Roommates Ch 7

Story by DiaperedDwagon on SoFurry

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#7 of Roommates

This is all I have done so far. I will probably eventually get around to writing more.

The drive home was silent. Ansel seemed really excited, but Fraser was indifferent. He was hoping Ansel wouldn't make him put one of the diapers on immediately, but he wasn't counting on that. At least they had the other groceries to put away before anything.

Fraser didn't say anything when they pulled into the driveway, he just got out of the truck. He started to grab some of the groceries, and carry them into the house. Ansel quickly got out to help him. After a while the bed of the truck was empty. Fraser was the one who took the last of it in, so Ansel got the diapers and carried them inside. Fraser hadn't noticed since he went back outside to lock the truck.

Ansel took both packages of the diapers into Fraser's room. He wasted no time tearing one open with his claws. He had opened his favorite of the two designs, the one with dinosaurs on it. It was one of his favorite designs in general, he was wearing the same design right now. He opened it up, and laid it on Fraser's bed. He figured he wouldn't need to get any changing supplies out because Fraser probably wasn't going to use the diaper anyways. That meant no risk of a rash. He waited until Fraser was back into the house before walking out of Fraser's room.

Ansel grinned as he walked out. "You ready?" He sounded really excited.

Fraser sighed. "As ready as I am gonna be." He started to make his way over to Ansel.

Ansel smiled, and stood next to the door. "I have one laid down for you! All you have to do is tape it up! Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need any!"

Fraser made his way into his room, and closed his door. He glanced at his bed, and saw the diaper. Putting a diaper on couldn't be that hard could it? The dragon removed his pants and boxers. He laid down on his bed, making sure to be in a position where he could easily tape up the diaper. From what he could feel now, it actually felt kind of nice... Ansel was right about them...

The large dragon looked down towards where the diaper was, trying to figure out what he was supposed to do. He figured that he needed to pull it up between his legs, so he tried to do that. It wasn't working, his tail was in the way. He raised his body a little, and felt around for a tail hole. He found it fairly quickly, and pushed his tail through it. Now he was able to pull it up. All that was left was to tape it up. He found where the tapes were, and was able to tape it up surprisingly easily.

He laid in his bed for a little bit to assess the current situation. He was feeling pretty mixed emotions. He thought that diapers were only for hatchlings, but the diaper he was wearing felt so soft. Not only was it soft, but the way it almost hugged him felt amazing. But still... Diapers are for hatchlings... But if hatchlings got to wear stuff like this all the time, then maybe being an oversized hatchling wasn't a bad thing... He couldn't be a hatchling though! He was only wearing the diaper, it's not like he planned on using it!

Fraser stood up, and planned on walking to the door. He found that walking was a little bit difficult. He grabbed the front of the diaper, and felt it. It was thicker than he thought it would be. Instead of walking he had to waddle over to the door. He opened it up, and left the room.

Ansel's eyes lit up the moment he saw Fraser in the diaper, and looked relatively happy. "Do you like it?"

Fraser smiled. "This thing it great! I don't know what i was worried about!"

Ansel grinned. "Yay!" He gave Fraser a big hug.

Fraser scratched his head. "So uh... Why is it so thick?"

Ansel laughed. "Oh, I got you overnight diapers! They are comfier!"

"Also... Uh..." Fraser blushed. "Am I a hatchling for liking this..?"

Ansel hugged Fraser tighter. "Of course no--"

Fraser interrupted him. "Because I wouldn't mind if I got to wear one of these all day..." He managed to grab the front of his diaper.

Ansel giggled. "You don't have to be a hatchling to wear a diaper!"

Fraser smirked. "Really? Because you wear them, and you are sorta like a hatchling!"

Ansel looked a bit hurt by that. His grip loosened up on Fraser. "Oh..."

Fraser immediately picked Ansel up, and hugged him. "I was just joking around Ansel! I didn't mean it in a mean way..."

Ansel perked up a little bit. "Then what did you mean?"

Fraser paused for a moment. "Well you wear diapers! And you are small and cuddly! And you seem to like when I pick you up, and carry you around!"

Ansel smiled. "Alright... But wait... You wear diapers, and you are cuddly too! So if I am a hatchling, you are too!"

Fraser chuckled. "So if diapers like this are made this big, are other hatchling things too?"

Ansel laughed. "Do you think that store only sells diapers or something? Everything in that store is stuff for big babies!"

Fraser's eyes narrowed. "You seem to know a lot about that store... Why? Do you like other things they sell or something?"

Ansel blushed. "May-- No! I work them! Well not the store, but I design products!"

Fraser kept his eyes narrow. "You sure you don't like anything else you guys make?"

Ansel continued to blush. "I'm sure!"

Fraser smiled. "I believe you. For now... Anyways, if you don't want me to call you a hatchling anymore, I won't."

Ansel cuddled up against Fraser. "I don't mind if you call me one! It's just that other people have said it, and meant it in a mean way..."

Fraser carried Ansel over to the couch, and laid down with him. "Who do I need to beat up?"

Ansel laughed. "No one I talk to anymore!"

Fraser smiled. "Good." He put something on tv, and the two started to watch it.