Locker Room (Full Story)

Story by Dirty Little Secret on SoFurry

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#4 of Complete Stories

Rupert is an awkward and shy colt, especially around girls ... so how will he handle it when a hot, athletic fox barges into his locker room?

M (horse) x F (fox), loss of virginity -- 6936 words in 1 chapter

Artwork used by permission from Evangellos


(Artwork used by permission from Evangellos)

Track practice was the one time that a colt like Rupert could really take his mind off of everything, tune out all the distractions and worries of college, and just let himself be in the zone. When he was running, he didn't have to worry about homework, or bullies, or his roommate's teasing. Here, he could be one with the flow of his hooves against the track and just run.

He leaned slightly into the turn as he rounded the semi-circular end of the track. The soccer field came into view again, though he didn't pay it much mind. Both teams were out there practicing, the men's against the women's, as they usually were during track practice. They never bothered the track team much - occasionally they'd share the track to run some laps, but more often they'd just be doing wind sprints across the field. They were just another thing for him to tune out.

As he neared the end of the strait, Rupert could hear his track coach calling out his teammates' times. "Josh, Four-Fifteen! Travis, Four-Nineteen! ... Nicholas, Four-Thirty-Two! You can do better than that. ... Sammy, Four-Forty! Not great." He looked up at Rupert, still only halfway down the straight. "What's the hold up, Rupert? Run already!"

Rupert gasped for breath, out of the zone now. Easy for Coach to say - he's a cheetah! Rupert was a horse, as were many of his teammates, but not a very big one, and he was never really all that athletic, not really into sports. Signing up for the track team had only been something to get his basketball-champ roomie to stop hassling him about 'wasted potential'. His side started cramping up in the last dozen meters, and he slowed even more.

He crossed the line just in time to hear "Rupert, Four-Fifty-Five! Even slower than last time!"

Veering off of the track, Rupert draped himself on the chain-link fence and heaved in deep breaths. Finally, it was over!

He wasn't the last across the line, though. That was and would always be Paul, the brown bear lumbering toward them, just now coming around the curve of the track. "Attaboy, Paul!" the Coach called out. "You can do it! You can beat Five-Thirty this time!" Paul never stood a chance of being competitive, but bless his heart for trying so hard. And thank the Goddess that Paul would always be there to distract Coach from the second slowest runner - Rupert himself.

Paul crossed the line and immediately collapsed on the side of the track, panting and sweating.

"Paul, Five-Twenty-Six!" Coach called out. The whole track team cheered for their exhausted comrade, Rupert included. Paul was a mascot of sorts, and his slow progress toward almost being competitive somehow inspired even the fastest runners on the team. The coach turned to the rest of his runners. "Not bad, not bad. Lots of room for improvement, but I saw some good efforts out there. Now take a breather, maybe get a little water. Wind sprints start in ten." At the groans from his team, he waved them off with a dismissive paw. "Quit your whining - don't sign up for track if you don't want to run."

A shrill whistle blew out over the soccer field. From the way they were celebrating, it looked like the women's team has just scored the winning goal in their practice match. They looked so happy out there ... it almost made Rupert wish he'd taken more of an interest in team sports. Almost. As much fun as that looked, he couldn't imagine how bad he'd feel if he held back his whole team when they were counting on him. It was the stuff of nightmares.

It looked like the soccer teams were taking a break, too. They were still excitedly chatting with each other.

Rupert watched them - his guilty pleasure of coming to track practice each Tuesday and Thursday. There was no official uniform for practice, but every single girl out there wore skintight shorts and form-fitting tops that were little more than oversized sports bras. How could a young colt help but to stare at all that fur on display?

As the back-patting celebration of their little victory died down, the soccer girls clumped into a few little groups, all of them smiling and chatting.

There was a part of him that felt a bit forlorn, watching them. He was never particularly sociable, and he definitely never had a girlfriend who could talk and laugh with him like that. Sadly, watching from a distance like this was about as good as it ever got for him, and he had come to accept that.

The other studs on the track team were congratulating each other and challenging each other in the upcoming sprints, all primping and posturing ... but they always left Rupert out of it, probably because they knew he'd never be as fast as them. But he didn't mind being left out of that macho-fest. What was the point of all that showing off to each other?

Instead, he just contented himself with watching the soccer girls' happiness from a distance. Well, watching their happiness and watching their tails flick back and forth above tight shorts that left nothing of their highly toned butts to the imagination.

One group of a couple foxes and a cat caught his eye. The cat was pointing straight at him, tapping one of her friends on the shoulder and saying something. The two foxes looked, then they covered their mouths and turned to each other, giggling and constantly glancing back at him.

Though he'd barely recovered from his run, a new wave of heat hit his face when he realized what they must have seen. He glanced down, and sure enough, there was a sizable bulge growing in his crotch, and his own little running shorts didn't leave much to the imagination, either.

He turned around, leaning his chest oh-so-casually against the fence. At least that way, they wouldn't be able to see. He glanced over his shoulder. Were they still looking?

Oh, they definitely were. The grey fox looked at him, elbowed her friend, and then said something. It must have been something outrageous, because both of the others giggled loud enough for him to hear across half the field. The red fox - still laughing - shoved her friend away and vehemently shook her head 'no'. But the cat nodded enthusiastically, and she pushed her toward my side of the field.

I think I knew the fox they were teasing ... she was also in my composition class. Katie, I thought. She walked a couple steps toward me after their push, but then she turned back to them and crossed her arms, telling them off with her tail fluffed out. But they kept on laughing and teasing her.

When Rupert noticed that he was watching Katie's pert rear much too closely, he steadfastly looked away. If he stared much longer, he knew he would pop a full-fledged boner, and there was no way his track shorts were going to cover that up.

For a time, he was able to succeed in calming himself. Nothing more than listening to his fellow runners' pointless banter.

But then their banter took a much different tone. They were all elbowing each other and turning to look at something on the field. Some whispered joke that Rupert couldn't quite hear set them all to laughing, but only for a moment. Then they went back to standing as tall as they could, preening themselves for ... something.

A few quiet, tense moments passed, then someone leaned against the fence next to him. "Hey," her soft but raspy voice said.

When he dared to look, there was Katie, leaning her back against the fence next to him. The way her arms draped on the fence behind her made her rather spectacular boobs jut outward prominently. She was looking right at him, with a little grin on her white muzzle.

He gulped. Oh Goddess, what should he say? Did she notice him checking out her tits? He should say something, he was sure, but--

"Your name's Rupert, right? I'm Katie, you know, from English one-oh-two."

"I, uh ... uh..." Oh damn, he already knew he was blowing it. "Um, hi?" Crap! That sounded terrible! He pulled himself a little tighter against the fence.

His fluster only made her giggle. "I saw you running out there. Not bad, huh?"

What? How could she be impressed with that? He was far from the fastest runner out there.

"You know, the boys soccer team could use some good runners. They wouldn't lose to us so much if they weren't so slow."

Breathing heavily, Rupert looked away. "I... But I... I've never really, um..."

She gave him a playful punch on the arm. "Come on, I bet you'd be great at it. Why don't you come out and meet me on the field tomorrow after class, and I'll teach you a thing or two?"

"I don't know..." He rubbed the back of his neck, reflexively running his fingers through his mane. He was getting sweaty all over again, he could feel it. "I don't think I'd be very good at, you know, kicking the ball around ... and stuff."

Leaning a little closer, she said more quietly, "Just come out and give it a try. I'm sure I can show you a thing or two about handling balls."

The other studs in his track team hooted and hollered when they heard that. One of them laughed and punched Rupert in the shoulder ... really hard.

But he couldn't move, his throat felt too constricted to say anything. What does one say to something like that?

As his awkward silence stretched on, Katie looked back to her friends on the field. She shrugged her shoulders, palms uplifted, shaking her head a little. The gesture couldn't be clearer: 'What am I supposed to do with this?"

Goddess, her nose was so cute when it scrunched up like that! Rupert had to force himself to look away, so that he could maybe get enough clarity to think this through. But it was so much pressure! And this heat ... when did it get so damn hot out here?

Katie looked at him and sighed a little. "So...?"

It was too much! He could barely breathe. How was he supposed to know what to say when he couldn't even think? All those eyes on him - none of them were making it obvious, but he could tell that all his track teammates were watching him intently, and most of the soccer teams as well. They were all expecting him to do ... what?

"Um, Earth to Rupert!" She touched him on the shoulder.

"I -I need to go!" Leaping free of her reach, he dashed past his teammates, through the gate in the fence and toward the bleachers. Just behind them was the entrance to the men's locker room. He rushed in, bashing his way through the swinging door.

Once in the cooler, dimmer, and safely familiar confines of the locker room, he slipped around the corner and sat himself down on a wooden bench, trying to catch his breath. Stupid, stupid, stupid! That was the worst possible response. But what else could he have done? It felt like this was the only thing that could have saved him. Even now, his breath caught in his throat at the thought of doing ... something else. With Katie.

There was no way that could happen. She was so far out of his league! And yet... A pressure built in his crotch as he thought back to the way her tits had looked as she lounged against the fence next to him. How could a fox so trim and athletic have a rack like that? It wasn't fair ... and he knew that she would be haunting his guilty fantasies for a long time to come.

Gradually, he was able to relax. Yeah, so he blew it. So what? That was pretty normal for him, and after a while, the other guys on the track team would forget about it and stop teasing him.

He could even quit the track team if they went on about it too much. Maybe he should anyway - he obviously wasn't making much progress.

And if he didn't have to come back to practice anymore, he wouldn't have to deal with the constant reminders of--

The locker room door squeaked as it opened again.

What? Nobody should have been coming in here yet. Practice wouldn't be over for another hour and a half! But there were soft footsteps coming ... probably one of his teammates coming to make fun of him.

He opened a locker in front of him, trying to look busy even though it wasn't his locker and it was totally empty.

But when he saw who came in, it wasn't one of his teammates. It wasn't his coach coming in to drag him back to practice.

It was Katie.

"Y-you," Rupert stuttered. "But, but this is... This is the men's locker room!"

She grinned. "I know."

"But you can't--"

Katie gestured down at herself. She obviously could come in here. She just did. She sauntered over to the locker right next to his open one, swinging her hips and swishing her tail as she came. "So, done with practice already?" she asked. "Isn't there at least an hour left?"

Rupert stared at her and sputtered. He couldn't manage to form any actual words.

"Yeah, I think I'm done with practice early today, too." She grabbed the bottom hem of her grey crop top and looked at me. "You don't mind if a girl like me borrows your locker room, do you?"

Without waiting for his reply, she pulled the tight fabric upward.

His eyes went wide and his mouth dropped open as that grey cloth rose and exposed more red and white fur. The hem caught just under her boobs for a moment; she looked him right in the face and smiled ... and then she pulled it up more. One, then the other, they bounced free. They were so round and perfect, just a bit too big to cover up with a hand. The velvety white underbelly fur covering them contrasted sharply against the red fur on her sides and against her starkly pink nipples. They mesmerized Rupert as Katie's effort in getting the sports bra over her head made them jiggle side to side a bit.

She tossed her top on the bench next to her and laughed at him. "What? Never seen a girl's tits before?"

But he was still gaping at her exposed chest, his eyes soaking in the sight and his mind feverishly committing it into memories that he'd never forget.

"Oh wow... You really haven't, have you?" She scooted a little closer. "Wanna touch?"

That made Rupert gasp. "Wha... Really?"

Quite calmly, she reached down and grabbed his right hand, then pulled it up in front of her. His palm automatically lifted up toward the bare breast that was now only a breath away. Rupert's heart was hammering, and he was blind to everything else.

Slowly, ever so gently, Katie placed his palm against her left breast, her hand covering his and making sure he didn't jerk away. His hand closed around the springy softness and her white fur fluffed between his fingers. For a long moment, neither of them moved. But eventually Rupert gained a little more confidence and squeezed, rolling his hand across the hard nub of her now-hidden nipple, exploring one glorious round curve of her perfect chest.

The moment he really began feeling her up on his own, Katie reached out with her other hand and boldly grabbed his stiffening cock through his gym shorts. "Mmm, yeah. That's it." She stroked it a little as she leaned in, drawing her face right up next to his. Then she whispered without taking her hand off of him, "We can stop now if you want. If you really don't want this, I'll leave."

His only response was to reach up and cup her other breast with his free hand. Goddess, they were just so squeezable and perfect!

Giving him a little humming moan of satisfaction, she leaned in and gave him a little wet kiss on his cheek. At the same time, she grabbed the hem of his shorts and pulled it up and over his bulge, freeing his cock to spring upward. When she touched it directly, there was a whole new level of electric tingling pleasure. "Wow," she mumbled against his arched neck, "you really are a big boy, huh?"

"Well, um, actually... Compared to the other stallions, I'm--"

She kissed him, hard on the lips, and when he moaned, she slipped her slender tongue inside a little. By the time they separated, he was breathing hard and beginning to sweat.

"You're just perfect for me, cutie." She kissed him again, lightly and fleetingly this time, then began to slide down on the bench as if she was melting.

When she was nearly to the ground, Rupert wasn't able to reach her boobs easily anymore. He whimpered slightly as her heavenly tits slid out of his hands for the first time.

"Easy there, big boy," she whispered. Her mouth was just over his belly. "It'll be worth it, I promise." With that last word, she leaned her head down and planted a slow lick on the flattened tip of his horse cock.

Rupert gasped and shuddered at the sensation. He'd never really thought much of getting oral, but when he looked down... Oh, oh wow. Those eyes. Katie looked right up at him, a sly smile on her face and her vivid green eyes twinkling up at him. Without breaking eye contact, she slipped her pink tongue out again and pressed it gently along his tip.

She did break eye contact to run her tongue up and down his exposed length, humming slightly to herself as she tasted him. When she looked up again with her captivating eyes, she hooked a finger in his waistband. "Let's get these off of you..."

Clumsy in his haste, Rupert nearly poked her in the eye as he struggled to lift his hips and slip the shorts all the way off. But Katie seemed to have expected something like that, and she was able to dodge it, even as she helped him wiggle free.

She pulled the shorts down over his legs, then stared at his exposed crotch hungrily.

For a short moment, Rupert just stared down at her, panting for breath in his excitement. But then she lunged forward in a predatory leap, and before he even knew what was going on, his big round balls were in her mouth. Her tongue slathered across their undersides as her lips kissed and slid over their curves. Her hand had returned to his shaft, and she was stroking him eagerly now.

"Katie, I... Oh!" He'd never imagined he could feel like this, tickling and tingling all over in her warmth. But even as he was beginning to understand what he was feeling, she moved upward, over his sheath and up his shaft.

She paused for a moment as she reached the top, with that impossible-to-resist look in her beautiful eyes. With a trembling hand, he reached out and stroked the fluff of fur on her cheek.

Then - to his gape-mouthed shock - she opened wide and let his tip slide up her tongue and into her mouth. He cringed for a moment, expecting to feel her sharp teeth ... but that didn't happen. She somehow had the skill to take in the thick girth of his shaft without pricking him. Her mouth was so warm. It was like dipping his tip into a hot bath, but so much better.

With one hand cupping his balls and the other helping to guide his cock, she slipped him deeper inside. He couldn't look away from the smooth, veiny surface of his length as it slowly slipped in between her lips and disappeared into her muzzle. She took more and more - impossibly more - and when her hand got down to the base of his shaft, it was so thick she couldn't quite close her fingers around it.

Only then did she finally show some discomfort. She gagged a little, her back heaving upward, then yanked herself up off of him. A tendril of her drool connected her lip to his cock for a moment, then drooped and fell on her heaving breasts below.

"Oh Goddess, Katie! That was... That was--"

She dove back down on him, shutting him up with a firm squeeze to his balls. Bobbing her head in earnest now, she worked every bit of his horse cock with her hands and her mouth. Lewd squishy sounds echoed through the empty locker room.

Rupert could already feel himself building up to it. He'd never done anything like this before, but he'd jerked off enough times to know what was coming and how close it was getting.

And he wanted it. He had this strange, irrational urge to paint Katie's foxy little face with his cream. And he was so close to it, he just needed a little more. Without thinking, he did what he'd seen every porn star do - he grabbed the back of Katie's neck and began helping her, pushing her down harder.

Katie sputtered and jerked back up, swatting his hand away. "Hey! Just what do you think you're... Oh, I see." She stared down at him, still drooling a little onto her own chest.

Rupert was frozen, mortified. Crap! Even after all this, he'd still found a way to blow it and ruin everything! He was so fixated on self-incrimination that he didn't even think to reach out for Katie's boobs, which were jutting out straight toward him, just begging to be grabbed as a dollop of drool fell down on the upper curve of one.

"Cool it, buddy," she said. "I'm not done with you yet." Standing up in front of him, she hooked her thumbs into her tight black shorts and began pulling them down.

Slowly, more and more of her white belly fur was revealed, the white blaze narrowing as it approached... Her pink panties blocked off most of the sumptuous white fur. But they left little to the imagination as she let the shorts fall down her long legs. Where the pink triangle came to a point between her thighs, the double bump of her pussy was clearly visible behind the thin fabric.

"You like?" she asked, obviously already knowing the answer.

His cock bobbed up and down in response.

Katie took a step back and beckoned him closer with a curled finger. "Come over and help me take them off, then."

She didn't have to tell him twice. He sprang up, and in just a moment he was standing in front of her. She stood shorter than most stallions, but she was actually a tiny bit taller than him ... but he didn't dwell on that. Instead, he focused on her lovely boobs, grabbing a double handful of soft, round bliss and inhaling deeply as he felt those forbidden fruits. It was as if any time spent without touching them was time wasted.

Wrapping her arms around his back and pulling him close, she kissed him again. He had only a moment to think, to wonder if he was okay with kissing lips that still smelled musky from his own cock, but that moment passed in an instant. He melted into the kiss, and his hands finally began wandering over the rest of her beautiful body. She was firm and slim all over, and she tantalized his hands as they glided over fur both red and white. His fingers traced the hollow of her back, and they explored her slim white belly. Finally, he worked up the nerve to slide his hands around her hips and take a firm squeeze of her glorious round ass cheeks. Her panties slid and bunched up underneath his fingers, and she moaned into his mouth.

They parted, both of them panting, and moving as slowly as if it was part of a holy ceremony, Rupert grabbed her panties and slid them down. He could feel the cloth slide against him where his cock was pressed against her belly, and he shuddered as the panties went far enough down her thighs to simply fall to the floor.

He was still too close to her to look, and before he could lean back or reach a hand down, she grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it upward. "Only fair that I get to see you, too, little stud," she said as she tugged it up and over.

Only after she flung his shirt onto the dirty locker room floor was he able to lean back and get a good look at her. And she was jaw-droppingly gorgeous. Her white belly fur stretched from her muzzle, down over her gorgeous boobs, across her lithe belly, and all the way down to her inner thighs, where it perfectly framed her pert little pussy mound. Rupert nearly drooled when he saw the little pink slit between her plush white lips.

"You like?" she said smugly. Her fingers traced down Rupert's chest, then over his belly. "Well, I think you're pretty cute, too, skinny boy." Her hand wandered lower still, until she boldly grabbed the base of his cock. "Go on, touch me."

With a trembling hand, Rupert reached down and traced his fingers down her underbelly, from the vertical cleft of her belly button downward across smooth and velvety-soft white fur. Her thighs guided him in as her belly narrowed down to-- He gasped as he touched her warm heat. She was already wet, it was soaking over his fingers. For a long moment, he stood there, perfectly still, pressing his hand against Katie's luscious mound.

But then she kissed him, beginning to stroke the base of his cock. That broke him free from his stupefaction. He kissed her back and rubbed her hot pussy lips ... he knew he was probably not very good at it. He'd never touched a girl's privates before. But Katie moaned into his mouth and her body melted against his, so he couldn't be doing that bad, could he?

She rocked her hips, grinding herself against his fingers as they pulled each other close. Their hands were wedged between them as they both struggled to keep pleasuring each other even though there was no space at all between them.

Rupert couldn't take it anymore. With a grunt, he lifted Katie up onto her tip-toes and pushed her back against the lockers with a loud clang. Their kiss didn't even break for a moment, but he pulled his hips back and then angled toward her, prodding the tip of his cock toward her warm, wet--

"Not that way." She pushed him away.

He lost his balance and fell down onto the wooden bench, staring up at her. "I'm sorry... I, I didn't mean to! Please don't leave!"

"Leave?" Grinning wide, she came toward him with slow, sumptuous steps. "No, no. But if I'm going to take a boy as big as you--" she reached down and traced her fingers over his cock "--then I'm going to do it on my terms, at my own pace."

Slowly beginning to understand, Rupert nodded.

"Good, now you just stay put and let me do it." Katie swung one leg over the bench and moved him to lie down on the polished wood. She straddled over him and ever so delicately lowered her pussy down against the shaft of his cock.

Rupert groaned, watching her delicate lips spread over the thick curve of his horse cock. He could feel her soft warmth seeping into him.

She rocked her hips back and forth a little, spreading slickness over his base, and she moaned slightly at the feeling of the veins rubbing back and forth over her entrance. Gradually, she worked her way forward, sliding over inch after inch of his cock, and enjoying each and every touch.

Almost feeling as if he wasn't allowed to, Rupert reached up and touched Katie's fuzzy thighs. Hard muscles tensed under her soft fur as she worked herself forward and backward on top of him. He traced his hands up over her hips, up her slender sides, and finally to the real prize, her breasts. They hung down over him as she leaned forward, looking even bigger and more spectacular. It was unspeakable bliss to wrap his fingers around them. They were just so perfect and jutted out from her chest so proudly.

Katie's hot slit rubbed over the very tip of Rupert's cock. She looked down at him and brushed the forelock of his mane out of his face. "Are you ready?"

He nodded and gave her tits an enthusiastic squeeze.

Her moan was almost a yelp. "Gentle! They're sensitive!" When he relaxed his grip completely and settled for just holding her glorious breasts for her, she smiled. "Much better, but you can play with them a little. I like it, just not too much, okay?"

Another nod, this time with a much more gentle kneading of her lovely boobs.

"Good. Now I'm going to get started, okay? You're really going to want to, but don't try to push your way inside. Just let me do it nice and slow." Without waiting for a response, she reached down and cupped her hand underneath the head of his cock, guiding it upward as she pressed her pussy lips against the top of it.

Those pretty white lips spread apart as the bulk of Rupert's tip began to sink into her. She hummed a long, soft moan to herself, and with a surprising suddenness, her pussy enveloped the first little bit of his cock.

He gasped. She was so unbelievably warm and slippery-wet. And the way her pulsing heat gripped the tip of his cock on every side... It was like her pussy was spreading golden-warm light all through him from that one little point of contact. The realization hit him: he was no longer a virgin now, not even in the strictest sense. He looked up into Katie's eyes, overwhelmed with the wonder of this new feeling.

"Yeah, I like it, too." Katie grinned down at him and slid another inch inside.

That made his hips jerk involuntarily, which made her gasp in turn.

"Easy, there, buddy." She breathed deep, holding her hands against his belly to keep herself from going down even more. Closing her eyes, she whispered to herself, "Goddess, that thing is big..."

A strong urge came over him, the desire to grab her by the hips and shove her down on himself, all the way to the hilt. But Rupert didn't have to resist that urge for long. Katie slid up and down on the meager couple inches she had already taken, gradually taking just a little more of him on every down stroke.

He twitched and moaned as more and more of himself gradually found its way into her sultry paradise. The slick inner walls of her pussy gliding up and down against his shaft was by far the most amazing sensation he'd ever felt, and with every single thrust it got just a little bit better.

Katie became more ambitious - or maybe more desperate as her moans increased pitch. Her strokes grew longer, swallowing more of him each time until she was nearly slamming herself down on him. Both of them gasped as her pussy lips began popping back and forth over his medial ring.

Until... After one more hard shove, she suddenly froze, crying out and twitching. Her hands shot up to her slim belly, gripping herself.

Rupert froze as well. "What's wrong? Are you okay? I can pull out if--"

"No, it's..." Katie took a deep breath. "It's okay. I just hit my limit a little earlier than I thought I would." She looked back over her shoulder at his remaining length. "Mmm... Such wasted potential."

Rupert relaxed a little and let his hands settle back onto her tits.

But she grabbed his hands and pulled them lower, resting them against her belly where she'd been holding them a moment before. "I may not be able to take every single inch ... but I want you to feel something."

Looking up at her face, then down at her lower belly where his hands rested, Rupert took another deep breath. "Okay."

Slowly, Katie began rocking back and forth on his cock, making it slide in and out of her just a little. She didn't go as hard or as deep anymore, but it still felt incredible ... and he could feel it - he could feel it against his fingers!

"You feel that?" she said softly.

Rupert could only stare, gape-mouthed as he felt the thick tip of his cock bulging her slender belly out ever so slightly from the inside.

Leaning down, she brought her body closer to his until her nipples rubbed back and forth across his chest. "I've never had a boy big enough to do that to me." She whispered so close to his ear that he could feel her breath against the little hairs there. "You really are something special, little stud."

The way she pressed herself against him had forced his hands out from in between them, so instead he reached around her surprisingly thin waist and then down to grab her gloriously round and firm ass cheeks.

With that encouragement, Katie started moving a bit more, and then even more. Her boobs slapped against his chest as she held him close, and she moaned into his mane as she worked her foxy body over his hard shaft.

Rupert grabbed her ass hard, helping her move, pushing her for more. It only made her moans louder.

He wanted more of her. So much more! He had so much more to give! The next time she rocked downward, he thrust up with his hips, shoving even more of himself inside.

Katie squealed and yanked herself up, almost all the way off of him. She slapped him hard in the face. Was it wrong that all he could think about when she slapped him was the way it made her tits jiggle? He tried to reach up and touch them, but she pinned his arms down against his side. "That hurt! Don't you dare do that again!"

He tilted his hips up again, desperate to get more of himself back inside her heavenly warmth.

She slapped him again. "No! I'm serious!"

That finally got through to him. He let himself relax against the bench, slipping another inch out of her, leaving only his swollen tip. He gulped. "I'm... I'm sorry. I think I got kind of carried away."

"Partly my fault for not keeping control of you." Katie shook her head and grinned. Sliding back down onto him and enveloping most of his shaft back in her heavenly heat, she tilted her body back up until she sat upright just above his lap. "I should know better. Here..." She grabbed one of his hands and pulled it down to where his cock spread her pussy open. "Just hold still and rub my clit, and I'll take good care of you."

"Your um...?"

Her jaw dropped. "Goddess, you really are as innocent as you look, aren't you?" Carefully, she arranged his hand, pressing his thumb against the little nub of flesh on the front of her pussy. "Just rub gently back and forth right here. Don't stop for anything."

Rupert nodded, and Katie leaned down to kiss him lightly on the nose.

The moment she rose back up, she started rocking her hips back and forth ... slowly at first, but soon building up faster and faster until Rupert couldn't believe how fast she was moving.

And through it all, he diligently kept working on her clit, flicking his thumb back and forth over it in time with her own motions. He liked the way it made her moan, and he loved the way it made her insides clench tightly around him.

Katie's moans grew louder, and her movements became erratic. She grabbed Rupert's free hand and yanked it up to smash it against her breasts, forcing him to squeeze much harder than when she'd complained about him being too rough before. Her hips writhed and the slim lines of her belly fur danced over him.

Until it all stopped. She froze in place, shoving herself down deep on him, and even though her mouth was open wide, not a single sound came out. The brief moment passed, and then she screamed. Her belly convulsed inside and out, milking him inside and pulling him deeper in as her hips twitched back and forth. She clenched in on herself, curling her body over him as she shuddered and warm wetness spread over his crotch.

Rupert watched in awe, still obediently twiddling his thumb against her clit.

The first thing she did when she regained control of her body was to grab Rupert's hand and yank him away from her clit. "Too ... sensitive," she gasped out as another aftershock made her tremble.

He just traced his hands over her hot, sweating body, enjoying the look and the feel of her as she recovered.

She blinked a few times, then brushed the fur on her face back with her hands. It was amazing how that simple action could transform her from 'disheveled and roughly-fucked fox' to 'calm and in-control vixen' in just an instant. Kissing him again, she whispered, "Not bad, for a rookie."

Rupert could feel his cheeks heating with a powerful blush. "But I didn't really do much..."

Looking down at where his cock still spread her open, she licked her lips. "That's right ... you didn't get to do much at all, did you?" She looked back up at his face and grinned. "Let's do something about that."

When she started moving again, Rupert could only groan. She was going much slower now, but moving sensuously and firmly, working her slick inner walls over his shaft with a new purpose now.

As she arched her body forward, he leaned up and grabbed her tits, rubbing his muzzle between them and breathing in the slight scent of her sweat. He worshiped their perfect round curves as he pulled one pink nipple between his lips and sucked her gently.

Katie gave a soft moan, holding her hand against the back of his head to keep his lips around her nipple. She increased her pace a little, stroking him expertly as he built toward his climax.

He felt his tip flaring out broadly, spreading her open deep inside for the approaching flood. "K-katie!" he cried out against her breast. "I'm gonna ... unh!"

"Cum for me, little stud," she said into his ear. "Don't worry, I'll take care of everything. Just cum for me."

Her words made that last needed connection, and lightning struck through his whole body. He jerked and cried out as it finally happened.

But at the very last moment, Katie yanked herself up off of his cock in one deft motion, sitting her sopping-wet pussy just on top of his churning balls and grabbing his throbbing horse cock with both hands. She pointed his wide flare right at his own face as the first jet of cum sprang free.

The hot white goo splattered onto Rupert's face and even into his gaping mouth, and he didn't care. All that mattered was the next throb of his cock, and the next. He closed his eyes and his mouth as rope after rope of his own thick cum smeared onto his face, his neck, his mane. All the while, Katie stroked him, coaxing just a little more out.

The last little bit dribbled out onto his chest and his belly. Slowly, he managed to catch his breath, and then he reached up and wiped the cum out of his eyes as he sat up.

Katie kissed him long and hard, slipping her tongue over his lips and into his mouth to taste it. When she pulled away, a strand of his cum connected their two faces until she stood up and stepped back a pace.

She smiled. "You look adorable like that."

Rupert wiped his lips with the back of his hand. "Um, thanks, I guess?" Even though he'd just gotten off, he couldn't help but stare at how beautiful she was. The cum on his fur was starting to feel cool and sticky ... it wasn't particularly pleasant, that was for sure.

"Come on," she said, offering him a hand to help him get up. "That's not going to be easy to clean, and we'd better get you all washed up before the rest of the team finishes their practice, or you'll never hear the end of it."

Rupert rose to his feet and followed her toward the showers. He couldn't take his eye off the way her tight, round butt cheeks flexed and moved as she walked, with her tail swishing back and forth above.

She looked slyly over her shoulder at him. "And maybe if you're really lucky, and really nice to me in the shower, you won't be the only one who ends up with a face full of cum."

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