Fox Family Six: Parent teacher night

Story by Vee_Stitch on SoFurry

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#5 of Fox Family

Fox family 6: Parent Teacher Night

A week had passed by with Dizzy as principle. Within that week alone students had been talking about the wild changes that had been made. Of course in light of this it got parents really upset and angry. They saw their kids doing thing they would never normally do. This lead up to Dizzy opening up the school for all the parents to check out. While Dizzy was forming up for the parents Felix was home. He had received emails from the army to join up. It was the first time Felix was actually considering too. He knew he was way too indulged in sex. He knew he needed a new outlet that allowed him to think of different things and of course when it came up he did think about it. Either way his depression wasn't going to go away. Of course he kept this to himself as he went to school shutting his laptop down. He still avoided Greg even know more than before. He still remembers how he gave in to such a weird seduction. He went to school and he was actually surprised. The outlook of the entire school had changed all down to one floor. The mural was safely removed without being damaged and was but up on a high wall. Felix entered and so the wide space in the center. Students moved around more in this central area. In the corners there were smaller rooms with computers. There was even an art room. Now launch would also be served in this central area. At the other side was a small office where Dizzy was preparing notes for the parents that were going to come later. Felix walked across and into Dizzies new office.

Dizzy said, "Well there you are. Things have been a bit hectic. As you can see the change is dramatic."

Andrea walked in as well.

Andrea smirked, "You've outdone yourself."

Dizzy somewhat slanted against the chair and said, "I thought since we've been dating for a few days now that you should me my family and I should meet yours."

Andrea said, "That sounds like it's not going to work. Maybe we should keep our relationship a secret from our families."

Dizzy said, "I thought about it a lot and I'm never gonna get passed my family not forever. It's a boundary that their gonna have to get passed. I want my parents to see the real me. Not some cloned brother who acts like all the others. It's a part of the change, our parents are going to have to be apart of it."

Andrea said, "That makes since. I just don't want to be driven down by our family is all."

Dizzy said, "I'll protect you. Come on let's get it over with. Hey Felix you don't mind if I leave you in charge while me and Andrea take care of this?"

Felix asked, "Me?"

Dizzy said, "Don't worry the kids all got agenda's. I don't think it will be too much of a hassle."

Felix said, "Ok then."

Dizzy sat up and Felix took his spot. Dizzy and Andrea left to first go meet his parents. Felix went on the computer and put up the email again and kept reading it over. And Dizzy was right the students had generally taken care of their own business. The camera man who had been stuck since Friday had slept in that news vehicle. As they saw all the new things happing the entered the school and started recording, the students didn't seem to mind. This day of students going there own way carried out until launch. Still there was some sort of natural dominance that made it impossible to sit in the center. It almost happened with the natural realm of during this time animals went and stay in there own pack. Felix looked out from the office to see the no one questioned it or even was bother by it. It was just natural. There was one student when he got his launch he looked to the other foxes. The young Quan took a deep breathe and did look to his fellow foxes. He remembered how they had laughed when he mentioned wanting to be an artist. He looked away and looked to the center and took another deep breathe. He slowly walked on. As he drew closer to the center the others turned to him. He sat down slowly and everyone stopped eating or drinking. Quan just presumed to eat his own food. He slowly eyed to realized he was being watched by everyone. Suddenly one of the dogs just stood up with his launch. He was the one that he spoke of being a gamer. He walked to the center and sat right across from Quan. Quan stopped and looked at him. He waited a few seconds.

The dog asked, "That mural was cool. You know you're art skills could really come in handy for a game I want to make."

Quan said, "I'd be honored."

Another student who was a deer sat up and sat right in the middle. Within seconds after everyone started to intermingle with other animal types. Felix looked on with amazement. Without even being supervised the students some how just bonded. In Felix's mind he thought a brawl was going to ensue. There was no pressure out not one truly in control of it, it just began and within this moment now there was more talking than eating. Some students even felt comfortable enough to seat on the tables too. There was laughter and joy. It was almost as if something magical had happened and again that one student rule just seemed to apply and everyone else seemed to just step in. Felix suddenly looked at Jena who was also deep in talk with other animals. Felix just sighed and let himself back into the office. It's what made him look back to the email again. It was now being heavily considered. It wasn't a full time thing it was army training and he would get paid. Most of all it would give him a chance to not be so heavily seduced by sex. This day seemed to hold the biggest change in the school and it was all being recorded. The crew that was recording could care less about their vehicle there were deeply engaged in this new style. Some of the students left all talking they seemed to be storming up just another idea. And of course they were just so open to do so. They did come back but since they seemed all to live close it didn't take to long. They came back with more conformable couches and some disk. There was a stereo system that seemed simple enough. There were two speakers on the high walls that ran into a room with more technical stuff. They put there music in and the school almost seemed to begin a whole new system for itself. The music mostly seemed to be hip-hop so not everyone was too excited for it. Regardless it still seemed a lot better. There was on rock song that was on there. It was a big K.I.S.S song I want to rock and roll. Surprisingly that got everyone's attention as they started to sing along. That alone got Felix to take another look out their. Even as the short period of time ended the students left the music on and continued to get some work done. The constructors went outside and with some of the extra material got to work with building. Some of the parents arrived early they stopped there cars arriving at the school with a shock look on their faces. The parents that came knew this couldn't be the same school there children had entered. It hit them real hard see all the different animals building and singing the K.I.S.S song still. All this and there temporary principle wasn't even there. Felix didn't even do anything except stay in that office.

Meanwhile Dizzy and Andrea arrived at Dizzies house.

Dizzy said, "Alight now when he get inside I want you to stay in the corner just in case. Like I said I'll protect you."

Andrea just nodded. They entered in slowly to see no one was around. Andrea looked at the corner and stood there looking around. Dizzy went in front and he waited a few seconds.

Dizzy hollered, "Hey yo."

One of his brothers came walking into the main room. He looked at Dizzy not even realizing at he was guarding Andrea.

His brother Drake asked, "Hey man, what are you doing home so early?"

Dizzy tilted his head so that Drake could see Andrea. Drake ran up to him.

Drake yelled, "Get that fucking cat out of here. What are you doing? Chase it out of here."

Andrea curled herself into a ball as Drake tried to get passed Dizzy. Dizzies other brothers and sisters also overheard that with their keen since of hearing. Even his mom came into the main room. Everyone started yelling and barking at Dizzy and he all sound well to meshed together to make any since of it.

Dizzy mom said, "Now everyone hush."

They all took a step and stopped.

Dizzy mom asked, "Now Dizzy what is this thing doing in our house."

Dizzy said, "Enough's enough. It's time I came clean with the truth Ma, This cat here is Andrea. I saved her from some punk. I told her that I loved her since I first saw her. And nothin' changed. I still love her strong and dear and I told her that. Now Ma I this is hard but I can't help these feelings..."

Dizzies mom said, "Now Dizzy Daniel. Draid I've heard enough nonsense for one lifetime. I'd rather see you with another male dog than see you with this thing."

Dizzies mom was still very homophobic which is why that hurt. She couldn't accept this behavior and he now realized it.

He crossed his arms and cried for the first time, "Fine, I guess my own family can't be happy for me. I'm gonna pack up my stuff and move out. And you know what if you can't be happy than I guess I shouldn't even consider you my family anymore."

Dizzy grabbed Andrea's hand and they left.

Andrea asked, "Where are you going to go? What about you're stuff?"

Dizzy said, "Don't worry I already thought that was going to happen so I had already had my things packed up. I can live at the school or something. Come on we should focus on you parents now."

Andrea said, "Ok, just be prepared for the exact opposite, fear and panic."

Andrea didn't live to far from the school. When they got at the door Andrea hesitated.

Andrea said, "Maybe I should warm them up first. You know tell them I broke it off with Alex first."

Dizzy said, "Ok I'll wait out here."

Andrea kissed him and said, "Thanks."

She entered inside. Her family was all in one room. They turned to see her.

Andrea's mom asked, "You're home early. Is something wrong?"

Andrea said, "I really needed to say that I broke up with Alex."

Andrea's sister Ella said, "It's about time. So are you dating another handsome cat?"

Andrea said, "Well I am dating someone."

She opened the door and Dizzy entered inside. They all backed away from the table they were sitting at and feared in the corners.

Andrea's mom said, "Get that monster out of here."

Andrea said, "He's not a monster, he's my boyfriend."

Ella said, "That's impossible."

Andrea said, "Well it is and I am. And I will continue to date him because I love him and he loves me. He's a really nice dog."

Andrea's mom said, "Get him out of here before I call the cops."

Andrea said, "Fine. Then I'll go with him. If you can't accept him for what he is than I shouldn't even come here anymore."

She went to her room and got her stuff. They left back to the school. Andrea paused briefly almost with a perky smirk. Then her face changed to a curious look.

Andrea asked, "You ever wonder if the whole cat and dogs can't have babies is a real rumor?"

Dizzy said, "Well they say it's not possible..."

Andrea said, "Yeah but if you think about it have a dog and cat actually ever had sex before to prove it. I mean the hatred is so strong why would they even try?"

Dizzy said, "I guess it will just remain that way until..."

Andrea prompted, "Until a dog and cat have sex. Dizzy I want to have sex with you. And I want to see if we can have a baby."

Dizzy said, "Whoa, don't you think we should take it slow."

Andrea said, "Well I wouldn't mind. After being scared as fuck to standing up to my parents I'd say I pretty well turned on by it. On top of that if the rumor is true than we still would have a great time. But if it is true than I know you'll make a great father."

Dizzy asked, "You really think so?"

Andrea said, "Absolutely."

As the continued to make there way back to the school they started to kiss deeply and passionately. They kept it up all the way back into the school and into the restrooms. The students didn't even seem to care. More parents arrived. The parents asked and it was the students who began to explain their own activities. Felix looked back out to see this was going better than expected. From the look if most parents of the parents didn't really seem to get but it did seem like they were at least trying to. A few parents remained putting down the school and dragged there children away. It was going to be the reality that no all parents were going to get this or like it.

At any rate Dizzy and Andrea wasted no time. They both got undressed while still kissing. Both of there hormones went ahead of them and it did them justice. Dizzy toyed with his knot and his penis came dropping down. The warmth of Andrea's body turned him on even more. Dizzy penis was impressively large. He took his massive member and grabbed her hips. That started from a standing position. They both knew dominance would take his place. They would change to doggy style soon enough. She felt quite the buckle and never before had anything felt so warm inside her. Alex took her ass for a ride and since there was so much on a daily bases that natural heat went away after a while. But this was new and exciting. Dizzy with much surprised discipline went a steady pace. Right here wasn't just about trying to make a baby. It was to prove his devotion to her. It was to tell her with his body that he would treat her different in all ways. He would wait for her to be ready. He would not force himself to do something, it would be wrong by him. He could never become the jerk Alex was. This slow sensation allowed for Andrea to build up adrenalin for later and loosen up now. Andrea slightly swayed and her tail rose up. Most times her tail would curl down but this sensation led her to do things she had never done before. In a weird way as far as sex went it was the first time Andrea felt beautiful and good about herself. She was able to smile and let out small under-toned moans that built up as time passed and Dizzy slowly increasing always making sure to listen even when nothing literal was said. Andrea leaned closer to the ground signally she was getting ready. Dizzy motioned with her and let her take lead. From that very moment Andrea knew this would last forever, there relationship anyway. He was everything Alex could never become because he had lost it. Andrea went on he knees and again Dizzy just followed he still working it gently. Andrea put her hands down on the floor and Dizzy pressed his body gently against hers loving the softness of her fur. Dizzy cuddled his head on her shoulder not to much weight was applied. Dizzy put moved his hands stroking them down Andrea's hands to the floor. Andrea's moan became a bit longer and slightly more load. At that point now Dizzy once again increasing his pace to match with her hormones and not surpass her in anyway. In Dizzies mind it was still top thing to treat a girl or women with respect even during sex. This was another reason why he waited for her. He loved her more than he said before. Before when he was a bit considered about doing this but now he felt right. It felt perfect, just close enough to be a dream. Andrea began to purr which was something she had never done before in her life. Animals in most cases do it a lot more often. The most common animal you would normally hear was a dog. They just about barked at everything. Dizzy just let out small breathed moans. He was showing her and learning right now that he was very different from most dogs. Most dogs admittedly pant during sex he some how just had another discipline to hold that in as well. Dizzy didn't even feel like he needed to pant not yet anyway. Andrea's soft purr's turned into very prolonged meows. She could feel that heat and the love that was being provided she just felt like a queen. Dizzy again now coming up to a more moderate pace.

Andrea really let it out, "Meow! Meooow! Kiss me."

Dizzy turned his head slightly and deeply kissed her. As they exited from that kiss Dizzy started to finally pant. Andrea's could feel his body tense up and move faster but still have an impressive since of stroking. There was still a since of perfect motion, where as most dogs were very sloppy when it came to sex. Dizzy had never even had sex and yet these skills he had within him.

Andrea begged, "Enter you're knot inside me."

Dizzy did taking his time slowly working his way penetrating into her more deeply with causing too much pain. He was inside of her all the way now. Dizzy could feel the build up coming. Most dogs just let it out and yet he remained to impress just himself by holding it in. He wasn't trying to do it to impress her he just wanted it to last longer was all. She too had her orgasm. Now of course Dizzy had to wait. He just kissed her with smaller kisses so that he wouldn't build himself up again. They didn't feel like they needed a second go plus Dizzy had a lot of explaining as principle. They both got dressed.

Andrea said, "That was amazing."

Dizzy said, "Anything for my princess."

Andrea blushed. She always adored being called that. They both left to see the students seemed to handle everything just fine. It was still being recorded. Now anyone watching television could see this very new and vibrant school. It of course due to is natural controversial nature it was they most watched thing on television that whole day. Dizzy went to his office to rejoin Felix.

Dizzy asked, "Hey I got a big favor to ask would you like to hear?"

Felix asked, "What is it?"

Dizzy said, "You know how I said there would be advisors now? Well I want you to be my first."

Felix said, "I can't handle that kind of responsibility. It's way over my head."

Dizzy tilted his head, "Come on, you'll get paid."

Felix deeply sighed, "Ok I have something to admit. The offer does sound very good. But I'm afraid I can't accept it."

Dizzy asked, "Why not?"

Felix said, "I'm joining the army."

Dizzy asked, "What?"

Felix said, "I thought about it all day. At first I was so unsure of it. But I mean I'm going to be doing things I might enjoy. I mean not only will I get training but I will get paid..."

Dizzy said, "I just said I pay you."

Felix said, "It's not just that. I know lately I've been having a lot of trouble with trying to get over that sex thing. This will give me something else to think about. Plus it's not like I'd be going to war. It's a short temporary thing. And like I said I'd be doing things I might enjoy, like traveling, and shooting guns."

Dizzy said, "You sure about that choice?"

Felix said, "I already signed up. I'm just old enough to go with my parent's permission too. Today just happens to be my birthday. I don't plan I telling them either. I don't need them worrying about me."

Dizzy said, "Man I'm worried about you and you're not even gone yet."

Felix said, "I'll be fine."

Andrea asked, "What about Jena?"

Felix said, "Oh man... I almost forget...She might be pregnant. I'd hate to be one of those fathers's who just leaves his girl."

Dizzy asked, "Well we do have some students here who are interested in baby care. We can open a day care and if by the chance she does have a baby it would be the first baby but right into the daycare. And like you said you'll be back."

Felix asked, "You'd do me that favor?"

Dizzy said, "Me and all the daycare animals. Good luck dude."

Felix said, "Thanks a lot man. I owe you one."

Dizzy said, "Nah, just go already."

Felix said, "Alright, see you in a few weeks."
