officer wolf an strawberrypaw

Story by strawberrypaw on SoFurry

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"BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!", the alarm clock shouted. 6 a.m. and once again the large grey canine drug his body out

of the bed to get ready for work. He could already tell this was going to be a long tiresome day at work. He hadn't

even left for work and he could tell...this day was going to suck. By the time Wolf pulled into the parking lot and

walked up to the door the feeling of turmoil had gotten worse. As he glanced at his phone to check the time, "6:55",

he mumbled to himself, he clocked in. Disgusted he had to be there so early he walked to the office. As time passed and

the store opened things got a little better. With the occasional lookers coming in every now and then it really hadn't

been that bad of a day. It was about this time that an attractive looking blue heeler interrupted his daydreams.

He smiled and began thinking to himself as he began to trail her. She's not tall and she's not short. "Nice", he

thought. She's chubby not chunky. "My favorite" , he mouthed. Upon further observation he noticed how small tufts

of her salt and pepper speckled fur stuck out along the ends of her clothing. Her short long sleeved pink denim

jacket complimented her snug black shirt that was hugging her sides.

As his eyes wondered down to her voluptuous ass he watched her tail sway side to side. Further down the wolf's

eyes gazed at her thighs all the way to her cute feetpaws. With each step he could feel the crotch of his pants tighten.

The wolf followed his "prey" so to speak into the electronics department. He was in luck! She was browsing DVDs and

knocked one off the shelf. He took his chance as he swooped in to grab the fallen DVD. "Here, let me get that for you

miss.", as he walked by he brushed up against her....on "accident". She tried her best to keep a stone face as she felt

his hard package as it touched her. Anyone passing by could look at her face and tell she was quiet pleased with what

she felt as he brushed up against her. On his way down to pick up the DVD the wolf glances down into her purse to see

if she has taken anything. Much to Wolf's surprise this beauty is as good as she looks...nothing stolen. The young heeler

yelps as he grabs her arm, " Ma'am...I'm going to have to ask you to come with me" Wolf asserted, "I have reason to believe

you have stolen merchandise in your purse".

He holds steady as she starts to squirm free, "HEY!", she squeals, " lemme go you!" The wolf begins pulling her

out of the department and towards the back of the store. Onlookers gawk and point as they see her taken back by the large

wolf. Pissed, the young heeler tries to grab his huge hand and pry his fingers back so she can escape, but to no avail

she cannot free her self. The heeler soon starts raising hell again seeing as she cannot get free. " Help! Help!" she

screams as she try to pull the opposite direction. It is this that finally irks the wolf as he turns around and squeezes

her arm tighter. " I have said before I'm an officer and you have to come with me" Wolf says through his clinched

teeth. After the short 1 minuet walk, which seemed like 10, they finally reach the office and get inside. "Ma'am...just have

a seat on the bench so I can get some information" he ordered. Hesitantly she walks over and takes a seat. As the officer

gets his paperwork ready the heeler he notices her looking around the room and then staring at him like she was...evaluating

him to some degree.

Thinking to herself she looks up and down the large young officer. "Large hands...everyone knows what

the means....firm grip...tall grey and handsome," talking to herself in her head, " soft fur, cute nose and best of all when he

brushed up against me his package felt huge." She shivers in thought. After getting the necessary paperwork the young wolf

begins to talk, but the young heeler doesn't seem to heat him. Clearing his throat rather loudly he gets her attention.

"Your name...I need it for the report" he tells her. Disgusted she smarts off but finally tells him, " Strawberry." Shaking

his head he begins writing and talking to himself, "S-t-r-a-w-berry." Looking at her license he took from her purse he knew

she wasn't lying, and only 22 at that. She even looked cute in her photo and nobody looks good in those. " I didn't do

anything!" she scoffed as she rolled her eyes. As soon as he starts writing again she tries to make a break for the door.

Without looking up from the paperwork his hand shots out and grabs her arm. Smiling to himself he stands up and takes her

back to her seat and point is finger in hr face touching her nose, "If you try that shit again I'll be forced to take the

appropriate action." Squirming, she rubs against his bulging crotch and asks, "just what kind of action do you intend on

taking officer?"

Taken aback by her actions the young officer raises an eyebrow in disbelief. As she begins to stand up she makes

sure to run her breasts along his crotch as she smiles looking at him. It's at this time that he is sure that she wants

him. "That's it little missy" he tells her, as he grabs her shoulders roughly. Astonished, Strawberry starts to say

something, " Hey...I thought you were kid-" Strawberry is cut off short as he turns her around forcefully and puts her

against the wall. "I warned you didn't I?" the officer asks smartly. "Yea, but I thou-", she is cut off again, but this

time with confusion as she feels her hands being pulled behind her and cuffed. The strapping officer then places his body

against hers and lowers his head next to her ear. He smiles as he whispers, " I could see it in your eyes when you walked didn't come here to came here to be fucked didn't you?" Her fur on her neck began to raise as he told her

what she knew ...what she wanted. She knew that was the reason she had come in. She had been scoping out the places with

the best looking guys for weeks. She wanted somebody to take control, and this big wolf just happened to be what she longed

for. Strawberry was brought back to reality when she feels the wolf lick her neck and cheek. She almost melted when he

licked her again. A soft moan could be heard coming from her, and this only excited the officer more. "Are you ready for

this big wolf to take control of your sweet little heeler body?" the wolf asked in soft assured tone. He didn't wait for

her to answer as he grabbed her small breasts and bit her neck. Strawberry inhaled sharply from his sudden actions.

She could feel herself getting wet with excitement. This is what she had been wanting and it was really about to happen!

Strawberry's mind raced with what was happening she couldn't believe it. What is he going to do? When is it going to happen?

Will he cum inside me? All she could do was ask herself questions not knowing anything drove her nuts, but this time all

it did was excite her. Wolf then turns Strawberry around to face him and leads her toward his desk gesturing her to sit.

As she sits he begins pulling her shirt up and over her head exposing her luscious small breasts and erect nipples. " This

wolf likes what he sees" he says as he leans down and begins sucking on her nipples. First the left nipple as he massages

her right breast, and then her right nipple as he massages her left breast. Strawberry lets out a low soft moans each time.

The officer soon runs his hands up her short skirt and grabs her soft cotton panties, pulling them down slowly while

following her panties with his tongue. All down her thigh and calf all the way down to her feetpaws he licks. Feeling her

shiver with excitement he licks his way back up, but this time he doesn't stop at her skirt. The officer continues going up

and sticks his head in between her thighs and starts to lap at her wet pussy. Nuzzling her clit he begins to tongue fuck

her. The cute heeler lays back on his desk and wraps her legs around him making his snout push against her clit harder.

Moaning longer and louder, Strawberry starts grinding against his muzzle. "Oh fuck!" she exclaims ,as he starts to nibble

at her clit. " It's time my little heeler" the wolf says as he stands up. As she leans her head up and looks at him she

notices him motioning toward his bulging pants. "What do you expect me to do with my hands cuffed?" she asks nervously.

" Don't ask me...get..."creative" ", he says with a sly smile, "here...let me get you started". The large wolf begins to

unfasten his pants and drops them exposing his large throbbing cock. Strawberry tries to speak but can't as her mouth

just drops staring at the huge member in front of her. Thinking to herself she reached for his member with her feetpaws

spreading her toes and taking hold of it. The officer smiled and nodded in approval crossing his arms watching her play

with his cock. "Oh Mr. Officer your cock feels sooo big", she told him, "I can't wait for you to fuck me with it!"

The wolf chuckled and grabbed her ankles spreading her legs wide open.

" think you can handle this huge wolf dick, huh?" the officer asked mockingly as he moved closer and closer

until the tip of his penis rested against her swollen vulva. Throbbing up and down in between her pussy lips, he could

feel her quivering with anticipation. Slowly he prodded the opening of her love hole. Teasing her. Tempting her. Making

her crave his cock more. Thinking to himself he decided it was too simple for her to watch him enter her. "Let's make this

more interesting shall we" the wolf told her as he let her legs go and stood her up against the wall away from him. "Now"

he stated, " it will be much more pleasing not know being able to see me enter you." As she whimpered the wolf grabbed her

hips and started to moving them in a circular motion. "What are you doing?" she asked. "You'll soon find out my dear

little heeler" he scoffed. The officer grabbed his large cock with one hand and began rubbing it back and forth in between

her soaked pussy lips. Moaning, she began to grind on his thick cock, whining for him to penetrate her hot cunt. Without

hesitation he fulfilled her plea and thrust it in hard. " Ahhh!" Strawberry gasped, "please Mr. Wolf....please fuck me!"

Grinning lustfully to himself he begins to fuck her with burning desire. Moaning louder the heeler pleads, "Oh,

fuck me! I want you to fuck my womb Mr. Wolf! FUCK MY WOMB PLEASE!" Feeling his sexual desires take over the officer looses

control of his body and begins to thrust her wet cunt harder and deeper. The officer grabs the base of her tail with his

large hand pulling her upward making her stand on her tippy toes as he drills her deep. Leaning over, he bites her neck as

he penetrates her womb. Strawberry screams in ecstasy, " FUCK ME! YES! I WANT YOUR WOLF SEED IN MY WOMB!" As the wolf

continues to fuck her womb he feels her orgasm hard on his cock. Her love juices flowing out of her as her legs begin to

buckle. Grunting, he squeezes her tail as his hot wolf seed shoots hard against the back of her womb.

Uncontrollably, she orgasms again out of the sheer thought of what is happening. Breathing heavily the wolf lets her down

gently letting go of the heeler's tail. As he begins to pull out his still throbbing cock Strawberry reaches down with her

still cuffed hands and gently grabs his wet member. She slowly pulls him out savoring every moment until he slipped

through her wet fingers. "Well...I'm glad we could work things out" the officer told her, "I'll be right back with a mop."

Smiling and giggling she tells him, " I see appropriate actions were taken." After cleaning himself up and putting his

clothes back on he grabs the office key and heads out to find a mop. Upon returning with a mop and water the wolf notices

she has left. Nothing but a note, the handcuffs and it's keys are left on the desk. The wolf walks over and reads the note.

Dear Mr. Officer,

Thanks for the great time! I haven't had a good fucking like that in a long time. I'm glad you were up to the task.

It is true that I have been looking for this and that I wanted you to do it. As I have said before I haven't stole anything,;

but I'm sure you knew that before you stopped me.




Sorry I had to bolt and leave you with the clean up; but I promise I'll stay next time! ;)

Trust me, I'll be shopping here much more frequently now!