Precious Gem: Chapter One

Story by YiffRUs on SoFurry

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//Whoops, this baby needs a disclaimer! Blame my lack of sleep induced haze XD

Read at your own risk, as the tags imply, things get messy, a touch violent, has incest, and contains bestiality with a non anthro. If these things offend you, well, this isn't;t the story you want. If these things excite you, carry on and have yourself a Merry Yiffy Day!

Precious Gem

Chapter One

Speckled rays of warm summer sun blasted threw drawn blinds, warming the fur along Gem's face and maw. Eyes squinting tighter closed as she grunted, turning away from the window. Her hand grabbed the edge of the blanket, yanking it fiercely up and over her head as she curled up, making herself into a blanket wrapped burrito. Attempting to keep the breaking day at bay by ignoring it's presence. But alas, the coming day could not be dissuaded from arriving. The alarm resting atop Gem's bedside table blared to life, its shrill tune ringing out loudly. A hand quickly popped free from the bundled mass, blindly flailing at the table in an effort to quiet the blasted device.

"Shut up, SHUT UP! I am awake!"

The groggy, half awake voice of the blond husky mix wafting up from the blanket wraps angrily. She grumbled and eventually relented in her blind war against the obnoxious clock. Finally turning and prying the blanket away from herself enough to peer out, spy the quaking alarm clock, and slam her hand down on it in victory. Grinning childishly at her small defeat over the inanimate object as she drew her hand back, still peeking out from the make shift cave she had made the blanket into. Her vision soon blocked as the face of Bailey suddenly thrust in. Grinning his happy, doggish smile as he eagerly greeted her to the new day. Gem couldn't help herself, laughing as she made half hearted attempts to thwart the over eager husky's tongue assault.

"Baaaiiley, quit it, I am not even awake yet!"

The dog, not accepting this response, huffed right in her face, blowing a lung full of air at her face through his nostrils before lapping at her nose. Pulling back from her blanket before he plopped haunches onto the ground, head canted to the side as he stared expectantly at her, grinning in a way only dogs could. Gem smirked wryly at him before tossing off the comforter and bouncing up onto her feet atop the bed, pillow in hand, she launched it at him. Bailey chuffed and leaped up and to the side before dropping his front down into the typical stance of play, back end and tail wiggling in delight.

"Oh, so you want to play huh Bailey? Do you want to play with Gem?"

Grinning back down at the husky/Labrador mix. Standing in not but a silken camisole and matching g-string panties. Bailey actually rolled his eyes at the tone Gem used but then bounded from one side to the other excitedly.

"Well, you need to go out first silly!"

Gem herself was a blond husky Anthro, and Bailey was her brother. A fact that was a well kept secret by her parents. She and Bailey had not been litter mates of course. While she was seventeen, Bailey was only three. Gem's mother and father were both Husky anthros. Bailey, however, had been the result of a scandalous adventure Gem's mother Ruby had had with the neighbors Labrador retriever pet. Born with intelligence above that of a normal non anthro canine, but restricted by his four legged unevolved body. Gem still wasn't sure why her father had kept Bailey, even after he had tossed her mother out for her unforgivable infidelity. But she certainly couldn't deny the fact she was happy he had. To the outside world, Bailey was simply the family's beloved pet, to her parents he was simply an unfortunate mistake that needed to be kept secret, but to Gem, he was a brother, a friend, and recently, a lover.

She hopped down from the bed and grinned at Bailey as he danced in circles around her, tail fanning in his exhilarated state. She giggled, moving to her door to unlock it, peeking her head out to glance up the hallway. Her fathers door was still closed. "Good" she thought. "Still asleep" She slipped quietly from her room, glancing to Bailey to issue the well known shhh gesture, a single finger pressed to the front of her muzzle as she tip toed down the hall and then down the stairs, taking care to avoid that one betraying squeaking step. One down into the main area of the house, she turned to Bailey.

"So, are you going to be a good boy and stay in the yard, or are you planning on chasing after Mrs. Miggles poodle again."

Trying to sound stern but overall, a bit amused as she recalled Bailey's over eager chase on the poor, petrified poodle. That had been the day Gem had first mated with her brother. After all, she hadn't been about to leave him high and dry after Muffin escaped, she was not that heartless. She had always been curious, so after she finally managed to catch Bailey, she had brought him back to the house and offered herself up in the place of the escaped poodle.

Pulling her back from the memory was Bailey's hushed, but demanding bark as he scratched at the sliding glass door. Gem sighed and reached for the latch, flicking it unlocked before sliding the door open and stepping out into the backyard. Cool morning breeze of summer greeting against her blond fur. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. Nothing beat the smell of a summer morning, well, perhaps the smell of Bailey after a good romp. She watched as Bailey made his morning rounds, sniffing every corner of the yard to check on his scent. She arched a brow though, as after his round, he trotted back to her and sat at her feet, staring up at her.

"What? You don't need to go?"

Staring at him a moment as he sat there, starting to squirm as he whined in response. Apparently he did have to go after all. Gem, unsure what he wanted, waved her hand out across the yard.

"Then go on, claim your kingdom you silly thing. Not like I am going to lift your leg for you, you know."

Only now, as she discussed with Bailey his need to relieve himself, did she realize how badly she herself had to take a piss. Squirming, she crossed her legs, planting her hand firmly between her thighs and against her panty clad sex.

"And hurry up, before I pee my pants."

As she spoke, Bailey got that grin again, a grin she knew from anywhere. It was the devilishly innocent yet mischievous grin he always had when he was up to no good.

"Oh no, no no. YOU pee in the bushes, I pee in the house. No way buddy."

The barking laugh of Bailey in response to her words made her chuckle and shake her head. Her laughter a bit of a mistake as she suddenly felt a squirt of warm dampness spread across her panties and against her fingers. She groaned. She couldn't leave him out her to finish by himself, Mrs. Miggle swore if he ever chased "Poowr wittle Muffy Wuffy again" she was going to have him muzzled and dragged off to the pound. Gem sighed in defeat and glanced around. Both neighboring houses were dark. Mr. Landon and his family were on vacation, she forgot where, somewhere tropical and sunny if she wasn't mistaken. And Mrs. Miggle, the spinster, was probably still sound asleep.

She was forced to give in, making a quick dash towards Bailey's preferred bush at the back of the yard, just beyond the edge of encroaching woods. Scooting around behind it she wiggled out of her panties, tossing the damp bit of cloth at Bailey, who had, of course, chased happily after her. The g-string god caught up on his maw. Dipping his head down and shaking it to free the wet panties from his nose. They landed on the ground in front of him and he shoved his nose in against the silken cloth, snuffling and sniffing at it with interest. Gem knew what he was doing, he was testing to see if she was in heat. (And of course she is, it wouldn't be a good yiffy "tail" if she wasn't!)

"Quit that Bailey, its gross."

Muttering at him, but not really minding, teasing him mostly. Closing her eyes, she tried her best to relax. Bailey's eyes now intently focused on her as she squatted, legs splayed apart. Hand moving down to her folds, parting them with two fingers. One eye peeked open to glance at Bailey, the corner of her maw lifting in a lop sided grin as she saw him standing in front of her, head down while he watched expectantly. Tail still, save for every few moments when it gave a short idle wag before falling still once more.

Finally, after a few moments, her bladder contracted, a warm jet of golden piss spouted from her and she shivered. Eyes closing again. Her spray of urine splashed across the bush and grass below, steam rising from it. It wasn't until she suddenly felt Baileys nose rammed against her crotch and his tongue greedily lapping at her piss that her eyes reopened, in shock. She had seen him drink from the dirtied toilet before after she had used it when she was in heat, but never before had he sampled her piss as she was in the act. She gasped, she should have been appalled, but the wet caresses of his tongue felt amazing. She cut off the flow of urine for a moment, leaning back to lay in the grass, parting legs widely and keeping her fingers splayed between her folds to give him quite a view. His nose stayed against her crotch as if glued there, lapping and sniffing as he waited for more of the bitter sweet piss. Once comfortably positioned, propped up so she could watch, she relaxed again, allowing her piss to flow freely once more. Murmuring adoringly.

"Such a good boy, Such a good brother."

Bailey's tail wagged wildly at the praise, though he never lifted his head. His lapping causing her spray of pee to squirt all over the place. Her blond fur stained darker by the bitter fluid. Gradually, her stream dwindled before cutting off completely. Leaving Bailey to clean her fur. Lavishing her with licks along her sex and thighs, then against her abdomen, licking away the wayward splashes of urine from her fur. She squirmed a bit, hand raising to to scratch behind his ears.

"Was that good Bailey, did you enjoy your morning drink?"

Bailey lifted his head from between her legs to give her another doggish grin as he chuffed and waggled happily. Her attention drawn to underneath her beloved brother/pet, to look at the emerging red length beneath him. She couldn't help but wonder. She patted the grass beside her head.

"Come her boy, I want to try something"

Bailey whined, glancing at the bush then back to Gem, torn for a moment as he had yet to relieve himself. Noting the direction of his gaze she snickered.

"Oh now, you don't want to use that crummy old bush, do you?"

Bailey tilted his head to regard her curiously before hopping over her leg and padding up to her head. Gem grinned.

"Just relax."

Smirking as she sifted herself so she was under him. Propping herself up on her elbows, she wrapped her lips around the tapered tip of his slick cock. Tongue flicking across the flesh once before she started to suckle lightly. Bailey yipped in surprise, she had never sucked on him before so it was quite new to him. He resisted the urge to thrust into her mouth. After all, he was not just some common dog, smart enough to have understood what she said, and what she had meant. His back legs shifting restlessly as he tried to relax, though her suckling made it hard. He whined quietly before falling still. Gem closed her eyes as she felt the first splash of surprisingly bitter urine stream into her mouth. While bitter, it was not altogether an unpleasant taste. She had to swallow quickly, suckling harder against his tip like a babe at its mother teat. Eagerly drinking down the jet of piss that was spilling into her mouth. Allowing it to fill her mouth and bulge out her cheeks before swallowing each time. Some of it trickled from the edges of her maw, leaving streaks against her fur. She was a bit surprised by how much he had, granted, his morning relief usually did take a while, but normally he would be using it in multiple places to remark their yard. It wasn't until she was sucking it from his shaft that she was able to understand just how much piss he was able to store.

The warm fluid washing down her throat and gullet gradually tapered off, ending in a few last spurts. She felt like she had guzzled a gallon, leaving her feeling a bit sloshy. Bailey seemed rather content once his business was finished. She rewarded him with a few lapping, cleaning licks of her tongue along his shaft. Squirming her way out from underneath him. Being in heat would have been reason enough to present herself to him, but she couldn't deny, their little act of morning releif had left her more aroused than she was to begin with. She quickly turned and rolled onto hands and knees, presenting him with her backside. Tail raised and curling up over her back in a plume of fur.

"Come on then you stud, mount me. You know you want to make me your bitch."

Urging him on with a tnatalizing wiggle of her hips. Bailey wasn't one to waste an oppertunity and pounced on her back, his weight landing on her as is forepaws gropped for holding against her shoulders, nails tearing at the lace on her camosile. She moaned and pressed back against him as he started thrusting wildly, slick errection jabbing and rubbing against her folds. She reached back behind herself to grasp his shaft. His trhusts picking up drasticly as her fingers encircled his throbbing cock. With a little help from her, he got his aim right, and rammed his hips forward. Tapered tip spearing past her folds to burry his long shaft into her warm, damp core. Her muscles clentching around him, embracing his thick cock. Inner walls welcoming the intrusion with a pleasnat massage of rippling muscle. His thrusts were firm and quick. Pistoning into her. She loved this, everything about it turned her own. The wrongness about it, allowing herself to be breed like a bitch by a dog, but not simpy any dog, her brother. It was something generaly considered taboo, but that is what gave it such appeal.

Her whimpering moans leaving her maw, panting hard as she thrusted back into his thrusts. Unable to match his reckless pace, but trying her best to keep up. His shaft twitched, throbbed within her. His length grinding against the sensative bundle of nerves nestled against her inner walls. His furry sac bounced againsdt her clit with every powerful jerk forward he made. Causing her to yelp in pleasure each time he hilted within her. Their antics never tended to last lon. Already she could feel the swell of his knot as it was pushed in and out of her. The swelling mass adding more pressure against her g-spot. Panting heavily now, both of them had maws agape, tounges hanging out to the side. Hus paws clamboring against her shoulders as he held onto her, pummeling her with his cock as only a beast can. Eventualy his knot swelled to the point that it could no longer enter her with ease. Bailey whinned as he jerked foward a few times, trying to deliver his knot into her warm cunny. Finaly, he drew back almost all the way before ramming forward with a forcefull thrust, jamming his knot into herand thrusting tapered tip past her cervix and into her womb Her pussy making a wet slurping sound as it drew in his knot. The bulbous mass pressing so firmly against her g-spot she was suddenly plunged into her orgasm. Squirming and writhing under him. Muscles tensing, inner walls spasaming in a chaotic fit around his length. Her fem juices squirting out. She burried her muzzle under her arms to muffle her cries of exctasy.

As she reached her climax, the spasaming milking motions of her inner core around his knot pushed Bailey over the edge as well. With a yip, and a squirm, he started to cum, filling her womb with his thin, runny seed. Shaft twitching and throbbing as it sprayed jet after jet of frothy cum into her. All the while, she continued to writhe beneith him in her own blissfull climax. Bailey's furred sac clentched tight each time he sprayed cum into her womb. Stiff, and still as he filled her with potent seed. His climax ending as abruptly as it started, while Gem still rested beneith him, murring and moaning in satisfaction.

Gem peered out from her arms, head looking off to the side, out across the yard. Both neighbors houses were still dark. She hadn't realized untill know, in her haste to present herself to him, she hadn't moved back behind the bush, and was rather exposed. Her concern broken for a moment as Bailey dismounted from her back, turnign to face the other way. His knot though, kept him from getting far. He whinned and pulled away from her. The act causing her to moan again, a small aftershock of her orgasm rippling through her form and making her shudder and the firmly wedged knot ground against sensative nerves within her core.

"Stay still or I can't realax Bailey."

Whispering back to him before she turned her gaze back towards their house. Her father's bedroom light still had yet to come on. It was nearly 8am, she hoped they would sleep late, after all it was saturday. Movment at the corner of her eye caught her by suprise and she turned her attention to the location fot eh movment. What she saw caused her to cry out in both suprise and horror. Staring out at her and Bailey from being the sliding glass door was her father. A balefull glare set onto his face. The black and white husky male, realizing he had caught her attention, slid open the door and walked across the yard. His glare set on the knotted pair in the back corner.

Gem whimmpered as she watched him stalk towards her. Struggling now to try and pull free from Bailey, Bailey too now just as eager to escape the wrathfull stare of the large anthro husky.

"Daddy! It..its not what it looks like!"

Her voice panic stricken as there was no escape, locked to Bailey she could not run. Her father was generaly a passive, even tempered man. But she would never forget the fight he and her mother had when he had found out she was having an affair with the non anthro lab that Mr. Langdon owned. It had been brutal. Her father reached them, not speaking a word, rather, he let his hand do the initial talking as he slapped it harshly against Gems muzzle. That was more than Bailey could stand, yanking harsly a few times, with a slick sounding pop, his knot was freed. He was no dummy, and given Gem's fathers dislike for him in the first place, he made the smart chopice of tucking his tail and fleeing from the scene of his crime.

Shadow continued to glare down at his now frightened frightened, and whimmpering daughter, Bellowing loudly at her.

"You filthy SLUT! What the fuck are you doing! Fucking ~him~?! Your own flesh and blood! are worse than that whore of a mother you have!"

His face flushed with anger as he roared down at the cowering, comparitivley small female huskey. His gaze all anger and no forgivness as he grabbed her by the tail and yanked harshly, lifting her backside entirley off the ground. She yelped in pain, squirming and clawing at the ground with her hands and back paws, trying to escape his grasp. He leaned down, his nose twitching as he sniffed at her to confirm what he already knew, but that investigation revealing so much more. He tossed her back to the ground in disgust. His tone harsh, merciless as he tore into her.

"You didn't just fuck him did you, you reek of piss. What the hell is wrong with the fucking women in this house."

His voice raising as he stepped in, landing another stinging slap against her muzzle. She yelped and cowered back, covering her face and muzzle with her paws. Yipping in suprise as a hand gripped her harshly at the back of her neck.

"Well then, if you want to be such a fucking slut, at least lets make sure you do it for a PROPPER male."

Shadow turned, still clutching Gem by the fur on the bag of her neck, dragging her kicking and thrashing back towards the house.

To be.....continued!