Furry High School: Spring Romance: Chapter Seventeen

Story by The Roz Wolf on SoFurry

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#17 of Furry High School: Spring Romance

Chapter Seventeen

Sunlight crept in on the pair sprawled together on the bed, the sheets ruffled and tossed atop them. Kaipo's face rested atop Robert's chest, a bright smile on both furs' faces. Robert had both arms around the lion, cuddling him close in his sleep, as Kaipo held one arm across his waist.

As the sun found Kaipo's eyes, the lion grumbled softly, opening them a second while his paw lifted up to shield his gaze from the light. With a smile, he pressed his face in a tender nuzzle along the husky's chest, a soft purring rumbling inside his throat, leaning up further and kissing Robert. The touch of lips gained the canine's own murr, his eyes slipping open slowly, giving the lion a warm smile as he hugged him firmly "Good morning there."

The sound of faint chuckling was overlaid by the shower's water striking the two furs playing within. Robert's arms caught around Kaipo's waist, holding him firmly while tickling the slender lion, getting more giggles from behind the shower curtains as Kaipo squirmed about under the warm waters "Robbie!"

"Shhh, your mom might hear you, and think we're up to naughty stuff." Robert touched his finger to his lips, growling playfully into the feline's ear before tickling him a bit more vigorously, gaining a faint squeal from the lion as he batted his paws against the big canine, leaving Robert chuckling lowly. His muzzle slide up behind one of Kaipo's ears, snuffing against it before slipping down, nibbling at where his neck and shoulder joined.

Letting out a trembling breath, Kaipo squirmed more while the husky held him tight, hips grinding faintly into his soft behind, the lion's tail whapping across Robert's stomach, Kaipo's cheeks flushing as he stuttered "We're gonna be late for school."

"This from the fur who had planned to do nothing but fuck over the last week, huh?" Robert murmured against his ear, bringing Kaipo's blush to a bright crimson "Robbie!" He whined softly, the husky chuckling, kissing behind his ear before letting the lion step away in the tub "Oh fine then." The canine mock pouted, the wet furs embracing as the shower water continued to pelt them lightly, their muzzles touching in passionate kiss.

"Bye Mom!" Kaipo called out, closing the door behind him. Taking Robert's paw, the pair exchanged warm smiles and a soft kiss, broken a few seconds later by a horn honking. Both glanced to the street to find Matthew watching from his jeep "Come on ya'll! We're gonnah be late!"

The jeep's engine rumbled softly while they cruised down one of the streets of Kaipo's subdivision, rolling to a pause at a stop sign "So what did you do over spring break Matt?" Robert spoke up from the backseat. Kaipo was snuggled into his side, one of the husky's arms curled around the lion's shoulders. As Kaipo nuzzled his chest, Robert's free paw stroked through Kaipo's cheek fur. "Ah, not too much." The equine responded as the jeep started forwards "Spent ah bit ah time at tha gym. What did ya'll do?"

"Oh...Just a little clubbing." Robert replied, glancing down with a smirk at Kaipo as the lion giggled softly.

The hallways of the school were dominated by the usual mixes of conversation of the students at their lockers. "What did you two do over the break?" The question sent Kaipo into a near fit of giggles, leaving Robert looking embarrassed from the puzzled looks both T.K. and Hina gave them.

"Just ignore him," Robert spoke up, giving the lion a little nudge in the shoulder "He's being weird today." Wrapping his arms around Kaipo from behind, Robert gave the lion a squeeze, drawing out his usual purr.

"You look good, Hina. What'd you do?" Kaipo spoke up next as he cuddled back against Robert, blinking then as T.K. placed a paw over his face and mumbled, "Here we go again..."

Hina hit the Dalmatian's shoulder playfully; finding his gaze partially obscured by his fingers with a smirk "He's just cranky because nobody's commented him. We both went to a spa over the week." As Hina prodded T.K.'s side, he gave her a nudge back "I was planning to give the tickets to him and Val, but since Val went backpacking-"

"She dragged me along." The canine interrupted.

"You said you wanted to go!" Hina countered with a pout.

"Yep." A grin parted T.K.'s muzzle "I wanted to go and convince you to get your hair all nice and shiny...so I could do this!" He caught the skunk with an arm around her shoulders and quickly started to noogie her. Hina let out a loud squeal as she squirmed out of his grasp, leaving Robert and Kaipo watching and laughing.

Students filed into one of the school's classrooms, Kaipo following after much of the crowd for his class. Padding along the aisle between the desks, he set his backpack down next to his seat and slid down in the chair before glancing to a pair of empty desks beside him. He blinked a few times before looking around the room, finding a Dalmatian a few chairs nearby. Standing from his own, Kaipo made his way quickly over, giving a glance to the clock on the way "Hey T.K., you seen Lilly or Ami today?"

"Huh?" T.K. glanced up with a bit of a surprise to the lion, taking a moment to recover "Oh! No, but Hina told me earlier that apparently their flight back home had been delayed like...a day or something, so they weren't gonna be here today." He gave a little shrug "That's what she told me, at least."

"Well...alright." Kaipo nodded as he chewed his bottom lip, glancing over towards his desk. A moment passed before he looked back down to the Dalmatian "You wanna sit next to me today then?" The question seemed to surprise T.K. even more than Kaipo's sudden appearance, leaving him speechless. He did manage a nod though. "Cool." Kaipo smiled with that, the lion waiting as the canine shuffled all his papers together with his book, hurriedly standing to follow along back to Kaipo's desk.

Coach Nalberry stood before the bleachers of the gymnasium, his paws settled onto the hips of his navy blue shorts, a white tank top stretched across his chest, the garment concealing him while letting the muscles he possessed stand out. As usual, the air of the gym was heavy with sweat following the team's practice, each fur sitting on the bottom row of the bleachers in their singlets, a few wearing their warm-up pants as well. The tiger tilted his head to one side, his neck cracking softly before lifting up a clipboard in one paw, tapping a pen on it with his other. His tail gave a swish as he paced a few moments, each fur on the bleachers keeping their attention full on him. Robert was seated in the middle of the row, Matthew on one side, while Kessel was on his other.

"Okay, next week are the regional competitions. And I assume you all know we can only send our best, right?" Each fur gave their own nod "Good. With that in mind..." His pen tapped a few more times, tail swaying behind him slowly "Kessel, you'll be going in your division..." A grin came to the golden retriever with that, Robert giving him a pat on the back, as did the fur on Kessel's other side. "Jase, you'll be in your division..." A muscular, lean hyena with black spots up his back over his light blue fur perked up at that, grinning brightly and high-fiving the fur next to him. "Matthew, you will be representing your division..." Robert offered a pat on the back to the grinning equine, Kessel offering him a thumbs up as well. "And finally, Robert, you will be your division's representative for our school." Robert clenched his paw, shaking it just a little as he grinned himself, both Kessel and Matt giving him a pair of firm pats on the back.

Coach Nalberry slide the pen into the free space of the clip on his clipboard, setting his paws back on his hips "The week after that will be our final event of the season, so for those of you not picked for Regionals, buck up. I've got a good memory, after all. Do well in your final match, and I'll remember that next year. Now hit the showers."

The track team sat gathered in the grassy area within the middle of the track, their attention held by their trio of coaches, though at the moment, Coach Parker was speaking, and, as usual, pacing as he did "Our Regionals will be in two weeks. Now, for those of you not familiar with them yet," He paused in his paw steps and looked out among the group "This is our final event for our season. Yes, I know the meet is just two weeks away from your finals, so I expect you to keep that in mind as well. I like my team to be the highest placing both athletically and academically."

Kaipo and T.K. sat together in the grasses, both sitting in similar fashions, their paws set on the ground behind them, slightly reclining while their legs were stretched out in front of them. Gen was seated behind the pair, her usual sour expression on as she sat with her legs folded underneath her, paws resting in her lap.

"And with that in mind, you all know we do not have any meets between now and the Regionals. As such, I expect you not to miss practice any of the days, unless it's an emergency." He paused a look on Kaipo, smirking just faintly as the lion looked a little surprised "You have plenty of time to do homework and spend time with friends after practice is over. Understand?" The group gave a general reply of "Yes Coach Parker." To a nod from the Doberman, glancing back to his assistant coaches a moment before he looked back to the team "Excellent. Practice is now over, you're free to go. And I do expect you all here on time every day as well." His next gaze found T.K. as the Dalmatian stood, leaving him with a little surprised look for a moment. Coach Parker chuckled softly, padding off with Coaches Hill and Williams as the furs stood from the grasses and started wandering the sidewalk back to the school "Was he saying I don't show up on time?" T.K. mumbled to Kaipo as they wandered back towards the school. The lion started a response before a violet vixen pushed passed them "You're not as slow as I thought T.K." Gen added as she passed by, glancing back with a smirk to the pair "Oh...yeah?" Was all T.K. could manage, the reply leaving both Gen and Kaipo giggling as the canine sighed. "Aww, it's alright T.K. At least he only expects you to be late." Kaipo winked, prodding the Dalmatian's shoulder playfully. T.K. tried to suppress his chuckle and eventually failed, nodding to the lion "Good point."