The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 5

Story by Everlast on SoFurry

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#192 of The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions

Chapter 5

She felt rays knocking at her closed eyelids.

Coriza opened her eyes, she was looking right at the window, sun was peeking inside, as if checking how she was doing. It had to be satisfied because clouds appeared on the sky a moment after, allowing the sun to hide behind it and cover its waking ray. A gentle light was still piercing through the fluffy puff, she followed it instinctively, lowering her gaze.

It illuminated a bed.

She was lying on a bed.

Body on the softness of the mattress, head propped on a delicate pillow, first thought that crossed her mind was that she was home, she had to fall asleep in her room and once more ignored her priestly duties.

This time however she wasn't disappointed at herself.

Bed meant that it was all a dream.

Thanks the Ancestors, she knew that it was impossible for something like that to happen, evil in the temple? In Warfang? Seeker would never allow for it to happen, he was sensitive to any form of darkness, maybe even too much so, nevertheless it would never slip inside unnoticed.

The question remained why she is having such weird nightmares. Such vivid nightmares in fact.

Not now, later, later she will look for answers right now she felt tired, the wave of relief that washed over her after putting all the pieces together was making her sleepy. Ancestors will understand, they won't be mad when she completely erases the trauma of such a dream, they like seeing their servants in the best of shapes after all.

She rubbed her body into the softness of the bed and in that very moment her slowly flopping eyelids snapped wide open.


It shot from the shoulder, the one pressed against the bed, the very same that got molested in the temple, the one where Capro's claws pierced her flesh.

The pain was real and it was burning.

She tried to readjust her position but then another shock shot through her body, flying across every nerve and bone, it was so unexpected and strong that it forced a squealing whimper out of her throat. It felt like her whole skeleton rattled, like the muscles were attached by tissue wrapped around the bones as tightly as a rope over the hands of a slave, just enough to keep her together.

Image of colliding with a tree flashed before her eyes.

Ancestors have mercy.

This wasn't a dream.

It all happened.

Taint. The Taint is here.

She whined again, eyes glimmering with tears, this time though she couldn't decide if the depressing whimper was a consequence of another jolt of pain or was it despair that was responsible for it.

Door to her room opened.

"Amela! Amela! She's awake!"


It was Sparx' voice.

He was here, thank the Ancestors he survived.

"Spa-Sparx" she mumbled his name, wanting to turn, yet remaining in place, too afraid of the pain, not wanting to provoke it again.

"Sparx" she pleaded, prayed even, her hoarse voice sounding like a tearing paper, it was doubtful he even heard her since even she had troubles putting the letters together

"I'm here" he replied softly, appearing in front of her eyes

He heard her, heart made a flip inside her ribcage. It felt wonderful to have friends that support you, especially in such dire times like this. She needed all the help she could get right now.

His hands were fidgeting, fingers doing absolutely everything and nothing at all. Scratching the head, scratching the chest, wrestling with each other and many other things. His face was contracted in a thoughtful expression, as if he would be concentrating, something that he probably did since she could clearly see in his eyes that he wanted to touch her, grab her toe at least and squeeze it in a comforting hug.

Yet he was afraid of doing anything, afraid that his supportive move would cause pain to her.

It made her smile, his reaction was sweet, yet it was a bitter smile, something she didn't let him see. His hesitation a proof of her worthlessness as a dragon, it only showed just how weak she is when even a small creature like him is careful in dealing with her, afraid that he might hurt her.

Chances of which were pretty high, even when excluding her current condition.

"Did you bring the sign? Don't scratch the glass? Pin it against the door pretty please"

Sparx smiled broadly, understanding the hint immediately, his hands stopped moving, muscles sighing in clear relief.

"I'm happy that your humor is intact doll"

"What about the rest? How does it look? Will the glass ever hold any liquid again or with all these cracks its only useful for thrash now?"

"Hey!" he reached forward, but just before he touched her he reminded himself of her condition, both hands clapped together, forming a fist, a fist that he brought before his mouth

He shook his head, eyes closing as if in prayer.

"All this doom and gloom, it doesn't suit you Cor. Amela said you will be fine, it will only hurt for a while"

She sighed, wincing as she exhaled the deep breath, the stretch of her entire frame irritated the sensitive nerves once more, electrocuting her with pain again.

"They said the same thing when I broke my jaw"

"You didn't break anything this time"


"Hush darling" Sparx placed a hand in front of her mouth, not touching it, yet keeping it close enough to her nose that she understood the signal without problems "Be quiet, I don't even know if you can speak, save your strength and let's wait for the doc. She should be here any minute now"

She gave the palm in front of her a gentle, grateful lick.

Sparx recoiled back with a gasp, looking at his wet palm as if expecting it to fall off any minute now.

"What was that for?"

She pressed her head tighter against the pillow, mouth stretching into a dreamy smile, despite the circumstances she felt safe and it was all due to Sparx who she knew that took watch over her bed.

"Thank you for protecting me"

He grinned, flexing his biceps.

"Told ya these are not for show"

She giggled, the laughter though momentarily turning into a whimper when pain once more reminded her of its presence.

It was worth it though.

"Be careful I said" footsteps echoed in the room, mature, yet soft, scolding voice vibrated inside

Amela waved her hand, she was carrying notes, they fluttered in the air, it was enough to chase the dragonfly away and give her enough space to place herself between Sparx and her patient.

"I understand that laughter is the best medicine, but like every other ointment out there it needs to be dosed, applied in the right moment. This is not such a moment"

She waved her finger at the dragonfly, clearly giving him a warning.

"I am to blame" Coriza admitted painfully "I apologize"

The healer turned around, folding her hands in front of her, giving the hurt dragoness a warm, kind smile.

"You bare no guilt darling, this was only a remark, I don't accuse you of laughter, in fact I support it, I would like to see you laugh all the time. I only mention this because medicine is as cruel as it is merciful, it has sets of rules, every action causes a reaction. It's an unfair process most of the times"

"Speaking of unfair" the cheetah shuffled her legs, she looked unexpectedly nervous all of a sudden

"I hope that you had a good rest, if you woke up during the night and saw no one besides you then know that it was my decision entirely. Sparx wanted to keep vigil but I forbade him from entering"

"I woke up just now"

Amela nodded, exhaling a deep breath of relief that made her chest sink a little.

"That's very nice to hear, normally I usually bend my no visitor rule for the sake of mental comfort, however..." she jiggled the earring she was wearing "...the last couple I granted this privilege didn't actually behave harm was done, but I would rather not risk it again"

Coriza merely nodded, she didn't really know what to say, mostly because she was surprised beyond words. Was the healer explaining herself to her? Like she would be some kind of her superior? Or was she just imagining things and all od this is social politeness?

"Anyway" the healer cleared her throat "How are you feeling sweety?"

"Everything hurts"

"I know" the feline reached forward, placing her hand gently on the dragoness side hid under the sheets, not even touching her with the palm, instead letting only strands of her fur to graze over the flank, applying as much supporting energy as she could without causing any additional harm

"Just remain still, okay?" paper rustled, Amela looked down upon her notes "I would like to ask you some questions, for confirmation, I don't have your records since you grace ourselves with you presence for the first time. May I ask you some things? It won't be invasive I promise"

Coriza nodded.


"Coriza, priestess, hatched outside of Warfang walls, twenty four years old. A preemie. Single. Is that correct?"

"Yes, though I wonder why is it important to note the birth of someone in Warfang, or lack of such in my case"

"A very popular inquiry" Amela nodded, reaching out for a ink feather she had strapped to her belt and noting something on her papers

"Warfang is the biggest, most advanced city in the Realms, children here receive medical attention that is impossible to match in the surrounding towns and villages. Statistically children born in Warfang are more healthy and live longer, it is no big concern, it just an information for a healer such as myself, prompting me to expand my treatment if necessary"

"In your case what is most important darling, is the fact that you have hatched before the time of your natural birth. While I have dealt with children that have arrived in this world before they schedule so to speak, I must admit you are my first draconic preemie patient. I've spent the whole night searching the hospital records for a similar case and I've found none, such an outcome in draconic bloodline is extremely rare it seems, hence the questions, I have a couple more of these if you don't mind?"

Coriza swallowed, she had nothing against the questions, perfectly understanding the nature of the healer's profession, yet the information that she is the only example of a draconic preemie left a sour taste on her soul.

Some might think that she is special.

This information however made her realize that she is the only weakling in her entire race.

"Darling?" Amela nudged the dragoness worriedly

"Sorry" the priestess shook her head "We can continue"

"I admit that I followed Sparx' suggestions when it came to treatment and so the questions I will ask now are signed with his name, meaning that he holds the whole responsibility if it turns out to be false"

The cheetah glared at the dragonfly, eyes burning with fierceness that he never saw in the kind cheetah before.

"Lying in such matter will have dire consequences"

He gulped, rising his hands defensively.

"I didn't lie, all is good"

Amela shifted her sight at the notes, yet even though that her pupils were aimed at the papers he could still feel her eyes on him.

"Due to your unusual condition, Spriit Gem treatment is forbidden since they supposedly poison you. Is that correct?"

"Yes" the priestess admitted gloomily

The cheetah reached for her earing, fondling it between two fingers, while she suspected that the dragonfly didn't lie, the answer still surprised her.

"Your regeneration process is crippled, hence the wounds that dragons heal normally in a span of some hours, for you take days, or when more serious even scar you?"


"Have you been exposed to abuse, drugs, or any unusual magical experiment in your youth. Remember that honesty in this matters is important, it will allow us to adopt our treatment for your case specifically. Whatever you say will never leave this room"

"I understand, I have nothing to hide. I lived a normal life, been bullied in my younger days, but nothing out of the ordinary"

"Contact with black magic?"

The priestess stopped breathing for a moment, eyes blinking at the wall ahead, the answer to this question should be no, but she couldn't just say it without the recent events in the temple flashing before her eyes. It was full of Darkness and as she was thrown out of the window she could swear that in between her fading consciousness she could see the strands of Taint spreading further.

And that was only a part of it.

What if the Seeker, the poor, old man who lost his way was right? What if black magic was there from the beginning and feeds on people without them even knowing about it?

Does that count as a contact with black magic?

Then again, if this would be the case, everyone else would be a cripple like her.

A Hollowborn.

"None that I'm aware of" she finally uttered, voice ringing with fright

"Don't be nervous darling" Amela smiled apologetically "It was only a question to make sure you weren't exposed to anything in your youth. If you think of your condition as a curse, then that alone is enough explanation for me, there was no magical influence into your hatching. You are who you are, we just need to accept that sometimes Nature works in unpredictable ways, you're still alive young cleric, that alone is enough proof that the world didn't want to just discard you as unfit, it gave you strength"

The cheetah patted her heart, knocking at the door of her ribcage.

"It is up to you to find it" the strangely young eyes of the senior cleric scanned over the room, glistening with what seemed to be pride mixed with loss "Sometimes it appears in places you least expect it to be"

Coriza nodded gently, head moving automatically, the only other person who had such an influence on her was the Seeker. The cheetah had that special aura around her that usually surrounds the elderly, aura of wisdom and knowledge, of sincerity built upon years spent on living on this earth. It gently forced you to agree with such people, it was especially effective against such young people like herself.

There was truth to the healer's words.

Just like there was truth to the Seeker's words.

By the Ancestors.

"Thank you for the advice" she smiled a toothless smile, projecting gratitude to the outside world even though her soul withered in anguish

"One last question and I leave you be" with a smile Amela turned to her notes once more "In your hatchling days have you been friends or have you been participating in meetings with a group that now you would call bad or suspicious?"

"No. I have been a very shy, withdrawn child, mostly keeping to myself, living a normal life with a normal family. It was as mundane as it could get, to the point that my parents had to drag me out of my bubble by force sometimes to make me remember more from my childhood than the four walls between which I made my cozy nest. Both my parents are still alive and I even visit them from time to time, they live a quiet, normal life. My childhood or even myself is a point not worth of a story, it is as normal as it can get"

Smiling, Amela made a final mark in her notes.

"This is a privilege my young cleric, I know it doesn't seem interesting, especially if you keep company to someone like Sparx who was on many adventures, but you need to remember that safety is a blessing, not many of us can say that we had its support in our entire lives, you did, you had its blessing your entire young life, don't discard it as trifle, because it's not a one"

The healer gestured at the walls of the room.

"Take this hospital for example, you are not familiar with it as it is not familiar with your scent and as much as I love helping people, I would prefer to visit them at their homes, treating a cough, than putting their bones back together in this place. Staying away from a hospital is already a feat that cannot be simply ignored, it just needs a little bit more focus to be appreciated"

She winked at the cleric who smiled in response, for the first time since she laid eyes on her, Amela noticed the golden eyes of the cleric shimmering with warmth and innocent purity. It made her heart melt for some reason, there was so much divine, nearly angelic energy in them that she forgot about the whole world for a second, even thinking that she died right there on the spot.

It wasn't as scary as she thought if creatures like her would be there to welcome her in the afterlife.

Amela cleared her throat, folding her arms behind her back she made a small, respectful bow.

"Anyway priestess, I'm Amela, it is my greatest pleasure to take you under my old, furry wings, you are an extraordinary medical case which I cannot ignore, I promise that you receive the best treatment these experienced hands can provide"

"Coriza" the priestess smile grew wider, making sure to hide her teeth from the healer "The pleasure is mine"

"Anyway, speaking about treatment" Amela looked over both Sparx and Coriza, from the two the dragonfly seemed to be more nervous "I'm sure you want to know your condition"

"Finally!" Sparx exhaled loudly, the moment he noticed Coriza's scolding look however he immediately fell into a fit of forced coughs, scratching the back of his head so fiercely that the golden aura around his head started to flicker.

"I's very nice of"

"Relax Sparx" Amela said, grinning at the priestess "I know what you want to say"

The dragonfly held his breath.

"I've noticed that you have a dislocated jaw Sweetheart, but it is not the consequence of the accident you suffered, am I right?"

"Yes" the cleric admitted gloomily

"Don't be sad, I suspect this is an old wound from your youth where your crippled regenerative system couldn't deal with the fact that your hatchling bones are so fragile. I'm happy to announce that while your regeneration process is still weak, even if slightly better than in your youth, your bones however achieved the endurance worthy of a dragon. You don't heal well, but that doesn't change the fact that it is not so easy to break you, despite what you might have thought"

"Really?!" Sparx shouted, releasing all that held breath in an exclamation of utter relief, he ran his hand over his forehead as if he would be wiping sweat off of it

"That's great news! This chick is so clumsy that she keeps tripling over her own tail all day long!"

Coriza blushed, burying her nose into the pillow.

"Be it as it may" Amela continued sternly, silencing Sparx' enthusiasm with an even more fierce glare in his direction "Coriza's bones are under protection, if she trips then she trips, there is nothing to be ashamed off, we all have our unique traits"

Her gaze returned to the dragoness who seemed far more relaxed after the little compliment she received.

"Your skeleton is in perfect condition, everything is in order and nothing is broken, however due to your unique condition pain, I must sadly say, will not leave you alone so easily. While the bones are intact, they, together with the muscles and nerves remember the abuse they went through and won't let you forget about it so easily"

She glanced back at her notes.

"I've prepared some herbs and tinctures that should lessen the discomfort, but I held back from applying any without seeing with my own eyes how you react to them while being conscious. I would suggest a day or two in bed, even here, however if duty calls you can leave the hospital later today. We have in our stores special stabilizers and crutches that would help you from irritating the sore spots further, just know though that you won't be as quick and fit as you had been for a couple of days. These clutches are really slowing people down"

"It's alright. Quick and fit aren't the words that describe me even when I'm healthy" Coriza giggled through metaphorical tears

Amela smiled, folding her eyes behind her back.

"The sign of good humor always brightens my day, it means that my patients are recovering. Your case especially, you had quite the fall and there was a risk of high damage, but luckily everything turned out fine. Still I would advise caution, next flight of stairs you trip over might not be so merciful"

"I will-" words were sucked back by her throat, eyes widening, heart skipping a beat, eyes turning at the healer, the dreamy, innocent glimmer gone in her gold eyes gone, dimmed by sudden dread "W-What flight of stairs?"

The healer looked alarmed.

"You don't remember?"

"No..." she swallowed, iron fist clenching her heart, it wasn't a lie, not quite, after all she doesn't remember falling down some stairs, what she perfectly remembers though is being hurled out of the window by a thick, green tail

"Maybe that's for the best" the cheetah scribbled something in her notes "In any case, I wasn't there personally, all I heard were the stories, Sparx directed the whole action, how to proceed and where to find you"

She turned her gaze at him, expecting to see one of his masks on his face, he was a smart guy, there had to be a reason why he shrouded the truth for the clerics. She knew that truth, it was her and her safety that played the biggest role in his actions, how he convinced the healers though that she fell from the stairs when there were none near the window, not to mention that she fainted in the temple's garden will have to wait for later.

Or perhaps the answer to this mystery will never be found.

Sparx wasn't wearing any mask.

He was looking at her with a worried, yet joyful smile of someone who doesn't want to hear praise for doing a good deed since the only person he cares about is you.

She begged him to send her a wink, she had no idea what game he was playing, he never played without a mask and yet right now, he was entirely honest.

She felt as a stranger among friends.

It was a scary, devastating thought.

"For which I am really grateful. We need such examples in our society" Amela congratulated

Sparx waved his hand dismissively.

"It was nothing. Everyone else would do the same"


It was modesty.

She opened her mouth, yet the question she wanted to ask froze in her throat, resounding only in her mind.

Where's the bragging?

"I will leave you two alone for now" Amela bowed respectfully "Another guest announced his presence, if you don't want to see anyone else, just let me know alright? I can always block the incoming visits if need be"

"T-thank you" she stammered, eyes drilling into Sparx

Sparx who was smiling warmly all the time.

It was weird to say it, but seeing him depict social, caring emotions all the time was somewhat creepy.

The sound of the closing door felt like mercy, allowing her to release all that boiling energy she had in the form of wild shivers that hurt just as much as they itched.

"Why did you lie?" Coriza asked, feeling deep down that she will regret this questions for following years to come

Sparx looked at her surprised.


"Sparx, people have to know what is going on!" she whispered, rising her head despite the pain to make sure that the door are really opened "I've landed in a hospital, not many can be a victim to such a fruitful turn of events!"

"What?" he laughed "You want to announce an annual day of "Careful Steps" or "Tricky Stairs" or something else? People have accidents all the time, you're an expert doll so you're above the competition, but I must tell you that people don't fall from stairs very often"

She frowned, heart slowly warming up to a pace of fright. Mind becoming empty due to confusion.

"What are you talking about?"

He folded his arms on his chest.

"What are YOU talking about?"

"Please Sparx" she dragged the sheets over herself protectively, almost burying her entire snout underneath them "No games. You are scaring me"

"Sorry! Sorry!" he dived down, tenderly stroking her mane "No more smartassing. All honest and nice from now on"

"Why you didn't tell Amela about the temple? Did you at least inform the authorities?"

"Amela wasn't exactly interested in the events that brought you here as much as she was interested in putting you back together. When the news spread some guards were sent to investigate, like they usually do in such cases, they double checked the staircase, if it's correctly designated and safe or whatnot"

"Why do you keep talking about some staircase?!" she shook his hand off from her head, hurt eyes squinting at him

He pushed back with raised hands, heart rattling in his chest, never before he saw his friend so railed up.

"Cor, Cor, calm down! Why are you so nervous?"

"This is not the time for jokes Sparx!" she punched the bed in hysteria, groaning in pain when the body reminded her that it was a bad idea to tax it with physical labor in this current moment

"I'm not joking!" he stretched out the already risen arms a bit farther that his joints began to sting "Why are you panicking?"

"I'm scared! I can't run! I don't feel safe!" she cried out, tears splattered on the pillow, some got inside her mouth

"Look, look!" he lowered himself down, putting both of his hands on the heart "I'm sorry alright? I don't want to scare you, I don't joke and fool around, really. I'm here for you, come on Cor, you know that"

She looked into his eyes, despite his words his eyes radiated honesty, it made this whole situation so much more confusing.

"Then why aren't you talking about the people in the temple?" she sobbed

"People?" yellow brow raised in surprise, the owner of it however momentarily reminded himself of the situation and not wanting to stress his friend further he shook his head and decided to answer every question she asked without worrying about the strangeness of them

"What's there to tell? Ummm...they were there praying, dunno what exactly they were saying, you know I'm not the most religious type"

"What? No Sparx, how did you get out of there?"

He scratched the back of his head, no matter how hard he tried though his brain just didn't want to come up with a good answer.

"Through...the door?" he winced, already knowing that he will get punished for it

Coriza shook her head, biting on the pillow, one paw clenching into a fist over the sheets underneath it.

"Why are you avoiding the question?" her voice was devoid of anger and panic, this time it sounded callous and hollow, as of someone who lost sense in life

His heart stopped beating for a second.

"Coriza look" he opened his arms invitingly "Ask what you exactly want to know, precisely okay? I swear I'm going to answer with all the honesty and seriousness I can possibly muster, okay?"

"People Sparx. They attacked you. There were so many of them, you managed to escape?"

There was silence.

They kept looking at each other, several of Sparx' teeth were rubbing against his lower lip, he looked confused and lost, but concentrated nevertheless.

He was thinking.

About what for Ancestor's sake?

"Sparx" she hissed, lips wavering as she urged him to answer, the silence was choking her

His entire body shook as of woken from a deep sleep, arms dropped down numbly against his sides, heavy, defeated sigh leaving his throat.

"I don't know what you are talking about Cor"

She opened her mouth, ready to fight for the truth again, but the moment she took a whizz of breath she exhaled it immediately, giving up, there was no point, no point to fight, no point to argue. Why Sparx decided it would be funny to play such cruel jokes on her was beyond her comprehension, especially now after everything that happened in the temple.

She couldn't look at him.

She closed her eyes.

Hearing the crack of her own heart as her eyelids shut themselves tight.

"Can you leave me alone please?" she mumbled

Sparx gulped, cheeks burning red as if someone would smack him across the face, in this pitiful groan she let out he could her nothing but tears and disappointment, understanding perfectly that he was the cause for them, but unable to comprehend why exactly.

"Cor, lis-"

"I'm tired Sparx" she cut him off with another mumble, nose gently sniffing back a sob

He recoiled back, squeezing both hands into fists. Coriza is not capable of an argument, excluding this one specific moment earlier he had never seen being mad and angry. When she gets hurt, she plays a card that she specializes in, pity.

And as weird as it may sound, he would prefer that she went back to shouting at him again, at least then she would stir his adrenaline and at least postpone the moment when he would feel like a complete jackass.

Pity didn't allow such privilege.

He wanted to continue this conversation, argument, or whatever it was, it was not only confusing but also worrying, Coriza acted strangely, talked strangely and he just simply wanted to know what was going on, perhaps the accident made more harm than Amela thought possible.

But his friend dragged the sheets over herself a little bit much more, to the point that she hid underneath them entirely.

This conversation was over.

He left the room with arms hanging by his sides, when he was a bit more happy he was glad the architects of this city though about people like him and mounted small windows for someone like him to squeeze through without sweating himself over the door handle. Right now though he wanted this window to disappear, at least then he would have an excuse to stay here a little bit longer.


She was alone.

She pushed the sheets down, her exposed to the light of the room eyes glistened with tears, confusion and fright kicking and molesting her heart like two overgrown bullies tormenting their prey.

What in the name of everything that's holy has just happened?

She tried to wrap her mind around all of this, but no matter how hard she tried she just couldn't put the puzzles together. She didn't know that being mad and disappointed with Sparx was the right thing to do, the words he spoke might have been his usual mockery or plain truth, yet usually she could tell towards which side he was leaning to.

Today she couldn't do that.

His words were mockery, yet his whole body language betrayed his honest intentions, this would be possible only in a bully, Sparx wasn't a bully, he never tried to deliberately hurt her.

He acted as if he really didn't know what she was talking about.

But this was impossible.

How could it be possible?

Soft knocks echoed through the wooden frame of the door leading to her room.

Her gaze landed on the entrance, shadow shifted on the floor, slipping through the slit below. Someone was there, the guests Amela spoke about.

Her heart began to race, instinct screaming at her that she must hold the door shut no matter the cost.

Her sanity was at stake.

Maybe she just misheard things.

Faint hope.

Which was quickly killed by another echo of knocks.

The room suddenly grew cold, shivers of dread chopping at her spine, she had her mouth opened, ready to invite the guest as courtesy demanded, yet the lips that were supposed to pronounce that invitation were unmoving, frozen, if she would run her claw along them now she would feel particles of ice dotting the soft surface of her mouth.

The handle moved, door creaking open, the one on the other side not waiting for the response.

She felt as if she was living through a nightmare and right now a demon from the deepest parts of Dark Realms is coming to pay her a visit.

The door opened finally and a figure appeared in her room.

Turns out that she wasn't exaggerating when she thought about demons.

"I'm glad you're well my daughter" Brill announced, folding both hands on the head of the cane that supports him, giving her a warm smile, the googles he was wearing wrapping him in that sick, kind aura of an elderly grandpa with interesting stories to share

It sucked the blood from her scales.

The mole recoiled black at the sight of surprise stretching over the blue snout.

"Did my ears fool me? You didn't invite me inside child? I apologize, it was not my intention to threaten your privacy"

She was speechless, staring at the mole with greatly widened eyes, mind still having troubles putting all of this into any reasonable meaning.

Brill tilted his head.

"Coriza? Are you well?"

The cane made a click, old legs shuffled forward, cutting the distance to her very subtly.

"No..." a barely audible groan left her throat, cracks appearing on the particles that seemed to freeze her mouth

"You look terrible my child. Do you have a fever?"

More clicks, legs shuffling even closer.

"Don't....come any...closer" her wild eyes followed the mole, lips finally breaking through the shards obstructing her throat and lips, in the first she could already feel a rumble, as if her neck would be an volcano ready to erupt any minute now

Brill reached behind his robe, she noticed it undulating, taking shape of something sharp.

A knife.

He was pulling out a knife.

He is here to silence her.

Cane clicked once again, feet bringing their owner a little bit closer.

This was it.

Her panicking heart could not take it any longer.

It was time for eruption.

"HELP!" Coriza blurted out at the top of her lungs, ignoring the pain that burned her nerves

Brill jumped back, startled, the hand that reached for the knife froze underneath the robe.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" she cried out, arching her back

"Coriza?!" Sparx dashed into the room, kicked out or not he didn't move far, deciding to keep vigil near her room, making him the first to appear on the scene

Hectic footsteps could be heard thudding across the hospital hall, the personal railed up by the roars.

"HELP!" after the third blare she had to inhale, her stretched out chest flattening as she hacked, the tormented, sore bones making sure to remind her of their condition

Brill just stood there, frozen in place.

Sparx flew past him, arms raised up as he hovered near his friends bed.

"Cor, it's-"

"...ELP!" she coughed the last letters, lack of breath and stress making her lose her voice, throwing her into a fit of fierce coughing

"What's going on here?!" a young cheetah healer burst into the room, accompanied by two moles, his fiery gaze running over the people inside, great holy people or close friends, didn't matter, right in this moment everyone besides the patient was an enemy to him

"Escort these people outside! This instant!" Amela barged into the room right after the group of healers, striding towards the bed where Coriza panted and cried at the same time

The rest of the staff acted immediately, the moles fetched Sparx while the cheetah took care of the Seeker.

"Calm down darling, calm down" Amela said, placing both hands on the dragonesses heaving chest, tenderly putting pressure on it, holding her in place, the voice despite its kindness had a commanding note to it

Coriza's eyes froze on the mole, to her the rest of the room didn't exist, she could see nothing else but the Seeker, the Seeker who withdrew his hand from underneath the robe, the bulge clearly showing that he didn't have the time to hide the weapon.

Both of his hands returned to the cane.

Nerves snapped in her wild, huge eyes, turning the corners bloodshot red.

There was no click or flash of steel.

Brill was holding a pack of tissues, his old fingers stiff and still processing the order of the brain to curl into a fist, shaking like fish out of the water.

Only one finger seemed to be working normally, it was enough to hold a pack of tissues in place.

One finger would never be able to grip a knife.

"You're safe sweety, you're safe. Hush now" Amela whispered gently


She wasn't safe. She wasn't safe at all.

Truth be told she no longer knew where she was or what she felt.

But it really looked like as if she would be in another world.

The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 4

Chapter 4 The weird cacophony of clicks, hums and bumps accompanying every jump in time never before felt so wonderful. It was an irritating feeling, mostly because whenever they jump, or at least whenever he jumps, he loses orientation as if his...

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 3

Chapter 3 They both felt like rats trapped in a box of some wicked experiment, a true rat however lives in the moment so to speak, it doesn't really see its existence beyond the cage, nor it is bothered by the gawking eyes of the scientists burying...

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 2

Chapter 2 She took a deep breath, it was relatively easy despite the previous sad and really disgusting experience, perhaps the minty fruits she took early before returning here not only freshened her breath, but also the stomach. She was quite the...

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