A simple story II : end

Story by mmarvinleatherbear on SoFurry

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#14 of A simple story II

At least, the last chapter of the part II. Stay tuned for the Part and final III.

Driving carefully on the exit lane, the large polar bear looked fast at the clock on the radio. He would be on time despite the traffic and the mix of cold water, half molten snow and salt coating the road, driving slowly on the curb.

A fast sight allowed him to drive on the deserted road surrounded on a side by some low and cheap buildings and on the other some brand new buildings half empty of any activities. Half of the windows were still showing their

_« A vendre » ou « a louer » _

« to sell » or « to rent » signs

He followed the road making a large curve, slowing again. On the angle, he could see the two large blocks breaking the monotony of the larger grey wall. The red one was longer than the black one proudly high and showing the large windows were the giant city's club blason was engraved. A giant black « T » mixed with a red « S » with a white background. On the stadium's side, a barrier rose, letting the car to enter he parked, turning the engine off and getting out of the car.

Wearing a large coat, the polar walked, a large strap box on his hand. He nodded at the employee who waved back at him.

He took the lift, getting at his floor, saluting his coworkers before settle himself behind his desk. He opened his box and took from it an envelop with some memory cards on it. He turned on his computer and time for it to boot, wen to the coffee machine when most of the others employees were getting their daily shoot of caffeine.

« Salut tout le monde, comment cela va ?

« Hey everybody ! How things go ?

_- Bien merci ! _

  • Nice, thanks ! »

At the corner, he noticed the one he was looking for.

« Hey David ! »

The lynx turned his head, holding a large file under his arm, coming closer to the bear.

« Hey Henri ! Comment était le week-end ?

« Hey Henri, how was the week end ?

- Pas trop mauvais. Les gars en ont bavé mais on a ramené la victoire de Grenoble et on est toujours bons pour les plays-offs, c'est ce qui importe.

  • Not too bad, thanks. The guys sweat a lot but they came back with a full victory from Grenoble and we're still good for the next play-offs, it's what matters.

- Ce serait mieux de viser plus haut et éviter les barrages mais bon la concurrence est de plus en plus féroce. Quand on voit que même Lille est encore en course pour la qualification, on n'est pas sortis de l'auberge ! »

  • It would be better to move on to avoid them, but it's so hard that year. Seeing than even Lille is still on the boat, we're sure still in troubles. »

The bear agreed with his friend's analysis.

« Dis, tu aurais cinq minutes à me consacrer ? J'ai un truc à te montrer.

« Say, you would have five minutes ? I want to show you something.

- Tu as trouvé la façon miracle pour remporter le titre sans trop se fatiguer ?

  • You found the miracle way to win the title for sure ?

- Ah, si c'était cela, on aurait plus de Brennus à afficher sur les murs. Mais non. Tu sais que mon boulot c'est de garder un oeil sur les jeunes talents venus de l'étranger.

  • If only I could, we would have more Brennus' shields to hang on the walls. But nah. You know than it's my job to keep an eye for the new flesh on the other countries ?

- Bien entendu.

  • Of course.

- Et ton boulot à toi c'est de trier les candidats potentiels avant de les présenter au comité de sélection.

  • And your job is to sort them before to send them facing the selection board.

- Tu as un soucis avec un candidat ?

  • You have troubles with a candidate ?

- Disons que j'ai des doutes et je voulais avoir ton avis de façon informelle. Pas la peine de rédiger un rapport si le candidat n'est pas valable a tes yeux, pas vrai ?

  • Let's say I have my doubts and I wanted you to see him before to disturb the board. No need to file a report if he will not fit, right ?

- Il vient d'ou ?

  • Where he comes from ?

- Des Etats-Unis.

  • United States.

- Les USA ?

  • Of America ?

- Tu en connais d'autres ? Bref, c'est le père du gamin qui m'a signalé son fils. Une histoire assez compliquée je dois le reconnaitre.

  • You know others ? Anyway, it's the boy's father who showed me his boy. A pretty messy story, I must say.

- Comment il te connait ?

  • How he knows you ? »

Henri the bear knew he got his friend's attention when he followed him at his desk.

« Je t'ai déjà parlé d'Eugène, pas vrai ? »

« I told you before about Eugene, right ? »

David though a moment.

« Le gars a qui tu as pété la jambe ?

  • The one you broke his leg ?

- Et pas qu'un peu. Deux mois d'hôpital pour le pauvre gars et une carrière terminée.

  • A nasty wound. Two months in hospital and his career was behind him.

- Ce n'était pas de ta faute, c'était dans le jeu, cela arrive.

  • It was not your fault. It was in the game, it happens.

- Je sais. En tout cas c'est comme cela que j'ai fait sa connaissance et on est devenus amis. Un peu après, il est tombé amoureux d'un gars et il est parti pour les USA ou il vit toujours.

  • I know. Anyway, it's how I met him and we became friends. Soon after, he met a guy and he left for the States where he's still living.

- Ils ont un fils ?

  • They have a son ?

- Adoptif. »

  • Adopted. »

Henri sat behind his desk, opening the file, showing the memory cards.

« Eugène me les a envoyées par courrier. Il y a plus de vingt heures d'images de lui dessus. Je dois dire qu' Eugène n'a jamais été doué pour trier les images et faire des résumés corrects...

« Eugene send me them by mail. More than 20 hours on them. I must say than Eugene was never good at sorting things and to select the most important datas.

- Tu as tout regardé ?

  • You looked everything ?

- J'ai passé des passages en accéléré, je dois l'avouer...

  • I fast forwards some, I admit...

- Tu m'étonnes. Et donc ?

  • Not a surprise. And so ? »

Henri turned his screen, showing pics and datas of the young rott.

« Ce sont les données récoltées par son entraineur de football.

« His coach took all those datas.

- Il joue au football ?

  • He's playing soccer ?

- Le foot américain.

  • American football.

- Je vois. »

  • I see... »

Henri ran a short video showing a bit the boy's abilities on the field. He was waiting for his friend's reaction.

« C'est assez intéressant, oui, je dois en convenir.

« It's quite interesting, indeed.

- Assez intéressant, seulement ?

  • Only quite ?

- Henri, tu l'as vu tout comme moi. Ce garçon a une technique limitée. Son sens de la stratégie n'est pas très développé. Sans parler des en-avant qu'il commet trop souvent à mon goût.

  • Henri, you sure saw it yourself. That boy is quite limited about his skills. He doesn't seem to have a good strategic sense, not talking about all those forwards balls he's making.

- Il faut tenir compte du fait que c'est sa première saison en rugby.

  • He's playing only since some weeks.

- Sa première année ? Ah. Cela explique les en-avant.

  • It's his first year ? Well, it explains all those forwards.

- Il a été exclu de son équipe et son père l' a quelque peu forcé à s'orienter vers le rugby. Cela l'intéresse au final et il espère devenir professionnel.

  • He was kicked out from his football team and his father dragged him to play rugby instead. He's into it and he hopes going pro.

- Avec un tel physique et de telles données, il peut nourrir des espoirs, oui.

  • With such a body and those datas he sure can have high hopes.

- Je vais t'envoyer ses statistiques que Ed m'a fait parvenir. Elles devraient t' aider.

  • I'm going to send you these datas Ed gave me. They should help.

- Il y a tellement d'éléments à prendre en compte. Tu sais à quel point les places dans notre école sont limitées. Ce garçon a des problèmes de discipline ?

  • There are so many things. You sure know how few spots we have for our school. The boy have behavior issues ?

- Non.

  • No.

- Pourquoi a t-il été exclu de son équipe alors ? Une telle sanction n'est pas bon pour sa candidature.

  • Why he was kicked out then ? Such a sanction is not good for his application.

- Le garçon est homosexuel. Ses équipiers n'ont pas aimé l'apprendre et ils ont manoeuvré de façon à obliger son école à ne pas accepter sa réinscription au moment de la rentrée. »

  • The boy is gay. His school mates didn't like the new and they forced the school to kick him of the team.»

David though.

« Gay, hein ?

  • Gay, uh ?

_- Oui. » _

  • Yes.»

David's pout was fully visible.

« Il n'y a que cela ?

« It's the only thing ?

- Autant que je le sache, oui. J'ai demandé à notre contact pour le Middle West d' en savoir plus à son sujet et il n'a rien trouvé d'autre.

  • As far I can know. I asked about our man for the middle west to know more about him but he found nothing else. »

David was looking at the bear.

« Je sais à quoi tu penses tu sais...

« I know what you're thinking about...

- Si ce n'était pas le cas, ta place ne serait pas ici.

  • If you didn't, you wouldn't have that job.

- Le garçon semble avoir du potentiel, oui, j'en conviens. Mais je ne peux rien promettre.

  • The boy can have hopes, for sure. I can't make any promesses. »

Henri smiled.

« Je ne demande rien d'autre que ce qui est d'ordinaire accordé aux autres postulants. Un regard sincère sur ses qualités et ses défauts. La seule chose que j'ai accordé à mon vieil ami, c'est de pouvoir examiner personnellement la candidature de son fils au lieu de laisser le comité de présélection le faire. »

« I want nothing more than any other applicant. An honest and sincere sight on his abilities and his lacks. The only thing I agreed to do for my friend was to look at him personally instead to let the whole board to do first. »

David smiled.

« Tu as toujours été trop tendre, c'est pour cela que tu n'as pas pu rester sur le terrain. Mais ton ami a raison sur un point en tout cas. Le garçon est prometteur. Je vais étudier son cas sérieusement et voir si je vais montrer les images au comité de sélection à la première occasion. Mais encore une fois, je ne promet rien. »

« You were ever too kind, that's why you couldn't play anymore. But your friend is right about something. The boy is promising. I'm going to look at his file more seriously before to show that to the board but again, no promises. »

Kicking at the same time their feet against the wall to get rid of the mud, the two boys opened the door and get in, coming it immediately. Enjoying the fact being eventually on a warmer and drier place than outside. The early spring wasn't warm enough and the outside humidity was making the cold feeling worst than ever on that early March.

Francis put the large paper bag on the little table near the door, opening his jacket and getting rid of his shoes not to dirty the wooden ground. If there was something Ed never joked about, it was that and the boys made sure not to give him a reason to yeel.

The donkey looked with pleasure his friend getting warmer and free of the other large paper bag. The pending ring at his nose was not something new and Francis liked it more and more. He took the two bags and went to the kitchen where Ed, wearing a large leather apron, was busy.

« You found everything ?

  • I think we did. Veggies, meat, cleaning products.

  • Nice. You just have to sort all that then. »

Francis took the products one by one, helped by Greg. Ed looked at the boys, glad to see they didn't forget anything. If they wanted being able to still use Mark's pick-up, they sure knew what they had to do.

Ed remembered then something. Letting the meat cooking slowly, he took a large brown mail, holding it to Greg.

« Son, you have some mail ! »

Greg took it, trying to see who would had sent such a mail. He recognized the printed blazon. A red « S » above a black « T » . He opened the mail fast, ignoring Francis' sad sight. Ed stood near the donkey, getting a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Greg opened the letter. A sheet of paper, with another mail inside. He began to read the letter.

« Ed...

  • Yes ?

  • It's in french... »

Greg had begun to learn some french thanks to his father's help but he was still far from being able to read it. Ed took the letter.

« I'm not surprized. Bureaucrats are the same all around the world... Well... »

While Ed was looking at the letter, Greg took the other mail. What was inside was more talkative than the sheet of paper, showing it happily to Francis.

« A plane ticket ! »

The young rott was smiling. A plane ticket. He shook his fist with pleasure, groaning.

Mark was coming back from the basement, naked and sweaty as usual, looking at the three studs.

« What's up ? »

Ed was smiling.

« He got an answer ! They're asking him to come for a full week of tests and trainings !

  • When ?

  • Next spring break. Oh Gods, we barely have the time to make you have a passport ! It will be in less than four weeks !

  • A whole week in France ?

  • Things are getting serious. The committee never send such a mail if they don't have something in mind ! Greg, you're on their list ! »

Greg was reading the mail, not understanding it.

« I... I can't believe it ! »

Ed was smiling. Mark was a bit uncomfortable, same for Francis. Greg saw it and hugged his friend to comfort him.

« It's only for one week.

  • I know.

  • I told you, Francis. I will not let you behind. »

Francis wanted to answer. But he couldn't find the words to express his mix of joy and sadeness. So he just kissed Greg on his lips. He wanted to know how much he cared about him.

Gren then kissed him back deeply. Francis smiled eventually, the depth of the kiss let not doubts about the rott's love for him.

Mark and Ed were smiling.

« We'll go at the city hall to make you have a passport.

  • Maybe we shouldn't lose time. Maybe it's open that noon ? »

Mark though.

« I'm not sure the office will be open a saturday noon. I'm going to see that. »

Greg had troubles to focus on the mail now. The exchanged kiss gave him more needs and it was the same for Francis. The boys went upstairs, leaving Ed alone.

« Kids... »

Ed felt then Mark hugging him from behind, his arms strongly closed on his chest. Mark put his head on his husband's shoulder, his muzzle deeply buried on his flesh. Ed could feel him fully moved, in tears.

« Mark...

  • Ed... Never...You hear me, I will never forget what you have done for him ! »

Ed groped Mark's hands against his chest, smiling widely, looking at his husband's sight.

« Nothing is done yet but he made a step, yea. »

The tone of his voice showed than he had also troubles toehold his tears.


Fred was also moved. He looked around him the almost naked walls of the tribunal with their brown tones showing the black furnitures of the room. The closed door on the opposite end, the still empty judge's desk, the wooden barrier.

Dressed on a nice white short and black pants, the sat boy hold his closed hands on his knees, looking at the door leading to the judge's office.

Close to him, his father was looking at him from time to time, with a mix of resignation and pride.

He seemed being sure they were making an awful mistake. But what other solution they had ? Maybe he should had tried to convince more his wife to come too ?

Despite all his will, she just put an hand on his cheek, shaking her head, getting a sad sight on his face.

« I know than I can't do anything now, Fred. Your will is too strong, I can see that. I will not do something against but please, don't ask me to come. »

Fred and Josh had to surrender and go alone at the justice hall. The door opened, letting the elder badger on his black dress entering and sitting. For such a simple file, he didn't needed any police officer to protect him, motioning to the men to come closer.

« Well, everything is fine. »

The judge looked at John, smiling at him, seeing his closed face.

« Your wife is not here but she signed the forms so I can validate it. Mister Kaplan, as the father, do you agree to the request made by your son here ? »

John bite his lips before to answer. A single word from him, and everything ended. That foolish decision, his son's future, and of course his love and respect for his father.

He looked at Fred, hoping he would step back. But the boy's face was still strong. He felt also his pain to hurt them such like that. John saw in that another proof of the boy's honesty and wise.

« I do. »

Fred breathed freer. The judge was not a young man anymore but he kept on his sight its strength. He understood the boy's will and his hesitations.

« Mister Frederick Kaplan, do you stand on your request ?

  • I do, mister. »

The badger smiled. The correct answer was « your honor » but he was anyway a polite boy. Something quite rare in these times of constant rebellion.

« Then me, judge Joshua Silverstone, from the state of Colorado, rule then than on the Saturday March, the 2nd, in agreement of the civil code, mister Frederick Aaron Kaplan, age 16, showing the needed maturity, is, from that day, freed of the parental responsibilities and emancipated. He is from now an adult regarding the laws of Colorado and the United States, with all the implied rights and duties. »

Fred swallowed. It was done. John still had a son, but he wasn't a child anymore. He was too stunned to think about it.

He looked at the judge signing the sheets, getting his seal before to stand up, giving to Fred the papers. The boy looked at them not really knowing what to do with. There were just some black lines written on a sheet of paper, making him free, adult.

« Thanks. »

The judge looked a the boy, then the father.

« It's nothing. I saw no reason to deny your request. My guess is than you have something planned, right ?

  • I think I have.

  • Then good luck. »

The judge walked to John, feeling his faint distress.

« They're growing up so fast now.

  • I know. I sure would had preferred to see him slowing down but he knows what he want and to be honest, I had no reason to deny him that.

  • I know what it is. After all, you don't lose a son, and your family gains a man. »

John smiled. It was a nice way to see the thing. He ever wanted to see his son to become a man and that was it. So fast. Too fast ? It didn't mattered now.


Holding the last plate on his hand, Francis was trying to put it in the basket letting enough space for the glasses. Once the basket full, he put the tab, closed the door and turned it on. He waited some seconds to be sure to hear the sound of the water beginning to clean the dishes, leaving the kitchen.

Greg was busy putting his shoes back, his hand on his jacket. Outside, Mark was waiting him behind the wheel.

« You're sure you don't want to come ?

  • Nah, you don't need me, right ? »

Greg agreed. He sure would had liked to spend more time with him.

« We'll be back in an hour or so. Or later if dad want to go shopping again.

  • Later then ! »

Greg kissed his friend good bye and left. Francis stood a second before to go upstairs on Ed's room where he was busy making the bed. The donkey entered.

« Need something ?

  • I do, I think. »

Ed was cleaning, listening to the boy.

« I sure need an hand.

  • What for ?

  • I need you to bring me somewhere.

  • Where ?

  • I sure could go by myself but I not legal still and I'll need your agreement. »

Ed looked at the young donkey.

« It's rather stupid thinking about that. I'm old enough to buy a rifle and shooting at the closest school but for that I still need your help. »

Ed came closer.

« You have some troubles ? Want to talk about that ? »

Francis shook his head.

« No...Well...Yes and no. I got hit hard enough these last months and I must admit than it forced me to think more about my priorities. I'm happy for what's happening to Greg but at the same time...

-He's going on a path where you'll maybe not able to follow. »

Francis nodded.

« And I'm going to follow mine where he will not be able to follow me. »

Ed was listening carefully at the young boy's words. More than the words, he was listening to the silences, the tones to understands his true feelings. For Ed, it was obvious. Francis was close to the break down.

« He an I...We weren't spared but he lost more than I did. My father is dead but it wasn't his fault. It happens. He was kicked out because of what he is. I can see how he managed his pain. He let the shit behind him and walked away. I must do that too. »

Ed closed his eyes to be sure to understand the teen fully.

« You want to go ?

  • It will happen eventually. But not now, no. I must graduate first, even if I don't care about it now. Then I'll leave to California. I began to look for scholarships and I think I'll leave next year. I wanted to tell you know, giving you time to be used at the though. »

Ed smiled. Even lost on his sadness and grieve, Francis was carefully not to hurt the others.

« I appreciate that and I know than Mark will too. I want you to know than you'll ever be welcome here, Francis, no matter what.

  • Thanks.

  • So, you need my help for ?

  • Well... »

Francis talked. Ed listened. He raised some objections and Francis answered to them. Ed agreed.

« Give me the time to end the room and we'll go.

  • Thanks.

  • It's ok. Greg and Mark will be surprised.

  • It's a good thing I think. It's never good to whine and complain. I want to move forward and it's a good way to show it. »

Ed agreed, looking at the boy's face, seeing now what changed in the previous months.

It was so new, less than a year. Greg just got a shelter and Francis was for him nothing but a loving boy coming to comfort the one who just lost everything. And now he was a young man ready to leave everything behind him to walk away from his wounds and his scars. They were growing so fast.


The rotts came back and in turn, removed their shoes as usual and their jackets. They could hear from the door the sound of the cleaned dishes being sorted by Francis. Greg's sight was attracted by the donkey's bare back. He never hide his lust for Francis's fat forms. Mark smiled, understanding his son's thoughts.

« Everything went ok ? »

Mark nodded at the donkey's question.

« Sure. Papers are done, they got the pics and Greg left his fingerprints. He should have his passport done in two weeks, three at worst. Where's Ed ?

  • In the basement, training.

  • Well, time for my routine too then... »

Francis and Greg smiled. Mark already trained that day so they understood than the basement would be off limits for the time being.

Greg looked at his father disappearing fast on the stairs before to reach the kitchen. Francis was still turning him his back, not worried, feeling being in a better mood.

« You're done ?

  • Almost. »

Francis turned around then. Greg enjoyed the sight of the half naked body before to get his attention attract on the boy's nipples.

Francis saw the sight then on his now both pierced nipples.

« Gods...

  • You like ? I don't care in fact, I do. »

Francis' voice was sharp but still friendly, showing more confidence. Greg looked closer at the large rings, seeing they were indeed real.

« How ?

  • I talked to Ed about that and he agreed, we went then where you got your rings. The dude is really nice and gifted. I felt nothing. Well, almost but it's normal I think. »

Francis looked at his rings, hanging from the still painful flesh, rubbing them carefully with his fingers.

Greg was smiling more and more. He was getting his fingers closer, the eyes filled with lust. Francis stopped him.

« By cons, you'll not be able to play with my boobs for at least two months. »

Greg winced. He really enjoyed to feel the thick flesh under his fingers. Francis knew that of course.

« I like how they look. See Greg, I followed your steps. Letting the shit behind me and moving forward. And what better way than to show it to everyone ? »

Greg agreed, rubbing slowly his own ring on his nose.

« Those are the first. Once heal, I'll put something thicker. Maybe silver or iron or something like that. »

Greg came closer, kissing Francis deeply, looking at his wounded flesh, making sure not to hurt his friend. Francis retuned the kiss back.


« You're ok ? »

Getting out of the car, seeing than Mark was going to the door to open it, Ed asked to Francis if he should be worried to see him with such a sad face. Of course, he came, trying to stand on his feet. But it was too much. When Greg broke the hug, Francis felt as if his flesh was ripped of. And once the boy went though the security doors, it was like if the place of his heart was empty.

In the car, going back home from the airport, Francis felt than Ed and Mark felt the same.

« Yes. Just a bad moment, that's all. He'll be back in a week, right ?

  • Nice days.

  • Nine days yea. We'll still have some time to spend together. It's spring break after all. »

Ed could feel the boy's fears. And truth to be told, he felt it too.

« It's up to him now. But I trust him. He's strong, fast, he has enough will. Even if he fails now, he'll now what will be left to succeed later and you can believe me when I say than it's not something too big. »

Francis listened Ed just a bit. He felt guilty to hope for Greg's failure. But it's what he truly hoped. Francis looked behind him, turning his back from the bear.

« I need to be alone a bit, ok ? I'll come back later.

  • Sure. »

Ed sighted, understanding the boy's need. He felt guilty being an obstacle between them. but life asked sometimes for sacrifices. Ed hoped than Francis would be able to understand that someday.

Keeping his sight in the ground, the donkey walked right ahead of him, wandering only, crossing the streets, enjoying the full spring, seeing the trees getting their leaves at last and the weather getting warmer and sunnier. The last snows were gone since a while now. He saw then being in the park facing the city hall. Thea architect who built it sure had ambitions because the park was quite huge. And all the city enjoyed the place, seeing how often the population rejected any building projects around to keep it intact. The trees were old and large, offering some large wide spots of shadows in summer. But it was still spring now and the weather was still too cold to think being in July. Francis walked on the sandy path. He saw then on a bench far away someone familiar.

Sat on the wooden bench, facing a large sport of grass, Fred seemed to meditate and think, holding his hands together. It was a while since the boys didn't meet in the high school hall.

Francis noted with some irony how he felt detached from him now. He came closer to the boy who put a large cigar at his lips, breathing on it before to let the large smoke getting out from his lungs.

« You will always have something big on your lips. »

Fred was breathing another smoke when he burst in laugh.

« My guess is than I'll ever.

  • Don't have some weed ? I could use some today.

  • Uh, sorry no, I don't. I have but at home. Anyway, I don't touch it anymore. »

Francis looked at Fred a bit surprised. Fred ever loved pot. More than he should sometimes. He was the one making him to smoke for the first time, it was less than a year ago. Francis sat on the bench.

« It's true ?

  • Yes. I must quit. My contract will be void if I'm tested positive. »

Francis understood.

« So it's true then ? You signed ?

  • Not yet. I will in an hour now.

  • But...School ?

  • I don't need to go anymore. I pass the tests for good and I'm in. I don't see why I would wait one more year. »

Fred tried to relax, still smoking, his arms behind his head.

« Next August, I'll leave for a three weeks training camp. In September, I'll be in Vermont. Waiting for that, I'll work a bit with dad making some money. Can you imagine than before I never left home ? Not even for a scout camp. We never had the money. »

Francis could see how much Fred tried to seem stronger. He understood him.

« And your parents ?

  • Dad don't like to show it but he's pretty proud. Mom...Well...If I could end disabled on my bed she would be happy. She's so afraid to see me go. She doesn't want me to end like my uncle. I understand her. »

Fred got the cigar out of his mouth, offering it to Francis, who hesitated then refused.

« Not really my thing.

  • Your loss then. »

Fred smokes again, smiling.

« And you ?

  • Well I try to deal with that. Greg just left but I missed him already. I don't want to know how bad it will be when... »

Francis stopped. Fred understood him in turn.

« I can't get rid of the idea than it's all my fault, Francis. If I hand't done that... »

Francis put an hand on Fred's shoulder.

« Stop that, will you ? Yes, it's partly your fault, I agree with that. But not only. It's not your fault if the team kicked him out. It's not your fault if the recruiters kicked him of their lists.

  • But...

  • You did nothing to make me fall in love with him ! You just...Snapped and undone something who was about to destroy his life and others. Not helping me or you but it's a small price seeing the luck he has now.

  • Do you believe that ? Really ? »

Francis looked at Fred right on his eyes.

« I think than saying that I will eventually believe it myself. »

Fred's face answered with a wry and sad smile.

« It's funny. I understand now more the adults. They sure had hopes too, not thinking than their decisions would cut ties with some part of their lives.

  • Yes. I saw and knew already some sad and angry ones but now, I began to understand than they weren't that way before. It's what they lived than made them how they are now. I just hope to have more luck than them.

  • Mark got used seeing Greg coming back hurt at the end of any training session. I'll have too. Get used at the idea not to see him anymore. Even if I'll do anything to avoid that. »

Francis stood up.

« I want to stay with him. But if it doesn't happen, I'll have to do with only memories. I just hope not to forget them with time. »

Fred stood up too, getting rid of the ashes, whipping it agains the bench before to get the cigar back on his little box.

« I sure like to talk with you Francis, but I must go now. »

Francis understood. He had to went back home too. He wondered what to do. Shaking hands ? Too casual. To wave and leave ? Too impolite. Fred was a close friend now. He came closer and hugged him, cheek on cheek. Fred enjoyed the moment.

« Keep us in the loop then !

  • I will ! »

Turning his back, Fred went to the recruit center, trying to find a reason to step down. Facing the red building, he sight, having found no reason to do so.

He realized then than he didn't even tried seriously. He opened the door, seeing his father sat and reading, a brown file on the chair near him.

« You're here...

  • Where's mom ?

  • She insisted to talk to the lieutenant before. You sure know her. »

Fred nodded, sitting near his father. They didn't waited for too long before to see the door being opened. they entered the office, Fred sat on the chair on the right and John in the middle. Daisy stood on her chair, mute. She could talk to the officer first, hoping to find a way to make his son to step down. The memories of her brother were not enough to make Fred change his mind.

The white tiger looked at the boy with an eye filled with some anger. Fred understood than the previous talk was hectic.

« You have the papers ? »

John handled the brown file to the tiger who read it, nodding.

« Everything seem ok. The court's judgment... »

The tiger opened a drawer, getting some sheets.

« I'll ask you to sign that as a receipt. I need you to sign that both. »

Sat, Fred looked at the pens dancing on the papers. John's hand seemed hesitant. Daisy's didn't moved. For some long seconds, she didn't moved. She looks at Fred, hoping. He closed his eyes before to open them again with all his will. She lost. Her hand was firm now and fast.

The officer looked at the sheets. He took them, getting another set of papers facing Fred.

« You just have to sign the last sheet. It's your last chance. »

Daisy was happy to had that last concession. It didn't stopped Fred anyway.

He felt quite calm and strong. As if everything he lived before led to that moment. He though about Lorette's words. She was right. As always.

He felt then nothing, writing his name on the sheet. It was done. Fred was now a soldier.

« Everything is ok, private. Enjoy your parents, your friends and your girlfriend because on august the 1st, you'll be mine. Since then keep in mind than the most important for now is to graduate.

  • I will not forget, lieutenant ! »

The officer stood up, saluting the boy. Fred took a full second before to do the same, giving back his salute to the officer.

He looked at his parents. Daisy was smiling sadly, seeing a lot of his dead brother on her son. John was unable to hide his pride. Despite all the troubles they knew, he did his task. His son was a man.

It was with mix of fear and pleasure than Greg felt the wheels touching strongly the ground. The still fast speed was bringing the plane to the gates and the boy looked with a pleasured eye the busy passengers standing up already to get their belongings from the trunks, standing on their feet as the plane was still running from the runway to the airport. A bit stuck on his place near the window, he could get still some space thanks to the empty seat near him while he was coming back from London. Greg was pleased to see the white spikes of the airport figuring the snowed mountains of the Rockies who were covering the long hall leading to the airport's doors. Soon, he would walk on it as he did some days ago but this time he would see again at the end Francis and his fathers who were waiting for him on one of the fat and short wings behind the false mountains.

It's only when the plane eventually stopped than he stood up, checking on his pockets to be sure he didn't lost anything. His keys, his money or his phone. He shook himself, blocking for a moment the river of exiting passengers to take his back pack, just mumbling some excuses before to get out of the plane, walking along the long hall leading to the customs desks.

From the corner of the eye, he chose the one getting the faster and welcoming only the american citizens, taking his passport from his inner pocket, taking out the now useless place ticket. Each passenger stood on the booth for only some seconds but it seemed than it lasted an eternity and for sure he had the feeling than the other lines were faster than the one he was in.

He could eventually face the custom's agent who checked fast his passport before to give it back and motioning him to leave. Greg didn't mind about to get reunited with his lover faster. His pace was becoming faster, happier as he was getting closer of the luggages hall, getting back fully the normal feelings of his now working legs after having spent hours and hours sat on his seat, his sight lost on the tiny screen facing him who helped him to spent the time with the nice selection of seen again and again movies.

Greg was walking alongside the carousel, waiting than it would spited last his luggage along side the crowed families and businessmen waiting too. He checked out his phone, turning it on, waiting for it to get some service again. Only one received mail, coming from Francis of course. It ended with a short « so ? » . Greg was sure to get something like that.

The young man looked at the screen, beginning to answer then stopped, getting his phone back on his pocket. He wanted to say it out loud after all. Also, the carousel spat his luggage. He took it end went to the exit door. A last series of one were doors and then he was on the main hall like he was the previous week. On the arrivals section this time.

The crowd was scattering slowly into tiny grapes of people meeting a friend, a family or some unknown driver. Greg walked among the people and smiled, seeing at least the large back of his friend talking to his parents. They made some large gestures to show themselves. Francis turned around and ran to Greg, hugging him close. Greg returned the gesture, rubbing their cheeks together, not minding about the disgusted or amused faces of the crowd seeing the boys kissing each other on their lips, enjoying to feel again the needed and loved lips.

« I didn't though than I would miss that so much... »

Francis could feel the truth on Greg's words. Mark en Ed came closer, hugging their son in turn before to let him get Francis' body on his arms.

« So ? »

It seemed than Ed was really impatient. Greg nodded.

« They answer by mail.

  • Do you know when you'll have it ? »

Francis was also impatient and curious.

« Well... »

Greg couldn't really hide his pleasure saying that last word.


Sat on what was his bed for the previous week, Greg was getting his breath back on the room with its large half opened windows, already warmed despite the too newly month of April.

His body a bit on its back, hands on the sheetless mattress, the boy was remembering the previous week on his mind, trying to guess when he got each of his pains and sore muscles. At his feet, his luggage was almost ready. It lacked only some clothes and of course the large plastic bag with his dirty laundry. If the custom had the idea to check on his luggage, they sure wouldn't be rewarded for their diligence.

He stood up, grinding a bit feeling the new pains, ending his task and closing his suitcase, looking from time to time outside. The windows were opened to the nearby garden but the close highway filled the room with the sounds of the tires and engines. He was alone on the room, the five other candidates being already gone now, smiling, afraid having to have to wait now for the results and his possible failure.

He looked one last time on his nightstand, not wanting to forget something. Having to bend over woke up some new pains he got from all the previous training sessions and games. He had to play fully two of them, hoping that way to earn his place on the club's school. He heard the someone hitting at the door and he let him enter in the room.

Henri was wearing only his regular sweat pants. Greg greeted him. He met him before and he liked the fact than he was talking a rather good english. Way better than the french Greg tried to spoke.

« It's the big day ?

  • Yea. My plane will leave in three hours now.

  • You're not too hurt ?

  • I'm fine. Well, I still have the feeling having spent the week on a washing machine but I guess it's pretty normal. »

The polar smiled, rubbing on his large fingers a white mail.

« It's pretty normal, yea. How was your week then ? »

Greg closed his suitcase and sat on the bed.

« Nice. As far as I can say. It was... Informative. I understood after the first day why dad wanted me to come here.

  • How so ?

  • The practice here is really on an high level. It has nothing to do with what I knew before, even on my football team. I understand now the difference between being pro and just an amateur.

  • It's what I felt too the first time I came here, and I still remember even if it was almost 20 years ago.

  • I can see the path ahead of me. I hope than I...wasn't such a dissapointment.

  • Why do you feel it that way ? »

Greg lowered his head.

« I...I know than I failed. I gave all I got but I truly feel than it wasn't enough facing guys playing rugby since they can walk. I don't match them, I saw it while these games. »

Greg breathed deeper, taking slower, trying not being too sad.

« Thinking about what dad did... But it's ok. To come here allowed me to show me what I had. I'm not among the best, but I also know than I'll be able to try again elsewhere. I'm sure of that. »

Greg looked at Henri right on his sight. He was still bearing his usual poker face while talking.

« With 215 candidates for only 35 seats, it's highly normal to doubt about yourself. But you sure know than these games were not the only tests.

  • Talking about strength, I sure can match the others, sure. But I'm still thinking about those balls I lost, or throw ahead. »

Henri smiled a bit. Greg could feel his pleasure and he liked the fact than the polar tried not to smile too much.

« True. After a while, we got some bets about how many balls you'd give to the other team... »

Greg smiled back, forcing his a bit.

« The strength matters. But also the player's mind facing adversity. We're also talking about the player's implication on the team outside the games. It's really alchemy. We're trying to be fair even if there is also some subjectivity. A good player is mostly statistics, but not only.

  • When...Will I have the results by the way ?

  • Usually, about two weeks after. Truth to be told, the list is closed since yesterday, Greg. »

Henri then gave the mail to Greg, who looked at the closed mail, taking it eventually, looking at it, not opening it.

« It's a bit unfair. The others will have to wait before to have the answer.

  • It's kind of you to be concerned. But it will not change anything at the end you know.

  • True... »

Greg opened the mail with a finger, taking the sheet. He tried to read it the water way, wanting to get rid of his deception.

« It's in french... »

Henri groaned, taking the letter back.

« Bureaucracy... See Greg, it's one of the pleasure of our french administration... »

He looked at Greg again, the closed sheet on his fingers. Greg felt than he didn't had the need to read it to know the answer.

« Each year, we have thousands of applicants than we must see fast. We select only few of them to come here to see what they truly have in their guts. Never more than 300 each years. For ten time less seats at the end. Being here, it's already a victory.

  • But it will not be enough, right ?

  • Greg. We only select 35 applicants each years. You ranked 38th. »

The boy closed his eyes. It was over. The hit was fast and strong. But he felt not as much pain than he though. It wasn't that bad after all. For a beginner, it was even quite good. But is wasn't good enough. He just failed.

Greg could feel now the bitter taste getting on his throat. Henri was still looking at him, to judge him more it seemed. He was still smiling at the disappointed boy. Henri was getting another sheet of paper form the mail. He gave it to him, a formal form, bearing the red and black seal of the club.

« You fathers will have to fill and return that form.

  • What for ?

  • For your return. See, you'll still be underaged next year, we'll need your father's agreement.

  • To come back ? »

Greg was surprised. He could see Henri smiling more.

« It's quite unusual, but you're someone unusual, Greg. We have faith in you. We saw something in you and we don't want to see you trying in another team. That year's list is closed but if you want, and if you don't quit your trainings, you're already on the next year's final list and you're in the school next year ! »

Greg stood mute, trying to decipher what he was listening, fearing having not heard the right things. But there was only joy on the polar's face.

« You're ok ?

  • I...am...

  • Already drafted on the next year's list. You'll be able to graduate high school that way. Oh, by the way, sometimes some winners are stepping down, so we pick up the nexts on the list. You'll maybe be able to join that year in September. If by July you didn't heard about us, that will mean than you'll have to wait for the next year to come back. Do you understand ? »

Greg couldn't talk anymore. his fully opened eyes were wet of his tears. Joy tears. He was rubbing his face again and agin, wanted being sure he was not dreaming. He didn't dared to hope and now... his mind was filled by the full joy, his heart becoming lighter. He stood up, took the sheets back on his hands, reading the sentences he couldn't understand yet, clenching the sheets on his fists.

« I'm... In ! God, it's not a dream ! I'm in ??? »

The polar smiled more. He really like to see that kind of reaction. He was seeing it each years and he was never tired of it. that's also why he liked to play with the boys nerves as he did. It seemed mean but it gave so more much joy to them.

« It's not a dream Greg. We'll be proud and happy to make you sign up with us your first pro contract in three years. »

Greg could only hug Henri strongly on his arms, crying and laughing at the same time.

« Next year...It's nothing, one year !

  • I know. Francis will be happy to have me be here one more year. I have a year to be better and stronger ! You trust me ! I will not fail you ! »

They looked at each others on their eyes. The polar lost then his last doubt, that boy would for sure become someone among the bests. Greg stepped back before to jump and scream his joy.


Greg was smiling now. He didn't listen anymore the sounds coming from the crowd. Facing him, his fathers and Francis were looking at him silently, waiting for Greg to finish his sentence.

But Greg was not in an hurry after all. He wanted to feel more of that joy he felt having the good news, before to say the words than would for sure please them as he was. He just took the sheets from his inner pocket, slowly, taking his time.

Outside, a thin rain was falling on the field, and the mud would sure make it heavy. the players knew that but they didn't care. A bit of mud would not be enough to make them stepping back from their pleasure and will to train and play. The only thing they worried about is to see Leonid being late. That didn't prevent them to laugh and talk in the lockers, more or less dressed with their usual outfits.

The thin and young greyhound was about to leave the room to see if the large lion would come eventually when the door opened, letting Mark entering in the lockers room. The silence felt slowly, the boys looking at the large rott holding a full bag at his side. Most of them looked at their feet, some others blushing, trying to avoid his gaze.

Mark remains silent. On his eternal sweat pants, he looked at the players, just smiling a bit. They all knew that thing. A smiling Mark would ever bring something bad for them.

They all wondered why he would come to see them, especially after almost all of them helped to kick Greg out from the team. Mark put the bag on a chair and opened it.

« Hey kids, how is your day ? »

Mark's question remained unanswered, no one daring opening their mouth. Some were still looking at their feet, ashamed and afraid.

« What a silent place ! Someone died ? Hopefully, I bring something to cheer you up a bit ! »

Still silent, the players looked at Mark taking a whole bunch of colorful tinsels, beginning to hand them on the walls. The boys began to look at each others, wondering what was going on.

Mark came back to his bag, getting some large red socks, hanging them at the locker's locks, then, still silent, he came at each player's, putting on them some red hats, red noses or even some nice antlers on their heads, giving to some some large candy canes, hanging them on their jerseys. No one dared to say a word. Once done, he talked from the middle of the room.

« I have some good news for you. First, Leonid resigned yesterday. His mother went sick and he must come back to Alaska as fast as he can. »

They looked then at each others, surprised. Only some mutterings could be heard still as mark looked at them in turn, still happy and smiling.

The boys knew then they were into deep troubles.

« I know, it's April. But I though it would be fair to share my joy. I looked at the training schedules. It seems fine to me, but a bit too light for my tastes. We'll be able to double and even triple some of the training sessions from now. »

Protest rose then from the crowd, and Mark made them all silent just raising an hand.

« The school's board knows and agrees, they already voted the motion. You messed up fully with your last games. To reach the play-offs you'll have to win the last 4 games. It's what you're going to do. It's what you ALL are going to do. »

Some of the players swallowed it hard. They were beginning to understand what was going on.

« For all of you who didn't understood yet, I am your new coach. It's the last good new. »

Mark was smiling brightly now. For the players by cons the nightmare was just beginning.

« I know what you did. What you almost ALL did. For those who have second though or remorses, just know than my son will leave next year to Europe to get on a rugby school where he'll go pro. And if I am smiling right in front of you now, it's because I'm enjoying already the next three months we'll spend together. And than I like the though of what I'll do to you all from now ! Let's say than for me, it's Christmas today ! »

Mark smiled even more saying that last sentence. His voice was filled with pleasure and cruelty. He couldn't stop then to laugh maniacally thinking about how much he would be able to make them legally suffer.

They all knew it. They were now in Hell.


As usual, Fred woke up about 5 minutes before his phone would rang. He turned it off, then stretched out on his bed before to stand up. Resting on his back, he rubbed as usual his hand on his resting cock, too scared and stressed to be aroused.

Making the less noises as possible, he went to the bathroom. Facing the mirror, he rubbed his cheeks, wetting them before to put a thin trail of white shaving foam. He tried several other ways but at the end, he felt than the usual and manual way was also the most efficient to get a somewhat good result. He tool the blade, rubbing it slowly on his face as he learnt to do. Not cutting himself.

The feeling of the razor distracted him a bit from the stress he felt on the summer morning. Naked facing the mirror, he heard his parent's mattress moaning a bit, having second though about what he asked from them the previous evening. He asked them not to see him on that day, not wanting to have to say them goodbye. He did it before to go to bed. He felt not feeling comfortable with that kind of goodbyes and they understood him.

He got dressed, checking one last time his bag. He just took some clean clothes, some books and his cleaning stuff. He didn't need something else. He went to the kitchen his bag on his shoulder to eat something before to leave the house, closing the door behind him and getting his key on his pocket. He looked at the door, then went on the alley, looking back one last time at his house, feeling his childhood really getting at its end.

It was an usual bright morning like some others. Except than for the next three weeks he wouldn't be at home, giving him to him an hint of his future adult life. Almost a month of training and tests. Then two weeks of rest before to leave for college, somewhere in Vermont. Then it would be four years in the army.

Fred turned one last time before to get on the street, looking at the house he lived only for an bunch of months but for the first time, he felt being at home. He looked at the second floor, biting a bit his lips, seeing behind the curtains the large shapes of his parents. He greet them a last time before to resume his walk, smiling widely, trying to hide his scares behind a straight face. He felt in a way the mix of fear and proud coming from them.

Lost on his thought, enjoying the warm wind of the morning, he didn't noticed at first the two studs waiting for him at the corner of the street. He tried to avoid them, recognizing them then.

« What are you doing here ? »

Greg and Francis sure didn't wanted him to leave without a last goodbye.

« We wanted to see you before you left.

  • It's maybe the last time we'll see before a long time. »

Fred smiled.

« It's only for a month you know...

  • We'll be in classes when you'll be back, we don't know if we'll have enough time.

  • Does that mean you're still here, Greg ?

  • Yea. No one stepped back. I don't mind, I didn't counted on that and I'll have one more year to become better. »

Fred looked at Francis. He was trying to hide a too much feeling of joy at the though to have him nearby for one more year. They all resumed their walk.

« I'm glad to see you anyway. It's true, we'll have less time when I'll be back.

  • I guess it's something common for everyone. We all make choices and we must face consequences. »

Greg felt than that last Francis' sentence was also for him. To comfort him, he groped his hand, keeping it on his.

« We can't stay forever where we are. We have our lives to built. It's as important than to keep our old friendships alive. »

Fred and Francis could only agree.

« We're all sharing something. What I did... And everything than went from. But now, we must see further now. We'll maybe not being as close as we are but... our friendship shall stand.

  • As long as we will not forget each others.

  • As long as we'll be alive. »

Fred felt than that Greg's last sentence was more for him.

« We have our lives to built. I didn't chose the easiest way but it was the only one leading to my dream. I know it's dangerous, Greg. But having a technical formation, I have few chances to be sent on a frontline. It should be enough to reassure you too. »

Greg and Francis looked at each others.

« We'll be fully in eight years ! »

They all hugged each others, Fred looking at them right on their sight.

« I must go now. Thank you for coming. I promise I'll be back. Next month, and in eight years too ! »

The young couple looked at Fred getting his bag back on his back, leaving after having salute them a last time. Francis kept Greg's hand on his even after he turned at the corner of the street.

« I hope than everything will be ok for him.

  • It will. I don't know why but... I feel than it will. »

Greg nodded.

« It doesn't matter. We'll see him again, I know that. As I know than we'll stay together, Francis, no matter the distance. I love you. It's what matters.

  • I love you too Greg. »

Francis was trying to chose the right words.

« Time and distance are nothing. We love each others, it's the present. Our time, and that time will never end. »

Greg smiled, kissing him.

« As our friendship. »

Francis silex back, then the couple went back home, thinking both at the same thing.

One more year and then... Everything would change, forever. But between them, everything would remain the same. They had faith. Everything would remain the same.

After all, it was said than the present was love's tense. A tense than would never end.

The front window dropped, Ed carelessly slipped his elbow through the gaping aperture, taking on the frame of the door to stay steady while driving at a moderate pace on the dry road. He lent little attention to the urban landscape that surrounded him. He had left his neighborhood made up of cheap houses and was now rolling on a better, stronger-quality asphalt to withstand heavy weights that served the industrial area. It was not the most touristic or pleasant place with its landscape of plants closed for half of them and for the smell of various chemicals that stagnated in the vicinity. But it was the most direct route to join the Northern neighborhoods where he worked for six years now. The car radio played some pop tune, but Ed could hear only snatches, the wind was re-entering in his vehicle hiding most of the notes. He could have elevated the volume, but the music was only a background sound. He did not cared about what was programmed, the chopped sound helped him to stay awake at this morning.

On his right, the sun began to appear, chasing the last traces of the night. It was always difficult for him to resume the normal rhythm of his service after the holidays. He envied a little Mark and the two boys who were now occupying their home. They were going to have two more hours to sleep while he was working. In exchange, it would be slouching on the couch when they would continue to trim. This idea comforted him a little while leaving the road and borrowing the path that led to the lower building of brown bricks struck by a red cross.

The venerable hospital had to have nearly a hundred years. Which, according to American historical norms, made it an antique. Ed had worked before emigrating into new buildings, but he had carried out his training courses in building blocks that were more than three hundred years old, with all the modern technology.

None of this here, though. The brown bricks stood on three floors and the sun was beginning to reflect on some panes while Ed passed a card in front of the reader, allowing the barrier to rise and give him access to the staff's car park. The nearest squares were almost empty, but Ed drove to the locations without white-painted names on the ground. Out of the question to irritate one of the doctors to whom these seats were reserved by forcing them to make ten more yards to park and take his service.

Ed turned off the engine, opened the door, closed the glass and closed his vehicle.

The fresh air gave him the whip he hoped before entering the main gate. A quick glance brought to the reception tells him that nothing has changed since the last two weeks. Always this dear old Jerry, to whom he threw a vigorous sign of the hand in a salute before taking the elevator that was going to carry him on the top floor. The old silver Gorilla returned his gesture before returning to concentrate on his paperwork. The reception room was empty, sign that the night had been calm.

It didn't surprise Ed, who knew that only Saturday and Sunday mornings were moments of intense activity in emergencies. A Monday, there was little risk of seeing the entrance occupied by a crowd of patients who came to treat the consequences of the previous evening.

The elevator door opened once the desired floor was reached. The strong smell of phenol, which his system had eliminated during his vacation, impregnated him again the nostrils, which made him grimace somewhat. It was irrelevant, just one of the usual smells to which he wouldn't even be careful in an hour.

Ed moved his imposing body in the direction of the gate giving access to the staff room. Before even opening the latter, he knew that he would see the old sofa, the coffee table with his espresso machine, with luck, a tray topped with donuts or other pastries and if not a tray filled with crumbs. The morning time did not allow him to meet the slightest patient, all of whom were still asleep. From the night team, there was only the two oldest nurses, ending their night and slowly their careers. Ed felt a bit sad for them,, having ever enjoyed the old nurses. When he entered, the grady sisters turned around, a tired smile on their face.

No, not a smile. Ed noticed how their face was filled with a sincere but contained sadness. He felt his heart torn, not having the time to ask about seeing Evora coming at him, dressed on her usual professional spleen and sadness.

They stood near a table with a large brown package and a letter on top.

« Something's wrong ? »

She came closer as the Grady sisters tried to get themselves busy. The doctor's voice was smoother than usual.

« We got that mail last evening, just after the night team took its shift. We sure being used at, it ever hurts at the end. Not the right moment to know the new, but it's our job anyway. »

Ed know what she was talking about. He took the letter. White with a black edging. He hadn't the need to read it to know, looking at the sender's name.


He closed his eyes, feeling his breath getting faster, the adrenaline rushing faster on his veins, the paper torn under his finger's pressure.

« You're ok ? »

The doctor's voice was more imperative. Ed nodded, getting his control back. His voice couldn't hide his feelings.

« I think I do, doctor. We can't ever stay impassive when it happens.

  • I know that more than others. The box is for you. Her parents told us than Harmony wanted you to have it. »

Ed rose his head, curious. He took the box, looking at it, wondering what could be inside, his voice beginning to break.

« You.. said than she had 6 months left. She had almost a year in fact. »

His voice was blank. Ever knew how much Ed would keep his pride, keeping a mothership tone on her voice.

« We will never know for sure. But yes, she had that luck. I know than in the future, others will have too. It's about what we must focus. We can't do anything for those who are gone. To focus on those who stand and to do everything to save them is also to pay them tribute. »

Still looking at the closed box, Ed nodded.

« I'll be back in five. »

Ed left, entering in the hall. She didn't dared to forbid him to leave, trusting him, knowing he needed some moments.

Ed looked around him, trying to find a place he could be alone. He went in the bathroom, empty at that hour, closing the door and getting his ass on a bowl, opening the box.

From it, he got a numeric camera. He recognized the one Harmony had on her hands the last time he saw her. It seemed tinnier the on the girl's hands. He noticed it was on.

He touched the right button and the screen lighted up. He saw then the smile and the face of the young otter, taking a selfie, showing what was left of life on her. He didn't knew when she took it, probably on her last days but her eyes were still filled with bright, life and will. Even on her last days, Harmony was showing her deep desire to live.

It was too much. Ed turned off the camera, kissing the screen. His lips were still on when he burst in tears.

Eight years after.

The head under the opened hood, the strong bulldog's head was doodling, following the rhythm of the music coming form the radio on the workbench. His both hands holding the bottle of motor oil, he was aiming at the tank to fill it properly. John cared about to aim properly, not wanting to stain the motor or worst the ground.

Outside, it was a bright sunny day, filling the street and the garage of light of heat on these last days of August. The sound of the moderated traffic and the children's games were bringing only peace to help him on his task.

He didn't paid too much attention at the grey car stopping by the street. An unknown car, probably here to pay a visit in the neighborhood.

After a moment, he turned his head, hearing the house's door opening. He let the bottle of oil in the ground, wondering why his wife would come to see him so early. His smile faded away. His wife Hannah was standing straight, looking at the alley facing her and the two soldiers coming in. Her face was stick on some kind of quiet and frozen expression.

Beautiful and still straight as a queen, even wearing some usual pants and bluish shirt. Looking at her, John was still feeling the deep passion burning his heart and his soul. That burnt didn't allowed him to understand what was happening.

He looked them coming closer, the sight straight and closed, feeling his mind getting filled of fear. Feeling getting a bit dizzy, he got an hand on the red Thunderbird. She hold his hand, stronger than usual. He turned his sight then to the officers now standing facing them, the two tigers saluting the couple. John noticed then than the captain was a young woman.

« Mr and Mrs Kaplan ? »

John was unable to answer. Hannah did it, with a cold and heartbreaking voice.

« Yes. »

The young woman took then a letter from a folder, with a calm and respectful voice.

« I have the sad duty to inform you than your son, the sergeant Frederick Aaron Kaplan was killed in action two days ago. The whole army joins me to... »

After that, John guessed than the woman was still talking but his mind froze, making all kind of communication truly impossible. Deep from his soul, he felt the strong feeling of fear and pain getting through his veins to fill his whole body, making his muscles weaker, making him unable to think properly. He was in a deep shock, isolating him fully from all reality but deep inside him he knew.

His life would never be the same from now as the tears began to run on his cheeks.

To be continued...