July 2019 Stories

Story by blue_mystery_wolf on SoFurry

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Multiple transformations in short bursts!

This was a special story I wrote last month for my Patreons. Anyone that responded to me got a short transformation! Sign up and help sway how I write stories and even create games: https://www.patreon.com/mysterywolf

Read this story and more, and download them in multiple formats at: https://mysterysden.com/

Midnight, otherwise known as the witching hour. Many people were asleep at this time of night. Myu herself would be one of those people, but sometimes she stayed up all night. Myu sat in her mostly empty bedroom in her apartment. The window was open and shined a full moon onto her body. She sat in the center of the room with her palms slightly open, and her legs crossed. The equine anthro kept her eyes closed, and breathed deeply as she focused. The air around her began to twist and warp, and slowly her magic spread throughout her room, then her place, then the apartment complex. Bit by bit, her magic spread throughout the very world. Myu, the sorceress equine, intended to do what she did every few nights, and change the world. Sometimes the changes were small and were purely to mess with a person's head, such as changing a name like 'Berenstein' to 'Berenstain.' Today though, she had more ideas in her head. She focused on one part of the world, just as a thin coat of her magic reached it, and with a smile, she began to focus more intensely.

The odd Gryphon:

One part of the world had anthros. Whether or not they were common worldwide mattered not. In this one particular part of the planet, they were accepted as part of everyday society. This part of the world, it was approaching eight at night, a few hours away from where the magic source originated from, but it mattered not. Francisco was one of these anthros, a gryphon creature of sorts. He had the head of a gryphon with blue feathering and an orange beak. The sides of his arms were green, including the top of his wings. He also had orange and red on his chest, just like his wings had yellow, orange, and red that travelled downward as if to mimic a rainbow pattern. His feet were more of a gray fox kitsune with gray in the front, brown in the back, and white paw tips.

Francisco walked along with his black claw hands on his phone, and earbuds in his tipped animal ears. He smiled as he flickered through choices of music to listen to on his way home. While he was very much capable of flight, and good speed, he couldn't fly for that long, plus the FAA had a thing about flying animals after 6PM unless they had all of these safety restrictions, things he couldn't be bothered with. Besides, he figured a bus ride home would be just as entertaining as a flight.

Francisco stepped onto the bus, paid a small fee, and then he looked for a spot to sit. There was a rather large amount of spots on the bus. In fact, besides one equine that sat in the back, he had the pick of the liter! The more he looked back at that female equine though, the more tempting the back seemed. He grabbed onto a pole as he felt the bus start into gear, but he kept his eyes on the horse in the back.

The horse had a purple shirt on with jeans, although the jeans had a very noticeable bulge in them that hinted that she was more than just a simple every day female horse. She lacked a purse. In fact, she didn't seem to be carrying anything with her. It was just her brown equine body, and white hands with white muzzle tip. She smiled faintly at Francisco, and motioned for him to come sit in the back with her.

Francisco was hesitant to sit in the back of the bus with one other person. It was quite late at night, and often the people who sat far in the back of the bus this late at night when they could sit literally anywhere else were often weirdos. Still, it felt as if something was calling to him, something stronger than just the horse signaling him. Slowly, he made his way to the back of the bus with his eyes wide and locked on the equine. He took a seat right next to her, and then he blinked rapidly, as if he were coming out of a trance. What did I...I knew I walked back here on my own...right? He thought to himself.

The equine smiled at Franciso, and put her hand on his thigh. "You're a very interesting gryphon, do you know that?" she said quietly. "You seem to like all kinds of transformations. Tell me, which one is your favorite?"

Francisco blinked rapidly at the equine in confusion. He couldn't feel any strength in his legs to pull him up, and when he put his claws on the seat to try to use his hands to help him up, it just felt as if he were glued to the back of the bus. "I don't know what you're talking about." He replied, just as quietly. "I'm not into that kind of kinky stuff."

"So you say," The equine's hand suddenly gently grasped onto Francisco's bird claw. "But I can sense otherwise. You're a perverted little gryphon, aren't you?" Her thumb ran across the center of the palm of his hand, and it sent a wave of unnatural pleasure through his body.

Francisco shivered at the sensation of the equine's thumb. It felt bizarre that his palm felt as sensitive as his crotch would have been. He pulled back, but he barely used any strength to do so. "No...I don't know...mmmphh." he closed his beak, and his eyes.

"You like strange transformations, and even odder places for sexes." She released his hand. His palm looked as if it had a cut on it, but closer inspection would reveal that it was different. The equine had gifted the gryphon a vagina on the very palm of his hand. "Take a look, and see for yourself."

The gryphon could tell something had changed about his hand. He could feel as if his hand had just been cut, but it felt too good to actually be one. He raised his palm to his face, and slowly opened his eyes to see that there was a slim pink vagina on his hand, one with just a hint of redness around it. His eyes quickly widened at the sight. He clenched his hand into a fist to touch it, and as he felt his fingertips on his new sex, he could feel the cock between his legs rise. "Ooohhh fuck." He muttered under his breath.

"But you want more than that, don't you." The equine teased a thumb on his head. "I don't have nearly long enough to change you into the...big thing I have plans for, but maybe a few small changes will suffice for now, a few changes to keep yourself...occupied until I return."

Francisco wasn't sure how to respond. He couldn't believe the change. It was an incredibly simple change, but it was one that brought immense pleasure. There was a brief image of him imagining just...having fun with this new sex with his own cock. He wondered if the thing could even get pregnant. He felt another change happening to the other palm of his hand, and he quickly looked, almost with an eager smile. This change however, the palm grew outwards instead of inwards, and it pulsed with a strange sensation, the same one he was getting between his legs. He was quick to realize just exactly what the horse was doing to his other hand, and he wasn't sure whether to be frightful, or grateful.

"Turns the phrase giving yourself a handjob to a whole new meaning, doesn't it? Just be sure to clap really, really slowly." The equine gave the gryphon a kiss on the cheek. "Hmmm...but you know, I have some big plans for others, and what you have now compared to what I will do is incredibly tame, so maybe we can speed up this process a bit, so long as you don't mind?"

The gryphon was hesitant to want such changes, but the minor ones she had done were already so fantastic. It was such a weird idea to push his hands together and have THAT be considered as sex, but it was now something that could very much be done. "I...I guess it couldn't hurt." He said quietly.

The equine gave him a light kiss on the cheek. "Maybe next month, we can have a lot more fun. I do have other people to attend to this month however, so unfortunately I can't stay and play with you forever, but...I can do this..." The equine raised up her hand, and started up a powerful spell.

Francisco's eyes widened when he saw the hand raised. He wasn't entirely sure exactly what Myu meant by 'next month', but he could feel his body warp and twist in ways he couldn't describe in such a short amount of time. He let out a scream, but it quickly turned into a moan, a moan with gurgling cum that rose from his throat as the changes began.

Myu's hands reached up to Francisco's neck, and gently pulled upwards. The gryphon's body worked like molding clay to Myu, and she took well advantage of it. His neck stretched and pulled out a good five feet in length, and it was as thick as his torso. Francisco's head looked the same, but with his eyes still closed, Myu molded his head as well, reshaping him in ways that no living being looked. She didn't care, she was going to make this gryphon look unique, and sexy, at least sexy by her definition.

A short time later, Francisco got up from the back of the bus, and began to exit it. The bus driver turned to Francisco, and his eyes widened at the new beast. No longer was the gryphon normal, but a sexualized beast of pure perversion. The changes had occurred behind the scenes, but instead of the gryphon's head, there was a large cock head with the 'tip' serving as the eye. The 'eye' of that cock drooled seed constantly. The torso remained the same, except underneath the gryphon's clothes were three rows of breasts, each with vagina tipped nipples that were hidden. "Thank you." The gryphon spoke, although the voice came from the many vagina nipples. His hands were two massive cocks, as were his feet, complete with a tail. Truly, a beast of sex, complete with a large ass with a vagina instead of an anus.

The equine watched as the creature left. There was enough magic to help them understand their surroundings. She was only ashamed that she couldn't spend more time with him, but there was always next time. For now, she had other matters to attend to.

Back at home, Myu opened up her eyes, and she let out a soft sigh. Travelling throughout the world in the manner she did was often taxing, but worth the end result. She knew there were more subjects that she had to attend to, each with their own desires, their own kinks. "They do not disappoint me with the variety they desire, if nothing else." She said to herself. She already knew exactly who she had in mind to go for next. She closed her eyes, and focused once more on her next target in the world.

The next part of the world it was a bit before dinnertime. Jeremy had the house to himself while Ashley was gone for the night, and he wanted to be lazy on this particular time of day, so he ordered a pizza. Jeremy lived in a part of the world where anthros were nonexistent. In fact, anthros were actually unheard of. How he coexisted in a world where there were anthros and he knew nothing about them was the bits and pieces of magic in the world that surrounded the planet like a blanket.

There was a knock at the door, and Jeremy hopped off of his leather couch with a soft smile. He wore pajama pants and a t-shirt, nothing entirely special. He made his way to the door wearing plain white socks on the hardwood floor, and opened the door right up.

There was the female equine from earlier, the same one that had bothered Francisco, although this time she was in a pizza delivery outfit, with the pizza directly over her concealed crotch. "Did someone order the hot and spicy?" the horse grinned at Jeremy. "And of course I ain't talking about the pizza, sugar."

Jeremy was taken aback by the sudden appearance of an anthro horse at his door. He blinked rapidy, and moved his slightly chubby back up against the wall not that far from the entryway. "W-what...who...Myu?"

"In the living hide." Myu walked in with the pizza right above her crotch. "Aren't you going to open it up and see the hot and spicy thing inside?" She looked down at the pizza, and then raised it up above her crotch before she opened it up to him to reveal a plain pepperoni pizza. After a moment of silence, she shrugged. "I mean, I could have put my cock in it, but fuck, I like surprises more than the expected, and the whole sexy delivery person with cock in the box is way too cliche for my tastes."

Jeremy was absolutely baffled at the horse. "What are you doing here? Don't you...I don't know...not exist?"

"We've been over this Jeremy, my boy." Myu smiled at him. "I'm here to serve as a connecting point for a bunch of stories, and you're being chosen to be part of them! Now, I can only do a fairly quick transformation for you, so what would you like? Bimbo? Wolf? Big giant nose? Or maybe you want to do that scat thing we didn't have time to do last commission."

Jeremy recalled the commission he had asked Myu to do earlier, and how it came out as well, but now it just raised more questions as to how exactly Myu existed, and in how many ways for that matter. "I don't...I mean...you don't have to do another one for me." He smiled as best as he could fake a smile, given the situation at hand.

"Oh come on, you know that doesn't work." Myu suddenly appeared beside Jeremy, and wrapped one arm around his shoulder. "I'm thinking...you need to be female first, because I love a woman's body SO much better than a man's, after all."

Jeremy shook his head rapidly. He wanted to move, but he couldn't find the strength within him to move his body. He could tell that Myu had done something to him to prevent him from escaping. "No-no that's alright, h-hey, why don't I commission you to do something?" he reached into his pocket and pulled out a black wallet with a small picture of a video game character on it. "I can pay, and you can transform someone else for me!"

"Oh Jeremy..." Myu's fingertips tapped Jeremy's shoulder while her other hand grabbed his chest, and literally pulled out one of his breast to look like a very fake looking DD tit. She then did the same with his other breast. "Jeremy, Jeremy, Jeremy. The only person that needs money is the person who created me. I don't give a damn about money. Money corrupts people. Even the poorest person that claims they would do fantastic things with a few dollars would want to save a lot for themselves." Myu brushed her hand over Jeremy's face, shaving him of his short beard, and smoothing him out to look more feminine.

Jeremy knew he was in deep the moment Myu pulled out a tit, and then a second, and then his facial features softened. "Y-you just...but..."

"Oh, we have to change your butt too, thanks for reminding me." Myu pressed her crotch up against Jeremy's ass, and as Jeremy's butt grew, his ass cheeks wrapped around Myu's equine cock. Just like his tits, his ass was incredibly fake and bouncy, it literally looked like two basketballs, just with the firmness and feel of a human ass. "Now the rest of your body really needs a female shape." Both of Myu's hands went to work. She shrunk in Jeremy's torso, pulled out Jeremy's hips and thighs, and gave Jeremy an all-around look that fit better on a cartoon bimbo than it did a real person.

Jeremy's center of mass felt awkward as it shifted up and down. He could only watch in fear as his body was reshaped to look like a stereotypical bimbo. His waist was ridiculously small, but his tits, ass, hips, and thighs were much larger. His arms and legs were hairless, and with the exception of the short black hair on his head, he looked like a female. Granted, he also had an attachment between his legs that still signified that he was male, but that same attachment was hard and throbbing.

"I don't have to explain what comes next, do I?" Myu's fingers went down between Jeremy's legs, and right into his pants. Amazingly, despite Jeremy's new body physique that screamed female, his clothes still fit him, although tightly in some areas, and very loose in others. "I'm planning to do just a few more personal touches with you than my last one, though believe you me I'd love to have fun with that beast..." Myu recalled the image of the creature she created, and grinned wickedly at Jeremy. "But no...We're just going to start off making you a simple bimbo for right now. So do me a favor, and get rid of all of that sperm for me, will you?"

Jeremy was ready to say no, but he couldn't get the words out from his lips. With his teeth clenched, and his legs trembling, he had an orgasm the moment Myu's fingertips touched his shaft. He felt his cock cum more than it had before, and as it did, it shrank down into his body, as did his testicles. He felt his balls shrink into his crotch, while his cock became absolutely pathetically small in size, and a very bright pink in color. Jeremy then shivered again once his orgasm finished as his new slit opened up, turning him from male to female, albeit in a much faster process than usual.

Myu gave the new female Jeremy a hug, and a quick poke in 'her' new throat to change Jeremy's voice. "Okay, now you're a woman. You got to become an animal, humans are just too yucky. Got an animal in mind?"

Jeremy tried to keep his mind blank. She was very well aware that Myu was a mind reader, among other things. "N-no. Not a single one!" she replied in her new female voice, and a few crackles with how nervous she was.

"Well, I'm feeling a little south today, so I'll decide for you." Myu gave Jeremy a hug, just as short brown fur sprouted from Jeremy's skin. The fur on her stomach was a few tints lighter than the fur that spread throughout the rest of her body. "I think we've done a form like this before in all honesty, but there really are only so many animals on the planet that repeats are bound to happen occasionally."

Jeremy felt an itch throughout her body as the fur spread on her like wildfire. She was soon covered from head to toe in fine brown fur that hid every inch of her skin. She still had the black hair on her head, although at this point it looked more alien than the fur on her body.

Myu extended that hair down to Jeremy's shoulders with a few strokes of her hand. At the same time, she lengthened Jeremy's ears to two feet, and pulled out her snout a good foot in front of her, giving her a pure black nose in the process. "I'm thinking kangaroo anthro, complete with pouch. I think technically kangaroos have nipples in their pouch, but minor details at this point, really."

Jeremy grabbed onto her pulled out nose with a look of worry. She went cross eyed, and noticed the snout was longer than a normal kangaroo's should have been. "M-Myu?"

"Shush." Myu made a small slit on Jeremy's waist to create that pouch. "I'm creating. Unfortunately, I do have to kind of speed up this process a bit since I don't have all the time in the world this month for you, but next?" She grabbed Jeremy's nose again. "Well...there's always your monthly commissions." She started to pull and mold Jeremy's nose.

Jeremy let out a feminine yelp. She reached out to grab Myu's hands, but Jeremy's nose was quickly pulled so large that she couldn't even reach the tip of her nose, let alone Myu's hand. She felt her hands develop claws, as well as her feet doubled in length to develop paw pads and small claws of their own. The more Myu pulled, the more of a kangaroo anthro Jeremy became. She felt the short stubby furry tail come out of her ass. By the time Myu stopped pulling, Jeremy's nose measured a good six feet in length, and she was a full on kangaroo anthro with big fake tits, and a huge fake ass.

Myu released Jeremy's black nose once it had been pulled out. While Jeremy's black nose was very large, it was no more than a foot in length, but a good foot tall. It was the rest of the snout behind the nose that had been pulled and expanded so significantly, though Jeremy's mouth stayed in its normal position. "I'd have more fun with you, and be much more detailed, but I've got other transformations to take care of. I've decided to help EVERYONE out this month!" Myu spread her arms happily, and then closed them. "Okay, everyone that wanted it. In any case, ciao!" With a puff of smoke, Myu left Jeremy to go take care of other things. ...at least she left the pizza behind.

Myu opened up her eyes again back in her own place. It had barely been an hour since she had left to do a few different transformations, and she had still planned out two more. She let out a sigh as she realized how much time she had left, while plentiful, was never enough to do everything she wanted. "Hmmm..." she closed her eyes again. "What to do about him...perhaps we'll keep it simple today..." with another deep breath, she focused, and left for another part of the planet.

The next part of the world resembled the one Jeremy was from. The time of day was similar, if not an hour later. Brandon was the name that Myu was going after this time, a dark skinned male with black hair and glasses. While she had 'technically' met Jeremy a few times, she hadn't actually met Brandon at all before, so she doubted he would recognize her. She found his home, and decided to pay a visit.

Brandon had eaten dinner. He wore sweatpants and a t-shirt, nothing extraordinary special for this time of day, especially when he didn't have plans to go anywhere else tonight. It was a fairly calm night after a hard day of work, and he was looking forward to relaxing. With his laptop on his coffee table, and the television in front of him on mute, Brandon put up his feet, and watched videos. "A long day at work needs to be followed up by a quiet night at home." He said to himself.

Brandon lived in a part of the world where anthros again didn't exist, but were mere rumors. There was a knock at the door, and Brandon let out a sigh. He pulled himself up, made his way to the door, and opened it up.

On the other side was Myu, though not in any sort of special getup, but her typical purple kimono adorned with golden dragons on the side. "Hello there Brandon." Myu said with a smile.

Brandon blinked rapidly as he looked at the anthro horse. The equine seemed somewhat familiar, but at the same time, totally alien for this day and age. "What...how...?" he stammered with uncertainty.

"Is that any way to treat a fan of yours?" Myu placed her pitch black hoof between the door and the door frame. "Or maybe you're a fan of me? Either way, you've been involved in some changes here and there, but I don't think we've ever met on a personal level. I thought I'd drop by and say...hello...and offer up a transformation of course."

Brandon had recalled a few stories with Myu, but he didn't think the horse was real. Then again, Myu had become more and more 'meta' lately that her breaking barriers wasn't out of the question. "I'll...pass thanks."

Myu's ears perked up as she looked at Brandon in shock. "What?! Oh, is it because you don't really like someone hypnotizing you or anything? Would you prefer to be corrupted without me?" She frowned.

Brandon grimaced at the horse. "I'd rather not be corrupted at ALL." He tried to slam the door, but it smacked right into Myu's hard hoof. "There's a...really big difference between being changed in real life, and writing about it."

"Oh, tell me about it." Myu shrugged as she grabbed onto the door, and pushed it open with brute strength. Physically speaking, Myu was about as strong as a horse. She could beat an average human in a competition of power based on that alone, although some humans, and some enhanced humans, she had to resort to...other methods to defeat them. "In real life, you have this whole thing about family and friends to worry about, not to mention if you grow or lose limbs, how hard it can be to adjust to even walking." Myu helped herself to a seat when she forced her way inside. "Imagine if you were a kaiju in real life. Most people would be too nice about crushing and stomping on objects, let alone people. I'm not thinking of making you such things though, nor do I want to make you that OTHER thing we're doing this month." She crossed her legs. "No, I have a much simpler idea, if you're into it."

Brandon couldn't fight her. She got inside, and helped herself to his seat. He scowled at her, though at the same time, unsure about what he could do to stop her. "Whatever it is you're planning, I don't want any part of it!"

"Oh come on, at least hear me out on this one." Myu signaled Brandon closer to her. "Just one simple change to start off with, we see how you like it, and then we go from there!"

Brandon backed away. He was unsure if he should try to grab something to use defensively or not against her. "No means no, didn't you learn that in school?"

With a frustrated huff, Myu crossed her arms over her breast. She waved her finger in the air, and pointed it right at Brandon. "Okay, I didn't want to have to do this, but we're starting with a very simple change, at least, simple by MY standards. What kind of name do you think fits a girl with B? Bonnie? I'm thinking of Brook myself."

Brandon glared at Myu again. "I don't want any changes, I want you out of my house, now." Brandon turned to the living room, and blinked. He saw a single recliner with a desk beside it. He swore his furniture was different before, and that the recliner wasn't pink in color, but he couldn't remember it being any different. "You're...you're doing something now, aren't you?"

"Doing would imply I'm currently in the middle of that task." Myu shook her head. "No, I would say...already done is more appropriate. I have no intention to dom you though, no I can't see you enjoying that, but I know one thing you like. Maybe two."

Brandon was confused as to what Myu had said. "You already did it?" he turned around again, and the walls around him felt more enclosed. He glanced out the window not far from the recliner, and looked down a floor. His home was in an apartment. Brandon swore he had lived in a very small house, not on the second floor of an apartment. He also swore his hair was much shorter too. He could see his reflection in the mirror, and his hair was down to his shoulders. "What did you do?" he asked the horse with a look of confusion.

"Tell you what, we'll make a game out of it." Myu sat up the recliner. "If you can tell me something that's different about you, or about your apartment, I'll inform you of what I did."

Brandon already hated this sort of game. He looked down at the light brown carpeted floor, and then at the white walls of his apartment. He couldn't figure out what was different, but he knew something was off. He looked at his reflection again at his long hair and feminine face, as well as his eyes which lacked glasses. "I know you did something dammit." He mumbled with a hint of anger in his tone. He made his way around the apartment to see if anything had changed that was out of his eyesight, yet he saw nothing different. He had the same small kitchen, the same bathroom, and the same bedroom complete with his computer, desk, and a variety of books and movies arranged on a shelf near his television. He made his way back to the living room, and brushed his long hair out of his eyes.

"So, see anything different?" Myu asked casually with her hands behind her head.

"Even if I DO find anything different, you're not going to fix it, are you?" Brandon's voice was a bit higher, but he spoke normally. He could feel a pressure in his chest, but when he glanced down at his small B cup breast and slightly thinner waist, he didn't see anything odd about it.

"I mean, a reward could be in order if you figure it out in time." Myu shoulder shrugged. "It depends how much you can tell me is different. Believe it or not, some things have changed. You just need to see what it is."

Brandon remembered a tattoo he had on his thigh, a black tattoo with a Japanese symbol for power. He wondered if Myu would make a change so minor that not even he could recognize it. "Let me check in the bathroom, and..."

"Check out here. I have tits, I've got a vagina, and I've got a cock. There's nothing I haven't seen already." Brandon didn't get a chance to leave the room before his clothing suddenly tore from his body and vanished, socks, shoes, shirt, pants, everything that he could have worn was just ripped from him.

Brandon covered his chest and his crotch with a yelp. "Don't do that!" he didn't take the time to notice the size of his much smaller shaft and balls, nor his C cup chest. He looked down at himself without a second thought at his feminine body.

"What? If you think I've done any changes to your body, now is the time to take a look. Besides, you'd just go in the bathroom, undress, take a look, and then come out with a super frustrated face and say a change that not even you can believe was done."

Brandon's blush was hidden underneath his tanned skin. He glared angrily at Myu, and then looked down at his body. He could feel his crotch, and his tiny pathetic shaft between his legs, one that felt more like a nub than anything. In other words, he couldn't tell that anything was different. Part of him swore he had a bigger shaft, but he wasn't confident enough to say that out loud, unless of course... "How many guesses do I get?"

"One. It was a very simple change compared to the things I've done tonight, but rest assured, it was a big enough change that you would notice it."

Brandon shivered as he swore he felt his cock pull back into his body, except with a small nub. His testicles were long gone, and instead of a shaft, there was a dark feminine slit between his legs. The rest of his body looked unmistakably like that of a woman, and in fact, that's what Brandon remembered was life as a woman, but as he, or rather she, tried to recall the things that had just happened, she couldn't for the life of her. "My...job?" she asked, with uncertainty. If Myu had changed so much about her, then anything she guessed must have been right, right?

Myu shook her head. "Nope, out of all the things I changed, that is one of the few things I didn't change. It doesn't depend WHAT I changed you into for that, you can still work at your job! Well, you had your guess, and your change is done." Myu chuckled at her. She hadn't given the female Brandon a new name, but fate would pick one for her. She couldn't stick around and have any more fun with her regardless, she had one more transformation to take care of. She only wished she could have been more...direct with this one, but it was fine. She was happy to watch the transformations just as much as help...progress them.

Myu didn't stick around to see what fate had picked for the new female Brandon. Her change to Brandon was more subtle compared to the rest, more tame, but a reality change from male to female made her just as happy as any other changes. She didn't go back to her own place to check on herself, rather, she went to a zoo that was a few hours earlier in the time zone to find one more person that she had to change. She hadn't gotten much details about this person, but she knew the end form, and that's all that mattered to her.

In a timezone a few hours earlier, the sun was still up, and the zoo was open for anyone to visit, although the zoo was going to close in an hour. Thanks to the scorching heat, the zoo wasn't nearly as populated as it normally was. A lone man walked along the path for guests as he glanced in various cages. The cages either had animals missing, asleep, or in their huts. The heat did not help the animal activity, nor did it help him. The man let out a sigh, and wiped his forehead from the heat. He noticed one exhibit surrounded by a steel fence had a large pool of water in it, and he could only see himself taking a dip in that water to cool himself off.

The entrance to that exhibit suddenly opened up right in front of the man. The open was swift, and signaled how likely dangerous the zoo could have been if animals could escape that easily, although even with the gate open, nothing inside the exhibit left. In fact, the exhibit was entirely empty, void of any living zoo animals.

The man was taken aback by the sudden opening. Part of him was ready to run, but at the same time, he was curious what animal was even in that exhibit, as he had seen nothing inside of it, not to mention, he was still very hot. His curiosity got the better of him, and he made his way into the cage.

The man was greeted with a sudden burst of cool air on that hot day. The regular man smiled as he walked in, but then just as the cage had randomly opened, it randomly shut when he walked in. The man jumped and turned to the gate. He tried to open it up, but oddly, despite the lack of a visible lock, the gate did not want to open back up. "Hey!" the young man called out. "Let me out!" he reached out to grab the cage, but his fingers felt strange. He took a look at his fingers, and his eyes widened as his fingernails fell clean off from his hands and left only their imprint. He could see black fur spread out from his hands, and he let out a scream. The man backed away from the cage with wide eyes, and panted heavily. As his heart pounded, he could feel the fur continue to spread throughout his body. "W-what...who's doing this?!"

An unseen, yet semi-familiar force could be felt changing the man. The force did not get the man's name, much less a description of the man, but it did not need one in order to do its job to transform him.

The man could feel his toenails change in his shoes too, the very same shoes that used to fit so comfortably, but gradually became more and more painful to wear. Unable to take it, he reached down and pulled off his shoes with his shrinking fingernails. His eyes grew wide as he saw many of his toes had swollen, except for his big toe which shrank and pulled back, the same thing happened to his thumb. Both fingers and toes swelled into paws, ones that lacked claws as they had pushed out his nails.

The fur on the man spread from his head to his toes. He could feel his back tickle as his human hair shed from his skin. He glanced over at the water as he was reminded of the very reason he went into the cage, but he was fearful to glance at his reflection at what he might see. The man, a simple ordinary human, no longer felt nearly as human. His head turned to the outside of the cage to see if anyone was watching, but he saw not a soul.

The man's hand stroked the back of his neck. He could feel the sweat underneath his newly grown black fur, the same fur that grew long and dense. It made the hot weather all the more unbearable. He looked back to the water, and then he saw a shadow formation underneath rocks. He stuck out his tongue as it extended and grew rougher. "Need...to cool down..." he told himself. He pulled off his pants, his shirt, and his underwear. It was slightly difficult with stubby fingertips, but he managed to undress, even taking off his socks and revealing bare jaguar paws. While the paws were more flexible than a normal jaguar's, both hands and feet were shrinking and developing light brown paw pads underneath. His thumb and big toe shrank into his body to become the dewclaws. His feet were still longer than his hands, but the man was still in shock over what was going on with him.

At the same time as the man felt in total shock over his body transformation, he felt another odd sensation creep into the back of his head. This new sensation, as alien as it was, also helped calm his rapidly beating heart. He had a sense of security and safety.

The man looked around the jaguar exhibit. The exhibit was fairly plain with a tree with branches cut off in the center that was nowhere near the height of the fence. The fence itself with an opening up top, various rocks, a massive tire, and what looked like a tire swing on the tree in the center. There was still the water in the center, and the man felt more parched than ever, especially with the fur that continued to grow all over his body. "Need...a drink now." he mumbled. The now naked man stumbled his way over to the small pond placed near the tree in the exhibit. He leaned down onto his hands and knees, stuck out his longer, flatter tongue, and helped himself to lap at the water. Despite the hot day, the water was actually cold, almost as cold as a fridge. The man smiled, and closed his eyes. He failed to notice that his spine extended behind his furry rear with a long tail that was fluffier than the rest of the fur that appeared on his body, although his ears that migrated to the top of his head flickered as bones cracked and crunched as they reshaped inside of him. His teeth cracked much like the rest of his bones did, and as his human teeth fell, they were replaced by sharper jaguar teeth. His skull reshaped, and as he opened his eyes to show beady yellow feline eyes, he took a deep sharp breath. The human part of him panicked as he saw the reflection of a jaguar with human teeth floating in the small pond, but at the same time, he realized he was in a zoo. He could not have been in a much safer place. There were spots to hide, spots to play, and spots to sleep. It may not have been a glamorous life, but it was a simple one that made the jaguar part of him happy.

The unseen force vanished from the man, and returned to the primary source which was that same equine who had transformed so many others. She had kept the last transformation simple, but also hopefully satisfying. She only wished she had time for more details, but to transform the man into a feral jaguar with the instincts of one that the man could fight off if he was strong willed enough would have had to do for now. Myu opened her eyes, and then laid back from her meditative state. The sun in her own part of the world slowly rose, and she sighed. "Another sleepless night to transform people." she faintly smiled. "But I'm sure they're much happier off now anyways. Maybe next month I can make it up to some of them and improve it."