Burning Hot Mates

Story by VulpineCorvid on SoFurry

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A human transformed into a Growlithe not only has to get used to their appearance but their "desires" as well. Luckily, they find a suitable mate.

Made for qazaq123

A lone Growlithe lay deep in the woods, far from any human interaction, resting peacefully. It was almost noon and the singing Pidgey fluttered around in the trees. All was peaceful, but that was about to change when the lone Growlithe awoken. Gently their eyes opened up to the scenery.

"...I must have been asleep for a while, but where am I? I don't remember being in a forest..." The Growlithe murmured, looking at the trees in front of them. "Maybe I got lost? I hope I'm not far from a town, I should get going... " The Pokemon stretched out and immediately felt that something was wrong. The way their arms and legs moved, their size, something was off...

"W-What the...?" The Growlithe said trying to stand up, quickly realizing that their form was not human. Struggling to get up before falling back onto the grass. The Growlithe was freaking out over their appearance, looking over themselves to see what they were. Certainly it wasn't unusual for a normal one, but this was something new to them. Something shocking.

"T-this is wrong! I'm n-not human! Where am I? This can't be real!" The Pokemon was panting hurriedly, horrified. He wasn't a Pokemon, or rather supposed to be one. This wasn't what he was. The Growlithe cried out in fear, unsure of what had just happened to them. He could barely remember what had happened the previous day, only that he had not been a Pokemon previously. Nothing was right.

The nervous Growlithe stood up shaking, trying to keep balance as the form was unfamiliar. "Am I really a... Pokemon? A Growlithe?..." he couldn't even remember their name. He had a vague idea of what they were previously, a human for sure, but that was about it. As he thought about it the more it made them more upset, and felt hopeless. He needed to find help. Somewhere. Unfortunately, he was surrounded by nothing but trees and other Pokemon. Wherever he needed to go, it was away.

The Growlithe bounded forward tripping on their own paws before standing back up to continue running. All they cared about was getting away. The occasional other Pokemon ran out of their way in fear of the charging fire-type. Running this was was exhausting though, and being in a four legged for instead of two wasn't helping.

The pain, the aching. It certainly was not a dream, much to his disappointment. It was all real, and they were a Pokemon. The way they felt from the smell, the soft fur, to how they felt down there...

"Wait..." they suddenly halted, panting and a nervous wreck, noticing something else was different. Something tingly was felt, more than that. Almost like an ache all own its own was felt, but it wasn't just their legs. More between them. The Growlithe reached their new paw behind them, moving past the soft fur to feel something in their lower region. It throbbed and as the paw reached it they slowly realized what it was.

The paw was met with a soft, wet mound of some sort, and it squished under the paws.

The Growlithe moaned audibly, echoing throughout the forest, followed by a shriek.

They were female, and her pussy was dripping and swelled, longing to be pleased. This was certainly something new to the previously male human. Losing all worry briefly, they began to explore themselves in curiosity.

"I might as well make the best of this..." Their mind was filled with desire, and she lay on her back to get a better look at herself. It was a bit difficult to see, but her pussy was bright red, hungry to be used. She closed her eyes and felt around herself, slipping around and between her lips, gasping in awe as these new sexual feelings flowed through her. It was bliss, and any memory of her being human was forgotten then. Just a Growlithe and her pussy.

It felt so fucking good to her, and she didn't want to stop. It was only until she heard a grunt behind her that she stopped.

"What? Who's that?" She squealed in surprise.

"What are you doing out here alone without a pack? Surely you should be with one considering you're vulnerable and... in heat."

The female turned around to see another Growlithe, who she could tell as male, staring at her, or at least in her direction. He seemed to be embarrassed at finding her in such a lewd situation, and looked away when she looked at him.

"Oh uh-" Suddenly her worry came back to her. She was a human. A male at that. She didn't belong in this form, and needed help. And wait a minute, how could she talk to the other Growlithe?

"C-can you understand what I'm saying...?" She asked.

"Of course why else would I be talking to you? Are you ok...? Sorry if I'm interrupting on a private moment..."

"No it's fine it's fine uh..." It was rather humiliating being caught touching herself like that, but she swallowed her pride.

"Something's wrong! I don't belong here, like this! Everything feels off, I'm not supposed-"

"It's normal to feel like that when you're going through heat. I'm assuming it's your first time after all. Do you have a pack or family you belong to?"


"Well I wouldn't want you to be attacked by and Spearow alone, why don't you come with me? We're not far."

"But-" She hesitated. Perhaps this pack the male was referring to would know more about what was wrong. Maybe they could help. It was incredibly bizarre to thing a Pokemon could help her, but she had heard stories before of similar situations. Perhaps it was best to play along anyway, in case she freaked him out. She was already freaked out at herself.

"...You didn't have a trainer did you? They don't frequent these parts, but perhaps you got lost?"

A trainer. Were they one before? She had a vague memory of battling before, but if she was the one battling or just watching others she didn't know. It was all fuzzy.

"They didn't... um... abandon you did they?" The male asked.

Abandoned? Now that was an idea. Maybe if she played along they could help her find her way to society if she played along.

"Um... I-I guess... " She said.

"Awww. That's alright, we don't have to talk about it. You can live with us if you want, we like new friends!" The male was wagging his tail excitedly.

What? No! she thought. This isn't what she was expecting. Now for sure she was never going to see society or be human again. Or even male.

Her own tail was wagging nervously. It was strange to feel it move. Very strange. It was almost kind of fun in a way. It seemed to cause air to flow to her hot nethers, giving some relief.

"Your name... Do you have a name?" The male asked, looking into her eyes.

"My name? Uh..." What was her name? She couldn't remember. Was there anything she could remember? Her name, her parents, her friend's name...


"I'm Amber. My old trainer named me that," she said, noticing he was staring at her rather intensely.

"What a pretty name! I'm Atsui. I'm sorry I came in in such a bad moment. I didn't want to leave a girl alone you know? It's dangerous out here in Ekans forest."

"E-ekans forest?" Amber asked nervously. It was a worrying name.

"Well that's what I call it. I heard humans call it something else, but we call it Ekans forest because it's all twisty and turny. You know like Ekans."

"Oh," Amber sighed. At least it was safer. And people were around? That sounded familiar. Maybe she/he was from there.

"Oh and there's a lot of Ekans to the south, but we just avoid that. It just leads to the city or something."

There went all relief Amber had.

"Come on, I bet you're starving. I'm sure our pack can help."

Amber was unsure of what to do then. Should she follow through this offer? Should she go along with this male and forget of her previous life? Then again she did already forget about it. Did it matter then? She was a female Pokemon, and she was horny as hell. -Hungry, that's what I meant right?

"Okay, fine. I'll go."

"Great! I'll lead the way."

The two set off, and headed East. Amber tried to forget her worries, it didn't matter anymore. All she wanted was a place to live. Who cares if she was human? Maybe being a Pokemon wasn't all that bad. Plus she had a cute friend. His cute little rump shook as he padded forward, and Amber stared for a moment before snapping out of it.

What the hell? Never mind that. I'm just confused is all. Just confused...

"So uh... Amber... is this the first time?" Atsui asked.

"First time? For what?"

"You know um, being in heat and all. I'm an adult and can tell, so that's why I was wondering."

"Oh um..." She definitely didn't want to think of that, but it was something that intrigued her.

"Yeah, I'd rather not talk about that,"

"Oh! Okay sorry!" Atsui said, blushing behind his cheek fur. He was quite embarrassed, but he hoped perhaps she would take a liking to him. Despite being an adult he had no mate, and never had one before.

As they walked they occasionally chatted, Atsui explaining he was scouting the area for any troublesome Pokemon, and he found her by her quite obvious scent and yelping.

"It's not far now," said Atsui, pointing his right paw in front of him. There was a small clearing and it smelled of... Pokemon. Amber noticed her keen sense of smell, though it was overwhelming.

At last, after about an hour of walking they reached the clearing. A small stream ran past a cave, and it was filled with either other Growlithe Pokemon, or Arcanine.

"What do you think?" Atsui asked, hoping that Amber would like it.

"It's uh, quite intimidating, I'll say. You sure they'll be okay with me?"

"Definitely! You aren't the first to join after all. We take in anyone we need to."

Amber was still nervous, as she was being stared down by the others, studying her. She tried to ignore them and followed Atsui into some tall grass, to which she hesitated at first. It towered over her as she was much smaller.

Grass was usually itchy and Pokemon often hid in it, but at that point it was the least of her worries. Amber pushed through before Atsui noticed and expected the rough weeds and blades to irritate her skin, but instead it brushed harmlessly past her. She remembered she had fur protecting her, and it kept her skin safe.

Then she realized another problem, she couldn't see very well through it.

"It's a bit hard to see, but I'm sure you can still follow with your nose."

Oh yeah, she thought. She wasn't used to all the new smells, but she could definitely smell Atsui, whose own smell was strong, but not very unpleasant.

Suddenly a cold nose was pressed against Amber's side, and she jumped several feet up.


An orange face popped out through the weeds, showing another young Growlithe smiling.

"Hi there! What's your name!"

Amber was trembling, but she replied, "A-Amber..."

The young Growlithe was panting excitedly. "My name's Orange! I see you're a friend of Atsui."

Amber nodded, the grass sticking to her fur.

"You sure smell weird," Orange said as Amber continued through the grass. That was certainly an encounter.

Once she was outside she pawed at her fur attempting to get the grass out, but with little success. She wasn't sure how a Growlithe would do it, but Atsui stared at her.

"Do you need help? Here, stay still." Astui came close to Amber, and she blushed. She closed her eyes, unsure of what he was trying to do, but she started to feel a warm tongue licking her back. It felt relaxing, and Amber sat down, moaning. The intimacy of being cleaned was a weird sensation, but she enjoyed it while Atsui silently cleaned her.

"How about that? I saw you met my friend over there." Atsui said, licking his lips. He turned away, looking embarrassed wanting to change the subject quickly.

"He was nice. Um, is there something wrong?"

"Nothing! Let's find the pack leader so he can accept you in. Come on!" The two - or three, considering Orange silently followed behind - walked to a cave, guarded by terrifyingly huge Arcanine.

"Don't worry, they trust me," assured Atsui, though the intense staring Amber was getting made her feel uneasy.

The cave itself was cool, and no Zubat to be found thankfully. At the end of it a massive Arcanine stood proudly. There was no doubt he was the pack leader.

"This is Ember! He runs the pack, but he's usually kind. I'll ask him to let you in."

"Hey Ember, I found a girl lost in the woods, she said she had been abandoned."

The giant Pokemon spoke. "Abandoned was she? How cruel. I hope she is alright."

"Don't worry! She's fine, just uh... you know..."

"I see. Tell me, what's your name? Who was it that abandoned you? I'll make sure to make them regret their actions if they dare to come across us."

"...Amber. I'm Amber. I'd rather not talk about my trainer right now, it's um, complicated," she replied.

"Complicated? Well, be glad you're away from the toxicity of trainers. You're free to join us if you wish," Ember continued.

"Thank you, but, I'm new to this place, and I don't know what to do... I feel so lost."

Ember was silent for a moment, closing his powerful looking eyes, deep in thought. What was he thinking?

"No problem," Ember said, eyes opened again. "You can be mated with Atsui over here, I'm sure you'll make a fine breeding pair."

"B-breeding pair?" Atsui asked, shocked as much as Amber. "We're friends that's all."

"Don't be shy, I know you've been unmated for years. She's in heat anyway, so I'm sure you'll be happy together."

"Happy together?" Amber asked, unsure of what to think. Her red pussy suddenly tingled.

Atsui was blushing hard, but Amber noticed his red member was standing proudly.

"Let's go Amber," Atsui said, dragging Amber by her ear and running hurriedly outside. She thought she could hear laughing from Ember as they ran out back into the afternoon.

The two said nothing as they awkwardly hobbled across the field. Atsui's cock was soft again, but it was not much less visible, much to Amber's "disappointment". Resting on the ground, Atsui stared at Amber.

"I'm sorry. I hope I didn't embarrass you."

Amber stared back, taking a moment before speaking. "It's alright. It's all new to me. These experiences, these feelings, these sensations. I'm glad you let me in your pack. I'm sure this is much better than being a- my previous life."

Atsui's ear twitched. "I know, it's just, it's kinda awkward for me. Ya know?"

"I thought it was common for you to take in new pack members. What's wrong with that?"

"It's not that!" Atsui spat out. "It's just that well, you're a girl and..."

"So what?"

"I like you. I really want you to be my mate. I know we just met but... you're cute!"

Amber's eyes widened. Was she really being hit on by a Pokemon? She wanted to say she didn't like it, but things were different. She was a Pokemon herself, and even started to think like one.

"I like you too. I like the way your butt wiggles when you walk," Amber said, causing both to blush.

"R-really? I mean, it's not as nice as yours. I couldn't help but stare sometimes, and I was tempted to lick it earlier..."

"You want to?" Amber asked without thinking. Something was making her say that, but she liked it.

"W-what? Are you sure?"

Amber couldn't hold herself back. "Yes. I'm incredibly horny. Let's just get this over with. Lick me, fuck me. Just get me out of this heat. Please."

Atsui's red rocket shot back up, and he smiled dorkily. "I'll be g-gentle, Amber..." He slowly stepped behind her rump, plump and furry, and stared, licking his chops.

"It's your first time isn't it?" Amber asked, looking back seductively.


"It's mine too, especially as a- nevermind." Amber was about to be fucked by a Pokemon. How she went from a human to a canine Pokemon about to be bred was hard to believe, but she didn't care. Her pussy longed to be plunged into.

"Here I go..." Atsui said. He lowered his face next to the plump ass, gently sticking his tongue out. It was met with soft fur and flesh, as he licked the side of her right rear cheek. It turned both of them on, and he continued to lick the delicate rump, starving for booty.

Amber yelped in glee as he got closer and closer to her flooded paradise, teased with each lick. Each lick became more intense, slowly dragging upward her butt, lovingly kissing it each time he licked.

"I love your b-butt Amber. It's so fucking cute!"

"It's all yours."

Unbeknownst to them though, someone was not far behind, watching the spectacle.

Finally he was inches from the glistening pussy, deep inside her cheeks. He gave the longest and most intense lick to the lips, his tongue spreading them apart, lapping up the juices. He swirled around and around, and Amber was gasping and moaning. She wriggled her behind into his face and Atsui licked deeper.

"Fuck! I'm close! Fuck me! Fuck me please!" Amber yelped, making Atsui stop.

"You sure?" he asked, his mouth covered in juice. "I mean it might make you-"

"Just please, mate me. Breed me."

Atsui smiled, and walked around Amber.

"Before that, one thing..." They kissed. Atsui forcing his cum covered mouth into Amber's, both licking and kissing in bliss.

"I think we'll be great mates, Atsui."

"Me too, Amber."

Atsui repositioned himself with his cock ready to piece her folds. He moved forward to his tip split her pussy open, and Atsui was amazed in how wonderful it felt. He couldn't help it, he started pounding her hard, slapping his body against her.

"Harder! Breed me!"

"O-ok Amber..." His cock was warm and massaged. He filled her chamber up, both gasping in love. He was careful not to go too hard though, and humped her like an animal. His belly rested on her back, eyes closed, and grunting. He was loving every moment of it.

"Amber, you alright if I-"

"We're mates. Make me pregnant."

That was all Atsui needed to know before he unleashed his load into her. Deeply his cum shot to the depths of her, and in one last mega hump, felt the best feelings he had ever felt. It was heavenly.

Amber screamed as she also came, but with a new sensation, her pussy throbbing hard, juices flying everywhere. Slowly it faded back, leaving the two panting, one cum filled, one cock covered in cum.

"I love you Amber..."

"Shh, we're not done yet." Amber still wanted more. She wanted to explore one more region as a girl...

"Can you still go on? I want you to do it again, but in a different place," Amber said.

"Maybe, but where?"

"You know. My butt. My ass. Cum in it."

Sproing! Atsui's penis was proudly standing again, excited for it's new adventure.

"Y-your butt? That's not how breeding works-"

"Do it... please..."

Atsui didn't care anymore, his cock was taking control. With a great shlorp! his cock pulled out of the cum filled pussy, and moved upward, to her asshole. Atsui wasn't familiar with how anal worked, but he pressed his tip into it, and it opened up enough to slide it.

Amber yelped, but she told Atsui to keep going, and he stuck his cock deeper into her anus, thrilled with the new tight sensation. They began assfucking, both yelping in pleasure, sex, and love.

"Y...your butt feels amazing!" Atsui yelped, returning to his humping stance, hammering her asshole.

Amber felt pain in the beginning, but it felt amazing the more and more he went at it, filling her forbidden hole up. Atsui's claws dug into Amber as he was reaching climax again, yipping in happiness. Her butt felt tight and soft in an indescribable way, and he wanted to load it full of his seed. It was the taboo of it that turned him on, the idea of breeding a hole that was considered "dirty" but he found it to be clean and pretty.

Atsui came again, nearly blacking out as he came even harder than before, splurting his white stickiness into her asshole.

"A-Amberrrr!" Amber clenched hard as she too was cumming again, milking his thick, cute cock into her butt. Throb! Throb! Throb! When it was finally done, Atsui pulled out of her ass, now dripping with cum.

"Huff, I think, huff, you're bred now..." Amber wasn't quite done yet, and turned around to look at the frosted delicious cock before her. It was still half stiff. Atsui didn't hesitate when her lips opened to practically inhale the poor member, her tongue licking the salty cum and swallowing. Her tongue teased Atsui making him erect a final time, wanting to get one more good filling. She got it in only seconds, and was surprised to taste the fountain of musky, tasty cum so quickly.

Atsui blacked out.

Amber removed his penis from her lips and looked back to the exhausted Growlithe. Today had been an eventful one, and she was now living with other Pokemon. Whoever she once was, it didn't matter. She was happy to have her holes flooded with cum, and she was about to sleep when she noticed a pair of sneaky eyes in the distance.

Orange had viewed the whole thing, and ran off, semen trickling off his cock.

Amber didn't care though, and licked Atsui clean as she snuggled her adorable mate.