
Story by WritersCrossing on SoFurry

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Writers Crossing writing prompt submission for the week of 7/18/19 by @BlackravenWriting prompt this week:Deep inside a cave, you discover something you never could've imagined.Go fave the origional authors work if you enjoy! They deserve the credit for the work, let them know!

Posted using PostyBirb

"... Warning! Evacuate! Hull breach! Emergency power low. Life support critical! Warning! Evacuate!...."

Lurien jumped up, sweaty and shaken.

Her helmet had hit the instrument panel in the cramped cockpit of the prospector shuttle.

There was no alarm, it had only been another flashback.

For two days she was drifting through deepspace, after she had left the wreck of the Antares.

The blaring alarm, that urgent, uncaring voice. It had to be the most traumatic way to ever wake up from deep sleep.

Somehow the nav computer had missed a low albedo space rock in the cruise between two jump points.

The impact had turned half the ship into bright expanding plasma. The bridge crew was dead. The sleepers, well, they wouldn't ever wake up.

But the genetically altered cat had been put to sleep in the hangar bay.

Mysteriously it had remained pressuriced just long enough for her to make it into the shuttle.

The shuttle did not have the juice to make it home. She had barely made the jump into the gravity well of a nearby star system.

She had a prospector shuttle with advanced sensors. If there was any place to survive long enough, Lurien would find it.

The car did not dare to fall asleep anymore.

Sensors showed presence of liquid water in an underground cave system on a rocky moon.

A heat source. Energy. There were carbon deposits too. The ship could synthesize oxygen and food!

Hours later, the moon's atmosphere helped dissipate the shuttle's kinetic energy. A bright flaming plasma trail set the sky on fire.

The ship rattled and shook and the heat singed Lurien's fur through the cockpit windows.

The shuttle wasn't designed for a high energy atmospheric reentry. But the feline did not dare waste her energy reserves for delta-V.

Finally, the plasma sheath dissipated and the shuttle entered a shallow, supersonic glide path through the thin upper atmosphere.

The sensors flashed back to life and showed her which way.

The cave system's entry was within a deep canyon in a jagged, volcanic, otherwordly mountain range.

Deeper down, there was no sunlight. Lightning strikes illuminated dark clouds full of microscopic dust around her. Little discharges from the static fizzled all over the shuttle's hull. But the deep penetration radar kept showing her her course.

The velocity dropped to subsonic. The shaking became worse, turbulences rocked her shuttle. The atmospheric thrusters howled to life, protesting against the dust and particle laden environment.

Then she made it into the cave itself. It was pitch black down here. Like probing fingers, her search lights pierced into the darkness, as if it was deep sea.

But they dissipated before they hit ground.

The penetration radar showed her her path, through passages and around pillars of volcanic rock that appeared like ghostly shadows.

Deeper in the cave, the atmosphere was clearer. The temperature was high down here. Atmospheric pressure at almost 50 Kilopascal.

And there was water vapor in it. A lot of it, close to saturation.

"Crazy. Add some oxygen, and I wouldn't even need a spacesuit" Lurien realised amused.

Finally, the shuttle came to rest on its landing legs, and the thrusters spun down. The dust settled. And Lurien climbed out of the cockpit.

The ground was surprisingly muddy down here. Her boots sank in.

Her space suit hissed with every breath, reverbrating around her head. There was condensation on her helmet. From the outside!

She wiped it away and lit her flashlight, then started exploring away from the landing spot.

But she didn't make it far.

Through the fogged visor she never saw the tentacle. She only felt a yank on her helmet.

The feline struggled for balance. Then her helmet suddenly came lose.

Panicking, she screamed, as moist, hot, alien atmosphere rushed into her face.

In a desperate effort, she tried to hold her breath. But then that snakelike thing wrapped itself around her legs and pulled her under.

She gave in to instinct and screamed again.

Then she inhaled.

And then everything went black.


By all means, that should have been Lurien's end. Asphyxiated on a remote moon in an alien star system.

But she woke up. Naturally she assumed it had alle been a bad dream. If it had been real, she wouldn't have woken up.

But as the feline morph opened her eyes and tried to see things in the weird twilight, she realised, the nightmare had only just began.

The air was breathable. Pungent, moist, hot, and with a myriad of alien smells and scents that were like an amalgamation of burnt metal, spilled chemicals, a compost pile in the sun and spicy herbs. Alien, yet somwhat familiar.

Her arms and legs and even her tail were outstretched and bound by ropes that felt like plant material but were oddly alive. They responded to her pulling and pulled back, only to give her relief as soon as she stopped struggling. Her back was pressed against a mass that was as soft, moist and warm as everything else.

And she was naked. There was no space suit.

She was sure now she hadn't dreamt it all. She was on this alien moon, in a cave. And... she had some sort of tentacle between her legs. It was throbbing and it had invaded her quite deeply.

Lurien mewowed, her ears flat against her head as her mind counted one and one together. This thing was ... IN her. Really deeply. And she could feel something moving inside.

How long had she been unconscious? This couldn't be the result of mere minutes.

Once more she squirmed against her restraints, tried to break lose. The ropes held her firmer. Then there suddenly was another tentacle in her face. Pushing its way into her maw. She tried to force her teeth closed, she tried to bite it, she gagge, she fought...

And then everything went black.

When she woke up again, she felt well rested. But there was something else.

Something large, weighing her down.

When she looked down on herself, she noticed her swollen breasts. And her belly... it was as if someone had stuffed her belly with a full size space utility bag. She couldn't even see between her legs. Her nethers felt odly numb and odly sensitive at the same time. Tingling. But there was no tentacle in her anymore. Only the ones that held her legs and arms outstretched.

Something had kept her fed and nourished. The chamber oxygenated. And all around her was quirming, wriggling organic mass.

Lurien moaned. She knew she should be horrified, but it felt oddly pleasant. Satisfying. To her surprise the ropes let one of her arms go, and she started petting her breasts, her belly. She could feel it move in there.... She didn't know what it was, but her mother-cat instincts had kicked in full bore.

And there was no escape anyway.

Over the next weeks she remained in a weird state of half awakeness. Her belly grew to grotesque proportions. If it had been kittens, it would have been a litter of twenty. She couldn't tell what it was that was moving in her, but she knew she had to give birth. Soon!

Moaning, she stroked her aching belly. Pulled taut over its squirming contents. Whatever was in there wanted out. And she wanted it out, too, she couldn't bear any longer.

But she couldn't give birth the normal way. What was in her would have been way too big anyway, but in reaching around her oversized belly, probing for her own sex, Lurien had learned the hard truth:

There was no passage. Her sex had grown shut. She felt her lips and her clit, but the passage into her womb that once had been there was sealed as if it had never existed.

Yet the instincts were the same. It wanted out. She wanted it out. Moaning, panting, she started pressing, straining, knowing, somthing would give.

It hurt, but at the same time it was the most intense stimulation she could have imagined. Rubbing and squeezing her pulsing, squirming belly, she pressed.

And then something gave.

She gave.

The sensation was the oddest thing. Painful, yet at the same time the ultimate relief. Her fur ripped, her skin ripped. And with a wet, slurping sound and equal sensation, her belly split open and peeled back to set her child free.

It was ugly. Full of blood and gore. Half cat, half plant, half monster. Tentacles grew out of its torso and squirmed, yet it had her eyes and her feline maw. It expelled green slime from its mouth, then inhaled.

And then it let out its first cry. To anyone else it would have been horror, but to Lurien, it was the most wonderful voice in the world.

She reached out with her hands, pulled it free from her own guts and guided it to her enourmous bulging breasts.

"My baby..." she cried happily.

The baby started feeding.