Roommates Ch 6

Story by DiaperedDwagon on SoFurry

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#6 of Roommates

Ansel was confused when he woke up in the morning. He tried to sit upright, but found that he couldn't.. He looked around, and then realized he was sleeping with Fraser. He was really hoping all his jerking around didn't wake him up. Ansel looked at Fraser's face the best that he could.

The larger dragon's eyes opened up, and he let out a big yawn. "Good morning Ansel! Sleep well?"

Ansel nodded. "Yep! Just forgot where I was when I woke up..."

Fraser chuckled. "I could tell!"

Ansel blushed. "Sorry... I didn't mean to wake you up..."

Fraser smiled. "It's fine! I don't need to be sleeping in all day!"

Ansel tried break free from Frasers grip again. "Then we should probably get out of bed before you fall asleep again!"

Fraser stood up, and took Ansel with him. He held the smaller dragon in his arms. "Sounds like a plan to me!"

Ansel snuggled into him. He wasn't going to admit it, but he really liked it when Fraser carried him. Fraser already knew that though. He wouldn't carry Ansel if he didn't want him to.

Fraser was the first to speak again. "Need to make a pit stop anywhere?"

Ansel blushed, and grabbed the front of his cleary dry diaper. "Nope! I feel pretty dry!"

Fraser chuckled as he carried Ansel out to the couch. He set Ansel down without sitting down himself. "Alright! Unlike a certain someone, I use a toilet still! If you don't mind, I need to go use it!" With that Fraser walked off to the bathroom.

Ansel smiled to himself once Fraser left the room. He had just remembered what Fraser agreed to wear the night before. Fraser better enjoy the toilet while he could, because he was going to be back in diapers later, at least for a little bit. Of course Ansel wasn't going to force him to use one if he didn't want to. Just seeing Fraser wear one for a little while would be enough for him. He was positive that Fraser was going to enjoy wearing it. He was lazy, so he would probably like the convenience of them too!

Fraser returned a few minutes later, and noticed Ansel smiling. "What's gotten you all happy?"

Ansel tried as best as he could to look serious. "Nothing much. Just that you won't be enjoying the toilet for too much longer!"

Fraser tilted his head in confusion. "What? Oh yea... We are going shopping today... Do we have to?"

Ansel smirked. "Well, we don't have to... But I kinda like eating, so we are going to! Why don't you wanna go?"

Fraser turned his head to look at a nearby wall. "Just don't feel like it..."

Ansel frowned, not being satisfied with that answer. "Are you having second thoughts about the diapers?"

Fraser tried his best to continue to stare at the wall. "Maybe... I'm still not sure about it..."

Ansel stood up, and walked so that he was in Fraser's line of sight. "It's fine if you don't want to wear one... And if you do wear one, I won't force you to use it..."

Fraser decided to look at Ansel again. "I told you I would wear one last night... I'll wear one I guess..."

Ansel grinned. "Really? Thank you!" He walked up to Fraser, and gave him a hug.

Fraser smirked. "You might wanna get some pants on if you want to go..."

Ansel blushed. He had forgotten he was only wearing a shirt. "I'm gonna go get dressed..." He walked off to his room.

Fraser decided he was going to go get dressed as well. A few minutes both dragons were out in the living room again. Ansel had thrown on a pair of pants, and kept the same t-shirt he was wearing on. Fraser had stuck with shorts and a t-shirt.

Fraser looked at Ansel. "Aren't you going to get hot wearing pants?"

Ansel nodded. "Yea, but it's better than someone seeing my diaper!"

"Go put on shorts." Fraser's tone was stern.

Ansel blushed. "But what if someone sees my diaper, and says something about it..."

Fraser smiled. "I don't think anyone will say anything with me around."

Ansel smiled as well, and went back to his room to put on some shorts. He came out after a minute or two. "There... Are you happy now?"

Fraser smirked. "Almost!" He kneeled down to adjust Ansel's shirt and shorts a bit. Before the adjustment his diaper was peeking out.

After Fraser stood up Ansel gave him another hug. "Thank you!"

Fraser picked Ansel up. "Ready to go now?"

Ansel nodded eagerly. Fraser smiled, and grabbed his keys off the coffee table. He carried Ansel out to his truck. Once at the truck he opened the passenger door, and set Ansel down in the seat. He even went as far as to buckle Ansel in. Ansel couldn't really do much but blush and let it happen, but he was fine with that. Fraser shut the door, and got into the driver's seat. He started driving them to a nearby store.

Once they were at the store, they both got out of the truck. They went in and bought whatever food and other necessities were needed around the house. Nothing really important was said until they were back out, and inside the truck.

Fraser tapped his claws on the steering wheel. "So um... Are we not getting the diapers?"

Ansel giggled. "We have to go to a special store for that silly!"

Fraser sighed. "How do we get there?"

Ansel pulled out his phone. "Here, let me just pull it up!" Ansel set his phone to read off directions to the store.

Fraser parked the truck once they were at the store. He looked up at the sign, and it looked pretty babyish. "This it?"

Ansel smiled. "Yep! You can stay here if you want!"

Fraser leaned back in his seat. "I'll do that then!"

Ansel unbuckled himself. "You want any specific design?"

Fraser pretended to think for a second. "You can pick. I don't really know what any of the designs look like..."

Ansel got out of the truck. "Alright! I won't be long!" With that, Ansel went into the store.

Fraser waited in the truck for about ten minutes for Ansel to come back. When Ansel did come back, he was carrying two packages of diapers. He opened up the door, and sat down. He set the packages down at his feet.

Fraser looked at the packages. "Why are there two?"

Ansel smirked. "I was torn between two different designs, so I just got both! Can you please try both on?"

Fraser sighed, and looked out the windshield. "Fine I guess..."

Ansel looked ecstatic. "Really? Thank you so much!"

Fraser chuckled, and started the drive home.