Night with the Dragoness

Story by Galleta on SoFurry

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A dragoness pleasure's her pet fox in an attempt to make up for earlier abuse.

Starlight sparkled in the entrance to the cave. A deceptively peaceful display. Inside a young fox gasped for air, her raspy breaths ruining the serenity of the otherwise tranquil night. A painful shudder racked her broken body with each laborious wheeze. She'd run out of tears hours ago, now all she could do was hope to pass out from exhaustion soon, since pain and present company prevented sleep from coming to her naturally.

"Quit that racket, pet, you're always so over dramatic," a hellish voice rang from the depths of the cave. Sliding between the shadows the vague figure of a dragon could almost be made out. The fox curled in on herself, now shaking with fear.

" more...not tonight," she managed, her voice hoarse and little above a whisper. The shadow converged on her all at once, a dark mist obscuring the small figure. She moved her paws over her eyes.

"Please...more...tonight?" The voice mocked, all around her now. Slowly the mist materialized into a dragoness curled around the young vulpine. "It appears there's still some life left in you. You're more resilient than you look," the dragon's voice softened with an almost fondness as she praised her play thing. A taloned paw extended, wrapping around the fox's abdomen and pulling her back toward the dragoness's chest. She winced as her sore body was dragged across the rough ground, though there was some relief in being tucked against the dragon's surprisingly cold scales. It was a bone-chilling cold, but welcome none the less.

"My poor, broken, weak little pet...Oh let me make it up to you," the dark-hued reptile pleaded, rolling the cream-furred fox onto her back. Dark reptilian head crowned in a plethora of horns maneuvered between the fox's hind legs to gawk at her swollen and abused sex. "Who would've done such a thing to you?" She taunted with a sinister laugh. Pink smoke rolled from her mouth and washed over her pet with each not of cruel laughter.

Long, serpentine tongue flicked out, gingerly washing over the tiny female's vulva. Her hind legs tried to close together in protest, pressing against either side of the dragon's snout.

"Please, Xyalan, I'm sore, please just let me rest for the night," she whimpered.

"Excuse me?" Xyalan stopped the task at hand, looking up to meet the fox's gaze with rage in her bright pink eyes.

"Mistress! I meant Mistress! Please have mercy on me," she wailed in spite of her sore throat. But her please fell on deaf ears.

Heavy dragon paws fell on either of the fox's back legs, pinning them wide apart while her smooth tongue plunged into an exhausted tunnel. Vaginal muscles clenched about the appendage in protest to no avail. The point of the dragon's tongue worked quickly and delicately over the fox's inner folds, and pet couldn't help but to let out a small, choked moan.

"I knew you were enjoying yourself," Xyalan snickered, voice muffled in the fox's lips. She continued to tend to her companion's sweet spots while her mouth filled with the sweet juices of her lover. Before long the canine found herself nearly convulsing in the throws of ecstasy, panting and moaning quietly while her mistress went about pleasuring her. Just as she'd become accustomed to the sweet feeling of an intimate tongue bath, she felt a sharp pain deep within. Teal reptilian flesh rammed against her tight inner entrance, demanding access to her womb. Pet gave a sharp cry as she felt her cervix yield to the demands of her partner.

Xyalan's tongue scraped rudely over all the delicate walls inside her slave's uterus, lashing and scoring the sensitive flesh with wounds she would feel for several days afterwards. When she was satisfied with her torment the dragoness quickly recoiled her tongue, drawing her head back from the fox and watching while the small girl gripped her stomach, doubling over in pain as she was taken with violent cramps akin to laboring kits.

The fox was hardly afforded time to recover before the dragoness had moved over her, lining up her slit with the other's muzzle.

"Now it's my turn," she snarled, thrusting her hind end down so that the fox was engulfed almost up to her eyes. She flailed wildly as she attempted to gain a breath, but found herself instead slowly fading from consciousness, gasping into the folds of the creature smothering her. Xyalan cried out in delight at the sensation of her captive struggling beneath her. As pet slipped from consciousness her mistress begin grinding lewdly on her muzzle, dousing her plush fur in the strong scent of the dragon.