Furry High School: Spring Romance: Chapter Ten

Story by The Roz Wolf on SoFurry

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#10 of Furry High School: Spring Romance

Chapter Ten

A soft chirping greeted the morning sun as it crept past the windows, splashing across the sprawled lion's form beneath his tangled covers. Kaipo had forsaken his clothing several hours ago before climbing onto his bed. He hadn't fallen asleep for nearly an hour though, the sweet clinging to his fur, soaking his sheets and staining his room with it's odor spoke of the ?workout' he had put himself through with his right paw. Some tissues lay crumpled up on the floor beside his trashcan, the box of Kleenex settled right bedside his lamp.

As the light stretched from the floor up onto his bed, spreading across his face, Kaipo stirred slowly, letting out a soft grumble and rolling to his back, pulling his pillow over his face. A few moments passed before he sat up, his pillow dropping into his lap. Blinking several times, his head turned side to side, over viewing his room before rubbing the back of his paw over his eyes.

Shit, I didn't dream that, did I?

Settling the palm of his paw against his cheek, the lion brushed back his covers, sliding to rest on the edge of his bed. A few more moments passed, a few more rubbings over his eyes before he found the reason for the drafty feeling, his paw snatching up the sheets, pulling them back over his lap. As he stood up, Kaipo adjusted his sheets a bit, taking them with him as he strode to his dresser, grabbing an outfit haphazardly.

A few minutes later, the door of the lion's room pushed open, with Kaipo trudging out in a pair of black denim shorts and a blue button up shirt, the garment left undone at the moment, revealing that slender toned chest beneath. His sheets were back on his bed once more, in the heap he had tossed them into. Padding across the hallway, he pressed the door of the bathroom open before nudging it closed behind him, stepping up to the counter to peer at himself in the mirror. A paw reached out, shifting the faucet on before both caught a cupped pawful of water, lifting up and splashing it across his face. The droplets clung lightly to his whiskers and matted down the amber fur of his face before a fetched washcloth rubbing it clean. With a headshake to clear his thoughts a bit more, the lion let out a soft sigh. Blinking his eyes fully open once more, he found a wide smile stretching over his muzzle, shifting to a bit of a mischievous grin.

I'm goin' on a date!

Kaipo settled into his chair at the table as his fingers worked at the buttons of his shirt, fastening them up save for the top two, letting his collar flop a bit as well as revealing a bit of his chest fur. He stretched his arms up over his head before shifting his left outwards, drawing his right back and bending its elbow slightly. All his tension was gone; his ankle was feeling almost one hundred percent once again, and the dinner had gone off impossibly better than he could have hoped.

The pair of lion and husky had return from their short bathroom breaks to find a rather light-hearted conversation regarding them going on between their parents. Suzy had busied herself with her meal by then, the grown-up talk about romance and such far too yucky for the little lioness, while rather embarrassing to the pair of furs as they settled back into their seats. Robert and Kaipo found themselves at a rather odd crossroads as they listened to the conversation lead along into the topic of dating. Both were terribly obvious in their warmth for the idea, yet both were just as terribly embarrassed by the frankness in which it was discussed.

"Good morning dear." Phoebe wandered into the kitchen with her robe loosely draped onto her form, a white t-shirt with blue shorts clearly visible beneath as she settled into her chair.

"Mornin' Mom." The lion gave her a nod, glancing off towards the living room as the sound of cartoons drifted in, Suzy's laughter accompanying it "So what'd you n' Rob's parents talk about last night?" His cheeks flushed a bit "When we weren't there, I mean."

The conversation took a somewhat abrupt halt with all three parents glancing to the sheepish pair across from each other before resuming, leaving Kaipo and Robert to their blushing a bit longer. Kaipo's Mom had finally steered it off to some small talk about their careers, allowing the pair some time to speak with each other, at a bit more subdued tone. Which also left the pair leaned over the table, their conversation slowly dropping off to a whisper before-

"So what are your plans for tonight then?" Phoebe lifted a brow a moment as her own sly smile graced her muzzle, her eyes set onto the lion across the table as he fidgeted a few moments.

"Well, we were just planning to go and see a movie really...probably stop and get something to eat on the way home too..."

"Are you ready? I mean, do you have protection?" The question left Kaipo's mouth hanging open, staring back to his Mother across the table "Oh jeeze Mom!" He spoke in a sharp whisper, glancing back to assure that Suzy hadn't heard.

"I just want to make sure you're being careful is all, Kaipo."

The very question had left both furs looking rather stunned, Kaipo in near shock that he had been asked, Robert quite near as well over the fact he had blurted it out. It took a few moments, a few minutes for them to compose their selves before they found their parents watching them once more, once more leaving the pair fidgeting with the heat of their blushes.

"Do you have to embarrass me every chance you get?" Kaipo's arms were crossed over his chest, the feline trying his best for a sour look to the lioness, but all his could manage with a rather cute and firmly embarrassed scowl.

"Why, I'm your Mother. Of course I do." Phoebe quipped back with a wink before climbing out of her chair, wandering to the pantry "Do you want me to make you breakfast?" She questioned, pulling the door open with one paw and a glance over her shoulder. Kaipo was quiet a second before his indignant look faded away, nodding back to her "Could you make some pancakes?"

As their parents resumed their conversation once more, the pair was left alone again. Robert's crystal blue gaze fell back to the feline, melting him once more with its sight as his head slowly nodded "Tomorrow would be great." His mumble was subdued as the whispers, not out of necessity, but out of his usual daze, lost in the husky in front of him once more.

"I suppose you wanted me to drive you to the theater as well, right?" The wooden spoon clunked softly at the sides of the mixing bowl as Phoebe spun the batter around with it, sparing another glance to her son as he nodded "If it's not too much trouble or anything, I mean..."

"It's fine Kaipo. Did you two need me to pick you up as well?"

I'm drooling... Kaipo perked up in his seat as he felt a trickle of saliva run across the back of his paw, quickly dropping it down, wiping it off along his napkin as Robert spoke again "Is that alright, Miss Terrace? Mom? Dad? Can I?"

"Of course you can spend the night, Robbie." Ophelia spoke, giving a warm smile with a nod. The lion had already noted it a few times, the motion so familiar. That was where Rob had gotten that gesture from, along with those dreamy blue depths.

"Just make sure to tell Matt to pick you up at the Terrace house. And don't stay up too late." Ethan was the apparent supplier of Robert's voice, not to mention the husky's size, the Akita just as physically imposing, with a voice that contradicted his figure, just as Robert's soft tone did.

"That'd be great if you could, Mom." A soft hiss rose up from the pan as Phoebe poured the batter out into a few small circles, giving an absent nod as she set the bowl on the counter "I'm certain I can dear."

"Thanks Mom."

The light hum of the car's motor lessened as it drew up next to the curve, pausing a moment as Phoebe glanced over to her son "You two have fun. I'll be back a few minutes after nine, alright?"

"Alright, thanks again Mom." Unbuckling his seat belt, the lion pushed the vehicle's door open before giving it a nudge shut behind him, returning the wave from his Mom before starting off towards the theater, dodging the furs gathering outside.


The voice brought the feline's attention toward the entrance of the cinema; bring a bright smile over his muzzle at the sight of the husky. A royal blue tank top stretched over his buff chest, and a pair of denim blue pants covered down to his sneakers.

"Hey Rob!" Kaipo scampered past a few more furs, near running up to the canine before skidding to a halt with a silly grin "Err...hiya..." Both broke into chuckles a few moments before the husky set a paw to his shoulder "Come on, let's go get our tickets."

"Over here Rob!" Kaipo stood from his seat, waving a paw to the husky carrying a bucket of popcorn and two large pops. Robert paused at the aisle, inching past the furs already seated, mumbling his excuses as he did. Pausing next to Kaipo, he sank down into his seat, offering one of the sodas and the popcorn to him "Want some?"

"Thanks Rob." Accepting the pop in one paw, Kaipo grabbed a pawful of popcorn in the other, munching down on it before sipping his drink. The green screen before the previews started up as the lights dimmed, leaving the cinema full of furries watching mostly quietly, save for a few insolated conversations still holding. Both Robert and Kaipo's paws sought out the bucket of popcorn, grabbing pawfuls between sips of pop.

As the last preview finished up, the pair had gone through nearly half their popcorn, both paws dipping further down into the bucket before they both paused, slowly glancing to each other. Kaipo's paw rested in the bucket a few moments more before lifting out, feeling the canine's gentle grip holding it. Gradually, a soft smile spread across both muzzles, each giving the others paw a reaffirming squeeze before their gazes turned back to the screen.

The audience all seemed to jump an inch in their seats in unison as the movie took a more frightening turn; Kaipo's paw squeezing down tight, nearly painfully on the husky's beside him. A second pass before he felt something strong wrap around his shoulders, glancing behind him to find an arm squeezing him close to the gray and white canine beside him. The movie was swiftly forgotten as he cuddled into Robert's side, a soft purr rumbling his chest while his free arm wrapped around the husky's waist. Nuzzling into his shoulder, Kaipo lifted a grateful smile up to Robert's warm expression before his head rested down to the canine's shoulder, eyes slipping nearly shut. The movie was second of importance now.

A few more moments of the protective embrace lasted before Kaipo tilted his head upwards, stealing a light kiss from the canine before hiding his embarrassment back into Rob's shoulder. Fingers touched his muzzle's underside, lifting it back up to find that crystal blue gaze once more, falling into those depths before his body shook with a faint tremor, feeling the tender kiss of Robert's lips on his own. His purr rose up, shaking him almost as much as his thrill of the lingering touch. The kiss slowly broke away, leaving a murmured "Robbie..." from the lion the sound drawing the husky's warm smile once again. Tilting his muzzle downwards once more, a firm sloppy lick was placed up the top of the lion's muzzle, drawn up across his face before a soft chuckle accompanied it. A smirk found Kaipo's own muzzle as he rubbed away the saliva with the back of his paw, resting his cheek back into the canine's shoulder while his eyes finally found the movie screen once more.

The front door pushed open as the lion and husky stepped through, followed by Phoebe, carrying the sleeping form of her daughter in her arms "Thank you Kaipo. Now you two," She glanced to the couple as Robert shut the door "Don't stay up too late, you've got school tomorrow." The lioness gave a teasing wink before padding off, disappearing up the stairs. A glanced shared between the two before Kaipo and Robert were entwined, their arms wrapped tight around the other, their muzzles touching for a passionate kiss. Paws traced each body, ruffling through fur and mussing clothing while their lips held tight, a gentle murr rumbling from the canine's throat while a deep purr traveled through Kaipo's chest. Reluctantly, the kiss was broken, the pair remaining in each other's arms still, their eyes finding the others, falling off into their depths. "We should go upstairs." Robert's soft tone broke the silence, the statement getting a nod from Kaipo. As their embrace broke, paw found paw, squeezing gently as Kaipo lead the husky up the stairs.

The bedroom door softly shut behind the pair as Kaipo drew his paws away from it, turning to face Robert. The canine took both of the feline's paws within his own, gently squeezing while drawing Kaipo close into another tender kiss. Releasing his paws, the husky's arms embraced him, lifting Kaipo carefully into the air, pressing him up against Rob's chest as the pair's kiss prolonged. Robert stepped backwards to the bed, sliding to a seat on it before leaning back, drawing Kaipo down atop him. The kiss was broken by a murmur from Rob as his paws strayed across the form sprawled along him "We don't hafta do this, I mean...I want to, but only if you do..."

"Oh, I wanna...I mean, I do if you do...do you?" Kaipo's head tilted slightly, searching the face of the canine.

"Well I don't want you to do something you don't wanna...I mean, I believe I wanna do this...if you do..."

"Are you sure?"

"I am...are you?"

"I am...if you are..."

The pair finally paused as they both slipped into soft chuckles, Robert's arms giving the lion a firm squeeze before fingers found the bottom of his shirt, pulling up at it while Kaipo lifted his arms, letting Robert easily remove the garment, tossing it over the side of the bed.

Rearing back up, leaving himself straddling the husky's waist, Kaipo's paws found the bottom of Robert's tank top, pulling the shirt up and off the husky as he lifted his arms before discarding the tank top off with his shirt. The lion rolled off the husky, sliding from the bed to his hind paws before shimmying his shorts down to the floor, stepping out of them with just a pair of black boxers on. Turning back towards the bed, he found Robert absent his outfit entirely, the husky partially reclined on the bed, smiling warmly to his gaze as it strayed down the form he had admired from afar for so long. His paws swiftly and rather over-eagerly found his boxers and pulled them off before he scrambled back up onto the bed, settling beside the husky. Their embraces found each other once more, as their muzzles touched softly again, the kiss broken off several moments later as Kaipo spoke, lifting his eyes to Robert's once more "Do you...um...should we use protection? I mean..."

"Well, if you want to...though honestly...I've never..."

"You...you haven't?" The response caught Kaipo entirely off guard, and his expression spoke it in volumes. The look from the lion drew a soft rose hue beneath the fur of Robert's cheeks as he gave a nod "Nope...I mean, it's not like I couldn't...I just...well...didn't want to..." Robert glanced down to the foot of the bed "I hope I don't freak you out or anything...but...well, I've been hoping for this for a long time."

The expression of Kaipo's surprise only intensified with that "Really?"

"Yeah...I mean, we've been best friends since grade school and all...but...well, I started feeling closer to you in middle school...I mean...well, feeling more for you and-"

"I...I did too Rob..." The lion interrupted with a mumbled statement before his muzzle lifted a soft smile to find the husky displaying that surprised expression a few moments before his slowly reflected Kaipo's "Well..." Robert gave him a soft peck on the lips "At least one of us had the guts to finally do something..."

Kaipo's paw rested softly at Robert's stomach, stroking gently through the fur there as the lion was drawn against him once again in the husky's firm embrace, his paws tracing through the amber fur. His purr rumbled beneath the paws, trembling faintly as he felt his excitement rising. Robert's smile grew more visible as the lion's member emerged from his sheath slowly leaving a length of pink against the amber of his tummy. It brought a pink flush to Kaipo's cheeks as well, his shy look turning away, only to be caught on the cheek by the husky's touch, drawing him back face to face, their lips touching once more in a loving kiss. A tender murr met a soft purr between their lips, the feeling broken only as Kaipo felt something brushing along the back of his hand. "Whoa...Rob...you're..." The lion's eyes traced the thickness that lay atop his paw, it's tip touching up against the husky's abs above "You're huge..."

Robert's cheeks flushed once more, his tongue flicking out along Kaipo's cheek, slicking down it's fur before dipping into his ear, leaving the lion quivering a few more moments "It's not that big..."

"It's like...well, it's like mine plus a half..." Kaipo's gaze lifted back to Robert's finding the husky's embarrassment much more apparent now "What? It is."

"Cut it out Kai..." Mumbled the husky, turning his smirk away before the lion's fingers touched his cheek, returning his gaze this time for another tender kiss. Amber fingers gently took hold along the length, sliding them over it as their kiss deepened, lips parting to let tongues dance and entangle. Kaipo shivered faintly against the buff form, feeling fingers trail between the cheeks of his behind, sending him rubbing against the canine form, eyes meeting once more as their kiss was broken "I...we're gonna need like...lube, or something, right?" The mumbled question gained a little nod from Robert, leaving the husky glancing around the room before their gazes met once more "Do you have any?"

Kaipo slide back from the embrace as a smirk drew across his muzzle, dipping his head downwards. The pink of his tongue poked out as his head lowered, curling up the husky's length. Robert's throat rumbled with a deeper murr, feeling the wet muscle stroke along his member, his fingers finding Kaipo's short locks, petting between his ears down along his neck "Kai...damn..." The lion's tongue bathed along the thickness as his ears perked, the mumbled words gaining his attention once more as a smile grew around his tongue, moving it up to the length's tip before parting his lips, drawing the top into his muzzle, into the light, warm and wet suckling.

A sharp gasp brought Kaipo's lips back, his eyes quickly lifting to meet Robert's "Are you okay Robbie?" The canine gave a few nods, gently stroking the lion's cheek "Just...watch the teeth Kai..."

A few more strokes along his head, and Kaipo drew his lips back again, lifting his smile to Robert's gaze before the lion shifted around to his back on the bed, his legs spreading apart as the husky crawled up between them. Cradling Kaipo's body to his chest, the pair meet gazes once more "Are you ready?"

"Yah Robbie..."

The canine's paw took hold of his own length, positioning it carefully before his paws settled down to Kaipo's hips, pushing his own slowly, feeling the warmth spreading around the tip of his of thickness. Kaipo's teeth sunk into his bottom lip, holding gazes with the husky atop him a few moments more before he spoke "Robbie...it...it hurts..."

"Shh...it's alright Kai...Just relax..." Robert murmured, his hips slowly pressing himself into the lion still, carefully burying his size into him before Kaipo spoke again with more urgency in his tone "It hurts Robbie!" His hips stopped quickly as the lion exclaimed his pain, Robert drawing back his length quickly "I'm sorry Kai...shit, are you alright? I'm sorry..."

"Its...its okay Robbie..." Kaipo whispered, a few tears running through the amber of his fur "I'm sorry too..."

"Shh..." Robert touched a finger to the lion's lips "Don't apologize, it's not your fault..." Rolling to his side on the bed, he pulled Kaipo firmly against him, nuzzling his muzzle into the lion's cheek "We'll just hafta...well...um...find some way..."

"We can ask Val about it tomorrow..." Kaipo lifted his muzzle, touching noses with Robert a moment before smiles found both muzzles as Robert gave a nod "Alright, we'll ask if he knows something that'll help."

Lips found each other once more, as canine and feline shared a loving kiss a few moments more before both broke away "We should go to bed..." The pair broke into light chuckles as they both spoke the same thing, each giving a little nod "Good night Kai."

"Good night Robbie."

Each rested their cheek to a pillow, gazes watching their smiles a few minutes more before both furs drifted slowly into sleep within each other's arms.