Roommates Ch 5

Story by DiaperedDwagon on SoFurry

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#5 of Roommates

Fraser waited outside of Ansel's room. He could hear Ansel unpacking and moving stuff in the room. Ansel took more than a few minutes. After around five minutes, Fraser sat down against the wall opposite the door. He debated on just walking in, since it had been more than a few minutes, but decided that he probably shouldn't do that.

Fraser waited for five more minutes before the knob on the door turned. The door opened, and Ansel walked out. He was in a fresh diaper. This one had a dinosaur pattern on it.

Fraser stretched as he stood back up. He looked at Ansel and smirked "I think I gave you more than a few minutes there..."

Ansel smiled. "I was having a few problems with bags and boxes..."

Fraser chuckled. "If you asked, I would have helped!"

Ansel blushed. "Then you would have saw all my diapers..."

Fraser smiled. "I wouldn't have cared! You know that!"

Ansel smiled. "I guess you're right... Wait... But then you would have seen me change!"

Fraser shook his head. "You could have just asked me to leave the room! Guess it doesn't matter very much not though!"

Ansel rubbed the back of his head. "Both of those are right... Can we go watch some more tv now?"

Fraser smiled. "I'm fine with that." Fraser started to walk back down the hall.

Ansel grabbed his arm. "Wait! Can um... Can you um..." Ansel was blushing.

Fraser turned around. "Do you want me to carry you again?"

Ansel nodded. Fraser grinned as he picked Ansel up. Ansel was nothing but smiles as he was carried back to the living room. Instead of setting the other dragon on the couch, Fraser sat down, and set Ansel down in his lap. Ansel seemed to be thinking for a moment, before he gave Fraser a hug.

Ansel looked up at Fraser. "Can you do something for me?"

Fraser looked down to meet Ansel's eyes. "Depends on what it is!"

Ansel blushed. "Would you um... Uh... Would you... Wear a... Erm uh... A d... d-diaper too?"

Fraser froze up. He didn't know what to say or do. He knew Ansel would be happy if he said yes, but he didn't really want to wear a diaper. He didn't know what it would be like at all. If Ansel wore them just to wear them, then they couldn't be that bad, right? He still was iffy about wearing one though... He thought only hatchlings wear diapers, and he wasn't a hatching. But Ansel wasn't a hatchling either... Sure he was small, but that didn't mean anything.

Fraser still seemed to be thinking the next time he opened his mouth. "Uhh... I don't know..."

Ansel slightly tilted his head down. "Oh... Do you not want to..?"

Fraser quickly responded. "I just don't know much about what they are like, and if I would even like wearing one!"

Ansel seemed to cheer up. "Oh! I can tell you what they feel like if you want!"

Fraser seemed reluctant. "Sure..."

Ansel was grinning. "Ok! So they are really super soft! And they are really crinkly too! And they can be really poofy or thin! Whichever you want!"

Fraser sighed. "Fine... I'll try one I guess..."

Ansel was ecstatic. "Really? Hold on! Let me go get you one!" Ansel ran off. Presumably to his room.

Fraser knew there was no way Ansel had one that would fit him right now. That's one of the reasons he agreed. Seeing the smaller dragon so happy was also a bonus. He knew Ansel would probably be disappointed when none of them fit him, but he also knew there would be less disappointment if he just flat out said no. Ansel was gone for about ten minutes. He looked disappointed when he came back into the room.

Ansel was frowning. "I couldn't find one that would fit you... Sorry..."

Fraser pretended to be disappointed. "That sucks..."

Ansel started to smile. "But don't worry! We can get you some tomorrow when we go shopping!"

Fraser had completely forgot about the shopping trip. He knew Ansel would get him to wear a diaper eventually, but he didn't think it would be so soon. He would just have to suck it up and deal with it. It probably wouldn't be the worst thing ever.

Fraser glanced at a nearby clock. It was nine. Normally the dragon stayed up fairly late, but he was feeling pretty tired. Ansel had a lot of stuff he had to carry in. Ansel wasn't exactly wide awake either. The flight had taken a lot out of him, and he was still feeling it, even after a nap.

Fraser yawned. "I actually think I'm gonna call it a night!"

Ansel smiled. "I probably should too..."

Fraser stood up, picking Ansel up as he did. Fraser carried Ansel to his room. He sat Ansel down in the bed, and went to leave the room.

Ansel grabbed his arm before he could. "Hey! I already said we could share the bed! Plus we practically were cuddling for half an hour on the couch!"

Fraser smiled,and flopped down on the bed next to Ansel. Instead of splitting the bed in half, the two dragons opted to share the center. Fraser wrapped his arms around Ansel, and the smaller dragon fell asleep fairly quickly. Fraser couldn't help but smile as he looked at Ansel sleeping peacefully in his arms. Pretty soon after, Fraser had succumbed to his urges, and fell asleep as well.