An Otter's Stiff Predicament

Story by Tyrade on SoFurry

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An old story I had sitting around that I quickly rewrote, featuring a little otter guy with a slightly bigger problem at the movies.

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Jacky and his friends were all huddled together at the back of the bus, chatting about their movie predictions and just how excited they were in general. The three of them were working buddies, all sharing similar shifts at the local fast-food joint, and tonight they were headed out to see the newest Furvengers movie. Ideally, Jacky had hoped to push the whole thing forward to a weekend since he'd been waiting on something, but being the huge nerd he was he couldn't put off seeing the movie with friends. They weren't all that close, but he didn't have anyone else to go with him since his boyfriend wasn't a movie kinda guy. Jacky had tried to force him to go, but it didn't go very well. He wasn't all that intimidating being a small, effeminate otter boy.

Sitting to his left between the three of them was Rosa, a vixen with dirty blonde hair and a goofy smile. Most people liked to assume things about her at work, namely because of her good looks and overly feminine stature. It wasn't something that Jacky thought much about since he was gay, but he knew she disliked being seen in a sexual manner because truthfully, she was as nerdy and conservative as he was. Days like today were the only times she got to express that, and he and Tom respected it, well, somewhat. The only straight fur of the three was Tom, and he did have a reputation of making advances with Rosa, but she always brushed him off. He was valiant for trying, but the act was getting old. Tom was born from a family of red pandas who loved to cook and loved food even more, so he was a little on the portly side because of it and it didn't help that he wore clothes a couple sizes too small, but otherwise he was pretty stereotypically handsome. He played in a band, went clubbing and fancied himself as something of a casanova. This automatically meant he was too cool for Jacky and Rosa, but tonight he'd made an exception since it was Rosa's birthday and he was still trying his best to get in with her.

Jacky was excited for sure, but he was also a little on edge. Today was a special day for him too. For the past few weeks, he and his boyfriend had been playing a sexy little game together that involved the subby otter being worked up to a dangerous extent, but without relief. The idea was to see just how long Jacky could last without giving in to his needs, something that worked wonders for him since he got off on being denied. What he hadn't foreseen was how it would affect his day-to-day life, and now, riding public transport, surrounded by his friends and a whole gathering of strangers, he was suffering the consequences. The whole journey over, his hands had been pressed firmly in the lap of his khaki shorts. A stray, dirty thought had wriggled it's way into his mind the moment he, Rosa and Tom had boarded the bus, forcing him to rush for a seat to conceal his excitement. He'd feigned it off as losing his balance, but the otter was hard as a rock.

The otter wasn't exactly well-endowed either, but his size meant that it was pretty obvious when he was horny. His little red prick poked straight out, the source of much embarrassment back in the high school locker room. Rosa had been chatting to him about how she'd predicted the ending of Furvengers: Endgame already, which might have been interesting, but Jacky was far too preoccupied to keep up with her ramblings. He flooded his brain with nerdy thoughts, trying to get into the right mindset, but the more he tried, the more his mind betrayed him with nudity and lewdness. "Not now!" he kept thinking, but it was no use. It had been almost a month of teasing since the otter had last got his rocks off and each day his dick had been more intrusive than the last. At first, it'd just been pesky morning wood and inconvenient bathroom breaks, but now, he was fully erect at least ten times a day. He'd actually been planning to call it quits today after an awkward incident at work. For as much as he liked being made to wait, he wasn't into the idea of being caught outside of the bedroom with a stiffy.

But it was too late now, he'd committed to going out and he was just going to have to deal with it. They were approaching the theater now, and he needed to sort out his little "problem" sooner rather than later. The plan was to take a bathroom break before they got to their seats were he could quickly paw off and relieve some tension, although he knew one would never be enough in his current state. He figured he could hold off long enough to get home and admit defeat after that.

The bus hissed to a stop, its folding doors swinging open. Tom and Rosa hopped from their seats to head off, followed by Jacky, who had swung his shoulder satchel around so that it sat cozily on his groin. He gripped it tightly as he walked, eyes darting from passenger to passenger. "Come on Jacky we're gonna miss it! The movie starts in five minutes!" called Rosa from the other end of the bus. Jacky's stomach dropped. Five minutes!? That wasn't enough time to jerk off!

"Are you coming or what?" shouts Tom, backing off the bus with Rosa in tow. Jacky quickly hurried after them, grasping his satchel closely to prevent it from bouncing away. His dick mashed into the fabric of his shorts as he jogged, which sort of chaffed, but even that wasn't enough to calm him down apparently. He rejoined with them outside, catching his breath and cursing beneath his breath. "Still got your receipt, Jacky?" asks Tom.

"Oh, uh, yeah sure, it's in my...bag." says Jacky, his voice deflating. Awkwardly, he maneuvers a hand over his front to unbuckle the flap of the satchel, raising it to his mouth so that he can hold it still. His little paw rummages around inside, fumbling over his belongings blindly since he can't see an awful lot. He stretches his arm deeply inside, scraping the edges of the bag for that little scrap of paper without success, only managing to brush over his pointed dick a few times. Even through layers of clothing and material, the slight sensation makes him throb hard.

"What are you even doing?" Asks Rosa, tilting her head in confusion. "We've gotta get inside!"

"Nothing, just uh..."

Success! Jacky removes his hand, ticket retrieved. "Getting my ticket, see?"

"You goofball. Come on, let's get going." Replies Tom.

The three head inside, hurriedly approaching the ticket machines. Rosa feeds all three tickets inside, impatiently tapping her foot. "Come on already you stupid machine! I refuse to miss a second of my precious movie!" she declares.

"Y'know you gotta press the button..." Tom points out.

"Oh. Yeah" says Rosa, booping the little dispense button below her.

"Uh, guys? Do you mind if I catch a quick bathroom break before the movie? You can go right ahead, I'll meet you there." says Jacky, a nervous smile on his face.

"Can't you hold it? We already missed the previews. Besides Rosa needs her birthday escort, isn't that right?"

", yeah, I can hold it I guess."

Rosa just shakes her head, already on the move. She leads Tom and Jacky through the concession stands with a hotfooted pace, not even stopping for popcorn or drinks. They all flash their tickets at the theater boy, who waves after them. "Hey! I'm supposed to stamp those..." he trails off, but they're already gone. They trial through the corridors, Jacky clutching his bag with all his might. The trio burst into the fourth screen theater. Jacky's bag almost flies from his shoulder as he does, but its too dark for him or his friends to see anything anyway.

"We're up here, at the top, see?" says Rosa, ascending the steps with her back turned, determined not to miss anything, but luckily all that's aired so far are the company logos. The three settle into their seats way up at the highest point of the room, looking down upon the rest of the moviegoers. "Few, that was close." she exhales, putting her feet up on the chair in front of her. Tom does the same, but Jacky decides against it. He's still just as hard as he was five minutes ago and now he's lost his best opportunity to relieve himself.

The movie starts, and Rosa is quiet as a mouse, taking in the whole thing scene by scene with wide eyes. Tom extends an arm to rest on her shoulder, but she doesn't react. He probably thinks his little plan is going well, but of course she's just too invested in the action on screen. A half hour passes and Jacky is still horned up. Being in the dark only seems to make it worse, and he's sure he's missed half the movie by now, far too horny to take anything in. He turns to check on the other two and their both distracted, Rosa being glued to the screen and Tom resting his head against her. Seizing the moment, Jacky lifts his bag up and off and quickly wriggles a paw into his underpants, squashing his dick up against his waistband so that it pokes right up into his belly, then snapping those undies back down to pin it in place, covering it with his shirt.

"Whatcha doing, Jacky?" says Tom, causing the otter to freeze up. "Did you bring snacks? This movie sucks."

Jacky sighs, assuming the panda must have missed his quick readjustment. "There might be some candies in my bag, but hey, I'm just gonna go take that bathroom break now if that's okay."

"Tch, if you say so pee-pants." he chuckles.

Jacky jumps up, making for the stairs speedily, almost tripping as he does. His face goes bright red as his shirt lifts up for a moment, but he tells himself there's no way anyone could have seen anything since its so dark and moves along, reaching the ground floor. Approaching the exit, he peeks his head out just a crack and looks around. Even though he was sure nothing was poking out now, he still didn't want anyone getting too close or anything. The coast is clear, so he quickly hobbles for the men's room.

The inside is almost empty, save for an older-looking moose taking a leak at one of the urinals. Jacky breathes out, tiptoeing to the stalls, now struggling with the image of a tasty looking moose dick. He's not even into older guys, but his dick reacts all the same, straining the elasticated waist of his khakis. "Dang it," he thinks to himself, "one really isn't gonna be enough." He locks the door, planting his butt on the closed lid of the toilet seat and waiting. He listens carefully for the moose's footsteps until he's sure the door has swung shut behind him, then swiftly, he throws his pants to his ankles with a deep sigh. For a minute he just stares at his stiff cock, giving it a few throbs in the open air. "It won't take long." he assures himself.

Gripping a paw around his shaft, he gives his desperate member a few strokes to warm up, but as soon as those sensations hit, the otter loses control. He breaks into a feverish pace, fapping away wantonly. If anyone were to enter, they'd surely hear his frantic pleasuring. But Jacky doesn't care, his cock finally grasping control of his horny mind and forcing his body to move. His hips shuffle back and forth on the seat of the toilet, causing a repetitive squeaking that's loud enough to echo. The otters eyes are shut, embracing those dirty thoughts for the first time today. He's swarmed with visions of his dominating boyfriend's knotted cock, imaging the words from his mouth spurring him on. "Cum," he's saying, "cum for me." It only takes minutes for the otter to approach orgasm, his fuzzy little sack tightening up so hard it hurts.

But in that moment, someone came barging into the bathroom.

"Hey Jacky! You in here?" comes the voice. Jacky freezes up, his paw gripping his cockhead tightly.

"Y...yeah..." he mutters wavily. His cock pulses angrily, deprived of orgasm once more. His whole body is tensed up. "I'll be out in a minute."

"Hurry it up? I gotta, well, y'know, and the other stalls out of order." says Tom.

Jacky releases his grip, slapping both paws against his head. He mouths a couple swears to himself, mostly directed at Tom. Reluctantly, he pulls his shorts back up just as his cock pushes out a thick dribble of pre. His body is still shivering and his cock throbs in rhythm with his heartbeat, about a feather's touch from exploding only moments ago, but he powers through it. "Why do I do these things to myself?"

"What'd you say?

"Nothing, just thinking aloud."

The otter wipes his wet member with some tissue paper and sets it back against his waistline, making sure to really snap his underwear against it. Being so worked up however, the painful sting causes his cock to jolt.

There's no pain, only pleasure. His loins tense up.

He's gonna cum.

"Ack!" he chokes out, clenching down as hard as he can and fumbling with his clothing.

"The hell you doing in there?"

"Just...hngh...stubbed my freaking toe!"

Somehow, hunched over and panting, Jacky is able to force his ejaculation down, feeling the cum rise and fall in his shaft. He's sweating, and his legs are quaking the whole time, his knees pressed together so tightly that is squashes his nuts. His orgasm peaks and dips, washing over him with such intensity that his muscles feel like they're going to give way, but he holds on with all his might.The whole thing lasts a full, torturous thirty seconds, and Jacky finds himself concentrating harder than he ever has before. He can sense Tom standing just inches away from him, the room utterly silent as his body tries desperately to force cum out of him. When it eventually ends, it takes all the willpower in the world for him to pull those khakis back up, making sure to gently rearrange his junk this time.

Stepping out wobbly and overheating, he nods to Tom with a weak smile and quickly heads to the exit. "That was too close" he thinks to himself.

"Hey Jacky, you got something on your shirt." Tom points out. Much to his embarrassment, Jacky looks down to see a little splatter of pre drying into the hem of his shirt. "Watch where you aim next time, haha!"

The otter pouts, amazed at both the idea that Tom could be such an ass, and the fact that he hadn't caught on. Still, he was thankful that he'd made it this far, even if this moment of clarity wasn't going to last. He was still so hard and now it was starting to ache sorely. He so badly wanted to run off, to find somewhere quiet and isolated where he could cum his brains out, but he knew the others would be upset and he couldn't rightly do that on his friends birthday. The idea of watching the movie had completely dissolved in his mind, but he still wanted Rosa to enjoy herself. Spotting the concession stands once more, the otter has an idea.

"One large soda!" he says, waving a couple dollars at the worker.

"You sure you can drink all that dude? We have sizes for smaller guests..."

"Does it matter? I'm missing the movie! And screw you!"


The otter is then handed a cup about half the size of his body.

"Enjoy the movie, bud."

Waddling back to the theater, cartoonishly large drink in both hands, the otter puts on a brave face. He's going to make it through the movie no matter what. He ascends those steps once more, finding his seat just a little ways from Rosa, who still hasn't moved from her hypnotized state. Despite having kept her eyes firmly stuck to the screen, she somehow manages to notice the otter come in though.

"What's with the big soda?" she asks.

"Thirsty." says Jacky. Although in reality, he was thinking much differently. With the cold soda pressed into his khakis firmly, the temperature of his raging boner would surely drop. And drop it did, his prick finally beginning to droop ever so slightly. It took a lot for the otter to keep a straight face, the surface of his cup like an ice pack on his member. Finally, after much squirming, he had gone soft. The whole area around his groin was numb, but the otter was satisfied, having finally calmed the heat in his loins. For a good few minutes he just remained still, making doubly sure he was truly calm. His thoughts began to return to him, drawn back to the movie, regaining his senses. "What'd I miss?"

The next hour passes quickly. There are some crazy fight scenes and tear-jerking character deaths, with the movie finishing on a cheesy cliffhanger.

"Aha!" says Rosa. "I told you they'd do it!"

"You sure did babe, you're just so smart..." says Tom.

"Aw, shut it Tommy, you got nothing on Captain Furmerica anyway."

Jacky and Rosa laugh, making their way out of the theater but not before sitting through the entire credits. You had to do it at every Furvengers movie.

Stepping into the night air outside, the trio went over their favorite bits of the movie. "Dude, you forgot your drink!" said Tom.

"Oh, whatever, hah, I was finished with it anyway." says Jacky, blushing a little.

Soon after, Rosa and Tom waved goodbye to Jacky, hopping into a friend's car together. "We're gonna head off to a dumb house party dude. I know that's not your kinda thing, but whatever, I'll see you at work in a couple days, got it?"

"Seeya Tom."

Jacky watched as the car zoomed off into the distance, feeling his phone buzz in his pocket. There was a message with an image attached, so he gave it a look.

It read, "Hey Jacky, better get your butt back here. I'm all horned up and waiting for ya. Kept your promise?"

It was Jacky's boyfriend. The image was of his thick, knotted cock protruding from his sheath. Jacky squirmed at the sight, a familiar stiffness in his pants. Suddenly, he was very aware of his hardness, standing out in the open with a flood of people exiting the theater. He swings his back back around, and hangs his head low. Not again.

Hey, if you liked this story, please leave a comment! I'd love to hear any feedback or criticism.

Have a great day!