He's my Foxy

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K so here it is the second part of "He's my Puppy" Personally I'm a bit disappointed with the storyline but I'm making progress towards the fun bits. Sorry this has taken so long to write but hoo-ray for family dramas and my aunt slamming me for being gay on facebook. The next story is going to be a timeskip ahead and I promise will be a bit longer than this. I'll be working on it soon but seriously people if you spot bad grammer, punctuation, word use errors speak up :P and I'm still looking for a proofreader if anyone feels they want to.


Mike just shook his head and sighed. "You two really should lock the door or hang a sock or something if you're gonna do that." Mike said as he opened the door a bit further and slipped inside.

"Haven't you heard of knocking?!" Sam said squirming above Chris. Chris just brought his head to Sam's ear and gave it a lick causing the fox to shudder as he grabbed the blanket and pulled it over them.

"Relax Sam, you'll hurt yourself pulling on my knot like that." Chris whispered nuzzling his fox's neck. He carefully rolled onto his side to snuggle up to Sam while dealing with his brother. "What do you need Mike?" Chris asked nuzzling Sam's neck afterward.

"Well I was going to ask what you wanted from Pizza Hut but it looks like you moved straight to desert huh?" Mike chuckled at his statement but stopped when he caught sight of Chris' glare. "Oh uh I'll just get you two a large meat lovers..." The wolf stifled a chuckle as he opened the door and walked out saying, "Have fun you two."

Chris felt Sam's body tense around his fading knot and he pulled the fox close. "Did we really just do that?"Sam asked laying his ears back on his head. He felt Chris nuzzling against his shoulder from behind as the husky's large knot gently tugged at his tailring.

"Yup. You alright?" Chris asked before licking Sam's cheek and wagging his tail.

"Yeah....I'm fine." Sam blushed as he felt Chris licking over him.

"Good." Chris whispered continuing to bath the snowy white fox with his tongue. "Cause we're gonna be here for a little while." he added murring contently behind Sam.


Mike shook his head as he walked down the hallway. He had known since yesterday when his brother seemed to drift through the night that the fox had stolen Chris' heart but he had not expected them to be up to yiffing this fast. He sighed and smiled as he neared the pool. Seeing them together had reminded him of his foxy, who was at the moment sneaking up behind him. Without warning Dani tackled Mike causing the wolf to yelp before the pair crashed into the pool, Mike still fully clothed and Dani, by contrast, stark naked.

Several splashes and a few giggles from Dani later, Mike surfaced and pounced Dani back underwater. They surfaced again, this time Mike hugging the fox close before their muzzles met. The kiss was short and when it broke Dani murred contently in his puppy's embrace. "So what did they want for dinner?" Dani asked nuzzling under Mike's chin.

"Well uh...how to put this...I'm not expecting them for 20-40 minutes." he said licking between Dani's ears as the fox worked to get his clothes off.

Dani's eyes went wide. "You mean they...." Mike nodded. "Oh wow....didn't they just meet a few days ago?" Dani asked slipping Mike's shirt off.

"Yup I'm not too worried about it. From the look of Chris' puppy love face yesterday he's really attached to the lil foxy." Mike said as he undid his belt and Dani slipped underwater to slip his pants off. When the fox resurfaced and threw the wolf's pants out of the pool Mike hugged him from behind grinding their hips together. Dani could only murr as he felt Mike's jaws clamp down over his shoulder. He loved it when Mike made him feel this powerless and he felt his cock slipping from its sheath underwater.

Dani moaned softly as the wolf's paws drifted over his stomach, gently rubbing his toned abs. "Someone seems a tad pent up." Dani whispered. Mike's response was nothing more than a soft growl as he ground his hips against the fox's rear. Dani giggled and nuzzled Mikes cheek on his shoulder and murred softly. "We should wait until after dinner wolfie." the fox whispered. Mike gave a small whine and nuzzled the fox's cheek giving a tentative lick.

"Aww, fine we'll wait." he murmured continuing to rub over the fox's slick fur. Dani murred settling back against Mike in the pool.

"So how did they pick for the first time?" Dani asked nuzzling back against Mike's chest.

"Puppy-style with Chris on top." Mike replied licking between his fox's ears.

"Oh...nice." Dani said murring contently. "Speak of the devil." Dani murmured as the door opened and Chris poked his head in. "Chris you're turning purple!" Dani exclaimed before breaking into a fit of giggles. Chris' ears were pinned against the back of his neck as he walked into the room in his boxers followed by a very pink-faced fox similarly clad in gray boxers.

Chris neared the edge of the pool and bent down catching Mike's ear in his grasp and giving it a small tug. "If you two tell anyone about this..." Chris threatened.

"Little bro you need to relax." Mike said cutting the husky off. "It's not like I'm going to tell mom and dad." Mike added as he looked up into his little brother's sapphire eyes. "We are having a bit of a party tonight though. Just Justin and Zeke here for a little pool party and some fun if you guys wanted to join in." Mike said smiling calmly up at the fierce glare his little bro was giving him.

"We'll see." Chris muttered as he released Mike's ear and walked back to Sam. Sam hugged Chris and nuzzled his chest lightly as the husky wrapped his arms around the timid teen. Chris gave the fox a small tug and led him over to a sun-lounging chair along the wall. It was already dark and the pool's hall as well as the pool itself were both illuminated by artificial light but Chris had a reason other than tanning to use the chair for. He pulled his boxers off as he sat down and then did the same to Sam who immediately turned bright pink again before he realized that Mike and Dani were both too preoccupied to notice. Nevertheless he tucked his tail between his legs before Chris pulled his smaller and lighter body over the husky's slightly large frame.

"Chris... What about your parents?" Sam asked quietly as he snuggled into the husky's fur feeling a bit more relaxed the closer he was to his puppy. Chris wrapped his arms around the fox, pulling a towel from the table near them and wrapping it around Sam. Chris gently nuzzled Sam's head between his ears.

"Mom and Dad already know about this little party of theirs. And if you're worried about being naked it's not a problem to them." Chris whispered.

"I'm more worried about them finding out you're gay." Sam whispered as he nuzzled Chris' chest. Chris chuckled and nuzzled between Sam's ears murring softly.

"They already know they walked in on me fooling around with Zeke." Chris whispered as he held the fox close to him.

"Are you going to...uh..." Sam seemed to struggle to find the right word but decided on Chris' choice of words, "Mess around tonight?" he whispered pressing close to Chris's chest.

"Not if you don't want me too hun." Chris whispered licking between Sam's ears. "Do you not want me to mess around?" Chris asked keeping his voice low.

Sam's ears splayed as he was put on the spot. He nuzzled into Chris' chestfur and murred softly. "I'd rather you didn't..." Sam replied in the same soft tone.

"Then I won't." Chris whispered with a smile before gently kissing Sam between his ears on the top of his head.

Back over at the pool Dani had turned around and nuzzled into Mike's wet fur murring contently. "They're so cute together..." Dani whispered into Mike's chestfur. "It's not fair, no one should seem that cute." Dani said adding a fake pout and a small giggle as Mike held him close in the pool.

"I know Dani but save the cute and cuddly faces for the 'party' or I'm gonna have to bio-shock the pool again." Mike murmured as he nuzzled his fox's fur.


Hours passed and Chris found himself still lounging by the pool with Sam asleep in his arms. He'd had to shift the towel some as Sam had curled up slightly, just enough to hug his fluffy tail to his chest, but he was comfortable. Sam slept peacefully as Mike and Dani had left them in favor of the lupine's room but Chris could hardly blame the smaller fox after what had happened today. The doorbell rang and broke the fox's sleeping enough that a small nudge from Chris woke him fully.

"What happened?" Sam asked tiredly as he stretched slightly and yawned before snuggling back into the husky's fur.

"You fell asleep and it sounds like Zeke and Justin are here." Chris was right and a second later the door opened and Mike popped his head in.

"If you guys wanna join in we'll be upstairs. Usual spot Chris." Mike said before pulling the door shut again. Chris squirmed a bit under Sam before he became comfortable again and settled in.

"Well? Wanna go?" Chris asked nuzzling Sam's head between his ears. Sammy groaned softly and nuzzled Chris' fur.

"I don't want to puppy I'm sore all over." Sam said softly as Chris sat up and scooped the smaller fox up. He set the vulpine on his feet and stood up leading Sam out the door and back down the hallway to his room.

"You can take a nap on my bed alright hun?" Chris said as he sat Sam down on the bed and licked his cheek eliciting a giggle from the fox. "We're gonna be upstairs and it'll be the third door on the right hand hallway on the right side of the hall." Chris said before looking at the barely conscious fox for a moment. "We'll leave a red shirt on a chair outside." Chris added as he grabbed his brother's jersey from the foot of his bed and walked back out the door and upstairs.

He made it into the room before he was assaulted by the otter they had come to call Zeke. Chris yipped as the otter pinned him to the ground and giggled. "Pinned ya puppy." Zeke taunted.

"That was totally unfair Zeke I wasn't even ready." Chris whined as he squirmed out of the otter's hold and tackled him. Zeke was fairly average as far as otter's went; same build, structure, physiology and such, but the one thing that was off about him was his coloring. Blue fur just a tinge lighter than Chris' with a small teal streak running down his spine and up to the tip of his tail. He had a mischievous smile as he laid below the husky. "Tell you how I'll make it up. You get to top tonight." Zeke said before he was brained with a shoe from Justin.

"Nice of you to include me Z." the ferret muttered as he walked over. "Hiya Chris." Justin said calmly as he stopped and flicked Zeke's nose.

"Aww c'mon babe you know I love you." Zeke said in a tone that would have made anyone who didn't know him break into a fit of "Aww"s. Chris just rolled his eyes as he let Zeke up and spotted Mike and Dani in the corner already busy with their idea of a party game.

"We only have two hours so if you're going to have your way with my otter you should do it quickly." Justin explained chuckling as he walked out the door and back down to the pool. Zeke practically flew into attention as he licked over Chris' sheath enticing a small groan from the husky.

"You work fast Zeke." Chris muttered below his breath as the otter pulled his sheath back behind his slowly swelling knot and wrapped his muzzle around the husky's growing member. The husky was so trapped by the pleasure that he completely forgot about that nagging voice in the back of his head that told him he was doing something wrong. Chris bucked his hips into the otter's warm and wet muzzle as his paws reached down to steady himself by lightly holding Zeke's head in place. Zeke murred softly as his own paws came up to caress the back of Chris' thighs. Chris was in bliss but he thought for a second of Sam. He imagined that fox's body beneath him, writhing in want as he thrusted into him over and over before his knot locked them together. At the mere thought of it he began to thrust into Zeke's muzzle a bit faster earning him a delighted churr as the otter mistook the speed for a pent up urgency.

Sam's body vaulted off the bed as his dreams turned violent. With a single punch from one of the wolves he was hurled back into reality hard enough to make him jump. As he got up he remembered where Chris had said they'd be and figured he should go see what they were doing. The white fox walked upstairs, still fully undressed, and down the hall. He spotted the shirt on the chair and wagged his tail happily as he walked towards the room. He was not expecting what was behind the door as he opened it. Chris stood over Zeke, paw on his cock and ropes of sticky white cum painting the blue otter's fur. "Chris..." he whispered in a broken tone as his face contorted in confusion. Chris' whole body went stiff as his ears laid back and his tail sank between his legs.

"Sam...I..." Chris fumbled for words but Sam heard none of it. The small fox turned and walked down the hall as Chris pulled himself back together. "Sam wait please." Chris' voice was weighed down into the begging range as he ran out the hall and down the stairs to the fox. When he was in arms reach he threw himself around the fox and hugged him tightly disregarding Sam's feeble attempts to free himself.

Sam finally spoke after a few seconds. "Where are my clothes? I want to go home." Sam said in a softly indifferent voice. Chris winced as Sam pushed free of him and headed towards the pool room. Chris stood frozen in the main hall knowing he had screwed up. They hadn't been a couple for more than five hours and already he had screwed things up. He turned and trudged slowly after Sam leading him from the pool hall back to his room to collect the rest of the fox's clothes before he pulled Sam onto the bed and held him. "Lemme go Chris." Sam said softly.

"Not until you hear me out." the husky whispered in his ear.

"What's there to hear? Not even one night went by and you yiffed another guy even after I said I'd rather you didn't." Sam said as he struggled in the husky's arms. He wanted two conflicting things right there. He wanted to remain in those arms forever and he wanted to get free so Chris couldn't see him cry, he didn't even know why he cared since Chris apparently didn't care to listen to him.

Chris nuzzled into the fox's plush fur and murrs discordantly. "Sam I'm so sorry." Chris offered as he tightened his grip slightly. "I didn't think about it... He and I used to mess around like that all the time and..." Chris couldn't find an excuse but his nose caught a strange scent. Salt fluttered about his senses as Chris nuzzled Sam's neck. He brought his nose up to Sam's cheek and licked over the dampening fur there softly before turning Sam to face him."Sam I can't lose you." Chris whispered breathlessly as he pressed his forehead to Sam's.

A small knock broke the pair's snuggling for a second as Zeke peeked around the open door frame. Sam didn't look, preferring to hide his face by burying it in the canine's fur. "Chris... Mike told me what was going on..." Sam's ears splayed as Zeke spoke. "Sam was it? I'm sorry I didn't know." Zeke said quietly.

Sam whispered something to Chris, who nodded before looking to Zeke. "He says it's fine Zeke." Chris said softly. His paws gently rubbed through the plush white fur as he nuzzled his fox's head. "I'll see you tomorrow Zeke." Chris said as Zeke closed the door while Justin came down the hall.

"So did you have fun with the pup?" Justin asked. Zeke winced and looked shamefully to his ferret. Justin's face drew into a glare. "What did you do?" Justin said whacking Zeke on the back of the head. The yelp the Z gave made Chris chuckle as he scooted up onto the bed and crossed his arms over Sam. "Hey Sammy?" Chris whispered nuzzling the fox who seemed content to remain hidden in the husky's fur.

"Yeah?" Sam said quietly.

Chris nuzzled Sam again and murred. "Can you stay here tonight?" Chris asked smiling a little.