Unexpected, Undeserved ~ Chapter 14

Story by Lukas Kawika on SoFurry

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#15 of Unexpected, Undeserved [Patreon novel]

Boy oh boy, I bet both Eli and Lynn have been waiting for this for a while :3c Too bad Eli didn't bring his toothbrush. Marlin's gonna be upset.

If he finds out. :>

(also, I had a pal of mine do Eli's writing, since I didn't want it to be too close to my own style!)Check out my Patreon! I just started working on chapter 18 today, which you'll be able to read early if you sign upI am currently open for commissionsand also have a story YCH offer up!

A long, sleek shape cut a hole in the starry night above, a dark shadow against a darker sky. A ship with a crew of ten thousand, each elites in their own right, keep the ship fully manned and maintained, each one of the thousand strategically placed cannons that dot the sides of the vessel covering all blind spots, the Imperia's hundred thousand tales surrounded the ship like the heat haze effect of opening a blink-rift in such low orbit. As it swam out of the rift like a squid in the inky ocean of night, shockwaves filled the night sky as the space-time continuum fell back into place.

Lynn kept her thumb against the screen, partially to mark her place and partially so that the damn thing wouldn't go dark again while she was reading. Eli sat across from her, the wild dog lounging sideways in one of the recliner chairs with his legs hanging over one arm and his body anchored against the other; when Lynn looked up at him past her phone, she just barely caught him glancing away. "That's a cool-ass name."

"What?" He returned his gaze to her, and for a moment, his eyes sparkled in that way they almost always did when he looked at her. That had been one of the first things Lynn had noticed about him. "Silerion?"

"I haven't gotten that far yet." The hyena focused on her phone again, then bit her lip: her thumb had drifted when she'd looked away, so it took a moment to find her place. "I mean the ship. It's cool."

The shockwaves and heat ripple was some of the repercussions of opening a rift so close to a planet, as was a rumble that shook the surface, stirring the residents and causing them to look up to see the Imperia rumble overhead. While stories of its exploits stirred fear in the hearts of anyone who looks at it, Imperia's pride was what most people feared; a railgun that runs along the extensive length

Despite herself, she smirked. Inwardly. A glance up past the rim of her phone again showed her Eli, watching her while trying not to look like it. She stuck her tongue out at him; he started, then glanced away again with a soft blush tinting those huge radar-dish ears. It had taken a bit of urging and prodding to get him to show her what he'd written, yet now it seemed as though he couldn't wait to hear her opinion.

of the ship four times. Though only about the length of a man's forearm, a depleted neutronium energy core topped tungsten-steel rod is capable of blasting a several mile wide hole to a planet's core.

_ _

Silerion knew what came after. He had seen it. He had just left his planet when the Imperia tore through a blink-rift, lobbed a world-ending charge into the wound, and warped out before it could go off. Depleted neutronium was impossibly dense, its weight makes sure the charge hits the target and, if wired correctly, makes for the perfect starting point for the deadly chain reaction that earned the charge's name. Silerion knew that as well, for he was on the team that helped engineer it.

_ _

The tiger looked up at the sky, finally settling back with the ripples of the blink-rift fading, and felt his fists tighten.

_ _

The screen bounced back into place when she tried to scroll next, and the hyena found herself doing it twice more before it clicked in her head. "Wow."

That caught his attention again. "Wow?"

"Yeah. Like..." Lynn turned her phone off and rested it on her stomach, looking up at the ceiling. Her one complaint about this house Richard had gotten was that the living room didn't have a central light source; that explained the standing lamps around the room. Could get awfully dark at night. "You wrote that, right?"

The wild dog started to speak, coughed, then tried again. "Uh. Yeah. I was thinking about... what you said, and I had time at work, and... I just never had time with Marlin around, y'know?"

"Yeah, but you're not really hanging out with him too much anymore, right? So that shouldn't be a problem." Eli must have noticed something outside the window behind where Lynn sat: his eyes flicked past her muzzle for a moment. She shrugged. "And, yeah. It's like... I can tell you know what you're talking about. Right? And that you have a good idea of what you're doing. But at the same time, I can also tell you're out of practice."

"Ah." Eli shifted and sat upright, reaching to scratch behind one of those ears. Lynn felt a sudden want to nuzzle into that same spot, right at the base with that little puff of fur that had no idea which direction it wanted to go. Back of the ear, sometimes the nape of the neck, and then the base of the sheath... "Heh. Yeah. That's... that sounds right. I just... I dunno. I forgot how hard it could be."

"Yeah, I bet. Keep it up, though." Lynn sat up, too, leaning to the side to peer out the window beside the front door across the room. Richard was out at his boyfriend's again; when Lynn had first brought Eli inside, the wild dog had glanced all around and kept his ears perked as if searching for the other hyena. Either he had something to tell him, or he wanted to make sure he wasn't around. Even now he shifted back and forth in that chair, stuck between glancing up at her and keeping his eyes fixed anywhere else, and looking like it took considerable effort at that.

His ears perked towards her when she abruptly rose to her feet. Lynn stretched her arms over her head for a moment, keeping an eye on the boy during. "Though... tiger, huh?"


"Silerion. In your story. He's a tiger. I never really pegged you for the feline type..."

"Well, that was supposed to be, kind of - like, a nod to Galacticarus, and-"

"...although," she continued, intentionally louder, "I could peg you. If you ask."

As expected, that shut him up quick, round ears flicking back with surprise. A moment later though they perked upright again, and then he was on his feet too, striding the short distance towards her. "If you wanna play like that, then I could just say, well, I guess I've just got a thing for stripes. And that's why he's a tiger."

The two held each other's gazes for a moment, Eli having to stand a pace back with his muzzle angled up due to his... reduced stature, and Lynn with one paw on her waist trying her best nonchalant-flirty look. Then, almost at once, they both burst out into laughter and fell towards each other again, shaking with the shared amusement.

"God, Eli. I did_miss you." Once more the words came out before she'd thought about them, and once more, she felt the thumping of her heart right after. But, then again, why worry? She wasn't going to _lie to him. Not outright, at least. "I can't believe it's been, what - two weeks?"

"Yeah. Two weeks." He relaxed in her arms, then gave a sweet shiver and leaned forward against her; the hyena had started rubbing her paws along his back, pressing in close to his spine, moving up towards his shoulder blades. "Oh. Ohh. Wow. That feels..."

"Yeah?" She felt a chuckle rise up in her throat. "You know, as a kinesiology major, I've had to take a couple classes in physical therapy. Well - not had to. But there's a lot of overlap there, so I figured, why not fill out my elective slots with it?"

"God. I can..." The wild dog wet his lips and rested his muzzle on her shoulder, one of his legs lifting partially up off the ground. Lynn felt his paw grip at her thigh; she grinned, shifted her focus a little further up his back, and nosed down to nuzzle right at that spot she'd eyed earlier. "What was that you said? 'I can tell you know what you're doing'? You, however... aren't out of practice..."

Lynn rubbed a bit longer, then dropped her paws to his waist. She hooked her thumbs along the waistband of his pants. "Here. Wanna go on a walk? It's nice outside tonight, and we can chat along the way."

Perhaps an odd segue, but Eli didn't seem to notice. Or care, rather: he looked up at her, eyes taking a moment to clear from the foggy haze of the mini-massage, and then seemed to realize that his paws were on her hips and hers on his, and that his chin rested precariously close to the upper curve of her breasts. She expected him to blush, laugh nervously, and take a step or two back, knowing this wild dog.

Instead, though, he swallowed, grinned, and nodded. "Yeah," the wild dog answered - with a brush of his paws up her lower back, actually sending a shiver rippling through her. _That_part, he definitely noticed. "That sounds good. I've been meaning to ask about your exams again, actually."

She led him back towards her bedroom so she could change out of her daytime clothes and into something more suitable for the walk, pulling her shirt off over her head and making sure to hold eye contact with the wild dog as she unhooked her bra and rummaged around in her dresser for one of the comfy sports ones. He did a pretty good job there, though of course she'd brought him back here so he could get the eyefuls he'd been missing over the weeks - not counting the several traded photos, of course - but when she turned back towards him to put the new bra on, he couldn't hide his eyes flicking up and locking on her muzzle as if they'd never left.

Throughout her changing - she'd kept the same panties on, though switched from jeans to shorts - the two kept their conversation, with Lynn putting more effort into keeping it afloat than Eli. That was alright, though, and expected. She'd intended to bait him with this whole thing, gauging these slight changes in the wild dog and judging what seemed to be newfound confidence.

Or, maybe he was just pent up. That would be perfectly acceptable too. The hyena brushed past Eli on her way out of the bedroom, running a few fingers along the front of his shirt where it hung over the waistband of his pants as she went. It still brought some pangs of guilt and regret to think about how that had been the driving factor behind her stepping forward and getting to know him, but...

The two hadn't seen each other for two weeks. Well, they hadn't been near each other for two weeks. This was allowed.

Lynn brought him along her usual running route, though a much-shortened version, and at a considerably slower pace than her usual. Sometimes she'd focus on the surroundings to keep her mind off the exertion and effort of running, and now it shed a different light on things to see those same surroundings and actually be able to _look_at them - and point them out and talk about them with Eli beside her, close enough that their tails occasionally brushed, and their paws bumped against one another.

The fat oak at the end of the street, the defunct store-bought fountain structures in front of that one house around the corner, the oddly straight crack in the road, the tilted stop sign. Lynn thought about making a dick joke about that but held it back, only for Eli to nudge her arm, point to it, and say not quite standing at attention, huh? I know the feeling; I have trouble getting it all the way up sometimes, too, which made her laugh quite a bit louder than she'd expected.

Had spending time with him always felt so good? The two bounced back and forth between conversation topics: Lynn cited some of the questions from her exams, Eli gave his opinions and his own answers which she then tried to explain, leading to her realizing some things she'd done wrong; she asked him about his inspiration for his story, which led them back to Galacticarus and "yeah, I guess it's basically fanfiction, but I thought the ship-size railgun idea was super neat so I had to put it in"; he asked about whether she'd ever written, and she laughed and almost told him about the several self-indulgent short pieces she'd done when _she_was in high school.

Lynn mentioned that her summer classes would be coming to a finish soon, and that she'd be relaxing here in town for the two weeks or so between then and when the full fall semester would start up, and from there asked Eli about any recent developments in his life and plans he had lined up. Here, the wild dog met her original expectations: he looked as if he were thinking about his answer, shrugged, opened his mouth, seemed to change his mind, and gave a vague "nothing really new".

Slowly the sun continued to drop, bathing the sky first a pale blue, then bright orange and red and purple for a fraction of a minute, and then quickly into a deeper, steadier blue-grey. By this point they had started to loop back around the circle that would lead back to Rick's place, and their conversation had dwindled into periods of silence broken every now and then by one of them saying something, or asking a question, or - in Eli's case, three times - not watching where he was going and nearly tripping off the curb.

"Gosh," the wild dog went on, "have I mentioned I really like this neighborhood? Like... I'm not really a fan of the way the road looks, but the fronts of the houses, the trees around, just, like, th-" And then he made it a fourth. Almost: Lynn managed to reach out and grab his paw with one of hers and his upper arm with the other.

The two remained like that for a second, Eli wobbling at the edge of the curb with his free arm swinging like a windmill, and Lynn beside him pulling him back while struggling to keep from laughing out loud. Again. She pulled him back towards her, forcefully enough that he bounced on his feet and had to take a few extra steps to right himself.

"Here, Eli..." the hyena said, letting her paw drop from his; that was her right arm, while Eli stood to her left. The other, however, she traced down along his arm, touched at his wrist... and then her fingers intertwined with his. She felt the slightest of tugs against her, the wild dog shifting with surprise, but then he settled down, and his grip relaxed in hers. Lynn tried to ignore the thumping in her chest, and the echoing of that through her fingers. Hopefully he wouldn't be able to feel it. "Clumsy. I'll keep a hold on you so you don't - don't end up hurting yourself."

So you don't bruise yourself, she'd been about to say, since if that's gonna happen this weekend, I'll be the one to give that bruise to you. But that seemed like too much. Once they got back - she could see the house coming up; shame this would only last a minute or two - she'd have to ask him to make sure he was okay with her... _advances_of that sort.

"I mean..." Eli swallowed. Lynn glanced at him: he was looking up at a tree across the street, swaying slowly in a light breeze. "You could put me on a leash."

This time she was the one to feel a blush touch her cheeks. It had been a long time since a boy had been able to do that to her. Still, though, Lynn managed to banish it when the wild dog turned his bright grin on her - or at least, she hid it behind a grin and laugh of her own. The rhythm of their pace, his slightly faster than hers, bounced through their intertwined paws and vibrated gently up the striped hyena's arm; he had a warm, steady grip, soft pads, paw just a little smaller than hers so that it fit nice and cozy.

A bit sweaty. Just like with the faint thumping between her fingers, she couldn't be certain if that was Eli or herself.

Regretfully - why, though? she thought to herself - they released each other's paw on striding up the sidewalk towards the front door, Lynn fishing around in her pocket for the key. When she brought it out, she let her eyes pass over Eli for a moment - and he looked like he had something to say, so she stopped. His eyes focused on her; Lynn waited; he swallowed and shifted; and she smiled.

So he smiled back.

~ ~ ~

"Were you planning on staying the night?"

Eli shivered as the cool air of the house washed over him as soon as he stepped in behind Lynn. No denying that summer had closed its hold now; it had arrived a handful of weeks ago, but had taken until just recently to make itself known. He'd actually started sweating on that walk a bit; hopefully the hyena hadn't noticed, with how she'd taken his paw like that. It still tingled a little bit, where she'd lightly squeezed him, where her short claws had traced softly through his fur as he squeezed back.

"Well, I mean..." A shrug. He turned briefly to swing the door shut behind him, then turned back to find those sharp eyes watching him. Only for a second, though: then Lynn smiled again, and headed over towards the kitchen. "Yeah. Yeah, I was. Is that alright?"

"Hell yeah it is." Lynn poked her head back from behind one of the cupboards, just out of sight around the corner. "I just restocked on one of my favorite whiskeys, like... halfway through last week, as a reward to myself for finishing exams. Did I have you try the cherry-infused one last time?"

Eli had to think about that a bit on his way after her. The last time he'd been here, lots of things had happened, and honestly, the glass and a half or so hadn't been on his mind too often among the other events. "I... dunno?"

"Ah. Well." One paw still on the cupboard door, Lynn half-straightened up, immediately pulling the wild dog's eyes from her backside to her front. From this angle he could see the way that that bushy mane of hers pushed against the back of the sports bra she'd so casually donned before him, the fur that same smooth, creamy white as the main portions of the rest of her body, then suddenly dropping to the sharp brownish-black of her stripes at the ends. "Remind me later tonight once we've settled down, and I'll see about breaking it out. Stuff is damn good."

He slid up behind her, placing his paws on his waist and trying to see what she was rummaging around for. Naturally, he just felt his eyes continually pulled towards the line of that mane, running down beneath her bra and poking back up along her bare back between there and her shorts, then flattening down again... and ending somewhere along her tail. "Well, what've you got planned for me tonight?"

"For you?" She peeked over her shoulder at him, half-straightened up again, and then - being Lynn - swished her tail and bumped her rear back against him, before closing the cupboard and starting over towards the refrigerator. "Well, I think we both know what we've got going on tonight, right?"

There was no way she could mean - but look at her eyes. Her tail, her ears...

_ _

God. Just look at her.

Then he realized that he'd been silent too long, and tried to cover it up with a cough and clearing his throat. "Oh. Well. Um. I mean, I was... thinking maybe..."

"Eli, hon."

Lynn spun on her footpaw towards him again, bending over just far enough to put her eyes level with his. One of her paws came up to caress underneath his chin, steadying his gaze on hers; then she dropped it down to his chest, pushing her fingerpads and claws just barely against him. That immediately sent sweet little electric shocks through him, just like when she'd rubbed his back.

"How about you help me with dinner, we relax and watch an episode or two of something..." That paw continued down, squeezing at his chest, his tummy, the fly of his pants... just a little bit lower. Suddenly his heart was in his throat again. "And then we worry about dessert." As much as he would have liked for it to remain there, though, her paw flicked away as soon as he realized what had happened, and the hyena smirked and turned back to the fridge. "Hey, would soup be okay? There's some broth in here, and it's pretty easy. Low effort. I don't wanna put much effort into anything after my exams."

"Was that - do you read smut or something?"

Sharp triangular ears perked. "Hm?"

"That line." Eli took a step forward and leaned down beside her, giving his best smug smile. "That was way cheesy. Did you take that from a porno or something?"

"A woman can have her secrets, can't she?" Lynn straightened up again, handing him a carton of chicken broth and an onion. "Why? Did it work?"

How did she do her grin like that? Always set his heart fluttering, always ignited a little blooming warmth in his chest, always presented him with the irresistible urge to smile back. This time, it also caused a slight yet noticeable tightening of his pants, already begun from that grab and squeeze. "You could wait and see."

"I've waited two weeks. What's another couple hours?" Having turned her muzzle back towards the fridge, Lynn nodded over her shoulder towards Eli holding the onion. "Get that chopped, please. Actually, dice it..."

This felt good._Really good. Eli's mind kept on wandering back to that throughout preparing the dinner, the two of them diving around the kitchen for ingredients or tools, Lynn showing him where she kept the knives and the spoons and helping him with the stove, Eli occasionally sliding up beside her to give his input or opinion. Marlin never - _never - spoke to him about cooking: the fox could do it, of course, he just never did.

More often, he just ordered food that he didn't have the money to support. Or he'd let Eli do whatever, then complain about it for some reason or another even though he hadn't said anything during the cooking. Or he'd order out even when he knew Eli would be cooking. That still irked the wild dog.

Lynn, though... she'd been right in saying that soup wasn't a particularly difficult thing to make - Eli and his mother would often just rummage around and toss whatever they could find into their soup, and it always came out better than the batch before it - and yet she still listened to him and spoke to him. That was the part that felt wonderful. This felt like... like collaborating on something, like working together to make something they would both enjoy, instead of just Eli putting all of his effort into something that he wasn't even sure about.

_Is this okay, though?_He picked his spot on the couch and sank down against the cushions, careful not to spill anything from the steaming bowl held in a towel to protect his fingerpads from it - and then Lynn took her place beside him, far enough that her sitting down wouldn't wobble his grip. Then he leaned forward to put his bowl on the table, and so did she, and she closed that distance between them, sliding up against him and even leaning her head on his shoulder. Just for a fraction of a second.

_ _

Is this okay?

The hyena asked if he had anything in particular he'd like to watch, and it took him a couple seconds to realize she expected him to answer, and he had nothing for her. "You - you pick," he answered; she smiled at him, then turned back to the screen. That had been the trend in his head since he'd gotten here: strong and confident one moment, blushy nervous mess the next. Whatever happened to her 'wait and see' at the restaurant? What about her - what did she say - 'I'm not on the market right now'? Eli had been nervous about going too far with one of his little jibes, and then she'd dropped one before he had the chance, and then...

...and then the way she hugged him and seemed to melt into his arms just as he did into hers, and how her paw found his on the walk, and then how that same paw wandered down below his belt just a little bit ago... and here he was, leaning his shoulder against hers, trying to coax out some more of that attention, that affection.

She smelled so good, over the warm savory spice of the soup; Eli could tilt his muzzle to the side a bit, just a bit, and brush his nose against a tuft of fur along her cheek. A slight inhalation brought her scent into him, familiar even after two weeks without it, comforting _because_of that span. Maybe it was because Eli had spent the entire previous week with Marlin, and had fallen into his old habits of random little touches of affection that he kept on doing it: nosing her cheek, bumping her shoulder, touching his knee to hers, flicking his tail across her back.

But, unlike Marlin, Lynn responded to each and every one. A nuzzle of her own, a little push back against him; a warm sigh, a little murmur from half-parted lips. Near the end of their first episode Lynn finished her bowl, then promptly put an arm around Eli's lower back to tease at his hip and lower belly with soft, gentle fingers. Small circles, little lines, soft stroking... just those touches worked like magnets on him, pulling him closer until he settled against the hyena's chest, his own bowl having already been emptied and placed beside hers on the table.

This led to the two of them slowly leaning over, until Lynn lounged back along the couch with Eli atop, her paw having found its way up beneath the back of his shirt to continue rubbing at those spots that for some reason made him sweetly squirm and kick and rumble. He pushed his nose up under her chin, wiggled a little bit to the side so as not to crush those damn sizeable breasts of hers beneath his weight, let his own arm fall across her lower body, dug his fingers against her warm fur, swallowed, sighed. He could fall asleep like this.

Yeah. This is... this is okay.

The second episode ended a short time later, though neither reached for the remote. Eli continued nuzzling into the warm fur of the hyena's neck, and she resumed stroking her fingers along his back, up and down, claws bumping against the waistband of his jeans and then turning back to begin up again. He repeatedly squeezed her side, soft with a noticeable firmness beneath - she had to do more than just run, he figured; his paw wandered to her belly, thumb teasing over the ring of her piercing there, and felt that same firm-under-soft there too, solid abs under a layer of padding - in rhythm with her paw on his back.

Maybe it was something about shifting the focus of his touch there, or how Lynn adjusted how she lay just a little bit, but in another moment or two Eli felt... something different._Something on her scent, something in the feeling of her body against his, something ignited at the base of his tail where her fingers played, in his lower back where she pressed and stroked. Or, maybe, it was just the _closeness that he had suddenly become aware of, how this warmth seeping into his body and surrounding him belonged to both of them, and how neither would be able to stand up without the other making a considerable adjustment to their own positioning.

But, either way, Eli found himself pushing a little more firmly against the hyena, and felt his breaths sharpening a bit and becoming heavier, more urgent. Specifically, he pressed against her upper thigh; Lynn slightly tilted her muzzle, maybe looking at him - he felt it more than saw it, face still in place against her neck - and pushed right back against him. That sent a shiver up his back, which ended in him licking his lips and swallowing; a moment later her paw came down, wiggled between the two of them, and cupped and rubbed the growing stiffness there.

"I was wondering when this was gonna come out..." the hyena rumbled. Eli felt a blush start to warm his cheeks, yet he couldn't help himself from thrusting gently against the cupped paw, feeling the way she squeezed around his length through his pants. "Oh, yeah, I still have to step on you, don't I?"

Another soft moan and firm thrust and throb, and Lynn chuckled under her breath. Eli's blush deepened. At least once during Marlin's near-relentless attempts to drain the wild dog dry, he'd found his mind wandering to thoughts and fantasies that this hyena had instilled in his head of her having his cock clamped between her footpaws, or one on the side of his face and the other grinding against his length, or even just him lying down on the floor while she sat at the dinner table or on the couch or something, and-

He swallowed again and forced himself to bring his muzzle out from that comfortable crook between her shoulder and her neck. After a week of exhaustion, and stress, and having to put up with Marlin's seemingly endless libido with Eli often waking up in the middle of the night due to a fox paw trying to pull him on top of him for just one more ride, really all he wanted to do was lie back, relax, and...

"Actually..." he managed, pulling himself out to look at her. Her eyes caught the little light that streamed in from the next room, glittering in that special way of theirs. "I kinda wanna... focus on you."

Lynn raised her eyebrows. "Really? You sure?" She shifted out from under him a little bit, and her paw came away from the now-twitching tent in his pants. Eli almost sighed at the loss - until her paw found his again, cupping it from the back and returning it to that spot just beneath her belly-button piercing. "Didn't you say you haven't ever done anything with a woman before?"

"I..." 'Just... brush your teeth or something before coming back, alright?' He swallowed again. In that moment, he wasn't certain whether it was himself or her urging that pushed his paw further down, following the lines of her fur until the tips of his fingers pushed up against the waistband of her gym shorts, then flipped easily underneath. "No. I haven't."


Lynn shifted again, this time lifting her lower body up off of the couch. She kept Eli's paw in place there, though ran the thumb of her other along underneath the elastic of her shorts, pulling them away and then shuffling them down her thighs, and panties as well in one smooth movement. Eli couldn't pull his eyes away: slight curve of her soft belly, glitter of that piercing in the dim light of the TV, smooth arcs of her thighs... and soft, slightly-glistening pink flesh visible right between, maybe an inch or so past the tips of his fingers.

Sure, he'd seen pictures before, and maybe he'd taken some time these past few weeks to actually look up videos and really learn how deep his interest ran, but... knowing that this was it, right here, and that not only was he about to learn for himself, but that Lynn definitely wanted him to, as well...

"Why don't I show you some?"

Her paw tightened on his, just a little bit, a gentle grip. Lynn kept her fingers ahead of his, though made sure to bring him in closely after: soft pads running over softer lips, tracing down the length, coming back up between, faint slickness coating his fingers and making him squirm. It actually didn't feel too unlike the inside of a sheath, with that silken slickness and sweet warmth, and the sticky yet smooth wetness. Again, he twitched against her thigh; the TV had gone on to play a preview of something else, yet all he could hear was his own breathing alongside hers, and the quiet rustling of the couch beneath him.

Lynn turned her body a little bit, lying more fully on her back. "Now, I don't think..." She swallowed, then tensed around his fingers. Was that a good spot? "...you need me to tell you that it's good to... warm up a bit first.

He swallowed again. Her grip on his paw was fairly light; she let him move his fingers around a bit, let him slide back down between her lips and then up again, tracing over her slick heat, coming in just beneath the top. That made her shiver. "Yeah. Yeah, I know."

"Well, right... here..." She guided him up just a short distance, fingers curved, teasing in a little point of firmer yet still soft flesh. "...is a great starting point. For me, at least; some ladies don't like a full assault to the clit right from the start, but I think... it's..."

With that, he could _feel_her breath tighten as he circled a finger around that one point, to come out as a tense sigh once he pressed a pad right up against it. How hard? He tried to spread her with a thumb - it was harder than those videos had made it look, especially at that angle and with this lovely slickness - so he could focus more fully in there, and...

...Lynn twitched against him, half-turning towards him with her paw again tightening on his, this time pulling him away. "Not too much. It's like... like the spot right behind your knot, on you canine boys."

"O-oh. Sorry."

"You just... have to..." Another twitch and squirm, her other paw squeezing on his arm as she pressed herself up against him. This time a hot, tense sigh puffed out across his muzzle, soon followed by a shudder racking the length of her entire body. "Mm. Are you sure you haven't done this before?"

Eli swallowed, trying to lean down and keep an eye on what he was doing without being too obtrusive about it. Hard to get a good angle with the way the hyena's thighs kept squeezing around his wrist, and how she bucked gently up against his fingers and then pulled back down. As he'd gone his own way, the paw she'd used to guide him had drifted up towards her belly, where it now rested limp... at least until he found another of her good spots, which made her fingers tense and tighten up all over again.

The wild dog swallowed again, briefly slipping his fingers out from between her legs. They glistened all across the pads with her thin slickness, warm and slippery; Eli slid them down in against her clit again, though this time continued pressing them further down. Lynn half-lifted one leg, braced her footpaw on the table, pushed her hips up... and Eli pressed a pair of fingers slowly into her, sinking first to one knuckle, then the next.

At first he worried if two fingers was too much to start with, feeling the way she squeezed and squirmed around him, hot slick flesh tightening on his fingers with Lynn tensing up beside him... but before long she relaxed, a sweeter sigh leaving her parted lips. And then, as if she could sense his reluctance, her paw clamped around his wrist and nearly pulled him in further, bringing Eli to adjust his position a bit so he could reach better.

"Right... God..." The striped hyena licked her lips, taking the opportunity to pull herself up a little bit and lean back against the arm of the couch. "It might be tough f-from that angle, but see if... if you can... reach with your thumb, and..."

Eli raised an eyebrow - Lynn had squeezed her eyes closed, and was keeping herself propped up on her other arm - then looked back down. It_was_ a little difficult, but with a bit of adjustment he could slid his thumb back up towards her clit, gently if less dexterously rubbing and circling as he had before, now with his fingers.

This felt so_different from playing around with Marlin, and in a way deeper than the obvious: pushing and touching and teasing at Lynn, Eli found himself listening to her little sounds and watching the changes in her expression, realized that he _wanted to figure out what she liked and what made her feel good. He wanted_to know how to get her to gasp and squirm and moan, intentionally, instead of just feeling around blind and happening on those spots by accident now; with Marlin, more often than not he felt as though it were a chore, a task to be done. Sure, the fox was usually right when he told Eli _come on, you'll enjoy it once you get into it, but here, tonight, he already was enjoying it.

And he had from the start.

His gaze wandered back to the hyena's muzzle, lower lip clamped between her teeth with her eyes still tightly shut. Every now and then she swallowed, or parted her lips to let out a sigh in time with a squeeze around his fingers, or gasped and half-lifted that leg. She didn't fully open her eyes, though, until Eli wriggled his other arm from out beneath her body and braced that paw against her shoulder, starting to push himself further down along the couch.

Their eyes met, then, Lynn's somewhat foggy with the haze of pleasure, but she still understood. Eli's heart beat in his chest; he drew his fingers back out of her before he dropped down to his knees, looking back behind himself to make sure he wouldn't bump against the table, and settled down into place on the floor. The hyena shifted soon after, letting her one leg drop to the floor and then hooking the other lightly over Eli's shoulder. She couldn't spread them too far apart, what with her shorts and panties still halfway down her thighs - the wild dog cursed himself, blushing, for not thinking about that - but from this close, at this angle, that shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Once more he couldn't pull his eyes away. Eli brought his thumb back in, gently spreading the hyena as he leaned in, and... her scent wasn't at all like he'd expected. Soft, soft like the creamy white fur that seemed to point down to that center point, faintly spiced and edged, actually not too far unlike his own musk. There was no denying the way it made him want, though, and now that he could more clearly see what he was doing, now that he could run his thumb up beneath her lip, spread it to the side, and see the little bulb of her clit, glistening with the gathered slickness that also had soaked the fur surrounding...

Once more he looked up at her, and she looked down at him. Expectant, anticipating, yet... gentle, coaxing. You don't have to do anything you don't want to, that face told him, even with the way she chewed on a claw and still shuddered with uneven breaths, even with the scent of her arousal swirling around his head and drawing him closer in.

The paw she'd kept at her belly came down a little further, brushing across his before she spread herself with a pair of fingers. Eli's gaze returned there, to soft, glistening-wet pink. Then he licked his lips, swallowed, shifted his grip on her thigh... and closed that distance, touching his lips to hers, tongue following soon after. Just a slow yet firm drag upwards, just as she'd guided his fingers to do, culminating in a small flick across her clit.

If he'd thought that his fingers felt good to her, then thisseemed something entirely different. Just from that he could feel the hyena tense up, in that hot, intense pressure of pleasure; again and again he repeated that motion, feeling the way her slickness coated his tongue and maw, the way that scent became a faint taste in his throat every time he swallowed, his saliva and her arousal wetting the fur around his lips.

This wasn't bad. Hell, not at all; Eli let his eyes drift shut, tilting his muzzle up so he could focus more fully on her clit, dragging his tongue in from underneath and flicking it over, swirling softly around like he'd done with his thumb. This is... The wild dog reached down with his other paw, popping the button of his fly free with the zipper following after. Does it really feel this good for her? Why didn't we do this before?

It didn't take long before her little sighs and gasps took on some of her voice, becoming breathy moans and small bits of words that Eli couldn't quite catch. Lynn's thighs repeatedly clamped on his shoulders and against his head, holding him in place as he worked his tongue and jaw, not caring about the thick drips rolling down his chin and towards his neck; one paw slowly stroking himself, he slid the other in to find where his fingers had been before and returned those two to their place there, pushing up into firmly-clenching flesh, sending another ripple of pleasure through the hyena.

"God..." Lynn sucked in a gasp through gritted teeth. His eyes flicked up to her: she'd moved her paws just as he had his own, with one having found its way up beneath her bra and the other on its way to grip his head. He closed his eyes again when it settled between his ears, gripping softly yet not pulling him down. "Eli..."

Just like tonguing Marlin's sheath. This warm slickness coating his tongue and throat, the taste and scent dominating his senses and making him want more, the way he could still taste it even when he'd moved back to catch his breath... how just looking forward made him want to dive back in. The wild dog sat back on his ankles for a moment, working his fingers slowly yet firmly to the knuckle inside of her and then pulling them back down, then leaned in to place a soft kiss against her clit. Then a second, and a third; then he parted his lips and swirled his tongue back in, breathing her scent in through his maw as much as his nose.

His jawdid start to ache, though, and he had to limit himself to moving his entire head to change the angle of his tongue, but... Lynn didn't seem to mind. In fact, when he next opened his eyes, the hyena had started to lean forward away from the back of the couch, bending over the wild dog's head between her legs just as she squeezed him in her thighs again. Her breath picked up even further, her gasps becoming sharper and shorter; one of her legs started twitching, shaking nearly as though she were intentionally bouncing it; his moans took on a sharp, urgent touch, hot and full.

Eli buried his fingers to the knuckle again and pushed through the ache in his lower jaw, keeping his lips pursed on her and his tongue working - and for a moment he couldn't breathe, the hyena squeezing him firmly against her, thighs on two sides of his head and paw gripping the top as she shook, jerked, bucked against him. Here he wasn't really sure what to expect, so he kept his eyes shut anyway in case more than his maw would end up soaked, but another moment and Lynn crumpled back across the couch, chest rising and falling in exhausted panting.

She certainly looked tired, white fur of her lower body soaked to a darker color nearly halfway down her thighs, her bra pulled up to expose one breast, her head leaning back with muzzle pointed up to the ceiling and lips parted. Could women really go for more than one orgasm in a session? Eli swallowed, licked his lips, swallowed again, wiped his mouth on the back of his paw - God, that was wet - then swallowed yet again.

Just brush your teeth or something. Right. He'd be able to taste her still even if he did that twice, it felt like. And that certainly wasn't a bad thing.

"Are you-" Another swallow. It definitely coated his tongue and throat. "Are you okay?"

Lynn took another moment to catch her breath, then wobbled her head forward. "Yeah," she managed, lips tilting in a smile. "I'm good. Did you enjoy yourself?"

Somewhere along the way his attention had drifted away from his own arousal, but now... Eli squirmed, an unavoidable throb bringing that desire back. "I did. I really did."

"You did a good job." Lynn tried to lean forward, failed, tried again, and this time managed to hook her arms underneath Eli's to pull him up. Of course, her eyes locked instantly on the twitching shaft between his legs, right about at eye-level with her sitting. "Especially for... for your first time." Those eyes flicked up to the wild dog's muzzle. "Let me guess. Your jaw hurts?"

Did she expect him to stand there, or sit down beside her, or what? Eli tried to hide his blush again, then realized there was no point - though the gentle brush of her paw against the side of his length when she reached up to cup it still startled him. "Oh. Uh. Yeah. I..." He started to chuckle, though it turned into a drawn-out sigh when the hyena's tongue drew along his cock, starting behind his knot and finishing across his tip. His hips gave a buck. "Ooh..."

"Yeah, well..." She ran a thumb down his slick length, lightly rolling his sheath back and then letting it slide back into place. With her other paw on his waist, she pushed him back a step so that she could touch her lips right against his tip. From there the hyena intentionally lapped off the little bead of pre that had gathered, and kissed the underside. "You get used to it. Trust me. Just like any other ache: training that muscle will help it go away."

From there Eli couldn't have given a coherent response had he tried. Lynn got right to work returning the favor, bobbing her head with her tongue cupped, occasionally digging down into his sheath past his knot, squeezing with a pair of fingers and her thumb, cupping and massaging his sack... the wild dog ended up having to lean forward over the couch with an arm braced against the back, eyes shut and teeth gritted while his hips thrust of their own accord in rhythm with the hyena's attentions. It seemed that she could tell his peak a lot further off than he could hers: she remained down on him through the first, heaviest spurt, then slid back so she could receive the second, third, and weakest fourth across her tongue and muzzle, Eli panting above her, legs threatening to go out from beneath him.

That was alright, though. Right before he turned to slump down onto the couch beside her, the hyena was on her feet in front of him, paws on his waist keeping him steady as she grinned down at him. She hadn't yet bothered to fix her bra, and still wore her shorts halfway off; now with both of them standing like this, so close together, Eli's slowly-softening cock brushed against her upper thigh, just further matting down her fur there - and making him squirm with the sensitivity.


His ears swiveled forward, and in that moment, he found the energy to open his eyes all the way. The hyena watched him as he watched her, her eyes flicking back and forth between his, her lips half-parted in heavy breathing and in preparation to say something... and Eli felt a smile touch his lips, then watched as it spread to hers. She brought her paws up from his waist to drape her arms over his shoulders, the weight warm and comfortable.

He swallowed yet again. "Lynn."

Still she wore those few ropes of his across her muzzle, starting to mat down her fur. It looked like she didn't care - though she certainly noticed: in the space between words, her tongue lapped out to clean off the lower portion of one of them. Then, the hyena tilted her head, let her smile soften, and shifted her arms on his shoulders. Eli felt a paw spread across the back of his head.

And then he was leaning in, and she was, too. Their lips met there, a light touch, hardly more than a brush; then one or both of them deepened the pressure, each still able to taste the other, both now able to taste themselves as well. Eli's paws drifted near the hyena's waist, then settled in to hold her; she tightened her grip on him too, tilting her muzzle to the other side in the brief space between that kiss and the one following, this one a little faster and a little deeper. Then, suddenly, her tongue was playing on and around his, and Eli pushed his right back against hers. Her paw wandered from the back of his head to the side of his muzzle, then down to his chin to keep him tilted up; then her other paw joined it, both cupping the wild dog's head in a different spot.

Again and again the kiss broke only to give way to another, Eli's heart thumping in his chest. Lynn's grip tightened on his muzzle, and he found himself being pulled forward and down - into her lap as she sat back down onto the couch, tongue still swirling along and around his. Eli struggled briefly with getting into position, sitting atop her legs with his knees beside hers and his arms around her shoulders, but from there... from there they both relaxed back, pulling out of the kiss, eyes meeting again.

What is this feeling? It's... familiar, but I can't put a name to it.

Sharp, glittering eyes, a warm smile, a familiar scent. The slight soft tingling on his lips, the shuddering breaths, the energy pulsing through his body. The blossoming warmth in his chest.

It's so familiar, but I know I haven't felt it in a long time.

Her thighs felt so warm underneath him as he settled down on top of her. Lynn slid her paws up underneath his shirt again, lightly tracing her fingers through his fur in that way that made him shiver, then dropped them back down to rub at his waist and upper legs. He did feel a little silly, sitting on her like this with his shaft still hanging out - that kiss had reinvigorated him a bit - but she seemed alright with it, so he was, too.

Lynn's eyes remained on his muzzle above hers. Still she had that soft smile. "Wanna get cleaned up and head off to bed?"

Eli watched her a moment longer, then nodded. "Yeah." He shifted his arms down, bringing himself closer to her... and nuzzled in along the side of her muzzle. He made sure to lean towards the side that wasn't streaked with cum, and from there turned the nuzzle into a kiss on the cheek - which Lynn turned into another full-on kiss, which of course expanded into an extra two or three or six... "You said you... had a queen size, right? Bed?"

"Mhmm." Lynn patted his thighs. "Up. Though I know how much you like being in this position."

Her little comment earlier - I could peg you. If you ask. - had stuck in his head, of course, so he'd been wandering down that direction as well. This time, the blush came with a genuine laugh. Eli pulled himself off of her and stood, shifting his pants the rest of the back up his legs. "Yeah. You got me. Um - you wouldn't mind too terribly if I, uh..."

"If you help me take up the space in that bed?" There was that smile again. Lynn reached down and took his paw in hers. "I don't mind at all. In fact, I was planning to ask if you didn't. Oh, hey, grab your bowl..."

Lynn released his paw once while they bent over the sink to clean each of their bowls out, and Eli was the one to reach for hers afterwards. She led him down the hall and into her bedroom, still holding onto him.