, Kyra nibbled at his ear and ground her clit against his shaft, electric pleasure shooting through her body.

"You've been a good little unicorn, stud," she said. Kyra's mouth watered as she brought her hips in line with the throbbing cock beneath her. "Don't you dare move a muscle, or I'll have a nice little unicorn gelding to play with..."

He whimpered, totally in her control; his lips were tight with effort as she lowered herself down on him. She knew the heat of her sex was driving him crazy, but he remained still as the tip of his penis spread her labia apart.

Kyra gasped at the sheer girth of Rayne's cock. It may not have been as long as Zeke's, but it was damn sure as wide. The mare spread her legs farther and pushed back against the tip of his cock, moaning with pleasure as the bell-shaped head pushed apart her walls. Her leg twitched involuntarily when she passed its widest point, the whole head sliding blissfully into her pussy, right against her g-spot with an audible schlick.

Pleasure consumed the mare's mind; she hardly noticed Rayne's heavy breathing from the effort of his restraint. All she cared about was the perfect feeling of being stretched wide by the tool of a proper stud. After regaining her breath, she sat back, feeling the unicorn throb inside of her as her lips slid across his preputial ring and came to rest against his scrotum, the wide head of his shaft pressed firmly against her cervix.

Filled to the brim, the mare groaned at the sheer pleasure of her walls sliding against the thick cock inside of her. She gyrated her hips, feeling Rayne's urethral opening rubbing against her cervix at the same time her clit ground against the skin of his sheath.

"Fuck.... it feels so gooooood...," she moaned. Feeling her climax coming, she stopped momentarily, not wanting to cum before the stud did. She had other plans for him.

"I hope you're ready," she breathed into his ear, "Because I know how to take care of my stallion..."

"Please...," Rayne whispered, aching for the release only she could grant.

Finally giving the unicorn what he desired, Kyra gyrated her hips as she rode the stud's shaft, rising until she felt the wide ridge of his cockhead about to pop out, then hilting him in one smooth motion, her ass slapping audibly against his testicles. The stallion groaned in ecstasy, his prostate contracting periodically in delight.

Kyra could feel her vaginal walls gripping the unicorn's cock, sliding along the ridge of his cockhead and the sensitive opening of his urethra, providing the sweet friction that he so desired. Both equines were sweating heavily with the exertion, adding a musky, sebaceous scent mixed with sex to the air. The mare's pussy was sopping wet at this point, loving the thick phallus pushing against her inner walls and longing to feel his cum fill her.

The unicorn's hips began to thrust in time with her, Rayne's inhibitions completely lost in the pleasure coursing through them both. She felt him pick up speed and the telling widening of the flare of his shaft.

"Kyra," he gasped. "I'm going to cum..."

Instantly, she slid off his cock, forcing a frustrated groan out of the unicorn. The stallion's penis twitched as it lay unsatisfied against the unicorn's abs, the size of his flare revealing just how close he was to release.

"Not yet little stallion," she said, turning around on top of him. "I want to taste you when you cum."

Kyra positioned herself so that her sex was just out of reach of the unicorn's muzzle, but he could smell the overwhelming musk of their copulation emanating from her groin. The mare grabbed the base of his penis, bringing the head up to her lips, and licked their combined fluids from the head of his shaft, opening her jaw as wide as she could to take half his cock into her mouth. She used her lips and tongue to push against all the sensitive spots she knew that stallions had, swirling her tongue in his urethral fossa and putting pressure on the ridges of his cockhead.

She wasn't particularly great at deepthroating, but she didn't need to be; she had magic for that. With a slight shift in focus, Kyra called upon her power, providing an airflow for her where she otherwise wouldn't be able to breath.

He's going to love this.

With no further hesitation, she forced the wide flare of his cock down into her throat, pushing into him until her lips were firmly pressed against his sheath, and her nares were buried in his scrotum. The scent of sex and pure stallion filled her mind, but what she really wanted was to taste his thick seed.

Rayne gasped, straining against his bonds as his muscles involuntarily contracted from the sheer tightness of her throat around him. Kyra bobbed her head a few times, forcing more moans from the stud, then used one hand to pull on his balls, adding the feeling of stretching to her delightful mix of pleasure. The mare focused hard on pleasing her mate, feeling the width of his flare increase by the second as her throat was visibly distended by the size of his phallus, her tightest passage milking the stud for everything he was worth.

In one last-minute effort, Kyra played her final card. With her remaining hand, she fingered herself briefly for lubrication, then reached up and slid her finger through the unicorn's tight anal ring, causing Rayne to cry out in a mix of discomfort and pleasure. Crooking her finger, she quickly found the bumps of his massive prostate and, increasing the intensity of her blowjob, massaged the muscle in slow circles, feeling every contraction as his inner muscles built in tension.

The stud's groans gained in intensity, and she could feel her throat being pushed wider by his flare, his prostate tensing up rapidly. At the moment of his first contraction, she pulled her muzzle back, applying as much pressure as she could to his cockhead as he blew his load directly into her mouth.

Her jaw was stretched wide by his flare, and jets of thick cum shot from his urethra in time with the pulses from his prostate. The stud's anal ring squeezed Kyra's finger tightly with every throb as it contracted around her digit. Quickly, her mouth was filled with the bittersweet, musky taste of his seed. The mare's eyes rolled up in bliss, and she swallowed her lover's cum as his orgasm wound down, a slow drizzle of thick fluid still seeping from his cock.

With one last lick of his urethra, she slid his distended cockhead from her mouth and removed her finger from the stud's backdoor. She glanced back to see him totally limp, breathing heavily, eyes still glazed in pleasure.

"By the Gods, Kyra," he panted, head resting back against the table. "That. That was incredible."

"Oh you're not done yet stud," she said, her lips pulling into a wicked grin. "Your mare hasn't been properly satisfied."

Whatever he was about to say, Kyra interrupted as she slid back and forced the lower half of his muzzle hard against her vagina and clitoris. The mare heard a muffled "Hrmmff!" as she sat on the unicorn, and she could feel the coolness of his quick breaths against the base of her tail and anal ring.

"Good, you can still breathe like that," she said. "Now use that pretty mouth of yours and make your mare cum."

Kyra sighed in pleasure as Rayne did just that; the slick feeling of his wide tongue and the roughness of his lips felt amazing against her sensitive clit. And it seemed she wasn't the only one feeling creative tonight; every so often the stud would switch tactics, first licking with broad strokes along her clit and urethra, then pushing his long, thick tongue into her opening, curling it around to caress her g-spot.

The mare's moans were loud enough to wake the castle, but she didn't care at this point; all Kyra could focus on were the waves of pleasure that consumed her every thought. At that moment, she would have done anything for the smoking hot stud that had his muzzle half-buried in her nethers, lapping away dutifully at the mare's pleasure zones like a good little stallion. The pegasus could hear her fluids dripping onto the table combined with Rayne's saliva, soaking the fur of his cheeks and mane with her scent.

She gasped as the unicorn found a particularly nice spot on her vaginal wall; lucky for her, the stud caught on and kept his tongue working there as she squirmed and twitched above him. She felt her climax approaching rapidly, the pleasure resulting from his efforts building, coming to a point in her abdomen. She needed to cum so badly.

As she neared her peak, she pushed down harder against the tongue and muzzle assaulting her, and the unicorn grunted in alarm, the front portion of his muzzle pushed entirely inside Kyra. She felt herself stretched wide by the unicorn's muzzle, and the probing of her inner walls increased in intensity rapidly with the stud's desperation. She cried out, stars flashing across her vision as every muscle in her body contracted around the stallion's tongue, quickly forcing her off of Rayne's face. She continued to rub against him as she rode the peak of her orgasm, only faintly aware of the gasps for oxygen from the stud beneath her.

The mare rubbed her hand repeatedly across her clit, every throb bringing her new pleasure, and the fluid from her climax seeped slowly into the fur of Rayne's chest. Finally, her climax died down, and she collapsed on the unicorn. Rayne let out an "Umpf" as she rested on him, her groin just below his neck and her nares breathing in the sweet smell of his sheath.

She paused for a moment, just breathing and enjoying the warmth and smell of the stallion below her. On an impulse, she licked the side of his sheath and scrotum near her mouth, burning the senses into her memory. It's not like this was going to last, and she was damn sure going to do her best to remember every second of it.

"Kyra," Rayne said. "My arms are kind of going numb."

With a sigh, the pegasus lifted herself off the unicorn, turned around, and untied the hemp ropes binding his wrists; the enduring marks from the rope's compression on the unicorn's fur promised to make his day interesting tomorrow. She then lay back down on him, head on his muscled chest, and listened to the beating of his heart. The stallion held her in his newly freed arms, affectionately caressing her back and wings.

"I don't want this to end," she said, muzzle buried in unicorn fur.

Rayne ran his fingers through her mane, the silver of his hands disappearing into midnight darkness.

"Who says it has to?" he asked.

The pegasus smiled and played with the silver fur on his chest, still damp with her fluids. This was turning out to really be the best day ever.

"I'm glad you're here," she said.

"Me too," said Rayne.

They lay together for quite some time, the hour growing late. In the distance, the Tower bells for midnight sounded, ringing quietly across the keep, only a ripple in the dream of its many inhabitants. Kyra shifted and looked into the depth of the unicorn's blue eyes, lost in the gaze of her newfound lover.

"Can we stay here tonight?" she asked, emerald orbs held wide in hope.

The Commander smiled, clutching her naked form close to his own. "Of course," he replied.

"Good; there's wine under the table," she said, smirking.

Her stallion laughed, reaching around to grab the neck of the dry but full-bodied white that Kyra had bought for the occasion.

"You knew I'd say yes, then?" he teased, admiring the braids in her mane and the flickering of the lantern-light reflected in her eyes.

"Maybe...," she said, snatching wine glasses from the nearby counter. She placed them on her movable side-table and snuggled up against the unicorn's built chest.

Rayne chuckled and poured them both a glass of wine, holding the bottle delicately and twisting slightly as he finished the pour.

"So, you're a connoisseur?" Kyra asked.

"No," Rayne smiled. "I could only wish for such wealth; I was a butler for a noble family growing up, before I joined the Legion. In that kind of life, one learns to appreciate the finer things from afar. But tonight, I'm glad to share this fine moment with a beautiful mare like you."

Kyra kissed her newfound stallion, already feeling safe and loved in his warm embrace. They gazed at the sky and shadow of the moonlit mountains through the sole window in her massage parlor, sipping on wine and enjoying the moment of being together. Just before Kyra drifted off into sleep, she was roused by Rayne's voice.

"Hey Kyra?" he said. "Were you actually going to castrate me earlier if I didn't behave?"

"If you push the matter, I guess you'll find out, won't you?" she said, grinning as she made herself comfortable against the stallion's chest and idly fondled his heavy balls. "Although a gelding wouldn't be nearly as much fun..."

The unicorn chuckled and held her close as she drifted off to sleep.