The New You

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_This is a bit of an experiment, and the first thing I've written in a second person POV, but it was fun to write and I'm really happy with how it turned out!

Warning: The story contains sex with an underage character. Namely - you!_

Ah, there you are.

Well, first of let me introduce myself. I'm Doctor Fisher, and I'll be in charge of your therapy. No, not your 'sentence'. You are here preventively. Yes, everybody claims they didn't do anything wrong, but from what we've heard you've been skipping classes, misbehaving at home and have even gotten into a few fights.

Well, for a twelve-year-old it's certainly not good. Now your mother is a nice woman working very hard to provide for you and raise you all by herself, and you seem set on making her job more difficult. She turned to our program because she was sure you were well on your way to becoming a delinquent, and since I've seen quite a few case files, I have to say I agree with her.

No, this isn't 'juvie' this is a new and quite promising alternative. Its goal is to keep you from getting into juvenile corrections, which haven't been all that effective at turning kids around. Now let me start of by saying I don't think you are a bad boy, and I'm sure you don't want to be one. Am I right? Good, glad we can agree on something.

The thing is, you can't grow into a good boy with no siblings and no male role models. Single parents have a hard enough job ahead of them as it is even without the difficulty of a gender mismatch between them and their child.

Well, I can't go into details, but you'll see.

Now, to cover some ground rules - you will be confined to this room for most of your stay. It's pretty basic now - you have an adjoining bathroom, a bed, a few spare clothes and a computer. Keep in mind your internet access will be very limited and monitored.

As you advance through the program, you will get the occasional reward for good behavior, but those have to be earned. No, you can't have your phone back until you're released. You can get in touch with your friends once you're done here, if by then you still want to. Your mother doesn't seem to think to highly of them.

Now, you've had a stressful day so I'll just give you a little shot and let you get settled in.

Don't worry, it's just a part of your therapy. Don't tell me a big boy like you is afraid of a little shot? Good, I didn't think so. There, that didn't hurt, did it? Now get some rest, and I'll come see you tomorrow.


Good morning! Sleep well?

Oh, what kind of discomfort? In your chest? Are you having trouble breathing? What do you mean 'on top'? Oooh, I see. Well you can just say 'breasts' you know. I'm not going to get upset with you if you use naughty words, unless I get the impression you're just trying to be vulgar.

Yes, I know, those 'prickles' are a sign the therapy's working. Not surprising since twelve years old is really the ideal time to administer it. Don't worry, here, open your pajama top and I'll show you how to massage them to make them feel better.

No need to act like a prude, you don't have anything in there I haven't already seen. There, that wasn't so hard, was it? Now, you just lay your palm gently over one breast an... oh, I'm sorry, was I to rough? Ahh, well the nipples do tend to get a little more sensitive, but as long as we take it nice and easy you'll see it's not a bad thing.

Now, I'll do your right one, and you watch what I'm doing and try it on your left. Stretch your fingers out over the breast and then keeping them pressed against it slowly pull them in. That's it, a very slow kneading motion, just flex and relax, flex and relax. Then when you get the hang of that, try rotating your hand so that it goes around your breast with every stroke.

There, doesn't that feel better? Oh, I guess it does! Now don't be embarrassed, boys your age get those for no reason at all, let alone when woman is giving them a little massage. I know you do, I've noticed the way you've been staring at my chest while I'm trying to teach you about yours.

Tell me, have you masturbated before? Really? Well, I guess we now know the real reason you wanted your phone back so bad. And when you do touch yourself, do you come? Well, that's good to hear, since that's kind of what we'll be doing next.

There, now you can take care of your breasts whenever they get to 'prickly'. Next, I'll need you do drop your bottoms. Now now, no need to get bashful again, just slide them down and let me have a look.

Ooh, what a pretty little thing. Oh don't look at me like that! Did you expect me to swoon, overcome with desire? Anyway, you needn't concern yourself with that. Now just wait a second while I get this packet open.

Yes, it's a condom, but don't get any ideas. I'm just going to put it on to keep you from making a mess. What, did you honestly think I was going to let you mount me? In fact, the penetration is going to be the other way 'round. Well, I'll show you once I've got this on.

Try to stop twitching and try as hard as you can not to cum. You can do that, right? Of course, you aren't going to pop just because a pretty woman is sliding a rubber over your boyhood, right? I thought so. There we go, all nice and wrapped up. Now turn around and lay down with your chest flat on the bed and your rear in the air.

Yes, you hear me right, and don't get hissy with me now. This next part is going to happen even if I have to call a nurse to help hold you down. Good, glad you've decide to act your age. Now just relax, it will make this next part much easier. In fact, if you behave yourself, I'll make sure you enjoy it. Well, you say that now but...

And speaking of those, you have got quite a cute one. Oh, so you can check me out, but I can't comment on your tush? Now just raise your tail out of the way. Good, now keep it like that while I get my glove on.

OK, now you're going to feel something wet on your little pucker. Don't worry, it's just some stuff to make you nice and slippery. Yes, just like when you had your medical before being admitted. Just out of curiosity, did you get a stiffy when the nurse examined you 'back there'?

Well, I'll take that blush as a yes. Oh, don't pout, I'm just teasing you a little. Took your mind off the lube I'm rubbing on you, didn't it? Truth is I know you did because we couldn't have admitted you if you hadn't.

Well, it will be easier to show you. Now, I'm going to slip a finger inside on the count of three, so I want you to relax and let me in, okay? Now here we go - one...

Sorry, it's an old trick! They always tense up on 'three', so I slipped in on 'one' to catch you by surprise. Now just relax, try to fight your instinct to clench up. I'm going to go slow, but the sooner you relax, the more comfortable you'll feel.

There, that's much better. Not so terrible, is it now? Oh? Funny 'ha-ha', or funny weird? Well, is it a good kind of weird, or a bad one? You're not sure? Well, I think you'll have an opinion soon enough, just have to slide a little more in and have a little poke around until...

Ah, there we go! That felt nice, didn't it? Go on, there's no shame in admitting it, I saw your little cock jump. No it doesn't make you one, and you shouldn't be using slurs like that. What I've touched is called a prostate, and it's a very sensitive spot that all males have, gay or straight.

Some are more sensitive than others, and quite a few boys can have an orgasm just by having that little spot played with. Now, I'm guessing you're one of those, so relax and just do what feels natural. Now I'm going to ease off your little 'buzzer' for a second and just play with you a little to help you relax.

Feel that? You like having my finger sliding in and out of your little pucker? It's okay to admit it, I won't tell anyone. Good, glad you like it. And I've got good news for you - it's only going to get better. For now just relax, remember to breathe deep. Good, now I'm just going to try adding another finger, tell me if it's too much...

Good boy! Now relax and I'm going to give you a little reward for being so brave. Oh, okay sweetie, just try to keep your legs steady. And don't worry, the room is soundproofed so you can be as loud as you want.

Feel that? That's your little button, your very own g-spot. Feels better than your paw, huh? Oooh, close already? All right sweetie, just let it happen. That's it, good boy. See, you came without having your little shaft touched. Well, I'm glad to hear that, it usually does feel a lot better this way than just stroking it.

Now sit down and take a look between your legs. Yes, that's all yours! Prostate orgasms tend to be a lot messier, which is why we used a rubber. Let me just slip that off. What? Oh well, we'll need the sample to see how well you're responding to the serum. Which reminds me, I've got to give you another shot, and then you can wash up and we're done for the day.


Good morning. And how are we feeling today? Oh, well let me take a look.

Yes, they have gotten a tad bigger. Well, I think they look cute on you. Now don't pout, it's just a bit of swelling. Have you been massaging them like I taught you? Good, and do they feel better when you do? Oh, I bet it does. They're becoming more sensitive, and while you're here you'll learn just how fun they can be.

Now, I'll need you to be a dear and bend over on your bed for me, like you did yesterday. No, not my fingers this time. Since you took those so well, I've got something special for you today. Oh don't act like you've never seen something like this! After all, you've got something very similar between your legs.

Speaking of which, I'll need to wrap you up before we start. I'm sure you can, but I'd still prefer to do it myself, to make sure it's nice and snug. Besides, don't tell me you don't want a pretty lady touching you down there? Then it's settled, let me just...

There, all wrapped up! Hmm? No, I think we only have the pink ones. Besides, I think the color suits you. Now be a good boy and lift your tail for me. Well you didn't mind doing it yesterday. Oh, so my fingers are one thing, but a silicone shaft is another? Trust me, this will feel every bit as good and I won't think of you as less of a boy.

Good, glad that's settled, now just be a dear and relax for me. Yes, well I made sure to warm it up for you. Nobody wants a cold rubber thingy stuck inside them, now do they? Now let me just smear your little button a bit and we'll...

Shhhh, it's okay, I won't go any further until you're ready. Now just be a brave little boy for me and do your best to relax. There we go, you're doing great. Yeah, the first part's the hardest, then it's just inch after thick, slick inch disappearing into your tight little tush.

And there we are! Yes, it's all inside you, I told you the first part's the hardest. Now just stay relaxed and let me make you feel nice again. That's okay, clenching a little is fine. It makes your button press against the toy, and that feels nice, doesn't it? That's it, just keep your tail up, I'm going to speed up a little.

That's okay, just go with the feeling. You're all wrapped up so just let go whenever you feel like it's too much. You're really relaxed now, feel how easily it's slipping in and out of your little behind? That's it sweetie, be as loud as you like.

Oh, I know that sound!

Do you feel that? That warm wet feeling spreading inside you? Yes, that's what the tube was for. No, it's not real, but we put a lot of effort to make it look and feel like the real stuff. And it has something extra mixed in.

Not much, just something to make you happy and tingly for a little while. It's quite harmless, but it's something we call 'positive reinforcement'. It will make your brain connect those tingly sensations with the feeling of having someone cum inside you. That will make you crave the sensation of someone pumping their load into your tight little butt.

Don't worry, you'll see. It's all a part of the attitude adjustment we're going for, to make you into a new and better you.


Hello again. And how are we feeling today?

Well, that's good to hear.

Now, before we get to the physical stuff, we'll be doing something a bit different first. Now now, no need to worry, you didn't do anything wrong. Quite the opposite- you're doing quite well, and this is sort of the next step.

Now this is going to be sort of like a game, where I will ask you questions and you will build a sort of character. No, you can't chose a class. Your character will be a girl, and the point is for you to build up your version of a perfect girl. Sort of the way you would want to be like if you were one.

Okay, now first question - if you were a girl, what would your name be?

Cindy? Okay, that's a nice name.

And what sort of girl would Cindy be? Well, for instance would she be shy or outgoing? A little bit of both? Ah, so she's mostly confident but can get a little shy and embarrassed now and again. No, that's a good answer, don't be afraid of being complex just as long as you're honest.

So would Cindy be a really girly type, or sort of tomboyish? Ah, so the whole pink-frilly package.

And would she like boys or girls? Both? Well, that'll certainly leave her a lot of options.

So, would Cindy go after a boy or girl she liked, or would she try to get them to come to her? Hmm, well I suppose since she's such a little cutie who likes both boys and girls she'll have no shortage of admirers.

And lastly, is Cindy a nice girl, or is she a little bit bad?

Ahh, so you think all women should act nice, but get a little naughty when you want them to. Well, that's certainly interesting...

Well, that's it for this part, now let's just get your little rubber on. Ooh, already hard. Did thinking about 'Cindy' turn you on, or were you staring down my shirt again? That's okay, I told you I don't mind you looking.

There we go. And now that you're wrapped up I just need you to get into position and lift your tail for me.

Don't worry, it'll be much easier this time. And didn't it feel nice the last time I pumped your little tush and left all that thick cream inside you. Well there you go.

Ooh, and there it goes! My my, but you are an eager little thing, I didn't even have to ask you to relax. Oh no need to blush. After all, you're supposed to enjoy this.

And do you want to hear a little secret?

I love doing this. I love putting a silicone cock up against a little boy's little pucker, getting it nice and slick before pushing into a fresh little butt inch by inch. Watching the little boy's tail tense and his toes curl as I sloooowlyyy slide the toy. In and out, in and out...

But the best part's when the boys start to get into it. That's right, they all do. It's just a matter of finding out what they like. Some boy's like it very slow, some like it when I'm pumping their tush as fast as I can. Some like to be called 'princess' while I do it, others prefer 'little slut'.

Ooh, and I guess we just learned which one you prefer. Well there's nothing wrong with being a little slutty, especially when you have your tail raised for someone, is there? And it's hard for a girl to act ladylike when she's got something nice and thick pumping in and out of her. Oh, sorry, s slip of the tongue. Of course you're a boy. Now be a good boy and quit sulking like that, or I might just take this out before you get your treat.

There's a good little boy. Just relax and let me pump your pretty little rump. There, doesn't it feel nice when you behave? What's that? A little faster? Okay, here it goes... Ooh, look at you go! You must have really liked that. And here comes your treat.

Feels nice, huh? Oh, okay, I can keep it in a little. Don't want that cream leaking out, do you? See, I told you it felt nice. Well, since you have your butt in the air I might as well give you your shot. Oh, and before I forget - you might hear a voice coming from the speakers in the ceiling tonight. If you do, don't pay much attention and just try to sleep through them, it won't be loud enough to stop you from sleeping. Hmm? Oh, it's just part of the program. You'll be in the final stage quite soon at this rate...


Good morning Cindy!

Well, why should it sound strange, it's your name isn't it? Well, that's okay, everyone feels a little confused first thing in the morning. Did you have a good night's sleep? Oh, you heard it? Yes, she does have a sexy voice. If you like you can meet her once your therapy's over.

What was that? Oh, well it is a little drab, but I've got some good news for you there. Since you're doing so well, you've earned some requisition points. After we're done I'll show you how you can use the computer to order all sorts of things to make this room a little prettier, and maybe get some nice clothes.

Yes, well in a day or two you will be allowed to the common room with the other girls in the program, and you don't want to go out in public in these boring jammies, now do you? Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find something that suits you.

Well, now let's move on to...

Oh my, someone's eager! Tush out and tail up before I've even opened the lube. Oh, no need to blush, that's very good behavior. Nothing wrong with being eager, now is there?

Now, let's get that pretty little pussy ready. Hmm? Well of course it is, you're a girl aren't you? Oh don't worry about that, some girls just have a little something between legs. In fact, all of the girls you'll meet here do, so hopefully that will make you a little less self-conscious. And you'll be happy to know it won't grow any bigger than it is now, it will stay nice and cute just the way it is. Now, let's get that cure little girl-cock wrapped up.

Oh yes, those will keep growing. They're coming along quite nicely, you may even go up a cup size by the time you're ready to go back home. Are they still giving you any discomfort? Well, that's good to hear.

What's that? You're still doing the massages? No, nothing wrong with that. They are a very sensitive part of a girl's body and it always feels nice to play with them. In fact, I'm going to show you how they can make having your girl-hole stuffed feel even nicer. Would you like that?

Well, I'll take that as a yes. Now just kneel on your bed with your legs spread and your butt thrust out. Good, now just keep that tail out of the way and let me get you nice and slippery. Don't worry, you'll get your toy, I just have to make sure your pussy is nice and ready.

There, nice and gooey. Now just relax and take a deep breath...

Good girl! You're getting quite good at this, just look at that pretty little pussy take its toy. Oh, remind me to show you the special toys you can get with your 'good girl' points. Yes, well if you think this one feels nice, wait till you see what you can chose from - all sorts of shapes and sizes.

Hmm? No, there isn't any more, it's already all the way in. I guess you're ready for a longer one, at least. Now, since you're not on all fours, you can use your hands to play with your little teats while I pump your rump. Ready? Okay, here I go...

Ooh, someone's enjoying themselves! You should see how pretty your little rosebud just looked pulsing around my toy. Faster already? I'd say you're rushing things, but your little clitty seems to be throbbing, so okay. Don't worry, your room is soundproofed and I won't mind if you make noise. Now just relax that tush and let me give you a nice rutting.

There, doesn't it feel nice playing with your little boobies while getting your girl-hole pumped? Well, it's okay to pinch them every now and again, some girls like that, but if you overdo it they will be sore later. Yes, they all say 'I don't care!' while their pussies are full, and then a few hours later it's 'Owie, owie owie!'.

Are you close? Well don't be shy, let me see you squirt and I'll fill your rump full of that goo that you like so much. Ooh, look at you go! Such a good girl! And good girls get a treat...

There we go, full to the brim. Okay, I'll leave it in a little longer again. You know if you like keeping a load inside you, you should look into getting a butt-plug. Oh, that reminds me, might as well show you how the requisition browser works. Now, you just click here to open it and...


Good afternoon Cindy! My, doesn't your room look nice now. Yes, it's shaping up to be a real girl's room. You just keep behaving and you'll get more and more requisition points every day.

Now, I understand you were allowed out this morning, is that correct? Well, did you have fun playing with the other girls? Well, that's good to hear. What sort of things did you do?

Yes, well they are meant for young women, but we don't think there's any harm in letting well-behaved girls see them. Don't tell me you spent all morning watching cartoons?

You did what? Ooh, practicing kissing! No, no, it's perfectly normal, curious girls like you do it all the time. Oh, and you touched each other's breasts too? Yes, well it's always nicer having someone else play with them, isn't it?

Did you get a little stiffy while playing with the other girls? Come on, no need to be shy with me. You squirted? No, no, that's no problem, it's perfectly natural when someone touches you down there, and you are allowed to play as much as you like with the other girls.

Well, it's a good thing you were wearing your panties. No, just leave them with the rest of your dirty clothes, but next time you might want to put on one of the nice pink rubbers from the big jar on the table.

Now, I've got a little surprise for you, so I want you to close your eyes and put your hands out. Well, I want to see if you can guess what it is by touching it. No peeking now!

Yes, it is big. U-huh, long and thick too. Can you guess what it is? That's right, got it in one!

Yes, I can see you're eager to try it. Now, you'll have to promise me to take it slow, since it's quite a bit bigger than the one I'd been using on you so far. Yes, it's one of our most popular models. There's just something about young girls and horsies.

Now since this is a 'pony', I'm going to teach you how to ride it. First let's get this on the bed. Hmm? Oh, it's just a heavy base to keep your toy in place. See the bottom of the 'pony' goes here, and then it sticks straight up and stays pointing up.

Well, this time you will be doing the moving. It's a good idea since this toy is a big one, and doing it this way lets you take as much as you're comfortable with, at the speed you're comfortable with. Don't worry, I'll still be here.

Now, today I'd like for you to wrap your little girl-cock up yourself, to make sure you know how. Yes, now just roll it down. Perfect, now just let me get your pussy nice and slick. Yes, it is a little messy, but I have to use a lot more of it if you want to enjoy your first pony ride. Let's just get another finger in there...

There, that should do it. Now I'm going to keep the tip aimed at your little pussy, and you just squat over it, like that...

Good girl. What's that? I'm sure it does feel big, but don't worry, you can take this. Now use your hands to spread your cheeks and slowly let yourself slide down.

Okay, now stop for a second! Good girl, you got the flare in. Don't worry, it will only sting for a little while, and then it will feel nice once your tush has relaxed. Remember what it was like the first time you took a toy under your tail?

Now, when you feel ready just slide slowly down the shaft. Yes, like that. You could probably kneel now. You can feel all the veins and ridges? Lucky you, having such a sensitive little rosebud! Yes, it is lifelike, we actually molded it after one of the colts that came through here...

Ooh, you're a natural at this, you've only got a few inches left. Well look at you, taking a pony on your first try!

Don't rush things now, just wriggle around a little until you've loosened up enough to start riding it. That's it, just let it rub around inside your little bum. Hmm, so you like big ones, huh? Those colt's better watch out when you're ready to go home! Aww, look at you - ten inches of silicone stallion in your pretty little rump and still blushing like a maiden...

I think you're ready now. Just lift yourself a little and slide back down again. That's it sweetie, up and then down. Yes, well when you've got a really big one inside you, it doesn't take a lot of motion to get you tingly. Besides, it's nice feeling that full, isn't it?

What's that? Come on, don't be shy, you know you can ask me anything, right? Oh, you want me to play with them. Of course I don't mind, I'm flattered you asked.

There, does that feel nice? Good. Mmh, such pretty little nipples you have. Let's see just how sensitive they are...

Ooh, you didn't even know having them kissed could feel this nice did you? Now just keep riding your pony and let me worry about your little boobies.

Hmm, someone's picking up the pace. Are you close already? Well, you must really like having your pussy stuffed to the brim with a nice firm stallion cock. I bet that pretty little pucker of yours is twitching like mad, milking the pony it's so lovingly wrapped around.

Don't be embarrassed, this is the behavior we were going for. Now, let me hear you say 'I'm a good little slut, and I love taking pony cock!'. There, now didn't that give you a nice little thrill?

You know, someday you might meet a nice pony boy you like, and when he's balls deep inside that tight little butt of yours and you want him to rut you even harder and breed you like his little filly, all you need to do is say things like that and watch him go!

Oh, I know that noise. Is someone ready to squirt? Come on, let me see you fill that little rubber up like a good girl, and I'll fill that slutty little boy-pussy full of pony milk...

Good girl! Now here's your reward. Oh yes, there's a little more of it today. Well, horsies always pump you with lots of cream, you'll see for yourself once you meet a real one. There' that's the last drop.

Now let's get you off your pony. Slowly, easy does it...

And pop goes the flare! What's that? Oh, you got a butt plug? Okay, let me have a look around... a-ha, here it is. Ooh, I see it's one of the gemstone ones. Okay, try and clench up and get your tush in the air so I can slip it in. All right, now relax so I can push it in.

There we go, a pink gem glittering prettily between your cheeks. Quite a little hidden treasure. Hmm? Okay, give me your phone and I'll snap a pic. Aaand here you go.

Yes, well taking a pony is always going to be at least a little messy. Now you just relax and let that goo do its work, maybe even have a little nap. And if you feel a little sore back there later feel free to buzz me and I'll come over and rub some ointment on your little pussy.


Well Cindy, I'm glad to say you've completed the program with flying colors. Yes, were sending you home today. Oh don't look glum, you have plenty of time to say good-bye to all your friends. But it would be a shame for a pretty young girl to stay cooped up in here, now wouldn't it.

I knew you'd understand. Now, before you go, we've installed a new app on your phone. Well, it's like a special social network for others who'd been through the program, as well as young men and women who like a girl with a little 'extra'. It will help you make friends and keep you from getting lonely.

Yes, you can go and play with the others now, but make sure you've packed up all your clothes and toys by this evening. Your mommy is coming to pick you up, and I'm sure she can't wait to see the new you!