Run Away To The Circus

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Oh dear, running away to the circus always sounds like such a lovely idea...until you actually get there.

Lydia glanced at the colorful tent, the streaming colors that were dancing in the air from the edges of the lowered ribbons. It was something beautiful and entrancing, calling to anyone that had ever thought about running away to join the circus as a child. Certainly it was the sort of place she had dreamed of as a child, but walking up to it while the lights were off, while everything was quiet in the darkness of the night, was entirely different. She felt a little flip flop in her heart as she walked along the path towards a side tent that smelled warmly of animals. It made her wrinkled her nose just a little bit, but she wasn't surprised at the scent, it was simply not something she encountered often.

She glanced down at the flier in her hand, the one that advertised positions in the circus for motivated individuals who were looking for adventure and the chance to travel the world. It was a full ride with room and board covered, as well as a sizable bonus for those that were hired on. She had scoured the details, looking to see the limits on what they were looking for, half afraid that they were after a dancer or a gymnast. Her former job working in an office had left her rather on the plush side, with broad hips and a belly, as well as larger than average breasts. She was at least a hundred pounds over where she should have been.

_It might be hard labor, but they didn't say anything about having to lift a lot or looking for someone that can drive a truck. _ She thought with a slight rise of hopefulness.

She had no thoughts about becoming something of a star, but she was good with horses and she knew about caring for animals. She was also eager to learn, perhaps she could make costumes for the performers. She had always been creative and the bold colors that they wore would be a challenge she would enjoy. This was her last choice for a job before she ended up homeless thanks to the hard times she had found herself fallen on. She had already lost her apartment, instead she was sleeping on her friends' couches, her belongings packed up in her car. This was her last chance to have a job that would at least keep a roof over her head.

She tried her best to keep her desperation from her face as she stepped forward, her hips giving a small sway as she slipped into the opening of the small tent. It had been erected right outside of a train car from the circus to reveal the light of an office being cast in a living area that was filled with soft collapsible furniture that took up little space so that there was enough room to move around with ease. There were pictures that were set out against the wall, most of them dominated with pictures of vibrant orange tigers mixed with white. It was a theme that continued to the interior decorations.

There were striped pillows tossed against the chair, the carpet was a tapestry of leaping tigers that were twined around one another. There was a large old fashioned steamer trunk that was set out in front of the chairs, holding an onyx tiger that was sprawled quite naturally on it, so lifelike that it looked as if it were about to come to life. There were no pictures of other circus performers, no elephants, it was themed after the large predators so that she began to feel a bit more nervous about what she was doing here. The flyer had said that she was supposed to come here, but it hadn't mentioned anything about needing large predator experience.

There was a whip in the corner, an outfit that could only belong to a lion tamer, and that only made her want to step back before she was noticed. She had never even owned a cat, she was in no way able to apply for a job that she obviously wasn't going to get. Her despair started to rise up as she took a step back, intending to leave before she was noticed, but when she began to turn she nearly ran directly into a tall muscular man that was entering the tent.

"Omph, easy there!" The man said, his voice quite jovial as she backed up into the tent. "Are you looking for me?"

The man wasn't old, perhaps only in his thirties, with light blond hair that was cut neatly along his chin and fell down right along the curve of his jawline. His eyes were an odd orange-yellow, almost feline looking as they regarded her with his lips quirked up in a slight smile that made him look all the more handsome. He was nearly six feet tall, a full foot taller than her so that she had to tip her head back to look at him as she stepped further back into the tent. His eyes darted over her oddly, swinging back and forth briefly as if measuring her and then going back to meet her eyes.

"I.. I was.." Lydia stammered and felt her cheeks heating up a little. "It-"

"Ahhh about the job!" He brightened up as he realized she was holding one of his fliers. "Excellent! Very good! I had hoped you would soon arrive."

"I don't think I'm right for it." She managed uncomfortably. "I don't know anything about tigers or even cats."

"That means nothing." He waved his hand a little bit and gestured for her to move deeper into the room. "Come along, I am Johnas, it is a pleasure to see that such a lovely lady has accepted my job offer."

"I'm Lydia McKinny." She answered and flushed a bit more, feeling the heat rushing to his cheeks. "I... think I may have been mistaken."

Lydia shifted a little bit nervously while she tried to find an easy way to get out of this place before she could make a fool out of herself. He only smiled a bit wider, the pleasure on that face was inviting as he gestured towards one of the folding chairs for her to sit. The plush young woman flushed a bit, looking at it and doubtfully dropped down, though she was very careful not to put her full weight on it. She could only imagine it buckling under her and she was already more than embarrassed at being caught by the man who was smiling so amiably at her.

"Mistaken?" The man asked, raising his brows a little bit. "Oh my dear, hardly! I am just happy that someone has found my flyer, I was starting to think we would leave here without anyone taking an interest!"

"I.. I truly don't think I would make good help." Lydia admitted miserably, dropping her head, her ears burning a hotter red. "I'm not anything like a tumbler or anything like."

"I am not looking for a tumbler, I am looking for help in my act, help I've sorely needed." Johnas said and his smile grew a bit wider. "I think you will be very suitable for this work, perhaps even more than suitable."

"It never said what it was supposed to be?" She said and lifted up the flier towards him as he regarded her with slightly narrowed eyes. "I mean, is it just general work?"

"Oh no, it's a little bit of a mix, really we have enough people doing hard labor that I needed someone that I could train from the ground up." He said easily. "As long as you're willing to move? This isn't a job that will remain in this city."

"That's not an issue." She said and flushed a little bit. "I don't exactly have anything or anyone waiting for me."

"Ahh well then, it seems like it might be a match made in heaven." He lilted and his voice was eager sounding, not at all sounding as if he had any doubts. "It would not be so much pay since you would be fed and housed, but if you are looking for the work..."

"I could use the work." She admitted as he stood up with a flick of his fingers towards her. "I mean... I really do need the job, but I don't know if I'd be a good fit."

"Of course you will be, we train on the job here." The man said as he slid a bag off his shoulder to drop on top of the old fashioned trunk. "Just wait here, I'm going to have to go and see the ringmaster for a bit of paper work for you to fill out."

She nodded, the movement nervous and she just felt confused at the cheerful way the man simply overrode her protests, dismissed them. It was something that left her feeling unsettled and unsure as the man swept out to get the paperwork he wanted. It made her squirm a little and she tried her best to not feel as if she wanted to bolt by the moment. After all, this was what she wanted, wasn't it? The ability to actually have a proper job? It wasn't going to be glamorous, but at least it was something that she could do. It was just such an odd interview she had had with the man, the overly cheerful man.

She began to fidget, doing her best to find something that she was able to think about besides her own misgiving. She gave her head a tip downwards and licked her lips as she glanced at the dropped bag. It had tumbled to one side, showing a few notebooks, but the notebooks weren't what she was looking at. There were claws poking out, real luridly sharp looking talons and white teeth that made her furrow her brows before glancing towards the opening of the tent. Did the man keep trophies of some sort? If he trained tigers, it seemed obscene that he would have something with their teeth and claws on it.

She leaned forward and tried to see more, but the flap of the bag was dropped over to hide most of it. She moved her hand down to flip the edge of the fabric up and saw that it was a necklace that was half spilled from the bag. It was puddled in a mound with black polished leather that caused her to want to touch it. It looked softer than normal leather, and it drew her attention so that she glanced at the opening of the tent nervously before she reached out to brush her fingers along one of the curved teeth.

The moment she touched it, she felt a jolt, a spark of electricity that hit hard and sharp, spilling out so that she gave a sudden jump. She felt her cheeks flush rather hotly, going dark as she moved her fingers up to curl around the talons the necklace. The warmth of it was growing hotter as it seemed to come alive under her touch, her nostrils flared a little bit wider as she felt something immediately along the line of her belly and spreading outwards. It was thin tendrils of sensation that were growing worse by the moment, making her struggle with the experience of warmth that was growing by the moment.

She felt small electric charges rushing over her, striking down the line of her back as she let out a low moan and drew the necklace entirely out. It puddled in her hand, and she saw it catching the light, making her want it, a desire that was starting to make her lose control of herself. She lifted the necklace up, ignoring the voice in the back of her mind that was screaming for her to stop what she was doing. That voice didn't matter, what mattered was being able to lift up the necklace and sliding it over her head and neck. The feel of the leather causing her entire body to shudder in delight, her breathing was coming out too fast and the heat was growing.

It wasn't just a temperature of warmth, it was arousal, real arousal, it was hitting her hard so that she couldn't stop herself from sliding her hands down her body. The touch sent sharp tremors through her and she rubbed along her shirt as a lust she'd never experienced before rolled her rational thoughts under. She was in a tent of a strange man, a future employer, but she couldn't stop herself from slipping her hands down towards her waist to fumble at the buckles with a few little tugs. There was a small yank and pull, a snap of them letting the jeans slide open so that she let out an eager whimper as she slid her fingers downwards.

The light slid pushed her pants downwards, freeing them up as they were shoved downwards a few more inches. They were slipping out of the way with a little bit of a wriggle as she sat up enough to let it slip past her ass. It dropped down around her ankles and bared her body as her fingers slipped down between her legs and to her mound. It was unthinkable, she was disgusted, but as she rubbed her fingers downwards and parted her folds, she was letting out a choking moan of pleasure. She couldn't stop herself, it was a delighted sensation of need that came with the brush of her fingers against her wet folds. Once she touched herself, there was no stopping, she felt drawn to herself in a way that she had never imagined.

She was trapped in it, her breathing picked up the pace, short and shallow while she rubbed along the very tip of the clit. The light turn ran along the swollen nub, causing her to give a little bit of a jump in place as she began to work her fingers in slow swirling movements. She couldn't stop herself, it felt so good, her body throbbing with a beat that was flushing through her as the wet arousal clung to her finger tips. Her breathing came out a little faster, her eyes were sliding shut as she curled her fingers forward with a press that slid her digits right between her legs.

She began to spread her folds open wider and then felt a sudden shudder that rushed through her body. She couldn't stop, there was nothing she could do as it was covering her body, the waves of heat was pouring over her and making her pant shallowly. Her tongue tip was just barely poking between her lips as she pushed her fingers inwards, spreading her wider as she began to pump her touch right into her glistening passage. She felt the fresh breeze brushing through the slightly open flaps of the tent, that should have reminded her that she wasn't in private, that Johnas might come back at any time.

Even as she thought it, she let out a low moaning call of pleasure, the sound of it burst free and her tongue slipped outwards. As she brushed her teeth, one of them felt loose, her rolling touch making it wiggle back and forth. That had never happened before, the canine was wiggling back and forth a bit more firmly as she gave a little bit of a moan in her throat. Her eyes were squeezing shut while she shivered and her eyes slid open as suddenly she saw a slide of something along the line of her forearm. Fur, fur was growing like a carpet that was spreading outwards, flushing upwards towards her elbow before she could do anything about it.

Her body was shuddering in place, she was disgusted and horrified as the fur grew upwards before her tooth became even more loose in her mouth. She swallowed, the roll of her tongue pushed and suddenly the tooth slipped free, falling from between her lips. That horror should have made her stop her masturbating, but it didn't, she only moaned out even as the bare spot of the tooth began to be filled by something pushing from her gums. Her other canine was growing loose, starting to wiggle back and forth as a large thick tooth replaced the first canine.

It was sharp feeling as her jaws ached faintly and she was writhing back and forth. The movement of her legs kicked her pants off entirely, flinging them to the ground without a thought. She didn't want them on, she wanted to be able to touch herself, rub and caress back and forth. Her body began to tense upwards and she gave a sudden buck backwards. Her fingers were working through her quivering passage as another tooth loosened and fell from her maw. It dropped down her chest as she let out a guttural moan, the horror was lost under her desire as her jaw began to push outwards. The bones were elongating and growing outwards, slipping forward inch by slow inch as her breathing came faster.

Twin sharp teeth were curling down in her jaws before she jerked her fingers back as a spasm rocked down the line of her back. The fur was covering and moving all the way up towards the curve of her shoulders in a warm velvety caress. Her fingers were growing shorter, losing definition as she tried to push off of the chair, her hands moving down before she watched in horror as one of her nails pushed outwards and was forced off of her body. It fell to the ground to reveal dark curved nail that was growing, pushing outwards so that they looked razor sharp and glistened slightly. The short muzzle parted open to begin panting shallowly, tongue tip jutting out as all of her teeth began to loosen.

She could feel them moving with every roll of her tongue, making her choke back a low throated whimper. Her fear was being tempered with desire as she fell forward from the chair and the jarring drop made a few more teeth drop down from between her lips. They tumbled to the ground as her nails were being pushed upwards, pried up as claws were slipping out beneath them. It was beginning to loosen them, popping free as the inhuman looking nails sprang free and began to grow from the fur coated digits. Her eyes squeezed shut, letting out a shuddering groan as her maw began to push further out, the startling change not distracting her from the feel of her ears beginning to push upwards towards the top of her head.

There was no escaping the feel of her back teeth loosening and popping free, but they weren't just falling out, they were being pushed out by sharp pointed back teeth meant for sheering off meat. She rolled her tongue along her mouth as she spit the teeth out, feeling her nipples hardening in response with a surge of desire. She reached up and stroked those mounds, unable to stop herself, feeling as if she were trapped in this moment and she let out a shivery little whimper. The desire was growing worse by the moment, her eyes squeezed shut and then she gave a small buck and press forward of her hips.

One of her paws was wet, sopping with her own juices and she couldn't help but lean down to begin licking it clean. She didn't know why she was, she had never behaved in such a manner in the past, but now she used her growing tongue to lick her digits, one after another. She was slurping and curling it over the edges, feeling the pads that were forming beneath the tips of her shortening fingers. She whimpered a little bit, her breathing coming out in a rasping noise, causing her to writhe in place as she suckled those juices from her finger tips and that only seemed to make the changes rush over her faster. It was like she was drawing them from her own body.

Lydia felt the way the fur was creeping upwards and she was left reaching up to paw at her shirt wildly. It was confining feeling, growing too warm with the fur that was hiding beneath the cloth covering. Her nails were pulled off as she clawed at herself, her talons raking over the edges with a wild little tug and there was a sudden feel of the last bit of her nails falling to the ground as she bared her chest. Her breasts were growing smaller, the plush fullness of her body was starting to fade into something more muscular as the fur traveled down the length of her back. It ran all the way to the sweep of her tails while she began to pant in short shallow bursts. Each one was growing worse by the moment as the throbbing in her chest grew worse.

She felt her heart hammering in her ears as the teeth that were growing in her maw became more fit for a carnivore than for a real human woman. Her mouth was growing larger to fit them as upper and lower canines began to push outwards and made her hiss out while snowy white fur began to spread along the line of her belly. It danced its way lower, tracing her inner thighs, spreading outwards, delving down towards the line of her knees. She felt the warmth growing, the need surging forward so that she was moaning out as she moved one of her paws back down between her legs, feeling the need growing again as fingers that were more like stubby toes began to stroke herself and the glistening line of her mound.

The moment her toes curled and brushed her clit she moaned out, her jaws opening up wide and showing the tip of her tongue while her legs began to change shape. She was curled on the carpet, shaking in place while she let out a low moan of pure desire as her hips gave a slight popping noise as they adjusted themselves. The entire shape of her body was starting to be lost, consumed, as the plush heavy curves of her body were smoothed out into something muscular. The stripes were growing over the edges of her back while she whimpered out and she rubbed her thumb up along her own clit, despising the fact that she couldn't stop herself from touching her body.

"Oh my.." A masculine voice spoke up with a lilt of pleased amusement.

"You certainly didn't wait for long, did you?"

"Rrrrwwwhaat?" Lydia slurred and looked up to see Johnas stepping into the tent with a smile curling his face.

"The necklace suits you, my dear." He said as she gave her head a shake, frightened to watch as her hair fell down from her head, scattering over the edges. "I just knew you would make a perfect addition to my little troupe." "Didn't.. mean to.." She slurred the words, her muzzle strangely forming the words from the curved sharp fangs. "Take.. off.."

"A good start, but I think you shall need a little help." The man said and reached down, his arms suddenly curving along her naked body.

Lydia struggled, but it was a hopeless attempt to break free as she was lifted in the air and let out a low whine from her throat. Her body was still mostly human, only the lightest covering of fur made her appear more tiger like in appearance, so she was able to curl up in the arms that lifted her. Her cheeks flushed, angry and frustrated at the way that he heaved her up close to his body and moved deeper into the tent and towards the door that she assumed opened up into his living quarters. She couldn't stop touching herself again, she wasn't able to stop wanting that sensation that was growing between her legs and spreading outwards. It was a heat that was curling through her belly and spreading outwards in a delicate touch that had her writhing in place.

He didn't drop her, he only shifted his grip as suddenly she found herself in a train car, but not his living quarters. It was the slightly darkened interior of a cage, one that was covered in straw sunlight streaming in from a skylight at the top of the caravan. She twisted a little bit and let out a noise as there was a loud chuffing noise that came from the depths of the room, the noise not human in the least little bit while she gave a little bit of a shudder in the arms grasping her. Her eyes swung around wildly to see a snowy white and black shape in the darkness watching her with odd amber-green eyes. A tiger was in the cage, a real tiger, massive and sprawling against one wall and watching everything with interest.

Her body reacted with a surge of heat and desire that she could barely contain, her body was tensing up as she began to breathe a little faster. Her body reacted with desire that was pouring over her, flushing through the depths of her thoughts and bursting over the edges. She was shaking a little bit in place as the man let out a soft chirruping noise that made the tiger stir, the broad graceful body stirring and unraveling himself out with a stretch of his forelegs. Lydia swallowed and squirmed, arching upwards as the man set her down slowly, dropping her down onto the straw covered floor.

The half-tigress tried to scurry back, but she wasn't graceful in the half form, her paw-like hands were scraping against the ground as she panted out and let out a whine before the white tiger heaved himself upwards with both of his ears twitched up high on his head. The blunt muzzle parted to show the tip of a dark red tongue that was flicking out briefly and his whiskers flicked forward. The low chuffing sound made her shiver as she moved up onto her knees, finding it odd to bend them that way, her body strangely stretched and more graceful and muscular even in the half form than in her former plush appearance.

"There, Zeus, I have brought you a companion at last." Johnas said with obvious pleasure in his voice.

"Rrrrrr!" Lydia tried to protest, but her words came out in a snarl as she let out a ragged noise and shivered down the length of her back.

Zeus padded forward with a little lash of his long striped tail and suddenly her entire body felt frozen as she caught the scent of him on the air. The rich musk made her nose twitch and her body flare to life as he padded forward with a low growling noise that echoed in her ears. She tried to scrabble back towards the cage door, but the moment she began to move away from him the male lunged forward and a broad paw reached out to press against her shoulders. The heat and warmth of it was like a spark to dry tinder, causing the flames of her lust to flare up again. It was just a paw pressing against the line of her back so that she froze as he snuffed towards her with a hot blast of breath against the line of her shoulder.

It felt good, so terribly good, her body was throbbing in a rush of desire that made it impossible to think straight. She felt her body going hot and cold in turns, wanting to be touched, wanting him in a way that had nothing to do with humanity and everything to do with how she had been pawing at herself. He rasped his tongue down her back and where his tongue roughly ran along the length of her spine she felt the fur growing thicker, smoothing out in a rippling caress of the changes that had assaulted her. Her lips parted open wide, flashing the sharp hooked fangs as she cried out and he licked again, working down the line of her back.

His paw remained on her shoulder, refusing to let her go as the toes curled down as the tongue flicked out and gave a powerful roll. It traced along the curve of her ass and she yowled out with a high pitched cry that reverberated down her as she felt something pushing outwards. It was growing, steadily pushing outwards inch by slow inch. The sensations made her squirm in place, being rolled onto her stomach as a tail sprouted under the rasping licks of the male that let out an eager growling sound. Beneath her, she could feel nipples forming along her stomach, pushing outwards and growing more sensitive.

The broad rasping tongue flicked out and swept down along the underside of the tail with a little bit of a curl of the rough tongue. It made her entire body arch and she let out another sweet call as she felt her pussy growing wetter by the moment, the arousal growing by the moment before the tongue darted downwards. The tip brushed right against her mound and she flung her head back, feeling the last of her hair falling down around her paws as the fur was growing thicker down along the sweep of her shoulders. Her eyes were flashing a little wider as the tongue pushed roughly forward and gave a rolling plunge forward that tried to split her open wider.

Her plump mound was glistening with her arousal as she felt the tongue rubbing upwards towards the tip of her clit and made her inner walls clamp down tightly. She writhed and gave a twisting turn, swinging back and forth as she choked out a series of small whimpers. She couldn't stop herself from making those noises, she pushed her ass up in the air in response, hiking her legs beneath her as the male's powerful tongue drove into her and the former woman cried out loudly. The throbbing changes helped hold her arousal as the male let out a low growling noise and his toes curled down her back. The claws lightly stroked against her and she shoved her hips higher in the air like a cat in heat.

_Oh god, I am a cat in heat. _ She thought wildly as the tongue glutted that narrow passage and teased through her with a rolling series of plunges.

Her claws raked the ground roughly as she tried to brace herself before the tongue pulled backwards, the breath came out a little faster as she felt her legs starting to change. The touch of the male seemed to fuel the changes that came thanks to the necklace, surging over her body in a wave of need. The head raised and teeth raked lightly along her haunches as the paw moved from her back and was replaced with the feel of his chest sliding over her. The weight of the male slid along her and Lydia felt a surge of raw desire and she moved her arms beneath her. She tried to make herself move about, but they felt awkward as her body became longer and more graceful. Her rounded ears tipped back against her head as Zeus hissed down at her and teeth suddenly caught against the nape of her neck.

It was a shock, her entire body stiffened up in reaction as she felt a surge of pure desire course over her and cause her to let out a yowling cry of pleasure. His teeth didn't hurt, but they kept her scruffed, her head pulled backwards as she felt the broad hind legs splaying to wrap around her own haunches. The male's warmth spread over her, and where he touched she began to form the graceful curves of a tigress. Her body was becoming more designed to be on four legs instead of two, the position more natural feeling as the males stomach pushed right up against her hiked rump.

She wanted him, it didn't occur to her that he was a beast, that this was something she should have been trying to escape. The only thing she was thinking about was the fact that her body was burning for him so hotly that she couldn't think past the caress of stiff slippery flesh that was rubbing up against her. The stiff tip of the cock was shoving forward, pressing against her with enough force that she felt her entire body tense up and her eyes flashed open wide. With a little bit of a jolt she felt the hot stiff spire rubbing her folds, barbs catching her so that she hiked her hips up higher in the air. Her breathing started to come out in a series of heavy pants, her tongue just barely jutting out between her lips.

The barbs stimulated her, her arms were drawing inwards, changing more into forelegs by the moment. The fingers began to form paws instead of hands, losing definition, changing by the moment, even her shoulders changing as the powerful roll of the hips pushed the tapered tip forward with a firm nudge. The stiff weight of it began to shove against her mound, sinking forward so that the former woman was trembling in place, her entire body alive with pleasure as she felt the thick weight prying into her with a squirt of precum.

The growl rumbled along her neck from the grip on her scruff as he drove his cock into her and she shifted her feet beneath her. Feet? No, paws, they were forming paws, her legs and knees turning into something designed to run on four legs instead of two. It was more natural feeling as her velvety tight walls were stretched open wide, swallowing down the length of the cock inch by heavy inch. He drove in deeper, stretching her walls open into a taut ring that was swallowing down towards the base. The rolling plunges forced inwards, the heavy balls slapped right up against her inner thighs that made her give a little bit of a jump in place.

The weight of those orbs were grinding forward against the line of her mound, the wetness was smearing along the edges messily as her juices were pushed outwards. It was so much better than her fingers, reaching places that made her ache and need. The hips shifted a little bit, drawing backwards so that the barbs spread open wide, catching her puffy passage so that she shrieked out in surprise and pleasure. The ache of them dragged through her, making her hips jerk as he snarled against her neck and refused to release her as he stimulated her.

The hips drew backwards, pulling away with a few inches slurping free of her body before the next drive shoved into her again. She was parted open wide, her puffy mound stretched open even further. Her breathing came out in a heavy rush as she tightened her muscles down, working the barbs deeper inside of her body. The heat of the tiger on top of her made sure that she was worked into a fever pitch. There was no part of her mind that was working properly, it was building into a surge of fire and need as the movements churned inside of her, short powerful movements that were plunging the tip deeper into her body.

She dug her claws down and cried out, feeling the scruff of her neck pulled backwards as the hot breath flushed upwards. The shifting of the hips adjusted themselves, putting more pressure upwards with each thrust that was slapping the balls up between her legs. The movements made her body tense and relax again, her lips curling backwards so that whiskers were bristling up in the air. Her toes dragged downwards, raking with a powerful drag before the tip drove into the depths of her belly. The rolling movements shoved and rubbed at just the right angle to make sure that he was working his barbs through the deepest parts of her body.

If she had still been a woman, it would have been painful to feel those barbs raking through her. She would have been protesting and trying to get away, but the tigress wasn't a woman any longer. She was designed for those barbs, her body created to accept them as they pumped into her and rubbed at all the angles designed to taunt and tease her. She was shuddering under the touches and rubs, her body hiking and shifting constantly as her walls clamped down. She felt every last inch of him, the plunging movements were building up in a wild surge of desire that was making the world fade away into the background.

The barbs were raking, stimulating, causing her body to tense up and then relax as she felt the wetness churning together. The mixture of precum was drooling out from the tip heavily and smearing through her, coating the length of her passage while she shuddered in place. Her body began to tense up slightly, causing her to give a little bit of a jump in place as she felt something building inside of her, the rush of her orgasm rising as she was overly stimulated to the point that she couldn't think. Her world was narrowed down to nothing more than the fact that she wanted more, her body burning in arousal.

The hot breath along her neck began to come out in a series of short heavy pants, the heavy weight of it rushing against her while she folded her ears back and braced her hind legs. Her tail lashed against the male that was hunching forward and she felt the heavy weight of the balls hitting up hard against the line of her inner thighs. He pressed down against her, the entire weight of his body keeping her pinned in place as the cock tip drove forward deep inside of her. It bottomed out deep inside of her belly before there was a final powerful thrust upwards, his balls mashing against her roughly before the shaft began to throb and twitch inside of her.

Lydia let out a roaring call of pure pleasure, bursting from her lips and spilling outwards as the streamers of hot heavy cum rushed out of the tip. Rope after rope of it was pouring into her body, flushing deeper into her belly while she let out a roaring call of pleasure of her own. The world darkened around the edges as her orgasm rushed over her, flushing through her mind, her body, making her feel her heart beating wildly in her own ears. She milked his shaft, working the barbs deeper inside of her as the gushes were spreading deeper into her belly.

She tried to move, but the grip on her scruff dragged her backwards, making sure that she was pinned in place as the hips gave a small twitch forward. The barbs smoothed down before spreading open again, making sure that she was given another tremor of pleasure that made her hiss out. The shift of the paws began to slide against the line of her sides and the teeth released her neck. The tiger's balls twitched again as another gush surged into her before the hips jerked backwards for one final time. The barbs ran through her swollen aroused passage, slurping free with a wet splatter of seed that ran down her inner thighs as the male jerked backwards.

"Ahh very good..." Johnas murmured, his voice thick with satisfaction. "I knew you just needed a new friend to come to terms with your life, Zeus. You will make quite a pair in the show, mm? How lovely that both of you answered my ad here, it has been far too long since I had a new pair.."

_Both? _ Lydia jerked her eyes up towards the man who was smiling with utter satisfaction and then looked at the white male who was panting as he dropped down onto his belly. The look in his eyes weren't like an animals, they were far too human for that... like her eyes.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"LYDIA!!! H'UP!!!" Johnas called out, his voice sharp and demanding as the whip cracked and the former woman rushed forward across the ring.

The tigress that moved wasn't overweight or clumsy, she was slender and graceful, with long legs that carried her in a a burst of speed across the ground. It was more power than she was used to, but over the last few days she had begun to find herself able to adjust to that speed rather than crashing. She set her eyes on the ramp in front of her as she felt the white tiger beside her matching her stride, both of them going in a rush as the lights of the circus flashed over her and she heard the sounds of the crowd. She ignored them, if she paid attention she'd only end up stumbling because she was nervous, there was no place to be nervous here.

In the last few weeks, Johnas had trained her with Zeus, teaching her about her new body with a firm hand that was humiliating and tantalizing. She had been mortified at first, embarrassed about what had happened to her, more so that Zeus was also human and had seen the state of her. That embarrassment hadn't lasted through the pure wonder that came with the new shape she had been given. She had always been overweight as a human, never had the freedom of movement that so many others enjoyed. She had been dumpy and had always felt rather plain, but now she was something deadly and beautiful.

She wasn't out of breath after a run, instead she felt energized, her body absolutely perfect looking when she was able to glance in a mirror. Her muscles were toned and ready, the extra weight seemingly having fallen away with her hair and teeth, leaving her gloriously perfect. She was well fed and kept by the trainer, housed with Zeus who nearly worshiped her new form, attention that she had never imagined that she would be able to enjoy. It was a small price to pay to obey the crack of the whip, much like the other big cats in his command.

No wonder they are all so well trained, they can understand him when he speaks. She thought and kept her eyes on the other side of the ring as she pushed herself to the greatest amount of speed.

The ramp in front of them loomed up rapidly and she didn't slow down as her paws hit the start of it and she flexed her toes, extending her talons to dig down against the wood before she began to surge upwards at nearly a ninety degree angle. The male drifted behind her slightly as she folded her ears and her muscles rippled beneath her sleek orange and black hide, the power behind them delighting her as she heaved herself all the way to the top and she got her hind legs up. There was a wild cheer as the whip snapped out loudly in command and she didn't even pause to think before she launched herself up in the air without a hint of fear.

Her powerful body erupted into the air, surging upwards with her legs stretching out towards a ring that flared bright with fire. She had no fear, there was no doubt in her mind that she could make the leap, not with her balanced body. The heat of the fire brushed briefly over her before her paws hit the opposite ramp and carried her downwards even before her tail cleared the ring. She felt Zeus behind her, the impact of his larger body before they were rushing back down into the ring.

The tigress lifted her head to the sound of the crowd roaring with pleasure at the trick, their applause making her swell her chest with pleasure before she lifted her head higher. Lydia's amber eyes swept over them and her tail lashed back and forth as the warm muscled body of the male slid along her side and she flushed. She couldn't quite believe that this had happened to her, she couldn't believe that this was her life now. All because of a flier she had spotted and now she had a life she hadn't ever dreamed possible.